#speaking of it's all up to you if Din is anything monstrous or just walking under the light of 3 moons is a bit much for any1 including him
omaano · 2 years
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"What? No, pal, that's not... Listen, your daddy just caught a little too much moonlight last night, he'll be back with you in no time, I promise. Also excuse you, your dad stole this sweater from me first."
*"Did you turn my dad into a cat and stole his sweater because I tried to eat the spiky flowers from your hat? Do I have to go on a revenge quest to grow big and strong and one day break the curse and avenge him?! >n<"
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ace-din-djarin · 3 years
*peaks over counter* could I possibly have....some Luke whump with Din being protective? *Ducks back under counter*
Hi!! Sorry for the delay... I hope this fill meets your expectations!! It's so fun to write Luke whump, tbh. Poor bby. I went a little nuts with it, like always...
When they finally found themselves cornered, Grogu cowering in Din’s arms and Din weaponless, ready to defend the child to the death-- it wasn’t much of a choice for Luke to step forward and surrender himself, and let them take him. They descended on him like the birds on Tatooine that would wait for a creature to be close to death, and then swoop down for the kill. The troopers dragged him forward, away from Din and Grogu, and the last thing he saw before they hit him with a stunner was the look on Grogu’s face. The last thing he felt was Din’s fury and fear, roaring from him through the force like wildfire, before it cut off abruptly along with the rest of Luke’s awareness.
He had no way of knowing whether what they were doing to him was what they would have done to Grogu, or if they were devising new and even more cruel methods just for him. He found it didn’t matter much. If what they had planned for Grogu was even a sliver of what they did to him, it was worth it. Even if they hadn’t been planning to hurt or experiment on the child at all— and he doubted that— but even if they hadn’t, just keeping Grogu from feeling alone and scared, the way he had way back when Moff Gideon had kidnapped him and held him on that huge star destroyer, it was worth it. It was all worth Luke’s sacrifice.
The cruel med droids, stripped of all personality and wielding scalpels and hypos full of unknown substances; the cold-eyed officers and scientists who wouldn’t come near unless Luke was trussed up, force suppression cuffs on his wrists and a double dose of suppressant drugs burning in his veins; the troopers who stood, silent and unmoving, at the door to his cell, two inside and two out, watching him, never giving him a moment alone, even when he screamed and retched and shook… All of it was worth keeping Grogu safe. Keeping Din safe. Their family, their small clan, it was what mattered. Nothing else.
In the dark of the night, when he lay on the cold durasteel bench of his cell under the eyes of two stormtroopers, blasters held across their chests in warning, Luke felt that perhaps this was penance as well as sacrifice. He stared at the troopers, the white of their armor gleaming dully in the dim lights overhead, and considered just how many of their brethren he had murdered. There were those who had been aboard the Death Star, of course — by far his worst, most heinous act — but there were also those who had fallen by his blade, or his blaster, or by Rebel plots he helped to fabricate. He reached out, in the small gaps of time when the suppressants started to wear off and circumnavigating the cuffs was bearable, and felt the troopers’ small threads of light brush against his mind, considering just how many other threads he had snipped. Surely enough to weave hundreds of miles of fabric, within the Force. So many beings— and in the Force, it did not matter their affiliation or creed, they lived just the same— whose lives he had cut short.
The officers who presided over the scientists’ experiments definitely knew who Luke was. They watched with stiff shoulders, with hands fisted in rage... but they hesitated, and they didn’t look him in the eye. Din had told Luke about Gideon, how he had tried to kill himself when he realized Luke was there on his star destroyer, and he supposed these officers viewed him in much the same way. A power both feared and respected, something strange and monstrous, a dark cloaked figure that flitted through Imperial nightmares. A truly fitting form for Darth Vader’s son.
Time passed in hazy, half-acknowledged spurts. The artificial light of the cruiser’s cell block never shut off, and the trooper’s schedules seemed to be random; he watched them with as much awareness as he could muster, but never seemed to be able to latch on to a system that would tell him how long each day was. Even their experiments and interrogation seemed to be done at random intervals. Sometimes he would go what felt like days with only the two troopers for company, and at others he was shaken awake in the middle of sleep and dragged off hours after their last session.
