#speaking of what happens in the game. you meet ravus so early???
chabbit · 6 months
I caved and decided to watch FFXV Kingsglaive before finishing the game and tbh I think if I were Regis I would have just stabbed the emperor at the signing instead of playing cute little word games. Like at that point he knows Niflheim isn't actually aiming for peace. The emperor chose to go to the peace signing and sit directly next to a guy who can famously summon like a hundred sword at once, if he gets stabbed that's on him. Empire can't fight a war and go after Noctis if they're dealing with a succession crisis. Let them eat each other alive, it's not your problem.
I mean obviously it wouldn't have worked because no one knew about Glauca or I guess Ardyn at that point (was he in the room?), but crucially I (as the fictional king of Lucis) also would not have known about them. I would have just stabbed that motherfucker. Regis my guy you are a warrior king. You can summon a hundred swords!! That's more than enough for all the higher ups who, crucially, are sitting in the room with you!!
I mean yeah it's a bad look to kill a bunch of foreign leaders "unprovoked" during peace talks but who's left to do diplomacy with anyway? Niflheim?? Who don't actually want peace anyway??? Maybe they'll think twice about fucking with you if you cut the head off the snake. Literally.
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Well some suggestions I have for Ardyn and aunt avietis are. What aunt avietis does after Ardyn invades insomnia. What would it be like if aunt avietis were to be with Ardyn for the entire game (like with him when he had the meeting with the chocobros). And what the ending would be like for both Ardyn and avietis. Just some general in-game information based around avietis and Ardyn throughout the game.
Okay so if you read the other post about  Aevitas both the Glance over and the Early Life you get basically the same scenarios until Aera is killed. 
This is basically a brief overview of their life, like some cliffnotes.
Due to the connection, Aevitas has with the Oracle when Aera is struck down and Ardyn loses control, Aevitas attempts to stop Ardyn but is only able to subdue him leaving her weak from trying to drain the darkness within him not realizing just how much darkness is within him when he goes on the run and she’s unable to regularly purge him. Somnus takes this as an advantage and seals Ardyn away.
Aevitas on the other hand gets trapped by the crystal when she realizes that it’s after Ardyn’s “Soul”. She gets trapped until Ardyn is awakened again as she makes a deal with the gods to watch after him and with Ardyn “asleep” she is not needed, but still is able to interact with those of Lucian blood by being a “ghost” around the castle, though she cannot leave the castle walls until Ardyn wakes up. Nor does she have a physical form until that time, she mostly appears as a ghostly form of what she appears in the past.
When Ardyn does wake up and goes to fight Regis he instead runs into Aevitas who stops him rather than Behometh, released from the crystal's curse on her and allowing her to actually travel with him. For the next few years, as Noctis grows, Aveitas splits her time between being with Ardyn and watching over Noctis and the others never truly revealing herself, as she doesn’t want Ardyn to know that she’s watching them.
Aveitas vehemently is against most of the Empire's movements and often tries to foil what she can. It’s often stated that she and Ardyn are playing an extreme game of chest, where Ardyn is willing to sacrifice everything to protect his king, and Aveitas determines that even if her “King” falls, so long as she has more pieces on the board she feels she has won. They often fall into a stalemate.
When Ardyn “orders” the fall of Insomnia, Aveitas is pissed and actually lashes out at him with both words and weapon as she has access to powers similar to the Lucian Kings, but is unable to actually do anything to Ardyn as it is Noctis’s job to be the final blow and Ardyn can’t harm her as her deal with the gods. Ending in a stalemate Aveitas tries to reach out to the human side of her husband but eventually realizes that it would be wiser to keep watch over boys instead.
When the boys originally run into Ardyn, Aevitas is with him but changes herself just enough for the boys not to recognize her true self, wanting to hide a bit longer. Aevitas is also the one that keeps attempting to stir them away from Ardyn. She constantly counteracts his “creepier” nature with genuine love and affection but eventually realizes what must happen in order to set them both free. Granted she doesn’t want Noctis to die. So she basically becomes very overprotective of them and she and Ardyn butt head a lot!
