#spice mas 2023
whodonthear · 1 year
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mymusicbias · 1 year
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mimikyuno · 2 years
bravo marco ti voglio bene e grazie di aver far notato l’ingiustizia della “male dominated” top 5 ma cristo se ce la tirano dietro sta canzone all’eurovision where’s the flavorrrr
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ringsbeforebabies · 1 year
Spicemas in Grenada: A Celebration of Culture, Freedom, and Natural Beauty
Grenada, often referred to as the “Spice Isle,” is a jewel in the Caribbean known for its vibrant culture, exquisite cuisine, and breathtaking natural landscapes. One of the most anticipated events on the island’s calendar is Spicemas, a lively carnival celebration that encapsulates Grenada’s rich heritage and traditions. This annual festival brings together locals and visitors alike in a…
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Hey! So I had this Hurt comfort fic idea with Charles where she is engaged to him. Have you seen the video about the crowd in Montreal surrounding him? So something like them arriving and he's signing and clicking pics through the crowd holding her hand and the crowd and paps goes a bit haywire and she is separated and then visibly very hurt and injured because of that. And Charles is angry and protective, with the "Idc about myself but if anyone touches/hurts you I lose it" or something similar. Add drama and spice as you feel
Thank you Babe ❤️
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A Step Too Far || CL16
Warnings: fluff, angst, implied smut WC: 1.9k
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Charles could remember the first time he met your father. Obviously it wasn’t the first first time but it was the first time as your boyfriend, and that made it more important than any of the times they met in the paddock. Toto had gripped his hand tightly as they shook, pulling the younger driver closer to whisper in his ear.
“That’s my daughter, Charles, you put her above all else. It’s my job to protect her, and I’m trusting you here.”
“I understand, sir. I’ll keep her safe.”
“What did he say?” you asked as you left for your date.
“Nothing, ma chérie,” Charles assured you with a smile and a kiss to your cheek.
For three years he had kept that secret promise religiously, even as his popularity grew beyond his wildest expectations. He couldn’t walk down the street without being recognised, crowds gathering and people asking for photos or signatures. It wasn’t exactly new for you having grown up the way you did, but Charles’ fans were far more excitable and passionate than the ones who met your father.
Monza 2023
Everywhere you looked it was a sea of red supporters, the tifosi out in force to celebrate the third and fourth places Ferrari had taken in the race. You could see the equal parts of pride and disappointment on Charles’ face as he watched Carlos take the third step on the podium.
After heading back to his driver room, he collapsed into a chair with a groan and hung his head in his hands. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and kissed the top of his head, wrinkling your nose at the sweat that dampened his dark hair. “That was a hell of a fight, baby.”
His grunt told you he thought otherwise but he placed his hand over yours and gave it a soft squeeze. “I almost had it, amour.”
“I know.” You nuzzled into his neck until his shoulders bunched up and he wriggled with a laugh at his ticklish spot.
“Okay, okay, no more moping,” he said as he stood up and turned to face you. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You held up your hand that had a sparkly new ring resting upon it. “Or I wouldn’t have said yes.”
“I’m very glad you did.” He smiled as he took your hand and kissed the engagement ring. “I need to shower. There’s room for one more…”
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Charles kept you tucked close to his side as he made his way through the lines of fans to where his car was pulling up. You were running late once again, after being distracted while you were meant to be getting dressed to go out for dinner. He left your side for only a moment to open your door but that moment was all it took as the metal barriers separating the crowd came crashing down and they surged forward.
The sight and the sound gave you a fright and you stepped back instinctively. “Charles!” He turned at your panicked tone and watched with horror as your heeled foot missed the curb, twisting painfully as you fell. For a second he lost sight of you in the sea of red and he was spurred into action.
“Back up! Get out of my way!” he shouted to the crowd as he pushed his way to you. Rage filled him as he found you crumpled beside his car, arms wrapped protectively around your head while the bodies finally started to give you room. Tears blurred your vision as pain radiated from your ankle and suddenly you were weightless as a familiar pair of arms picked you up. “Amour, are you hurt?”
You could hardly hear him as the crowd demanded his attention, screaming as they waved hats and posters in his direction. The look he sent them should have been warning enough but they were too high on his presence to notice.
“My ankle,” you admitted with a wince as it was jostled.
He released a torrent of expletives under his breath as he carried you to the driver’s seat and climbed in with you on his lap, your legs hanging over onto the passenger seat. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” he apologised as he kissed your temple and pulled out of the hotel.
“It’s not your fault, Charles, I should have been paying more attention.”
“You got hurt because of me, that’s the only reason they were there. Shit.” His eyes darted to the centre screen as it announced an incoming call from Toto and he hit the accept button on the steering wheel.
“You haven’t lost your watch again, have you?” Toto greeted, his voice thick with amusement.
“We are almost there,” he replied as he turned onto the street where the restaurant reservation was booked. “We just ran into some trouble with some fans.”
The silence was deafening until it was broken by the scratch of a chair being pushed back on a wooden floor followed by the click of your father’s footsteps. “Trouble?”
You watched the door to the restaurant open and your father ignored the concierge as he stepped to the curb Charles was pulling up to. “This should be fun.” Charles grimaced at your words and ended the call as Toto tucked his phone away and opened the passenger door.
Toto stared at the empty seat before dragging his eyes across the space to find you on your fiancé’s lap. “Hi papa.”
“Don’t hi me,” he tutted as he walked around and moved the valet along with a wave of his hand. “What happened?”
“Nothing,” you assured him as you accepted his hand out of the sports car. “You two are as dramatic as each other.”
The flare of pain was sudden and impossible to hide when your shoe touched the pavement, the joint weakly giving underneath you. If not for Charles behind you it would have been much worse but he took your weight and kept you upright.
“What the fuck have you done to my daughter, Leclerc?” You found yourself in a tug of war, but you were the rope. Your father tried to pull you out of his arms but your yelp of pain froze the very air. He relinquished his fight and raised his hands before pointing a damning finger at Charles. “Hospital, now.”
“But I’m hungry,” you whined as he instantly moved to follow the order, stepping back towards the Ferrari. “Can’t we go after dinner, please?”
You turned your pleading eyes to your father and watched his resolve weaken.
“No,” Charles interrupted before Toto could agree and you turned to him with a look of betrayal. “Don’t look at me like that, amour. I can’t bear to see you in pain, especially when it’s my fault.”
“At least you take ownership,” Toto muttered. “Susie and I will bring you dinner. Go.”
There was no room to argue, not that Charles would. He respected your father too much for that.
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“You need to make a statement,” Toto said tiredly as he sat in the hospital chair opposite Charles. You were on the bed separating them, enjoying the lack of pain while the drugs did their job and waiting for the moonboot to be fitted. “Something like this cannot be allowed to happen again.”
“He didn’t exactly give them permission, papa.”
Charles cut you a look out the corner of his eye before nodding to Toto. “I’ll make sure of it, sir. It might be time to hire some security.”
Your father barely hid his scoff as he muttered, “Better late than never.” Toto sat up straighter and rubbed his tired eyes. “These are things you will need to think about even more in the future, especially when you have children of your own - you’ll realise you can’t wait until something bad happens before making changes. You need to start thinking about the future now, son.”
Charles’ stare turned out the window as he took the advice seriously. You could see the contemplation set in hard lines across his face. The look turned sad when the nurse arrived with the moonboot you would need to wear for at least two weeks and he started to withdraw into himself as he pulled his phone out. Only a few moments later you saw your phone light up with a notification that he had posted to his Instagram.
“Good man,” Toto said as he read the statement that in no uncertain terms warned his fans there would be consequences if they couldn’t respect the boundaries set.
“Was that really necessary?”
“Yes,” they both answered adamantly.
“You are all set to go, darling,” the nurse said with a soft smile. “Rest up, and if there are any concerns just come right back.”
After thanking her you hobbled along, sandwiched between your father and fiancé, to the underground car park where the car was waiting.
“I’ll come back to your hotel, make sure you get inside safely,” your father said as he opened your door and kissed your cheek.
“His fans have probably all run away by now.”
“I think you’re underestimating the tifosi. I’d rather not take the risk.”
Toto was right, because if anything there were even more fans lining the entrance to the hotel than before. Only this time there was also more security.
You were quickly ushered through to the quieter reception area where Toto shared a look that said ‘I told you so’ before bidding a goodnight and heading his own way back. The elevator ride to the penthouse suite was silent and it wasn’t the comfortable silence you were used to. It grew heavier with each level and you were itching to get out of the confined space by the time the doors opened.
“It’s not your fault,” you whispered as Charles pulled his shirt off and sat on the edge of the bed with a sigh. “Don’t blame yourself.”