It was during one of these sessions-- woozy from drugs, from lack of sleep and food, from the constant blank nothingness the cuffs forced on him-- that something changed. Luke was strapped to a table, doing his best to ignore the scientist speaking into a voice recorder by his side, not thinking about what they were planning, when the room shook violently around them, his stomach rolling with the movement.
The officer standing at Luke’s head looked up, frowning. “What…?”
He was cut off by another shudder and a distant boom that reverberated down the cold steel hallways outside their room. The officer’s eyes, from what Luke could see, were wide-- he was worried.
“Keep going,” he snapped at the scientist, and stalked out of Luke’s view. He heard the door whoosh open and closed again, and they were alone.
Luke had long since stopped trying to fight the straps that held him down, but now he couldn’t help but thrash against them and hope that somehow they were looser today than usual, somehow he could pull himself free…
“Stop that!” the scientist snapped, even as the room shook yet again and a tool rolled off his tray of instruments and clattered to the ground. He lacked the fear that the officer had shown; he was brutally efficient, continuing to measure out a hypo full of an unknown substance, holding it up to the light with calm, unconcerned eyes. He grasped Luke’s arm and injected the hypo as the sounds of explosions outside got closer, and the sound of booted feet running on durasteel echoed louder and louder down the hallway. He turned and looked Luke in the eye, as he had never done before, just as whatever he had injected started to burn.
“You killed so many, Skywalker.” He said, still calm and collected, but now with eyes that shone with fury, “It’s only fair, don’t you think, that we get to strike back?”
Fire was in his veins, under his skin, burning him from the inside out.
Luke screamed.
The scream that echoed down the hall froze Din in his tracks.
He felt, rather than heard, Leia stumble to a stop behind him. He could hear only that scream-- unending, agonized, and horrifically familiar. It sent ice down his spine and through his heart, and he felt himself running again before he really realized it, sprinting flat out towards that voice, Leia on his heels.
He skidded a bit when the ship shook with another explosion-- Boba, Fennec, and Axe were having a bit too much fun with the explosives, but as long as Bo-Katan and Koska were still able to keep the ship flying, Din couldn’t find it in himself to care much. The door opened with a quick blaster shot to the keypad, and he and Leia ran in and stumbled to a stop as one. Horror welled up in his throat.
Luke was strapped down to a table, thick bands around his forehead, arms, and legs, and his hands were bound in front of him in what looked like force-suppression cuffs. He was screaming, thrashing against his bonds, eyes open and tracking some unseen terror. A man stood over him, arms crossed and an expression of sick satisfaction on his face as he watched Luke writhe. He turned to face Din and Leia with no sign of fear.
Leia raised her blaster and stepped forward, face twisted in a snarl. “What have you done to him?”
The man-- a scientist, judging by his clothing and the room, which held instruments and tools that turned Din’s stomach to contemplate-- looked at Leia with cool, calm eyes.
“Only what he deserved.” Behind him, Luke gasped something that may have been a “No!”
Din snarled and before Leia could react, lunged towards the man and punched him full in the face. He howled, hands flying to his nose, and Din hit him again, and again, until he sagged in his grip, unconscious, and Din dropped him to the floor. He stepped over him and reached out to cup Luke’s face in his hands, watching him breathe through clenched teeth, whines and moans of pain slipping through. He didn’t seem to see Din, but he seemed to register something; he turned his face towards where Din stood, even as his eyes rolled in their sockets.
“He shot him with something-- it’s probably causing him pain,” Leia said, holding up a spent hypo-syringe, face grim. “I’ll see if I can find what this was; maybe we can figure out how to help it.”
She turned towards a cabinet along the wall that held all sorts of horrible things, chemicals and liquids that seemed distinctly menacing. Din looked down at the cuffs around Luke’s wrists. It was so wrong, seeing him cuffed and bound like this, and he couldn’t stand it. He pulled the Darksaber from his belt and thumbed the activator.
