#spellbound film cast
hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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Ingrid Bergman (Gaslight, Casablanca, Notorious)—A lot of the time hotness in a movie is just about words and framing. "You're the most beautiful person here" [vaseline lens] well I sure hope so because that's who you cast. But when, in Casablanca, they call Ingrid Bergman the most beautiful woman in the world... they were not fucking lying. And such a dynamite actor too!! I'd only seen Casablanca up until last year, and there she's confined to love interest. But in Gaslight she was maybe one of the most incredible actors I've ever seen!!!! Goddddd shes so fucking hot and cool.
Lauren Bacall (To Have and Have Not, The Big Sleep, Key Largo)—"Just put your lips together...and blow" excuse me ma'am i'm briefly going to turn into a kettle. She's the quintessential Femme Fatale who may betray me in the end but I'd let her it'd be worth it
This is round 6 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Ingrid Bergman:
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God, she's fantastic. She's both beautiful and a compelling actor who's more than capable of putting the whole movie on her shoulders if necessary. It's worth noting that while her beauty is conventional, she was seen as refreshingly "natural" with more eyebrows and less makeup than many other leading ladies of the time. She's well known for her role in Casablanca, but in Notorious, Spellbound, (both available on archive.org ) and Gaslight (1944) she shows how immensely capable she is.
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I mean...she's Ingrid Bergman. I feel like that should be enough, you know? She's physically beautiful (her eyes!) but watching her is like a transcendent experience. Her voice, her expressions... beautiful woman, beautiful actor.
I'm a gay man but even I understand her appeal. I'll watch any movie she shows up in. Gorgeous woman.
Just try and watch her movies without sighing wistfully, then get back to me!
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Choosing 1-3 movies where Bergman was at her hottest was agony because, of course, she was always at her hottest. Not just because she was beautiful but because she was absolutely willing to go up against the bs women in Hollywood were constantly dealing with. When exiled from Hollywood for having an affair with Roberto Rossellini, not only did she refuse to apologize at any point, but she went on to say that Hollywood's films had grown stagnant and boring to her. Though she said she appreciated her time working there, she wanted to try new, different techniques (hence starring in Italian neorealist films, working on stage, and acting under directors like Ingmar Bergman). She was not afraid to chase after her artistic ideals and go outside the box regardless of what society had to say about it. From her first movie to her last she killed it. There's so much more to say about Bergman's career and life, but I've already written five million words so I'll stop at that.
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One of the most incredible actors I've ever seen on film. Her facial expressions are so intricate and poignant that I cannot look away. I'm either ace or straight, but damn she made me question that.
SEVEN TIME OSCAR NOMINEE QUEEN. Girl also PULLED, having affairs with famously hot men Gary Cooper and Gregory Peck IN ADDITION to her three marriages...sexy
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She has a very natural beauty to her, and she's from Sweden!
She left Hollywood and only became more beautiful. You could drown in her eyes. She can look innocent AND like she's seen it all. She is effortlessly elegant. She's played Joan of Arc (automatically hot) AND was in the movie that coined gaslight as a term. And where would we be without that!
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She was known for being a breath of fresh air on the movie scene at the time with her windswept hair, dreamy smile and soulful eyes. I have loved her in every movie I have seen her in - she was just magnetic!
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Where do I even start. There's a neighborly quality to this beautiful, talented actress that makes her hotness one of a kind and her looks impossible to forget
With a career spanning five decades, Bergman is often regarded as one of the most influential screen figures in cinematic history. Known for her naturally luminous beauty, Bergman spoke five languages – Swedish, English, German, Italian and French – and acted in each.
She's hot, don't get me wrong, but I've always found her very approachable, like she could easily be a member of my friend group
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Where do I even begin with Ingrid Bergman? I fell in love with her with her astounding performance in the 1956 version of Anastasia -- the best Anastasia movie in large part due to her wonderful and touching performance. She's got this amazing, fascinating intensity to her in whatever role she's in. She commits 100%, and she's got this light in whatever she's in that's stunning. She's utterly convincing no matter what she plays, from an amnesiac possible lost princess, from a nun, from a woman taking her revenge on the town that wronged her, to light romantic comedy. She's never missed in any role I've seen her in! Also she became quite the MILF.
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Lauren Bacall:
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"She is soooo neat. And hot. And everything. That one scene in To Have and Have Not where she says "you know how to whistle don't you? You just put your lips together and blow" altered my brain chemistry during media archaeology class and here we are."
"The VOICE, the SLINK, the EYES. Woof."
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"Lauren Bacall was a major lesbian awakening for me. Every picture of her makes it look like she’s about to destroy you physically and emotionally (why is that so hot, I may need help). She had incredible long running chemistry with her husband, Humphrey Bogart, but was an absolute star in her own right. I’ll never be over my crush on her."
"She's got that confident, no-nonsense air about her. She's a boss babe who knows what she wants and gets it DONE. Staunch liberal Democrat her whole life. Campaigned for RFK. From Wikipedia: "In a 2005 interview with Larry King, Bacall described herself as "anti-Republican... A liberal. The L-word". She added that "being a liberal is the best thing on Earth you can be. You are welcoming to everyone when you're a liberal. You do not have a small mind."" Beautiful hair. Beautiful eyes. Beautiful lips. She's just beauty. LISTEN TO HER VOICE. TELL ME THAT'S NOT THE STUFF THAT DREAMS ARE MADE OF."
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thatfeelinwhenyou · 11 months
It’s your final year of highschool, and your only goal is to graduate top of your cohort, as usual. Except as student council president, your advisor can’t seem to leave you alone. What happens when you take Decelis Academy’s top student, their star athlete and put them in front of a camera?
smau + written (1.7k words)
❥・• episode 27 — you were brighter than the moon
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You fix your gaze on the countdown to your upcoming mid-terms, a series of numbers and dates scrawled in the corner of the whiteboard by your homeroom teacher. You’re reminded of the pressure of these impending exams, which had, unbeknownst to you, taken a backseat during the month-long documentary filming and now once again weighs heavily on your shoulders.
Turning your attention to your side, you're surprised to find Jungwon fully engaged in the class. However, it's impossible to ignore the telltale signs of exhaustion etched beneath his eyes, dark circles that stand testament to the late nights you both have spent together.
A pang of guilt gnaws at you, fearing you might be holding him back, yet in all honesty, the passage of time had become a blurred concept as you delved into the countless practice papers. At that moment, Jungwon was the least of your problems (or so you thought).
As you sit there, pondering the delicate balance between your academic responsibilities and the documentary project, you marvel at how Jungwon manages to keep up with his training amidst everything that’s been going on. Contrary to your earlier assumptions, you discover that Jungwon is someone who—if he puts his mind to—can do anything. You sense the weight of his expectations, as he never once complained about your unconventional study habits during this time of the year.
Remembering Jake's impatience when it came to staying even a minute past 6 pm, Jungwon remains quiet, his focus unwavering on his work. He would occasionally ask you questions, his hard-headed determination shining through when he couldn't quite figure out how to solve a problem. Somewhere, at some point, between the late nights and the whispered questions—your relationship has transformed into something more than just a play-pretend study partnership.
It’s a budding of a bond neither of you had anticipated at the start of all this.
As the bell rings, signalling the end of another school day, you exchange a fleeting glance with Jungwon, and something unspoken passes between you. Today, you're not going to settle for sitting on the floor.
With your bag lightly slung over your shoulders, you dash out of the classroom, Jungwon hot on your heels. You spot familiar faces making their way toward the campus library, fueling your competitive spirit even more. Just as you're about to sprint ahead, you feel the weight of your bag magically lifted from your shoulder.
