pbcnita · 5 years
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If you aren't aware of the sacredness of your spiritual gifts, then sit and think about it for a while. Appreciate it, Honor it,, in doing so you are appreciating & honoring your Ori, Olodumare, your ancestors, your guides, and yourself! #thisissacred #everythingfromaplaceoflove #respectisnonnegotiable #thisisawayoflife #theuniverserespondstoyou #wearemultifacitedbeings #wearespirifirst #spiritualityiswhereourpowerlies #callyourpowerbacktoyou #godiswithin #weareallextensionsofthecreator #adjustyourfrequency #vibratehigher #everythingisenergy #yougetbackwhatyouputintoit #spiritisnotforsale https://www.instagram.com/p/B9iMlq8noZZ/?igshid=nlwzw4p4zf2s
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pbcnita · 3 years
Saying a bunch of nothing and alot of misinformation. 😳🤬😣😒😆🤣🤣 stop using "spirituality " as a badge....if you're an entertainer just say that. It's ok.
I'm here to teach you not entertain you.
If you aren't growing, learning and elevating... ask yourself why are you there?
#energyisthecurrencyoftheuniverse #energyisprecious #onebadapple #characterdevelopment #knowledgeiskey #school #spiritualteacher #raiseyourvibration #learn #heal #grow #evolve #elevate #balance #ground #raiseyourvibration #experience #knowledge #understanding #wisdom #application #spiritisnotforsale #eggunsaidspeaktothosewhowilllisten #ancestralwisdom #intuitiveguidance #spiritualconnection #spiritualawakening #inittowinit #destinymustbefulfilled #findyourpath #whyareyouhere #copycat #empowerment #eachoneteachone #thebestisyettocome #wehaveworktodo #youaretheesource #laugh
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pbcnita · 3 years
I swear Instagram pisses me off on a daily basis. The things I get in my dm's 😌 😩 🤬
There's no devil in our tradition.
A lot of things have been lost & jacked up in translation.
There are multiple different dialects in the content of Africa.
The slave trade has effected our traditions and the understanding of our traditions for centuries, unfortunately the problem still exists.
People make things up to suit thier own needs.
Spiritual practice, popularity and making money are things that were never intended to go hand in hand.
To the initiates...Palo energies are not here to consume you!
If you get this face or your energy feels like this when you read and or hear certain things, please go have a conversation with spirit. Odds are you just heard some bullshit.
*Only babalawos or iyanifas can divine to communicate with Orunmila.*
Please ya'll use discernment and stay safe.
#eggunsaidspeaktothosewhowilllisten #yougonlearntoday #thereisnodevil #decolonize #spiritisnotforsale #toogoodtobetrue #discernment #ancestors #ancestralveneration #tradition #characterdevelopment #theancestorsguideandprotectus #theancestorsareyourfirstlineofdefense #relationshipsmustbenurtured #spiritualconnection #spiritualjourney #foundation #theancestorsways #ourwaysoffersolutions #godputyourhelpcloserthanyouthink #homecoming #freetruth #maferefunegun #maferefunori #generationalknowledge #africanspirituality #languagelearning #askeverythingassumenothing #knowledgeunderstandingandwisdom
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pbcnita · 3 years
Spirit being sold for pennies on the dollar on the innanets! Its only getting worse. The scams are at an all time high.
If you had a job you wouldn't have to sell your soul to pay your bills.
Can we relax and give ourselves some knowledge first & stop distracting ourselves & avoiding the actual work that's required. Spirit ain't going nowhere. You won't miss out on anything. You can however perfect your craft, hell once you actually find a craft, a niche, your lane. Don't rush, we all had to pay our dues. You do too. You are 1-2 years (shaky years) in awakening. Relax. Tranquilo. Your time is coming. Finish healing. Map it out. Think about the long game. So you're not out here fronting for dollars. The goal is to actually win not appear to be winning.
#therealworld #yallgotbills #aintnothingwrongwithajob #honestmeans #lazinesswillnotdo #spiritisnotforsale #generationofnow #workisrequired #everythinginduetime
#pimpingspirit #canwenot
#wisdom #knowledge #unpopularopinion #truth #jumpingoutthewindow #inthefuture #notnow #spiritualawakening #evolutionofconsciousness #study #perfectyourcraft #dontgohungry #pride #ego #learn #grow #destinymustbefulfilled #whyareyouhere #findyourpath
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