“I broke my promise,” he said as his shoulders sagged further, like he was moments from imploding on himself. “I swore to your father I would protect you.”
“Charles, I love you, but you can’t protect me from the world - no matter what my father thinks.” You crawled over the duvet and onto his lap so you could cup his face. “I don’t blame you and it is me who is going to be marrying you, not him.”
His brows pinched together. “I hadn’t even thought about children.”
“After the wedding, having children - what that would be like in this environment. I hadn’t thought about it. I obviously knew it’s what I wanted for us down the line but now…it’s a little scary to think what might happen to them.”
“Char, there’s no rush. We don’t know what our future will look like in five years, or ten.” You stroked his cheeks and dipped your head forward to kiss his pouting lips. “Just focus on the here and now, baby. Forget what happened out there. In here, it’s just you and me, and a king sized bed that’s far too neatly made.”
“It is pretty neat.”
“So why don’t we mess it up?”
His eyes flicked to your legs draped over his, lingering on the bulky boot. “Amour?”
Your fingers were already running down his chest, reaching for the waistband of his trousers he had worn to dinner. “You won’t hurt me. You could never hurt me. I trust you.”
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aquagirl1978 · 9 months
Auld Lang Syne - Comte de Saint-Germain x Reader (Ikemen Vampire)
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A/N: Ny last fic of 2023 - Happy New Year's Eve! Day 6 of my 12 Days of Christmas. Also part of my New Year, New Celebration follower celebration.
Pairing: Comte de Saint-Germain x Reader
Prompt: kiss on the hand
Word Count: 353
Tags: fluff with the tiniest hint of spice at the end
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“You look absolutely ravishing tonight.”
Comte was standing next to the carriage, his hand extended to you as he waited for you to make your way down the mansion steps.
You were alight with excitement as you held the hem of your new ball gown, careful not to trip in your new shoes. You paused as you slipped your gloved hand into his; his dazzling smile hid the hedonist lurking underneath the elegant black tuxedo.
“After you, ma chérie,” he said. Lifting your hand to his lips, he brushed a chaste kiss across your knuckles. Your cheeks flushed with warmth as he flicked his eyes up, his golden gaze burning with unbridled desire. 
It was cozy in the carriage when Comte slid into the seat next to you. With your bodies pressed together, the heat from his body quickly radiated to yours. When he placed his hand on your knee, flames of passion ignited in your core.
“I thought we'd start the celebrations early.” Comte reached for the bottle of champagne that was chilling in a bucket of ice on the seats across you. He opened the bottle with a loud pop, causing you to giggle as the champagne bubbled from the top of the bottle. Comte quickly filled two glasses, and handed one to you.
“Bonne année, ma chérie,” he whispered. 
“Happy New Year,” you whispered back as you clicked glasses. The champagne was light and sweet on your tongue. However, the cool liquid trickling down your throat did nothing to cool off your body.
By the time your glasses were drained, you had arrived at your destination.
“We're a bit early,” Comte commented as he took a peek outside. After shutting the curtains closed, he leaned his face dangerously close to yours, his large hand slowly sliding up your thigh.
He dipped his face a little closer, his lips brushing against yours in a teasing kiss. He pulled away, only a millimeter or two away – just enough to tempt you to lean in and kiss him. 
“I think we have a few minutes to kill before we have to go in.”
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @ikehoe @kpop-and-otome @lucyw260 @queengiuliettafirstlady @kisara-16 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira @crypticbibliophile @yarnnerdally @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @wendolrea @randonauticrap @judejazza @maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu @nightghoul381
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Magazine Interview Translation - B’s-LOG July 2023 [Rurikawa Yuki & Fushimi Omi Actor’s Interview]
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MANKAI Company Ranking
In addition to being actors, Yuki and Omi also support the theatre company behind the scenes as its costume maker and photographer.
They present the charms of their troupe members in a ranking format from their perspectives which differ from an actors.
*Please read disclaimer on blog
RANKING: The person who unexpectedly likes to be spoiled
“It feels like everyone naturally listens to him too”
Yuki: Likes to be spoiled, hm… well, a few people come to mind immediately.
Omi: Oh, who did you think of?
Yuki: Speaking of unexpected, I guess I’d say Itaru. Isn’t he good at asking people for favours? He’s asked you to make late night snacks for him when he’s busy, hasn’t he?
Omi: Well, I enjoy doing that too.
Yuki: That Ma for you. I knew you’d say that. Who do you think of then?
Omi: If I have to pick, then I suppose Masumi.
Yuki: Mmm, is Masumi like that? Doesn’t he only act that way towards you?
Omi: Haha, I don’t think so. Also, he may not be aware of it, but Tasuku doesn’t hesitate to give me requests for the side dishes in his bento. That might fit the definition, in a way.
Yuki: Yeah… I can see that. Tasuku can be pretty dense, after all.
Omi: But the most surprising one might be Azuma-san. It’s natural for him to ask for things, so it feels like everyone naturally listens to him too.
Yuki: That might be true now that you mention it… he’s good at puppy-dog eyes and he’s smooth at asking for favours. I guess Azu-nee fits the most out of everyone we just mentioned.
RANKING: The person who (seems to) have bad sleeping habits
“For instance, Guy doesn’t move at all, so I thought he died”
Yuki: Doesn’t the answer have to be Misumi and Juza?
Omi: Those two names do come up a lot when we talk about bad sleeping habits.
Yuki: Moreover, there are guys who don’t have bad sleeping habits, but they sleep in weird positions. For instance, Guy doesn’t move at all, so I thought he died.
Omi: There are some members who have unique sleeping positions. I’ve seen a video before where Homare-san was sleeping like Tutankhamun.*
Yuki: You’re talking about that bonus footage, right? I thought he was doing it on purpose when I watched it.
Omi: With so many members, it’s interesting how everyone also has all sorts of different sleeping positions.
RANKING: The person who takes short baths
“I was surprised he only took 5 minutes before coming out once.”
Omi: I’ve never really paid attention to everyone’s bath time. But I think Tsuzuru, Misumi, and Juza’s are pretty short.
Yuki: Not to mention Itaru when he’s busy with his hobbies. I was surprised he only took 5 minutes before coming out once.
Omi: That’s short, alright. Now that I think about it, I imagine Sakyo-san doesn’t stay in the dorm’s bath very long either. He stays in a hot spring for quite a long time though.
Yuki: Sakyo? I think so too, now that you mention it.
Omi: On that note, I feel like most of our company members only spend a short time and don’t take very long baths, huh?
Yuki: I guess you don’t have to be that thorough in the bath if you’re not that beauty-conscious.
RANKING: The person who eats a lot
“I have to watch my figure so I don’t get banned.”
Yuki: Misumi was the first one who came to mind, but he’s a special case… If we’re talking unexpected, then Chikage eats a lot, doesn’t he? Well, all he eats is spicy food though.
Omi: Even when I serve him non-spicy food, he adds spice to his own taste and finishes it. Even if the portion is a little too large, he cleans his plate without leaving any leftovers. I appreciate that.
Yuki: In any case, everyone’s a guy, so everyone eats a lot.
Omi: A lot of them are still growing. I feel a sense of satisfaction every time I see that all the food I made has been eaten clean.
Yuki: As the costume maker, I don’t actually care how much the other members eat as long they maintain their figure like Chikage. But if they can’t keep their shape, then I’m banning them from overeating.
Omi: Haha. I have to watch my figure so I don’t get banned.
RANKING: The person you think is cute
“You should know the answer without me telling you, right, Ma?”
Yuki: You should know the answer without me telling you, right, Ma?
Omi: Haha. Yuki’s the cutest.
Yuki: Exactly.
*References the Infiltration Boys’ Night! training camp backstage story
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not-krys · 9 months
WIP Wednesday: Sugar and Spice and ...?-NSFW
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Final WIP Wednesday for 2023! Whoo! Ending on a strong note, I think!
This little nugget was inspired by both my disappointment in the Bride of the Vampire Event and the (more satisfying to me personally) Home Sweet Home Event and I sort of put the two together, with a spicy twist. Maybe later on I'll try to explore more of this universe bc I like this AU and would like to do some more in the future, but for now, this is what I've got thus far.
Notes: Raw, unedited writing, unfinished (cuts off at the last part bc I ran out of steam), threesome relationship, afab reader addressed with feminine pronouns (she, her, etc), pregnant reader, breeding, use of French and Italian when I know neither language so some usage is bound to be wrong, I've tried my best with language blogs and machine translation, Comte and Leo flirting (yes, that is a warning).
Have a good rest of the year and I hope to see all you lovelies in 2024!
"Hey, Comte." Leonardo said to him one morning, "let's make a bet."
"Hmm. What kind of bet?"
"Who do you think [Name]'s kid will resemble more, you or me?"