Confused, you look over to see Jungwon running ahead of you, your eyes meet and you're instantly spellbound by the sight of your bag securely strapped to the front of his chest.
"At this rate, we won't be able to get a seat again. Hurry up, slowpoke," he teases, a mischievous glint in his eyes. His words wrap around you like a warm embrace, and your heart swells with affection. You can't help but smile, grateful for his unwavering support as you both rush towards the library.
The soft hush of whispers and the gentle rustling of pages filled the air. The scent of old books and the soft glow of study lamps created an atmosphere of quiet serenity. You and Jungwon quickly scanned the room, searching for an empty spot to claim as your own. He quickly spotted an area, his fingers guiding you to a table nestled in a corner, where a small window allowed a stream of pale sunlight to spill across, casting a golden sheen on the worn wooden surface.
Initially, the study session began much like the countless others you'd shared with Jungwon. He would be restless and easily distracted during the initial hour, struggling to settle into the task at hand. It was a pattern you'd grown accustomed to, one that had led you to underestimate him.
However, today is tinged with a different energy, one that you can't quite define but unquestionably sense.
It all started with his subtle gestures, actions that he had been doing all along, yet you had only recently begun to truly notice. You'd be in search of an eraser, and Jungwon would smoothly place it in your hand before you could even voice your request. Similarly, in moments of absentminded hunger, you'd casually mention it, and he'd promptly offer you packets of your favourite gummies as if he already knew that it would happen beforehand.
From the moment you take out your study materials and textbooks to flipping them to the page you'd left off the previous night, there's a mesmerising synergy at play. It felt as though you and Jungwon were two halves of a single whole.
Your fingers would brush against each other as you reach for the same pencil, and a subtle yet electrifying connection would crackle between you. In that moment, you're certain you're not the only one who feels this profound connection. 
The hours slipped away as you delved into your studies and occasionally, Jungwon's gaze would lift from his notes, and you'd meet his eyes, sharing a quiet, encouraging smile. Something about him was magnetic—pulling you in before you could even come to the realisation that you were already in too deep.
"You're going to get a cavity from the amount of gummies you've eaten in the past hour," Jungwon teases as you polish off yet another packet, its remnants joining the growing pile of gummy wrappers at the corner of your desk.
"Leave me and my gummies alone; it's the only thing keeping me sane," you retort half-jokingly, a playful glint in your eye. Your words seem to have sparked a curiosity in him, and his face takes on a familiar inquisitive expression.
"Why do you like eating these gummies so much anyway?" Jungwon wonders as he pulls out another packet, opening it before passing them to you. 
Though flustered by the gesture that came so naturally, you try not to react.
"Whenever I'm stressed or upset, I drown myself in these calorie-induced sweets, and I just feel better than I did before," you explain, offering a sheepish smile as you pop another gummy, this one shaped like a snake, into your mouth.
You hesitate for a moment, the gummy's fruity sweetness lingering on your tongue. "I don't know, Won. It just does," you shrug, pondering the unspoken comfort these simple candies bring. Another epiphany that got you thinking—you really don’t know.
"No, I'm asking why you're upset," he clarifies as he settles down his pen, gaze looking up and into your eyes filled with genuine concern. This time, you didn’t manage to hide your flustered expression as a crimson tint finds its way across your cheeks.
“I didn’t know you cared so much about me, Yang Jungwon.” Though you try your best to play it cool, sheer panic courses through your veins and it seems your reaction has set something off in him as well.
Jungwon clears his throat, his gaze returning to the challenging problem sum he's been wrestling with for the past half-hour. "Well, who's going to be my teacher if you're sick?" he stammers, his words a mix of jest and genuine sentiment, the subtlest of smiles playing at the corners of his lips.
The hours drag on, feeling excruciatingly slow as your mind dances back and forth between your work and Jungwon. It's as if he's invaded and completely taken over your mind, conquering every corner of your attention and guiding you astray from what truly matters right now—the exams.
With the filming crew already having long dismantled their equipments, leaving with enough footage for the day, you’d might as well do the same.
"This is going nowhere, let's call it a day," you say with a hint of frustration, dropping your head into your hands and letting out an exasperated sigh.
"Already? It’s only a little past seven-”
"I've lost all my focus," you confess, a blush creeping onto your cheeks. For some reason, admitting this feels awkward, and Jungwon seems to sense your unease and chooses not to press you for an explanation.
With a determined look, he leans forward. "Come on, I'll walk you home." 
You begin to object, "You don't have to, I'll be fine," but he cuts you off, his tone resolute.
"I'm not fine. It’s late, I’ll walk you home." Jungwon insists, swiftly gathering the scattered papers into the depths of his bag, leaving no room for further argument. You don’t refute after that, knowing damn well he was going to do it his way anyway—that’s Jungwon for you.
The walk home with the boy is a smooth journey filled with a comfortable silence. The streetlights cast a soft, golden glow on the rocky path, creating a cosy ambience as you make your way through the tranquil neighbourhood. The night sky stretches above, adorned with a sprinkle of stars that twinkle like a distant fever dream.
There's a certain magic in the air, a subtle but distinct connection that has forged between the two of you over countless hours of studying and shared moments.
Every so often, you would sneak glances at Jungwon, appreciating the way the soft illumination accentuates the contours of his face. The breeze, carrying a hint of pre-winter rain, ruffles your hair as you walk side by side. Unable to resist, you sneak more glances, admiring the way his eyes shimmer with the starlight, and the faint shadow of a smile that plays on his lips.
As you near your doorstep, Jungwon stops and turns to face you, his expression a warm and reassuring gesture on this cold and breezy night. "I suppose this is it," he says with a gentle smile to which you return, feeling a sense of gratitude for his company. "Thanks for walking me home, Won." 
His gaze lingers for a moment, and then, as if an unspoken question hangs in the air, he leans in and gently pats your head. You shrink back slightly at the unexpected intimacy, feeling time slow down as his touch leaves a lingering warmth on your skin. When he pulls back, you meet his eyes with a shy but affectionate smile.
"Goodnight, Y/N," he whispers, his voice carrying a soft, tender note.
"Goodnight," your heart flutters as he leaves you standing at your doorstep.
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♡。·˚˚· ·˚˚·。♡
authors note: this took so long… it’s the calm before the storm i suppose? didn’t proofread this so i’m sorry for any mistakes!! 🫶🫶🫶
perm taglist. @hajimelvr @s00buwu @urmomssneakylink @grayscorner @bubblytaetae @mrchweeee @artstaeh @sleeping-demons @yuviqik @junsflow
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sissylittlefeather · 6 months
Your Love's Been a Long Time Coming: Chapter 2
A/N: Second installment of the Elvis x OC Vivian Choquette series! We pick up in 1961 during the filming of Blue Hawaii. I really hope you all stay on board for this one. I have the next 4ish chapters planned out and there's some fun stuff coming...
Need to catch up? Here's my Masterlist.
As always, thank you for your help and encouragement, bestie @ccab!
Warnings: Still pretty tame, kissing, cussing, alcohol use, references to sex/oral sex, fist fighting
Word count: ~2k
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"Hello again..."
"Oh, you two know each other?"
"Yeah we met in..."
"Germany." She finishes the sentence for him because he doesn't seem to be capable of it. He's still in awe of her. She hasn't changed much since the last time he saw her and he's still spellbound.
"Good. That should make this easy then." The director turns away from the conversation and leaves them to get reacquainted.
"I-I I didn't know you were an actress?" He tries not to visibly cringe when his nerves make him stutter. She gives him a half smile.
"Yeah, I'm just starting out really. This is my first movie role."
