ineedanewbackpack · 4 years
i’m alive!!!!
hello everyone!! just popping in here to tell you that i started a new blog where i’ll be much more active. its  @imthearsonist666 . everything you need to know about it is in the pinned post. plase go check it you and follow me there to keep up with my shananingans. i would also apreciate it if you could rebloged my pinned post there so more people can see it. 
in addition to that, i will be writing here too! i won’t be super active but request ARE open so check my request guidelines and send an ask! and i will also be posting stuff that i come up with on my own but sometimes i need a little push, you know how it is. 
thats it for now. i hope you have a lovely day!
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ineedanewbackpack · 4 years
Hi before I disturbe you 2 questions
One do you do zendaya and male reader
2 do you do smut
Love anon
i haven’t written in AGES!!! but yes, will do! i have never done a male reader as i am a lady myself but im willing to give it a try! i will also attempt smut if you want to but both characters hAve to be +18
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ineedanewbackpack · 4 years
What did you expect?
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Pairing George Weasley X Female!Reader!
Request Would you do a George Weasley imagine of him and his wife telling Fred that they’re expecting a baby?
Word Count 1,000
A/N Do you ever eat pizza rolls and do the HASSSFFAFHAH or is it just how I do it?
“Would you look at that?” George says popping in on you. You’re standing in the mirror looking at your exposed stomach. It’s gotten quite the bump over the past few weeks, a nice round shape to it. All thanks to your little growing baby.
“I still have a long way to go!” You say as you turn side to side and stare at your reflection. George lovingly places his hands on your bump.
“I can’t wait to meet him or her.” He smiles brightly thinking about it.
“Oh, me too.” You agree before slipping your shirt back down, and throwing on another big, loose sweater as an extra layer to keep your bump hidden, but these days it’s getting hard.
“It’s still obvious, isn’t it?” You sigh, panicking a little as you adjust the clothing in different ways.
“A bit.” George chuckles, watching you fumble the shirts.
“You know, I’ve been thinking...”
“I think I’m ready to tell Fred.” He admits, running a hand through his hair, a little nervous.
“Really?!” You ask with some relief to your voice. “You do realize, this means you also have to be ready to tell him that you told Molly first.” You chuckle.
“Yeah, I figured much so.” He shrugs.
“And, this means Arthur and everyone else is going to find out.” You point out, smiling. You couldn’t wait for everyone to know, you wanted to tell everyone since you found out, but George wanted to keep the miracle a secret for a little while.
“I’m okay with that. And your wardrobe just won’t allow it to be a secret anymore either.” He laughs a little, still looking at your belly.
“Well, I’m not that big, yet!” You playfully nudge his arm. “I’m going to help Molly with dinner, we can tell Fred afterwards.” You give him a quick kiss on the cheek before heading for the kitchen.
“Well Freddie, have a seat.” George says, leading him to the couch after everyone finished their plates at dinner. You shyly sit down across from Fred on a couch as well.
“Y/n, would you mind helping Molly with the dish—“ Mr. Weasley began to ask a favor of you.
“Arthur!” Molly scolds him, pulling him out of the living room. “Give them their privacy.” She whispers to him once out of earshot. She has an idea of what’s going on, afterall a mother knows best.
“What’s the matter, George?” Fred asks with his brow raised.
“Nothing.” You and George say together. “We just have something to tell you, that’s all.” You clarify. George sits next to you, and holds your hand.
“Well, What is it, what’s wrong?” Fred seemed tense and worried.
“Y/n and I, we’re...we’re going to have a baby!”
“Oh, is that it?” Fred asks with a deep breath.
“Yes, but—“
“I was expecting bad news about the shop or something!” Fred begins to laugh. You and George exchange glances.
“Well...what do you think?” George asks.
“Uh, it’s cool I guess. Another little Weasley running about, I can get behind it.”
“Good.” You say with a smile.
“He or she is due by spring.” George adds, rubbing your belly again.
“Wait, What?!” Freds eyes grow double in size. You and George give him questioning looks.
“You… you’re already…?” Fred began stuttering.
“I said we’re going to have a baby, didn’t I?” George chuckles.
“I misunderstood brother! I thought you were only considering, you know… giving it a go.” Fred wiggles his brows with a cheeky grin.
“Merlin, Freddie.” You giggle with a playfully expression.
“Clearly, I already have!” George explains, laughing at his silly twin.
“Oh, this is wonderful news. I’m going to be an uncle!” The excitement drew in on Fred. He jumps up to give his brother a hug. “And you’re going to be a dad!” He adds with a heartfelt tone.
“And I’m going to be a grandpa!” Arthur yells, rushing back into the living room.
“Dad! Were you eavesdropping?” George accuses with a smirk.
“Actually… I’ve known for a little while.”
“Really?” You ask, curious.
“You can thank Molly for that.” He whispers, leaning in to give you a proper hug.
“Mother knew?!” Fred shouts, making George scratch his head.
“Uh, yeah. It was Y/n’s idea.” George excuses, throwing you under the bus.
“I wanted to tell everyone, actually.” You correct his statement in an affirmative tone.
“I can’t believe I was last to know.” Fred says shaking his head playfully.
“Not true! Apparently I am last!” A girly voice piped coming down the stairs.
“Ginny!” Everyone says at the same time in surprise.
“When was anyone going to tell me?” She asks, crossing her arms, and glaring at all of you.
“Well, you are the youngest, what did you expect?” Fred jokes, earning him a side jab from his baby sister.
“Bloody hell!” You shout, dropping to sit back down. Your hands instantly falling to your stomach.
“What, what’s wrong?!” George says grabbing you.
“The baby, the baby...I think it’s moving.” You say, feeling a new, odd sensation from your lower bump.
“Yes, it’s too early for you to feel it on the outside, but I..I can feel it on the inside!” You claim, tears of joy forming in your eyes. George kneels in front of you and still holds your round belly, hoping he could feel it.
“I think he’s excited to meet his uncle!” Fred notes with a smug expression.
“His?” Both you and George wonder.
“Maybe, who knows.” Fred nods.
“Well I say it’s a girl!” Molly predicts.
“I do too!” Ginny agrees.
“Boy!” Arthur adds in last. George looks up into your eyes before saying anything.
“What do you think, sweetheart?” You ask him, staring back into his eyes.
“I don’t care, I’ll be so happy either way.” His voice is so loving and so caring for you and his future child.
“As will I, I love both of you so much.”
“We love you too, of course.”
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ineedanewbackpack · 4 years
It’s All Fun and Games
Hey guys! Fred Weasley is just so wonderful, but all the games might get to be a bit much. I hope you guys like it! 
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader 
Requested: No
Warnings: Swearing
Sometimes when it came to being friends with and dating one of the two biggest pranksters at Hogwarts was fun, other times, it caused you a significant amount of grief. Today was one of the less fun days. The twins had decided to play the ‘which on is which’ game with you. Generally, you didn’t have many issues telling them apart despite the fact they were identical. They acted very differently.
“Hey (Y/N)!” George yelled, tossing an arm around your shoulders. 
“Hey, George,” You said, smiling happily. Suddenly, the redhead stopped, looking confused. 
“No, mate, I’m Fred. He’s George,” He said, pointing at the other boy. You sighed. 
“I know you’re not.” George and his twin stood side by side with identical confused faces. You snorted a soft laugh. They exchanged looks before looking back at you with mirrored smirks. 
“Are you sure?” They asked. You nodded as you continued towards the common room. Both of them trailed after you, one on either side; each of them had leaned an arm on your shoulders. Upon reaching the portrait hole, you spit out the password automatically. The Fat Lady gave you a kind smile which you reciprocated, still ignoring the twins at your sides. 
“How exactly can you–” Fred started. 
“be so sure?” George finished. You laughed, setting your bag down by a chair. 
“I just know, guys,” You said, turning back to them. 
“Which one am I?” Fred asked, grinning at you. 
“You are my dearest Fred Weasley,” You said, pecking his lips. A smirk curled on their faces.
“Wrong,” They chirped in sync. 
“I know I’m right,” You said, taking a seat. The twins kneeled in front of you, trying to keep you playing their game. You just watched as they tried harder to make you wrong. 
“How?” They asked. You snorted. 
“The way you carry yourselves is different. Fred, you’re the more outgoing one. You talk first most of the time. You also tend to be the brains behind a plan while your counterpart is the enabler. George, you’re the more sympathetic one and you carry on a joke. Merlin’s beard, you two, I’m dating Fred and I’ve known you for years,” You giggled. They exchanged another look before disappearing into the boys dorms. This was not going to be good.
The stupid game dragged on for weeks with them only becoming more insistent upon one being the other until you began to avoid both of them. That only lasted so long though. You wanted to be able to kiss Fred again. When you finally saw them again, only one approached you as you ate breakfast in the Great Hall. The way he swaggered up to you, you almost thought it was Fred. Almost. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders again. 
“Hello, love,” He said, pulling you close. Raising an eyebrow, you pulled back. 
“What the hell, George?” You mumbled, shoving another bite of eggs into your mouth. 
