fivefeetfear · 3 years
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Part 6
Spinel rubs the bridge of her nose in frustration as a groan slips from her lips. Why hadn’t she properly looked over the photo first before sending it? (Y/N) dress was still unzipped from the back; thankfully, the front was still up. After the mist of their emotions, the smaller gem was quick to fall asleep in her arms, forgetting about her unzipped garment.  Spinel looks down as she gazes at the sleeping gem on her chest; her lips parted ever so slightly and her thick long lashes lie on the high points of her cheek bones. She looked so at peace and Spinel really didn’t want to wake her up, but she had to. It was getting late.
“(Y/N), ya got to wake up doll.” The pink gem mutters softly tickling the (G/C) gem neck instantly getting a reaction out of her. (Y/G) giggles quietly as sleepy (E/C) orbs awaken, the striking eyes gazing into magenta hues. (Y/N) shifts to lie on her stomach still in Spinel’s arms, placing her hand on the tall girl’s chest.
“Doll?” The tired female inquires her eyes still heavy with sleep. The pink gem blushes under her stare shifting her eyes away from the smirking girl. Spinel was kind of hoping she missed that part. The pink gem timidly looked around anywhere but the (Y/N) large eyes staring at her teasingly.
“Y-yeah, did ya not l-like it?” she questions worriedly not wanting to make her uncomfortable. The sound of (Y/N) giggling brought the taller gem eyes back to her. For the second time today, Spinel felt like she was ready to stroke out when she saw the moonlight glowing above the (Y/G). She was glowing in every sense of the word; her skin and hair are gleaming heavenly over her. Her large eyes looks so tantalizing as they sparkle radiantly under the luminous light, but the kicker was the way the front of the dress pulls down. Spinel felt her cheeks burning at the sight of (Y/N) cleavage on full display. Spinel’s mouth ran dried not sure what to say or do in the moment. So she opted by shifting her gaze once more as she pushes up (F/N) dress sleeves that hung loosely around her slender shoulders. The pink gem lips tighten to a thin line as she shut her eyes.
‘Keep it together.’ She says to herself holding in a breath. For the love of Diamonds keep it together!
“I actually really like it.” (Y/N) admits shyly fluttering her long lashes. Oh, thank the stars. Spinel exhales opening her eyes and offering (Y/N) a nervous smile.
“I woke ya up because your dress is still unzipped.” This woke up the tired (G/S) as she reaches behind her and felt her textured back; her blush deepens as she sits up on her knees holding the front of her dress up in place.
“I’m so sorry, I completely forgot about that!” (Y/N) says completely mortified, she could feel her gem scorching the back of her neck. How embarrassing! Spinel quickly sits up trying to ease the (G/S).
“It’s, ok! You’re fine, don’t worry bout it. Just turn around so I can zip it back up.” Spinel offers kindly. Still hot in the face the small gem turns around so Spinel had easier access to the zipper. The magenta female grabs the metal zipper and easily brought it all the way up.
“There ya go doll, crisis averted.” Spinel coos as she stretches her arms to wrap around (Y/N) small frame, pulling her back into her embrace. She missed her being so close. The pink girl buries her face against the side of the (Y/G) neck inhaling her natural scent.
“Thank you, El.” The (E/C) eyed girl hums immediately relaxing into Spinel’s warmth.
“What time is it?” (Y/N) asks while soaking up this intimate moment with the slender gem.
“11:05pm.” Spinel’s mumble not moving her face from the side of the (C/G) girl’s neck. (Y/N) eyes flutter closed when she felt Spinel’s warm breath on her neck. It sent a rush of goosebumps down her spine. The simple action sent the girl into a hazy mindset as she melts further into her grasp.
“I…I have rehearsals tomorrow.” She informs sadly with a pout on her lips, the (E/C) gem wasn’t so keen on the idea of getting up. Spinel whines in displeasure as her grip on the small gem tightens. She didn’t want to let go, not yet at least. The Spinel was relishing the physical contact with the short gem; she brought her a sense of security that no one else was able to provide. Bless the Diamonds and the Crystal Gems for their efforts but it wasn’t enough. Six thousand years of isolation really fucked her up. It warped her for the worse and she was struggling to move on. She wanted to let go of her trauma and be free from the shackles of her past and start new, but she couldn’t. At least not on Homeworld. Everything reminded her of Pink, in the beginning, that what she thought she wanted. But it just hurt even more. Spinel was gifted the nickname of the Forgotten Treasure. Thanks Blue. Every gem either pitied her, hated her or avoided her. Spinel despised it. The attention, the fake smiles, the sad eyes. Everything! It was driving her crazy all over again! Living in Pink’s shadow was so overwhelming.
