#splashin in random colour cuz it pleasez my EYEZ fuck UUUUU
xxv4mp-g4z3rxx · 1 year
randomly got inspired 2 make a new oc! soooo, dis iz scarecrow! inspired by da current season [my fav :3]
they live on a pumpkin farm! in ponyville! [datz right yall, i finally made a character who livez in ponyville, just felt right w/ da vibez i got from dis lil duder]
theyre also v genderfluid, the main spell they know iz gender magic so they liek 2 swap around, sooo ig they use all pronounz? their main 1z wud deffoz be he/they thou :0
very smug bitch right here, he lovez horror moviez & the macabre
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i luv him so much im IMMEDIATELY writin a fanfic w/ him [datll nvr see da light uv day ANYWHERE except my PRIVATE VAULT uv SHITTY FANFICZ i make 2 FEUL MY AUTISM]
who knowz maybe ill even make a gud backstory, i imagine this dude got a kinda simple life thou, only rly interestin stuff comin from him gettin in2 fightz [he can throw a punch!] & wutevr Creepy Scary Traumatic stuff i f33l l13k addin [cuz makin an oc w/o givin em some kinda dark thing dat happened/happenz in their life iz IMPOSSIBLE 4 me, i mean my ponysonaz literally a serial killer vampire]
IM RAMBLIN but uhhh YEAH!!! ik dis aint rly a text post BUT hey, itz da way i differentiate Art I Made postz from otherz, & yes i WILL continue 2 post random bullshit
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