“I’m Fred. Honestly, you call yourself my girlfriend. You’re as bad as my mother,” He laughed. You unwrapped his arm from you, looking around for your actual boyfriend.
“No, you aren’t. I can tell because my boyfriend kisses me good morning instead of saying it.” The ginger plastered his hand to his chest looking offended as you continued on with your breakfast. Finally, Fred joined you. 
“Maybe you just need to brush your teeth before I kiss you,” George suggested. 
“I have,” You said, calmly. “Hello, Fred.” It was now that you acknowledged the other redhead to your left. One more reason you knew that it was him. Fred always sat on your left. 
“I’m George, mate,” He said. You rolled your eyes. This game was getting annoying. 
“Would you cut it out? I’m getting really sick of having to explain that I know my boyfriend is my boyfriend.” They just laughed. Your eyebrow twitched in annoyance. 
“Come on, babe. There’s nothing to be ashamed of when our own mother can’t tell us apart,” George said, rubbing your arm. You slammed your fork on your plate angrily. 
“I can tell you apart. You two are just being dicks,” You snapped. Once again they laughed into their breakfast. Just then, an evil thought crossed your mind as you took a drink. Smirking into your goblet, you decided that, if they wanted you to play the game, you’d play it. Wiping the look from your face, you placed your goblet back on the table with a sweet smile. 
“Are you finally coming around?” Fred asked. You nodded with the most apologetic expression you could muster. 
“Yeah. I guess I just can’t tell you apart. I’m sorry,” You said, trying to keep the bubbling laugh down. 
 “Everyone makes mistakes,” Fred said, nudging your shoulder with his own. 
“Yeah, (Y/N), just take our word for it next time,” George said. 
“You are completely right, love,” You said, finishing off your breakfast. Standing, you gathered your things for class, but not before you pressed a kiss to George’s cheek. You watched as Fred flushed lightly with anger. 
“Have fun in Potions,” George said. You smiled, hugging your books to your chest. 
“Thanks, Fred. I’ll see you at lunch,” You chirped, turning to Fred with the same smile you always gave his brother. “Bye George.” 
You played their game for about a week and you could see Fred beginning to lose it. You hadn’t gone as far as kissing George on the lips, but you’d given him all the hugs, satisfied sighs, and special smiles that you generally reserved for your boyfriend. There was also the added bonus of seeing George look as uncomfortable as a person could look. You had only lasted about a day without telling Hermione, who was just as amused by the situation. 
“How long do you think it will be before they lose it?” You asked Hermione as you flipped the page in your book. It was just you two in the common room at the moment. 
“I don’t know. I heard them talking earlier and it doesn’t sound like they’re going to give up any time soon,” She replied, looking up from her book. You bit your lip and furrowed your eyebrows. You really wanted your actual boyfriend back. 
“Ugggghhh,” You groaned, “I want Freddie back.” 
“You could always give it up first, you know,” She suggested, knowing full well that losing was not an option for you. You glared lightly at her and she laughed. 
“Don’t even go there,” You giggled. She looked thoughtful for a moment before an evil look crossed her face. That look both terrified and excited you. 
“You could push them into forfeiting,” She said, ominously. You raised an eyebrow. 
“I’m listening.” Hermione leaned with a devilish smile. It only took a few seconds of explaining to reach an understanding. She was telling you to really throw yourself into this. Go as far as Fred would let you go. You ran your fingers through your hair, biting your lip. 
“At the very least, you’d win,” She said. 
“You’re not wrong,” You said, apprehensively. 
“Well, are you going to go through with it?” She asked. You rolled the idea around in your head for a few seconds before making your decision. 
��Yeah. It’s not like it’ll go very far anyway,” You said with a shrug. She laughed, patting you on the shoulder. 
 Fred and George didn’t appear in the common room until a hour or so later, giving you and Hermione a good long time to laugh about your plan. When they walked in, you went silent. Grinning, you waved at Fred, who waved back grumpily. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked. He plopped down on the couch and crossed his arms. 
“Georgie’s just upset because he can’t get himself a girlfriend,” George laughed. You gave a fake pout in Fred’s direction. Glancing at Hermione, she gave you a subtle smile and excused herself to go to bed. 
“Aww, don’t worry. You’ll find someone,” You said, punching him in the arm lightly. He simply gave you a sour look and you moved from his side to George’s lap. 
“(Y/N)?” He asked, reddening slightly. It took everything you had to keep the impending smirk off your face. This was so obviously George. Fred always welcomed you into his lap with a kiss and a good natured joke at his brother’s expense. 
“Yes, love?” You asked, innocently. You batted your eyelashes at him and intertwined your fingers with his.  
“Don’t you think it’s inappropriate to do this in front of my little brother here?” He asked. You giggled sweetly, pressing a kiss to the back of his hand. 
“It hasn’t ever bothered you before.” You snuggled into the younger twin, placing the top of your head just under his chin and turning to look at your actual boyfriend. 
Fred had crossed his arms and locked his fudge colored eyes onto the fireplace with an ugly look on his face. Red was creeping up his neck and turning his ears the same shade as his hair the more friendly you got with George. The thought of beating them at their own game made you continue with your antics. This was also basically a guarantee that they’d never play this game with you again. They still hadn’t broken yet. You shrugged internally. You’d just have to push a little further. 
“You know, George, I think there are plenty of girls out there for you. Maybe try someone from the Quidditch team,” You suggested. Fred glared at you from the corner of his eye. 
“Yeah?” He snapped. You nodded, looking as if nothing were wrong. 
“Definitely. Angelina Johnson likes you, I think.” You felt George jump beneath you. 
“Really?” He asked. You glanced back at him with a fake confused look. 
“Is it really that shocking that she’d like your brother?” You asked. He cleared his throat, settling back into the couch and wrapping a hesitant arm around you. 
“Yeah, considering I got all the good looks,” He taunted, weakly. You fought down your smirk again. You yawned, stretching languidly in a way that always drove Fred insane. George swallowed thickly. Their reaction was incredibly similar. 
“I suppose I’d have to agree with you on that. Well, if you don’t mind Georgie, I think I’m going to steal your brother for the night,” You said, winking at an obviously panicking redhead. Fred’s eyes lit up with hellish flames that you’d never seen before, but he didn’t move. 
“I mind,” He grunted. 
“You had something planned?” You set your eyes on George, tipping your head to the side and leaning into him. This was usually the point in which Fred stopped caring if he’d planned something. 
“W-Well, no, but…” He sputtered. Smirking inwardly, you patted yourself on the back for backing them into this corner. The game would be over soon and you would have your Fred back. 
“Then there should be no reason as to why I can’t have him for tonight.” You pulled the uncomfortable twin to his feet. 
“(Y/N),” Fred said. His tone was blank, but his face was twisted in anger that might not have been apparent if you weren’t looking for it. 
“What, George?” You asked. He flinched as you called him by his brother’s name. He didn’t say anything, so you shrugged and began leading George to the exit. Usually, you and Fred would go spend your night in the Room of Requirement. Fred stood up, hands curling into fists. 
“Just wait a minute! You’re not going anywhere with my bird!” Fred growled, crossing the room in three steps and tearing his brother from you. It was now that you couldn’t contain your laughter. It began to bubble and spill from your lips; starting as minor giggles and reaching a total mess of shrieking laughter that you rarely accomplished without the help of the Weasley twins. Both sets of eyes rested on you like you’d lost your marbles. 
“She set us up,” George said, staring at you in disbelief. 
“You bet I did! Dear lord, you should see the looks on your faces!” You cackled. An identical pair of unamused faces looked down at you a tears cascaded down your cheeks from laughing so hard. 
“You did this on purpose?” They asked. You nodded, beginning to catch your breath. 
“What the hell–” 
“– is wrong with you?” They snapped. You snorted another laugh and wiped droplet from your eye. 
“You guys started it,” You pointed out. They shared a look before George nodded at Fred and left the common room, leaving the two of you alone. 
“Can you actually tell us apart?” He asked, coming closer to you. 
“I can.” You watched him as the anger faded from his face, but not his eyes. Not yet anyway. 
“Then what was the point of acting like you couldn’t?” He yelled. You laughed softly, taking his hand in yours. 
“Punishment,” You stated simply. He blinked at you. “Come on, Freddie. You spent weeks torturing me for your own amusement. It’s really only fair that I have my fun too.” 
“You almost shagged my brother to get back at us?” He asked. You shuddered at the thought. 
“God, no, gross. I was just messing with you guys,” You said. Sighing, he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear with his free hand. 
“This week has been awful,” He grumbled, hugging you close to him. 
“That’s what you get for being a dick,” You laughed. He glanced down at you. 
“Remind me again why the hat didn’t put you in Slytherin.” You patted his cheek, lovingly. 
“Because I knew this really cute redhead who got sorted into Gryffindor and there was no way in hell that I was letting him slip through my fingers,” You said. He held your hips. 
“Who? Me?” He asked, modestly. 
“I was talking about George,” You said. 
“(Y/N),” He said, warningly. You chuckled warmly, pecking his lips once. 
“Only joking, of course it was you.” Smiling, he pulled you up to him so he could give you a proper kiss for the first time in about a month. I’m so glad that I got that stupid game to end, you thought as you fused your lips together. 
