#splattershot.. enjoy your time in the sun..
hiroshotreplica · 9 months
seeing people talk about trizooka's current place in the meta on twitter is so interesting to me. people say its unreactable and it is, to an extent. people say others just need better reaction time, and thats also right. these two ideas can coexist in my opnion- because the problem is that this reaction time being needed to counter such an oppressive, powerful special is really unhealthy for the game from what i can see
for example, using a main weapon that you also need good reaction time to react to: with chargers, you constantly know theyre on the map. they usually take the same positions on maps, and thats easy to notice, especially after playing in the match for a bit. you know their field of vision and where theyre currently aiming if youre observant. you can take advantage of their positioning a lot of the time and go for them (if youre a slayer or midline). another key factor is that they cant hit anyone thats behind cover, so there's blind spots.
but with trizooka, you dont exactly know where it is most of the time. trizooka's usually up by the frontline, which has a lot more positions and opportunities for pushes. it can also be shot from further back which introduces a lot more positions to account for. and, since trizooka usually gets placed on frontline slayer weapons, with only one exception (tenta brella) so far, its easy for the user to switch between these positions. trizooka's shots are arched, meaning it can shoot over cover and hit people behind cover with well aimed shots.
sure, having better reaction time and personal positioning helps with avoiding getting hit by tri's shots, but keeping track of the trizooka user should not be this challenging, too. the only way you can watch for it is by noticing a change in the squid/octo icons at the top of the screen, which requires you to take your vision off of any current fights, and something that goes away as soon as the special is activated, which is usually in an instant. there's a chance you cant even follow the trizooka user's map positioning if they arent in your field of vision, which is what typically happens (especially when youre respawning).
this is bad enough, but the special being able to be stacked quite easily thanks to its main weapons working well with each other (squeezer, splattershot, machine) makes it so much worse. especially when both shooters here have minimal shot rng (shot spread, theyre going to be hitting most if not all of their shots on the opponent) and splattershot has good painting (able to just straight up farm for special i think. take that with a grain of salt though, im not sure).
now you have multiple frontlines taking multiple and usually different positions on the map that can pull out trizooka at a moments notice and fire almost immediately. this special needs more start-up lag and quick
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gingerlee-holds · 17 days
Tinkering Hearts
This is a birthday fic for @cxra-melty! It's a Splatoon tword fic about lesbians lesbianing all over the place lmao- DISCLAIMER: i have never played splatoon nor do i know anything about it so if i get something wrong, lemme know!!
Word Count: 2,028 Reading Time: about 8 minutes Warnings: none that i can think of!! enjoy!!
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The evening was Marina's favorite time of day since it's among the few times in Inkopolis when it's quiet. All the little critters settled down to sleep, but the sun still bathed the earth. Warm streams of light flowed into her studio, seemingly transforming the rather plain skyrise apartment into the inky aftermath of a turf war, awash with vibrant oranges, pinks, and yellows. The scent of grease that usually filled the studio was, at her girlfriend's strongly worded request, replaced mainly by a citrusy aroma, courtesy of an air freshener of her own design.
Marina Ida leaned back in her desk chair, smiling as she set down her screwdriver. Wiping her hands on her apron, the mechanically adept Octoling sighed in contentment at seeing her new invention: a speaker with a 23% longer battery life, petitioned by her girlfriend for her characteristically prolonged singing sessions in the shower. Marina's personal speaker, her 'precious baby,' sat on a bookcase next to the door, playing her mellow vaporwave beats while she worked. Swiveling slightly in her chair, she gazed out the large windows of her tinkering studio. She had always counted herself incredibly lucky to live in an apartment like this one, with a tremendously gorgeous view of the sunset. 
'It's so pretty,' Marina thought to herself. 'The setting sun gives the undersides of those clouds a beautiful pink color, like cotton candy. Like bubble gum. Like…' She suddenly looked down, feeling her face warm up a bit. 'Like Pearl.'
Marina heard a loud groan from her girlfriend, Pearl Houzuki, as if on cue. Turning again in her chair, she smiled at the mess of a girl crashed on her couch, lounging, as she often did, to periodically pester Marina while she worked. Today, though, Pearl had kept mostly silent as she lay on the sofa, idly kicking her feet behind her as she played on her phone, the nightcore blaring from her headphones only barely audible from across the room. However, the Inkling was face-down on the cushions, shamefully holding up her phone as she removed her headphones.
"'s dead," Pearl mumbled, making the Octoling smile fondly. 
"Well, I did recommend you bring a charger in with you a few-" Marina stopped her 'told you so' when she broke into giggles at the sight of the death glare her girlfriend gave in reply. The pouting Pearl huffed and rolled over onto her back, staring at the ceiling as Marina returned to her desk. Her next project was to begin right away, so without wasting any time, she opened her drawer and pulled out the sketches for a marginally more efficient Splattershot. 
It took less than a minute for Pearl to become restless. 
"I'm boreddd…" she grumbled. 
Marina chuckled. "Go charge your phone, then, silly squid. I also have those graphic novels you like somewhere on the shelf." She gestured vaguely toward one of her bookshelves without looking away from her work. As she focused back on the task before her, she failed to hear her girlfriend slowly rise from the sofa and sneak across the room, muffled by her fuzzy socks and the carpeted floor. Just as Marina put the tip of her pencil to the page, a rapid, simultaneous poke to each side elicited a squeaky yelp, making her hand shoot back to protect herself.
The Octoling whirled around, trying her best to glare at her adorable girlfriend's smug smirk, unable to suppress the smile on her face. 
"There is one rule in this studio! One! I know you can count to one!" Vainly trying to sound authoritative, Marina ended up sputtering out her warning. She accidentally drew a sharp, dark line across her page with her pencil.
Pearl giggled and innocently rocked on her heels. "You know I'm garbage at math. But hey, you can't blame me! Golden hour makes your skin look even prettier than normal! I was just checking that you were real and not some sort of hologram!"
The clever Inkling's flirt had its intended effect: Marina lost her entire train of thought as her face heated up like an overclocked CPU without a cooling fan. Instead of playfully scolding Pearl about the sacred 'No Shenanigans' rule of her tinkering studio, Marina hid her face behind her tentacles and let out what she intended to be a growl but became a flustered whine. Pearl waited patiently for her girlfriend to regain her composure, smiling from ear to ear.
"Y-you know that I haven't been able to build one of those yet-!" It was a lazy rebuttal born from her genuine vexation with holographic devices.
Pearl hummed, tapping her chin. "Well, you can never be too sure! I'm not worried, though, cuz I have a surefire method of proving you're my Marina~!" At that, she teasingly wiggled her fingers at the poor Octoling. "My little Marina is deathly ticklish~!"
Pearl's 'little' Marina leaped to her feet with a squeak, standing two full heads taller than her girlfriend. A determined expression entirely replaced her flustered countenance. "G-glass houses, babe! I know for a fact that you, of all people, shouldn't be throwing out accusations of ticklishness since you're a walking tickle spot!"
The smaller girl stammered, her cheeks turning as pink as the tips of her tentacles. "B-bullshit!" 
"Ooo, strong words from such a wittle Squid~! Are you gonna pout me to death~? Or do I have to ticklEEEK-!" Marina's cocky taunting was interrupted by about 100 pounds of Inkling suddenly slamming into her torso, almost bringing the tinkerer to the ground. Thankfully for her knees, Marina managed to get turned about, letting herself be pushed across the room and onto the couch by her growling girlfriend.
"You," Pearl huffed, now that she pinned the Octoling, "deserve every friggin' second of what you're about to get!" 
Before Marina could reply, a wave of giggly laughter poured out from her lungs as Pearl began scribbling up and down her sides. "NohOhoHO!!" was all she could get out as Pearl's nimble fingers skittered and poked each inch of skin from her hip to her ribs. 
"If anything," the Inkling said over her girlfriend's laughter, "this is your fault! I mean, for such a clever girl, it's awfully silly to keep one of your most ticklish spots so exposed like this~! Not that I'm complaining, though - makes it sooooo much easier for me to tickle the shit outta you!"
“ShuUHuHUhUT UhuHUHUHUP!!!” Marina cackled, kicking her feet. She brought one arm over her eyes while the other wrestled with Pearl's surprisingly agile hands. 
"Oh, believe me, I've been shut up for the past few hours! Gotta get this energy out somehow!"
Marina bucked, desperately trying to squirm out of reach or pry her girlfriend off, but Pearl was stuck to her like a mussel, mercilessly exploiting the Octoling's ticklishness. 
"PleHEhEHehheASe!!! PeHEhEhehHEARL, IhihhIhI’M BEHEEHEHEGGING!!” Marina threw her head back when Pearl began drilling her fingers into her hips. Her pleas, however, made Pearl slow down her tickling just enough for Marina to launch her counterattack.
Marina's hands shot down past Pearl's, landing on her thighs in one swift motion. The Inkling's eyes widened with shock for a moment before she was sent into peals of ticklish gleeful laughter from Marina's squeezes. She fell onto her back, hugging herself around the middle. The tinkerer took her chance, pulling herself upward to continue her onslaught. 
The mellow vaporwave from her speaker was drowned out by a different sort of music, which Marina enjoyed far more: the snorts and hiccups of her beloved bratty squid when her thighs were squeezed. Pearl waved her arms around like an inflatable tube man, giving Marina access to her underarms. Scribbling in each underarm, Marina had successfully invented liquid cuteness.
