kxkarot · 1 year
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He's seen some weird things in his life but a knockoff version of super saiyan with a hedgehog??? This takes the cake!
(Mentioned @speedkeed )
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badnikbreaker · 2 years
@speedkeed​ from ——— x.
SHE’S SO FUCKING TIRED OF THIS BULLSHIT!  It’s all she can think of / an unforgiving mantra in her head / I’M TIRED I’M TIRED THE ONLY WAY THIS ENDS IS IF WE BOTH DIE.  She launches herself at him and he dodges (  the starline standing in the corner of the room, half - watching, not impressed, scoffs ) and she WANTS TO KILL HIM SO FUCKING BAD.
And then he — stops.  Her eyes widen / her teeth grit.  Starline says, ‘oh, he’s not even taking you seriously.  I suppose you haven’t really given him reason to, though.’
it just makes her more PISSED OFF.  “I DON’T HAVE ANYTHING ELSE,” she growls out, hands curling to trembling fists.  “Because of YOU and that fucking Starline, all I have is HATING YOU.”
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He wants to know her.  He wants to know about her?  HAH, THERE’S A LAUGH.  (  it should just be funny.  why does it hurt?  why does it hurt that he’s talking to her like she’s a person?  )  He doesn’t want any of that, ‘cause then he’d have to rethink his good - guy shtick, then he’d have to be something other than the PERFECT HERO WHO SPARES EVERYONE AND NOBODY GETS HURT WHEN HE DOES.
“You know,” she says, and now she’s grinning something entirely clear of joy, “That’s a nice idea.  I mighta taken you up on it a couple deaths back.”
Before he can ask what the hell THAT MEANS, she’s launching at him again, faster this time, aiming for his jugular.  “BUT AFTER STARLINE KILLED ME THE SIXTH TIME, I STOPPED CARING MUCH ABOUT CONVERSATION.”
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foretoldfew · 1 month
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ㅤㅤㅤThe Funhouse Trap
a response for @speedkeed previous
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Unlike the certain blue speeding vessel running around in the tunnel of mirrors, the one bearing red stripes had already assumed that travelling through speed was the worst possible ordeal when stuck in a tight area. Left, right, upside down? Where else had Sonic gone at this point besides the exit for this forsaken trap of Robotnik's? They're locked in, with no idea of where to go. Chaos control wasn't going to work without knowing the way towards the exit. And worse above, he didn't have the emerald on him. It was already taken from him before they even got stuck in this silly playhouse of reflections. And he was completely blind to this discovery until Sonic brought it up minutes before.
All he had was a bag of sunflower seeds tucked in the back of his quills.
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It's been getting worse for wear, the longer he stares at his own reflections. They're all watching. Watching him, no matter where he turns. He can't turn his back, for there's even a mirror there as well. His eyes had locked to the floor for some time, simply to protect whatever insecurity and dread he felt. As ridiculous as it may be, having clones of yourself is another story in itself.
Clones that belonged to Eggman.
It's highly possible for him to have extras, no matter the circumstance. He knows how Eggman likes to mess with him when it came to that. And the longer they stayed in the same place, the pit in his stomach grew in disgust.
Engrossed in this dread, he almost didn't realize that Sonic had returned by his side. His voice was just enough to snap him out of it, no longer burning the floor with his gaze as he looked toward his fellow other captive. If it were up to him, he'd flat out refuse at the first second. He was never interested in a game so childish. But Sonic's reaction to being trapped in is only making him more uneasy than he already has been. Perhaps this was needed to keep them both from freaking out.
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"I only have one last plan, but that includes removing my inhibitors and likely blowing you to smithereens. Start your game."
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gildead · 1 year
@speedkeed || sonic i am so sorry
Gold's expression remains unreadable as the hedgehog lists off all the creepy disturbing things he can't do, his head tilting somewhat towards the side. He's definitely not any of the poorly-drawn MS paint ones, or the faulty computer glitches, or even the weird ones that got shunned at Pasta Night for being cringe fangirl bait. His pupils flash into view upon the mention of Eggman. Now that's a name he's heard before-!
"Eggman...?" Gold frowns. "The... red blob? Does he... tell you all the ways he wants to- wants to cook and eat your friends?" Oh, little boy, what a large and delectable onion you have there! Why it would make the perfect French Onion Soup for a cold rainy day... no need to worry about the rotten parts, as long as we cut those off-
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He manages a tiny smile as Sonic describes his idea of a perfect day, his sleeves flapping in tiny circles as he listens intently. Helping out whoever or whatever he came across... now that was something Gold could get behind, even in death. After all, it's how he met his Houndoom, back when it was a tiny Houndour trapped by poachers. He wanted to ask Sonic more stories about his life, but oh... huh. Seems like Sonic was just as interested in Gold.
Not that Gold found himself particularly interesting, but who was he to deny Sonic?
"I mean, I'm dead. I can't really... get up to much?" He blinks again, and his pupils disappear, leaving hollow sockets in their place. "'M not really from here, either. Just kinda... wandered in? Turned a corner and... here I am." Sonic was already dealing with a ghost, Gold wasn't about to over-complicate things with dimensional travel.