“Sorry to interrupt,” George’s voice cut in. You pulled away looking at him. “Does Angelina really–” 
“Yes.” You said. 
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ineedanewbackpack · 4 years
Me, a Hotch and Reid stan by trade, trying to make it through the beginning of s3:
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ineedanewbackpack · 4 years
The Bride of Dorkenstein
a/n: hi i wrote this in the midst of wanting a man like spencer GODDAMN also if this is how my future husband proposes i’ll know he’s a keeper
plz give feedback i can’t tell if this is ass or not
word count: 3.3k
warnings: so much fluff; fem!reader x spencer
“Spence I cannot WAIT to show you all the decorations I got!” You squealed into the phone, taking out the decorations in question and setting them out on the table so you could get a better idea of what else you would need.
“Oh jeez, are we gonna pay for the water bill this month or the great “Rossi Halloween Party”?” Spencer asked with a chuckle.
“Hmmm… good question. I’ll have to get back to you on that one.” You replied.
“Alright well we’re about to board, so i’ll be home in about 2 hours. I love you,” Spencer said, biting his lip and looking at Prentiss.
“I love you too! Ciao,” You hung up and resumed your party planning.
“She has no idea, huh?” Emily asked as they boarded.
“Not a clue.” Spencer smiled and took a seat in the back in an attempt to get some paperwork done.
“So Reid,” Rossi said, sometime later. “Are you gonna tell me what she has in mind or are you just gonna let her take the reins entirely?”
“I’m a terrible planner, so she’s doing everything. Not only that, but the more she plans it, the less she suspects.” Spencer said, not even looking up from his file.
Rossi laughed a little and shook his head.
“Oh, to be young and in love.”
“Hey babe, I’m home!” Spencer called out into the seemingly vacant apartment. It was an unusual sight, usually when you knew what time Spencer was coming home, you were always waiting by the door for him, ready to attack him in kisses as soon as he stepped through the threshold. The lights were all off and the bedroom door was cracked. Spencer rested his hand on the handle of his gun as he approached the door, tapping it open slowly. “I’m home, love.” He said again, shining a flashlight around. He paused at the bed, where a plastic skeleton sat propped up against the pillows, with a note on its ribcage.
I died of impatience waiting for you to get home.
Spencer rolled his eyes and flicked the lights on, revealing you, standing in the corner giggling.
“Really?” He smirked, holding up the sign. You grinned.
“You know how I hate waiting!”
“Uh huh. How’s party planning?” He wrapped his arms around your waist and placed a kiss on your nose.
“Great! We have to run out tomorrow to get a few more things, but other than that we are all set!” You said.
“Oh great, more things.” Spencer groaned.
“Buuuut it means a trip to the Halloween store!” You said, excitedly. This made Spencer grin.
“Ugh, you know all my weaknesses!” He clutched his heart and fell over on the bed, closing his eyes and sticking out his tongue for dramatic effect.
“Hey, that’s my thing!” You whined. Suddenly, Spencer pulled you on top of him.
“It’s my thing now, baby.” He placed a kiss on your lips which you eagerly returned, smiling into the kiss.
“Let me go, I have to cook dinner!” You said once he grabbed your wrists.
“Oh yeah? What if I said we should totally get takeout?”
“I would say we got takeout last night.”
“But what if…. We got it again.”
“You’ve got me there. But you have to put away the stuff I already took out to make dinner.” Spencer groaned but got up and headed towards the kitchen.
“Oh, and you have to call it in.” You added, grinning. Spencer fake glared at you, but complied, just like he always did.
You ended up getting Chinese food, your favorite, and marathoning what Spencer called, “The Greatest Hits”, of horror movies. You weren’t complaining, though, time with your favorite guy and your favorite food, with some of your favorite movies, made for an epic Friday night. Especially when it was the first Fall Friday you’d gotten to spend together since the beginning of October.
You both turned in around midnight, somehow coaxing Spencer into going shopping the next day.
“Okay, I know we planned out our costumes in August but what if we changed it up,” Spencer suggested as you were examining plates.
“Hmm?” You hummed.
“I was thinking, maybe we could go as Laurie and Michael Myers!” He grinned. You just looked at him with a blank look, before shaking your head.
“Absolutely not.”
“Why? That’d be so cool!”
“Because, contrary to popular belief, Pretty Boy, I really like your face. I’d prefer it wasn’t hidden by a mask!” You laughed. Spencer rolled his eyes but kissed your cheek, as a thanks for the compliment.
“Fine, you win. Frankenstein and his lovely bride it is.” Spencer smiled to himself, and the little black box in his pocket suddenly felt a lot lighter.
“Hey, Pretty Boy, what time is this shindig supposed to start tonight?” Morgan had called Spencer while you were checking out and had decided to step outside so he wouldn’t interrupt the line, or your transaction.
“7pm. Did you figure out how you’re gonna distract her yet?” Spencer asked.
“Don’t worry about it, Reid. We’ve got it covered.” Morgan grinned at Penelope, who was doing her best since Derek had shared Spencer’s plan to keep her mouth shut. It was hard, considering you were best friends with both Morgan and Garcia, among the others at the BAU.
“Yeah, I got Penelope to help me.”
“Oh, okay.”
“See you tonight, Boy Wonder.”
“Bye, Morgan.”
“Aw, I wish I could’ve said hi!” You approached just as Spencer was hanging up. He shook his head with a grin.
“You’re seeing him in like, 4 hours.”
“Still, I wanted to say hi.”
Spencer grabbed the bags without another word and headed in the direction of the car, getting antsy. Once the party started, he would be able to relax a lot easier, because then things would already be in motion. The planning would be over and he could finally relax.
The drive home was entirely uneventful and you played spooky Halloween music over your TV speakers as you prepped decorations and last minute things before heading over to Rossi’s. Since his house was just the venue, you were in charge of everything. Spencer helped wherever he could, and wherever you would let him. You loved Spencer dearly, but sometimes he could be more harmful than helpful. You gave in, and let him finish frosting the cupcakes while you prepped the cookies, but realized very quickly his frosting skills were subpar. You noticed about midway through and decided to take over, and Spencer was more than happy to let you. He wasn’t a fan and he knew he wasn’t very good at things involving physical precision, as opposed to mental precision.
You finished in under an hour and were able to make it to Rossi’s by 5 to set the place up, just like you wanted. You were wearing your dress and your makeup was started, along with Spencer’s. He was being an especially good sport this year, allowing you to paint his face a light green color and attach bolts to his temples without a single complaint. You promised him lots of kisses and cookies in return, and you were happy to oblige.
“Spence, can you hang that bat a little higher? Little higher. Perfect!” Spencer tied the last bat off and stepped back, looking around the mansion. Light bulbs were changed, decorations were hung, pranks were set. Everything was perfect. Spencer smiled and took your hand. You intertwined your fingers and smiled up at him.
“Alright, my love, it’s time to finish your makeup.” Spencer sighed but followed behind you as you went back upstairs.
“How much longer?” He asked, sounding like an impatient child.
“Just another 2 minutes,” You said, barely listening. You were trying to figure out how to adhere the bolts to his head with latex, since the last time he complained about the skin-adhering glue you typically used was too itchy. Spencer’s leg was bouncing, making it hard to keep the bolts straight.
“Babe, can you stop bouncing your leg? You’re moving a little too much.”
“Hmm?” He asked, clearly not listening. You placed a hand on his leg and he looked up at you, eyes wide.
“What’s up, Spence?” He was visibly nervous, picking at his nails and impatiently shaking his leg.
“Nothing!” His voice rose an octave. It didn’t take an FBI profiler to see that something was bothering him.
“Okay.” You put the makeup down and pulled your chair a little closer, resting both of your hands on his leg. “Something is bothering you. Please talk to me, I love you.” Your (Y/E/C) eyes filling with concern.
“I’m sorry love, I was thinking about those cupcakes downstairs. The smell was killing me the entire morning and the car ride over here.” Spencer grinned sheepishly.
You weren’t completely convinced but decided to let it slide, eyeing Spencer.
“Okay. Now, hold still.” You applied the rest of his makeup, sprayed his hair, and finished your own costume.
“Look at us!” Spencer exclaimed, grinning in the mirror as he wrapped his arms around you from behind. You grinned and placed a kiss on his cheek, leaving a red lipstick mark.
“Oops,” You wiped it away and Spencer smiled softly at you.
“I love you, so much.”
“I love you too, Spence.” You placed a soft kiss to his lips, and grabbed his hand. “Let’s show these guys how to party!” You led him downstairs, where your friends had already started arriving.
“GOOOODDAAAAAAMN!” You heard a male voice call from the bottom of the stairs, where he took your hand and helped you down the rest of the stairs with the crazy boots you were wearing. You grinned and hugged Morgan, who was dressed as a devil. Garcia was close behind him, wearing an angel costume.
“Wowowow you look AMAZE BALLS!” She exclaimed, pulling you into a hug.
“Thanks, Pen! So do you!” You grinned. She thrust a glass of wine into your hand and you made your way around the party, greeting everyone.
