#spiriitum ; jonas
xamassed · 3 months
⟬ @spiriitum / s.c ⟭
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"You fly, so. . . you can go anywhere, right?" She turned her eyes from the window and peered to the winged man beside her. In the early morning light, he was gorgeous, and it took her a moment to remember what she really wanted to ask. "How high have you gone? What's the coolest place you've flown to?"
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never-surrender · 2 years
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@spiriitum​ asked:  💋| emma & jonas :D
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She loved cooking with Jonas. With Aubrey spending the night at Emma’s parents house that night on the basis of a ‘very important art project papa needs to help me with’, Emma decided that tonight was the perfect night to just enjoy one another ... in the most raw of forms. Smiling as she felt Jonas’ hands roam her hips, she scrolled through her spotify playlist ... and settled on a song. 
The sound of it filtered through the room as she spun in his hold, arms looping around his neck as she began to sway with him, dancing in the kitchen as the food was cooking in the oven. She couldn’t help how her fingers toyed with the fine hairs at teh back of his head, pale eyes never once wavering from his as countless unspoken conversations were shared between the two. And after a while? 
She reached up on her tip toes, head canting as she drew him down to her, and let their lips meet as they continued to sway together to the music. 
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rebelquilled · 2 years
What Flavor is your Soul?
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oh heart of ice and mind of gold, what am I to do with you? you are only good in small amounts, bittersweet fledgling, you are hard for most to swallow. your spirit is strong, your wit is potent, your biting essence drives even the most daring away. but why are you hiding your sweetness? I know within you, you are soft, but humanity has made you bitter. you mask your pain and sorrow with spite and sensibility. you say you do not care about trivial things, but don't you? sweetheart relax. you can let down your drawbridge, the waters are not poisoned. I know you have looked monsters in between the eyes and scoffed at them, but please, relax. you think your armor protects you but it is smothering you slowly. little owlet, when will you learn, words can only get you so far? feelings are what makes this world pulse. do not suppress your feelings. your heart can still thaw my dear. trust.
tagged by: @stahri-light ( thankies!  and even though you specified sg xayah, this fit normal xayah too enough i think lmao ) tagging: @charmerquilled, @wolvensden, @voidhunting​, @vulpesse​, @airxn​, @spiriitum​ ( lee or jonas or tbh anyone lol ) and anYONE ELSE IDK JUST PICKED SOME LOVELIES.
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jasnstilnski · 1 year
@spiriitum / continued.
HE WOULD NEVER PUT THE WEIGHT OF THIS ON JONAS. getting their story out there was important, letting people know what horrible things had been done to them was instrumental in making sure it never happened to anyone else. jonas couldn’t control the reactions, and in truth jason’s far from surprised that people are scared of him. he isn’t like jonas, he doesn’t have beautiful wings, he can’t he portrayed as harmless. he has harsh burns, leathery skin, a demeanour that most people consider to just be WRONG. he doesn’t have the luxury of people seeing him as beautiful despite his pain, he only has people seeing the pain, seeing the danger. jason’s sure that no one thinks about jonas’s ability to be violent and dangerous, is certain that jonas is just seen as a poor, beautiful thing. he’s entirely certain that the world sees him in an opposite light.
head is shaking the moment jonas starts blaming himself, lifting himself off of the floor to sit on the bed facing jonas. hands slide on top of jonas’s, try to discourage him tugging at his hair, trying to calm him down. jason isn’t good at words, not like jonas is, but he knows that holding hands can be nice, that sometimes a hug is enough to make things better. hugs from jonas got him through a lot of things he once thought he’d never be able to survive.
“you’re good.” voice stern, as stern as he can make it. he doesn’t have poetic words, but he has emphasis. “PERFECT.” and jason truly does believe that. he doesn’t see the flaws that jonas overthinks about, doesn’t see any problem with the way they live. he loves jonas and jonas loves him, and in jason’s eyes that is more than enough. to not only know what it feels like to love someone, but to know that he is loved in return, that those feelings are strong and true and not going anywhere. it’s crucial to him, the only thing that has kept him alive this long.
