dragmiire · 29 days
idk why i wasnt following u for whatever reason on this blog idk what happened BUT I AM BACK TO HAUNT U!! (and eat ur writing)
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goddessofliiight · 2 months
@spiritmaiden liked for a starter
Time had begun to tick for her once more, and a plan put into motion nearly a thousand years before had begun. The weave of fate was unavoidable.
The young girl.... her.... really... would awake in the temple and so would begin the journey to rid the world of Demise once and for all. In this form... she could use the Triforce-- he could use the Triforce.
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"We meet at last, Zelda," Hylia hummed. She was but a mere fragment now. A ghost only this young girl could see-- a guide left behind to make sure the plan went off without a hitch. Impa would also come to greet her in time, such was her last request of the Sheikah as a full being, but for now it was just them in the quiet of the temple.
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windmcge · 2 months
@spiritmaiden replied to your post “*irritable sighs from his nap*”:
gently whispers: don't be a hater
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He's literally a demonic force that terrorized Hyrule...
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cutdeepshiver · 4 months
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"I mean, I only took a few apples. Is it really that big of a deal? Have you seen the prices? They're outrageous!"
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legendintheland · 6 months
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It was not often that Skull Kid happen to see another in the woods. It caused gleeful excitement to the cursed child! So much so he was jumping up and down on the tree branch he was currently hiding in. If he had made any noise hopefully it would be chalked up to just a animal like a squirrel. A very large squirrel. He waited watching the woman down below but then there was a shine. A glint. Excitement was not quite the word that could describe his feelings. A treasure! The adult had a treasure! Surely she had brought it just for him.
It was then he knew he had to be sneaky and so he was quiet. Oh, so quiet. Not even a mouse would be aware of him. He moved slowly through the tree branches. Hopping tree to tree. His eyes on the prize of whatever it was the woman held. And when he thought it was his chance he hoped down from the tree directly behind the woman.
Little hands reached up to take hold of the golden treasure. Would he succeed? Most likely not. A struggle was sure to happen. But just maybe he would get away with it. If he was to get the treasure he would be quick to teleport away. And if not he'd have to figure out another plan.
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@spiritmaiden wanted a spring themed starter <3
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"Isn't the idea of a kiss in the rain so romantic? I wish I could have someone like that in my life."
It was hard not to think about, when it was raining so softly. It wasn't a sprinkle, it was a steady rain. But it felt... so soft, and gentle. The urge was to run out in it with a handsome man, holding each other before ultimately sealing the space between them with a kiss.
Maybe she read too many romance novels.
"Perhaps I am too impatient."
Zelda's hands lower, as the wind plays with her hair. Then, she turns to her great descendant, a question burning in her mind.
"Do you have anyone special like that in your time? A dreamy someone who you hold feelings for?"
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wayward-sword · 2 years
@spiritmaiden​​ sent:
“Do you have a home?”
Questions/Comments to be sent anonymously!
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    “I had a home... Sort of. Not really.” Home was a strangely relative thing for Zech to define. He may have hailed from a definitive place, but he had lost his childhood home at a tender age, and did not come into a place of residence that he could call his own until his early adulthood. But that’s all it was to him, as far as he could recall – a singular place that he could call his own and reside within, a place he could go back to and rest when he needed to, a place he could conduct business out of. A home only by technicality... And even that had long since been lost to him by this point.
    “Anyway, it doesn’t matter at this point. I’ve been without a home for so long that I can barely remember what it’s like to have one.”
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dcviated · 2 years
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multimuse ask meme || [ open ] send ❔ and i’ll share some muses i’d like to throw at yours
@spiritmaiden​ sent: ❔ >:3
Oh Amber there’s plenty of muses here for you to deal with yet.
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GENKI WITCH VS GENKI WITCH LETS FUCKING GOOOOO. One’s all about potions the other manifests literal horrors as armor and weapons! And also knows spells and the like. Seeking answers to who she wants to be and standing up as her own woman. I think Zellie is perfect for that.
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Oh, if you want more tease material for the maiden then look no further than pervy ninja boi. He’s got high energy as well but I really think they would bounce off each other pretty well. Get into fights. Etc etc. It’d be fun.
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Galactic hunter needs friends or people to try and cheer her up. Do some weird crossover thing with them or smash-related-tangential-whatever. I just need to throw Samus at you at some point.
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windmcge · 5 months
E4 for Vaati, A1 for Sky Zellie
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double whammy from this pose meme
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cadcnce-archived · 3 years
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hella sweet munday meme || [ open ]
@spiritmaiden​ sent: ⚌☸
⚌ Who inspires you?
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Most of my mutuals do in some way or another. Anyone who shows enthusiasm for threads and the like always gets me feeling enthusiastic to respond in kind. Handshakes abound.