“Ahh, there are the two gret party planners!” Rossi said, coming around the island to give you a hug. He was dressed as Dracula, teeth and all. He grinned, baring his “fangs”, which you were very impressed that he attached himself. Prentiss cleared her throat beside you, mouthing the words “I did it”, behind Rossi’s back. You giggled as he turned around, but Prentiss busied herself with the bottle of wine that was conveniently behind her.
Hotch came up beside her and smiled, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. They were dressed as Jack and Rose from Titanic. You looked behind you, and suddenly your Frankenstein wasn’t there.
“Where’d Spence go?” You asked, unable to pick him out with all the other costumes floating around. Prentiss shrugged.
“I’m not sure. He might be outside.” She said. Hotch took her hand as you made your way outside, only to find Spencer playing with Will and Jack.
“Aw, look at you guys!” JJ and Will were dressed as old timey gangsters, complete with male and female pinstripe suits. Henry was dressed as a little police officer and Jack was a pirate. You grinned as Spencer pretended to be Frankenstein’s monster, making the kids run away screaming.
You couldn’t have been happier or more content watching him play with the boys. Spencer as a dad was a thought that intrigued you, you knew he would be the most amazing father. He was too perfect not to be.
“There’s my beautiful undead bride,” He said playfully, pressing a kiss to your cheek, making you giggle.
“Ah yes, my very own Dorkenstein.” You laughed, Spencer grimacing at the new name.
“Don’t let Morgan get wind of that nickname.” He muttered.
“Too late, Professor Dorkenstein.” Spencer groaned as Morgan approached with a tipsy Garcia in tow.
Morgan clapped a hand on Spencer’s shoulder, sharing a similar look. You raised an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything.
“(Y/N) this party is great!” Penelope said, eyeing up Derek. He returned it with an easy grin.
“It really is, you’re a great party planner.” Derek said, flashing you a smile.
“Thanks! I couldn’t have done it without Rossi, offering us his whole mansion.” You said, taking a sip of wine.
“I’m gonna go check the place out; knowing you two, you totally decked out the other rooms.”
You shared an evil grin with Spencer, quietly following Morgan into the house of horrors.
He was poking around a bit, looking at all the things you’d spent weeks curating. Your favorite thing was the candy bowl that a hand shot out of whenever you’d reach for candy, you’d pranked Spencer so many times with it.
There was one prank you didn’t know about, and that was exactly where Morgan was heading. Spencer had set it up while you were finishing your hair, set specifically for Morgan. Spencer knew Morgan couldn’t resist twix, so he put out a candy bowl with the majority being twix, to lure Morgan in. In the next room, came an eerie glowing light.
Morgan had just approached the candy bowl full of Twix when he saw a mysterious blue light coming from the next room over. He abandoned the candy and walked into the next room cautiously. There was a figure standing there, in the corner, in what appeared to be a kneeling position.
“Hello?” He called out, approaching the figure slowly. The glowing blue figure made no effort to move or say anything. “Hello?” He said again. The figure still didn’t move.
Derek furrowed his eyebrows, still making his way across the dark room, unaware of the green footpad a few steps in front of him.
“Ma’am?” He reached his hand out as he stepped on the pad, causing the animatronic to jump up and scream, loud. This made Morgan scream and fall back onto his back, and Spencer almost pee himself laughing. You, Prentiss, Hotch, and Garcia had heard the commotion from the kitchen and came running, flicking the lights on as Morgan was scrambling back.
“Son of a bitch. REID!” He shouted as he righted himself, seeing that he had gotten spooked by an animatronic that Spencer knew would catch his attention with the glowing light and vulnerable position on the floor. Spencer was still tearing up from laughter as he ran around the island, trying to evade Morgan.
“I’m gonna kill you Spencer Reid!” He shouted.
“It’s Doctor!” He yelled over his shoulder, making Morgan even more mad.
Morgan finally caught up to Spencer out back, where the rest of the team was watching in amusement.
“Ladies and gents, the entertainment begin.” You said between fits of laughter.
“I give, I give!” Spencer cried. Morgan had him pinned on his stomach as he twisted his arm around his back. “Uncle!”
Morgan got up off of Spencer and helped him up, where Spencer immediately pulled him back down onto the ground with him.
“Good God, kid!” He said, surprised by Spencer’s sudden strength.
“Hulk mad,” You muttered, suddenly ready to jump Spencer’s bones (hehehe see what i did there) more than usual.
Spencer cocked an eyebrow and grinned. He helped Morgan up, pulling him into a hug.
“It’s time.” Spencer whispered in his ear. Derek patted his shoulder for good measure, and went to hunt you down. Derek found you inside with the other ladies, standing around the island in the kitchen.
“Hey (Y/N), where’d you stash the candles for the pumpkins?” Derek asked, approaching the group of women.
“They should be on the table next to the lighter.” You said, trying to look through the window.
“They’re not out there, Reid already checked. Did you leave them in here somewhere?” He was trying to keep you from going outside and had to think on his feet.
“Hm, maybe. They might have gotten moved,” You abandoned your wine and began searching the kitchen for the tealights. Derek looked at Garcia, JJ, and Prentiss, nodding. They quietly left the kitchen while you were distracted.
“Aunt (Y/N)!” You heard a little voice cry out from behind you. You grinned and bent down to Henry’s level, picking him up, the task at hand forgotten.
“Hey there, kid!” You said, holding him on your hip.
“Will you help me carve my pumpkin?” He asked.
“Of course I will! Where’s Jack? Does he need help too?” Henry shook his head and smiled.
“Let’s go see if Uncle Spencer will help too!”
“Yeah!” Henry exclaimed, beaming. You laughed a little and put him down, glancing around the kitchen one last time for the tealights.You shrugged to yourself as you went back outside, wondering where everyone went. You looked around the porch for the lights and still couldn’t find them. You’d decided you’d ask Spencer, since he was the last one to see them.
“Hey, (Y/N), Spence found them.” Derek called out from the other side of the yard, attracting your attention. You gave him a thumbs up as you turned, when Garcia pulled your shoulder back in the other direction. Spencer wasn’t quite in place yet.
“What’s up, Pen?” You asked, raising your eyebrows.
“Oh, uh, can you take a picture of Derek and I?” She asked.
“Of course!” You took her phone and snapped a few photos, and handed her her phone. You were looking over her shoulder at the photos when someone pulled your tutu a little bit. You looked down to see Henry.
“Hey kiddo, ready to carve some pumpkins?” You asked, kneeling down to his level. He shook his head vigorously and took your hand, guiding you to the other half of the yard. Spencer was standing there, smiling at you.
“There you are, love.” You said softly, raising your hand to touch his cheek. He leaned into your touch.
“Hi.” He said.
“Hi.” You smiled.
“Can I show you something?” He asked softly. You nodded and extended your hand, allowing him to intertwine your fingers. He led you to a small field that sat behind Rossi’s mansion, where spelled out in carved pumpkins, were the words “Will you marry me?”
You gasped as tears filled your eyes. The trees had lights around each branch and the pumpkins were glowing brightly at you, flames dancing inside.
You turned to face Spencer, where he waited on one knee, holding out a beautiful (Y/F/G) ring, encrusted with diamonds.
“My love, my rock, my world. You are everything to me, and your happiness means everything. We bonded over our mutual love of reading and horror movies, and it didn’t take me long at all to realize just how amazing you are, and what a special person you are. Never in my life did I think I could find someone as special as you are, but here we are.” Spencer said, softly. Tears threatened to spill.
“You are everything and more, and I couldn’t ask for a better partner in crime. So my beautiful undead bride, will you do me the honor of being my actual bride?” Spencer smiled, tears in his own eyes.
“Of course I will.” You said breathlessly. Spencer grinned and shoved the ring on your finger, pulling you into a passionate kiss. You broke away and rested your forehead against his.
“I love you.” He said, breathing heavily.
“I love you so fucking much.” You kissed him again, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him impossibly closer.
“YAY! AUNT (Y/N) AND UNCLE SPENCIEEE!” You heard Henry cry out from behind you as you felt something attack your legs.
“Come on Frankenstein, let’s get these kiddies!” You said to Spence, looking at the kids with an evil grin. Jack and Henry screamed as they ran back towards Rossi’s house.
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ineedanewbackpack · 4 years
Flowers for Spencer
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Spencer Reid x F!Reader
Summary: Spencer starts receiving flowers from a secret admirer. A different one each day, a different meaning.
A/N: It’s 2am and I decided to write a spencer reid oneshot because i’m completely soft for this man. enjoy.
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A white carnation sat on Spencer’s desk when he arrived to work. Just a single flower with no note or indication of who it was from. 
He picked it up with an intrigued expression on his face, gaining the attention of Emily and Derek.
“Whatcha got there, Reid?” Emily asked as she set her things on her desk. 
“Dianthus caryophyllus, also known as a carnation. Different colored carnations represent different meanings. For example, a white carnation represents something being sweet or love.”
