chronsart · 4 months
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Here's an alien that's been floating around in my brain for a bit. Not done with em, but my art shapeshifts through out the whole process so its nice to have snapshots of different moments in it to look back on. I love finding all the different expressions you can create in eyes. I have dreams about creature's fairly often, so I've got a huge backlog of them to draw, but I hope to make some references for this one.
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chronsart · 10 months
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this is a really old wip i found laying around. 
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chronsart · 10 months
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felt like painting and came up with another skeleton creature guy P:
Thinking of calling this one Andromedas
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chronsart · 9 months
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I've missed just sketch painting. These past two months have been absolutely insanely busy that my brain has just not been able to get into gear with the whole art thing. @@ On top of all the plant shenanigans happening. Agh, I just want to disappear into an art void for a while. this is nice.
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chronsart · 1 year
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I do pretty terribly making a ritual of drawing, but im trying to get back into it. I'm feeling really rusty, but the muscle memory is coming back. I spend more time writing, since most of this winter I've been sick more than I've felt well enough to draw. But I am trying! I've got so much i want to make this year! So I'm trying to just get back into the swing of things. I worked on my brushes, made a hatchy blendy brush and I'm feeling pretty happy with the result! What better way to warm up and test things out than to draw a dragon?
This dragon here is an example for what Void dragons look like in my head universe. They're a type of dragon that is able to pass between living dimensions and the Void, which is a pretty difficult feat for most creatures for- reasons i won't go into at the moment. Void dragons have a higher affinity for magic and spell casting than other dragons because of their connection to the Void- which is, in a sense, the place with the source of all matter required to cast a spell. There's a lore bite for ya.
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chronsart · 1 year
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.... im not immune, the blorbo virus rattled my brains.
Description: Sun and moon emerge from the tubes of the jungle gym and the change of light triggers a seamless transition between the two AI.... Moon's consciousness steps back to offer Sun control, who reaches forward into the light to grasp the opening of the tube. The light chases away the blue of Moon's color scheme with Sun's golden yellow, and as their body leans into the light of the well lit room, Sun's bubbly joy and exuberant personality buzzes through their frame with waking energy. Moon's own consciousness slipping to the back of their mind, he watches from the shadow of their currently halved self as Sun begins to greet the newcomers flooding into the Daycare with exuberant joy in anticipation of the eventful day they have planned.
In this AU, Sun and Moon operate the Daycare and the Theater! They host shows for children and adults occassionally; as magicians ard acrobatic entertainers! Their model however is that of a Caretaker; which watches after children K-12, and encourages a safe place to play and learn.
Originally, Sun and Moon were only Caretakers. But after learning about the outside world from some of the older kids, they started learning on their own after hours. Once they were good enough, they suggested the pitch to the plex, and it was voted in by the other Handler's and workers. It was a success and large attraction, turning out to be very profitable for Fazbear Inc. Other Animatronics have been allowed to look into their own interests as well to potentially pitch. Faz Inc. has invested in this to develop new frames and AI to expand possibilities.
A follow up to this image is a comparison between the artificial light indoors and Sun and Moon's first emergence under the real sun outside the Plex.
All the "petals/rays" around their head are fabric, so they don't hurt kids! They also have bells on them, because Jesters! Moon has star patterns on them that disappear in the light. These do not retact, but the wires inside make them styleable to either AI as they please!
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chronsart · 1 year
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Been a while since I posted any FNAF AU stuff, so here one is! I actually have quite a number of them now. I want to start getting some of them out there when i can.
So here are some rambly doodle sketches i started for a Sun and Moon diety AU that crash landed in my brain recently. I have about three Diety Au's now. In this one, Sun is a Fire diety, and Moon is an Ice diety! Together, they uphold balance of the cycle of Life and Death within their solar system.
There was a time when the Sun and the Moon were separated, and did not work together. Between their slumbers, one would awake and descend to be among their people. But because their power was so great; their appearances were times of destruction and famine, sometimes preluded in anticipation with a sacrifice to quench the thirst of their power.
Because the two dieties so longed to see their people prosper, they found a way to balance eachother's powers out so that they could be among their children without harming them... But no one must ever know what that is or it would compromise their powers.
I have a little more on this AU, but I'll ramble about that later.
