#spn 14x09 spoliers
missjackil · 6 years
My 14x09 Opinion
The Spear Not the best mid season finale, but it wasnt bad. I dont have any critical complaints, though, I think it just lacked impact because I could see it coming. I love trying to guess where the story is going, but I like being surprised even more. I did maintain that I thought Michael was still posessing Dean and it would come to be that Sam and co would have to try to get him out without hurting Dean, and though Mike didnt posess Dean the whole time, he was apparently still getting in Deans head (ie the dizzy spells) I did however love that Sam tells Jack the Cookie cereal will rot his teeth out. With the amount of “dont tell Sam” requests and Dean and Cas getting permission from Sam to do things with Jack, I feel like its clear that Sam is the head of that household, and not just another Dad, but.... maybe “The Mom” (snicker) now, Im not trying to feminize Sam, I cant stand when people do that, but I cant deny the “mom” subtext... and in this case, Im fine with it. Being a mom and knowing how tough a job it is, since Jack doesnt have one on Earth, I say Sam fills that role the best. ❤😍🍪 So now Garth... Ive never been a Garth fan, hes always just been a prop to keep an episode from getting too serious, but in this case, he got serious... and Im happy with that. Im beginning to think maybe Dabb doesnt like characters stuck in “silly” roles. I dont either. I dont mind humorous characters, but I mind when episodes are wasted on light comedy and Dabb seems to have removed that from such characters, like Donna, Charlie, and now Garth.  Im sure they can still be silly, but Im glad he showed they can be serious as well.  I saw y’all whining over the assumption there would be a big Destiew scene, but there wasnt. That wasnt anything near some deep heart to heart confession about comparing Deans posession to Sams or Cas’s, Dean has been much more open and emotional about it to Sam thus far.So he talks a little about it to his friend. BFD. And Cas and Dean going off one way, gave us some good time with Sam and Jack. It wasnt any huge bonding, but I loved how Jack mustered up the strength to tackle Garth and get him off Sam when he had him pinned. 
I loved the Sam Fucking Winchester badassery just chopping through the monsters to get to Jack. Ive always loved Sams feirceness when it came to Dean, and I am loving it when it comes to Jack too. I might be one of the only Sam girls that isnt offended by Dean having more visible bonding time with Jack lately. Dean is a good guy, and he had a near character assassination last season between how he treated Jack and how he treated Kaia. Its critical to see that hes still a good guy and capable of compassion and kindness. Sam never lost it, we all always knew he has a strong bond with Jack, we didnt need visual reminders.  Now that brings me to Kaia. Let me confess right now, that even though I cant stand the Wayward crap, or Claire, Im glad Kaia has her own story outside of that. I find her interesting honestly, all of the other wayward ones are boring af. I was glad to see Dean didnt use any violence to talk to her... sure he lied kinda, as right now Jack cant open a rift, but he can later maybe, so its not that big of a lie right? However, she’s gonna beat his ass for getting her spear destroyed. Oy!! So now as predicted, Mike has Dean again. This moment at the end was pretty indusive of the feels. The look on Sams face when he looked at the body of his brother, knowing, Dean isnt in controll, and hes lost him yet again... I could see the grief beard regrowing as he stood there. So Mike let Dean go and asked the boys why they never questioned it. Well, they did., several times, so I dont think this is any “forgetting what other writers wrote” but the same thing as when Toni Bevell said the guys had never read a single book. Of course they have, you dont know them nearly as well as you think.  I guess we can keep in our back pockets that all powerful entities may release you if you annoy them enough!! The Empty released Cas because he annoyed him, and Mike released Dean because he annoyed him...Im glad they made sure we saw that Dean is too attached to Sam first and foremost. Sure, he cares for Cas and Jack, but Sam is bae. 💖😍 Side note: Michael’s female vessle looks very familiar, was she the woman in The Purge episode? Anyway, she was very good and super pretty. In conclusion, I wasnt overwhelmed but it was alright. I find whats happening next very interesting so it makes this much more of a cliff hanger. I cant wait to see Sam and Cas in Deans mind, and what kinda shit they may step in. Also what are they gonna do with Garth? Probably lock him in the dungeon till they get this fixed. Theres a lot of crap going on right now, I think the 2nd half will be much more interesting. As is kinda the pattern with this show. But I do need me a brothers only MOTW ASAP. Maybe episode 11? On a scale of Bloodlines to Who We Are Ill give this a 7. No huge complaints, but no surprise Big Reveal either really. But hey! Cas FINALLY healed someone!! Its only been a season and a half!! 
I will be back Jan 18th for my Opinion on 14x10 Nihlism. Until then, check out my daily Top SPN Favorite Episodes. Have safe and happy Holiday season!!
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Okay so 'Dean' seemed so creepy when Micheal got in control in that last scene.
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