Aveitas actually watches over Gladiolus when he leaves the group, making certain that he gets to Gilgamesh and makes it back to the others safe and sound. She also watches more intently over the others knowing that Gladiolus is gone.
When Ardyn goes after Ignis, Aveitas realizes too late what he was really after and was too busy trying to save Noctis and Lunafreya by the time she gets to Ignis she can only hold off the gods from trying to kill Ignis, but can’t save his sight. She stays with Ignis and Noctis until Gladiolus and Prompto appear, when they ask who she is as she does not hide her true self, she tearfully responds, “I’m sorry I could not do more.” before escorting them all to safety and then leaving.
She makes mention that losing Lunafreya is one of her biggest failures as she failed to save this Oracle as much as she did the first.
* (In Ignis good end, she realizes way before what Ardyn is planning, takes Lunafreya’s powers to save the other, and gets both Noctis and Luna to safety before going to fight alongside Ignis, during the final blow, Avetias takes all the punishment to be put on Ignis and she and Ardyn are given rest)
She ends up dealing with a lot of the aftermath of Leviathan and spends a lot of time speaking to the specters of Aera and Lunafreya asking for forgiveness for failing twice, so when Ardyn attacks the boys on the train, she is informed only by Shiva and arrives too late to stop Ardyn. 
She races to go find Prompto but instead finds Ardyn, again she lashes out at him, but this time instead of a fight, she tries to appeal to his human side, seeing flickers of the man return, before he disappears again. Ardyn demands her not to interfere, but she goes after Prompto in the disguise of a younger version of herself and helps him escape from Vestral, whom she states, “The man has only ever done one thing right in his life.” She then leads Prompto back to Noctis and the others before leaving without giving her name, simply leaving them with a smile.
When purging the darkness from Ravus it leaves her weak as she realizes the Crystal is near and screaming at her. Unable to even mourn Ravus’s death. Avetias goes to confront Ardyn only to arrive in time for Ardyn to trick Noctis into getting sucked into the crystal. She reaches out in time to save Noctis from his faith but is immediately pushed back by Ardyn just as the others show up.
As Ardyn goes to leave, Avetias too weak due to the crystal realizes that Ardyn had sent her after Ravus to slow her down, and realizing that she can’t go after Noctis in the crystal as Ardyn still walks on Eos, she can only mutter an apology as she goes after her husband fury in her eyes.
The two have one final argument outside, Ardyn states that he won’t fight her as they both know that neither of them can end the other's life. Yet standing before his wife, who is panting heavily but refuses to stop fighting for Noctis, a single flicker of his human self reaches out and embraces her, apologizing, before they go their separate ways for 10 years.
For 10 years Avetias watches over the remaining boys and doing what she can to halt the darkness in the world. When Noctis awakens, she feels him leave the crystal, knowing what is about to happen she goes and finds the man prior to him confronting Ardyn. 
Avetias apologies for having to hide from him for so long, but she will proudly stand beside him. Noctis recognizing the woman that often watched over him in the Citadel since he was a baby gladly accepts her help.
And then you get the lovely Orginal Aunt Avetias post! Which is one ending.
Other endings are, Noctis finally being able to kill Ardyn allowing them both to finally rest. (This is with and without Noctis’s death)
Ardyn finally comes to terms with his anger against Somnus and the deamons within him, allowing him to actually heal with Avetias by his side to watch over for generations to come.
Avetias finally just decking the shit out of Ardyn, just full-on haymaker her husband and then going to the crystal demanding the gods to give back her husband's soul or so help her!
The gods see no reason to deny her...
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God & His Priests & His Kings V2: Chapter 8 - A FFXV OC Fanfic
I’m rewriting this fic almost 3 years after I finished it since new ideas and plot bunnies have hit so here’s hoping I can stick with the series and see it through this time around. Sequel to How Rare & Beautiful.
Master list Word Count: 1,928 Uploaded: 06/24/21
Previous Chapter
Unbroken - Gustavo Santaolalla
The journey from Goryeo to Tenebrae passed by in a haze that I had no trouble falling into. Even upon our arrival, I was lost among the rush of activity.