Nevertheless, despite her thrashing around like a fish on land and babbling through her hiccupy laughter, Pearl had concocted the perfect scheme. When Marina stopped for a moment to readjust her position, Pearl leaped upward and wrapped her arms around Marina's torso, planting her face in her girlfriend's exposed belly. Paying no heed to the panicky warnings, the smaller girl deposited a big, wriggly raspberry, transforming the tall attacker back into a cackling girl, unable to hold back the mountain of melodic laughter. Pearl, determined to get revenge and with her competitive streak shining bright, resolved to continue raspberrying Marina's belly button until the latter had no more laughter left in her. However, true to form, she made one vital miscalculation: she hadn't removed her girlfriend's hands from under her arms. 
She was immediately aware of this flaw in her plan before delivering a second attack when Marina resumed wiggling her fingers. The small Inkling squealed through her raspberry, which did less to dampen its ticklishness than Marina had hoped. Both now were squealing and laughing, both because of the tickles and the ridiculousness of the situation.
The two were locked in a stubborn tickle war of attrition: could Pearl withstand the curious wiggling fingers in her underarms before Marina inevitably gave in to her raspberries? Regardless of the outcome, Pearl was happy to finally have her girlfriend to herself after not being given any attention for so long. As silly as it seemed to be jealous of a toolbox, she felt pleased to finally have all of Marina's focus exclusively on her. She'd never admit it out loud, of course, but Pearl was more than happy to lose this battle if it meant spending more time with her favorite Octoling.
As it happens, the winner of the tickle war would not be determined that day, as a particularly devious raspberry to her side sent Marina rolling off the couch and onto the soft carpet, dragging a hiccupy Pearl down with her. The two girls squealed with delight as they landed, their legs getting tangled together in the confusion. Slowly, the laughter died down, and the two pairs of eyes opened to look into each other. Their faces melted with fondness, wobbly lovestruck smiles replacing helplessly plastered grins. As they gazed into each other's eyes, arms wrapped around each other, legs intertwined, and so close… It was poetry worthy of Sappho herself.
Pearl broke the silence first. "You oughta be more playful. It's fun to see you like this."
"What, you mean it's fun to see me all disheveled and a mess?" 
The Inkling giggled, nodding. "Yep! I don't see you so unraveled often, so it's always a fun gift to witness!"
Marina's smile widened slightly before she shyly said, "Then feel free to unravel me as much as you'd like, babe."
Led by the profoundly influential force whose origin lies beyond scientific scrutiny and which has always guided the hearts of two lovers throughout countless millennia, the two cephalopods pressed themselves closer and stole a sweet, blissful kiss. When they finally pulled apart, the sun had sunk under the horizon, swapping vibrant oranges with soft purples as the stars began to appear above.
"Welp," Pearl said after a moment, "can't sleep on the floor." With that, she untangled herself and stood, picking up the surprisingly lightweight Octoling from the floor and plopping her onto the couch.
Marina giggled. "The couch isn't much better for your back, y'know-"
"Shush, genius, or else I'll make you shush." Pearl poked her girlfriend one last time as she sat beside her, forcing the tinkerer to concede.
With that, the two relaxed into the cushions, holding hands. Unable to prop her head on Marina's shoulder, Pearl nestled into her bicep, making the taller girl coo silently and wrap her other arm around the Inkling. 
Yawning, Pearl said, "Can we, like, go to a karaoke bar or something tomorrow?"
Sighing fondly, Marina nodded. "We'll make it a date."
Pearl giggled victoriously. “Just us, right? You’re not gonna bring an Allen wrench or something?”
“Why on earth would I bring an Allen wrench with me on a date?”
“Not sure, but if anyone were to, it would be you.”
After a few seconds to consider, Marina nodded. “You’re probably right. No tools, I promise.”
So, with the gentle accompaniment of Marina's speaker, the two lovebirds drifted off to sleep, smiling all the while. 
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a-table-of-fics · 3 years
Cull to Adventure, Chapter 5, Draft 1
[[As Tumblr increased the size limits for posts, I can finally put this chapter draft all together.]]
Marie was already in a sour mood, having woken up far earlier than preferred. But it got worse as she realized she might as well have slept in; hardly anyone was around today. The heat wave, combined with the fact that all games were postponed until the respawn points have power again, meant that no one was around. Marie knew she couldn’t move too far from where the Outpost was without drawing unwanted attention, but it was a bit demoralizing. She was glad she had the parasol for the scant shade it provided in the midday sun, but she still tugged at her kimono every so often.
Well, if she wanted to find her cousin and the stolen Zapfish, she would have to do it herself. She didn’t want a second celebrity disappearance to cause more chaos, but she didn’t have much choice. Agent 2 would have to complete the rescue mission alone.
As she looked in the Outpost for her Charger, she debated whether Gramps should be alerted at this point. She decided against it, still; he was probably stressed enough about his mission with Agent 3, and she didn’t want him throwing himself in danger trying to find Callie. That was her job, darn it!
She opened a drawer and found her charger waiting, but…where was her uniform? The armored hoodie, the short, the boots, even the headset were all missing. She rustled around; maybe a bit of disorganized Callie rubbed off on her…but no, they were gone! Someone was in here! They took the Splattershot and one of the Ink Tanks, too!
A flash of panic came over Marie; someone had come in, and the outpost was breached! But… wait, why wasn’t her charger taken? Or any other supplies? Just the Agent getup and weapons—Oh.
Oh no.
She ran out of the shack, stumbling over her kimono a few times as she went for the manhole to Inkopolis. She had to get to Ammo Knights, and fast. It was lucky there wasn’t really anyone in the Square; while Marie took care to make sure she wasn’t immediately recognized by the adoring public, she didn’t care as much in the rush she was in.
The doors to the Ammo Knights store burst open the moment she unlocked them. Sheldon barely had time to look up in shock before the idol was in the back, frantically booting the computer up. Several monitors came up, each showing different angles of a new part of Octarian territory. None of the cameras could see anything, but when Marie put the headset on and heard panting and slight whimpering, her suspicions were confirmed.
Cull had gone into Octo Canyon alone.
Marie took a deep breath, turned the mic on, and coughed politely.
“Eh—” started Cull’s yelp, before he remembered where he was and clammed up.
“Oh good, you remembered the headset,” Marie said, keeping her voice level. “Okay, I think we can get you through this, but… I’m not sure where you are…”
“C-came in a-and made it to ch-checkpoint…”
Marie checked. The simulated sunny beach area in Octopolia did have a trail of green, including some inflated sponges. And it led right to a smaller respawner, directly in front of a massive road of pink ink. From where the camera was situated, Marie could see a Balloon Fish, but there were a few things behind it that were too blurry to see.
“They got some- some kinda robot b-bombs!”
“Octopods?” Marie asked. “Shouldn’t be a big deal, right? They just run at you.”
“…B-but that one at the start was so fast…C-can I really take more than one in a f-fight…?”
Marie leaned back in her chair, noting where the blurs were.
“You don’t have to, ex-Agent 4! If you can take that Balloon Fish, the Octopods should all pop with it!”
“B-but if I go up there, w-won’t they pop it and…?”
“Nah, they’ll run up to try to blast you. The Balloon Fish’ll be fine!”
Bad time for a joke, Marie realized, as she saw something shake in the respawner.
“Look, look,” she said, frantically trying to clear Cull’s head of some of the anxiety. “All you gotta do is keep your distance! Pop that balloon before the Octopods get to you.”
Cull finally surfaced, out of the respawner, and swallowed. He looked at the expanse of Octarian pink before him; it was going to take a lot of ink to even get to the Octo-bombs. He started firing, and Marie saw that his attention was divided between his path-making and the upcoming encounter.
“Hey, eyes on the prize, kid, not the road!”
Well, now the kid’s movement was slower, but at least he seemed more alert.
A thought came to Marie.
“…Ignore that when you start driving, ok?”
The Octopods started to rush in, but it was too late. Cull had already hit the Balloon Fish, taking the bombs and their weird red balloons with them. Octarians had the strangest ways of holding Power Eggs.
That just left a layout of crates in a flattened “u” shape against the wall, a wall which had two Balloon Fish attached to it. As Cull looked up and around, Marie took a moment to swap through the cameras, finding a launchpad at the top, and the next camera showed a checkpoint. Thankfully, nothing between there and their current position Cull would have to worry about.
“All right, so just pop those balloons and swim up there. Nothing to worry about.”
Cull looked, hesitantly, but nodded. The Balloon Fish made short work of those boxes and covered the wall in green. But… he hesitated, rubbing the back of his head. Marie could hear sheepish mutters of “uh” and “oh boy” over her headset. She was about to ask what the holdup was, maybe throw in a joke about enjoying his handiwork, but all that came out was “wh” before she realized the problem – he was a slow swimmer when it wasn’t a vertical slope.
And she had seen the kid climb, too. This looked like a tougher thing to scale, sure, but his grip back then was impressive, and she was sure he could have figured something out. At the very least, it would probably be better than him struggling to swim up like he would have to now.
“Okay kid,” she said, attempting to hide her haste in correcting this, “I don’t usually recommend this, but you might want to try a running jump here.”
Marie watched as the ex-Agent stepped back, steeled himself, and sprinted to the wall. He jumped, and Marie thought he was going to slam into the wall, his squidforming was so close. However, it wasn’t close enough to conceal the fact his tentacles were… well, half-gone. He disappeared in the ink in a flash, but Marie could still tell, especially as he splashed and struggled to get the vertical movement.
Marie couldn’t do much more than watch; explaining how to swim to a fellow Inkling would just be dumb, and she wasn’t good at motivational platitudes. Still, she could try to encourage.