Comte set down the newspaper he was reading, his fingers steepling.
"We've had her so many times since that first time, it's up to fate as to who her body accepted at this point. Assuming one of us didn't cheat and had some extra time with her, it should be about equal."
"Cheat? Definitely didn't do that a time or two. Nope."
"Of course, you didn't. Just as much as I didn't as well."
"Of course not."
The knowing smiles they gave each other conveyed neither their innocence or their guilt.
"Well, I was the first to take her, so the odds are in my favor." Comte smirked.
"Still haven't forgiven you for that, you know."
"You stole her first kiss. You know better than anyone that I wouldn't let a transgression like that stand for long."
"Heh, didn't peg you for the petty jealous type."
Comte sipped some of his morning tea, a floral scent wafting in the air.
"We share a wonderful, beautiful wife now, Leonardo." he paused, "but seeing her with another man, even if it's you… it seems my claws come out on their own." 
Leonardo laughed.
"The feeling's mutual. Cara mia loves both of us, but can't help but want to pull her into my arms and whisk her away when you're being sweet on her."
"Try it and I really will sink my claws into you."
"Attaccati al cazzo, bastardo."
"En fait," Comte shrugged with a smirk. "je préfère baiser ma femme que toi."
Leonardo growled, reaching out across the table.
"Oh, good morning, you two!" a voice called out in the doorway, a sweet scent tickling the noses of the two vampires. Leonardo pulled his hand back.
"Bonjour, ma cherie." Comte said with a smile, holding his hand out towards you.
"Ciao, bella." Leonardo said, standing up.
Once you were close enough to take his hand, Comte kissed your fingers reverently while Leonardo wrapped an arm around your shoulders, his lips taking a gentle nip at your cheek. You giggled.
"How are you feeling?" Comte asked, still holding onto your hand.
"Better, thank you. Still a little tired though."
"It's to be expected." Comte reached out his free hand, brushing your hair back with his long, graceful fingers. "but you do have a healthy glow about you. That's a good sign."
Leonardo's large hand also slid down your form, pressing it just under your belly, as if weighing it against his palm. "Hmm, still flat."
"It's barely been four months." You said.
"And here I was hoping you'd be stealing my clothes by now. Well, more than you already do."
"No, there's some change. I'm sure of it." Comte interjected, also putting his hand on your belly, as if measuring you like Leonardo had.
"It's okay, Comte," you said gently, "it's still early so you don't have to-"
"I can see it, cherie." Comte reassured you with a smile. "in fact, I think I can see it right… here!"
Without further warning, his fingers danced on your belly, making you laugh and try to step back.
"H-hey! That tickles!"
You had forgotten, however, that Leonardo still held your shoulders.
"Actually, Comte's right." he grinned mischievously, "I think I did feel a little something… here!"
His fingers-rough, calloused, and warm- tickled under your belly, making you laugh harder.
"No fair! You're ganging up on me!"
"Maybe you'll grow faster if we tickle you enough," Leonardo teased.
"That's not how that works-!"
Leonardo's fingers had sank down further, the thin linen of your nightgown the only thing between you and his digits. He smirked.
"Forget something, cara mia?"
You looked away, biting your lip.
"…It was your fault." You said. "Both of you."
It was Comte's turn to smirk.
"We did make a mess of you last night, didn't we?"
The twin bite marks on your neck sung, making you shift against Leonardo's fingers. You shuddered at the memory.
"Couldn't help ourselves." said Leonardo, rubbing his index finger up and down. "Hearing you scream so sweetly…"
"Melting under our touch," Comte reached up for your jaw, caressing it. "Every part of you flushed and glowing."
His fingers traced a line down your body, feather-like touches falling down your collarbone, between your breasts, staying once they found your stomach again.
"So full of our seed.  Seeing it drip between your legs…"
You shifted against Leonardo's fingers again, feeling a dampness against your nightgown.
"You're remembering it, aren't you, cara mia?" Leonardo whispered in your ear, his voice low and husky.  "How it felt to be so full of us."
You shuddered, taking in a sharp breath to try and calm yourself, but failed, feeling Leonardo nuzzle your neck. Comte then stood up, leaning in closer to you, kissing your jaw gingerly, trailing with his lips until he found yours. When he released you with a pop, your lips felt swollen and pink.
"I think she needs a reminder, Leonardo. It's been ages, after all."
"A top-off so soon?" Leonardo chuckled, "Insatiable, aren't you? Only been a couple of hours."
"I think myself more of a generous gentleman, thank you." He reached down for his pants and unbuttoned himself with practiced ease. When he was done, he pulled your skirt up around your waist and kissed your cheek.
"Ready for me, cherie?"
You bit your lip, but nodded. He kissed your forehead this time, lining his hips with yours, his tip gliding on one pass before plunging into you hard and fast. You shuddered and moaned, grabbing onto his shoulders. Leonardo growled low in your ear, making Comte chuckle.
"Learn some patience, will you? You'll get your turn."
"Oh yeah?"
Leonardo tilted your head towards him, stealing your lips and inserting his tongue, teasing your tongue and teeth. His other hand cupped your breast, rolling and massaging the nipple between his rough fingers. You moaned against his lips, the volume muffled. Comte frowned, his hands sliding down your hips, pulling you closer to him. He then reached for your other breast, lifting it and teased the underside with his tongue. A whine escaped between your lips, trapped by Leonardo's, but it was enough to make Comte smirk.
"Do you feel good, cherie?" he asked, "Do we make you feel good?"
Leonardo released your lips, wet strings trailing between you as you both panted for air. Once he was sure you caught your breath, Comte thrust into you again, the full volume of your scream like music to his ears. Leonardo held you securely, peppering kisses along your neck.
"Almost there, mon cœur. "
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kiddoovanilla · 8 months
💄 Inventaire makeup de fin d'année
On ne m'a rien demandé mais ...Fin 2023, il était temps pour moi de me lancer dans une tâche ... qui m'excite et m'effraye à la fois : l'inventaire de ma collection de makeup.
Première fois que je me prête l'exercice, j'ai essayer de procéder méthodiquement par catégorie. ☑️
Catégorie 1 : palette pour les yeux 👁️
Je dois avoir des palettes Makeup Revolution depuis mes 16 ans ... increvable, j'ai encore ma toute première palette la Chocolate Vice #nostalgie (je l'ai finalement donné à ma petite soeur hier) 🥰 Et quel bonheur d'avoir pu me procurer les palettes d’ Ayo Coralie et de Marion Caméléon😭 🙏
Honey chocolate - i ❤ revolution
Gingerbread - i ❤ revolution
Wonder palette Chocolate vice - i ❤ revolution
Reloaded Iconic forever - Makeup revolution 
Reloaded hypnotic - Makeup revolution
Black pearl mini chocolate - i ❤ revolution
White noise - Makeup Obsession
Tasty coffee - I ❤ revolution
Ultimate brights - Nyx
Néon shadow palette Electric dreams - Makeup revolution
Calendar Limited edition mini 2020 - Makeup revolution
Calendar Limited edition mini 2019 - Makeup revolution
Mini pastel - Natasha Denona
Unicorn heart glow - i ❤ revolution
Forever flawless Into the night - Makeup revolution
Wild Pyton - Huda Beauty
Wild Jaguar - Huda Beauty
Wild Chamaleon - Huda Beauty
Lovefest - Huda Beauty
Marion Caméléon x Sephora vol1.
Marion Caméléon x Sephora vol2.
Ayo Coralie x BeautyBay
Norvina vol5. - Anastasia Berverly Hills
Douce Romance - Ayo Coralie x BeautyBay
Nébuleux secret - Ayo Coralie x BeautyBay
Rose metals - Anastasia Berverly Hills
Cette catégorie va grossir à coup sur cette année et surement plus tôt qu'on le pense 🙄🙄👉👈
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Catégorie 2 : palette visage 👩🏻
Merci Ayo Coralie , aujourd'hui je n'ai plus peur de briller de mille feux ! Elle m'a fait aimer les highlighters comme personne 😍  Je me rapelle également piqué le blush irisé de ma maman au collège et aller en cours avec des joues si foncées 😂 ET IRISEES ! Mes boutons d'adolescente et ma peau grasse ne me diraient pas merci avec du recul #facedefritteuse
Flatter me - BH cosmetics
Tasty cupcake Vanilla swirl - I ❤ revolution
Mrs bella Goldies - BH cosmetics
Mrs bella Peachy - BH cosmetics
Rose gold glow mini chocolate - I ❤ revolution
Home made with some NYX highlithers (advent calendar 2018)
Mini cheek duo - Natasha Denona
Spotlight & highlight - BH cosmetics
Sugar and spice - Makeup Revolution
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Catégorie 3 : produits teint 👩🏻‍🎨
J'ai une peau grasse qui a longtemps eu des imperfections et de l'acné. 😐J'ai toujours cherché de la couvrance tout en ayant peur que mon makeup n'aggrave mon cas... Epoque révolue, je cherche aujourd'hui simplement à unifier et lisser mon teint. 🤗
The first prime - BeautyBay 
Matt finish setting spray - NYX
Set it don't regret it - BeautyBay
Pro Filt'r Hydrating Longwear Foundation 250 - Fenty (il n'est même pas à ma teinte donc bye bye !!!)