"And you're the lead?"
"You're the lead. I'm just your girlfriend." I wish. He thinks, but doesn't say it out loud.
"Well, still, good for you."
"Thanks... so listen."
"Hmm?" He shifts a little as someone walks behind him and forces him closer to her. She looks up at him and he notices how her eyes are the same color as the ocean when it's deep.
"Let's not make this awkward, okay?"
"Oh, of course not." He nods reassuringly.
"We can be... friends." His heart sinks a little. Friends. That's all she wants.
"Sure. Friends sounds good." It doesn't sound good at all, but he'll settle for friends if that's what it takes to be around her.
"Elvis! Come meet some of the other cast members." The director calls from across the room. Elvis nods at Vivian.
"I'll see you around. I gotta..."
"Yeah. Go, Mr. Movie Star." She pats his shoulder lightly and a shiver runs all the way down his spine. He hopes he'll be able to keep it together around her for the whole movie.
"CUT. VIVIAN! THAT'S STILL WRONG." The director is yelling from his place behind the cameras. Elvis stands and watches as she struggles to do what she needs to do. He can tell that she's getting more and more frustrated as the takes go on and on. For some reason, she can't seem to wrap her head around the necessary lines. Elvis is dying to try to help her, but it's not the time or the place. She looks at her feet and shakes her hands and he knows she's trying not to cry. Every time the director yells at her, she gets more flustered.
They try the scene again and Elvis holds his breath, begging God to help her get it right.
But she doesn't. She misses it again.
"CUT. Alright. That's enough for today." They've been trying to get the scene all day long and the director is done. Elvis hangs his head as the director stomps over to Vivian. He can't really hear what he's saying, but when she starts crying and begging, he takes a couple steps closer.
"Please, please let me try again tomorrow. Please don't do this to me. Please."
"I'm not wasting another day of filming. We're replacing you. We have another actress ready to go. You're fired."
"No! Please!"
"Okay. You're not completely fired. You can have a non-speaking part." The director turns and walks away from her. Vivian looks around at everyone watching and takes off running away from the set.
"Viv! Wait!" Elvis calls out to her and tries to follow her. He loses her somewhere in the trailers though and isn't exactly sure where she's gone. When he finds her trailer, he knocks on the door, but he doesn't hear any noise inside. He waits for a few minutes and then turns to walk away. Thats when he hears something hit the door and break. He knocks on the door louder this time.
"Viv, let me in!"
"Go away!" He decides to try the door. It's unlocked, so he opens it and slips inside.
He ducks quickly as something hits the wall above his head and breaks.
"Viv! What the hell?!"
"I need another glass." He looks at her sitting on the couch with a bottle of vodka clutched to her. "Or maybe I don't."
She takes a pull straight from the bottle and grimaces.
"Vivian." He walks over and sits down next to her. She offers him the bottle and he declines.
"I got fired."
"I know. Are you okay?" She looks at him and laughs.
"I feel like you're always asking me that. I'll answer the same way I did last time. Do I look okay?" She takes another swig from the vodka bottle.
"No. You don't." He grabs the bottle when she gets it back to her lap and sets it on the coffee table.
"Hey..." She goes to reach for it and he pulls her to him, holding her with her head on his shoulder.
"No, that's enough." Even he's surprised by his command of the situation, but he knows more alcohol is the last thing she needs. He's not sure how much was in the bottle to start, but there's only about a third of it left. Her body quakes as she begins to cry again.
"I p-promised my stepdad I would make this acting thing work out."
"Why does he care?"
"He's tired of the burden I've become since I'm not married. He said he never dreamed I'd still be around." A wave of rage washes over Elvis. He's never met the man, but he imagines punching him if he did.
"Honey, it's not your fault you're not married." She sits up.
"Well I know that. Tell him!" She settles back into his shoulder. "Kinda is my fault though because I won't just marry anyone."
"Oh?" He dismisses the fleeting thought of proposing just to give her a way out.
"No. I want to be madly in love when I get married. I want to be so in love that we can't stand to be apart from each other for another minute." She sits up again and turns to him with a dreamy look in her eyes. "I want to positively burn for my husband and I want him on fire for me. You know?"
He nods as his heart races. Could she love him like that?
"I know exactly what you mean." He whispers.
Just then, she grabs the front of his shirt and pulls him into her, pressing her lips to his. He melts into her, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close to him. She opens her mouth and slides her tongue into his and the passion mounts as their tongues take turns dipping into the other's mouth. He can feel her hands against his chest and she whimpers a little. He pulls back and looks into her deep-ocean eyes and then leans in and kisses her cheek, down to her jawline, and then on down to her neck. She snakes her arms around his shoulders and pulls him with her as she lays back on the couch. He rearranges so that he's on top of her, rolling his hips into hers.
Is this it? Is this how they begin? His mind is racing as they continue to kiss deeply.
"Elvis, stop."
"What?" He backs away breathlessly and looks into her face.
"Are you in love with me?" His heart skips a beat. Is he?
"Because I need you to know that this would just be sex. I'm really drunk and sad and I'm just not... I don't want to give you the wrong idea."
"How drunk?"
"That was a new bottle of vodka." When she says it, he notices how heavy her eyelids are and that her words are a little fuzzy around the edges. He feels like someone has knocked the wind out of him. Sitting up, he runs his hand through his hair and closes his eyes.
"You are, aren't you?" She asks him calmly.
"I didn't say that."
"Then why did you stop?"
"You're too drunk. I don't even know if you want this." She laughs and he looks down at her sadly.
"Oh, trust me. I want it."
"Well, I don't. Not like this." She sits up and glares at him.
"Then why the hell are you here, Elvis?!"
"I don't know."
"Fine. Get out, then." He stands up, grabbing the bottle of vodka as he does. He tries to head for the door, but she yanks the bottle away from him "Goodbye, Elvis."
Deeply discouraged, he walks out the door and down the steps to go back to the hotel. Is he in love with her?
The next day, he's sitting around with the guys during a break. They've brought in the new actress to play his girlfriend and she's great, but he wishes they'd given Vivian another chance. He looks up just as she walks by to sit with another actress about twenty yards away.
"You see her?" Joe asks the group of guys with a wry smile.
"Vivian?" Elvis asks confused.
"Yeah. She's got a hell of a mouth on her." He laughs raucously and pushes one of the other guys.
"What the fuck are you talking about, Joe?" Elvis feels himself start to seethe, hoping Joe isn't talking about what he thinks he's talking about.
"She came to my room last night. She gives great h-" Without another thought, Elvis is on top of him, throwing punches. The idea of him with Vivian makes him see red. And then him here talking that way about her pushes him over the edge. All the guys jump and holler, trying to pull them apart.
"Elvis, stop!!" It's Vivian's voice that cuts through the rest of the noise and gets to him. He drops Joe and stumbles backwards, breathing heavily. Blood drips from his nose where Joe landed a good defensive blow. "God. Men. Come with me."
She drags Elvis to a chair and makes him sit down. Then, she disappears for a bit. He considers getting up, as mad as he is, but he stays put until she comes back with some wet napkins to clean up his nose.
"What the hell were you thinking? You... with Joe?!"
"Elvis, I told you I was drunk and sad. You said no, so I found someone else." He feels another wave of rage rush through him.
"Just like that, huh? I really don't mean anything to you."
"You said you weren't in love with me. I told you we could be friends. That means you're going to have to be okay with me being with other guys. But if you're in love with me-"
"I'm not." It feels like a lie, but he wants it to be true.