“Almost halfway there. Just keep breathing.”
“Just got past the second Balloon Fish; you’re almost there!”
Cull finally slipped over the edge onto wooden floor again. He couldn’t even kidform, and Marie could hear him panting and fully view his squid form.
His fins were much more disk-shaped than most, making his silhouette look less like an arrow and more like a mushroom with a point on top where his mantle ended. His skin had a spotted texture, as if someone had lightly sprayed him with darker green paint. More prominent, however, were his eight arms, all irregular stumps of what was expected, clearly from an injury long ago. His two tentacles, while about as long as most Inklings’, were notably thinner, and showed the same signs of being cut off at the end.
And Marie had sent him headfirst into danger. Worse yet, he refused to leave.
Cull wasn’t panting for too long; he soon kidformed, and was silent on his walk to the launchpad. Marie wasn’t sure what to say; she may like snarking, but humiliating someone was something else entirely.
A few quick key presses, and Marie could watch him land on the next section, where there didn’t seem to be much going on. There was a single sponge floating in the middle of a gap in the road, but not much else to see other than a few pillars. As Cull tentatively clambered down in case there was something, Marie switched to the next available camera. She could see Cull fill the sponge with ink to make a bridge in the distance, but more importantly, there were patrolling Octarians moving in a synchronous circle on some grates that were jutting out of one of the pillars.
“Octotroopers above you,” Marie called out, as Cull walked forward. She could see him step back onto the sponge, looking up and spotting the enemies. He tentatively moved forward, but never so much that he committed to a plan before stepping back. Thankfully, neither Octo seemed to have seen him, their gaze focused squarely on what was in front of them rather than what was below.
“C’mon,” Marie said, after about fifteen seconds of this, “You gotta do something if you wanna get outta here!”
“Oh for— just go! Take ‘em out and find a way up!”
Well, at least he was moving forward. The bad news was, the Octarians saw him, and began firing shots through the grate. At least the ex-Agent 4 was aware of this, and trying to zig-zag a little bit. He made it under the grate, with only a few spatters of pink on him for it. When he shot straight up and splatted one of the Octotroopers, however, his reflexive ducking was not enough to stop himself from being coated in green ink.
Despite herself, Marie had to stifle a snicker. Maybe it was just a needed release from stress, but there was something adorable about that pratfall. It reminded her of something that happened when she herself was younger, when she played one-on-one with Callie. The exact same thing happened to her, except she completely missed Callie…
“Y-you there?”
Marie took a breath, composing herself. Cull didn’t need the idea that she was laughing at him, nor did he need to hear her worrying about the other Squid Sister.
“Yeah, um… look for a way up the pillar. Looks like the grating goes to another floor… Just watch for that Octoslob and you’ll be fine…”
But Cull wasn’t looking up now. His attention was caught by something out of range of the cameras. He fired ink offscreen, slowly and carefully. Marie didn’t hear any return fire or Octarian shouts from his microphone, but all the same, this was concerning.
“Uh, I said ‘up’ the pillar…”
“Th-there was a lot of pink ink over here…J-just want to be sure…”
“I understand that,” Marie said, quietly kicking herself for not thinking of the possibility of an ambush, “but they’d have a hard time chasing you up. You might be better off—”
She heard the sound of wood breaking, and hoped to the Crane that Cull was alone; she’d be hard pressed to help him if she couldn’t see.
“Huh…Is that…?” he said, after a pregnant pause.
“Hmm? What was that?”
“N-nevermind, I must be mistaken…”
Marie heard some paper rustling, and then some grunting and splashing before Cull emerged from behind the pillar, now on the second floor. He took a few breaths, leaning against the column, before finally heading to the wall.
After making a break through a few more Octarians and some kind of wall-cleaning robot, he made it to a dead end. Behind a bunch of crates destroyed by a nearby Balloon Fish, there was nothing but a sheer drop to the facilities miles below. To his left, he could just see a large wooden wall, with the launchpad there. He groaned.
All Marie could say was “Sorry, kid, but you gotta make it through this.”
Cull stepped back to look, but he didn’t know if he could make another climb like that so soon. Instead, he looked to the re-inflated Balloon Fish, and then at the wall; not even at the launchpad!
Marie was at a loss for words when she saw the kid start clambering onto the enormous ink bomb, and rather quickly at that. Sure, Cull slipped once or twice, but he never once lost his grip. Within fifteen seconds, he was wobbling on top of it, looking almost like an eight-year-old bouncing on a waterbed. He sat down and started rocking, as if he was trying to get comfortable.
“Okay, look,” Marie finally said, “I get it may be tiring, but that’s no excuse for lazing around and…”
She stopped when he stood up, the Balloon Fish rolling back so far that Marie stood up, shocked at how far over the ledge Cull was. Cull, for his part, had an expression like he swallowed a sunfish whole, but kept his eyes to the wall he had to climb. He took one step forward, waiting for the Fish to roll enough…
And then he jumped. His hands reached out, and he was able to grab onto the ledge. By all accounts, he shouldn’t have been able to keep his grip, but it was dawning on Marie that he was a whip-lash squid.
He hoisted himself up, finding another piece of Sardinium, then looked over the edge to see about that launchpad. It was a simple swing down, and Cull was on his rapid way to the next area.
Marie was there to witness each remaining step. The ambush from above, where Cull leapt screaming into his first Splashdown. The attack immediately after, where he managed to actually take one or two of the Troopers before they even landed. Cull getting splatted again by the remaining Octarians, though he didn’t gasp as frantically when he respawned this time. He was able to finish off the other Octotroopers and make it to some more sponge-scaling situations and an easy battle.
After a bridge made from sponges filled with Balloon Fish ink, Marie’s eyes widened. Up ahead, a bulbous flying thing she knew all too well, and she was about to cry out a warning, but stopped herself. She was already dealing with a bit of a nervous wreck; no sense in giving him a heart attack in all three of his.
Instead, she said, as plainly as she could, “An Octobomber. Gross.”
“What—” Cull started, before yelping. He just saw a Splat Bomb land by him, and it wasn’t his.
Marie sighed as he respawned. Even if she didn’t want to scare the kid, that warning may have been less than helpful.
“Sorry, squid,” she said, apologetically. “Didn’t want to scare you…”
Cull walked back over to where he was, far more slowly this time. Shooting gobs of purple at him was one thing, but now they were hurling bombs at him!
“Ugh… how close is the Zapfish?”
Marie blinked. She hadn’t even been looking for the Zapfish; she was just making sure this kid got out alive.
She could see Cull looking around, mostly up and at the corners of platforms. She assumed he was looking for the camera, but he was nowhere close. At least it kept him safe while she re-calibrated the ZapSeek program that Sheldon wrote.
“Let’s see… the Zapfish is… uh…”
“Ye—?” was all Marie heard in response, before the computer suddenly went black. Her eyes widened, and she frantically mashed the power button, but all she heard was the equally frantic clicking of the button.
Sheldon opened the door behind her, frantically pulling out a set of keys. He dashed to a caged area behind the computer, where he kept the generator.
“Sorry, sorry,” he said, trying each key in turn as fast as he could, “Without Zapfish, we gotta rely on this generator, and as you know, this is an old thing, and the fact is, it’ll take a bit to refuel it and start it up again, not to mention the computer booting time—”
“Sheldon!” Marie said, sharply. “Just tell me what I can do to help get it back! There’s a kid lost in Octopia here!”
“Right, right,” Sheldon’s capped silhouette nodded. “Sorry. So, I need you to take the rip cord here and wait to give it a good yank! There’s a coupla things I gotta keep in place over here while you do that…”
Marie walked over, but saw multiple cords that looked pull-worthy.
“You got the rip cord?”
“All right, hold on…”
The sound of Sheldon pouring whatever the generator needed slowed to a halt, and he patiently walked over, instantly finding the correct cord and handing it to her.
“I’ll let you know when to pull. It might take a few tries for it to start, but keep at it.”
Marie nodded, not understanding when she heard a variety of switches being flicked, as well as some clatters.
“All right, you ready?”
She pulled the rip cord. A rumble, but nothing else.
“Okay, try again.”
It took a few more pulls, but the generator eventually roared to life.
“Now, lemme take care of getting you started, and I’ll be out of here…”
Marie didn’t dispute that. She was a lot of things, but she was no computer squid. She waited for the slow booting, the password entry, the appropriate programs written by Sheldon…
It felt like hours, but everything Marie was used to was back up. Sheldon saluted, then went back to working on his weapons.
Right, so she could flip through the cameras again, and find Cull who was… still standing at that checkpoint. Her audio wasn’t working, but she could tell he was just calling out, trying to get a response.
It took a minute for Marie to find the volume and fix it, but she was greeted with a quiet, almost fearful “…hello?...Yes?...Is the Z-Zapfish close…?”
“Yeah, hang on,” Marie said, putting on a practiced smile. “It was just a technical thing, sorry.”
“Just keep moving forward, m’kay? That Octoslob might have bombs, but he’s pretty slow, so just keep on your guard, okay?”
Cull gulped, but still started taking steps forward. It was slow and halting, with him looking around as if he was expecting the Octobomber to have flown to where he was.
Marie wasn’t going to spur him too far forward; the camera systems for other areas were still loading, and she didn’t want Cull dying down there, especially if it would be from something super avoidable.
Suddenly, after some tentative advancement, Cull ducked into the ink. Marie switched from the loading screen back to him the moment she heard a splash. He was nearing the Octobomber.