Keep reading
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ineedanewbackpack · 4 years
Request Guidelines
(last updated June 26, 2020)
 Send requests ONLY through the ask bubble
 Be nice, please know that I have feelings and other priorities 
 Be as specific as you can, unless you want me to have some creative freedom. Either is fine but whatever you dont specify I’ll imagine and fill in myself
 Please have in mind that english is NOT my first language so there might be some mistakes around that
 I write in english AND in spanish, be sure to specify what language wou prefear in your request
I write x reader fics AND ship fics. You can mix and match from diffrent fandoms in one fic or stick to one
If the character/ person you choose is under age, y/will be under age (same with over). If you want to match two together either both be under or over age
If you want to request for a fandom that is NOT on the list below, feel free! I don’t promise I’ll do it but you might get lucky
I DO write wlw , mlm and straight ships, even if they arent the orientation you choose cannonicaly 
I write for many famdoms, some of them are...
- Criminal Minds  & actors
- The MCU & actors
- Percy Jackson
- Harry Potter  & actors
- Stranger Things  & actors
- It (2017) & actors
- Brooklyn 99
- Lady Bird  & actors
- Little Women  & actors
- Teen Wolf & actors
- The Flash CW  & actors
- Machine Gun Kelly & his characters & 
- Ross Lynch & Family
My favorite things to write are (but not limited too)...
- Friends to lovers
- Friends with benefits to lovers 
- Fake relationships that turns into a real one
- Fluff
- Opposites (softie x punk, etc)
Sorry for the long post, now go and request something! 
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ineedanewbackpack · 4 years
im back and better than ever!
its been a while (to say the least). if any of you remember, i used to write tom holland/peter parker fics. i really liked it but i eventually got bored. i will atart whiting fanfics again but not only of tom but of many other fandoms and characters. i will be taking requests !! i will post a list of the fandoms that i will be writing for and some gudelines and disclamers so everything is crystal clear. i will also be changing the layout of my profile in a bit. 
please reblog so this gets to more peoole, im so exited about this new little chapter <3
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ineedanewbackpack · 6 years
Requests: What if Steve and the reader are found dancing in the kitchen in her parent’s house and while watching a movie the reader and Steve fall asleep in the couch with they legs and bodies interwined and the reader’s parent’s show up and finally see that Steve really loves her?
Hey so I made this a headcanon hope you don’t mind!
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Your parents weren’t overly protective, maybe just ‘cautious’
Especially when it came to you, you were their little girl and all they wanted was for you to be happy for forever
Being an only child you were pretty close with your parents too
However this changed once you started dating in highschool
There had been a couple of casual things, no one serious enough to be brought home or invited to dinner
But they still worried, the last thing they wanted was to see their little princess hurting
So when you came home one day, hand interlocked with this tall, blonde, and muscular football player.
They’re a little more than cautious
Steve is nervous and an barely introduce himself, feeling smaller every second your father stares at him
Your mom is trying to be relaxed and ‘cool’ but she’s struggling too
She dated the hot quarterback when she was in highschool
He broke her heart.
Of course they got back together years later and now he was her husband, but that’s not what usually happens
She wanted to be open and welcoming but she also can’t bear the thought of her girl hurting like she did.
They’re on their way out the door for datenight, and you and Steve are staying at the house.
They had always trusted you and they recognized that you were a teen and sex is apart of life
But they also have security cameras around the house, and even without that you and Steve aren’t there yet
So with strained smiles your parents are out the door, with one last yell of ‘now you kids don’t have too much fun haha.’
Once theyre out the door they both share a look, knowing that they can’t suddenly cancel date night to stay back and supervise, but also knowing they won’t rest unless they know what’s going on, your parents get in the car and park a block over before pulling out one of their phones and opening the app that lets them watch the cameras.
Leaning against the center console their breathing is nervous as the screen loads, when it finally opens it takes them a minute to find the two of you in the house
Not in the living room, not in her bedroom, not in the basement, they’re in the kitchen?
Imagine their surprise when they find the two of you cooking pasta in the kitchen. Or more like Steve cooking pasta while you sit on the counter.
They both let out a relieved, but confused ‘oh.’
Remembering that they can trust you they close the app, and begin to drive towards the restaurant where they had made reservations.
They check the app again when their appetizers arrive.
Pulling it out, ‘just to make sure he didn’t burn the house down’
When the cameras turn on you and Steve are still in the kitchen however now the pasta is finished and sitting abandoned on the counter as Steve spins you in his arms.
The two of you must be playing music or something, because Steve is leading you in some kind of slow dance, with his hands on your hips and yours resting on his kis broad shoulders.
You’re looking up at him with so much trust and love and they’ve honestly never seen their princess so happy.
They put the camera away when their entrees arrive.
Later on after they’ve eaten and promised to themselves not to check the app anymore beause they trust you, they walk in the door.
This time they’re greeted with the soundtrack of Moana, as they creep into the living room.
Expecting to find the two of you cuddling, instead Steve is looking at you asleep on his shoulder.
Even though it’s dark they can see the love and respect in his eyes as he gently brushes some hair out of your face.
A large smile resting on his face as he looks at their daughter with so much love and even though the two kids are in highschool this definitely isn’t some immature fling.
They can see that now.
Choosing not to say anything they slink back to their room unnoticed.
Once their door is shut your dad speaks up first, “Maybe he isn’t that bad.”
Your mom rests her hands on your fathers chest and kisses his cheek, nodding in agreement. “That boy is the one.”
“She looks at him the way I look at you.” She states her observations, kicking off her heels, smiling at the thought of her daughters happiness. “And with the way that boy looks at her I can tell he’d die before he tried to hurt her.” Your mother had always been good at reading people, it helped that she was a physiatrist, your father knew she was right. “That boy isn’t going anywhere.”
- - -
I love this
Check out my masterlist!
Requests are open!
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ineedanewbackpack · 6 years
“Hands begins your back.”
I was in the middle of writing a Billy thing and then i was listening to fall out boy and suddenly the line “anything you say can and will be hell against you so only say my name” came on and I was like ‘fuck that’s smooth’ and suddenly a vision of Steve came to me and here we are enjoy. :)
•so let’s say after high school Steve becomes a cop.
•obviously it took awhile he had to go to the academy and all that shit people that become cops do.
•and when he comes back he’s hella built, bc yknow it’s a physical thing
•and obviously he’s still the same Steve, just a little more cocky because he can finally bench press more than Billy
•so you’re a friend of his
•and one day you get pulled over for speeding or something
•and who pulls you over?
•Steve (duh)
•and at first you don’t recognize him bc you haven’t seen since he came back to Hawkins, and he’s wearing those huge sunglasses that cover most of his face
•and he just kinda strolls up to your window all cocky like, and before he even looks at you he’s saying
•”license and registration doll.”
•he bends down to look in the window and freezes because fuck
•you’re the girl he had a thing for all throughout high school and now you’re looking better than ever and he just pulled you over
•meanwhile you’re reaching over and scrambling through your bag, bc you had only left the house to go get icecream and may or may not have forgotten your papers at home
•so when you turn back around and come face to face with your high school bestfriend, it’s shocking to say the least
•”Steve?!?” You question
•”Y/N?!?” And you’re both just kinda staring at each other for a minute, before you open the door and get out to hug him
•anyway before you guys even touch the tension is insane
•both of you taking in the others’ changes and new maturity
•finally breaking out of your transacted you both reach out and hug each other.
•for a solid three minutes it’s just both of you going back and first saying “omg”
•”you look different- not in a bad way I mean, but I just mean- fuck.”
•”it’s been how long?!?!?”
•eventually you get back to the task at hand. And he’s all like “wait I actually need your papers though.”
•and you’re all like “look steve I may have forgotten them at home, you understand right?”
•and he’ll laugh and be like “haha yeah happens to me too.”
•and of course you think this means you’re off the hook but suddenly he throws in-
•”but I’m still gonna have to arrest you.”
•”thanks i- wait what?”
•”I still have to arrest you y/n.”
•”Steve, c’mon-“
•”hands behind your back.”
•you’re not really taking it seriously and roll your eyes
•but you put turn around and put your hands behind your back
•feeling the cold metal clasp around your wrist you definitely get more turned on than is acceptable
•but something about the idea of Steve and the handcuffs and just
sorry I’m kinky bitch let’s try this again
•Steve kinda turns you back around to face him once the cuffs are secure, and he was about to tell you to get in his car
•but something about the way you looked at him made him stop
•and instead of walking away he’s moving in closer to you until you’ve backed up and your body is pressed against the side of your car
•just staring at each other the tension builds up even more and you’re not sure who mows first but you’re kissing eachother
•it’s hot, heavy, definitely not pg
•and it’s even worse bc you cant touch him, struggling with the desire to run your hands through his fluffy locks while his pillowy soft lips meld with yours
•you’re making out like teenagers on the side of the road, silently thanking god that the road is practically deserted
•when you do breakaway, Steve’s hands stay attached on your hips, and he just quietly says to himself
•”I’ve wanted to do that since junior year.”
•and you’re like “the feelings mutual.”
•That cues makeout sesh #2
•this time when you breakaway Steve breaks the silence again
•”What if instead of arresting you, I take you out to dinner
• “as long as I’m not cuffs that’s perfect.” You could respond, shaking the chains that still encircled your wrist for effect
•meanwhile Steve gains yet another confidence boost. He reaches behind you, causing your bodies to be pressed together again and undoes your cuffs while saying.