Leia whirled at the sound of the blade extending, and barked “Wait!” just a second too late-- the Darksaber cut the connection between the cuffs, and a wave of energy exploded outward. Din dropped.
There was a presence all around him… slimy, oily, uncomfortable darkness, brushing up against him, making him shudder even as he walked calmly next to a hulk of a man in black armor…. Rage filled his thoughts as he struck out with his blade, struck the figure that taunted him, that threatened his sister…. His blade sliced through his father’s wrist, a mirror of his own maiming…. He tossed his saber aside, facing the Emperor, watching rage twist that horrible white mask of a face…. And then, pain, everywhere, he couldn’t breathe, couldn’t do anything but writhe underneath it, couldn’t get away…. And his father looked on, watched as he died….
Din gasped as he was wrenched out of the vision, sitting up from where he had fallen onto the floor, staring up at Leia, who was slumped slightly over Luke, hands on his wrists. When Din pulled himself to standing, he saw that she had managed to get another pair of cuffs around them. She seemed to sense his disapproval, and shook her head, eyes never leaving Luke’s face.
“He’s too out of it to shield, right now, and he’s too powerful to have the cuffs off while he’s unaware. I’m guessing you saw what I saw?”
Din nodded slowly, and she sighed, reaching out to brush trembling fingers across Luke’s cheek, doing nothing to smooth out the agonized expression he still wore.
“He’s told you about our… our father? About the Emperor?”
“That--” Din’s voice cracked, and he tried again. “That was a memory.”
“I believe so. I wasn’t there-- I was leading the fight on Endor with Han and Chewie. But he told me afterwards. And I would know Palpatine’s face anywhere.” She closed her eyes for a moment, then looked back up, steel in the set of her jaw. “Let’s get him out of here.”
They made quick works of the straps, and it was worryingly easy to lift Luke into his arms. He still struggled against whatever he saw and whatever he felt, but Din held him fast to his chest as they hurried back down the shining steel hallway and towards where they had entered. He could hear the sounds of blaster fire as they got closer, and Leia moved to block the two of them, blaster in hand. Din shifted Luke in his arms, tucking him a little closer so that he could reach his vambrace, and primed his whistling birds. He sent a quick, silent prayer of thanks to the Manda that he had found the Armorer again as he felt them rise and click into place.
They hurtled around the corner, Leia already firing at a stormtrooper who was grappling with Boba, and he whirled around as the trooper dropped. Din’s whistling birds flew, and five other troopers around the room-- one about to slam Axe into the ground, another huddled around a corner taking shots at Fennec-- fell with howls of pain.
“Djarin! Princess! You found him?”
Boba seemed to notice Luke writhing in Din’s arms as he said it, and he cursed even as he ducked a shot from another trooper. “Get him to the ship! We’re nearly done here. I’ll comm Kryze, we’ll meet you there.”
He clapped Din on the shoulder as he passed, and Din nodded his thanks, hurrying after Leia.
The Falcon was waiting for them, and Din quickly laid Luke on one of the tiny bunks, stuffing a blanket along the edge of the wall so that Luke, if he thrashed too much, wouldn’t hurt himself.
Leia slid down the wall opposite, coming to rest with her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands.
“I’m never letting him out of my sight again,” she groused, looking up at Din through her hands, flinching when Luke groaned again. Her eyes were so weary, it hurt Din to look at them. He looked down at Luke from where he sat at the edge of the bed, and brushed a strand of hair out of his eyes, watching him flinch and gasp.
“I… he told me about the Emperor, and what happened on the second Death Star. But I never guessed it was that bad... “ Leia trailed off. They sat together for a few long minutes, the only thing filling the silence of the ship the sound of Luke’s pain. He seemed to be tiring-- he hadn’t screamed for a while now, and his thrashing had quieted some. Din prayed that it was just the drugs wearing off, and not exhaustion forcing him under.
“I’m going to go get ready to take off as soon as the rest of them are back,” Leia said, rising to her feet and brushing soft fingers across Luke’s cheek once more. Din felt himself slumping a little as she left, closing the door behind her, and he reached up and released the seals on his helmet.