“Remember, kid: those Splat Bombs have timers on ‘em. Keep moving, and don’t let ‘em catch you! That’s a rule of the battlefield!”
Cull wasn’t moving.
“Come on, this is no time for hide and splat! You gotta move forward! Once you get to the Zapfish, you can get out of there!”
“But…” Cull whispered, still not so much as swimming an inch, “I-I don’t know…”
“Look, kid,” Marie sighed. “If you want to find your way home, you need to get past this guy. I already told you; keep moving and you’ll be a harder target for him!”
After a second (presumably waiting for the fat flying octopus to look away, which Marie had to admit would be a decent strategy), Cull emerged and started running, firing wildly as he did so. The Octobomber flinched as ink hit them, and they spun around, quickly lobbing a bomb at the Inkling intruder. Cull kept running forward, barely out of the blast’s range. He kept shooting, somehow missing half his shots as he did so.
It gave the Octobomber enough time to fire another bomb. Marie would have congratulated Cull on his plan of circling to avoid the explosives, but she was too busy gasping as he inattentively moved towards the edge.
“Kid, watch it—”
“Yeah, just keep movin’! Works great!”
He cheered as he splatted the enemy, but the cheer was short lived as he fell off the ledge.
Marie didn’t see his ghost swim up. She waited, desperately scanning every pixel, rotating every camera, but she saw nothing.
She started breathing again when she saw his hands inch onto solid ground, followed by the rest of him.
“Oh, thank Cod,” Marie said, more under her breath than anything. “Right, so….”
The hacks into the next area of security cameras finally loaded. Marie wasn’t sure what the delay was. Something about cache? She’d have to ask Sheldon later, but for now she looked into the next set of cameras, and…
“Hey, good news!” she said. “You’re almost to the Zapfish and outta there!”
“Uh, y-yeah…” Cull said, sounding like Marie did when she first learned how to fake smiles. “Uh, al-almost might be a strong word…”
“What are you talking abou—oh.”
A quick pan of one of the cams showed the problem. A series of dry sponges formed a line from the floor Cull was on to the floating island the Zapfish was on. Even if he used the Balloon Fish lined across the sides to fill them up, this would be a struggle for him to swim up what most Inklings could with just a bit of effort.
“Er… yeah, this might be tough…” Marie trailed off. “I’m sure you can make it up there, though…”
She saw him standing there, craning his neck to see the sun-shaped wall far above him. She couldn’t see his expression, but she could tell he wasn’t exactly readying up for the climb. Heck, he was walking back to a ledge (thankfully, a part with a railing this time). He looked around a little, but he didn’t see anywhere else he could try to go.
The blue skies made from blue monitor light surrounded him on all sides, illuminating a sparkling blue sea under him. Looking out on the wooden platform into the distant waters like this was filling him with nostalgia, back when he could only be halfway between squid and kid at most. He remembered having to brush his tentacles off his eyes a lot, to see a cloudless sky like this, with rocky beaches and wooden docks. The false sun was still a good one, adding to the illusion pretty well. Even if the air was still the stale air you’d find in caves, it didn’t matter; the atmosphere was so much like that of a beach, giving a very surreal vibe of familiarity along with the floating platforms, debris, and screens. This was inspiring.
“You okay, kid?”
“Hmm? O-oh, yeah, j-just needed a moment…”
He pulled himself away from the view, having calmed himself a bit. He took a breath, and looked at the challenge before him.
He fired at the first sponge until it was dripping with ink. He took a breath, and climbed up to the top of it. It was easier to just climb up the one, and he still had a dry, shrunken sponge in front of him.
He stepped onto the dry sponge, and was about to fire to inflate it as well, but he realized he’d have to do still more climbing with the other pair up ahead. He wasn’t sure if he’d be up to that; even that one small swim took effort. He still wanted to get the Zapfish in something resembling a timely manner, so he looked either way. It’d be a tricky thing, but he’d done crazier tagging a spot on Moray Towers the one time.
Standing on the tinier platform, he looked at the Balloon Fish on either side, and popped one.
Marie’s jaw dropped. She just saw Cull get flung like a ragdoll as the sponge exploded out to its full size under him. He flailed and hollered, but not as intensely as she thought it warranted. Heck, it almost seemed planned, as he landed flat on his back on top of the next set of filled sponges. He grunted, but he quickly got up and leapt at the final wall between himself and the Zapfish’s platform. A couple of grunts and kicks against the wall, and he could move from dangling by his fingers to actually getting onto the platform.
From there, Marie could view him freeing and petting the Zapfish. He sat down as the platform moved to the exit, the Zapfish on his lap. It was kind of adorable, honestly.
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Function of the Fashion: Main Power Up
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Hello everyone! It’s been cooking for a long time, but I finally feel like I’m ready to talk about Main Power Up. When it was first revealed, a lot of people were dreading it’s potential to become the Damage Up of Splatoon 2, and while it does increase the damage of a lot of weapons, it thankfully never becomes as powerful as Damage Up was. But how useful is it? That’s what I’m here to discuss.
Before I start, I wanna say something that, while always true, is especially pertinent now: This is not a definite, infallible guide. Main Power Up is still very new and as one of the biggest variables introduced in all of Splatoon 2,, is probably gonna take years to figure out fully. What I’m going to present to you are suggestions and observations from a lot of competitive players, including people I’ve asked personally. That said, let’s get started.
So what does Main Power Up (or MPU) do? Well, a lot of things, actually. It improves your main weapon in some way or another, with the improvements depending on your weapon. This includes things such as less spread while jumping, increased damage, increased range, better ink coverage and the list goes on (I Recommend you check out the Inkipedia article on MPU if you want to dig into that a bit deeper). It should be mentioned that in the case of weapons that get increased damage there is often a hard cap to how much damage you can deal in a single shot, after which additional points of MPU do nothing. How many points you need to reach the cap varies wildly from weapon to weapon, but we’ll get to that.
So what weapons benefit the most from Main Power Up? Quite a few, actually. Let’s start with the weapons that get increased damage from Main Power Up. While you might think that all weapons would want more damage, the truth is that for a lot of them the amount of damage increased per point is so poor that it’s not worth the effort. As for the weapons where increasing the damage is worthwhile? Well:
L-3 Nozzlenose: This weapon hits its damage cap with only six subs of Main Power Up, making it deal 33.3 damage with every shot for a total of 99.9 damage per trigger pull, making it a guaranteed splat on opponents who have taken any amount of damage, no matter how small. For such a small investment it’s a very powerful return.
H-3 Nozzlenose: The bigger of the noses, on the other hand, need to invest a whopping 3 mains and 3 subs to reach its damage cap of 49.9. While that is a bit excessive, 3 main slots still net you about 48 damage per shot, which is still very close to making it a guaranteed 2-shot splat. With the H-3 being rather gear-independent, it’s a good deal, though you can stick to 2 main slots for 46 damage if filling up all of them seems excessive to you.
Squeezer: The Squeezer needs 2 main slots of MPU to reach 33.3 damage while the trigger is held, which also results in the single-shot dealing 46.5 damage. This is a pretty good deal, so it’s worthwhile.
Carbon Roller/Splat Roller/Dynamo Roller/Flingza Roller: I’m rolling up all the Rollers in the same bunch here because their desire for MPU is very similar in scope. With increased damage, these weapons can splat from further away more consistently as the increased damage helps mitigate their drastic damage falloff at longer ranges. That said, you typically don’t want to run more than 2 mains or 6 subs at most, as the damage increase starts dropping off drastically after that point. The Splat Roller, in particular, does fine with just 1 main, the Dynamo doesn’t need more than 1 main and 2 subs at most, meanwhile, the Flingza and Carbon can go up to 1 main and 3 subs (or 2 mains) if deemed necessary. Regardless of Roller, you should run at the very least 3 subs of MPU, as anything below that is not worth it.
Hydra Splatling/Ballpoint Splatling: Both of these weapons hit their damage cap of 33.3 (when not fully charged in the case of the Hydra) with a measly 5 subs, allowing for more consistent splats more often, while also making partial charges better for the Hydra. This is a relatively small investment, and is very good as a result.
Bamboozler: Similarly to the H-3, the Bamboozler needs 3 mains and 3 subs to hit its damage cap of 99.9, an effective one-hit splat on anyone who has taken damage from anything, including standing in enemy ink. 3 mains and 3 subs is a lot, so settling for 3 mains will net you 97 damage per shot, while 2 mains net you 94. Try to stick to somewhere around there, as a result.
Glooga Dualies/Tetra Dualies: Both of these weapons like MPU, but they’re pretty flexible with it. As a result, you can kinda use MPU as a “slot filler” of sorts. Get whatever abilities you want first, and then fill up whatever is left with MPU. It is worth mentioning that 3 mains of MPU gives you enough damage with the Gloogas where shooting a regular shot and a roll-empowered shot combo for a 2-shot splat, but it’s not advised to go for that unless you feel confident in your aim.
Slosher: Okay, I’m including Slosher in this group on a technicality because it doesn’t get more damage directly, but rather gets less damage falloff on enemies who are on lower elevations. The Slosher is really good at utilizing angles and different heights in the stage to its advantage, so MPU allows it to more effectively pull those tricks. About one main is all you need to see a notable impact, too!