•”no cuffs it is then.”
• but he leans in closer and whispers in your ear “but I make no promises about you not being in cuffs at the end of the night.”
•im going to hell
the end :)
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ineedanewbackpack · 6 years
“Hands off, Harrington”
Your brother, Dustin does not approve of you dating Steve
Just a Steve Headcanon!!!
Requested: Yes! I hope you like it!!
Oh my god this is really long wow
•you and Dustin are really close
•like sure all most siblings are pretty close, but you and Dustin are more like best friends
•especially with the whole lack-of-a-dad thing and tbh I love Mrs Henderson, but she doesn’t seem like she’s all there
•so you’re pretty much Dustin’s mom/sister/best friend
•for a while it was just the two you, (and the party of course)
•you would take them to the movies because you’re a total dork too
•hell, they would even let you play d&d with them
•so obviously they tell you right away about El
•and you immediately take this little girl under wing
•so of course the kids love you
•and somewhere along the way you meet Steve and he loved you too
•but the kids noticed when you and Steve first stared talking and they did not like it
•oh nononono
•so all the boys are like “listen here harrington you touch her you’re dead.”
•”we know who you are and she deserves better”
•of course all these threats are pretty much empty, but still this was all pre-character arc
•but Steve does back off. A little
•but then Steve is helping w the Demo-dogs and being a dad and aw
•Dustin realizes maybe he’s not so bad
•however you’re there too and he can’t help but notice the longing looks Steve keeps throwing your way.
•and he will not have it
•”you’re not a douche any more but you still can’t date my sister”
•like you’re in the freakin tunnels and you almost fall or something tries to grab you, and Steve wraps an arm around your waist to catch you or something
•and Dustin immediately walks between you guys all like
•”hands off, harrington”
•”seriously dude we’re about to possibly die and that’s what your worried about?”
•anyway you start to look at Steve a little differently, maybe you catch feelings for the fluffy haired boy
•but you push them away, because of your little brother
•and nothing happens that night
•well a lot happens but you get what I mean
•so a month later, Steve and Dustin are super close, meaning you and Steve are super close
•and as you both drop Dustin off for the snowball you guys go get dinner or something
•and a have a real conversation, without the kids
•needless to say by the end of the night you guys are dating
•but for the first few weeks it’s a lot of sneaking around, because “the kids can’t find out yet.”
•”Babe, they’re a bunch of kids what are they gonna do about it. It’s not like they can fight me.”
•”yes they can Steve.”
•but one day when Steve had snuck into your room, Dustin barges in and finds the two of you in the middle of a makeover session
•it’s not pretty
•you trying to calm him down and explain but he’s not having it
•Steve is just kinda there, but lowkey hurt that Dustin disapproves because he totally sees him as a little brother and just wants validation
•so now Dustin is in full panic mode and has the whole party on Walkie Talkies.
•el talking from the same line as mike bc obviously they’re already hanging out
•”Dustin what were they doing?” Lucas tries to be sensible “maybe they were studying?” It comes out really weak though because he knows you weren’t studying
•”yeah Lucas they were totally studying, STUDYING EACHOTHERS MOUTHS!”
•the reception is really choppy though, and will is just too pure to understand what’s going on “What, how do you study a mouth?”
•pretty soon the whole party is there and interrogating you and Steve
•”how long have you been hiding this?”
•”do you know he uses farah fawcett spray?”
•but somehow, through the questions the gang realizes something
•Steve actually really likes you
•damn he might even love you
•and he also made you really happy
•the gang has seen you sad before and they realize that as long as your content maybe they can learn to deal with Steve
•soon it’s Steve driving everyone to see the newest star wars movie or helping them play d&d (even though he has no idea what’s going)
•but eventually you and Steve become the only constants in these poor kids lives and well.
This is a mess I’m sorry but I love it
requests are open!!
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ineedanewbackpack · 6 years
Barista Boy
modern day Steve works at a coffee shop
A headcanon a little different from what I usually do but once I started I couldn’t stop
Also heads up lots of cursing :)
Merry Christmas Y’all ❤️🎄
What about coffee shop Steve
•okay so this is like a modern day Steve! But with a twist
•alright everybody tighten your bonnets cause it’s about to get fluffy as marshmellows in this bitch
•so If Stevie boy was in 2017 he would totally be a barista
•but at like a cute little hipster coffee shop on a college campus
•and literally half of the customers are all girls eager to see the “really cute guy that’s good at latte art (or whatever the fuck that shit w the cream is)
•and most of them Steve will just smile at
•the occasional wink to a sorority house (Okay a little trash talk of sorority girls comin’ up, but it’s only for the narrative. I actually think sororities are kinda badass and just an awesome thing but any way back to Steve.)
•but then one day you walk in
•you walk in, in your full “Ive been cramming all night” glory and he’s hooked
•you however couldn’t have cared any less. The Starbucks you usually went to was unfortunately closed that particular morning and you were desperate
•anyway, Steve was hooked
•not because you’re hot or anything
•n o
•because you’re the first girl who hasn’t tried to slip him your number or run back to and giggle with a group of friends after placing your order
•you actually almost yell your order at him bc tbh you just can’t anymore
•you also don’t get a frilly, fancy iced drink
•you order a large large black coffee, no cream no sugar.
•and in his cute little head that means you’re completely badass
•so he just watches in awe, making a note to remember your name when he writes it on the cup
•giving you a huge smile when he passes it too you
•and you’re just kinda like “whatever dude”
•but subconsciously you really liked that coffee boy and come back the next day
•bc you secretly thought he was pretty cute, even with that outdated, fluffy hair (I love his hair ugh)
•anywho you keep coming back everyday
•and this goes on until it’s been a month and y’all have started chit-chatting
•yo the best convo y’all had was actually about Starbucks
•for real it started w “did you just transfer? Pretty much the entire campus comes here. And I’ve never seen you before.”
•to which you replied “nope. I just usually get Starbucks, but it’s an extra ten minute walk and it’s cold out.” (Which was a lie the Starbucks was next to your dorm. and the only reason you still stopped at this cafe was to see him)
•but he’s all triggered by this and is like “Starbucks is terrible. Our stuff is organic”
•and you just go “sure it is barista boy, that pink food dye seems super ‘organic’,”
•and you walk out
•about a week later he makes his first move (slide into those dms Stevie)
•okay, so what if his “move” is just writing his number on your cup
•it’s still fucking adorable
•and it’s so damn adorable you text him literally as soon as you leave the shop
•”thanks for the java barista boy.”
•you totally weren’t watching his reaction through the window
•omg But this boy is sooo pure that he turned beat red and had the biggest smile ever
•desperate to play it cool however. He responded nonchalantly w/
•”anytime, Starbucks.”
•from then on it’s sending each other stupid gifs
•or asking him to have your coffee ready bc you’re on the run
•but one day Steve texts you with a s.o.s.
•so as mentioned before all the girls think our homeboy is hot.
•and one day it gets a little a lot out of hand
•so Steve texts you “y/n help”
•and you’re annoyed and halfway across the campus all like “wtf is wrong Steve?”
•meanwhile he’s freaking out and texting like a madman, desperate for help.
•”pls come to the coffee shop!!!”
•”dude, no. What’s so important?!?”
•”its this sorority. They’ve dared at least 6 different girls to ask me out”
•this is very confusing to you after all, doesn’t every guy want a bunch of hot girls vying for his attention?
•apparently every guy but Steve
•anyway, annoyed, you send him back “and? What do you need me for?”
•”just please. I hate these girls, they’re stupid and fake. Please come save me!”
•finally succumbing, you text “on my way. What do I have to do?”
•Steve Is nearly jumping for joy by now and hurriedly writes back “just play along when you get here.”
•twenty minutes later you’re walking through the cafe door and being greeted with a loud shout of “Hey babe!” From none other Steve
•walking towards him you greet him with a smile and a small ‘hey, there.’ Still unsure of what was going on, but too caught up in youre own thoughts to look around
•Steve is suddenly walking around the counter and coming up to you, wrapping an arm around your waist.
•and with a large smile he begins to lean in
•and that’s when you realized what was happening
•but now it was too late and his lips were on yours
•and holy shit. He tasted like coffee beans and his lips were pillowy soft and damn
•pulling away you took a brief glance around the room. Only just noticing the lack of people in the cafe.
•to be more specific, the entire place was empty
•That cheeky little fucker
•”there were never any sorority girls were there?” You ask
•”is any one else here.” You interrogate
•”nope, you didn’t notice, but I actually put the ‘closed’ sign up so I could do this in private” Steve explains. And like I said that ‘cheeky little fucker’
•”then what are you waiting for? Kiss me again Barista Boy.”
Request Stuff!
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ineedanewbackpack · 6 years
Just a Joke | J.M
Requested by anon!!