☸ Do you reblog from the source when someone practices reblog karma or do you follow it?
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I am absolutely following reblog karma the best that I can. If I’m not sending a thing in I will either rb the source or find some random old blog in the notes to rb from if that’s not available. I’ve had too many cases where mutuals/new followers rb a meme from me and then send nothing in. And guess what? I’ve soft blocked a lot of them. Don’t need to bother with that. Especially with ooc memes? How hard is it? Like damn.
I don’t care what the other person’s rules are, I do it for courtesy.
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conseille · 3 years
HEY THOSE TAGS THOUGH?!! What in the heck, but weeps I just want to say that you're incredibly sweet and it's always fun whenever we RP or chat OOC whenever we can! You're seriously too cool and I'm drowning in your positivity as well! Just two queens, supporting each other and always there to uplift each other and I shrimply believe that is beautiful. Keep being awesome, Mei!!!
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THIS IS JUST GONNA BECOME AN ENDLESS BACK AND FORTH AMBER omg but please THANK YOU you're the angel queen, all the blessings, AND YES TO ALL YOU SAID 💖💖💖💕💕💖💕 i'd say keep being amazing too but you could never stop 💖💖💖
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laplacemail · 3 years
"Rann!! Look at what I made! Isn't he cute?!" Well, cute was probably not the word that even the maiden herself would use. But she was proud of her work nonetheless! She carried a Tingle doll in her hands, swaying back and forth all cheerily. There was a cursed sense about the doll, anyone can see that. Anyone but her, of course, she was just happy she was able to replicate how it looked in the books she'd read about Tingle.
"Guess who I made it for too?" She points to him. Giving out gifts like this was something she always loved, unfortunately for Rann she decided to make something for him. "That's right! Allllll for you. So go on ahead, you can take him! He's not only cute but a good luck charm for finding money and other things too! I spent all night knitting him up so you better take him!" - @spiritmaiden
"You... are trying to curse me or something, huh?"
Of course he does not mean what he said. But it was still an odd gift... from an equally odd person. He smiles, and takes it kind of begrudgingly. It is the beady eyes. The weird smile. The magic words that Tingle created himself echoes in his head. The warning to not steal them. Whatever this 'kururinpa' means. And for what reason he can hear an annoying little voice echoing in his head. Most definitely a cursed object.
"I promise I will not set this on fire, but... money? Lost items? Sounds like a scam, even if you... well, even if you actually believe in it. That's what someone back in my place would try to sell you for an exorbitant amount then run away with it."
He pats Zelda's shoulder with more force than he needs to, pocketing the creepy doll without much further thought. Yeah, it might be weird. But he is not going to just turn her down, more so when she actually believes in it. There is an actual thing he wants to know, though.
"Uh... all things aside, what the hell is it supposed to be?"
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archivewiindful · 3 years
She's pointedly staaaaaaaaring at Teba, her gaze contemplative as she stares and stares. With a resolved nod, she reaches into her skirt pocket to produce something within her hands.
"Well, considering how I found you last time. Something tells me I should give this to you." She opens up her hands and ta-dah!! A little Tingle doll, just for Teba. Wasn't he a lucky guy? "He's a lucky charm. Or so I read, certain books were a little confusing with describing who he was. But if you ever wanna travel anywhere, it's best to take him along with you. He'll protect you from everything! Who knows? You might even find some rupees here and there. A little extra money shouldn't hurt anyone!"
She doesn't wait for his reaction, taking his wing into her hands and placing the knitted plush into them. "Before you say anything, take it! I won't accept a no on this one! You seriously need the protection. I wouldn't want to see you hurt like that again." Scarlet life milk dripping down his wing still haunted her mind.
/     @spiritmaiden​.
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ah . . .  quite  fair  for  her  to  feel  the  need  to  gift  him  something  so  important  and  meaningful .  perhaps  it  was  in  fact  just  another  stuffed  toy  that  carried  no  magic  or  power ,  yet  the  warrior  couldn’t  help  but  stare  at  it  with  curiosity  and  blink  a  few  times  while  trying  to  process  things  ---  indeed  their  first  meeting  was  quite  awkward  and  full  of  cherry-red  hot  moisture .   but  that  should  be  left  in  the  past ;  his  wing  was  fully  healed  and  so  were  his  spirits .
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“  thank  you ,  zelda .   i’ll  make  sure  to  carry  him  with  me  no  matter  where  i  go . . .   i’ll  need  to  be  careful ,  would  be  a  shame  to  lose  him  in  battle . ”          as  well  as  disrespectful ,  really . . .  who  would  ever  want  to  lose  such  a  precious  gift ?   taking  a  bit  more  time  to  study  the  doll  he  realized  the  resemblance  with  the  hylian  hero  he  knows  of . . .  perhaps  this  was  part  of  another  legend  he  was  yet  to  learn  about .
