#specifically i was seeing ppl claim from the river to the sea Palestine will be free as antisemitic
theghostiedyke · 11 months
not me seeing the same discourse the land back movement got being repeated for Palestine. 🤨 y'all aren't even trying to think critically.
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alwida10 · 10 months
When Covid hit and some deeply problematic people started attacking Asian restaurant owners in New York for “the Chinese virus” I was glad to see people call them out. I was glad people mentioned how weird and nonsensical it was to accuse Asians who lived their whole life in the states of conspiracy. When a crowd gathered around a falafel restaurant in New York and demanded the owners to come out, I did not see people stepping up to their defense. In fact, I didn’t even see anyone here mentioning it happened.
U consider this stuff equal? Babies are murdered but it ok since no restaurant close down. Also why expect ppl condemn hamasall time when a person said free palestin but it ok if they say israelve right to be exist which mostly said after asking them if theyre ok w all this murders? Cs it look like israelsupporters are ok w murders bombings tortures if victim is not white or israelins
Just to make my position on the conflict clear before I address the rest: I am not ok with the bombing of civilians in Gaza. It’s a crime and a horror what is happening there. Killing children is not ok, and neither is killing women or men. I condemn the widespread bombing and destruction the Israeli government is doing in Gaza. My heart bleeds for the people who suffer there. Also, I don’t think it’s a good military tactic, since people who get hurt repeatedly will not grow into a mindset of “oh, guess it was wrong to hate the people who killed just another child/relative/friend of mine”. Imo it’s dumb, cruel and absolutely worthy of condemnation. Additionally, I have absolutely no problem with criticism of the israelian government, the actions of their army or my other person/institution actively involved in the conflict. I love it when people point out lies on social media. But I draw a hard line at antisemitism.
To your ask:
I consider defending Asians against “you (the restaurant owner, taxi driver etc) are part of the conspiracy that invented Covid to attack the western world” and defending jewish restaurant owners against “you (the restaurant owner) are committing genocide” when both of them lived in the states for years equal. As long as I don’t have any knowledge on that specific person being part of an underground virus lab or an underground anti-Palestinian terror organization I consider them not part of the events aside from them being victims of people who feel like it’s ok to attack bystanders. You cannot control in which family you get born, and condemning people for something they cannot control is bad.
Also why expect ppl condemn hamasall time when a person said free palestin but it ok if they say israelve right to be exist which mostly said after asking them if theyre ok w all this murders?
A) I recommend stating your (addressing everyone, not just you specifically) how you think about the massacre on 07.10 because “free Palestine” is a short version of “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. It implies that the whole area between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean Sea (which is basically all of Israel) will be “free”. You may wonder why this could be considered confrontational, since “free” is something good. The point is that -while Israel’s population consists of ~21% Arabs, and ~18% Muslims which have equal rights their own party and fill several office functions- there is not one Jew living in Gaza. This is an overview over the Jewish population in some of the Middle East countries, which btw is not exclusively white:
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Combined with the Hamas leader’s words that October 7th was only a rehearsal, there is a lot off evidence this “free” does not mean “living in freedom”, but “free of Jews”. This equals the statement “let’s destroy Israel”. Some people say it outright, too, calling for all Jews to leave the Middle East entirely and Israel being disbanded. Hamas targeted everyone in Israel, including people of color (including the Thai workers that had been taken hostage into Gaza) and Arabs. Claiming all Israelis would be white/jewish/of european descendant and all Palestinian people would be people of color or brown who originated from that area is a lie to justify antisemitism.
So, as long you don���t clarify your position, it’s not clear if or if not you want to see Israel gone and all Jews either dead or displaced. If you want to make your point clear, I recommend saying where you stand. People cannot read minds.
Some people have adopted the phrase “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be equal”. I love this because it clearly states the support for Palestine but makes it clear it does not call for displacement or genocide.
I don’t think Gaza should be destroyed because of the actions of their leaders, the Hamas. People are not their leaders/government and they should NOT be punished for their leaders’ actions. Equally, Israelis are not their government and should not be punished for the government’s actions.
Imo, the moment you decide that one child is worthy of life and another one deserves to die, you have been made a tool of extremism.
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