#spingle speaks
spinglespots · 11 months
hi!! it's me, spinglespots from ao3.
I'm opening up my fic requests so u guys to request stuff for me to write if y'all wanna.
quick rules for when you're requesting;;
make sure the main pairing is klance OR includes bad things happening to either keith or lance. see below for more details on that
give me a clear idea of what you want, as much detail as you can. the more the better. if you give me just one sentence I might not end up following your request the way you want it, so unless you don't mind me taking a few creative liberties with if, as much detail as possible.
give me a clear idea of what you DON’T want, any squicks you have for the fic because I don’t want to write something that makes you(the requester) uncomfortable!! this one is SUPER important to remember when requesting
don't harass me if I decide not to write your fic! I am allowed to refuse requests if I want to. if your request is left unanswered for… let’s say 8 months, I’ve probably ignored it or deleted it bc I didn’t want to write it
if you want me to gift you the work after I finish it so you get the notification when I post it, give me your ao3 username when you give me the request, otherwise I'll just say it was requested by anon.
SIDENOTE: characters I'll allow for NON klance fics(but still including either keith or lance) is hunk, allura, the MFE fighters, the BoM, unspecified aliens, nyma and rolo, zarkon, zarkon's generals, lotor, lotor's generals and the aliens shown in the show. ABSOLUTELY no romantic/sexual inclusions of pidge whatsoever. I am more likely to accept your request if it's klance, I'm super picky with the others.
whew, anyways, that's me. have fun loves, go wild <33
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dinosaurstirfry · 2 months
I may have solved who the secret boss of chapter 3 is (PART 1/2)
The secret boss of chapter 3 will be a Cheshire Cat let me explain.
(Also please go easy on me, this is my first real theory/analysis so im very nervous and i have 0 idea how to format this)
I saw this post above by @ursynes and it made me think about everything we know about this smiley face character that we caught a glimpse of first in the chapter 2 basement and again during the spamton sweepstakes
This post also made me realize that this mystery character connects in some sort of way to a Cheshire cat
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And i realized that it is very likely that they are the mystery character who sent us this Valentines day letter
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But why do i think this
Let me share my evidence
(most of the facts about the Cheshire cat come from Wikipedia so keep that in mind)
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The reason why im showing the images above is to connect the characteristics of the Cheshire cat to the letter and to the face in the mansion basement because the letter and the face both disappear
The second bit of evidence I have is this image
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Im using this image as evidence because the line "amusing but sometime perplexing conversation" perfectly describes how this mystery character talks during the letter and also, the philosophical points that baffle or annoy part is also a good way to describe the point this mystery character makes about Valentines day in the letter
Here's another piece of evidence
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This picture above is showing the headless Cheshire cat because it fits with the mystery person saying that you can either put on you face and wash or coat or vice versa because if you can take you head off then you can literally "put on your face"
And here's my last picture
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The reason that im showing this image is because given the context of the next secret boss being a Cheshire cat, it tells us what happened to the shadow mantle.
It makes sense for a character who can disappear/teleport to be able to easily steal the shadow mantle because of course (assuming they are the next secret boss) the shadow mantle is their only weakness giving them a good reason to want to steal it and hide it
But why do i think they're the chapter 3 secret boss and not a random character
Well a Cheshire cat perfectly fits with the motif of the secret bosses being insane
Most people know the Cheshire cat as a character from the animated movie which fits well with the tv theme of the next dark world
The color of the eyes not only matches the color of spamtons glasses (ill go over their spamton connection in the next) but also the color of the lights shown off in the concept art toby shared of chapter 3
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You may be wondering why this is labeled as part 1, well this because i can't fit all the images that i want all into 1 part so instead this is where im going to end it for now but i do have a lot more evidence just give me a day or 2 to format it into a post
I still have stuff to cover like the reason why they say good by! Instead of goodbye, their connection to spamton, and even some concepts on how the character may look like
But for now Good by!
(I was stressed out even typing this so i hope you at least sort of liked this mini analysis of our mystery character)
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xwhitewolfv · 3 years
The Best Quotes (In Context and Out of Context) of 2021
Quotes from friends, family and the Internet that I found amusing this year.
Quotes part of the same conversation are grouped together with a [  ]. 
- “In the BENNINGING” *vine boom sound effect*
- “This rather large named person”
- “I think I’ve actually forgotten how short and tiny and elf like you are”
- *LOUD COUGH* “So the weather...amirite?”
- “Do you have any last words? Ha Just kiddi-” *DIES*
- “Alright shitheads lets go”
- “Pffft, it’s from a woman” *tosses imaginary book in the air* 
- “get ready for the ding ding” 
- “wanna give me a bowel transplant 🥺🥺💩👉👈”
- “Somebody needs to turn their fucking reverb down”
- “WHeeRE ArE YooU KiiiNg JuLIaAAAAAAaaAn”
- “It's polluting my ear things..my ear- what did you call it? Eardrums”
- “I got no dirt to fill the holes with”
- “There's this one where they look like aliens and he is kissing them”
- “Thas pretty Khepresh”
- [ “Oh I wish I was apart of that royal family” 
“Oh yeah the King married his daughter-” 
“Oh, not that royal family” ]
- “She drippin’”
- “I want pickles”
- “omg that was so funny I had a caesar”
- “the human centipede is the new shakespeare”
- “Ugh, you’re so boring” **murders entire family** 
- “Mr Bungle”
- “I have command block in my ribcage”
- [ “I’m iron deficient what slurs can I say?”
“Vitamin? More like vita-non” ]
- “I would like to inquire on what the canine companion is currently partaking in?”
