#spenew weid UWU
mewje4ns · 1 year
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Moment of Impulse - Spencer Reid
You have decided it had to happen today. Or it would never happen it all. Just sucks you’d decided that at 10pm.
Spencer Reid x Fem!reader
My cheeks were flushed as I stood outside Spencer’s door. I could feel my fingers tingle with anticipation. My dirtied up converse kick heel-toe-heel-toe as I wait anxiously for him to open the door. My sweaty hands pushed in my denim short pockets and my t-shirt tucked into that. I didn’t know why I decided it had to be done, and now but it did. I needed to confess.
I can hear Spencer’s feet walk towards the door before the lock unlocked and slowly revealed the sleepy boy wonder. “Y/n?” His voice was raspy and croaky from behind woken up, his hair a mess, but he still looked as beautiful as the day I met him.
“I’m sorry for coming here this late but if I didn’t-“ I cut myself off and rubbed my hand on my chin. “I need to tell you something.” Spencer nods and rubs his eyes, he widens the door for me to walk in.
Spencer sleepily drags his feet to his couch and sits down whilst I stand awkwardly at the edge of the carpet beneath his living room furniture. “What’s up?” He peeks down at his watch before turning and looking at me. “You are allowed to sit down, you know that right?” I nod and rub my swear hands on my shorts but don’t move to sit down.
“You are everything good that I’ve ever know.” A strong start, I haven’t stumbled over my words quite yet. “You are freaky smart and funny. You are the nicest person I’ve met and you never fail to make me feel better.” I shake my head and stare down the carpet. I couldn’t look at him as I spoke, I’d lose my confidence the second I looked at his face. “I’ve spent years comparing myself to the girls your brought around and never once did any of them give me the answer I was looking for.”
Spencer voice cut me off. “The answer you were looking for?” He was confused, baffled by my words. Confused on how could I compare myself to other girls? “What answer?”
“That I had a chance.” I finally look up at him as he leans over with his elbows on his knees and hands connected in between them. “That you could love me.” My voice was shakey this time. Spencer Reid is the only man to have ever made me weak in the knees, in the everything. “You are the first guy in my life to make me feel this way, and it’s so stupid. God this is so stupid. I’m sorry I’ll leave.” I turn around and march towards the door before I feel his hand grab my wrist causing my bracelets to dig into my wrist.
Spencer’s hand pulls me towards him before it digs it’s way into my hair and pulls me into a kiss. I urgent and heavy kiss. I panic, my hands find their way to his waist to desperately pull at his shirt and he holds me as close to him as possible. “Don’t- don’t go.” His voice is quiet as he whispers to me, his hands still pulling my head to stay forehead to forehead. “Please.”
I look up at the man in awe. His cheeks are flushed and his dark eyes dance across my face. He licks his lips and whispers a plea for me to stay again. “Please Y/n.” I nod and he releases a deep breath before kissing me again, this time with just as much urgency but the passion felt tangible. Like he had been waiting for this moment. “God you-” Spencer cuts himself off and dives back in to kiss me. One of his hands dance their way down my body to my waist which he uses it to pull me as close to him as he humanly could. Spencer finally pulls away and rests his forehead on mine.
“I’m sorry I came here so late. I know you have work tomorrow.” I watch him laugh and shake his head before his hands find their way to my neck as he rubs his thumbs in my jaw.
“I don’t care. Do it at three am and I still wouldn’t care.” His smile is so wide, wider than I had ever seen with any of the other girls I’ve seen him with. “I love you.” My worlds stops spinning, whilst the room simultaneously starts to. His straight white teeth are on display and the faint smell of his laundry detergent and body wash fill my nose. The man I have loved for as long as I have known him, loves me.
“Really?” My voice is a quiet whisper as if I’m worried about him coming out and laughing at me with a ‘gotcha’ moment but all he does his nod and stare into my eyes. “You lil shit. I was supposed to say it first.” I pinch his waist and smile as he flinched away.
“It was easy to figure out where you were heading with that whole rant of yours.” I shake my head and smile. “God, I love you.” I giggle like a school girl and wrap my arms around him in a hug. “Stay the night?” I laugh and nod at the man who raps his arms around me.
“Yeah. I’ll stay.”
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