However, everything was different with (Y/N); it felt easy. The conversations, the smiles, the touches. (Y/N) made it look so effortless to interact with her like a normal person from the very start. Even with six thousand years of solitude looming over her shoulders, (Y/N) was able to make her feel significant again. Spinel felt seen, she felt heard and she. felt found. The pink gem nearly burst into tears as she presses their bodies closer together.
“Can we stay like this a bit longer…please?”  Spinel requests in a small voice as she nuzzled closer into (Y/N) neck. (Y/N) felt the warmth blooming into her chest; how could she say no to that? With a simple nod, she adjusted herself to get more comfortable, she lolls her head to the side allowing the delightfully clingy gem to occupy more of her personal space. (Y/N) twirls a strand of Spinel’s pink hair with her fingers while humming a soft tune as they sat peacefully in the heart-shaped crater under the moonlight.  
“I’m so sorry for keeping ya out so late, ya sure don’t want me to walk ya home?” Spinel offers feeling guilty. It was currently 1:45am in the morning as they stood on the porch of Steven’s house. The two gems had fallen asleep in the field together cuddle up in each other’s arms and it was the best nap Spinel has ever experienced in years.
“El, I can literally teleport myself into my room, I’m not going to make you walk all the way back here. And stop apologizing; I had a lot of fun with you.” (Y/N) reassured Spinel giving her a bright smile.
“Sorry, damn it…a-anyway when can I see ya again?” The taller female ask as she rubs the back of her neck while digging the tip of her sneaker into the wood paneling. (E/C) eyes shine at the cutie before them, oh goodness she too adorable!
“Write a poem and stop by at my studio tomorrow evening.” Spinel arches her brow as she gazes down at the girl before her.
“A poem?” She questions with the tilt of her head.
“Yeah! Writing poems about bottled up feelings is a great coping mechanism! It helps me to express my emotions in a positive and productive manner. And then I would turn them into songs. So just write about whatever you want and bring it in tomorrow.” (Y/N) explains excitedly.   The slender girl grins at the (G/S) enthusiasm, even in the early more she still has a lot of energy to burn.
“Ok, well I’ll see ya tomorrow.” Spinel confirms, as she stood close to the (H/C) haired gem, she slowly grabs her small hands in hers and gave them a gentle squeeze.
“I had a great time.” She added with a shy smile. (Y/N) stands on her tippy toes and plants a kiss on the sweet pink gem cheek. Spinel’s eyes widen when she felt her plush lips against her skin already craving more kisses.  
“Me too, I’ll see you later. Goodnight, El.”
“Goodnight, Doll.” (Y/N) cheeks glow a soft (S/C) before slipping her hands out of Spinel’s hold. A blinding white light invades the pink-colored gem sight as she watches (Y/N) teleport away. Once the light cleared away, Spinel fell back gently against the door. A goofy smile stretches across her face as she looked up at the moon; the pink girl places her hands over her gem sighing happily. Today was perfect, she couldn’t imaging ending it any other way.
“You should have kissed her you dip.” A voice calls out bluntly. Spinel stiffens up as she looks to her left and sees Amethyst staring at her from the window eating a sandwich. Steven then pops right up with starry eyes beaming with joy.
“That was so cute! I told you, you were going to do great!” Steven shouts out proudly bouncing in place. Pearl and Garnet soon popped up too from their hiding spots. Garnet had the biggest smile Spinel ever witness while Pearl seem embarrassed that their cover was blown.
“O-oh Spinel, you are back! We weren’t eavesdropping or anything.” Pearl lies giggling nervously.
“Yes, we were. It was your idea.” Amethyst corrected earning herself a scowl from the pale gem.
“H-how long h-have yall been there?” Spinel stammers feeling herself ready to pass out.
“The whole time.” Garnet answers happy, smiling even harder. Spinel reaches up and clenches the front of her hat, she pulled it down over her eyes and she slid down the door in humiliation. Good grief.
I hope there were not too many errors! Please reblog and like to support this story!
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