"Good. Then, get over it." She says it softly as she finishes with his nose and pats his cheek gently. Then, she puts a hand on each arm of the chair and leans in close to him. "Listen, I like you a lot, Elvis. You're a great guy and it's probably a good thing you said no because I could fall in love with you. But I've seen you with girls. I know you have several on the hook right now. We can never be more than friends for that reason alone. I need someone on fire for me and no one else. Can you understand that?"
He looks down at his hands in his lap where bruises are starting to form. It's true, he does have a steady rotation of girls. And he has no way to make her believe that he would stop all that if they got together. Even he's not sure he could be true forever. But he'd certainly try, for her. Still, why would she ever trust him?
"Friends?" He looks up into her deep-water eyes again.
"Friends." She takes one of his bruised hands and kisses his knuckles gently. He actively ignores the way his heart skips when she does.
"With benefits?" He smiles coyly and she puts her hand on his forehead and pushes it backwards.
"We'll see..."
Until next time... thoughts?
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added or removed!):
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @deltafalax @jhoneybees @everythingelvispresley @returntopresley
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bitter69uk · 4 months
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Heartfelt gratitude to the attendees of the Lobotomy Room cinema club presentation of Die! Die! My Darling! in the glittering surroundings of Fontaine’s last Thursday (16 May)! Die represents the perfect example of the club’s objective to revisit and reappraise what received wisdom deems “bad movies”. Why, everyone was spellbound by it! Who knew there was such a ravenous appetite for watching Tallulah Bankhead torment Stefanie Powers? And who can forget the spine-tingling moment when Bankhead says the film’s title in a line of dialogue (“You must die … die, my darling!”) and then instead of fading to black, the screen fades to blood-red? Like I explained in my intro, the flamboyant Bankhead was primarily a stage actress who only sporadically made films (Hollywood seemingly never knew how to best utilize her charms). Her early 1930s pre-Code melodramas have a terrible reputation and flopped commercially but are juicy and interesting. Many crop up on YouTube and are worth investigating, particularly The Cheat (1931), Thunder Below, Devil and the Deep and Faithless (all from 1932). Die has links to some other titles we’ve already screened. In February 2020 we presented another Stefanie Powers movie, the lurid 1965 melodrama Love Has Many Faces starring Lana Turner. So, she was upstaged onscreen by an older diva twice the same year! And we showed Boom! (1968) - John Waters’ all-time favourite film – starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton in August 2021. Boom! was adapted from the Tennessee Williams play The Milk Train Doesn’t Stop Here Anymore. By the time she portrayed Sissy Goforth (the Taylor role) onstage in 1963, Bankhead was frail, desiccated and wracked with emphysema and probably more convincing as a dying woman than Taylor. In an inspired bit of casting, the role of the poet / gigolo / angel of death was played by 1950s heartthrob Tab Hunter! By all accounts she and Hunter loathed each other, but Bankhead was gallant when asked about the gay rumours swirling around her leading man, replying, "Well, I don't know, darling. He never sucked my cock!"
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tkblythofficial · 3 months
what projects does Rachel have rn? She already filmed Snow White, Y2K and if I’m not mistaken Spellbound too (plus the Romeo and Juliet thing)……nothing else right?
Yeah, that’s it for now.
Y2K is supposed to come out this summer but A24 has horrible marketing. Hopefully it comes by Sept.
Spellbound in Nov (it looks good and will be a Netflix hit I think!)
R+J is Sept - Jan
Then SW is in March
I’m hoping we hear more casting announcements about her by October or something
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bitch-butter · 9 months
I joked that I was going to make a Lifetime movies rec list a while ago and Truly being bored at work has given birth to worse ideas, so this is one for my fellow cinephiles lol
My Highest Recommended Lifetime Movies in the Order in which they Changed my Life
Small Sacrifices (1989)
I'm honestly unclear whether this was intended originally to be a Lifetime movie because they showed it on a few different networks, but this was the first one that I ever remembered seeing and it Rocked my world. It's a true story about a woman named Diane Downs who attempted to murder her children and my mother and her friends lived for this film in a way that like is actually bonechilling. But I was spellbound by Farrah Fawcett in this movie, I thought she was the greatest actress I'd ever seen, and the story was really dark and scary and felt disgustingly salacious. So everything I'd come to like about Lifetime movies lol.
No One Would Tell (1996)
All my mom loved in the world was to wake up hungover on a Sunday and turn Lifetime on and proceed to fall asleep again while my tiny child peepers beheld Truly heinous shit. This one is one that I continue to make people watch because I can't be alone with the memories, but basically Candace Cameron is in a horribly abusive relationship with her boyfriend, Fred Savage, and he ends up murdering her and it is Incredibly sad and traumatic. There's a historic scene where she's taking a shower and her entire body is just littered with bruises and I will Never forget it!!!!!!!!! Very, very dark. But....iconic.
Odd Girl Out (2005)
This was the point in time where Uncle Television was very much concerned with telling young girls about bullying (for a different and just as good interp of this theme see ABC Family's Cyberbully starring Emily Osmont). But this one was the first and best to me, I related to it very much as an ostracized teen. It stars Alexa Vega, and she's a teen that has her whole popular friend group turn against her and she gets bullied bad lol It gets dark but only for like 20 minutes and then her redemption arc is nice. I loved this movie to death until I discovered Thirteen (2003), which is Way darker and had girls kissing in it for a few seconds.
Fab Five: The Texas Cheerleader Scandal (2008)
This movie was my identity. This movie was my child. Every time it was on TV I stopped whatever I was doing and watched it. I have no idea why, because I have been told people mainly find this one boring, but I think it's mostly due to the fact that I really do love movies where teenagers behave badly with impunity. This was a Ripped From the Headlines Lifetime movie about a roving band of cheerleaders that terrorize everyone in their wake at a Texas high school and basically get away with it because one of their mom's is the principal. I think it is a lol and a half, it's actually pretty competent, and there's like Good performances in it from actual actors. Highest rec possible.
Liz & Dick (2012)
Lindsay Lohan gets so unfairly maligned for her performance in this, it's sick. My most cherished memories of my last year of High School are watching this movie late at night and reading all of Lindsay's blind items and every article that was being written about her failed comeback. Again, I think she's actually okay in this, but for a lot of people it was insulting to cast Lindsay Lohan as Elizabeth Taylor and to those people I say haters get thee behind me. It's fun, it's campy, it's not too long, everybody watch it and relax for a while.
Flowers in the Attic (2014)
DARK DARK DARK but also STUPID STUPID STUPID. Seriously this movie has no business being as funny as it is given the subject matter. Basically a bunch of kids are uprooted by the death of their father and their mother forces them to live in the attic of her wealthy parents home under false pretenses, and incest ensues. Which, again, sounds really upsetting but is actually pretty funny a lot of the time lol. Their evil god-fearing grandma is played by Ellen Burstyn and she's So over the top, and their mom is my queen Heather Graham who is actually pretty chilling. The other movies in the saga are Also pretty dark, stupid, and fun, but this one was a legit phenomenon. Me and my college roommate would host viewings of it in our dorm room, it's really fun to watch in a crowd of people that don't get darked out by poorly handled incest.
Harry and Meghan: A Royal Romance (2018)
This is part one of a trilogy, but it's probably the best one even though the third is pretty fun. Honestly, you guys, this one is just Nice. Truly dgaf about the irl Harry and Meghan but this movie is actually a very fun love story, and it's sweet and has a few legitimately compelling twists and turns, and ultimately has a really satisfying ending. The actors playing Meghan and Harry are stellar, it's funny, it's cute, another highly recced film.
