go-bac · 6 months
Furniture Design
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Inspired to create places for cuddling, lounging and whimsical elements. Create chairs that are functional but also art pieces for a sense of awe and inspiration.
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go-bac · 6 months
Passionate about...
What are you passionate about? How can it be spatialized through architectural and design practice?
I have a strong passion for children, education, art, and play. I believe in using architecture to create spaces that promote movement, inspire creativity, and foster joy. By incorporating elements of form, and enclosure through the use of light and color to create spaces that encourage expression and the love of play in these environments.
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go-bac · 7 months
Brand Identity
Focusing on how to create a solid identity and brand around myself. Trying to decipher what my inherent nature is and the unique style that comes with it.
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go-bac · 7 months
Spirit's spirit animal
I feel the independence of the wolf, I possess a strong sense of loyalty and compassion. Similar to the camel, I exhibit determination, mirroring its unwavering perseverance. The fox symbolizes my curiosity and adaptability, while the elephant represents my confidence and strength.
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go-bac · 10 months
I used to love knitting, I go through waves as my life changes. I learned to knit during a difficult time and I found knitting was a very therapeutic way to process my emotions and time.
Knitting can be a slow process and requires focus but at the same time is very rhythmic and relaxing. It’s also awesome to be able to make something that you can wear and enjoy.
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go-bac · 11 months
Idealism is inspiring
“We want to live in a world where humans not only coexist, but also actively support one another as part of our planet’s greater network of living things. This calls on us as designers to practice an architecture that fosters interaction and connection rather than developing stand-alone objects.” - Jeannie Gang
I am inspired by people who want to do good, who want to put people before profit and who have a mission to positively impact our natural environment. In the context of architecture practice, I aspire to be apart of an organization or create my own mission driven practice that shares those core values. However, it seems like you have to be willing to compromise the mission at certain points inorder to run a successful architecture practice.
I look to Studio Gang for inspiration and insight in the pros and cons and wins and losses of a purpose driven firm.
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go-bac · 2 years
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Staying organized? I like to use block timing to help stay organized and focused. At the beginning of every semester I find my families rhythm and I fill in my school, work and personal time around that. I make sure I know the rhythm for the day and also the week, both very important for me. Block timing helps me with decision fatigue, anxiety over deadlines, feeling spread to thin and jumping around from task to task, which can be exhausting! I find that I can get done what needs to be done in the allotted time, which helps me to not dedicate too much time to one task.
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go-bac · 6 months
Elastic Mom
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Elastic Mom, stretching, flexible and dependable
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go-bac · 7 months
Hi Everyone,
I wish to perform less emotional investing. I frequently sense that my emotions are barriers to my personal progress.
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go-bac · 1 year
How can an architect foster and support culture?
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Photo: George Etheredge for The New York Times
An architect needs to encourage, support, and foster the activities and events that make up the culture of a community. Before the schematic process begins, the designer needs to be aware of the existing conditions, history, and lived experiences of the current residence, along with the pains and triumphs of those in the past. In addition to historical context, weather, and social practices play a prominent role in shaping the cultural traditions of a region. For example, buildings in hot and humid weather are more open, with social exchanges typically occurring in open-air spaces, while those in cold climates are enclosed and more confined, with interactions occurring indoors at certain times of the year. Lastly, the designer must be aware of the type of exchanges between citizens. For example, is this a community seeking access to private outdoor experiences in a shared public space? Moving forward with an understanding of the existing culture and practices for the site location is the essential first step; from there, the designer can begin to consider the specific forms, shapes, and lines that make up the design. As a result, the project will be more successful and have more community support because it will encourage, support, and foster the activities and events that make up the culture of that community.
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go-bac · 1 year
Why digital twins are critical to the metaverse and the AEC industry.
Digital twins are BIM model replicas of items in the physical world. The models are then uploaded into the metaverse and synchronized to their physical counterparts through sensors and loT connectors to create real-time digital twins. Suppose there is a change to the physical element, the digital twin updates in real time. The digital twin is the building block of the metaverse. With digital twins, cities can create roads, rails, and infrastructures for analysis; companies can produce working environments for their employees. Commerce can create stores to create a customer shopping experience; institutions can host lectures, classes, and office hours. The digital twin will also allow simulations and training opportunities to consider predictions for life safety in failed infrastructure or weather-related climate events. In addition, digital twins will profoundly affect the AEC industry. The metaverse and digital twins will allow projects to be accessible by the entire team virtually. Every team member will meet in the metaverse for walk-throughs and can interact with the design. Greg Demchak, Senior Director, Digital Innovation Lab, Bentley Systems, explains that "this simulation will allow for a one-to-one sense of the actual scale of a 3D model." The benefits of this simulation will lead to better outcomes for health and safety, along with more efficient coordination, procedures, scheduling, and client expectations.