So that’s all the damage-increasing MPU weapons, but what about the weapons that don’t get more damage? Well, don’t worry, there’s plenty of those too:
Splattershot/.52 Gal/Ranged Blaster: All of these weapons get less spread while firing when jumping, allowing them to hit foes at the edge of their range more consistently. .52 Gal and the Ranged Blaster, in particular, suffer from horrible inaccuracy while jumping, which MPU helps mitigate. 1 main/3 subs is plenty enough for the Splatershot and .52 Gal, while the Ranged Blaster can go all the way to 2 mains if desired.
Squiffer/E-litre 4K/E-litre 4K Scope: These weapons get increased range from MPU, and while the extra range is very small, even at higher amounts, that range can make all the difference, especially for a weapon that is otherwise pretty gear-independent like the E-litre. As a result, it’s recommended you try to get as much MPU on these weapons as you can.
Bloblobber: The blobbiest lobber of them all gets increased ink coverage from MPU, and the effect is very drastic, to the point where MPU is basically a better version of Special Charge Up for this particular weapon. As such you really want to run as much MPU on the Bloblobber as you can, because of how powerful it is. If you want my personal take then I’d say that anything between 1 to 3 main slots is good enough.
Mini Splatling: Last, and actually least, is the Mini Splatling, which benefits from MPU by having the amount of time it fires after fully charging extended.  This sort-of makes it a combination of Special Charge Up and Ink Saver Main, in a way, as you output more shots and gain more Special from every charge, while spending the same amount of ink. This makes it worthwhile to run at the very least 3 subs of MPU, as it’s just a nice quality of life ability in general.
And well, there you have it! As mentioned earlier, this is not a list of the only weapons to ever want MPU, but rather the most prominent ones and the ones most commonly discussed amongst higher-level players. Hopefully, this will give you a sense of direction when it comes to navigating the world of Splatoon 2 in 2019, and maybe inspire you to change up your favourite weapon build a bit? Remember that there’s no right way to play, as long as you’re enjoying yourself!
And to finish this whole thing off, here’s some of my favourite gear with Main Power Up on it:
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Forge Mask
Anchor Sweat
Punk Blacks
Patched Hat
Takoroka Windcrusher
Sun & Shade Squid Kid IV
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Yamagiri Beanie
Deep-Satin Octo Jacket
Green Laceups
Painter’s Mask
Inkopolis Squaps Jersey
Black Dakroniks
Thank you for reading, and as always: Keep looking your best!
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lesbianoctoling · 6 years
Agent 8 is crushing on Agent 3 hard and doesn't know how to confess to her. She then comes up with an idea to make use her poetry skills. But she might need some help??
A/N: I got...Really, really into this. I want to thank my lovely datefriend for helping me tho! They even wrote the poem and rewrote a few parts for me!! They have a fic on AO3 that you should totally read if you like my stuff, I’m just sayin...
Anyways, if you enjoyed this please reblog it and give it a kudos on AO3! And feedback is always appreciated! ♥ 
“Aww, Eight, that’s called a crush! You have a crush on Agent Three!”
“A… Crush? But I don’t want to crush her!” Agent Eight squeaked.
Pearl peaked her head into the living room where Eight was having a conversation with Marina.
“Not literally, Eight,” The inkling put a tray of drinks on the coffee table, “It means you’re in looooveee~”
Pearl’s teasing made Eight blush and turn away, despite not really knowing what she meant.
“Pearlie! Don’t tease her, she’s having a hard time…”
“W-what does crushing someone have to do with love? O-of course I love Agent Three, but I don’t…”
Marina cracked a smile and Pearl snorted.
“Oh, Eight, sweetie,” Marina put a hand on the younger girl’s shoulder, who lifted her head. “A different kind of love. You know how Pearl and I are?”
“Well uh, yeah…But ‘Ree and I are already kinda like that, so-”
Pearl took a seat next to her girlfriend, grinning wide. “Nah nah, you two are nothin’ compared to us—“ Marina elbowed Pearl’s side, “Er, I mean. Think of those cheesy movies you watch all the time. The ones with the kissing.”
Eight’s eyes widened and her face turned a bright shade of red, making Pearl break into a fit of laughter.
“I- Well I wouldn’t, I mean, I kinda want to, but I don’t…” Eight sputtered.
Marina giggled. “You should tell her. Sounds like you’ve felt like this for a long time.”
Eight buried her face in her hands. “B-But…”
Pearl’s laughter stopped abruptly, and she cleared her throat. “I’m pretty sure she feels the same way, kid.”
Eight peaked through her fingers. “Really? You think she would?”
“Oh, Eight, you have no idea. She looks at you like you’re the most beautiful cephalopod in the universe!” Marina said, clasping her hands together dramatically. “But we won’t force you to do something if you’re not comfortable with it.”
“But,” Pearl interjected, “Ya never know if another girl might just… Swoop right in, and take her.”
Eight lowered her hands and avoided eye contact with both of them, attempting to register what she was feeling and what she should do.
“Well uhm… What should I try to do then?”
Eight stayed up all night, brainstorming and writing all her feelings down. She woke up in an uncomfortable position on her desk, drooling on a notebook and paper.
She paused for a moment, looking out the window beside her. The sun was just rising and the sky was an orange-pink colour. When she realized what she was doing, she leaned back and stretched with a loud yawn. She then collected her scattered belongings on her desk.
In front of her was a piece of pink, cutesy expensive looking stock paper.
Scribbled on it was cursive inklish, accompanied by small doodles of an octopus and a squid surrounded by hearts and stars.
The octoling smiled to herself as she read it:
Yellow is what I saw when I came here,
It was the welcoming sun when I found my freedom
Yellow is in your eyes when you’re near
You make my heart beat quite like a drum
My heart unsteady, will I be ready?
To be in your arms, when the time comes
When I’m with you, I always feel steady
There’s a pull on my heartstrings, a melody strums
Normally, the girl had a talent for conjuring poems on a whim. She would take her journal almost everywhere she went, and wrote short poems about things she saw in Inkopolis or whatever was on her mind. But this poem wasn’t exactly like the others - it had to be perfect; she had to put her hearts into it and everything. Eight found herself staying up until 4 am in order to achieve this.
Agent Eight read it over and over in her head, rewriting it countless times in order for it to meet her standards. She read it out loud, adding in extra words or taking a few out. She tried to incorporate more rhymes but a few of them fell flat. Finally, she wrote one that she loved best.
Despite that, she felt a lump in her throat and her stomach twist in knots.
What would Agent Three think of it?
Would she even like it? Would she understand it? Is it not straightforward enough? Maybe she should add more hearts — or perhaps a flower or two. But what if Agent Three understood it and didn’t like it?
What if she ended up hating her or thinks she’s disgusting?
The octoling shook her head and pushed the negative thoughts away. She had to try at the very least. She was terrified, but she still had a chance according to Pearl — and Pearl always gave her good advice.
Pushing herself away from the desk, she set off to do her morning routine and text Agent Three (even if it did take her almost half an hour to press the send button), asking her if she would like to practice aiming in a private battle today.
She received a reply rather quickly, something she didn’t expect as Agent Three isn’t normally awake for another few hours. Eight wondered if this meant she pulled an all nighter again. She made a mental note to pester Three about this later.
She opened her messenger to reply to her friend.
E 7:23AM: Good morning! If you are not busy, do you want to play target practice in a private battle this afternoon? 🐙🔫
T 7:56AM: why is the octopus pointing the gun at herself
T 7:56AM: who gave her that anyways
T 7:57AM: thats dangerous
E 7:59AM: She’s holding it, silly. She wants to practice, too! 💪🏻🐙
T 8:01AM: o ok
T 8:01AM: what a determined octopus
T 8:01AM: determinpus
E 8:02AM: ? I don’t get it.
T 8:05AM: …
E 8:06AM: Oh! I get it now! lol!!!!
E 8:06AM: She is a determined octopus! You mixed the words together. You’re so clever. 😙
T 8:06AM: aaa
T 8:07AM: yes
T 8:07AM: anyways sure we can pb
E 8:10AM: Yay! What time? 🐙⏱
T 8:13AM: is an hour from now ok
T 8:13AM: i might turf after so
E 8:15AM: Yes, yess ! See you there! 🐙♥️
When Agent Eight closed her phone’s messenger app, she lifted a hand to find her cheeks burning and sore from blushing. Agent Three is just too cute and she felt so lucky. Everyone else found the inkling to be silent and intimidating, but in reality she was a huge softie that only a select few people got to see.
And she happened to be one of those select few.
Agent Three impatiently checked her watch as she waited outside the private battle lobby she reserved almost 10 minutes ago. In one hand was a suitcase containing her charger gear, and next to her feet was a duffel bag full of different outfits she thought would be useful.
It had been over an hour since her octoling friend asked to meet her there. She checked her messages and the time again. No, Three was on time. Why was Eight so late?
A bead of sweat dripped down the inkling’s cheek. The octoling was never late, and she was sure there was a logical reason for her to be this time, but what if —
“‘Ree!” Three heard from behind her, making her ears perk. Just before she could turn around, she felt warm arms wrap around her torso from behind. For a moment she stiffened, but as soon as she registered who was behind her her body relaxed.
“Ree, goodness, I’m so sorry I’m late!” Eight said, leaning back to look at Three – who had now turned her head to face Eight – but still holding onto her. She really had no sense of personal space.
“It… It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” With gentle hands, she grasped the octoling’s arms and free’d herself from the other’s grip easily. She swore she heard the other whine, though. “What happened? You’re usually early.”
“Oh, well I, ah,” Eight’s tentacles moved inwards and outwards, like they were trying to grab onto something as she spoke. “I got a little sidetracked after strolling past the new stores downtown! There was a comely little antique shop next to the new confectionery and —“ Realizing she was beginning to ramble and use words the inkling doesn’t seem to know, she slowed down. “I just got a little distracted is all, haha.”
