in-amor-veritas · 5 months
so the 4th and FINAL chapter of my spiderwilmon au “Where We Come From” is FINALLY live 😭😭 im so glad to say that!! and also I can finally finally show everyone this incredible amazing show stopping art commission by @loren91 who was so nice and patient with my silly request. Tusen tack för ditt tålamod och tack för allt 💜 im just so glad to finally say its finished :)
this fic really tested me in the sense that it was a complete experiment for me. something very different style and genre to what i normally write. it was so fun to play around in this little sandbox though and to write action !! for the first time !!
anyway thanks to everyone who encouraged and supported me!
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in-amor-veritas · 1 year
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Chp3 of my Spiderwilmon AU is up 🕷️ also did a little mock-up of what I think their suits look like using existing art for the pose reference, Wille’s is based on Spider-Gwen #1 Simon’s is from a Miles wallpaper I found online which I couldn’t find the name of the artist.
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in-amor-veritas · 8 months
uhhhhh so i might have written a small angsty oneshot about the rock scene bc i cant stop thinking about the trailer. i swear AINE chp.13 and spiderwilmon are so close to being done but I just had to write this out of my head
Simon can hear his own heart thudding in his chest and wonders if whoever is outside can hear it as well, feels sick as the shadow pauses at the door before slipping away and quickly disappearing with the sound of shoes hitting asphalt growing more and more distant every second that ticks by.
It’s several minutes before he can move, before he feels like he can properly breathe as he slowly steps forward, eyes widening with a soft shaking breath.
There on the floor, surrounded by shards of broken glass, is a large, jagged rock.
Someone had been here. Had waited for him to return home and thrown this when they knew he would see it.
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in-amor-veritas · 1 year
Okay since I said this on Twitter I will give you guys my schedule here as well: next update is shadows hopefully finished by this weekend and then AINE and the another chapter of AINE 🤭 and then I hope to finish Spiderwilmon so I can then focus on AINE which is looking to be a huge project 💀💀
Also PSA: I get comments like “I hope you update soon” or “I hope the next update doesn’t take so long” or “no pressure but hope an update is coming soon” a lot and generally those comments are not super helpful just so you know, but I don’t really complain about them bc I know people are just anxious to read. I get that, I read WIPS myself.
But don’t say something rude and then try and excuse it as a joke, if it bothers you reading a WIP you can make the decision not to do so or wait until it’s finished.
I have a-lot of writing projects right now, although the other two are very close to finishing and from then I will only be focusing on AINE but I’m writing for fun so I’m going to write what I want to write 😌 and I’m doing it in my spare time so those updates will come when they come.
So if you have something not nice to say, or you don’t like that then frankly don’t read it.
Anyway love you all thank you 💜💜
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in-amor-veritas · 1 year
Chapter 2 of the Spiderwilmon au is up! 🕷️
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in-amor-veritas · 1 year
Soooo anyone interested in a spiderwilmon au inspired by this incredible fanart by nyia.kylab?
Where We Come From
There’s a grainy photo taken from what seems to be a civilian's phone. A lean figure in white crouching at the edge of a building. He recognizes the hood and the wide eye lenses, eerily reminiscent of his own, as well as the white and black design, and the blue he can see splashed across the forearms and inside the hood.
“This guy again huh.” Simon crosses his arms over his chest and frowns, deep in thought.
Simon hasn’t seen him, but he’s heard talk. Whispers among underground criminals and vigilante groups like himself. Ghost-Spider’s movements have been getting bolder lately though, more sure and higher stakes, almost as though he had been building up to the big leagues.
Simon, over-caffeinated biophysics major by day and masked vigilante known as Spider-Man by night, is investigating the circumstances surrounding a large explosion which killed civilians as well as the heir to multinational corporation Crown Industries, owned by the Cronstedt crime family.
By providence he ends in sharing a class with Crown’s new heir, Wilhelm Cronstedt, devising a plan to use him for information. To his surprise Wilhelm isn’t the hardened criminal he’s expecting.
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in-amor-veritas · 1 year
Thought I’d give you guys my upload schedule for upcoming fics. Chp 3 of the Spiderwilmon au is nearly complete and will most likely be up tomorrow!
Then Chp 8 of AINE. I don’t know exactly when but I’m hoping for not longer than 1-2wks
Then it’s my chap of Shadows 💜
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