I vaguely registered Ravus leading me out of the magitek engine, a guiding hand resting against my lower back. We passed a sea of faces, most of which were likely the Manor staff.
My full attention only returned when my eyes landed on a familiar face that I had missed dearly all these years.
Luna was radiant, all in white with her beautiful hair all pinned up and framing her face. It took everything in me not to sprint into her arms and break down into sobs. The Third Princess had never met the Oracle. So, I was forced to pretend that we were simply strangers, who just happened to be sisters by marriage.
"Sister, may I introduce you to my wife, Princess Eun-Byeol. And this is my younger sister, the Oracle, Lunafreya." Ravus introduced us, gesturing vaguely between us both.
"Well met, my lady." I greeted her, dipping into a shallow curtsy.
"A pleasure to meet you, my brother has written to me about you, it's as if I already know you. So please do not stand on ceremony; we are family now after all." Luna assured me, taking my hands into hers.
Ravus cleared his throat loudly, drawing our attention once again.
"I must return to my duties, but I leave you in the capable hands of my sister. Until later." He stated, barely nodding his head before taking off.
Luna merely sighed in a delayed response, turning her gaze back onto me.
"Come. I will show you around your new home." The blonde said, linking arms with me as she guided me into the manor.
Much of it remained unchanged from my memories, but Luna still gave a detailed tour to keep up pretences.
"Ravus wrote to me that we were to prepare private apartments for yourself separate from his own, so that you may have your own space for now. I hope it is to your liking." The blonde said as we entered a rather spacious suite in the family wing of the manor. They were similar to those of Luna's from what my childhood memories recalled.
"Thank you, Lady Lunafreya. I appreciate the thought."
My old friend graced me with a kind, yet pained, smile.
"Just Luna, please. The Manor staff will bring your belongings to your rooms."
I pulled my gaze from her own as I moved further into the suite.
"Thank you again. I would like to rest before dinner if you don't mind." I announced, turning to face the elder woman.
"Of course. You must be tired from the journey. Dinner will be a small affair, held in the family apartments. Someone will be by to collect you beforehand." Luna responded, departing gracefully with a kind smile, leaving me to my silence and exhaustion.
Dinner was a somber event; no words were exchanged apart from pleasantries between myself and Luna. Ravus remained silent for the most part, barely responding to the slight prodding of his sister.
Luna was the one to escort me back to my rooms following Ravus' early departure, allowing us our privacy for the first time since our arrival.
My rooms were bathed in the moonlight that filtered through the grand windows, removing the need for the lights to be on.
Once the door was closed and Luna had crossed the room to where I stood near a sofa, the last of my resolve crumbled.
I all but collapsed into my friend's arms, both of us clinging to each other as if the other might just disappear if we were to let go for even a moment.
"Oh Soo, I was so frightened when I received word of the attack. I prayed that you had survived and seeing you in my dreams was not enough to abate my fears." The former princess whispered, as if her fears were still at risk of coming true.
"It was so horrible, Luna. Everyone, so many innocents, my family; all gone in just moments." I cried, my face pressing against her shoulder.
"I know, and I am so sorry for your loss. But I know you, and I know your people, you will all rise from the ashes stronger and with greater determination than before."
For a long while the only noise that filled the sitting room was that of my sobs and sniffling as I poured out my grief onto the oracle's shoulder.
"How did you do it? How did you keep going on after your mother died?" I asked, my voice breaking slightly.
There was silence for a time before Luna found her words again.
In a hushed voice, she told me, "It was hard, but she would have wanted me to carry out my duties to the gods and the people of the world. I mourned my mother, but I chose not to let my grief and anger consume me as it has Ravus."
The blonde women slid her hands up my shoulders to cup my cheeks so she could look me in the eyes.
"You will shed your tears this night, and tomorrow you will emerge from these rooms with the dignity and elegance of your title. You will play their game until the time comes for the empire to face justice for their crimes."
I could only nod stiffly, my tears slowly turning silent.
"And what will I do here? What will be my purpose?" I whispered, my gaze dropping down away from hers.