“I see,” was all Three managed to comment. Eight’s rambling was absolutely adorable to her, especially when she got excited, so she really didn’t mind. “Do you want me to set it up?”
“Oh, right, yes, of course!”
The two stepped forward to the lobby’s station, with Three setting the battle up using a tablet beside the door.
“Do you want to play target first?” Three asked as she looked for a decent map, eventually settling for Sturgeon Shipyard. Their target practices considered of one person playing “target” on the alpha team, using a brush to zip around the map while the player on bravo tried to splat them with a charger.
“I always play target first,” Eight replied, followed by a giggle, “I want to snipe first this time.”
“Alright, then. Let’s get started.”
The two of them played for over an hour and it was clear they were both getting rather tired.
Eight was winning the nonexistent competition so far, getting almost 20 splats on Three every time it was her turn. It was a bit unfair, really — she had always been good with a charger, and she certainly knew how to use an e-litre.
Three, on the other hand, was clearly struggling and needed this practice far more than the octoling did. She was used to only really using one type of weapon: a standard splattershot, or maybe her heroshot. While she was talented with those weapons, she found herself fumbling with the charger and having difficulties holding it correctly.
The inkling was getting frustrated, and Eight had to make a move soon before the other called it a day.
But she had an idea. It was a mischievous one, sure, but she knew she could get a few giggles out of Three if she did it and initiated her plan at the same time.
Eight smirked to herself, slamming her inkbrush down in front of her and running just outside of the charger’s range. She stifled a giggle when she heard the inkling jump down from her perch to pursue her, not actually expecting Three to take the bait.
She ducked behind a wall on her side of the map, not bothering to hide in her ink. She had a death grip on her inkbrush, her hands sweating and shaking. Her plan was starting to seem like less of a good idea now, and all the potential negative outcomes flowed through her mind. She was so confident a moment ago, why was she now so afraid? She couldn’t wrap her head around her own emotions, but she knew she was starting to doubt herself. Despite this, she decided to ignore the rampant thoughts.
Eight took a deep breath and peeked over the wall. Three was in the middle of the map, aiming opposite of Eight’s position. She couldn’t help but giggle at the sight, Three looked so silly — she was supposed to be one of the strongest inklings in existence, yet she was completely unaware of her surroundings despite her serious, concentrated demeanour.
Of course, she still heard the octoling and spun around to shoot. Fortunately, she missed. Eight used this as a time to strike and ran zipped towards the inkling, zig-zagging away from her attempted shots.
She turned quickly and circled the other agent, once, twice, three times before slipping something in her pocket and darting away. She didn’t get very far before she felt a concentrated shot on her back and the world going black — and when she opened her eyes, she had respawned on the other side of the map.
Shaking off excess ink, Eight laughed nervously and ran back towards the middle.
“‘Ree, good job! You finally got me!” Eight giggled.
Eight’s heart stopped when she saw Agent Three standing still. Upon looking closer, she realized Three was already reading her note. She dropped her inkbrush and slowly approached the inkling, her feet like concrete and her heart beating in her ears. She could feel her arms shaking rapidly as butterflies formed in her stomach and flew all the way into her chest.
“Um… Three?” She squeaked as she finally stood close enough to her.
“Eight, what is this?” Three asked. The inkling seemed mildly confused as she gazed at the note, straightening it with her hands.
“Oh, ah, well, you see…” Eight stammered. Her tentacles began to contract rapidly as she searched for words to say, struggling as she did so. “You’re really important to me so, I thought maybe, I could—“
“It’s really nice.”
“—I could make something for you and — oh! It… It is?” Eight felt a wave of multiple emotions flow course through her body. She was relieved that the inkling didn’t seem upset, but she also had trouble figuring out just how the other may feel as well, bringing her a sense of excitement and fear to what Agent Three might say.
“Does this mean that you, uh…” Eight mumbled, trying to figure out Three’s thoughts.
“Well, it’s a pretty poem,” Three nodded. “You’re always so good with these. I don’t know if I really get it, but the little drawings are really cute.“
Eight’s hearts sank again.
She didn’t… understand it? Even with the pink cardstock, stickers, and little doodles she drew on it?
Eight felt like she was going to cry, but instead she took a deep breath.
“I uhm, Three…” She began, gently pushing the card out of Three’s focus. She made direct eye contact and felt her face heat up. If she wanted to get the message through, then perhaps she’d have to be straightforward. “I wrote it because I-I…”
She looked away and fumbled with the hem of her shirt. This was harder than she expected. Eight felt like there was something caught in her throat, unable to escape.
Suddenly she felt something warm touch her hands. When she looked down, Three had put her hands in hers. “Eight, are you okay?”
The octoling bit her bottom lip and looked back up, not exactly making eye contact this time but still keeping her attention focused on the agent.
“I have a crush on you, Agent Three. I really, really like you.”
Three’s eyes widened and Eight noticed her cheeks begin to flush red. She saw surprise, fear, and excitement shine through the other all at once. She wanted to back away and hide, and she attempted to do so, but Three gave her hands a reassuring squeeze.
Seconds passed, but they felt like years. Neither knew what to say or how to react, all they knew was that the air around them felt different, and now things were different.
Three was the first to break the silence, mumbling something Eight couldn’t hear.
“What was that?” She said, just above a whisper.
“I have…a crush on you, too.” Three repeated, looking away as her face turned a bright red.
Eight smiled. She smiled almost as big as she did when she first reached the surface. The inkling felt the same way, she didn’t think she was weird, she liked her too and now…
“That makes me so happy,” the octoling whispered, leaning her head onto the other’s. Three didn’t flinch or lean back, welcoming the act. She could feel the inkling’s nervous breath on her face. “You make me so happy.”
Three was overwhelmed with emotions. She wanted to play it cool, to act tough and not embarrass herself. But in reality, she wanted to skip and jump for joy.
“Wh-What now?” Three said.
“Well, uhm,” Eight’s eyes fell onto Three’s lips. “Can I… Can I kiss you?”
“You don’t need to ask,” Three smiled.
Eight found herself giggling, heat rising to her chest. She pulled Agent Three closer to her, closing the gap between both of them as they stared into each others eyes. Agent Three’s yellow reminded Eight of the sunset, warm and welcoming like when she first set foot in Inkopolis. And through Three’s eyes, Eight could tell she was trying to mask her shyness to no avail, making her heart swell with how cute the inkling was. It was just a few moments that they stared into each others eyes with hesitation, until Eight leaned in closer and finally pressed her lips against Three’s.
The kiss was a little awkward, but Eight could feel her heart bursting like a blaster shot. Even though their teeth clashed together and the kiss was overall messy (causing both of them to giggle), it was unlike anything the cephalopods have ever experienced before in their lives.
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dragonpikachu · 6 years
Your Normal Everyday Turf War
ok so, here’s one of the stories about those splatoon oc’s I wrote. This was one of my first, so it’s not my best, but it’s a pretty good intro to the character I guess.
So... yeah enjoy I suppose
Ah, what a beautiful day. The birds were chirping, flowers were blooming...
What a great day for a round of deadly paintball!
Turf War wasn't Hijack's favorite past time, there were just too many rules for his liking. Not to mention they got rid of most of the over powered specials before he'd even GOTTEN to Inkopolis. God what he'd give to use one of those 'Killer Wails'. All that said, he was Hijack, he could squeeze a decent amount of fun outta anything!
"What. The heck. Are you wearing."
Hijack turned to his randomly assigned teammates. All 3 were staring at him wide eyed. One of them, a girl in a black hoodie, repeated the question.
"Serious what the hell are you wearing dude??"
Hijack looked over his apparel. He was currently wearing 3 sets of glasses, each messily set on top of each other, along with a pair of headphones covered by a large cap. He wasn't completely sure how many shirts he had on at the moment, he slipped on as many as he could without ripping the rider he was wearing to hide them all. He was also wearing 2 different shoes.
"What's wrong with it?" he asked. Maybe it was the Crazy Arrows they had a problem with? He knew they were ugly but like, they were a good ugly. A tasteful ugly.
"What do ya MEAN 'what's wrong with it'??" A boy with spiked hair spoke up. "You gotta be wearing at least 20 sets of gear!!"
"Nah, don't think it's quite 20. It's probably more like 15 or 16."
"Wait what are those?" Another girl in sunglasses pointed to his waist.
"Oh, those are my duelies. You know, for when I get bored of using this ol' Splattershot" he peered out over the stage "Tho there IS a nice looking Mini Splatling on the other team I'd like to get my hands on."
"Wha- You- you can't- y-you-" Sunglasses girl sputtered in disbelief. Hoodie girl came to her rescue.
"You CAN'T use more than weapon in a match, and you DEFINITELY can't use the other teams weapons!"
Hijack's lip curled in a devious smirk.
"Watch me"
Suddenly the music started up, signalling the start of the match. Hijack shot off like a bullet.
'What a perfect day' thought Sunni as he walked out of his apartment. The sun was shining, people were smiling, it just had an all around good feel to it! Stepping out into the square, he immediately spotted Sugar sitting at one of the tables and walked up to her.
"Heya Sugar! Whatcha up to?" he asked cheerfully.
"Just watching the carnage" she said, her eyes glued to the giant tv on the wall of the square.
Sunni turned and looked up. It was showing a live feed of one of the Turf War matches going on. Currently, it showed a shot of Hijack in an insane outfit, laughing maniacally as he attempted to dual wield both a Tenta Brella and a Mini Splatling.