Base Proof it - NYX
Eye prime - Relove Revolution
Loose setting powder travel size - Anastasia Berverly Hills
Pro filt'r retouch setting powder travel size Banana - Fenty
Magic mango setting powder - MAx&More
Shape tape mini 35N - Tarte
Plump right back base travel size - NYX
Pore filler base travel size - NYX
Pro/bas concealer - MUA
Bare with me BLUR foundation 09 light medium - NYX
Complexion pro Buttersotch - Sheglam
Complexion pro Sand - Sheglam
Blusher reloaded Peach bliss - Makeup Revolution
Blusher reloaded Violet love - Makeup Revolution
Poudre bronzante - Makeup obsession
Fard à joues Rose acajou 10 - Yves rocher
Highlighter Moonside Celestian gaze - Sheglam
Matte liquid blush Swipe right - Sheglam
Matte liquid blush Hush hush - Sheglam
Matte liquid blush Bithday suit - Sheglam
Highlighter - DWTN Paris
Blush 2en1 - DWTN Paris
Magic Check stick Vitamin Pink - My little beauty
Le blush Pêche 160- L'oreal
Blush liquide Terracotta - Modelite
Blush Le rosé - Pomponne
Blush stick Blossoming - Sophia+Mabelle
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Catégorie 4 : produits yeux et sourcils 🤨
Que dire ... c'est cette catégorie qui a forgé ma passion pour le makeup 🥰 voir ma maman se mettre crayon et mascara tout les matins pour aller au travail à du jouer son rôle !
Mascara Smart noir - KIKO
Mascara Smart bleu - KIKO
Mascara - Anastasia Berverly Hills
Mascara Kush hifh volume - Milk
Mascara Fullest volumizing - Ilia
Mascara Mini good drama - Chella
Mascara Go big or Go home mini- KVD
Mascara Lash princess volume - Essence
Mascara Magic extension - MAC
Mascara Sensational - Maybeline
Retractable waterproof eyeliner Matte cobalt 28 - SEPHORA
Crayon contour 12h Black lace 01 - SEPHORA
Crayon contour 12h Tiramisu 13 - SEPHORA
Crayon Vert bronze 477 - Christian Dior (qui n'existe plus 😭)
Crayon khôl marine - Peggy Sage
Crayon khôl vert bronze - Peggy Sage
Rebeleyes Seaweed 106 - Mesauda
Xtrem liquid gel liner Silver 004 - Gosh 
Crayon highlight Cloud - Sheglam
Colored eyeliner Sweet love - Maw&More
Colored eyeliner Island oasis - Maw&More
Colored eyeliner Rock the boat - Maw&More
Colored eyeliner Bright sunlight - Maw&More
Crayon Faux blacks Blackberry 05 - NYX
fard à paupière liquide Mushroom - Sheglam
fard à paupière liquide Walnut - Sheglam
fard à paupière liquide Sun Glow - Sheglam
fard à paupière liquide Jasper - Sheglam
fard à paupière liquide - Sheglam
fard à paupière liquide - Sheglam
Eyeliner noir pailleté - Marion Caméléon x Sephora
Highlighter Watt's up - Benefit
Ombre Blackstar mini Bronze moon - By Terry
Jelly Wow Delirious - Sheglam
Jelly Wow Stay golden - Sheglam
Cream Eyeshadow Champagne - PS
Colorful monofard Ballet shoes - SEPHORA
No budge cream eyeshadow Dune - ELF
Eyebrow gel - Makeup Obsession
The brow glue - NYX
Clear brow gel - Anastasia Berverly Hills
Brow glue - Makeup Revolution
Lift and Snatch Espresso - NYX
crayon sourcil 07 - Puro bio
Crayon sourcil - Makeup obsession
Micro brow pensil Espresso - NYX
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La suite de l'inventaire dans un prochain billet 🥰
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xlipslikemorphine · 1 year
30/07/2023 New Jeans
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Dziś 10 dzień już 🥰 szczerze mówiąc - chciałabym powiedzieć, że widzę różnice… ale nie widzę. I na bank jeśli coś ubyło to max 2kg. Lepsze to niż nic - na mocniejsze restrykcje niestety pozwolić sobie nie mogę. Minął czas kiedy ryzykować mogłam bez strachu.
Niestety, podżerałam w nocy - liczę to do dzisiejszego bilansu.
Używa ktoś może Fitify? Jakie ma przełożenie na rzeczywistość ilość spalanych podczas treningu z apka kalorii?
Mam w szafie jedną, dużo za ciasną spódniczkę - plisowana, króciutka, taka tenis skirt typowa. Bardzo bym chciała schudnąć już do niej 🦋
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Duży, pożywny, białkowy pankejk (120kcal)
Białko jaja 17kcal
Łyżka mąki 33kcal
Łyżka białka (u mnie hemp) 36kcal
7,5ml syropu Monin Pumpkin Spice 24kcal
20ml mleka 2% 10kcal
Szczypta proszku do pieczenia
Zmieszać, piec z obu stron i tadaaaam. Gotowe.
Zjedzone: 923kcal
Spalone: 250kcal
Bilans: 673kcal/800kcal
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whodonthear · 1 year
64 notes · View notes
ilikeorangee · 2 years
AG, 14/3/2023,
Như thường lệ, chỉ khi tâm trạng xuống cấp mình mới tìm lên đây, viết đôi dòng nhật ký tiêu cực. Gần 3 tháng đầu năm trôi qua, trộm vía mình vui vẻ, tuần tiêu cực đi qua cũng nhẹ nhàng, công việc nhẹ nhàng. Không cáu gắt, không mất ngủ, không hướng nội hướng ngoại quá, bình yên trôi qua.
Đến ngày 8/3/2023, bà nội của Dung mất, là mẹ của chú S cơ quan mình. Mình được đi đám tang ở miền tây, biết đến những phong tục mới lạ, cũng biết được cách người ta quan tâm nhau thì sẽ ngọt ngào đến thế nào. Các chú thông báo cho những toà khác, những người không tới được sẽ gửi tặng vòng hoa chia buồn, người tới được sẽ tới, ở lại ăn cơm, uống rượu cùng chủ nhà. Cỗ bàn thuê nhà hàng, có sư thầy về tụng kinh, có múa lửa xua đuổi tà ma xấu. Mình như được đi dự đám tang của bà Dok Sun trong Reply 1988 vậy đó, giống hệt. Chú C, chú T, chị H, chú Tùng, ngày ngày thay phiên nhau túc trực ở đó, cùng chú S tiếp khách. sức khoẻ chú S không tốt, nhưng chú minh mẫn, chú tiếp khách từ sáng đến đêm, mỗi bàn uống cùng mọi người 1 ít. Không giờ nào là không có khách, nên các chú của mình tới để tiếp khách cùng, đỡ cho chú S một phần. Đó là tình cảm, mình thấy quá là đáng trân trọng. Chỉ 2 ngày, mà các chú của mình bị mất cả tiếng, nhưng hề tỏ ra mệt mỏi chút nào hết.
Ngày 12/3/2023, chú S mời mình, Tùng, Huyền đi ăn, cảm ơn tụi mình đã giúp chú mấy ngày qua. Rồi chú và cô đi cafe với nhau, tụi mình đi hát tiếp. Mình thấy gia đình ở miền tây rất ngọt ngào á, rất quan trọng thời gian ở cạnh bạn đời của mình. Ai nói đó là làm màu, là nghi thức chứ?? Ở nhà mình, ngày lễ không hoa không quà không lời chúc, cơm nhà ăn thì ăn không ăn thì cắt cơm, đi nhậu với bạn bè, đi ăn sáng với bạn bè, đến giờ cơm thì về nhà, ăn rồi ngủ chiều lại đi. Không hành động yêu thương, mỗi ngày trôi qua đều bình thường tạm bợ như vậy. Nghi thức là minh chứng tốt nhất cho việc không từ bỏ bản thân. mình không biết diễn tả ntn, nhưng mình thấy việc sống của bm mình nó giống nghĩa vụ chứ không giống “được sống”, bm sống mỗi ngày, ăn, uống, ngủ, nghỉ, làm việc, xem điện thoại, quan tâm con cái, chơi với bạn bè. Cứ vậy hàng chục năm, không có thời gian cho bản thân, và đã quen với việc không quan tâm bản thân, nên moi nghi thức đều bị gượng, là không cần thiết. Mình thấy thương quá.
