#specifically George Clooney Batman & Chris O’Donnell Robin because of the costumes; Rémy Ratatouille; Helga and Ragnar from Vikings;
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I have been tagged by @derelictheretic, my beloved, to post my 9 okay, I know, technically I posted 10 favourite characters for you all to guess my type so please go ahead and enlighten me cuz I cannot make sense of this mess lmao
Citra Talugmai from Far Cry 3 | Chloe Price from Life is Strange and LIS: Before the Storm | Sue Heck from The Middle
Lisa Simpsons from The Simpsons | Wonder Woman | Klaus and Roger from American Dad
Lara Croft from Tomb Raider | Faith Seed from Far Cry 5 | Borat Sagdiyev from Borat
I‘m tagging @neonwizardheehee @gncrevan @yeetslovescheese @psybrepunk @nonfunctioning-queer @strafethesesinners @josephslittledeputy @aceghosts @chazz-anova and @henbased bc I wanna seeeeee but also everyone else who‘d like to participate!
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