“You’ll be okay,” he whispered to Luke. He gathered Luke into his arms and kissed his forehead, ready to wait out the rest of this nightmare along with him.
Now with part two here!
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theeeveetamer · 5 years
(Same person that wrote the neko thing) honestly, I don’t care, im ok with anything you want to include.
Honestly y’all just need to put me down now because I had too much fun writing this. Ended up a lot kinkier than I’d intended though.
Tags: Neko, Neko Takumi, Human Leo, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Omega Takumi, Alpha Leo, Slave Trade, Slave Auction, Collars, Rope Bondage, Humiliation, Master/Pet, Mentioned Bestiality (Kind of, it’s a weird headcanon okay), Gags, Leo is a Good Guy
Warnings: Non-Con-y elements. Please read the tags.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17865764
The room was dark but for one dim light on the stage. All manner of Alphas were roaming about the small, dark room. A few of them chatted, but most of them remained silent and watched, just like him.
He hated these things. He hated the darkness, he hated the cramped spaces, and he hated the oppressing stink of Alpha pheromones that permeated the walls long after it was over… But Niles had given him a heads up that something special was happening this time, and Leo was nothing if not morbidly curious.
Someone lit the remaining torches on the stage, illuminating the makeshift wooden boards and bringing the entire scene into sharp relief. He had to allow his eyes a moment to adjust.
It wasn’t a very wide room, only fitting about six men abreast, but it was long. Perfect for the purpose it usually served. One end contained a raised platform, hastily constructed with rough planks of wood, and a door leading to an adjacent room. There were no windows: This was the dungeons, after all, and the ceiling was low. Not low enough that he needed to duck, but if he reached his arm up he could comfortably touch the ceiling with the full palm on his hand. A metal hook was bolted to the stone ceiling on the stage, and a block of wood sat off to the side, just in case it was needed. Perfectly suited for the kind of auctions they held.
In reality the room could hold double the number of men. There were only about a dozen currently there, but he’d been told it was a high-roller night only. The best of stock for the richest of men. His retainer was among them, keeping a watchful eye out just in case things turned sour and they needed to make an escape.
He was starting to get antsy. He had a hot bath and a good book waiting for him upstairs in his room once his curiosity had been sated, and he would much rather be doing that right now.
The auctioneer finally put their waiting to an end after several agonizing minutes of staring up at an empty stage.  He stepped out into the open, tugging something along by a leash behind him. Leo immediately saw what Niles had meant by ‘special’.
The man -- or boy, he wouldn’t put it past their soldiers to kidnap a child -- was not only Hoshidan, but a neko. And an incredibly beautiful one at that. His long silver hair was pulled back into a loose bun, but Leo could tell that it would be down past his back if it were loose. His fluffy ears of the same color were almost invisible, pushed flat against his head and his tail was busy and down between his legs.
Nekos didn’t usually wear collars, so he could only guess that the bright red one around his neck with the humiliating bell was an addition of the auctioneer’s. They’d also tied his calves to his thighs, so he was forced to crawl slowly on his hands and knees behind the man tugging his leash. A ring gag was also set firmly behind his teeth to keep his jaw wide.
“What did I tell you, milord?”
He was captivated by what was taking place on the stage, though mildly annoyed that Niles hadn’t just told him what was going to happen when he’d apparently known.
The pair stopped in the middle of the stage, and the auctioneer commanded the Omega to sit with a gesture of his hand. He stroked the top of his head fondly before his voice boomed out over the room.
“What do you think? Won’t he make a fantastic pet?”
The hoots and hollers of his fellow Alphas were deafening, but Leo remained silent. How barbaric. His father’s obsession with punishing Hoshido was going a step too far; To kidnap and sell off Omegas to the highest bidder was nothing short of monstrous.
“I think I’ve seen enough.” He muttered back to his retainer, though he wasn’t sure if Niles heard over the din.
He was about to turn and leave when he locked eyes with the poor man on the stage. He was wide-eyed and terrified, tears streaming down his cheeks as he was forced to suffer such humiliation. The sounds of the other Alphas were still roaring in his ears, but it was like his world stood still when he met those desperate amber eyes.