Các chú của mình, rất yêu thương vợ. Đi nhậu đến giờ là về, ăn cơm với vợ, tối chở vợ đi dạo. Ngày lễ thì mua hoa, hoặc đưa vợ đi ăn nhà hàng. Từ chối các cuộc nhậu để về ăn cơm nhà, vợ chồng đi cafe với nhau. Dù đã lớn tuổi nhưng vẫn giận hờn, dỗ dành, chiều ý. Yêu nhò. Gia đình nói chuyện nhiều với nhau, chia sẻ, cảm thông, yêu thương. Người lớn mở lòng nói chuyện với con trẻ, con trẻ thấu hiểu sự lo lắng của mẹ cha. Cuộc sống mơ ước của mình, mình cũng sẽ cố gắng, tìm một người, có chung chí hướng, tâm, trí, tín, đức để gia đình nhỏ của mình, có thể chia sẻ, cảm thông, bao dung lẫn nhau. Mình muốn mọi ngày trôi qua đặt biệt, không phải vì gì cả, vì chính mình. Mình muốn mỗi ngày trôi qua vẫn như thế, những hoạt động thường ngày đó, nhưng khác đi 1 tí. Bản chất vẫn là ngồi làm việc thôi, nhưng có thêm 1 lọ hoa thì sao? Bản chất vẫn là đi ra đường, nhưng mặc đẹp hơn 1 tí thì sao? Vẫn nhìn nhận mọi thứ nó vẫn là, but we don’t we spice it up? Mọi thứ sẽ thú vị, lãng mạn hơn nếu bạn nhìn nhận nó một cách thú vị, lãng mạn hơn. Tự quan trọng hoá mọi điều nhỏ nhặt trong cuộc sống, nếu không, chả có là quan trọng cả.
Ngày 13/3/2023, chú S và chú H rời nhóm chat cơ quan, dọn đồ đạc, 15/3 có người mới nhận công tác. Mình chuyển đi, vào 1/4. Biết 2 tin cùng lúc khiến tinh thần mình vỡ oà, mình đã không vui như mình và bao người khác nghĩ. Mình luôn chắc chắn trong lòng là sẽ chuyển đi chứ không gắn bó ở đây. Nhưng lúc nhận được tin, khác với những gì mình nghĩ, mình nghĩ sẽ vui, háo hức, hào hứng lưu hồ sơ, dọn đồ hát ca. Nhưng mình khóc, nhìn thấy đồng nghiệp là khóc, mình nói với phòng 1/4 cháu đi mà mình khóc không nói được, khóc cả buổi chiều. Gặp ai cũng khóc, muốn ôm tất cả mọi người, muốn nói nhiều lắm, mà không nghĩ ra gì, không biết nói gì.
Đến tối, toà mình tổ chức tiệc chia tay cho chú, mình nữa. Chú đã phát biểu thật nhiều, tâm huyết của chú mấy chục năm qua, tình yêu thương, biết ơn, tinh thần đoàn kết, bao bọc nhau của toà mình, mình cảm thấy từng lỗ chân lông đều ngập trong tình yêu thương. Chú cũng nói về mình nữa, chú nói 2 năm qua cuộc sống của mình ở đây, chú quan sát và biết mình là người tốt, sau này sẽ trở thành người giỏi, chúc mình giữ vững được bản chất con ngừoi, bản lĩnh với nghề. Các chú động viên mình nhiều, xoa đầu, vỗ lưng, cảm ơn mình thời gian qua đã làm giúp chú. Mình chỉ ngồi khóc không thôi. Chú nói ở môi trường mới, có thể khắc nghiệt hơn, không được như ở đây cũng phải cố lên. Nhưng mọi người cũng yên tâm về mình, bảo mình đi đâu cũng sẽ được yêu thương. Chị Nhớ dặn mình sau này về nhà, có khó khăn, thành công, hay sự kiện gì trong đời mình, cũng hãy báo với mọi người, hãy giữ liên lạc. Hãy như cũ, có vấn đề gì thì gọi chị. Mọi người vẫn bảo chị Nhớ sống nghị lực, không biết sao có thể vượt qua được những ngày tháng như thế, vẫn luôn quan tâm mọi người. Mình không biết chị trải qua những gì, nhưng mình nghĩ sẽ thật khó để có thể gặp người thứ hai tốt như vậy. Lúc các chú lấy hộp nhẫn ra tặng cho mình, món quà chia tay, mình khóc không thành tiếng, giờ ngồi viết lại vẫn khóc. Chú dặn lúc nào cũng phải đeo ở tay nhé, để luôn nhớ về toà hình sự. Yêu quá làm sao bây giờ.
Áp lực từ trước đến nay trong công việc của mình chỉ là nhiều việc quá, mình làm quá mệt, chứ không có đến từ đồng nghiệp. Mọi người yêu thương, đùm bọc nhau, âm thầm gỡ rối cho nhau, quan tâm nhau lắm. Chưa bao giờ mình cảm thấy lạc lõng trong đại gia đình đó. Tội lỗi mình gây ra viết 80 tờ A4 mới hết, nhưng chưa bao giờ bị bế lên gặp lãnh đạo, mình được bao che, được bảo bọc, được yêu thương. Chú nạt mình nhiều, nhưng nạt toàn vì mình làm sai lỗi ngớ ngẩn, nạt để mình biết mà sửa chứ không hề thù ghét. Chú nóng tính, mình cũng sợ chú, nhưng mình an tâm với vòng tròn an toàn các chú tạo ra cho. Giông bão ngoài kia các chú gánh hết vậy đó. Chú S nói đã bảo vệ toà mình nhiều năm qua, và sẽ tiếp tục bảo vệ đến ngày cuối cùng. Chuyện ban nghành, chuyện chính trị mình không hiểu, nhưng mình tin là chú đã gánh cả bầu trời, để tụi mình được sống vô tri như này. 
Minh lo lắng, đến nơi mới, không biết sẽ như nào, có được vô tri nữa không?
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thelensofyashunews · 4 months
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Fresh off his Billboard Hot 100 debut and the announcement that he'll be opening for Ice Spice on her upcoming Y2K! World Tour, April's Billboard Rookie of the Month and multi-hyphenate NYC mainstay Cash Cobain has just shared his new single "Rump Punch". Featuring lush production accented by Cobain's distinct melodic flow, "Rump Punch" is an unapologetic ode to the female pleasure center ("Pussy taste like rump punch") ("I just made her cum twice, you ain't make her cum once"). The track arrives amidst a landmark run for the rapper and producer, who recently linked up with Ice Spice for the long-awaited video remix for "Fisherrr" (feat. BaySwag) (26M Streams), which marked her third feature ever, and enlisted rap superstar J. Cole for “Grippy” (6M+ Streams), a new version of his acclaimed 2023 song “Dunk Contest” (8M Streams). It's been a massive month for Cobain, whose Hot 97 Summer Jam performance of "Fisherrr" was hailed as the festival's biggest song by Funkmaster Flex. The rapper and producer also recently featured alongside Charlie Wilson on Don Toliver's new single "Attitude", appeared on A Boogie Wit da Hoodie’s“Body”, and produced Lancey Foux’s"Daylight"(feat. Teezo Touchdown), showcasing why COMPLEX proclaimed that summer 2024 is “looking very slizzy". After steadily garnering momentum with R-rated anthems over his own ethereal production — pioneering the playful sexy drill sound and Slizzy Movement that he’s now taking to mainstream heights — Cash Cobain is primed for his moment in the spotlight. Following the success of smash singles "Dunk Contest" and "Fisherrr", the latter of which is being hailed as a top contender for song of the summer, Cobain has since hit 3M Monthly Listeners on Spotify, entered the Top 3 NYC Shazam Charts, and occupied the #1 and #3 slots of the NYC Apple Music Charts as well as #45 on the Urban Radio Charts. With recent releases "Dunk Contest" (watch his Genius Open Mic appearance), the Ice Spice-assisted remix for "Fisherrr" (feat. BaySwag), the J. Cole-featuring “Grippy”, and now "Rump Punch", Cash Cobain is expanding upon his signature sexy drill sound — and showcasing its ever-growing appeal in the process.