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"But--- but if you're offering then... yeah, I'd. I'd like to see 'em."
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lowhowl · 2 years
@speedkeed​ | Liked for a starter
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    “ Sonic - ! “ Whisper calls out, her voice straining against the volume. It was mere luck she’d even managed to catch the hedgehog when he wasn’t sprinting off, let alone being able to grab his attention.
    “ I - I need help . . . “
    As she approaches, there’s a rustling around her ankles. A small pair of purple oval-shaped feet are barely visible under the hem of her cloak, tapping around and cheerily chirping every now and then. Whisper opens her cloak- and there’s a dark purple chao at her feet. They look up at Sonic curiously.
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    “ This little one is lost . “     “ They fell off of a train that was passing through Seaside City . I’m sure someone’s looking for them . . . “
    She’s also just woefully out of the loop when it comes to caring for Chao. They’re much more like children than Wisps. At least Wisps can make their own decisions and take care of themselves, if need be... but she’s entirely out of her element with this lil’ dude.
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fastfists · 9 months
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"Well, I mean least it ain't because someone forgot 'bout meh weighted braces 'n tried t'peel out only t'eat pavement~"
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skyfcx · 2 years
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     tails is starting to cut in on the brain cell alongside the blue rat. will probably be over here as well after i get some writing done on speedkeed.
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megapolismayor · 2 years
brb tormenting aaron with mayor and lbd lore
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kxkarot · 1 year
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"No. We can't adopt the full adult hedgehog."
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badnikbreaker · 2 years
@speedkeed : ❝  you’re clearly exhausted.  you can go in the morning.  ❞ for sonia!
It’s so — annoying, how much she loves him.
Because this isn’t her brother, not really.  This is just...someone who looks just like him, talks just like him, moves so much like him.  And as much as her brain knows that he’s not Sonic, her stupid, missing heart doesn’t, and she’s lost her family three times now, and he looks and feels just like her Sonic, and she wants even the facade of family ———
It’s so much lonelier, to look at someone she loves who doesn’t know her at all, to look at someone and know that any comfort is false, than it would be if there was no Sonic at all.
He catches her wrist when she makes to leave, voice and eyes concerned and kind, “You’re clearly exhausted.  You can go in the morning.”  She bites out a quiet laugh, serrated and aching, at the way he’s so much like her brother in this, too.
“To be honest,” she starts, not looking back at him, wondering how his grip on her wrist can feel so similar to his grip on her wrist / and not shaking out of his grip, because she misses him, because she wants to pretend, just for a second, “I think I’d get worse sleep here.”
He releases her hand and hers drops back to her side, and she laughs again, a single breath of a sound.  “You...can’t know how it feels.  To...”
To have been ripped away from your family three times.  To lose your mother and depend on your brothers to fill the gap and then to lose them, too.  To love someone who isn’t here, but there’s someone who looks and sounds just like him there.  To miss someone who’s right here.  To be family to someone who is not your brother.  TO MISS YOUR BROTHER, FOR THE CLOSEST THING IN THE WORLD TO NOT MISS YOU.
“To be this kind of alone,” she settles on, voice tired.  Sonic doesn’t say anything — or, if he does, he’s not quick enough, because the girl who’s nearly as fast as he is is already gone.
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takeachanceontoday · 2 years
     “.....I’m personally not judging.” 
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      “........” yes he is
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“Sheesh, once ya get a Sonic into an argument, we’re always tryin’ to be better than the other...“
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“Oh well, their loss. Those three Chilidogs are for me then!“
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spatialgarden · 2 years
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   “. . .”
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   “What exactly is a ‘Ratio’?”
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tocontinue · 2 years
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  —“All I’m saying is, can you swing by whenever Wily starts up again? You beat, like, half the army in a second! I’ll tell you you’re cool or whatever, just, like, beat my enemies for me.”
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opalscave-moved · 2 years
@speedkeed​​  ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ CONTINUED FROM HERE | x
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From the cushion she was currently sitting on, Blaze looked on in interest and curiosity at the hedgehog. She wasn’t expecting the blue blur to accept her offer, let alone lead her back to his place. 
Ever since she was a little girl, Blaze had always been expected to keep up her appearance no matter what- it was her duty to hold her people together, so her mien was always collected and calm. Of course, in her own private space, the cat was a little less restrained, so this opportunity was perfect for her to relax and help a friend,
She had always been jealous of how he was able to do what he wanted, ever since they met.
“ Of course- I owe you my gratitude, after helping me in the battle with Eggman. “ Blaze gestures Sonic over, hoping for him to sit in front of her on the floor.
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“ Your hair does not phase me- I have to put up with Marine after all. You should see how she looks after a day of sailing on the seas. “ She jests, her own attempt at a joke. Her fingers automatically start to cascade through the quills while using her free hand to pick up a brush.
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“ Trust me when I say I shall be cautious. “
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monmuses · 2 years
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     He did NOT just get clowned on by this new “theme song”. He did NOT. But, like the true damn circus clown that he is, he stood up for it like a fool.
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