“  i  know  it’s  out  of  kindness  that  you  decided  to  share  this  with  me ,  i  still  can’t  help  but  feel  guilty  for  having  nothing  to  offer  you  in  return .   how  about  i  prepare  your  favorite  meal ?   it’s  been  a  while  since  i  cooked  for  others  and  i’d  like  to  share  that  with  you . ”
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personnages · 3 years
"Just the lovely and wise descendant I wanted to see! Wait just a sec, I got something for you!"
She seems excited enough, but how could she not be?! Seeing any other royal family members left her cheery. It meant that the surface would grow and grow into prosperous lands once more. Oh, but never mind that! She wasn't here to marvel over the land or its ruler. She was here to give her descendant a small gift. The few times she's come to visit this era, she'd feel guilty not having anything on hand to give to her. But wait until she sees this! Maybe she'll smile just a teensy tiny bit! She brings out the work she'd been so proud of with a big grin.
"Hah! Here we are! My magnum opus! Hee hee! It wouldn't be too far-fetched to call this a lucky charm! But I made a few of these for friends and others. So far, I've been trying to give all of these out to them. It's been a hassle, but worth it! Of course, don't think I forgot you on my list. So, here you are!"
When she was younger, her etiquette tutor used to make the young princess practice receiving gifts. On top of his wide desk, he would line up two rows of items, usually borrowed from other wings in the castle -- apples from the kitchen, spare pieces of elbow armor from the armory, spools of thread from the laundry, as well as more unusual items -- and they would practice accepting the “gifts” with the right amount of care and politeness. It is the giving and receiving of the gift that matters most, young lady, he would say, not the item itself. It is your job to make sure the giver knows you appreciate the care they took in giving it. It is, as they say, the thought that counts.
“Thank you,” Queen Zelda says gently, as she accepts the green doll. While the rosy cheeks and pinched face of the doll render it rather grotesque, she smiles -- her usual small smile, but a smile nevertheless -- at Zelda before looking down to study it once more. Zelda is excited to give it and clearly care was put into making it, not to mention the task it is to cross the streams of time to deliver it. That is what matters. “You made this yourself?” She turns it over, then over again. “It is very well done. And I appreciate your coming here to deliver it... it’s good to see you. Thank you, Zelda."
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@spiritmaiden​ said:
"Aw, cheer up! Things will get better for you soon. It just takes a little time, have faith!"
She rubs a comforting hand on her descendant's back. It was upsetting to see the princess so down, and she wished she can do something more to help out. A metaphorical light bulb went off once she was struck with an idea. She digs into her leather pouch in a rushed and messy manner, a grin would spread across her lips as her fingers brushed against a familiar object.
"A-ha!" Soon enough, she pulls out a...! Uh, oh. A Tingle plush. No bigger than the palm of her hand. She holds it up to the princess. "There's nothing that says he brings you happiness. Buuuuuut, whenever I'm done and I look at this guy, I feel..."
She feels... something. A vague sense of hope? Yes, that's the word!
"A little hopeful! If things turned out fine for him then things will turn out ok for anyone. I hope you think this too whenever you look at him from now on. Here you are!"
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She accepts the plush. What a... peculiar way to find hope in something. But it was her great ancestor’s special way for... something. She accepts it nonetheless, though it did little to ease her worries over the constant storms in Hyrule these days. 
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“It’s certainly something. I will cherish your gift.” As strange as it was. It was still a gift, and gifts were special. Especially when it wasn’t something she could buy for herself. People after her hand in marriage constantly tried to show off with gaudy jewelry, gold, fancy furniture. This was something that was truly from the heart, and she could respect that.
Very strange. But she could respect it. Somehow.
“I will pray for the safety of Hyrule. And I will keep your gift on my nightstand.”
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rcguna-archived · 3 years
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skyward sword starters || [ open ]
@spiritmaiden​ sent:  ❝ trust my piercing eyes…listen to my pure and innocent voice. ❞ insert puppy dog eyes/plead emoji
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And what was he supposed to do otherwise? Turn her away? Maybe he would like to but it would never sit well later on. Guilt is one thing, but guilt caused by his own inaction would be another. It was what drove him to do the things he had done in the past to help others. He was the one who could do it, which wasn’t far off from him being the one who had to. Even if it was strange... he was just a farmer after all. A farmer who knew how to use some magic and a sword.
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“Okay, I’ll see what I can do. But you need to explain it all again. A bit slower this time. I barely understood you when you were talking before. You’re sure you’re okay? Do you need something to drink? Do you want to sit down?”
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