“be DEAD without you.” and he doesn’t just mean the lab. jonas knows how much he’s saved jason, knows that the redhead has never been good at navigating the world around him. physically and mentally, he’d be entirely lost without jonas.
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rotturn · 2 years
@spiriitum, jonas: “You don’t have to be here. They’ll harass you, too.”
HE CAN’T HANDLE CROWDS. groups of people always overwhelm him, so many noises and voices and people, no space to himself, no idea who could be lurking in the sea of people. even with brenner gone and the lab burned to the ground he never feels like it’s over. even now that jonas has published his book and the world knows what was done to them, even when everyone would know who to blame if anything happened, jason is always ready for the worst. always ready to be taken back, to find himself back in those white tiled walls under the harsh light that hurts his eyes, to wake up and realise that it had all just been some kind of beautiful dream, that none of this was real and he was just making it up to cope with the daily pain. even when things are the best they’ve ever been, he can’t afford to feel safe.
but even if he doesn’t feel safe, he’ll always go with jonas. glued to his side, refusing to let him go through such an intense time alone. he knows what will come, has faced it a couple of times before. camera flashes that blind and disorient him, questions yelled that he doesn’t know how to answer, hands grabbing at him in a crowd. it’s intense and it’s scary, these people well aware of his biggest vulnerabilities. he’ll never forget the time someone in a crowd dumped water on him, just to see what it would do. it took days to recover from that, but no one’s dared to do it since. the way they reacted, the speed that they took off at, made it clear that it wouldn’t be tolerated.
he just squeezes jonas’s hand tighter, confirms his decision. he’ll always stand at jonas’s side, even with the risk that comes from publicity. being overwhelmed and scared is nothing new for him, truth be told he’d handle it all fine. he could keep it all bottled up until the events over and he can let it all out in the safety of their own home. they both know how catastrophic things could be if his emotions got the best of him in public, both well aware that too much fear could lead to burns and lawsuits. “’m okay. i wanna be here.” because it’s not just about HIS fear, not just about how he struggles. he knows jonas struggles with crowds too, that the vulnerability of his book and the intensity of people wanting to know more can be too much. neither of them deals well with people invading their space, neither deals well with being touched without being prepared. it’s not just for his own safety, but jonas’s too. he wouldn’t know what to do with himself if anything happened and he wasn’t there.
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dearfr1end · 8 months
@spiriitum for lee
“are you uh… are you in school, or anything?” fork pokes absentmindedly at the dinner sitting in front of him. jonas had been the one to set him up on this date, but forrest still felt bad. he’s never been good at conversation.
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@spiriitum cont. from x
there's a part of conrad that really, really wants to bat one of jonas' wings with his hand - his eyes are already slightly more dilated than they normally would be when having a conversation with someone - and maybe even issue out a little chirp of joy against his own will while he's at it, but he has a feeling that would be crossing a line, somehow, so he keeps his hands to himself.
"i've looked worse," he says, idly examining the serrated gash on his leg. you can literally see his arteries twitching. it's more like an electrical impulse, since they don't actually function anymore. "at least the bone's not sticking out this time. man, that was a bitch to heal." he shakes his head patiently at the box that's offered. "there's nothing in there that's going to help me. i'm telling you."
blue eyes drift back to jonas' face, and the vampii relents a little.
"look, it's not a - you know that thing men do. they're walking around with their guts swinging out of them and they tell you there's no problem. what do they call it - is it toxic masculinity? or something like that? but that's not what's going on here. i swear, as long as it's kept clean, everything'll be coolio." a pause. "i hope people still say coolio. that would be humiliating for me, if not."
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gonemadgirl · 1 year
[ @spiriitum // X ]
Alice would be lying if she said this wasn't the peak of entertainment at this sort of event.
