se7ens-oc-heaven · 1 year
The SPCverse is my project nickname for a universe that hosts multiple stories! Since it consists of multiple story concepts, none of which have formal titles at this time, I simply call it collectively as the spcverse, named after the hero organization that is the central focus for many of my stories set here.
Hero organization! The primary focus tends to be an alternate 2020's Earth with a greater concentration of magic and 'supernatural' occurrences and beings, and in order to accommodate these differences several organizations have formed accordingly over time. One such organization is the SPC, your quintessential hero organization, built on a global scale to assist and help the "othernatural" and mitigate disasters when possible. This of course includes fighting villains and stopping evil plans, but their focus is more on helping, protecting and uplifting their own as well as protecting others.
The official term is pending given such beings aren't exactly unusual in the SPCverse, but yes! A broad catchall term for just about anything that isn't a living organism as we know them irl! This includes but is not limited to: dragons, vampires, undead, psychics, ghosts, aliens, monsters, incubi, demons and many many more! If you can think of it, the SPCverse probably has it!
Because the SPCverse is actually part of a greater multiverse, called The Honeycomb, that hosts all of my stories! Dimensional fuckery abounds throughout this multiverse and universes as well as stories often cross over! In fact, the SPCverse is the source of the chain reaction leading to instability, and has multiple characters going to and from the various universes.
A couple examples of this include Hesperides and Cheshire, who are part of the main cast as another story project in a separate universe, nicknamed simply vamphunters for now. They are the same characters, but at a different part of their timeline than what is seen in the vamphunters story tag.
In short, this is part of a huge project to tell the stories of my ocs in! Unfortunately there are no immediate plans for any formal collections of SPCverse storytelling, such as via webcomics or novels or the like. But I do write out of context snippets and draw art of the characters, and would like to see them all get more attention and love. So I decided to talk more about the setting they all live in to help provide more context!
Please feel free to ask questions or poke around for more info, engagement and questions help go a long way for fleshing out the world, and I'd like to make more content for them all going forward! Thank you for reading!
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spcverse - catchall tag
spcbuilding - worldbuilding tag specific to this universe
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 1 year
oc Question: aside from humans, what is the most common species one might see in the SPCverse? what about the rarest? 👀
Ah SHIT this is a really good question, unfortunately I have no easy answer bc a lot of the worldbuilding is about sorting out how many species/what species there even are in the universe, never mind ratios
Never mind the fact that 'most common' is Highly Subjective because honestly? Humans AREN'T going to be the most common everywhere! The planet Miston has never even SEEN a human for example, and since Mistonians can live in more extreme climates than us they may arguably be far more common than humans based on planetary population alone! (Also they have space travel and many live offworld, whereas humans have not unlocked space travel yet soooo)
The other problem is too, Universe =/= Dimension, so different pockets of dimensions held in the spcverse hold different species and the like from Earth or Miston, and I haven't fully sorted out what the extent of crossover is or how many 'dimensions' there even are (I don't want any smart alecks giving me scientific answers I'm using the word LOOSELY ok)
I guess I'd say, of the existing known species in the spcverse as I know of them....
If Mistonians are not the most populous in the universe, draconids as an entire genetic family tree are since they're transdimensional by nature and their populations live spread across Several dimensions, including "ours". Idk which species of dragon is most common however, so idk if that really counts to answer it that way.
As for Least common.... That's a toughie. I guess the best answer for now might be a specific species of dragon known as the Beast Eater? Mainly bc they're Meant to be rare. However they're also super op and tend to be plot relevant so the story won't accurately reflect the scarcity lmao
The other problem is too, that when I make ocs I don't usually consider if they're the only one of their kind or not. And a lot of my ocs are things like genetic mutations, scientific experiments, uniquely cursed or imbued with magic, etc.
So you get situations like Omega where there COULD be an identifiable species she belongs to, but thanks to the extent of tampering she went through she could be far enough removed from it - which as the creator means I'd have to break down her base components and go ok, which species gave her this trait, where does this skill come from, is her eye color unique due to being a scientific chimera or does it come from something mixed in?
And I have so many ocs like this that while I can and Should do it. It's low priority rn so I haven't given it any thought lmaoooo
Still, hopefully this answers your questions sufficiently even if potentially not accurately!
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 2 years
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Pov you're in my server listening to me infodump about Nashi's.... fascinating.. . relationship history, ft. Hesperides detour
Bonus: wip cursed relationship chart for masahesshi+knowledge
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 1 year
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@hatoratomoen eyyyyy tysm Lena! Going in order:
1) A lot and not, all at once! The heroverse as you know it is getting a decently substantial reboot, where a lot of the cast members and general concepts are the same, but a LOT of backstories are being rewritten, worldbuilding is getting a more cohesive overhaul, and everything is getting a little shuffled around!
The most basic concept of "heroes vs Nashi+co" is consistent, but the actual plotlines are a huge wip as I try to move all my pieces around into place! Some people aren't even heroes anymore or have been demoted to npc/support cast so there's a lot to reconsider lmao
2) Yup, Easter's still here! He's someone I'm trying to pin down still but afaik he still works with the SPC itself, although I may make him like a weapons tech support or smth instead of fieldwork hero, not sure yet.
Although fun fact even if he doesn't have a huge role, his family was the entire reason I recently decided to flesh out rabbit people as a whole species/society, so he's been an integral part of the process nonetheless!
3) Yuuuup. Nashi is still going to have a rampaging tantrum that breaks the walls between universes. We might actually be able to get him to stop tho which is a positive lol. Just gotta Domesticate him first evidently hajdsjdhd
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 2 years
Ok first things first, tag compilation post for myself to reference. Will edit as I go/add links later:
Blablablah - the talk tag
Housekeeping - things like this
Not oc stuff - anything not related to my oc projects
Requested - since this is my main blog I sometimes send in edit requests with it, and will reblog those here under that tag (for my own reference)
Showcase - catchall tag for other people's original posts that I reblog sometimes. Also has subcategories like fantroll/mlp/oc showcase
Gift art - for art done for me and my ocs
Gift fic - for writing!! Done for me and my ocs
Others ocs - any posts I make including other people's ocs
Se7enart - my catchall art tag. If I did it, it's in there
Character art - a secondary catchall art tag, for all art of my ocs - including art done for me!
Character reference - for official references of ocs - intended to include profiles, fullbodies etc
Se7enwriting - for my written pieces as opposed to visual art pieces
Adopted - tag for my adopted oc designs. Will eventually setup a credits page for them all as I post them more. If you're curious in the meantime just ask!
Oc picrews - exactly what it sounds like
Worldbuilding - catchall tag for story worldbuilding, character bio and info posts I make! Tags will also have subcategories based on world like so: spcbuilding, vampbuilding, cbatbuilding etc.
(To be added - tags for relatable creative reblogs)
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