Summary: Y/n pulls a fake hickey prank on Jonah and earns a more intense reaction than expected
Warnings? mentions of cheating I guess, swearing
Word Count: 1.6k
Tags: @averysgarl  @lovableherron @samithepixie @heyowdw @whydontwe-fanfics @averys-headass @yagirlcammm @jackaverysboo @jackaverybabe @jjeepersnutss @adorkableavery @guadalupeguac
A/n: I wanted to write an imagine that wasn’t Zach or Daniel because all my requests are Zach and Daniel, unfortunately I have very select few but I really wanted to write a JoJo imagine, so it’s angsty and fluffy at the same time!! Let me know which imagine off my upcoming list you wanna see next
“I really need to film a video today but I don’t know what to do,” you whined to Daniel, who sat next to you on the couch while the other boys were out getting food. “I’m totally blanking on ideas.”
“Why don’t you do a prank video? You haven’t done one in a while and it’s a perfect opportunity since the boys aren’t home yet,” Daniel suggested, uncrossing his legs as he reached forward to grab a strawberry from the plate you placed on the glass table.
“That could work,” you nodded, “any brilliant ideas?”
“You could do one of those ones where you have a fake hickey on your neck, those seem to be popular,” he shrugged, looking over at you and lifting his eyebrows in anticipation for your response.
“I like it, but what if he gets super upset?” you asked, tilting your head to the side as you weighed out the pros and cons.
“Once he finds out it’s not real it’ll just be relief. We both know his reaction will be priceless,” Daniel teased, his chuckle filling the room as you stood up off the couch and jogged upstairs to go through your makeup.
After applying different shades of eyeshadows and even lipsticks, you moved your hair and tilted your head back, examining the fake hickeys you had created on different parts of your neck and collarbone. You grabbed your camera and fiddled with it before finding a place to hide it, planning for the prank to unfold in his room.
You skipped out of the room and back to where Daniel was sitting, flipping your hair and motioning towards the hickeys.
“Look good?” you asked, lifting your eyebrow as you looked at your best friend, who’s eyes had widened slightly.
“Yeah, actually, it looks real,” he chuckled, standing up to get a closer look.
“He’s probably gonna think they’re from you,” you pointed out after realizing there wasn’t really much of another conclusion considering Jonah had seen you an hour before, hickey free.
“If I get punched in the face I’m blaming you,” he joked, tapping your shin with the front of his foot.
“Blame yourself, you were the one who suggested this,” you retorted, jumping back onto the couch as both of you waited for Jonah to get home, the anticipation and nerves washing over your body like a tidal wave.
The front door clicked open, the voices of the 4 other boys filling the entire house like a comforting and sweet ballad. Your heart raced and Daniel flashed you a smirk as the boys shuffled into the kitchen, placing the food down loudly onto the table.
After everyone basically scoffed down their food as the conversation kept altering, you took your chance to slide out of the kitchen once you were done and go into Jonah’s room, hoping he would follow.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, you took a deep breath, the cool air filling your lungs as the door opened in front of you, revealing Jonah.
“Hey babe, you didn’t even give me a kiss today,” Jonah teased as he walked over to you, bending down and attaching his warm lips to yours before taking a seat next to you.
“Sorry, I was distracted by the smell of the food,” you joked, kissing him again, feeling more and more nervous about the events that were about to unfold. 
As you and Jonah began talking about your plans for the day, you purposely moved your hair away from your neck, adjusting the soft fabric of Jonah’s hoodie to ensure it wasn’t concealing the mark on your neck.
“What’s that?” Jonah asked softly, his eyebrows furrowing and his eyes narrowing as he got closer to you.
“What’s what?” you replied, moving away from him instinctively as you tried to act suspicious and cover the mark again with your hair, but instead felt Jonah’s soft hand moving it back.
“What the hell Jonah?” you asked, laughing slightly since you weren’t able to hold it in.
“What the fuck is on your neck?” he asked, pointing to it as he stood up off the bed sharply, looking down at you as you sat there, a fake look of seriousness plastered on your face.
“Jonah there’s nothing on my neck!” I said in annoyance, rolling my eyes at him as I turned my head, revealing the second one I had placed.
“There are two. Y/n seriously, what the fuck?” he asked again, reaching down to you to touch it but earned a swat from you instead.
“It’s nothing, Jonah!” you exclaimed, “maybe it’s from when I did my hair this morning or something I don’t know!”
“You’re such a fucking liar,” he said angrily, his jaw twitching as he continued to stare at you, his eyes alternating between your neck and your face.
“I’m not lying!” I whined, crossing my legs under my body, Jonah’s tone of voice feeling like a shadow cast over the entire room.
“That’s not a burn, Y/n, it’s bruised, that’s a hickey you can’t even tell me it’s not,” he fought.
“It’s probably from you,” you muttered.
“It’s not from me!” he defended, “there was nothing there this morning it is not from me. Did you cheat on me with Daniel while I was gone?” he accused.
“What? No! Jonah you’re crazy! Don’t you trust me?” you acted, throwing your arms in the air.
“Oh I’m crazy? Me?!” he snapped. “I honestly cannot believe you right now.”
He let out a sharp exhale as he turned around, slamming the bedroom door behind him as you heard his loud stomps fill the house as he made his way downstairs.
You looked at the camera and covered your mouth, eyes wide at the intense reaction you had gotten out of Jonah. You grabbed the camera as you pulled the door opened quietly, the floor creaking under your feet as you slid out of the room and downstairs, seeing Jonah yelling at Daniel, cornered at the back of the room.
“You fucking gave my girlfriend hickeys and thought I wouldn’t find out?” he yelled, “you’re honestly unbelievable how could you do this to me?”
Daniel looked at you, his blue eyes wide with panic, silently begging you for help. You handed Corbyn the camera since he was closest to you and ran over to Jonah, placing your hands on his broad shoulders as you tried to pull him away from Daniel.
“Jonah, stop!” you exclaimed, a small laugh escaping you as he whipped his head around, red in the face.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” he cursed, whipping his arm out of your grasp.
“Babe! It’s not real!” you exclaimed, watching his face alter, but remain angry.
“You’re so full of shit,” he fought.
“It’s makeup! I swear! Try to rub it off,” you said, tilting your head so the fake hickey was in full view. The soft pad of Jonah’s thumb touched your neck, rubbing it a few times in the spot where the hickey was placed, eyeshadow coming off on his finger.
“It was a prank!” you re-affirmed, rubbing it off yourself and showing him the faded hickey along with the purple and red colors that had transferred onto your fingers. “Corbyn has the camera in his hand!”
Jonah shut his eyes for a few brief moments, letting out an audible sigh as he turned around, walking quickly towards the front door and closing it loudly behind him.
“What did you do?” Jack laughed, covering his mouth with his hand as he looked in the direction where Jonah had gone.
“Honestly that was a better reaction than I thought,” you admitted, “but I’ll be back.”
You jogged towards the front door, opening it to see Jonah sitting on the bottom step, his head in his hands.
“Jonah, baby, I’m sorry,” you said softly as you lowered yourself onto the step beside him, reaching for his hand which he reluctantly allowed you to take, not saying a word.
“It was a joke, Daniel came up with the idea and we thought it would be funny. I didn’t think it would upset you this much,” I said to fill the silence that was only broken by the sound of birds chirping in the distance.
“Are you mad?” I asked.
“Yes,” he muttered.
“Aw come on baby, I’m sorry, I love you!” I cooed, pressing my lips to his rosy cheek multiple times.
“I just-I thought you cheated on me and I couldn’t believe it,” he added.
“I’m sorry my love, I would never cheat on you, you know that,” I affirmed, bringing his large hand up to my face and pressing a kiss on the back of it, lowering it back down onto my lap as I ran my thumb along the back.
“I know,” he breathed, finally looking over to you, his cold eyes softening at the sight of you.
“I’m sorry baby, do you still love me?” you pouted jokingly.
“Of course,” he replied, cracking a weak smile as he kissed you on your lips and then your forehead.
“It really looked real,” he pointed out, rubbing his thumb along your neck again, his right eyebrow slightly raised.
“I promise it’s not,” you laughed, “but I gotta admit, your reaction was pretty priceless, the fans are gonna love it.”
“Sometimes I really hate that I love you so much,” he groaned, shaking his head as you attacked him with kisses and apologies, instantly making him feel more at ease, just like you were always able to do.
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ineedanewbackpack · 6 years
OMG CONGRATULATIONS TUMBLR MOM/WIFE 💓💓💓💓 i love you so much and i’m super proud of youuuuuuu
Mapa’s 2k celebration
We’ve reached 2k and I couldn’t be more grateful! Thank you guys, you are the real heroes here and I can’t express my love with only words.
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So the celebration will have 3 parts, since the votes were pretty equal, and I’ll try to do that all day long (if I don’t get lazy).
Send me a 🌼 for a blog or works compliments (it would help me a lot if you ask me to see some of your works to say something nice about it). I’ll be doing it a bit differently, since all compliments are mostly the same.
I’ll be writing something nice about you and the blog, and maybe even how I met you (if my lazy ass remembers).
Send me a 🌷 for a song drabble (you send me a song of your choice and the characters you want me to write about, and I’ll do my best)
Ex: “🌷 + Could you write about [character name] + [song name]?”