Her dress was heavy, and the dance was long; her mother watched with cold eyes from the corner, and she could feel the heavy stare of every one she had ever interacted with. Those who thought she was insane, and those who knew otherwise. It grated on her, weighed heavy on her shoulder's like weights.
Getting to kiss Jonas, show him off, show off their happy, and healthy relationship founded on a basis of caring? That made it all worth it.
One of Alice's hands tangle in Jonas' hair, the other holding on tight to keep herself upright. She's certain they have the attention of one alchemist, after all, despite him having no interest in Alice, the sudden change when Jonas arrived must have piqued his interest. And if forcing him to watch her make out with Jonas was the only payment he was going to get for hurting her, then she was going to make him suffer through it as often as possible.
Alice nuzzles into back into Jonas, her nose pressing softly against his skin as she whispers into his ear, lightly pulling on his hair.
"Then I probably shouldn't tell you that I still have access to his lab, and that there's plenty of surfaces for us to mess up." Alice smirks a bit, before gently biting his earlobe and letting out a small giggle. Her cheeks darken a bit at the idea, although she had to admit, it was one she found quite entertaining.
"Or is that going too far?"
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frxncaise · 1 year
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ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS, this phrase is no exception at the moment. shifting herself ever so slightly in his lap, she presses her body even closer against him and eliminates what little space that had remained between them. a pleased hum leaves her mouth when he reciprocates the tender act of affection. the thousands of thoughts that normally flood her mind are quieted for as long as angélique remains in his tender embrace. 
words do not come easy for her sometimes, especially when english is not her mother tongue. and physical affection is relatively new to her as well. ange has never been the most touchy person, but it just seems natural with jonas. 
he makes her feel normal for once. he did not mind or at least seemed to tolerate the fact that she’s on the autism spectrum. for once, she feels worthy of love.
@spiriitum​ ✩
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xamassed · 1 year
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⟬ @spiriitum / anita's birthday 5 • 13 ⟭
Armed with a relatively large teddy bear, takeout from her favorite restaurants, and an arsenal of 'so bad they're good' movies, Jonas hoped that it would make for a pretty good birthday. Anita had always tried to go the extra mile for him, and all the bird wanted to do was give her the same in return. With a little kiss placed to her temple, Jonas slipped a box into her hand. It's a necklace-- a simple, gold bear paw.
"Happy birthday, sweetheart... Did I do okay?"
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All she needed was him, but she wouldn't disregard the gifts he had gotten her. Food and adorable bears were always the go-to, and she would never grow sick of either. There would never come an end to her slowly amassing collection, but the necklace was unique.
Anita didn't often wear jewelry. It was cumbersome and easy to lose thanks to how active she was. Several necklaces had been lost during her teenage years, so she had stopped trying.
There was still a chance she might pop this one from the chain during the middle of a game or while she was out on a jog, but it was better than not wearing it and leading Jonas to believe that it didn't matter to her.
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"Did you do okay? Are you really asking me that?" The bear she had latched onto was set aside, the food temporarily forgotten and the necklace clasped around her neck pinched between her fingers. "You see this? I haven't worn a necklace in years, but I'm not gonna take this one off. Y'know, aside from when I shower and sleep and stuff. Those are the only times!"
Both arms slipped around his neck, making it easier for long fingers to dig into the wild hairs along the back of his neck. Gentle pulls straightened the strands, until she released them and they sprang back into place. "You did more than okay! Seriously, you don't gotta worry. I love it, and I love you."
He had kissed her head, but she thanked him with a long, lingering kiss to his lips. The kiss was sweet and simple at the start, but it began to simmer and burn the longer it lasted.
"I know it's my birthday, but you're not leaving my place 'til I've thanked you properly. Got it?"
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never-surrender · 2 years
"Hey, babe--" Jonas wraps arms and wings around Emma, kissing the top of her head before letting his chin rest against her. "You seem a little tense. Everything okay? Need me t' put Aubrey to bed tonight?"
