#specifically the seraphim and ophanim described in the visions of the prophet Ezekiel
daughter-of-sapph0 · 2 years
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pixel art is fun. might do more of it in the future
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sundaypenacony · 9 months
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They put his old halo design as a pattern on the back of his coat :D
Also he now officially has 6 wings , 2 on his head and 4 on his back ;; I am so happy
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Also on his clothes he has 12 eyes + 2 of his actual eyes (There might also be eyes on his rings but I cannot tell due the quality of the picture sadly ;;
Once again I am Atheist, I get this knowledge from things I was taught but this may not be completely correct so feel free to correct me :)
When drawing biblically accurate angels they usually give them a lot of eyes. But, it isn't specifically mentioned for Seraphims:
Isaiah 6:1-8 MSG
In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Master sitting on a throne—high, exalted!—and the train of his robes filled the Temple. Angel-seraphs hovered above him, each with six wings. With two wings they covered their faces, with two their feet, and with two they flew. And they called back and forth one to the other, Holy, Holy, Holy is GOD-of-the-Angel-Armies. His bright glory fills the whole earth. The foundations trembled at the sound of the angel voices, and then the whole house filled with smoke. I said, “Doom! It’s Doomsday! I’m as good as dead! Every word I’ve ever spoken is tainted— blasphemous even! And the people I live with talk the same way, using words that corrupt and desecrate. And here I’ve looked God in the face! The King! GOD-of-the-Angel-Armies!” Then one of the angel-seraphs flew to me. He held a live coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar. He touched my mouth with the coal and said, “Look. This coal has touched your lips. Gone your guilt, your sins wiped out.” And then I heard the voice of the Master: “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” I spoke up, “I’ll go. Send me!”
I think, when people refer to the angel with a lot of eyes they refer to Ezekiel 1. Ezekiel 1 is the first chapter of the Book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament of the Bible. The Book of Ezekiel is a prophetic book, and it contains visions and prophecies from the prophet Ezekiel, who was a priest and a captive in Babylon. In here he described something called the Ophanim (AKA auphanim, ofanim or galgalim). The ophanim refer to the wheels seen in Ezekiel's vision of the chariot in Ezekiel 1:15-21. One of the Dead Sea scrolls construes them as angels but in the Book of Enoch they are a class of celestial beings who along with the Cherubim and Serpahim never sleep and guard the throne of God. In Christian angelology, they are one of the choirs of angels, and are also called Thrones (Wikipedia contributors, 2023).
These "wheels" have been associated with Daniel 7:9 (mentioned as galgal, traditionally "the wheels of galgallin", in "fiery flame" and "burning fire") of the four, eye-covered wheels (each composed of two nested wheels), that move next to the winged Cherubim, beneath the throne of God. The four wheels move with the Cherubim because the spirit of the Cherubim is in them. The late Second Book of Enoch (20:1, 21:1) also referred to them as the "many-eyed ones". - Wikipedia
Nowadays the many eyes also get put into many other designs that have anything celestial / angel-like which is honestly so cool :') I love it.
Wikipedia contributors. (2023, 28 november). Ophanim. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophanim
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izzyizumi · 3 years
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Digimon Frontier ~ Japanese version Episode 50 Seraphimon & OPHANIMON - Part of the Three Great Angels (+with CHERUBIMON)
“If you combine the powers of the 10 Holy Warriors into one You will SURELY WIN”
“WILL YOU { F I G H T } ?” “OR...”
O[ph]animon - From the ophanim/ofanim, a class of celestial beings in late sections of the Book of Enoch where with the Cherubim and Seraphim they never sleep, but guard the throne of God. They are also [*in JUDAISM specifically] depicted as eye-covered wheels (each composed of two nested wheels), that move next to the winged Cherubim, beneath the throne of God.
Ofani = From Ofanim, an alternative spelling of Ophanim (אוֹפָנים) (「オファニム」 Ofanimu) is the third highest rank of angels. Their name literally means "Wheels" and are often depicted as burning wheels.
[Note the two large wheels composing of Ophanimon’s design, below]:
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[Note: “God” as an entity technically also exists in the Digimon multiverse.]
Further Reading: Angels In Judaism The Hebrew word for angel, mal’ach, means messenger, and the angels in early biblical sources deliver specific information or carry out some particular function. In later biblical texts, angels are associated with visions and prophesies and are given proper names. Later rabbinic and kabbalistic sources expand on the concept of angels even further, describing a broad universe of named angels with particular roles in the spiritual realm.
In the books of the prophets, angels continue to carry out their function as messengers, but they are also associated with visions and prophecies. One particularly detailed account is recorded in the first chapter of Ezekiel. The prophet encounters four creatures (chayot in Hebrew) that resemble human beings, but each has four faces (human, lion, ox and eagle), four wings and their legs are fused into a single leg.
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A parallel vision is recorded in the 10th chapter, only there the angels are described as cherubs.
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