Who Killed Jonbenet? (2016)
An unhinged Eion Bailey performance for the ages with added child murder. Sarah and I are Definitely recording an episode about this one in the future, but truly it's almost too bleak to be chic and gets saved at the last minute by how inadvertently goofy it is. Eion's character develops a psycho-sexual (to me) fixation on an older detective who comes in and basically upends his investigation, and everything about it gives "but daddy please" and I love it and hate it at the same time.
Death of a Cheerleader (1994/2019)
Both versions of this movie are elite, the original is truly iconic and the remake is actually deluxe and makes some changes that I think make it an actually interesting movie. In Lifetime fashion it is Based On a True Story (fun fact: in my younger years I listened to My Favorite Murder and this story gets mentioned in one of their first episodes and they offhandedly mention that the murder weapon was like 8 inches long and That is a fact that has stuck with me in the middle of the night). I'd say watch them both, because the OG has a Tori Spelling performance that cannot be missed and is just a basic mean girls comeuppance story, but the redux is a lot more thoughtful and actually reflects some humanity on all characters which (if you haven't noticed) Lifetime isn't always great at lol.
Too Young to Be a Dad (2002)
UGH. Me and my girlfriend Just watched this and honestly that's a shame because I wish I'd had this movie my entire life. Paul Dano is a teenager that loses his virginity and impregnates his friend in one fell swoop and he has to Step Up and become a Man as like a fifteen year old, which sounds crazy and is but is legitimately a captivating movie. And Paul Dano is sooo fucking good in, it's not even a joke, watch it for his performance alone. I laughed, I cried, a perfect film (even though they never address abortion as a viable option lol Lifetime can only go so far ig).
This was Purely just for me but if you read this and watch these movies please lmk what you thought ~
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usagoodnews · 1 year
TomDaya Timeline: Unveiling a Captivating Love Story of Zendaya and Tom Holland
Tomdaya The captivating love story between Hollywood’s favorite stars, Zendaya and Tom Holland has captured the hearts of millions across the globe, making them an inseparable pair both on-screen and off-screen. Zendaya and Tom Holland’s chemistry first came to light during the filming of Spider-Man: Homecoming, where fans immediately saw their natural connection, leading to many rumors and speculations about their off-screen romance. Over the years, the pair have maintained a close friendship that has become truly magical.
Beginnings: A Budding Friendship
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Zendaya and Tom Holland’s journey began in 2016 on the set of Spider-Man: Homecoming. Their friendship blossomed when they shared several scenes together, and it didn’t take long for their infectious camaraderie to become the talk of the town. The genuine bond they displayed on social media and during public appearances has fans spellbound and created an undeniable attraction.
As their friendship deepened, rumors began to circulate about a possible romantic relationship. The media and fans could not stop speculating about the possibility of a romance blossoming between the two stars. However, both Zendaya and Tom Holland have remained tight-lipped about their personal lives, much to the public’s dismay.
Affirmation: Public
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Weathering the Storm: Challenges and Triumphs
Like any high-profile relationship, Zendaya and Tom Holland have faced a lot of challenges. The media and paparazzi scrutiny continued unabated, but they stood firm together and weathered the storm with grace and dignity. Their unwavering support for each other in both personal and professional aspects endeared them to their fans.
In addition to their shared passion for acting, Zendaya and Tom Holland have also collaborated on various philanthropic endeavors that are close to their hearts. His commitment to making a positive impact on society endeared him deeply to his followers, making him a role model for aspiring actors and philanthropists.
Proposal: A Fairytale Moment
In an unforgettable moment, Tom Holland proposed to Zendaya during a private vacation in the Maldives. The couple later shared the heartwarming details of the proposal in an exclusive interview, leaving their fans spellbound with their love story.
A Moment of Love: Holland and Zendaya Groove “Love on Top”
In a viral video that captured the magic of the moment, Zendaya and Tom Holland showcased their chemistry and love for each other while dancing and singing along to the iconic chorus of Beyoncé’s hit song, “Love on Top.” The crowd could not contain themselves, but huge smiles were seen on their faces, which reflected pure joy and affection.
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Future Ventures: Together on the Silver Screen
Zendaya and Tom Holland have expressed their desire to work together on more projects in the future. Their on-screen chemistry, coupled with their real-life bond, promises to create cinematic magic for years to come. Fans are eagerly waiting for their next joint venture, eager to see the scintillating chemistry once again.
Zendaya and Tom Holland’s love story is a captivating tale of friendship, love, and success. Their journey from co-stars to power couple has been an inspiration to millions across the world. As they move on personally and professionally, their love story continues to be a charming beacon of hope in the world of entertainment.
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unsurebazookacore · 1 year
Has anyone analyzed the song that plays during the end credits after s4 ep9?? Like it’s the first time they’ve played an actual lyrical song at the end of a season, most of the time its just the st theme song as they pull away from the title card, but also like… its called Spellbound. Like, Will the Wise, in dnd Will is a wizard/cleric who can cast spells, hinting Will getting powers next season?? 
The song itself has been interpreted multiple different ways, “a paranormal horror, a depiction of child abuse, a comment on conformity, or on the hypocrisy of religious figures,” all things the show explores, and, "Spellbound" was named after Alfred Hitchcock(whose films the Duffers have taken inspiration from)'s 1945 psychological thriller about an amnesia patient Gregory Peck who was accused of murder. Similar to how in season 2, (which, as we all know at this point, season 5 is drawing inspiration from) Will slowly loses his memory and leads the soldiers to their death in the upside down.
Now, the song has a lot of Vecna’s curse-type references, like the “rag doll dance” similar to how Vecna turns his victims into lifeless, loose-limbed rag dolls, “laughter cracking through the walls” like the cracks in the walls when the original Mothergate was opened up to banish 001, even “it's an illusion you cannot shirk” like how Vecna makes his victims see things and terrorizes them with visions. 
But in particular the repetition of “we are entranced,” is what sticks out to me. I mean it’s not a stretch to guess Vecna’s going to come for Will next season, but could his motives be more than just claiming another victim and making another gate? Like we know Vecna wants control, he controls the Mind Flayer, he controls everything in the Upside Down, so could season 5 potentially have him like taking the town of Hawkins hostage? Putting everyone under a trance season 3 style kinda? 
So in summary, if this does hint to season 5, I wouldn’t be surprised if Vecna takes advantage of Will’s trauma and secrets and does the same thing he did to Eleven, and tries to recruit him. Manipulate Will into being his right hand man or his general per say, especially because of the s5 parallels between Henry Creel and Will being described as “sensitive boys” who have been outcasted from society, Vecna could even see a part of himself in Will. And Will, being at the incredibly low point in his life that he is, is susceptible to Vecna’s mind games… and could actually join him. Heck, Vecna could even be how Will gets his powers, like the same way Will got super-strength almost when he ripped his restraints and was choking Joyce in the s2 finale. Will is the glue that hold the party together, so instead of looking for him like season 1, they would have to deal with actively being forced to fight AGAINST him, in his brainwashed entranced state obviously, but it would kinda take the baseline ideas of season 2 and essentially put them on steroids. 
Anyway the song is definitely hinting to Will having a Will the Wise arc, and we get to see Willie cast some spells next season, so a win is a win 💪💪💪
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cathygeha · 5 months
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The Still Point by Tammy Greenwood
A well written story that made me once again wonder if parents help their children fulfill dreams of or if they push their children to live out the dreams they once had for themselves. As a child, I wanted to take ballet classes but was never allowed to do so. I love attending ballet and have enjoyed stories and movies since childhood that had ballet as the theme. As I began to read, I realized that this was not a book I was willing to invest time in reading word for word. I could not relate to the mothers or their daughters, become invested in the plot, or feel moved. In the end, I read the first part, the end, and skimmed the middle.
Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for the ARC – This is my honest review.
2-3 Stars
Dance Moms meets Little Fires Everywhere in award winning author Tammy Greenwood’s addictive new novel set in the hyper cutthroat world of ballet girls and their mothers as they compete for a prestigious prize… “She had never seen Bea dance like this. Ever sat spellbound as her daughter grew from a little girl into a woman before her eyes…” Ever, Lindsay, and Josie have ushered their daughters—Bea, Olive, and Savvy—through years of dance classes in their coastal California town. They’ve tended bloodied feet, stitched ribbons to countless pairs of pointe shoes, and in the process, forged friendships that seem to transcend rivalry. But now Etienne Bernay, enfant terrible of French ballet, has come to their conservatory. Not only will he direct this year’s production of The Nutcracker , but he’s brought along a film crew to document his search for one special student who will receive a full scholarship to the Ballet de Paris Academie. For the girls, this is the chance to fulfill lifelong dreams. For Ever, recently widowed and struggling financially, it may be the only way to keep Bea dancing. And Bea is a truly gifted dancer—poetic and ethereal, breathtaking to watch. Lindsay, meanwhile, frets that Olive is growing tired of the punishing reality of training, while Josie has no such qualms about Savvy, who is a powerhouse of ambition. From auditions to casting to rehearsals, the cameras capture the selection process, with its backstabbing and jealousy, disappointment and triumph. But it’s behind the scenes that Bernay’s arrival will yield the most shocking revelations, exposing the secrets and lies at the heart of all three families—and the sacrifices women make for their children, for friendship, and for art.
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mrsirenze · 11 months
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October is the perfect time to brew up some magical movie moments! If you’re looking for the ultimate Halloween movie marathon, what could be better than witch-themed films to cast a spell on your October nights? From classic enchantments to modern sorcery, we’ve conjured up the top 20 Halloween witch movies that’ll keep you spellbound all month long.
1. “Hocus Pocus” (1993)
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Kickstart your witchy movie marathon with the Sanderson sisters’ hilariously wicked antics in Salem. This family-friendly classic is a bewitching choice.
2. “The Witch” (2015)
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For a darker and more atmospheric experience, “The Witch” delves into Puritan-era folklore with spine-tingling horror.
3. “Practical Magic” (1998)
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Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman brew up sisterly love and a touch of romance in this spellbinding tale.
4. “The Craft” (1996)
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A coven of high school witches explores the darker side of magic, making “The Craft” a must-see for ’90s nostalgia.
5. “Kiki’s Delivery Service” (1989)
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This Studio Ghibli classic anime follows the adventures of a young witch named Kiki as she discovers her magical abilities.
6. “The Love Witch” (2016)
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A modern cult classic, this film is a visually stunning and darkly humorous exploration of love and witchcraft.
7. “The Witches” (1990)
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Roald Dahl’s story comes to life with Anjelica Huston as the Grand High Witch in this family-friendly, yet delightfully spooky, adaptation.
8. “The Blair Witch Project” (1999)
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Experience the terror of a found-footage journey into the woods, where the legend of the Blair Witch haunts a group of filmmakers.
9. “Beautiful Creatures” (2013)
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This young adult fantasy features forbidden romance and supernatural secrets in a Southern gothic setting.
10. “The Witches of Eastwick” (1987)
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Three friends (played by Cher, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Susan Sarandon) find themselves entangled with a charismatic, diabolical stranger.
11. “The Worst Witch” (1986)
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A beloved TV movie featuring the magical adventures of Mildred Hubble at Miss Cackle’s Academy.
12. “The Last Witch Hunter” (2015)
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Vin Diesel battles immortal witches in a high-octane fantasy-action flick.
13. “The Craft: Legacy” (2020)
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A reboot of the ’90s classic, this film introduces a new generation of witches exploring their powers.
14. “The Witch Files” (2018)
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High school witches form a coven, but their spells take an ominous turn in this supernatural thriller.
15. “Bell, Book and Candle” (1958)
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A charming romantic comedy with Kim Novak as a modern witch who falls for her neighbor, played by James Stewart.
16. “The Witch: Part 1. The Subversion” (2018)
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A South Korean thriller that brings a fresh and thrilling twist to the world of witches.
17. “The Little Witch” (2018)
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A heartwarming family film about a young witch who wants to become a good witch.
18. “The Autopsy of Jane Doe” (2016)
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A mysterious corpse reveals dark secrets in this chilling horror film with supernatural elements.
19. “The Good Witch” (TV Series)
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Follow the adventures of Cassie Nightingale, the charming and benevolent witch of Middleton.
20. “The Love Letter” (1998)
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A romantic comedy with a touch of magic, as a modern woman connects with a 19th-century man through time and love letters.
With this enchanting list of witchy wonders, your October movie nights are sure to be spellbinding. Grab some popcorn, dim the lights, and let these witch movies work their magic on you. Whether you’re into comedy, romance, or spine-tingling horror, there’s a witchy film for everyone. Enjoy the enchantment and make this Halloween a memorable one!
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'Critics are absolutely swooning over Oppenheimer, the drama about the scientist known as the father of the Atomic bomb, following its premiere in Paris on Tuesday.
Journalists who watched the flick have taken to Twitter to share their glowing reviews of the movie, with one critic describing how the film 'split my brain open' and 'left me sobbing through the end credits'
Oppenheimer features an all-star cast and is led by Cillian Murphy, who plays the theoretical physicist who helped develop the bomb, J. Robert Oppenheimer. The Christopher Nolan directed movie also boasts a cast including Emily Blunt, Robert Downey Jr., and Matt Damon.
Film critic Robbie Collin from The Telegraph raved on Twitter: 'Am torn between being all coy and mysterious about Oppenheimer and just coming out and saying it’s a total knockout that split my brain open like a twitchy plutonium nucleus and left me sobbing through the end credits like I can’t even remember what else.'
He also teased plenty of sex scenes: 'And for all those who’ve groused about the lack of sex in Christopher Nolan’s earlier work…boy oh BOY, are you getting some sex as only Nolan could stage it in this one.'
Vulture movie critic Bilge Ebiri gushed: 'OPPENHEIMER is...incredible. The word that keeps coming to mind is "fearsome." A relentlessly paced, insanely detailed, intricate historical drama that builds and builds and builds until Nolan brings the hammer down in the most astonishing, shattering way.'
Jonathan Dean of The Sunday Times called the film 'audacious' and 'inventive', and also had some criticism how the female characters were used.
'Totally absorbed in OPPENHEIMER, a dense, talkie, tense film partly about the bomb, mostly about how doomed we are. Happy summer! Murphy is good, but the support essential: Damon, Downey Jr & Ehrenreich even bring gags. An audacious, inventive, complex film to rattle its audience,' he posted.
'The downside? The women are badly served - Emily Blunt only once gets out of her stressed mother role. But it’s straight into my Nolan top three, alongside Memento & The Prestige,' he added.
Lindsey Bahr, a film writer for the Associated Press, was also spellbound.
'Christopher Nolan’s #Oppenheimer is truly a spectacular achievement, in its truthful, concise adaptation, inventive storytelling and nuanced performances from Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt, Robert Downey Jr., Matt Damon and the many, many others involved —- some just for a scene,' she posted
'It’s hard to talk about something as dense as this in something as silly as a tweet or thread but Oppenheimer really is a serious, philosophical, adult drama that’s as tense and exciting as Dunkirk. And the big moment – THAT MOMENT – is awe inspiring,' she continued.