The feeling of his arms and wings wrapping around her was second to none, already feeling an immense relief wash over her as she practically melted into his hold. Eyes close as a small smile rises to her features, reaching up to rest her hands against his forearm where he had pulled her flush against his front. Turning in his hold after just a moment, she wrapped her arms around his middle, tucking herself up flush against him, keeping her eyes closed as she took in the scent that was just so uniquely Jonas.
"I'd say no bu-" "MOM-mom-mom-mom-mom please! Pretty please with a cherry on top! I'd-" "-i'm betting she already heard you."
The words were finished with a soft sound of laughter, pulling away just enough to look up at him, arms remaining around his middle with a small smile playing on her features. "...I'd appreciate it. I'll make us something special while you do..." the words were whispered before she reached up and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, a contact that lingered before she pulled away to let him go to a very excited child.
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jasnstilnski-moved · 2 years
@spiriitum i originally planned for jason to get taller as an adult but i think he should stay 4'11 just for this visual
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also lee being tall gf... important
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damagcdsouls · 2 years
@spiriitum​​ asked: ❛ it’s nothing, i’m just tired. ❜ | from Jonas for Daisy
( 200 random dialogue prompts )
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daisy frowns, letting out a sigh. “jonas ...” she begins, carefully, gently, reaching out a hand to touch his shoulder. she lets their eyes meet before she begins speaking again. “please just talk to me? i want to help you, i’m here for you. i promise.” bottom lips goes between her teeth, chewing it slightly. “and i won’t tell anyone.”
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rotturn · 2 years
@spiriitum, jonas: “I just need you to know that you’ve never been ‘nobody’ to me. you’ve never been nothing.”
HE DOESN’T THINK HE DESERVES IT. the constant love that jonas has afforded him, the way jonas is patient and caring and wants the best for him. he doesn’t understand it. so many years of being treated like shit, being nothing but a pawn to the plans of people more important to him. he’d always been more of an object to them than a person, they’d never cared about how he felt or what he was capable of. not the way jonas did. it never felt right, even if it was everything he wanted. jonas’s love and care for him had always felt like something that wasn’t supposed to happen, something that had to be hidden so that he wouldn’t get in trouble for it. but god, he loves every second of it. every touch, every kiss, every moment they’ve ever spent together has been crucial to jason, has been the only thing that held him together in that place. even now, when they’re free, he struggles to get by without the touch, without the gentle care.
eyebrows furrow, even if he had somewhat known as much. hearing the words just makes it feel more real, makes it hit harder. he’d been called plenty of horrible things in his life, failure often rewarded with pain, but jonas had never ever said a single bad thing about him. jonas had always supported him. yet, somehow, the idea that jonas never thought of him as NOTHING feels impossible. he’d heard it so many times that he’d assumed it to be the way things were for everyone, that it was a KNOWN FACT rather than the harsh words of a cruel man who held no love in his heart for jason. the confusion on his face never disappears, but it’s clear that he feels a little better from the words, clear that once again jonas makes him feel like he’s enough, like he’s really a person. even after so long outside of the lab it was something that took work, a feeling that always came back. it would linger for lifetimes, but jonas knows how to keep it at bay, is always there to make things better.
lips curve into a hint of a smile, but silence continues to linger. he hasn’t got anything to say on the matter, any words he managed to form would only be soft protestations. instead he just nudges his head into jonas’s shoulder, moves closer to bring in the physical contact that always seemed to fix things. or, if not fix them, at least make them disappear for a moment. when jonas was touching him he truly felt alive, truly felt worth something, and that would always be something that he had an insatiable craving for.
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jasonbrennerold · 3 years
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INCORRECT QUOTES. jason and jonas, @spiriitum.
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frxncaise · 2 years
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@spiriitum​ asked: ( scar )  :  receiver gently traces one of sender’s scars | from jonas !!
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the pads of her digits gently caress the faded scar, her eyes sadly examining it. her mouth opens to say something before closing after a few seconds. uncertain of what to say or do, she softly murmurs: “i am so sorry that they hurt you like this. no one deserves to suffer such a fate.”
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