#species pheroc
chronsart · 6 years
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Pheroc Species
Videos: Draw with me Playlist process: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCgTRcOF63yn7AyegJW5kTvFM0VYNh3kj First video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZ40HFmDuHo&t=263s Speedpaint Timelapse: (soon) (this thing is- really long. I can't make it shorter, I'm sorry. Drawing this took a few days. My goal was to just atleast have it documented.) Other Information: Tools used: tiny AF paper, a purple eraser tip on a normal hb pencil, a pentel fine point pen to ink. pencil lines were erased. When i was young i used to draw lots of pheonix and giant bird like creatures. I recently found those old drawings, (I'll post them in my video of making this) and i was inspired. Now I'm drawing lots of birds again. :P i was debating uploading this because i wanted to have the video finished as well? But oh well. This way you guys can see a piece of the process. I'll upload the digital lineart version edit later as well. I'm not sure if I should add that to the speedpaint or make it a part two. I like everything about one thing being in the same place, though. Time Taken: about a week! But off and on for a few minutes everyday. Why is this poor paper in such disaray? Well- I'm mean to my paper. and i need layers to redraw things, to extend the paper, and i like being able to peel away one paper to see what was underneath at some point for reference, and then the wing for instance. You can't see the back leg or the side anatomy with it in the way, so I make it an option so that it can be removed or peeled aside so you can see the anatomy of the leg and placement of muscles. :P it works for me. Feathers: I got the rules all wrong. But i didn't care at the time of drawing this. I wanted to go purely from imagination. in reality, there are only suppossed to be three or maybe four rows of feathers on the top and bottom of the wing. not freaking- five and six gosh. but IDK what would a giant birds feather allignment look like if it actually existed WHO KNOWS gosh this was fun to do. I want to draw more traditional creatures. its freeing. Species information: Species Name: Pheroc (Fee-roh-q) Sometimes the q sound is prounounced, but Fee-roh is also an acceptible pronunctiation.)
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