You know, he's doing a pretty good job considering how heavy those weapons are" Sugar said with a hint of amusement in her voice. Sunni just sighed and took a seat next to her. He loved Hijack to death, but boy was he a little inky ball of unpredictability!
As they sat, a small crowd gathered to watch the chaos as well.
"Man that dudes crazy" one of them commented. Sunni turned to the guy, annoyed.
"Hey! Hijack's not crazy! He's just..." he paused, looking for the right word "...spontaneous"
The guy just rolled his eyes are turned back to the screen. Sunni scowled, but did the same.
Now there appeared to be some kind of officials out on the stage, trying to catch Hijack. They weren't having much luck tho. He must have had a lot of run speed on his gear. Sugar tapped him on the shoulder.
"Here" she handed him a cupcake.
"Oh man thanks!" He said as he quickly ripped off the wrapper. He had no shame in the sound he made when he took a bite. The stuff Sugar baked was the best!
"Enjoy it now" she said with a smirk "You know as soon as they catch him and kick him to the curb Hijack's gonna steal all of them."
Sunni pouted at the thought. Yeah Hijack wasn't good at sharing. Sugar just chuckled and gave him another cupcake before they were all viciously taken.
Turning back to the screen, Sunni noticed they had finally caught Hijack, but he was still putting up one heck of a fight.
"Hooph, he's not going easy on them is he?" he said as he watched Hijack bop one of them on the head with the Brella. He was probably gonna get banned for at least a month for that alone!
"Does he ever?" Sugar laughed.
Sunni just smiled and continued watching Hijack do what he does best.
Cause trouble.
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The Subtle Art of knowing me
It’s about time I made one of these posts, no? So, first things first.  Name’s Max. I’m your local generic teen that draws too much for his own good. My pronouns are he/him, though I have no real idea what my gender is ATM. Definitely not binary, though.
I’ve been diagnosed with Asperger’s, though I relate to a lot of ADD/ADHD symptoms as well.
My favorite games in order of... well, the amount I like them, are **Splatoon**(both games), Fallout (especially New Vegas), **Hollow Knight** (including Silksong), Town of Salem, Pokemon (entire series), Starbound, Portal (both games), Pikmin (all games), and finally Don’t Starve (both games). games with asterisks are current/old special interests please don’t judge me for knowing too much about them
My hobbies include gaming (as seen above), reading and drawing, but I spend most of my time talking to my friends via Discord. because i have no life. 
A few examples of my art can be found at [blog to be made].  I’d like to open up commissions, but I haven’t yet found the time to make a proper commissions sheet.
My PayPal can be found here. You can contact me through Discord (@Nidoskull#5355), through mail ([email protected]), or through Twitter (@nidoskull).
Please do not interact with me or any of my posts if you believe women, transgender people, genderqueer, other LGBT+ members, or people of color are inferior in any way, shape or form, that transgender people are not the gender they identify as, that asexual people do not belong at pride, or that anorexia is something to be glorified. I would also prefer it if you did not interact with any of my content if you identify as age-regressed, are into kidplay, or anything else relating to sexualizing children.  Alongside this, I ask you to rethink your sense of self if you identify as any of the above.
I’d also really enjoy if you were to tag pills and suicide mentions. I have some bad memories relating to those two things with a “friend” I’ve now cut off. Minor information about the games I play: Splatoon: I main the Octobrush in both games, though I’ve branched out with the Splattershot Jr, N-Zap ‘89 and Custom Splattershot Jr recently. I usually play under the name ninty, as I share an account with an IRL friend. Starbound: I have several save files but I don’t usually play online, or only with friends. Frackin’ Universe gives me a scare and I don’t trust myself to play in survival lololol Minecraft: My current IGN is SquidFloppinKid. Take a guess why. You’ll most likely see me on Freddit Freebuild on play.mcfreddit.ga, though I haven’t played in ages. Town of Salem: My username in this game is MewNyanFan700. ...it’s old. Please don’t judge me. I was a pure and innocent child. I prefer playing in All Any than other gamemodes, and unfortunately don’t have the Coven Expansion.  Pokémon: Hoo boy, we got a lot here. I have Red, Alpha Sapphire, and Sun. I’ve been shinyhunting on AS, and am trying to complete the ‘dex in Sun. (Slowking, anyone?) Unfortunately, due to the way Sun works, I’m still under my deadname there... and I’m not resetting purely because I have a shiny on it and don’t have Bank. Fun times for all!
If there’s anything else you want to know about me, feel free to send me a DM on any of the above mentioned contact points/here.
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takokola · 7 years
Plot: Canyon Conquest - Prologue Part 4
((This story takes place during the Squid Sister Stories. Which is 9 months, after the Final Splatfest. Fynn was feeling melancholy since the new year had started. Just what made him down in the dumps?))
Team Pinkognito (Fynn, Angela, Maye, and Dewey), Team Sky Splash (Skyla and Scorpia), Mysti, and Tundra belongs to me.
Eimie belongs to @eiden-squid | @marchant-girls
Overtime, Fynn’s mobility and combat is improving since the first day of training. Each day, he recieved a heavier set of ankle weights from Tundra. As always, Fynn followed her instructions by walking in a patient manner around the dojo.
After perfecting his slightly toned ankles, he’s feeling as light as a Carbon Roller when he took them off. It feels weird at first, but it didn’t take long for him to move around freely. He was feeling quick and nimble as a result. Now that the first session is done, he stick to his usual regiment. 50 pushups, 50 situps, 50 squats, and a 5km run around the dojo. After he was done with his set, Tundra and Fynn began sparring on the battlefield.
“C'mon, don’t tell me that’s all you got?” Tundra was wielding a Classic Squiffer for battle. She looked down on Fynn, who is on his knees and covered in teal ink.
“Haa… ha.. Not even close..” Even though he’s taken so many beatings, he still smiled up at him. Fynn slowly got up on his knees, still gripping his Wasabi Splattershot. “Again..!!” Fynn lets out his battle cry and charged in, guns blazing.
Tundra readied her charger and aimed at Fynn’s head. She might have lost her eye, but it doesn’t mean that she’s out of commission. She fired her weapon and… she missed!
Fynn had swiftly moved to the right and managed to get behind her. He dropped in a Splat Bomb near her feet.
“Oh, man..!!” She was too late for to escape from the blast. Luckily, she survived the inksplosion from the Splat Bomb. She was about to recover, until Fynn had trapped her. A cunning tactic to flush out the enemy and finish the job. She’s rather impressed than surprised.
Fynn looked down at her with his Splattershot in his hand. “Yield, now.” He demanded. He could splat her in any moment.
Tundra looked around to see that her weapon had fallen out of her hands and she’s unable to move in his own ink. She sighed in defeat and held her hands up. “Ya got me. I surrender.”
“Not falling for the same trick, again.” He still has his finger on the trigger. He was tricked the first time when Tundra had swept him off his feet, causing him to lose his balance.
“Shoot..! Thought it would’ve worked a second time..” She had been toying with the new disciple for a month and a half. It’s about to time to end today’s session. “I mean it, this time. I, Tundra shall admit defeat. Now, can you help me up?” She asked, extending an arm.
Fynn lowered his weapon and reached out his hand to Tundra. He pulled her up with a bit of strength left. He was completely drained from today. “So, that’s it for now?” He panted, lightly. He was wondering how long has he been cooped up in this dusty old dojo? After every session, he felt homesick. He really misses his girlfriend, Eimie and the rest of his friends and family.
“You’re worried about your friends, eh?” Tundra can read him like a book. She glanced over to see the calendar. Today’s July 5th and it's 11:00 pm, which is close to Fynn’s 20th birthday. “Since you’ve improved well since the beginning, I guess I’ll let you go for a few days.” She’s got some other errands to run while he’s away from the dojo.
Fynn’s eyes lit up when she said it. “F-For realsies?! I can return back to Inkopolis?!” He’s not sure if she was joking or not. Definitely not.
Tundra nodded happily. “You’re free to go for the time being. I got some other things to attend to." She walked upstairs to her own room. She looked back at him and said: "Hurry along, now. It'd be best to return home and rest.” She waved goodbye to him and proceed to take a nap in her room.
Several minutes later, Fynn was returning home from Octo Valley with his stuff in tow. It's already nighttime and everyone's either asleep or enjoying their evening. Once he made it home safely, he noticed a certain purple squid on the rooftop. She seemed very sad and lonely, which made Fynn worry. ("Eimie... please forgive me for leaving you....")
Eimie was about to get back down until she had noticed the random squid who is super jumping to her on the rooftop. Hopefully, it doesn't disturb the other neighbors. She was startle at first until she saw Fynn, right next to her. "F-F-Fynny..?!" Eimie stared up at Fynn, shaking like a leaf. It's been a month in a half since Fynn was missing. Not only Eimie was worrying about her boyfriend, but Team Pinkognito's Angie, Maye, and Dewey. Without warning, she hugged him tightly. "W-Where on earth have you been?! We were worried sick..!!" She began to sob.
"Shhh.. It's okay.. I'm here now... I'll explain this til' morning.." Fynn wrapped his arms around her waist and shushed her. It didn't take long for Eimie to calm herself down from the uncontrollable sobbing. All it matters is that he returned back to Inkopolis for the weekend.
Once the sun raises on the horizon, Fynn got plenty of good sleep with Eimie. For some odd reason, the nightmares were gone after each training session with Tundra. Now, Fynn was sitting by the dinning room table and he was face-to-face with Eimie. She was waiting for an answer from Fynn after so long.