Send me a 🌸 for a blurb (I’ll write about anything of any genre you want; fluff, angst, even smut but don’t criticize me since I don’t write that a lot)
Ex: “🌸 + Could you write about [character name] on a pool party and make it really angsty?”
That’s it, folks! Let the celebration beginnn
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Tagging my permanent list and some mutuals:  @hey-i-really-miss-you @starlightfound @lionsfandomsandbearsohmy @isabellamozzarellla @tshollandlove @peterparkerdeservesbetter @marveldes @hamiltrin @teeterparker @draqcnheartstrinq @httpmcrvel @hi-mishamigos @scarlettsoldier @pandas1923 @ultrunning @hobbitoburrito @queenkrissy11 @iamburdened @isabellamozzarellla @sholla4-314 @p-hilo-phobia @determinedpines @tinynlwt @padackles2010 @a-very-superwholocked-starkid @holland-peter @thegirlofgardenias @ineedanewbackpack @cosmetologynerd @magic-marvel @who-cares-rn @peters-vlogs 
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ineedanewbackpack · 6 years
The New Guy (Office!Shawn)
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@pattinsonshawn made a post asking someone to write a Office!Shawn imagine so here you go. I TRIED. And thank you @mendesmood for letting me use her gif!
Also thank you @matchamendes for editing this for me!
A cup of coffee was placed onto your desk as you looked up to see Shawn looking down at you with a smile.
“You got me coffee?” you said with a raised eyebrow gladly accepting the warm liquid.
“I’m trying to get on your good side” he said making you roll your eyes as he walked to his desk that was across from yours
You took a sip of the coffee letting out a satisfied moan feeling the hot liquid running down your throat.You were surprised to notice that he got your order exactly right.
Shawn was the new kid in the office. The boy was a giant sticking out like a sore thumb in the small office space and he could barely fit anywhere. And he was clumsy as well, so it was not a good combination to have him in the small office.
He had only started a few weeks ago and you were assigned to train him. You were excited at first, getting the train the tall hot newbie? Hell yeah. But as the days went on you came to notice that
Shawn wasn’t exactly competent.
He managed to mess up 90% of the jobs you gave to him. He pushed your patience to the limit but every time you were about to yell at him he would look down at you with those gorgeous brown eyes with an adorable frown on his face and you didn’t have the heart to yell at him.
You would just let out a frustrated sigh pursing your lips grabbing the paper work from him to finish the job yourself.
He was frustrating to deal with but he was definitely easy on the eyes. You would sometimes catch yourself staring at him quietly working on some paperwork sitting at his desk.
Your gaze would move to his right hand gripping onto a pen that looked absolutely tiny in his gigantic hand.
He would have a focused look on his face his tongue poking out to wet his lips making your eyes go wide as his gaze moved over the paperwork
You would shake your head at the unholy thoughts that would occupy your mind seeing his pink tongue poke out like that. Making you wonder how it would feel to have his tongue trace over your lips and not the ones on your face while your hand would tug against his curls.
“Shawn?” you called looking through the drawer of forms you had at your desk. He was in front of
your desk in an instant.
“I need you to make 20 copies of this” you said handing him a piece of paper.
“You think you can handle it?” you asked in a teasing voice knowing he had a hard time with the copier each time.
“Can you ma’am” he said with a smile walking away.
You shook your head at the “ma’am” comment a feeling of butterflies forming on in your stomach.
You went back to your work, only to hear a frustrated groan coming from the copying room a few minutes later. You looked up watching Shawn through the window to see him leaning down looking at the multiple buttons on the copier a confused look on his face.
You let out a sigh getting up from your seat to help him out.
Leaning against the edge of the door with your arms crossed you watched him press a button on the copier immediately regretting it as the machine started to beep rapidly.
He had a horrified look on his face as he pressed the button over and over again finally managing to quiet down the copier.
He turned to look towards the door hearing your laugh.
“Thought you said you could handle it” you said walking up to him
“This thing is evil, I swear” he said with an awkward chuckle.
“It’s like it can smell fear” he said making you laugh.
You motioned him to stand to the side as you looked over the copier.
“You didn’t see the writing on the copier saying “paper jam” in giant letters?” you questioned Shawn looking his way.
“Hmm must have missed it” he said with a shrug a devious smirk forming on his face but you missed it.
You looked at the copier not sure how to fix it yourself. You crouched down wanting to open up the paper tray to see if you can.
“I wouldn’t do that” Shawn said standing over you.
“What? You’re suddenly a copier expert?” you asked with a scoff as you tried to open the paper tray that seemed to be stuck.
“Here let me” Shawn said a hand on your lower waist as he motioned you to move to the side.
You looked at him with a tight-lipped look, not bothering to say anything as you moved off to the side to let him do what he wanted.
“You’re going to make it worse” you said not being able to help yourself.
He didn’t answer you as he easily opened up the paper tray, leaning over and managing to open a part of the copier you didn’t even know could open up and succeeded in getting the paper out of the machine closing it back up.
He stood up as you looked at him with an astonished face watching him press some buttons the copier coming to life and printing out copies without an issue.
You looked at him wide-eyed as he offered a hand to you as you grabbed it letting him help you stand up straight. You looked between him and the copier
“How the hell did you do that?” you asked
He just shrugged a sly smirk on his face.
“This was all an act wasn’t it?” you asked a suspicious look on your face
“This whole time messing up the simplest tasks, breaking the copier, losing paperwork…” you continued on as he just chuckled nodding his head.
You looked at him breathing out of your nose harshly.
“Why the hell would you do that!?”
He walked up to you making you take a few steps back as your back hit the copier trapping you in front of him.
He leaned in closer to you his hands placed on the copier behind you.
“I was prepared to do my job perfectly when I first started. But when they assigned you to train me I thought you were fucking gorgeous and I was nervous around you, I didn’t know what to do. I kept on making the stupidest mistakes” he said admitting what you did to him.
“After a while I actually did get the hang of things but it was fun seeing you all frustrated when I messed up. I knew you didn’t have the heart to yell at me” he said with a deep chuckle making you glare up at him.
“I just couldn’t keep it any longer though, I felt bad” he said
“How kind of you” you said in a sarcastic tone
“Plus if I had to give you one of my puppy dog eyes one more time to get you to forgive me and see you purse up your lips like that I wasn’t sure if I would be able to stop myself from kissing those lips” he admitted his gaze briefly moving to your lips than back onto your wide unblinking eyes. Your mouth hanging open in disbelief.
“Asshole” you managed to say getting over your shock.
It didn’t seem to bother him one bit that you swore at him
“Tell me if I’m wrong but, I’ve caught you staring at me a few times your cheeks all red” his said running his thumb over your cheeks as if to prove his point.
“What was going on in that pretty little head of yours hmm?” he said his thumb trailing over your bottom lip. You felt your cheeks getting hot hands grabbed onto the copier behind you holding yourself back from wrapping your lips around his thumb and running your tongue over it.
“Can I kiss you or not?” he said grabbing onto your chin his mouth parted as his gaze bore in to yours.
“Quite the gentlemen” you said referring to the fact that he asked for your permission
Your hands left the copier wrapping behind his neck as you pulled him in for a kiss feverish kiss.
You were taken back by the loud moan that came out of him as he immediately wrapped his hands on your waist pulling you flush against him the skirt of your dress fluttering around your thighs.
You knew doing this at was wrong and you could basically be caught by anyone but you didn’t care at that moment. All your senses were out the window feeling the way the tall boy in front of you was kissing you.
His hands wrapped around your thighs lifting you up easily as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He placed on top of the copy machine causing a surprised gasp to leave your lips.
His lips never leaving yours for a second as you felt his callused hands slowly moving up your smooth thighs awakening goosebumps on your skin. He felt the lace underwear covering your ass he squeezed causing you to push closer to him in surprise letting him swallow your load moans so no one could hear you.
He could taste the coffee you hand earlier on your tongue as it was tangled up in his. You were the first to pull away for much needed air as he leaned against the wall head tilted back breathing hard.
Shawn’s hands remained under your dress as he pushed head into the crook of your neck placing gentle kisses against it not being able to get enough of you.
You squeezed his bicep making him pull away and looking at you with hooded eyes his breathing matching yours.
You shook your head giggling
“As much as I’m enjoying this it’s really fucking uncomfortable here” you said feeling different parts of the copier poking against your legs
“Oh shit” Shawn said helping you off the copier.
You stumbled over your feet hanging onto Shawn feeling him wrap a hand around your waist.
“That good eh?” he said with a confident smirk making you hit his chest
“Shut up” you said smoothing out your skirt
“Mr. Mendes?” You heard the loud voice of your boss filling the office calling out for Shawn.
“Shit I got to go” Shawn said taking a few steps as he stopped in his tracks turning back to you.
“We’ll finish this later” he said placing a quick peck on your swollen lips as he left the copying room with a wink leaving you standing in the middle of the room with a goofy smile on your face.
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ineedanewbackpack · 6 years
tumblr friendships are hard to maintain like im sorry i know i havent talked to you in 5 months but you’re still super rad and i still consider us friends im just dumb
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