In April, Cobain took over NYC with his 'Slizzy Fest' birthday show at Irving Plaza, a night that boasted a stacked lineup of New York’s finest along with rumors of a surprise set from a certain A-list superstar. After the hype reached a fever pitch, the growing crowd caused security concerns and the show was ultimately canceled –– but Cobain still wanted to give the fans their money's worth. So he led the crowd down the street into Union Square and threw a makeshift show with just his crew, a Bluetooth speaker — and hundreds of adoring fans (read 'I Went to Cash Cobain’s Slizzyfest and All I Got Was That Classic NYC Feeling' via Rolling Stone and his statement in Billboard). Cobain has since teased potential collaborations with Frank Ocean, Travis Scott, Lil Yachty and more –– a sure sign of the worldwide stardom soon to come. These recent releases arrive on the heels of a career-minting 2023 year that wrapped with the production of PinkPantheress'"Nice To Meet You" (feat. Central Cee), which debuted at #20 on the Billboard Hot 100 (Cobain recently starred alongside her in a nationally-syndicated Apple commercial for the new MacBook). Previous months also saw Cobain produce Drake's"Calling For You" (feat. 21 Savage), which debuted at #5 on the Billboard Hot 100, DJ Travis Scott's Cactus Jack x Audemars Piguet event, and release his critically-acclaimed debut solo album Pretty Girls Love Slizzy with Giant Music.
TOUR DATES 07/30 – Washington, DC – The Anthem 08/01 – Montclair, NJ – The Wellmont Theater 08/02 – Philadelphia, PA – The Met 08/04 – Boston, MA – MGM 08/06 – New York, NY – Pier 17  08/09 – Detroit, MI – The Fillmore 08/11 – Toronto, ON – History  08/13 – Chicago, IL – Aragon Ballroom  08/14 – Minneapolis, MN – The Armory 08/17 – Denver, CO – The Fillmore  08/19 – Los Angeles, CA – Hollywood Palladium  08/21 – Oakland, CA – Fox Theater  08/23 – Tempe, AZ – Marquee  08/25 – Dallas, TX – Bomb Factory  08/26 – Houston, TX – 713 Music Hall  08/28 – Atlanta, GA – Coca Cola Roxy  08/31 – Miami, FL – The Fillmore
0 notes
woozi · 6 months
helluu yza <333 🫂🫂🥰🥰🥰
i've been doing good overall <33 it comes and goes hddjkd last year ended up leaving a sour taste in the mouth, it's been quiet since 2024 started, not liking it but can't do much to change it either, can you tell i have a hard time letting things go lmao?it'll eventually get sorted out (i hope)
ANYWAY, i decided to join letterboxd community, i am a complete movie person now (if you wanna be moots there lmk), the recent one i watched was "call me chihiro", do watch it when you can, i liked it, AND AND AND there's this indian movie called "three of us" (2022) i'm still recovering from it, people who think 2521 was traumatic wouldn't be able to handle this movie at all, it's about this woman going back to her home town with her husband for a visit after something happens to her, to recollect herself and she meets her childhood friend there 😭😭😭 IT'S LIKE PAST LIVES MOVIE BUT ALSO KINDA DIFFERENT. i love both of them equally. please do watch it if you can't find link i'll send it you <333 there's too many gems i've been finding out about after making an account on letterboxd. ( also i finally watched kiki's delivery service, i had been meaning to but kept delaying it, it's soo good, the kid with specs annoyed me lmao but i got over it quickly (in the sense that i didn't care much about him or his plot hdjskss)
we can always pick up our movie hangouts, feel free to lmk on disc or even if you want ro reach out to say something 🥰 it'll reach me faster compared to here im not much of a tumblr girl anymore it seems
what's new with you? how are you doing?
i hope you're well
i find myself humming to wait so much these days, it's funny because when it was released i listened to it and then never looked back 😭 ( fake carat booo fake ot13 booo 🍅🍅🍅🍅) now it stays rent free in my mind as i go about my day, the dance break towards the ending is so so good, i've been also enjoying yugyeom's album esp summer blues it's so my kind and OMG YES I WANTED TO ASK WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON BIBI'S BAM YANG GANG? 🎤 (atp i feel like i should call myself bibi stan)
thank you for even replying back even though you don't really have to hddjsk i missed you too 🫂 you're so kind to me always <333 sending you more peaceful and good weather days, i hope you are also finding space and time for pausing in between the chaos around you 🥺💌
MA CHERIE 🥺🥰😻😘😚😍♥💜🧡❣💝💞💟💌❤💛💚💙🖤💓💖💗
i'm so sorry to hear that :(( and if it's any consolation, it really is as they say!! all things really will come to pass, it's just a matter of time <3 hope u know i'm always here to lend an ear as well i lov u 🥺
ALSO LOVE LETTERBOXD REALLY IS A FILM GIRLIE EXPERIENCE FDJKJFDJKFD i unfortunately dont have it (shame on me as a prev film major LMFAO) but i'd love to be moots i'll create an acc for u <3 ALSO LOVEEEEEEEE THESE RECCS I'M TAKING NOTES!!! also still dk why 2521 was So Sad for people, i really loved it and just thought it was realistic 😭 AND KIKI'S!!!!!!!!!!!! that was also super fun for me and i loved jiji's little love story line SOOO MUCH
also felt abt that </3 I WAS ALSO JUST GONNA TELL U ABT DISC GJKFDKJFDKJ we really r soulmates atp <33 think i've also been away from tumblr since jan of 2023 now 😭 i honestly just come back during times when my love for the sebongs is Monumental and bc there r svt nets who still dont have admins 😭
the past year has also been super rough for me so i really get u when u said u hope things will sort themselves out soon FDJJKFD but i'm sure it will on both our ends!! that's just how life is sometimes. thank u for checking up on me <333
ALSO SO REAL ABT JUST CHECKING OUT RELEASES AND DIPPING DKJSJKDSS I LOV U SM!! AND I REALLY LOVED ITTTTTTTTTTTTT, think it showed a v different side to her <33 ((although the lyrics are Very Much still bibi, it's just the melody and presentation that gave her a new spice)
AND WHY WOULD U EVEN THANK ME 😤😤😤😤 i should be thanking YOU for the gift of friend chip <33 hope the days r also kinder to u, i'd fight ur demons if i could 😡 LOV UUUUUUU LET'S HANG OUT AND WATCH MOVIES AGAIN TGT SOON <#3333333333333 MWAH
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tillzzy · 7 months
Dai Pai Dongs - who's still standing?
Through a lot of secondary research, I found that there are only 15 remaining authentic Dai Pai Dongs that are still open in 2024. They are scattered around Hong Kong, but each offer their own story, specialties and unique locations.
Bing Kee Cha Dong
One of the last remaining old school Hong Kong cafes
based in Tai Hang
breakfast and lunchtime spot
typical dishes include noodle soup, noodles with egg, french toast and milk tea
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2. Sing Kee
outdoor restaurant in an alleyway
survived the government moving dai pai dongs around in the 1970s
morning till night time service
popular foods include salt and pepper squid and sweet and sour pork
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3. Keung Kee
based in Sham Shui Po
only has 6 tables
near Apliu market
tables face the kitchen so you can see the chefs cooking
known for Hainan chicken and seafood dishes
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4. Sing Heung Yuen
Mee Lun street, Central
mix of office workers and labourers
popular at lunch time
comfort food such as tomato and scrambled eggs, lemon honey on toast
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5. Ball Kee
Staveley Street, Central
Busy at lunch time
noodles, rice, meat, veg and soy sauce combinations
local business men are the usual clientel at lunch time
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6. So Kee
known for their Yuen Yeung - milk tea and coffee
more of a cafe/noodle shop
popular dishes include french toast and pork ramen
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7. Yuk Yip Dessert
Elgin Street, Central
popular dishes include Black Sesame soup and mango sago
popular for late night meals after dinner
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8. Dai Lee Dai Pai Dong
Pei Ho Street Market, Sham Shui Po
operating for 50 years
known for their minced pork and braised fish
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9. Woosung Street Cooked Food
in Jordan
opened in 1984
cha chaan teng food by day and stir fry by night
lively atmosphere
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10. Oi Man Sang
operating in Sham Shui Po since 1956
oldest dai pai dong in Hong Kong
menu has barely changed since it first opened
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11. Chui Wo Lee
Wong Tai Sin Street Restaurant
one of the few remaining housing estate cooked food stalls in Hong Kong
operated by 3 owners
open 24 hours a day
dim sum, cheung fun, congee etc.
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12. Tai Yuen Dai Pai Dong
In Fo Tan
open 4:30-1:30am
known for roast pigeon and salt and pepper tofu
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13. Hong Kee Restaurant
in Kowloon Bay
open 5pm-2am
known for their garlic prawns and Bombay duck
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14. Yuk Kin Fast Food
Long standing Dai Pai Dong
Tai Ping Street, Sai Ying Pun
popular dishes include sliced beef, shrimp egg and rice
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15. Temple Spice Crabs
known for their seafood dishes - spicy crab and shrimp
based in yau ma tei
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Asia, T. (2023). Hong Kee. [online] Tatler Asia. Available at: https://www.tatlerasia.com/dining/hong-kee-restaurant-hong-kong [Accessed 3 Mar. 2024].
