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beyond-use · 4 years
@spicyspoilers​ || starter call.
All he had to do was keep his head down and stay as unobtrusive as ever. It wouldn’t be hard. Stick to the sidelines, find a quiet place to stay put where he wouldn’t run into anyone he knew. Optics down, no unnecessary eye contact, and everything would be just fine.
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“Oh, pardon me!” he apologized hastily to the mech he had half-run into. Maybe he had been keeping himself a little too turned away from his surroundings; lost in thought and with his optics trained resolutely on the ground, he hadn’t quite seen where he was going (or who was in his way). Risking a quick glance up, Rung was caught by unwarranted surprise. After all, what were the chances of him not stumbling into a familiar face when that was the last thing he needed?
“R-Rodi--!” He cleared his vocorder, hoping he had managed to catch himself in time. Not Rodimus, not yet.
“I mean, please excuse me. Are you alright?”
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"You tried to destroy my home. You kidnapped Optimus. I almost lost him because of you! And now you're trying to take the last thing I have left after him! We don't even need your ruling, Cybertron is doing just fine! You're not a leader, you're just a bully!"
"I don't care. Why should I care when everything you said so far was either a lie or an insult? You may have tricked your crew into stuffing themselves with every trashy thing you feed them with, but unlike them, I actually have a working brain. You know, I'd rather be spending time with Barricade than a nasty flying rat like you. At least he's nice."
"You're not my master. You didn't create me, I created myself. Deadlock is a person, not one of your mindless pets. Go near my friends, no, my family again and I'll kill you. Now get lost before I'll decide to cut that smirk off your ugly faceplates!"
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polyhexianchicken · 4 years
Just how long do you think you want to keep this up?
You'll never change. Stop pretending like you are.
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" Do all the anons you get treat you with disrespect -all- of the time? "
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“That does seem to be the case, doesn’t it? Luckily I’m use to such things, so it doesn’t really bother me.”
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raysofsinshine · 4 years
« Err-- Zzzzt- Hello? Hello?? Primus I'd give anything for working equipment once in a -zzkkt- »
Pharma blinks and answers the comm.
« Hello, this is Medical Officer Pharma » he says, using his customer service voice.
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🥀 longing
M!A Build Up
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“Why can’t I be who they want me to be? No matter how much I remember, I’m never going to be who they lost. I won’t be their Bumblebee.”
“Teletraan X, fire up the patch and don’t let anyone in. Cybertronians have all the time in the universe, right? Time for a trip down memory lane.”
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daringherring · 5 years
@spicyspoilers​ liked your post: ♥ for a starter!
It’s been a few days since Jazz started fiddling with the multiversal frequencies in his archives, and he thinks he’s managed to piece together a sort of franken-signal that might reach into a different universe.
Maybe. There’s no way to find out except by testing it, though, so he tweaks the settings on his communicator, enters the frequency code he’s cobbled together, and sends out a ping.
All that’s left is to see if he gets an answer.
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ask-smokescreen · 5 years
spicyspoilers replied to your post “Dirtyscreen needs a bath”
"I feel like this is just a poor attempt for the anons to watch you wash, Smokescreen. Don't buy into it!"
Wait, why would they wanna watch me wash, anyway? I'm just hosing myself down with soap and water, what're they even expecting?
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unicromx8 · 5 years
spicyspoilers replied to your post:      ( I don’t understand the point of changing...
“To look good!”
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    ( There are not enough resources available for every selfish mortal to ‘look their best.’ Your opinion of ‘good’ changes so often and so sharply that it wastes and wastes and wastes. )
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« Zzzkt- Is this thing finally working? Hello? Anybody out there? Listening? Maybe? »
:::Sounds like it’s working to me?:::
:::Anyway, this is Sideswipe! So if you were trying to get ahold of me yoooou did it. What’s up?:::
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empuratta · 6 years
ShockRod 👀👀
Send a ship & I will answer….
Who is a night owl: Shockwave. Hot Rod tries to keep up with him.
Who is a morning person: Shockwave. Again. Hot Rod doesn’t know how he does it.
Are they cuddlers: Hot Rod is. He is super clingy.
Who is the big spoon: Shockwave.
Who is the little spoon: Hot Rod. Super fine with it.
What is their favourite sleeping position: Shockwave is content with Hot Rod just sprawled on him.
Who steals all the blankets: Hot Rod does.
What they wear to bed: ,,
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: ,,
Who falls asleep mid-conversation: Hot Rod
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares: Neither.
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: Hot Rod kicks and punches every night. Gladly Shockwave doesn’t even budge or feel it.
Who can’t keep their hands to themself: Hot Rod obviously.
Who said “I love you” first: Shockwave. Because Hot Rod was struggling with saying it in that second so Shockwave did it for him.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: Hot Rod. Then he set Shockwave’s.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: Hot Rod tries to get Shockwave to do it.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts: Hot Rod buys whatever little thing he can afford.
Who initiated the first kiss: Hot Rod… Shockwave doesn’t have a mouth. Or a face.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: Hot Rod.
Who starts tickle fights: Hot Rod tries to. Shockwave is unresponsive.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: Shockwave asks. Hot Rod just bangs in.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Hot Rod, because Shockwave is too busy all day.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date: Not Shockwave.
Who kills/takes out the spiders: Shockwave.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: Hot Rod of course.
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exitiumsuum · 4 years
spicyspoilers replied to your post: listen I love Megatron but sometimes he is so...
//Yes. But he’s -our- asshole and we love him for his prickish ways!
do we though?
do we really?
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aranea-mechanica · 6 years
@spicyspoilers​ - (x)
       “ Ah, no, I mean–! ”
       Hot Rod mimicked Tarantulas’ chelicera-looking faceplate. It was in good nature, he doesn’t mean any harm. More so, he’s intrigued!
       “ How! With your mouth? Your wiggly mouth. ”
An amused huff, and Tarantulas put one hand on his hip. “If this is your roundabout way of asking me to ‘open wide,’ you’re in luck - I’m in a good mood today, so I’ll give you a free show.”
And with that, the mandibles fluttered again before parting entirely, revealing a rather unusual maw. Twin chelicerae stretched out leisurely, directing their fanged tips in Hot Rod’s direction, before also parting to reveal the rest of the mouth behind them, glossa and all.
“Ah, I ought to have prefaced - no touching. Optics only.” The words emanated from Tarantulas’s mouth even as he held it open wide - clearly he didn’t need to use his mouth or glossa in order to vocalize, strictly speaking.
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🍦~ !
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“A good race always does the trick! Especially if there’s a lot of twists and turns in the tracks, or just somewhere I can go top speed.”
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phase6blackshadow · 6 years
" Upsie Daisy! " Well, he managed to lift a digit. That counted.
Send “upsy daisy” to pick up my muse bridal style
Engines rumbling with a purr Black Shadow watched at Hot Rod managed to pick up one of his digits, “Now... let me try.” Black Shadow’s hand traveled down Hot Rod’s frame a short ways before stopping at his waist. Gently his fingers curled around the bot’s frame before lifting him up like some kind of chalice, “I think I win, Hot Rod.” 
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