"Whatever you wish it to be. We could be companions; you could travel with me as I heal the people of Tenebrae. You could take on the duties of the head of the house, as is your right as Ravus' wife. Or your can linger in your rooms and allow your grief to rule your life." Luna answered honestly, her hands resting on my shoulders once again.
My gaze slipped back up to her own, as if I could find my answer there.
"Thank you, Luna. You're the first person since the wedding to give me the choice to decide what to do with my life, however limited it may be." I told her in complete honesty, offering a weak smile.
"You don't have to come to a decision right away. No one would disparage you for hiding away for a few days, you only just arrived in Tenebrae." She promised, taking my hands into her own.
I searched her gaze, the blue of her eyes bottomless in their kindness and love. I clutched her hands tightly, choosing to take back some smidgen of control over my life.
"Will you stay with me, just for tonight?" I asked timidly, not wanting to be alone in the large rooms for the night.
"Of course, anything for you, Soo." Luna promised, taking my hands in hers again and leading me towards the bedroom.
There were soft white night dresses in the armoire across from the bed, providing some comfort before we climbed under the covers for the night.
We drifted into dreams facing each other, with my last conscious thought being that Luna truly looked beautiful in the moonlight.
Luna was gone when I woke the next morning, the sheets next to me having long turned cold.
I sat in bed for a while, contemplating my choices.
I could remain in my rooms for a few days or even the rest of my life if I so wished, according to Luna. Or I could go out and make something of my life within the empire's boundaries.
My choice was simple in the end, I wouldn't let the empire win.
I pushed the covers away from my legs as I made my way over to the armoire, opening it to pull out one of the few hanbok I had chosen to bring with me. The blush pink and pale green silks were one of the last pieces of my life before the world fell apart. And now they were to be my armour outside these rooms.
Dressing and pining up my hair took longer than normal with the lack of handmaids to assist in wrangling my rather large amount of hair, but I managed in the end. My only decoration was the hair pin that I had received from Orion before my wedding.
That night seemed to be almost a lifetime ago.
With my appearance sorted, I straightened my posture and walked out of my rooms for the first time with my head held high.
My wanderings led me into the gardens just outside the family apartments, taking in the beauty of the nature that surrounded me in every direction. Luna had a love of gardening, so this was no doubt her handy work.
I managed to find a small pavilion that gave a large view of the gardens and the sprawling forests of Tenebrae beyond the Manor's grounds.
I sat there for who knows how long before I heard the tell-tale signs that I was no longer alone in my little piece of sanctuary.
A slight shift of my head brought Ravus into my line of sight. I offered him a small nod of acknowledgement before moving my gaze back to the grounds.
He took it as an invitation to join me in my solitude, settling an acceptable distance away from me on the bench.
We remained in silence for a time until Ravus had gathered the courage to speak of what was on his mind.
"Despite the circumstances of our marriage, and the fate of your country, I would like you to know that I intend to abide as much as possible to the agreements of our marriage that were laid out by your council." He began, appearing almost nervous as he spoke.
I could only raise a brow in response as the blonde man continued.
"The empire is likely to leave us be for a short while, but they will begin to press us for an heir. I just wanted to inform you of my stance on the matter. I will not touch you in that manner unless you desire it or ask it of me." The commander concluded, turning his head so that our eyes might meet.
I continued to stare, trying to determine if his words were just that. Only words, empty of the intention to keep their promise. But all I could find was resignation and honesty.
I did not speak for some time, thinking on my words before speaking.
Finally, my gaze reunited with his own mismatched eyes. I took a deep breath through my nose, shifting into my role of princess.
"And when the time does come and the empire is pressing for heirs, we will adjust our current arrangements as needed. But until then you will keep your own bed and I shall keep mine." I replied, remaining firm in my stance on following the stipulations of our marriage well beyond their expiration date.
"Of course. I would never think to touch you against your will, nor any other woman." Ravus assured, giving a solmen nod as he continued to hold my gaze.
"Thank you. You have no idea how much your words have put my mind at ease." I said, the tension I had been holding in my body slowly slipping away as I relaxed.
Ravus only nodded, turning back towards the landscape before us, the silence that fell was one of ease for once.
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