Asia, T. (2023). Tai Yuen Dai Pai Dong. [online] Tatler Asia. Available at: https://www.tatlerasia.com/dining/tai-yuen-dai-pai-dong-hong-kong [Accessed 3 Mar. 2024].
Chiu, A. and Leung, J. (2024). 12 Best dai pai dongs you need to try in Hong Kong. [online] Time Out Hong Kong. Available at: https://www.timeout.com/hong-kong/restaurants/best-dai-pai-dong-hong-kong [Accessed 1 Mar. 2024].
Discover Hong Kong. (2023). Sing Heung Yuen | Hong Kong Tourism Board. [online] Available at: https://www.discoverhongkong.com/uk/interactive-map/sing-heung-yuen.html [Accessed 1 Mar. 2024].
Discover Hong Kong. (2023). Sing Kee | Hong Kong Tourism Board. [online] Available at: https://www.discoverhongkong.com/uk/interactive-map/sing-kee.html [Accessed 29 Feb. 2024].
Facebook.com. (2023). Facebook. [online] Available at: https://www.facebook.com/HongKongDaiPaiDong [Accessed 1 Mar. 2024].
Marie, C. (2024). Best dai pai dongs in Hong Kong: Good food, great buzz, and old-school vibes. [online] Honeycombers Hong Kong. Available at: https://thehoneycombers.com/hong-kong/best-dai-pai-dongs-hong-kong/ [Accessed 3 Mar. 2024].
Time Out Hong Kong. (2023). Ball Kee (波記) | Restaurants in Central, Hong Kong. [online] Available at: https://www.timeout.com/hong-kong/restaurants/ball-kee [Accessed 1 Mar. 2024].
Time Out Hong Kong. (2023). Bing Kee Cha Dong (炳記茶檔) | Restaurants in Tai Hang, Hong Kong. [online] Available at: https://www.timeout.com/hong-kong/restaurants/bing-kee-cha-dong [Accessed 29 Feb. 2024].
Time Out Hong Kong. (2018). Keung Kee (强記) | Restaurants in Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong. [online] Available at: https://www.timeout.com/hong-kong/restaurants/keung-kee-1 [Accessed 29 Feb. 2024].
Time Out Hong Kong. (2022). Yuk Kin Fast Food. [online] Available at: https://www.timeout.com/hong-kong/restaurants/yuk-kin-fast-food [Accessed 3 Mar. 2024].
Time Out Hong Kong. (2023). So Kee (蘇記茶檔) | Restaurants in Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong. [online] Available at: https://www.timeout.com/hong-kong/restaurants/so-kee [Accessed 1 Mar. 2024].
Time Out Hong Kong. (2023). Yuk Yip Dessert (玉葉甜品) | Restaurants in Central, Hong Kong. [online] Available at: https://www.timeout.com/hong-kong/restaurants/yuk-yip-dessert [Accessed 1 Mar. 2024].
Yu, H. (2021). 11 best dai pai dongs in Hong Kong. [online] Tatler Asia. Available at: https://www.tatlerasia.com/dining/food/best-dai-pai-dongs-hong-kong [Accessed 1 Mar. 2024].
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queenof-narnia-blog · 9 months
Dec 13, 2023
Ito ha, sasabihin ko sa iyo ng isang bagsakan. At magpapasko na din kasi at ayokong magpasko na sobrang lungkot at magisa ko lang. Tatagalugin ko lahat para maintindihan mo.
Una sa lahat, mahal na mahal kita sa kabila ng pang loloko at pang gagago mo sa akin. Pero hindi na ako babalik sa iyo. Sa ngayon, ang masasabi ko lang ay ayoko na at napagod na ako at sumuko. Ayoko magsalita ng patapos kaya yung sasabihin ko lang ay ngayon ayoko na bumalik sa iyo. Salamat at niloko mo ako kaya natauhan ako na dapat utak ko na yung sundin ko at hindi na yung puso ko.
Ikaw nagkusang mag chat sa babae mo. Walang nagpumilit sa iyo. Ikaw lahat nagsabi ng mga bagay sa kanya na ni minsan hindi ko nadinig sa iyo. At ikaw din nagbitaw ng mga salita na "love love naman kita", "ikaw lang gusto ko hindi mo pa maibigay", "nag wo-worry ako sa iyo", "we can plan where we can date later", "I wish I can spend time with you today", "I'm happy coz I celebrated my birthday with my loved ones", and "I want to spice things up with you". Yan lang ang mga iilan na salitang binitawan at sinabi mo sa kanya. Meron pang, nagseselos ka kapag may kausap siyang iba kasi sobrang ganda niya at matalino. Sobrang sakit para sa akin na mabasa lahat ng yan. Umiiyak ako habang paulit ulit na nagbabasa ng conversations niyo. Yung babae mo, hindi naman gaano nag re-reply ng mahaba sa iyo pero ikaw tung nagkusa na magsabi sa kanya. Ikaw mismo nag initiate na makita at maka usap siya. Ikaw nagdesisyon na makipag sleep over sa kanila. At ikaw din mismo ang nag desisyon na patuloy siyang kausapin araw-araw. At higit sa lahat desisyon mong magsabi sa akin na matutulog ka na pero makikipag-kita ka pala sa kaniya. Desisyon mo na magbigay ng update sa kanya at tawagan siya. Ikaw lahat yun. Yung babae nag re-reply lang sa mga sinasabi mo sa kanya. Kaya yun masakit kasi ikaw lahat yun. Yung babae hindi naman gaanong nagpapakita na gusto ka niya. Ikaw lahat yun. Kaya aminin mo man o hindi, alam ko nagustuhan mo din talaga siya. Ayaw mo lang sabihin kasi inaayos mo yung sa atin.
Pinakamasakit sa lahat ng nangyari ay yung mga importanteng dates sa relasyon natin ay binalewala mo at pinili mong siya yung kasama mo sa mga araw na yun. Nov 18, 2023 at Nov 23, 2023. Dalawang araw na hindi na mababalik sa akin. Kahit umiyak pa ako at abutin ng luha kong yung dagat .. hindi na mababalik yang panahon na iyan.
At masakit isipin na halos mabaliw ako nung nalaman ko at nahuli ko kayo.. mas pinili mong mag explain muna sa kaniya bago sa akin na sobrang tagal na natin. Mas pinili mong tawagan siya at ni isang beses wala man lang akong natanggap. At uulitin ko ulit, kung hindi ko kayo nahuli.. hanggang ngayon nag uusap pa din kayo. Kasi Dec 4, nahuli ko kayo. Nauna ka pang mag goodmorning sa kanya. Pagmulat ng mata mo siya na agad naisip mo. Samantalang ako, nag text ka lang otw ka na sa work. Buti nlg at kahit papaano e naalala mo ako.
Hindi mo inayos kung ano man yung sa atin. Mas pinili mo siya over me. At yun yung masakit. Na habang binigay ko yung buo kong tiwala kasi sabi mo work at bahay ka lang at wala kang ginagawang masama ay taliwas pala lahat sa mga sinabi mo.
Dec 4 ko pa nalaman pero kinausap mo lang ako Dec 7. Kaya dun ko na realize na.. ako lang naghahabol sa iyo. Huli na nung magsisi ka kasi wala na din siya sa iyo at galit na din siya sa iyo. Kaya ako ay naging option na lang kasi alam mo na hindi ko basta basta itatapon yung halos pitong taon na relasyon natin.
Binalewala mo ako mula Oct. Sobrang tagal na panahon na kahit kelan hindi na mababalik pa. Alam ko at ramdam ko na ginusto mo siya. Kasi yung taong wala lang.. hindi ka mag-eeffort kausapin. Hindi mo maalala sa pagmulat ng iyong mga mata at iisipin bago matulog. Hindi pupuntahan at lalo na hindi susundin ang mga simpleng utos niya. Nagkaroon siya binigyan mo ng sweets.. samantalang ako nakatingin ka lang. Sobrang sakit na mabasa na tinanong mo siya kung kamusta tulog niya at magkita kayo sa panaginip. Ni minsan hindi mo ginawa sa akin yun. Sobrang sakit ng puso ko habang binabasa lahat ng yun. Pero need ko basahin ng paulit ulit kasi hindi ako naniniwala na magagawa mo sa akin yon.
Hindi ko alam kung saan ako nagkulang. Binigay ko sa iyo lahat. Pinakilala kita sa buong angkan ko at proud ako na ikaw yung kasama ko sa buhay. Pinaglaban kita kahit sa sarili mong pamilya. Pinaglaban kita sa mga taong ayaw sa relasyon natin. Hindi mo ako nirespeto at yung relasyon natin.. hindi mo ako binigyan ng magandang dahilan kung bakit ginawa mo yun at kung bakit ka nagloko sa mahabang panahon.