- “How the bling blong?”
- “It’s kind of loose and sticky”
- *Looks up to the ceiling, woefully yelling* “BARNABY”
- “Spingle”
- “I’m just sitting here….at your service...notice me”
- “Smeng meng”
- “The Grand Mufti...He created mufti day”
- “I did so much today. I got a girlfriend, proposed and eloped, moved in with her, then killed her brother by drowning him in the pool. Redecorated the bathroom. It was great”
- “Now I'm just lying here and I’m really angry…..and FULL of caffeine”
- “Can you not have the disco lights on while we pray?”
- [ “Do u know stigmar?”
“Who stigmar”
“...Is this one of those ligma things I swear to God-”
“Stigmar balls in yo mouth” ]
- “I’m the best vroomer”
- [ “I drive trains” 
“Is it fun?” 
“Well, a lot of people are trying to jump in front of them at the moment..” ]
- “I’m a Spartan man, like what do you want from me? I just go to the shopping mall and kill helots”
- “Can we pretend like airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?”
- [ “Babies removed via c-section isn’t birth but a release date”
 “nahh, we were removed”
 “-like a parasite” ]
- “She’s dead now, BUT-”
- “I always take a pic of myself mid mental breakdown for the crying album I have with myself 🤞”
- “That’s a pain in the CRACK” 
- “Pigeon Poo”
- “Glady the Baddy”
- “Haha big boi cling clang”
- “I’m sticking to the Jews”
- “Omg who gave Kermit a gun?”
- “Happy removal day, tumour baby”
- “Diony(SUS)”
- [ “I live in your walls”
“That’s so emo” ]
- “Helo i am Justin Beiber i want to See you at your house for a FREE concert !! bUt, i lost my Credit Card please pay me $5000 so i can come to your house for a FREE concert !!”
- “The sun was SHINING out of her ass”
- “-but the Tay sach was ok”
- “MMM ah yes the floor looks very floor today” 
- “Speaking of vatos👯‍♂️; Flaco🕴, I'm still holding it down 🙇‍♀️for you boo👅💋. Ey but when you get out 🚶‍♂️of la pinta 🏢🥷, I'll be holding it up🙋‍♀️🙆‍♀️👀. So anyways, not to be a sucia🗑🤢, but anyways-”
- “I literally will deport you”
- “Alternate? more like altershit 😎” *Immediately gets killed*
- “I wanna grill and chill”
- “And you don’t seem to-” *Proceeds to sing the entirety of Boa’s Duvet*
- “Even in a hurricane of frowns I’ll know that we’ll be safe and sound DOOT DO DOOTDOOTO DO-” *Proceeds to sing the entirety of safe sound*
- “🎤sawarasenai🥰kimi😸wa⛓shoujo👻na💅no?✨böKù🌸Wâ🧚ÿARiçHiñ🤴BįCChī😾ńO😩oSû🚣Dà🎉YO💦”
- “I need my files waltened right now-”
- “The word ‘British People’ is an oxymoron”
- “If lockdown don’t finna end soon the bats aren’t gonna be the only thing hanging from the powerlines-”
- “Hi my name is Disney Channel and you’re watching ‘I wanna die, fuck you’”
- “Hello! How was the porn?”
- “Does God have an asshole?”
- “Pravosmukalka”
- [ “God I just know I did so shit in that exam”
“...Do you want head?” ]
- “I’ve got the Jesus in the car don’t worry”
- “I’m going to vaccinate you against puberty”
- “Don’t👏 believe👏 everything👏 you 👏see 👏online 👏women don’t actually get periods , now...who wants to prove me wrong with a pic? ☺️❤️”
- “The Black-eyed Priest? He’s got that boom-boom.. Pray”
- [ “So what if you’re good at angles”
“That was so unrelated wha-”
- “We are a rare bunch, us emos. Our species is dying”
- “You’ve become the multiple choice lady now”
- “we can share our bowels like the human centipede 😜🥰”
- “The Farton Files”
- “HSC ENGLISH MODULE 1 QUESTION: Explain how Death Grips has conveyed a unique human experience through their song Inanimate Sensation”
- “I 🥡 sank 😀 to 😁 the 🦾 floor🦽 completely 🏪 dazed 🥴 my 🌅 dad 🧑‍🔧 was 😍...gay? 💝 my 🔆 dad Ⓜ️ was 😜 gay 🏳️‍🌈”
- [ “What are your pronouns? I want to talk shit on you-”
- “Never talk about me. I don’t exist”]
- “Meet me AtT oUR SpooOt, caUghT a ViBe, babY lamnenokudobai lemenzndzzn-”
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spinglespots · 10 months
Oh! For the space pirates anon, I’m Polyvinyl_chloride_boy and I think it’d be neat to have it as a gift? Plz
absolutely :)
most of the requests I’ve gotten have been completely anonymous 😭 which I understand! it’s just harder to let the anon know when the reqeusted fic has been completed. I’ll gift it to you as soon as it’s completed :D
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spinglespots · 10 months
So excited you liked the idea!!! I’m will create an ao3 account so I can properly freak out in the comments. Ganbatta ne!
I’m assuming you’re the blackmail request anon, but feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.
I /have/ fully planned the fic out, actually, so it’s just a matter of finding time to write it. yippee creature. hopefullyy it should be out soonish. before the end of the year, anyways (2 months left, wow).
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spinglespots · 11 months
updates for my current WIPs;
birth denial request: 1.7k written, mostly planned
public humiliation request: 1k written, 5 chapters mostly planned
gun play request: 2.3k written, fully planned
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