'So many years after seeing that opening shot of The Dark Knight in IMAX at CityWalk and not understanding what I was seeing on a technical level but feeling it, I feel very lucky to have seen Oppenheimer in 70mm IMAX. A once in a lifetime experience,' Lindsey added
Matt Maytum of Total Film was also blown away by the drama.
'#Oppenheimer left me stunned: a character study on the grandest scale, with a sublime central performance by Cillian Murphy. An epic historical drama but with a distinctly Nolan sensibility: the tension, structure, sense of scale, startling sound design, remarkable visuals. Wow.'
Meanwhile, Elsa Keslassy of Variety tweeted: 'A sign that French audiences loved #Oppenheimer is that they stayed in front of the Grand Rex theater long after the film ended to debate about it!'
In addition to Cillian, the cast is also made up of Florence Pugh - who plays Oppenheimer's mistress - Kenneth Branagh, Rami Malek and Josh Hartnett.
Oppenheimer was the director of the laboratory which designed the atomic bomb during World War Two as part of the top-secret Manhattan Project.
The film is being adapted from the 2006 book American Prometheus: The Triumph And Tragedy Of J. Robert Oppenheimer, by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin.
The book, which won the Pulitzer Prize, details Oppenheimer's personal life and his time leading the Manhattan Project in the early and mid-1940s.'
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Opening title cards for Spellbound (Alfred Hitchcock, 1945) Cast: Ingrid Bergman, Gregory Peck, Michael Chekhov, Leo G. Carroll, Rhonda Fleming. John Emery, Norman Lloyd, Bill Goodwin. Screenplay: Ben Hecht, Angus McPhail, based on a novel by Hilary St. George Saunders and John Palmer. Cinematography: George Barnes. Art direction: James Basevi, Salvador Dalí. Music: Miklós Rózsa. Although David O. Selznick held Alfred Hitchcock under contract, Hitchcock made only three films directly under his niggling presence: Rebecca (1940), Spellbound, and The Paradine Case (1947). The best of his work during this period -- Foreign Correspondent (1940), Suspicion (1941), Saboteur (1942), Shadow of a Doubt (1943), Lifeboat (1944), and Notorious (1946) -- was done on loanout to other producers and studios. It was clear from the tensions between director and producer during the work on Rebecca that things would never go smoothly in their relationship. So I have a strong suspicion that Spellbound represents a sly Hitchcockian subversion of Selznick, an attempt to undermine the producer's obsessiveness by playing off Selznick's own quirks, in this case his preoccupation with psychoanalysis. Selznick notoriously gave his own analyst, May E. Romm, a screen credit as "psychiatric advisor" on the film, leading to some criticisms of her by the psychoanalytic community. Though Romm isn't credited as a writer on the film, it's thought that the title cards "explaining" psychoanalysis in the opening of Spellbound are her work. Romm and Hitchcock clashed during the filming, he studiously ignoring her suggestions and once dismissing her criticism with a characteristic "It's only a movie" retort. The result is one of Hitchcock's wackier, more improbable films, one that probably sent many in the audience away convinced that analysis was movie hokum, and not a real-life solution to mental problems. From the outset, for example, it's clear that the doctors in Green Manors, the fancy mental hospital in the film, are at least as nutty as the patients, with Dr. Fleurot (John Emery) constantly horndogging his beautiful colleague, Dr. Petersen (Ingrid Bergman), and the rest of the staff showing off their own ineptness. When the supposed Dr. Edwardes (Gregory Peck), the replacement for the retiring Dr. Murchison (Leo G. Carroll), arrives, he turns out to be a twitchy young man, given to fainting spells and other bits of odd behavior, but he succeeds in winning over the icy Dr. Petersen in an instant. And so on, through various bits of Hitchcockian obsession, mistaken identities, and unlikely revelations. There's the famous Dalí-designed dream sequence and Miklós Rózsa's Oscar-winning score, one of the first to use the eerie-sounding theremin in key passages, but it's never terribly convincing. Bergman and Peck are gorgeous, of course, and for once Peck doesn't seem like he was carved out of wood -- perhaps because he and Bergman had an affair during the filming. The rest of the cast hams it up nicely, though the fact that the hammiest of them all, Michael Chekhov, got an Oscar nomination for his stereotypical shrink is lamentable. This is one of those movies that are more fun if you know all the backstories about the production.
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warningsine · 2 years
I don't know how to explain to people that chemistry between two actors is subjective.
Even when you and many people you know--including professional critics--feel that two particular actors have zero chemistry, the director, the casting director and the producer(s) might have felt otherwise.
Or maybe they did have chemistry--a relationship that you and critics would agree involves chemistry--during the script reading/screen testing phase, but then something went really wrong during filming (e.g., a fight between the actors), and they lost it.
Do sometimes directors see that person A and person B have no chemistry and hire/cast them anyway? Yes, because the two actors' names may be tied to the financing of the film/series. Big names bring more fans after all. Money makes the world go round.
But, my point is, that even with films that are documents of the two actors' real life courtship (e.g., Ingrid Bergman and Gregory Peck in Hitchcock's "Spellbound," Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall in "To Have and Have Not," Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy in "Woman of the Year," Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt in "Mr. and Mrs. Smith") and thus ooze chemistry, there are still fans and critics that think otherwise.
Sometimes the studios and directors learn that two actors had chemistry--aka clicked well with the audience--after the release of a series/film. An example? Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire in "Flying Down to Rio." The fans responded better to the two supporting actors (Astaire and Rogers) that had very little screen time together than to the actual stars of the film (Dolores del Rio and Gene Raymond). After that response, Hollywood studios proceeded to cast them together in nine more films. Fun fact: Astaire and Rogers briefly dated before their film careers, but it seems like their fans responded better to their chemistry than the actors themselves.
P.S. When I'm talking about chemistry here, I'm not only referring to erotic/sexual combustibility. Any duo or group of actors need to have chemistry in order to hold the audience's attention.
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songs345 · 2 months
 10 Best Songs of Shreya Ghoshal
Shreya Ghoshal, a name synonymous with airy vocals and soulful melodies, stands as an undisputed luminary within the Indian music firmament and In this we would like to explain 10 best songs of Shreya Ghoshal. Hailing from a Bengali Brahmin own family, her innate musicality changed into obvious from a gentle age.
 Formalized education in classical track at six laid the inspiration for a profession destined for brilliance. Accidentally stumbling upon Sanjay Leela Bhansali at some stage in her teenage victory on the tv fact display Sa Re Ga Ma Pa marked a pivotal turning factor. Cast due to the voice of Paro within the epic romance "Devdas," her debut has not become anything brief or sensational. The movie's soundtrack, embellished together with her mesmerizing renditions, catapulted her into stardom, garnering prestigious awards which encompass a National Film Award and multiple Filmfare accolades.   
Ghoshal's versatility is unheard of, seamlessly traversing diverse genres with equal aplomb. From the classical grandeur of "Silsila Ye Chaahat Ka" to the infectious strength of "Dola Re Dola," her vocal prowess is aware of no bounds. Her repertoire extends past Bollywood, encompassing close by cinema, devotional tune, and independent projects, each showcasing her amazing range and intensity. With a discography boasting plenty of songs, she has continually delivered chart-toppers and undying classics, charming audiences in the course of generations.
Shreya Ghoshal: A Vocal Virtuoso:
Shreya Ghoshal's ascent to the top of Indian song is a testimony to uncooked expertise, unwavering dedication, and an unyielding ardor for her craft. Born right into a musically willing Bengali Brahmin own family, her vocal prowess manifested early. Formal classical education at the gentle age of six laid the groundwork for the splendid artist she might come to be.