Damn it…
He couldn’t let him suffer like this. Who knew what these men would do to him if they got their hands on him? He was as exotic as exotic could come; He’d probably be dragged around to parties and passed around until he died of the humiliation. Or until his owner got bored of him and sent him off to be bred by the dogs. Despite being closer in stature to cats, nekos were rumored to make competent breeding partners for most species; Though he wasn’t sure if that was true or just a rumor. Nohrians didn’t come into contact with them very often.
He anxiously waited for the bidding to begin, but it seemed the auctioneer wasn’t done showing him off yet. It made sense, he wanted the Alphas in the room antsy and bothered, so they would run up the price. The man made a circular motion with his hand, and the neko clumsily turned himself around so his back was to the audience.
“Don’t worry, he’s fully trained, see?”
Then he snapped his fingers, and the boy dropped onto his forearms, ass in the air. Though he was still maintaining some modicum of modesty because his tail was still pressed between his legs.
“Don’t be shy, kitten. Everyone here wants to see you!”
The auctioneer grabbed him roughly by the tail and yanked it up, so he was fully exposed to the crowd. The Omega made a noise for the first time -- a strangled yelp muffled by his gag. His thighs were actually wet with slick, and his stiff cock hung down between his legs. This caused a stir in the room -- If Leo hadn’t known better he would have said the poor boy was just begging to be fucked. Most of the Alphas probably knew better actually, but the fantasy was powerful. A completely obedient pet at their beck and call, ready to be fucked at any time, through any humiliation?
If they weren’t ready to spend big money before, they certainly were now.
“We’ll start at 100,000 gold.”
The auctioneer didn’t let go of his tail, and really it seemed like he’d completely forgotten he was holding it. Leo guessed it was pretty painful, since as the bids climbed higher and higher the poor Omega was forced into more humiliating positions just to keep the pressure off. His face was flat on the ground, nails clawing at the splintered wood and back arched to alleviate the tension. This only had the effect of driving the bidding as he wriggled and squirmed.
Leo decided to bide his time. He knew with the weight of the imperial treasury at his back he could easily outbid any of these minor nobles, but he didn’t want to spend more than he needed. The numbers quickly climbed past the million mark, and then two, and then five… And Leo realized that this could go on all night.
He finally raised his card and answered with a firm “Ten million.”
The auctioneer finally dropped the neko’s tail, and the boy went back to hiding himself with it. The room fell completely silent, and he realized for the first time that he was nervously purring.
A few of the nobles turned to look at him, but he didn’t even spare a glance. Instead he crossed his arms over his chest and glared resolutely at the stage, as if to say challenge my bid. I dare you.
But no one did. He was sure some of the nobility had the gold for it, but even something as rare as a neko wasn’t worth that much of their money. Not when they knew he could easily double whatever offer they made.
Leo dismissed is retainer and roughly dragged the neko by the leash back into the room where the slaves were held before auction. It was empty, confirming his suspicion that this neko was their only prize tonight. Money exchanged hands, and the auctioneer left them alone to their own devices.
As soon as he was gone Leo slipped a dagger out of its hiding place in his sleeve and cut the ropes, the gag, and the ridiculous collar off.
The Omega worked his jaw for a moment before speaking.
“T-Thank you sir.”
“Don’t thank me yet. I own you now, I could do anything to you that I pleased.”
He looked up at him curiously for a moment, big amber eyes shining in the dim torchlight. He looked so placid despite his tear stained cheeks and flushed face.
“But you won’t.”
“Oh? And how do you know that?”
He was right. Leo would never stoop so low, but the Omega didn’t know that. They’d never met before, never spoken. The only interaction they’d had was that one brief look before the bidding started.
“You were the only one that didn’t jeer at me. So thank you for rescuing me.”
“I… Of course.”
There was something so innocent in the way he gazed up at him, nothing but pure, unadulterated trust in his eyes. His tail swished lazily back and forth, straight up in the air this time.
“Can you walk?”
