#sparkling eyes can look the same even while planets apart;en'nala & yoshino
mythvoiced · 4 years
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@intergalacticxmisfits​ | “Yoshi yoshi!” Nala runs in arms full with colourful boxes. “It’s pocky day! Who knew you Terrans had a special day just for cookies!” She drops the many boxes of different flavours in front of Yoshino. “This is the best day ever! Which one should we try first?”
Curse the tanuki for having forgotten. Had she only checked the calendar, then she could have provided her own share of boxes, she could have educated Nala on one of the best days of the year, instead she’d left her hanging like this.
Truly despicable of someone who considers herself a friend of the colourful non-terrian, now there’s only one thing left to do that might make it so that she would regain the claim over that title, to be worthy of it once more. She must turn this into the best pocky day the world has ever seen, set a bar so high that no one, near or far, will ever be able to meet it, let alone cross it.
It’s the least she owes Nala. And she owes her a lot, actually. There’s something about the energy the other exudes, so similar to her own, that makes Yoshino wish she had means to express this odd sensation in her chest, this warmth, this idea that with En’nala, she won’t ever have to fear being reprimanded.
With Minjae it’s very much the same, the male will always find a place in Yoshino’s heart. With Nala, though, she feels as though she’s found an equal. Yes, Nala might be the sister she never knew she’d longed for, especially considering how many she has.
She shifts until she’s facing Nala directly, letting out a mix between a whisper of awe and a shout of excitement, as she leans over the many treasures the fox-eared girl had brought with her. She looks up, coal eyes sparkling as they meet Nala’s brown ones, lips parting into the widest grin she could make up on the spot. “Nala,” she starts, as if speaking in conspiracies, leaning in closer and closer. “What if we just... try all of them... at once.”
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mythvoiced · 4 years
⭐️ (any or all pairings whatever you’d like!)
@intergalacticxmisfits | — for each “⭐️” i get, i’ll write a headcanon about our muses.
Any... or... all you say? <w< Guess I must... settle for one of these options <W< Of course, brotps included ♥ AND please absolutely tell me if you do not agree with any of these, I need to hear your thoughts ♥
-. Mariah & Saeyoung There’s so much to work with in the terms of both canon info and all the awesome stuff you did/do for Mariah, so I shall try to come up with something New, something that might potentially open new doors for even more of that sweet, sweet headcanoning >:3 I think Mariah and Saeyoung might be a couple who does anniversaries and notes down special things. I don’t mean too classic things like ‘our 100th day’ or the likes (although, absolutely welcoming those too) but rather simply things that were so important to them when they happened that the tradition to remember it in some way just kind of became a thing on itself. Without real planning, without real strategising or perhaps even officially discussing it, they remember and sort of ‘celebrate’, in their own way, the Big Things, like their first party as a couple, or the date of their first official casual domestic date, or the first time they call each other ‘honey’ or ‘sweetheart’, the first time they cook together and eat in their own home, all these things, that are some gigantic and some a little smaller and perhaps more private as a result. I simply feel like these two really cherish what they have and the other and can’t help but want to cherish it as often as they can.
-. Minjae & Hyeongjong Lots of camping trips. Minjae loves space & Hyeongjong loves bugs, it’s honestly the ideal hang-out session whenever they’re in the same place at the same time and neither of their schedules can’t be arranged to fit in this Bro Moment. They can pack their favourite snacks - all the guilty pleasures - and find a hill, maybe even take the time to drive out into the countryside, where light pollution isn’t as strong, and they can see the sky better. They stop to watch ants work hard and then check what constellations they can see from the spot they’d chosen. And every time Minjae comes back from an adventure, the first time they get together is a dinner under the stars, so that Minjae can point at the sky and show him where he’s been.
-. Minjae & Yoshino Yoshino loves Minjae dearly and she’s extremely proud of her student but, let’s face it, she’s probably not the best of teachers out there. With how often she gets distracted by innocent statements he may make or fun adventures she spontaneously thought of, he probably hasn’t learnt too much from her. But she still wants him to learn. So here the idea: Sudden Lesson Break! Yoshino would absolutely take Minjae on a trip across all of Tokyo, outside of Tokyo, honestly, anywhere her train ticket will take her, and anywhere she actually has something to recount. So they’re bound to cross many depictions of Japanese folklore, creatures of all kind and imagery of famous tales, and here is the rule that generates from that: every time either Minjae or Yoshino sees something she hasn’t told him about, whoever gets to it first, might call Lesson Break and Yoshino will on the spot give him an impromptu - usually biased - lesson of whatever they’re facing. And the second time they see it or something like it, it’s Mini Exam Break, where she’ll be asking him what he remembers. Maybe this way, she might actually do her job!
-. Kailee & Hoon Kailee lives a dangerous life, and Hoon has made the oath to treat the ones simple bandages and painkillers won’t heal. They both see their fair share of violence and I doubt either of them are particularly fond of the sight. But what they are *winkwonk* fond of, is the other. So, whenever they manage to step over that tiny line that might still be holding either of them back, they could perhaps start having casual movie nights date, moments where they can both relax from the stressful lives they’re living, and there’s only one condition: no blood, no death. May they rest their eyes from such sore sights at least when they’re together.
-. Theo & Patrick/Fenris Mature people require mature get-togethers, although that isn’t really a necessity, it seems to be the sort of meetings that these two prefer. After living existences that haunt them to this day, put extra weight onto their bones and make their steps feel heavier at times, I can imagine that these two, besides enjoying such things individually, like settings that are mayhaps a little calmer. We’ve seen them both enjoy museums, for example. So how about... a park bench? It’s not much, I know, but perhaps it’s near a lake, where people usually stop to talk and feed ducks and don’t mind the others around them too much. It’s a little chilly in winter but absolutely stunning no matter the season, it’s open with nothing suffocating, and no one stops to care and notice them, demand something from them. Perhaps they’re used to meeting up there whenever the mood for a little chat strikes, and perhaps they take turns in buying their favourite teas and coffees on the way there, where they can be and exchange a few words.
-. En’nala & Yoshino Two stars burn in different galaxies, yet they vibrate and shine in manners so similar, that perhaps some might wonder if there is such a thing as intergalactic family, where you’re not bound by blood, but by the way the universe sparkles in you. En’nala and Yoshino have a bound that doesn’t need words, they can tell the mischief and the thrill from simple glances, follow along with plans spoken without uttering sentences, and just play off one another’s ideas as if trained to do so for years. But no. They’re just bright souls who laugh alike, and as such, when one thinks A, the other jumps in instantly with B.
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