#specific group of people' and they went 'yeah its not me! im going be antisemitic as shit!!' like babes that aint how it works đź’€
philsmeatylegss · 1 year
im jewish and went to a jewish school so there was quite a lot of focus on holocaust education. plus its pretty standard for jewish schools and youth groups to do poland trips for 16 or like 18ish year olds. most of us have met at least a couple survivors and almost every jewish family i know only lives in my country because they were displaced in the holocaust. it honestly baffles me that people outright deny any of that happened. like i understand people downplaying it because antisemites are just like that but saying it never happened? i don't get how people can genuinely believe that
It truly is such a complex tragedy that people who aren’t (or their ancestors weren’t) effected want to get over as quickly as possible. Before I started studying more deeply this past year, yeah, ofc I thought Holocaust denial was fucking stupid and insanely disrespectful, but now it infuriates me. People refuse to acknowledge that this was the first genocide. It was the first time that people were charged with genocide. It’s not a light topic. It’s not just a history lesson. As time passes, especially as living survivors are growing smaller and smaller by the day, it’s only going to get worse. It’s insanely insulting and even dangerous. The number of holocaust deniers is small, but, as I said, as survivors pass away, in ten years, that number will grow because there’s no living proof. That’s why I think millennials and gen z are especially responsible for teaching the next generations deeply about the holocaust. Talk about either our ancestors or survivors we have met that were very real people who had very real stories. I am so thankful my school brought in one (or two I can’t remember) survivors and a liberator.
This is off topic, but I’m fucking sick of people going “well what about Stalin or Mao? They killed way more people!” Yes, but their killings were indiscriminate, quick, and didn’t have long term campaigns and suffering. Many people think nazis just ruled in WWII. No! They ruled from 1933 and slowly introduced antisemitic aspects that enabled (most of) society to not only massacre innocent groups of people, Jewish people specifically, but to enjoy it as well. Millions were locked into chambers and suffocated or had to walk into incinerators. Millions were worked to death in horrid conditions treated worse than rabid animals. It is not the same. It is an especially foul atrocity that shouldn’t just be another history topic to glaze over. It’s honestly a topic I’m so passionate about and I was surprised how little I actually knew about it or how depraved it actually was. I went to Catholic school once a week throughout the school year for two hours from 1st grade to 8th grade and I cannot remember one instance where it was mentioned. I can remember hundreds of times when I was told non-Catholics, especially “the Jews” would burn in eternal hell for not recognizing Jesus as their messiah, but not a word about how anti-Catholic the holocaust was NOR the big role Catholicism played in it.
This went really off topic lol. TLDR: agree
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