stevinel-central · 5 years
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hello here’s a cute picture with these two looking cute lsdhjsa i’m sorry i’ve been dead things have been bad but things will get better. join the stevinel discord!: https://discord.gg/nHBh72Z
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mypinkm00n · 5 years
Do you do human Stevinel? Cause I'd love some human Stevinel fluff going on 😁♥️💜
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Here >w<
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anti-anti-stevinel · 5 years
Antis: Fiction affects reality, so you shouldn't ship Stevinel, think of the children!
Me: No. It. Does. Not. Fiction can only affect YOUR reality if you let it do so. However, it does NOT affect reality in general.
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yatoronogami · 5 years
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Yes, i ship Spinelven/Stevenel 😳😳😳
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stevinel-central · 5 years
forgot to link it originally in my new art post even though as a server owner it is my job to advertise the server at every second and annoy everyone in the near vicinity but  y’all..., remember.... we have a discord server......,. hello does anybody remember me we have a discord server it’s a cool server i swear https://discord.gg/nHBh72Z
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anti-anti-stevinel · 5 years
The Stevinel and other related tags dont work, Ive heard the antis were mass reporting all the stevinel blogs, could it be that? I mean I have been in the zadr and reylo fandom and that never happened even if the antis are super dedicated. The tags are working for my other ships it is only for this ship. now can we have a provisional secret tag or something? at least til tumblr fixes the problem?
Well, I’m pretty sure all the blogs are still around, unless they have just been reporting the tag or something, I don’t know. It’s done this before, but usually it fixes itself within a couple of days. Not this time.
Everyone start using Spinelven for the time being, that’s an unused name for the most part.
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anti-anti-stevinel · 5 years
On Twitter there’s people spamming the Stevinel tag with images of clown emojis. I think we should use a different ship name since it’s mostly with the name “stevinel”. Also on Deviantart there’s literally a writing called “Stevinel is cute but Spinearl is better” along with other bullshit, like ?????
Stevinel is such a cool name though... Maybe we can start using Spineven or Spinelven or something along those lines as well.
People are just awful creatures, it’s why I prefer animals. They don’t give a shit what you like.
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