"If you're wondering about my disappearance, I was out in Octo Valley. I met a pro battler like me who knows more about mobility and endurance. Her name is Tundra and she's my personal trainer at her own Battle Dojo. I've been training for at least a month in a half. Soon, I'll be finshed for a couple of months. It's a good thing, I got here in time to see you." Fynn smiles for a bit until he stared down at the table. "I'm sorry for making you and my friends worry like this.."
Without warning, Eimie flicked him on the forehead, causing Fynn to cover his forehead in pain. "You just don't go off without telling me, dork.." She couldn't stay mad at him after his explanation. She kissed the bruised spot on his forehead to make it feel better. "How about I make you some breakfast? You seemed starving from the training." She walked over to the kitchen to fetch some pancake mix, bacon, and eggs.
"I have been eating fruit because I'm staying fit." A little fattening wouldn't hurt him. He'll just burn off the calories during a light jog.
A few moments later, Fynn was feeling satified and refreshed after breakfast. It's great to have a girlfriend who can cook, as long as Fynn cleans the entire apartment room with ease. Fynn was sitting on the couch, reading all the birthday wishes, not to mention the "please come back safe" messages from his friends. He scheduled a meeting at his place in response. He sent the same message to both Sky Splash and Kriller Bees.
Once he was done with his phone, he noticed Eimie was about to leave. "We're you heading off too, babe?" Fynn asked, feeling curious. Before he left Inkopolis, he'd noticed that Eimie went off to see Eika.
"I'm going to stop by the grocery store and pick up some food and drinks. Just in case if your friends show up." Suddenly, Eimie gave him a kiss on the lips. "It won't take long, Fynny. Don't go anywhere~" Who knows what would happen if Eimie starts to worry again.
Fynn did some summer cleaning around the apartment while Eimie was out to buy some groceries. It's been an hour or two to make preparation for their arrival. As he was about done with cleaning, he heard a light knock on the front door. He spun around and made his way to the door. "I'm coming!" He said, before unlocking the door and opening it. Suddenly, he was immediately glomped by another pink inkling with a straw boater hat.
"Ohmygosh, you're back!! I've been trying to reach you, but you didn't answer and..." Fynn's teammate, Maye blurted out quickly. She was later, shushed by her twin brother; Dewey.
"Calm down, sis. He's not dead or anything." Dewey's gaze was focused on his captain. "Seriously, Fynn. Where on earth have you been? As a captain like yourself, you shouldn't just leave without an explanation. Everybody knows that."
And then, there's Angie with her roomate, Mysti. "The other two are arriving, shortly. Unfortunately for Dawn and Hanzo, they're both busy at the moment.. And Hunni's team aren't going to make it because they're already training for the tournament.." Behind Angie, Mysti was standing there and looking over her roommates shoulder. The Mimic Octoling seems to be a bit concerning about Fynn's health.
"I'm relieved, you're alright..!" She stepped closer to him and checked for any scars or injuries. She noticed that Fynn's face still has a bit of dirt from outside. ("There's no mistaken it.. He must've been training hard.. I know someone who would do such a thing...") She rubbed her chin until she looked up into Fynn's gaze. "There are no major injuries on your body. That's good."
Fynn was rather exhausted after each session. During training, he didn't whine or complain and he takes it easy on his own pace. "Of course, I'm alright. There's no need tp worry about me. Noow then, let's all sit down and I'll tell you what really happened." Everyone including Fynn sat down on either the couch or the floor. Before Fynn could confess, there was another knock at the door. He quickly opened the door ro reveal his cousin, Skyla and Scorpia. "Hey, cousin! Scorp! Come sit with us. I was just about to tell you my story." He went back to his seat.
"Where the hell were you for the past few weeks!? Dawn, Aunt Cherry, AND Uncle Ray were worried sick about you!" The tiny inkling sat down with the rest of them. She had already signed the applications for the fall semester and she has gotten the word from Angie.
"......" Scorpia leaned against the wall, crossing her arms. During Fynn's absense, she got a new mask from the new Galleria as a present from her sister, Azalea.
And so, Fynn explained why he was gone. He met a teal-colored inkling at Arowana Mall while Fynn and Dawn were out shopping. He accepted her as her new disciple and began training at her Battle Dojo in Octo Valley. He's been working hard for a month in the half, until he came back to Inkopolis to spend some quality time with the gang for the weekend.
I see.. So, that's why you kept this to yourself? And what about your nightmares that Eimie me mentioned about..?" Angie said, still worried about him.
"I.. kinda forgotten all about that during training. I slept well, I ate well, and there's nothing wrong with me." Fynn shrugged. He stopped worrying about himself and others, just his main purpose. "So, there you have it. I've been improving for a month in a half I couldn't bare the thought of letting my teammates down.. No, everyone down.." He lowered his gaze.
Everyone remained silent for a while until Skyla walked up to Fynn. She planted a light and painless jab to his cheek. She looked up at her cousin and smiles. "You really are an idiot by heart, but you're my idiot. There's no need to worry about us. Whatever training you're doing, don't lose faith." Skyla has known him for 6 years when he started moving in with his aunt, Naomi.
"Sky's right. You're still stronger than you think. We'll be there to support you." Scorpia took off her surgical mask and smiles. She's not worrying about revealing her scar on her mouth.
Next up is the Berri Twins. Dewey stepped up to face Fynn. "I've always been frustated because of you. But you're a great addition to the team. I hate to admit it, but I respect you."
Maye nodded, ethusiastically. "I couldn't thank you enough for treating me for ice cream after my rejection, about a year ago. I'm happy to have you as our captain!"
Last but not least, Angie and Mysti approached to Fynn. "You're not a burden to everyone. You've done so much for the past year. You don't need to worry about us, all the time. If you're feeling down, please tell us. Because that's what friends do.." And with that, Mysti nodded happily with her.
Fynn was moved by everyone. He's been worried about his dark past for a while. Angie was right about one thing, he has friends to support him and guide him in the right direction. "Everyone.. Thank you.. You don't know how much this means alot to me.." Fynn was about to shed a tear, but he dried up.
The heart-warming moment was interrupted when his girlfriend immediately opened the door with some groceries in her hand. She looked very shocked and frightened.
"F-Fynn, everyone, You've got to see this!" Eimie cried, reaching for the remote to the TV. She flipped the channels until she found the Inkopolis News.
"Eimie.. What's going o-" Fynn stopped his sentence when he saw there's no Great Zapfish on the tower in Inkopolis PLaza. It's been captured again. But they were far from over. Everyone was questioning about Callie's disappearance. Once the news is over, everyone went silent again.
"M-Missing..?!" Mysti gasped. She knows who is behind all of this. The Mimic Octoling has heard about her kind's attempt at stealing the Great Zapfish once. She's got a bad feeling about this.
"W-What happened to Callie?! I thought, she was going to do a fan meeting at Starfish Mainstage..!" Maye panicked, a bit.
("This can't be happening.. At a time like this..?!") As a former agent like Fynn, he used to defend Inkopolis during situations like this one. Now that the Great Zapfish is missing again, they'll lose power for good. He needs to find Tundra and fast. Maybe, they'll investigate the problem and inform a Squidbeak Splatoon member. If only Agent 3 was here.
"E-Everybody, remain calm!!" Eimie stood in the middle of the group. "We still have generators, in case of emergency. For the meantime, I brought snacks and drinks over. Ain't that right, Fynn?" She looked around to find Fynn, but he vanished without a trace. Eimie's heart felt cold. "F-Fynn..?! Fynn..!!" She cried out, but he was long gone.
The group searched for Fynn as well, still no use. He must've snuck out to find help while Eimie was talking. "Oh no... Where did Fynn go, this time...?" Angie said, worrying about him even more.
Fynn rushed out of the apartment, heading straight towards the Plaza by bike. The situation is starting to take effect. Some of the lights began flickering on and off until the flickering stopped. He must head back to the dojo, before it's too late.
A few moments later, Fynn arrived at the Battle Dojo and he came to a screeching halt. He quickly stepped inside of the dojo and Fynn froze in place. The entire dojo is trashed and covered in fuschia ink. That ink is color is coming from the Octarians. ("There's no mistaken the ink.. It's from the Octarians.. I need to search for Tundra..") Before he could go up the stairs, he heard an eerie and cute giggle from afar.
"Lost, little rat?" A female voice filled Fynn's ears. It wasn't long until one Octoling approached to him with an Octoshot in her hand. If Fynn could see through her new shades, her eyes were filled with inklust. Suddenly, the other three soldiers have surrounded him.
"Okay.. What's going on..?" Fynn looked around to see the 4 Octolings that are aiming at him. Could they be out for revenge from 2 years ago?
"I'll ask the questions here, punk!!" The black-tentacled elite barked at him, causing Fynn to silence himself. "Tell us where Unit-237 is or we'll start splatting you to bits. We've already found your location during your so-called training." She has her finger on the trigger and ready to shoot if he tries to escape or not answer to her question.
Today's been a huge mess for him. There was no Great Zapfish, no sign of Tundra, and worst of all, no escape. The four elite have cornered him in all directions. ("So much for a pleasant weekend from the dojo.. Without my gun or roller, I'm screwed... Unless, I need to think carefully and fast..!") His memories came rushing back to the ankle weights training. Maybe, he could juke them out and outsmart them without his weapons. Fynn's sufficient training with Tundra will be put to good use for odds like this.
To Be Continued...
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