People are looking to digital twins with excitement and anticipation because of their impact on how we predict and maintain our environments, buildings, and roadway infrastructure, along with health, and life safety.
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go-bac · 1 year
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We have established an understanding of what the metaverse is, but how do you access the virtual (VR) or augmented reality (AR) of the metaverse? The short answer is quality and high-performance headsets or glasses. There are several on the market, and they range in price and performance. The manufacturers boast features like lightweight, portable, accurate color passthrough, image quality, and facial recognition software. The technology for headsets and glasses originates from gaming headsets. There are a few drawbacks, such as poor image quality, tethering cables, discomfort, and clunky devices that make switching between real-life to VR more difficult. The headsets tend to range between $299-$1000. Augment reality glasses (not headsets) are typically more expensive and offer premium quality, technology and a hybrid user experience that overlays real-life with virtual reality. Again, the glasses range in price, but the top tier is around $3500.
In the marketplace, there is tremendous excitement and anticipation around the metaverse, and you can expect the headset and glasses technology to develop quickly to meet the interests and demand. However, it is humorous that we will be plagued with user account logins, lost passwords, and software updates even in the metaverse.
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go-bac · 1 year
Reflection Question Name: Spirit Diener
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Image Source:  Analytics online article, Beyond Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining
Critical Question:
What are the principles of colonization, and how will they be applied to the metaverse?
The core tenants of colonialism are capitalist motivations seeking power, profit, and growth. The conquering and pillaging of land to establish colonies only to take over control of their economic resources, self-determination, their language, and cultural practices were all in the pursuit of financial gains. The savagery, brutality, and destruction colonialism caused is difficult to reconcile. The forever-lasting beliefs and motivations behind colonialism are present today in the (capitalist) corporations driving so much progress and change. Many have stated that the metaverse is the new frontier, an unregulated place that large corporations are racing to develop to dominate the playing field. During colonialism, it was apparent that they wanted to conquer land to extract resources for monetary gain and control and dominance over the native people. In the metaverse, these principles are not applied to conquering an apparent physical item; instead, many believe humans are the goal to beat. In this case, the resources they are after are our data. This data includes personal information, preference, identity, movements, and other unique individual markers. Data mining should be a concern for everyone. The data will be used to further the development of artificial intelligence. Like colonialism and its lasting effects on people and society, artificial intelligence will profoundly influence our futures, technology's growth, and how we live and interact with it.
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go-bac · 2 years
What is the metaverse
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The metaverse is the next iteration of the internet; it is not just a buzzword and it is not going away. In fact, companies like Microsoft, Meta, Google, and Epic Games are making significant investments in the development of the metaverse. But, many of us need clarification on what the metaverse is. Is it a virtual reality? Or Augmented Reality? How does gaming play into it all? And what about the avatars!? According to the internet security company Avast, "the metaverse represents a hybrid between the internet and online gaming, where you're represented by a customizable avatar that interacts with other avatars in an online community." The metaverse is a network of 3D worlds where aviators will work, shop, play, and socialize. Ultimately, the metaverse is a new way of interacting with technology. Accenture's consulting and advisory firm predicts that the metaverse "will revolutionize nearly all aspects of life and business in the next decade, allowing collaboration in virtual spaces, augmented physical places, and a blend of both." 
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go-bac · 2 years
Critical Question reflection
How does one know if their idea and efforts for the betterment of a community will improve and not cause further harm to the community one aims to serve? Does creating a solution through the lens of white privilege result in misguided efforts?
100-200 word Reflection:
Is a part of white privilege thinking that one has the most excellent ideas to elevate those around them? Even though the person determining who needs help may have limited experience and exposure to other cultures, traditions, ethnicities, and races. Is the interest in helping others and involvement in community work based on the confidence that white privilege guarantees one “can speak in public to a powerful (male) group without putting our race on trial,” Peggy McIntosh? Furthermore, are we helping because one assumes they do not have a voice otherwise? Additionally, are we helping because we assume they would be criticized or face physical harm if they spoke out against a government or community leader?
Are we taught that white privilege guarantees more credibility when dealing with inequity? What is the measure of an idea and action? How does one know if their idea will lead to betterment rather than just a misguided effort to develop the white privilege version of what the community needs?  
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go-bac · 2 years
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My Superpower
Hi. I am a strong multi-tasker, reliable, and eager to help. Trying to have more focused attention for peace of mind and longevity.
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