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chronsart · 11 months
I'm Chron! I'm an artist, world builder and gardener.
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chronsart · 2 years
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Snowjumps is a Void Cat, meaning he can detect dimensional rifts and find safe passageways to travel between. Void Cats are a Void Changed creature, animals that have evolved within or near Dimensional Rifts and adapted to the environment. Snowjumps is my oc Teiran's cat. He's a revived concept of a four eared cat i drew some ten years ago or so in highschool. Just a four eared fictional cat for fun. And no, it doesn't have four eyes. Those are just glowy eyebrows. P:
I have had absolutely no time to do anything complex for months, so I broke out an old style to help me concept this quicker.
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chronsart · 2 years
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This dragon is kind of a mixture between the horns my headworld dragons have, but its nose and head ended up looking like a kind of classic dragon on old novel covers. Very angled noses, suggestion of fins… might be a few sym problems, not much time…
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chronsart · 1 year
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Seems like everyone in my family has been sick since Christmas, so I've not been as productive as I'd like. But, to follow up on some robot things, I came up with an original story about automatons set in a alternative historical setting for earth, and im having fun with that. Here's a closeup of a painting I started. Its grayscale with a vivid light layer overtop where i just splashed some hot and cold colors.
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chronsart · 2 years
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practicing drawing more octopeople again~
Testing out a pencil brush!
These octopeople are a bit of fun to draw really. So many twisty shapes. Still trying to figure out how the hair works though exactly... like does it lay across the head, are their just appendages scattered around, or is it like... a fan around the hairline that can lay back that has the appendages?
The little circles are bioluminescent spots, because... all sea people need bioluminescence apparently.
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chronsart · 10 months
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I made a little cover doodle for my current sketchbook! It’s themed after sun and moon since they pretty much took this one over. I saw some people numbered their sketchbooks, but I would not know where to begin with that, and it seemed less personable so I started naming my sketchbooks instead.
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chronsart · 2 years
art - chronsart - art process - digital art - creature design - chrontorial - sketchbook - horns - hands - sculpt - friend art - derp - dream - grayscale - mask - before and after - pen - 3DSart - speedpaint - screencap redraw
oc Characters List: illovalus - Teiran - Snowjumps - Raige - Lyra - Galo - Demitrius - Ninras - Ieya - raige - dorge - Itelomiyn - Amara - Zack - Ghost - Alutal - Zil - Rakthiya - Kaelan - Remnant -
Sapient: mermaid - octopeople - dragon - dragonoid - Treanemirrnum - ant people - Bird People - facelessones - reptillian - sphinat - skeleton - horse - unicorn - robot - spiderdog - Zeijoto (Arctic Wolf People) - skeleton - wolf people - Lephan - Uen - bat dog - snake centipede - Animals - Bird - rok bird - Worm Dog - Vicore - Cigriff - dragon ferret - Cat - Void Cat - Big Lizard - Olgadon -
(original) Story Project Masks The Ghost from the Void
Undertale - Gaster - Sans - Papyrus - Undyne - Toriel - Dragonfell Skelefrisk - Start Reading - Comic - wips - extras - model sculpting process - 2016-2017 - This is the 2nd version. The Keeper of the Void - A03 fic - Demitale (collab) Underworld gods (collab) A Wish at the End of the World
Plant Shop 🌱 (closed for winter) Gardening Plants: Wandering Dude - Spider Plant - Panda Plant - Sun Flower -
2016 - 2018
Chrons Rambles
WIP. The internet is on fire alot, and people move platforms so much that its a struggle to invest in sites. But, I'm not leaving Tumblr anytime soon because its actually comfy here, so... I just want to have this Index to build on overtime when i can.
Clean up my tags and make a system to finding things easier. I have some projects and head world stuff and plant notes that I like to ramble about occassionally and I'd like to have a good base line for discovering that stuff.
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chronsart · 2 years
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a juvenile baby dragon lazily slouching over its mothers shoulders. 
Brush: mb sketch painty 27 (big small brush)
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chronsart · 2 years
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“oh great seer, wise one, what would you have us do?
“Bring to me the finest gold from the ruins of the fallen dragon Rujl, and i will scry for you the answers you seek.” 
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