Alam ko sinasabi mo nagsisisi ka na pero its too late. Nagsisisi ka ngayon pero hindi mo ako naisip sa mga panahon na kausap mo siya.
Pati yung mga pictures niyo at lockscreen mo.. pati pa ba yun kailangan mo pa mag sinungaling? Sa mahabang panahon na niloko mo ako hindi pa ba sapat yun? Pati pa ba yun kelangan mo magsinungaling dahil lang sa gusto mong magka ayos tayo?
Hindi lahat ng bagay nadadala sa sorry. Kasi uulitin ko nlg ulit na paulit ulit mo siyang mas pinili na parang siya pa yung mas matagal mong nakasama.
Tinanggap kita ng buo. Sa hirap at saya kasama kita. Alam ko recently, lagi akong galit. Paano naman hindi e kung hindi ako galit hindi ka magtext at halos mag maka awa ako para lang replayan mo at kelangan ko pang magalit makausap ka lang..
Lahat ng yun tapos na at hindi na mawawala yung sakit na pinadanas mo sa akin. Ikaw yung may sabit sa ating dalawa.. kaya di ko ineexpect na magagawa mo sa akin ito kasi sabi mo na ako na yung last mo at hindi mo alam if kapag maghiwalay tayo kung may tatanggap pa ba sa iyo. Kaya nagtiwala ako at minahal kita ng sobra sobra. Minahal kita ng higit pa sa sarili ko.. na kahit ako na yung mag suffer wag ka lang.
Inangat kita at binuo kita pero yung binalik mo sa akin ay winasak at sinira mo ako. Minahal kita at never ako tumingin sa iba. Kahit pa na gusto ko na magpakasal talaga kasi nasa tamang edad na ako at gusto kong mag start ng family.. inantay pa din kita hanggang mag okay papers mo. Kaya di ko maintindihan kung paano mo nlg kabasta tinapon lahat ng mga sacrifices ko sa iyo. Alam ko mahirap din naman ako mahalin. Meron din naman akong mga ugali na minsan hindi mo din naman gusto pero yung maghanap ka ng iba.. maling-mali yun.
Tinanggap kita ng buo. Pinatawad ng paulit-ulit. Iisa lang yung hiningi ko sa iyo. Yun ay wag na wag ka mambabae kasi sabi ko sa iyo.. di ko kayang makita ka na may kasamang iba. Pero ang ginawa mo nag picture pa kayo ng sobrang dikit at mas inuna mo siya kesa sa akin.. Tatlong buwan lang katumbas ng pagmamahalan natin.
Alam ko, gusto mo ayusin to kasi hindi mo kayang mag isa sa buhay. Pero sana inayos mo nung una palang. Sana inayos mo at umamin ka kaagad nung una pa lang. Hindi yung sasabihan mo ako na wala lang yun at friends lang kayo. Kasi yung magkaibigan hindi ganyan yung usapan. Alam ko at tanggap ko na nagkagusto ka dun kahit hindi mo sabihin.
Pero sa huling pagkakataon pinili mo na naman na magsinungaling para lang maayos yung sinira mong relasyon. Alam ko binura mo lahat ng pictures natin at hindi ako yung wall paper mo. Pero hindi mo kelangan magsinungaling kasi kung nagsabi ka lang ng totoo tatanggapin ko lang din naman at wala na akong magagawa dun.
Sobrang sakit ng ginawa mo. It hurts coz what I felt for you is real. Mahal na mahal kita. Sobra sobrang pagmamahal binigay ko sa iyo. Pero lahat yun ay kaya mong ipagpalit sa taong sinasabi mong wala lang.
Ayokong umasa ka pa sa akin kaya sinasabi ko sa iyo to. Kasi ngayon, alam ko sa sarili ko na ayaw ko na sa iyo. Kasi yung kaisang-isang bagay na ayaw kong gawin mo ay ginawa mo at yun ay mambabae at lumandi sa iba. Utak ko na ngayon yung susundin ko. Sobrang sakit ng ginawa mo na naging manhid na puso ko. Dubi nlg ang nagsurvive sa akin ngayon. At ayoko na bumalik sa sitwasyon na yun ulit. Takot na takot na akong masaktan ulit. Hindi ko na kakayanin kung papayagan ko ulit yung sarili ko na masaktan.
Hindi nagbago yung pagmamahal ko sa iyo. At kahit pa na sa mga susunod na buwan or taon ang dumaan ikaw pa din ang mamahalin ko pero hindi na sa paraan na katulad dati.
Pinatawad kita ng paulit-ulit pero pinaglaruan at tinapon mo lang ako na parang isang laruan. Tiniis ko lahat. Tiniis ko at nilabanan ko yung isip ko na makasal man tayo.. I will never be your first. Pero lahat ng sacrifices ko e nasayang lang.
Dati, sobrang saya ko kapag magka video call tayo kahit hindi tayo nag uusap okay lang kasi ramdam ko yung presensya mo at tuwing tinititigan kita lagi kong iniisip na sobrang mahal kita at sobrang mahal mo din ako na maswerte ako kasi sobrang tagal na natin at hindi tayo nagsasawa sa isa't isa. Naghiwalay na lahat pero tayo strong pa din. Pero ako lang pala yung nag iisip ng ganyan. Nasa isip ko lang pala lahat ng yun. Ngayon ayoko nang nakikita ka kasi tuwing tititigan kita.. napapa isip nlg ako na sayang. Hindi na to yung lalaking minahal ko ng sobra. Na yung kausap ko ngayon ay niloko at ginago ako.
Sobrang sakit pala na makita na yung mahal mo naka akbay na sa iba. Na dati ikaw lang yung bukang-bibig pero ngayon hindi na.
Lahat ng yan nasa past na. Umiyak man ako hindi na mababalik. Ayoko na alalahanin yung mga nangyari kasi paulit ulit ko nang sinasabi. Alam ko lagi kong sinasabi na huli nato. Pero wala e sobrang mahal lang talaga kita kaya kahit yung utak ko sinasabing ayaw ka kausapin pero yung puso ko e gusto pa din talaga.
Pero ngayon napag isip-isip ko na kelangan ko ng unahin yung sarili ko. Kasi wala namang mag aalaga na sa akin at wala ding ibang magmamahal sa akin kundi sarili ko lang din talaga.
Kaya salamat sa lahat. Sa halos pitong taon na kasama kita pinaramdam mo sa akin kung paano alagaan at kung paano mahalin. Hinding-hindi ako magsisisi na minahal kita ng sobra sobra. Araw araw ko babalikan yung mga alaala na kung saan masaya tayo kahit dalawa lang tayo .. na sa hirap at ginhawa kasama kita. Na sa pagtulog at pag dilat ko ng mga mata ko.. mukha mo at ikaw lang ang nakikita at naiisip ko.
Mahal na mahal kita as in. Pilit ko tinatapangan sarili ko na kausapin ka kahit alam ko na ako lang din yung talo at ako lang din yung masasaktan..
Wala ka ng madidinig sa akin na ganito mula ngayon. Eto nlg ang munti kong regalo sa iyo ngayong pasko. Lagi mo nlg tatandaan na sobrang mahal kita at ni minsan hindi ko naisip na maghanap ng iba.
Hindi ko kontrolado yung puso at isipan mo. Ang alam ko lang ay yung isang tao kapag wala naman gusto or hindi interasado sa isang tao.. hinding-hindi makikipag-usap at makiki-pagkita dun.
Pero tapos na. Nangyari na. Wala na akong magagawa. Baliktarin ko man ang mundo hindi na mababalik yung dating tayo.
Mahal na mahal kita, Michael Andrew Sinagub.
Pinangarap kong dalhin yung apelyedo mo kasama ng mga magiging anak sana natin.
Pinangarap kong tumanda na kasama ka. Ipinag-pray ko na sana hanggang dulo na tayo. Na sana hindi tayo mag sawa sa isa't-isa.
Pero kahit ganito na ang nangyari, mahal pa din kita pero kelangan itigil na. Iloveyousomuch, my love, my baby, mi Amore.. my husband.
I will always love you and you will always have a space in my heart. Salamat sa pitong taon na kasama kita. Hinding-hindi ko makakalimutan yun hanggang sa pagtanda. Ingatan mo nlg ang sarili mo. At kung ano man yung desisyon mo sa buhay, pag isipan mo ng maigi ng sa ganun sa susunod na pumasok ka sa isang relasyon hindi mo na masaktan yung babaeng minahal ka lang naman pero niloko mo.
Paalam na aking mahal. 😢
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