“Mmm… No, I don’t think so. They had my legs tied like that for a long time.”
He bent down and picked the smaller man up in his arms. He was much lighter than expected, and Leo had no problems carrying him up the several flights of stairs from the dungeons to the royal wing.
He’d be a dead man if his father found out he’d spent so much money on a slave… But that was the least of his worries. Right now he was focused on making sure the man in his arms was safe and comfortable.
He managed to sneak the neko into his room with little issue, and once they were there he grabbed one of his nightshirts from the dresser and handed it to him.
The neko took it gingerly, running his fingers over the soft silk curiously before he happily pulled it on over his head. Leo was quite a bit taller than him, so the shirt came down to his mid-thigh.
“Thank you, master!”
“D-Don’t call me that, okay?” He was relieved that the Omega was finally covered up. As vile as he found this entire affair, even he wasn’t immune to the effects of a pretty Omega.
He cocked his head to the side, ears perked up curiously. “What do I call you then?”
“You can just call me Leo.”
“Yes, that is my name after all.”
The neko smiled broadly back at him.
“Wow! Master is very kind!”
He almost corrected him, but he supposed it would take some getting used to. He had no idea how long this Omega had been in captivity for, he might simply be used to referring to everyone in such a way. By the sound if it that was the case. His heart ached for the Hoshidan before him.
“What about you? What should I call you?”
“Oh! I’m sorry Master Leo... My name is Takumi.”
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collecting-stories · 7 years
Fun While it Lasted - Dorian Gray
Request: Can you write me a penny dreadful Dorian gray imagine.
Fun While it Lasted - Dorian Gray x Reader
Everyone else at the party seemed to enthralled with Lily. She captivated the room of guests with extremist views and empty promises. This was all nice but you knew your place in the world. A woman who indulged in a life that someone else was paying for couldn't fool you into submission. She was no better than the rest of you in that room.  
The object of your affection was not Lily. It was not her pet Justine either. Hard as you tried you couldn't seem to keep your eyes off of the owner of this lavish home, Dorian Gray. Every once in a while he would look toward you with a coy smile but you knew he was only toying with you. His devotion seemed to be to Lily. He had not shown interest in any of the guests and you'd been coming to these dinners for a week now.  
When dinner ended dancing began. Guests who didn't want to partake in the dance lounged on couches. No one was the least bit shy. Most of these guests were prostitutes, they were used to having sex in the streets. There was no shame for them to be seen in this elegant ballroom doing the same thing. Dorian sat on one of the couches, beside a pair of women who were very close to having sex.  
You were dancing with a friend but you kept your eyes trained on Dorian. You had stolen clothing from a house that you cleaned for in hopes that you would look impressive in it. As the phonograph played on Dorian stood and made his way through the crowd. You were certain he was going to cut in on Lily and Justine’s most intimate dance. Instead, he stopped short of them by a few paces. He stopped beside you and your partner.  
“May I have this dance?” He was looking right at you.  
“Of course.” You would be foolish not to accept after weeks of enduring Lily’s mind-numbing rants just to catch a glimpse of him.  
He took your waist and the dance began.  
Dorian danced the way he flirted. He was coy but distant. No matter how close his body was to yours he still felt worlds away from you.  Dancing with him was a cat and mouse game. You felt like the one pursuing him though. He was leading the dance and he was in control of the situation but you were the one desperately chasing his attention. He was charismatic and charming.
"You've been coming to these parties for a while now, haven't you tired of Lily’s brigade. Most grow bored with it and move on to something new.” His voice was melodic. This was the most you'd heard him speak in the time you'd been coming to the house.  
“She’s right about a lot of things.” You insisted.  
“Perhaps, but do you truly believe there is change to be had?” He asked.  
You thought maybe he knew that you didn't take anything Lily said seriously. Maybe he had found out that the only reason you had come the first time was to accompany a friend. The only reason you kept coming back was to catch a glimpse of him. While everyone else held their devotion to Lily yours was to Dorian.  
“Certainly,” you lied, “why else would I be here.”  