 A pivotal second arrived when she gained the television fact display Sa Re Ga Ma Pa, catching the attention of renowned filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali. Cast as the voice of Paro in "Devdas," her debut turned into nothing short of a revelation. The movie's soundtrack, decorated with her airy renditions, catapulted her to stardom, earning her prestigious accolades together with a National Film Award and a couple of Filmfare awards.   
Ghoshal's versatility is extraordinary. She effects transitions between classical, devotional, and popular tracks, showcasing a great vocal variety and intensity. Her repertoire extends some distance past Bollywood, encompassing local cinema and independent initiatives. With a song inventory boasting lots of songs, she has continually delivered chart-toppers and timeless classics. Her capacity to infuse feelings into her singing is new, leaving listeners spellbound.
Beyond her musical achievements, Ghoshal is in demand for her humility and beneficent endeavors. She has used her platform to raise attention for social causes and has been actively worried about charitable initiatives. Her down-to-earth person and actual connection alongside her fans have endeared her to millions. Married to musician Shiladitya Mukhopadhyay, she determined love and companionship in a kindred spirit.
Ghoshal's impact on the Indian song enterprise is immeasurable. She has redefined the position of a playback singer,
Shreya Ghoshal: A Treasury of Awards
Shreya Ghoshal's illustrious profession is adorned with a plethora of awards and nominations, a testimony to her super abilities and enormous recognition. Her adventure to stardom started out with a sensational debut inside the movie "Devdas," which earned her the celebrated National Film Award for Best Female Playback Singer, a Filmfare Award for Best Female Playback Singer, and the Filmfare R.D. Burman Award for New Music Talent. This was definitely the start of a protracted listing of accolades.
Ghoshal has consistently been showered with a reputation for her great vocal prowess. She has been honored with more than one National Film Awards, Filmfare Awards, and different prestigious awards for the duration of one-of-a-kind languages. Her ability to affect genres and languages has made her a darling of the tune agency.
From the classical grandeur of "Silsila Ye Chaahat Ka" to the infectious strength of "Dola Re Dola," her voice has captured the hearts of tens of hundreds of thousands. Each award she gets is a validation of her significant talent and contribution to Indian music.
Beyond the several accolades, Shreya Ghoshal's real reward lies inside the love and admiration of her fanatics, who recollect her voice to be a divine blessing.
Her impact at the music business enterprise is immeasurable, and her legacy as one of the finest singers of all time is strong. With each award, her big name shines brighter, solidifying her characteristic as the undisputed queen of Indian track.
Note: While this affords a standard compare, a complete listing of all awards and nominations will be giant. It's advocated to consult precise databases or articles for a detailed breakdown of her achievements.
10 Best Songs of Shreya Ghoshal
Hasi :  Hasi is a soulful and melancholic song beautifully rendered by the renowned singer, Shreya Ghoshal. Featured in the Bollywood film "Hamari Adhuri Kahani," the song captures the essence of unfulfilled love and longing.
 Naina Re: Naina Re is a soulful and melancholic song that delves deep into the complexities of love and heartbreak. Sung by the powerful trio of Himesh Reshammiya, Shreya Ghoshal, and Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, the song is a masterpiece of emotions.
Deewani Mastani : Deewani Mastani is a mesmerizing and opulent song from the historical drama film Bajirao Mastani. The song is a powerful declaration of love by the character Mastani, a fearless and independent princess.
Teri Ore ; Teri Ore is a soulful and melancholic song that beautifully captures the essence of longing and separation. Made famous by the voices of Rahat Fateh Ali Khan and Shreya Ghoshal, the song has touched millions of hearts with its heartfelt lyrics and melodious tune.
Dagabaaz Re : Dagabaaz Re is a catchy and upbeat song that blends elements of folk and contemporary music. It's a playful accusation of love, where the lyrics playfully blame the beloved for being a "cheat" or "deceiver" for stealing the singer's heart.
Manwa Laage ; Manwa Laage is a romantic and soulful ballad that beautifully captures the essence of falling in love. Sung by the melodious voices of Arijit Singh and Shreya Ghoshal, the song has become a timeless classic.
Saans: The lyrics express the profound connection between two souls, where their breaths become intertwined, symbolizing a deep and inseparable bond.
Nagada Sang Dhol: Sung by Shreya Ghoshal, the song is a celebration of love and joy, with its catchy lyrics and upbeat melody. The music, composed by Pritam, perfectly complements the celebratory mood of the song.
Ghoomar : Ghoomar is more than just a song; it's a vibrant celebration of Rajasthani culture. Originating as a traditional folk dance, it involves graceful twirls and rhythmic movements.
 Manwa Laage: Manwa Laage has garnered immense popularity due to its heartfelt lyrics and melodious tune. It remains a favorite among music lovers for its ability to evoke strong emotions.
Shreya Ghoshal's adventure from a young classical prodigy to an international music sensation is nothing short of notable. Her voice, a divine instrument, has enchanted audiences internationally. With a repertoire spanning diverse genres and languages, she has redefined the boundaries of playback singing.
 Her capability to infuse emotions into her songs has earned her a special place within the hearts of tens of millions. Beyond her musical brilliance, Ghoshal's humility, grace, and philanthropic endeavors make her an idea to many. Her legacy as one of the best vocalists of all time is secure, and her impact on Indian tune will resonate for generations to come.
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beautifulballad · 2 months
Check Out The First Poster For Netflix's New Film, Spellbound
The first poster for Netflix’s new animated movie, Spellbound has been released. Directed by Vicky Jenson, with original score from EGOT-winning composer Alan Menken and lyrics by Glenn Slater, the movie features the voice cast of Rachel Zegler, Nicole Kidman, Javier Bardem, John Lithgow, Jenifer Lewis, Nathan Lane, and Tituss Burgess. “Spellbound follows the adventures of Ellian, the tenacious…
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tkblythofficial · 8 months
everyone is excited for T's A Farewell to Arms (I'm too) but I'm curious to know what are thoughts on R's upcoming projects
-Snow white
I kinda like how diversified her movies are I'm the most excited for A24 Y2k, mostly because it's a comedy and her first non musical role. I fear for Snow white press junket...its going to be interesting to say the least.
If we're talking about fan casting, she needs her Broadway show asap, in film, she would eat in a period drama too, kinda want her to do a limited series too. And she should work opposite Dominic Sessa, a fellow rising talent and he's a new jersey kid too. One can dream, hope she's reviewing scripts!! lol
T choose the perfect post-TBOSAS movie to be in! Can’t wait to see him in Farewell.
As for R:
I think Spellbound will do well since it’s on Netflix. Maybe even a sequel if successful.
Y2K will do excellent at the box office (budget is only 10 million) and be critically acclaimed like a lot of A24 films are. It will fly under the radar but the fans will love it. Kinda like Talk to Me. I’m hoping it has a similar impact as Superbad (2007) but that’s wishful thinking lol
Snow White…. I’m dreading the press tour already. Incels will be insufferable once the trailer drops. But it will make over 500 million I think. It’s a family friendly film so that’s a major draw. This is also extreme wishful thinking on my part, but I would love for it to make over 700 million. It would shut all her haters up and make them look more foolish. All those shitty misogynistic takes would age horribly. Personally, I’m going to see the movie a few times to show my support just like I did for the Little Mermaid! Going to buy merch also.
For R’s next projects, no musicals or singing lol! A period piece, a The White Locus season, a horror film, anything! She needs to expand into more genres ASAP.
Yes, Dominic Sessa is on my radar. I can see him in a show like Fargo or a horror movie playing a serial killer (no offense to him lol). Curious to see what his next project is. Can’t believe he’s younger than R!
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