"Yes of course.” He tilted his head down to your ear, “what other reason could you possibly have to come into my house every night.”  
“No other reason." You smiled. You had spent years flirting with uninteresting men you wanted nothing from but money. And now that you actually were interested in the man standing before you found yourself at a lose.
Dorian stopped the dance. He stepped away from you but he offered you his hand. You took his hand, unsure what he was planning to do. He smiled when you excepted. "Have you seen the rest of the house?" He asked.
"No." You had only ever been in the portrait room and the entry way. No one ever went upstairs, aside from Lily, Justine, and Dorian.  
"Let me show you." Dorian said. He led you away from the party in the portrait room. Along the hallway and entry way. There were people crowded everywhere but no one seemed to notice the two of you walking up the stairs together.  
His house was the nicest you had ever been in. He brought you up the stairs to his bedroom. Over the years you've had sex with any number of men for profit. In back alleys, in bars, down by the docks, and sometimes right out on the street if it was late enough. You'd never been with a man in his house before. The men you were with had wives and families. They were like Dorian. Young, attractive, mostly single.  
He shut the door to the bedroom. The light from the fireplace and the gas lamps left a dim glow over the room. Dorian moved toward you, his coy smile back in place. He looked like a predator but you were too captivated to feel anything other than excited. 
You moved in sync with him, finding rhythm in a different sort of dance. When he kissed you responded. His hands were just seconds ahead of yours as he undressed you and you undressed him. His skin was smooth like porcelain and you were eager to touch it without clothing in the way. Dorian helped you onto the bed, climbing over you. His mouth was soft on your skin and he seemed more interested in pleasuring you than being pleasured himself. 
The night felt never ending. No one had ever made you feel the way Dorian did. It was like a fire sparking in your whole body. You didn’t know what happened to the party downstairs or Lily and Justine. You stayed with Dorian in his room well into the night and early the next morning. You weren't sure when during the night that you had become exhausted enough to fall asleep. All you knew was that when you woke up Dorian was asleep beside you.  
You climbed out of bed and took one of Dorian's robes, wrapping yourself in the soft silk. You went downstairs. No one was left in the portrait hall and the dinning room table had been completely cleaned and removed. The room stood empty apart from the walls and the phonograph. It was as if the entire night was a dream.  
Part of you felt like you were in a trance. You walked around the room, running your fingers over the portraits that you could reach. The house was silent in the early hours of the morning giving you the time to process what had happened that night. As you passed a particular portrait the frame seemed to move in an unusual way. You pulled it and watched as it swung toward you like an open door.  
Inside was a tunnel that lead to a dark room. You stood in the midst of that small space and looked up at a painting in the middle. It was larger that most paintings you'd seen in your life. Nothing like the sophisticated portraits Dorian kept in the portrait hall. This painting was grotesque. An old man in chains, scarred and hideous like a monster. It felt almost incomplete. 
"You’ve wandered rather far from bed darling." Dorian's voice startled you. 
"Dorian, I'm sorry, I couldn’t sleep." You turned to face the young man who had caught you wandering through his house. 
He kissed you. "It's quite alright, shall we go back to bed." 
You were about to leave the room when you chanced another glance at the painting. You felt as though it were calling out to you. Turning away from Dorian you stepped closer to the portrait. The figure in the painting appeared to move and something about the monstrous old man seemed familiar to you.  
"Doria...a" You stumbled forward, the breath knocked out of you. A shooting pain worked its way from your back to your lungs. You took shallow breaths as you tried not to fall. You lost your balance when you felt something being ripped out of your back. When you fell to the ground you looked up to see Dorian stood over you. "Do...do...dorian." You could hardly speak. 
"I'm sorry darling, I was really enjoying myself." Dorian knelt down beside you and kissed you gently.  
From the corner of your eye you saw the glint of a blade. You realized then he had stabbed you in the back. He held it up and thrust the knife down, stabbing you again, this time in the chest. As he took the knife out and prepared to stab you a final time you realized why the portrait of the old man looked familiar. He had the same eyes as Dorian.  
Its been awhile since I tried my hand at smut so I just steered clear. 
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