#spoilers for netflix ragnarok
oneshortdamnfuse · 9 months
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Ragnarok Out of Context like...
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Laurits and Jens in Ragnarök season 3 episode 2
Gifs by the lovely @mimisempai. Thank you, love.
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demonfairyprincess · 9 months
My take on Ragnarok series ending
So—to begin with—there's absolutely no way that all of it was Magne's delusion. Ignoring that it's not good writing, there were multiple scenes with god/giants that he wasn't there for, there were too many other characters involved for it to not have happened, and in my opinion, if they really wanted us to believe it wasn't real, they should have included flashbacks to what really happened instead.
(I mean, if Ran wasn't trying to shoot an arrow at Saxa to get back the hammer, how did Hod lose his eye? Their fight affected the people and town around them. What about Mange accidentally causing a boulder to crush the electric grid?)
How I interpret the finale, is that all of it did happen—the gods, the giants, Little O, the hammer—except the final battle in the last episode. In the beginning of that episode, Isolde's narration states that Magne's unsure of what to do now that there's no battle to be fought. He finds the comics that detail the stories of Thor, the stories he's been living. It's a cycle after all, one they just broke. He reads the comic about ragnarok, sees what had happened the last time. He goes to the graduation ceremony and sees the kid with the arrow. It's just like the arrow that killed Baldur. He imagines how it might happen, if they did fight the final battle, inspired by the old comic. But it's not real. They settled things peacefully and now he has to move forward. There's no reason to be Thor anymore. He imagines Thor's death. And he lets go.
Do I like this ending? Not really. It feels like they tried to have their cake and eat it too. Magne imagining the final battle feels like their way of showing an epic fight while still having a happy ending where everyone lives. They build up all this tension and half-follow through. I think it could have been worse, though, if they have shown the battle in its entirety and then imply it never happened. Since it wasn't clear to begin with if it was real or not, there's less disappointment.
Still, the rest of show's events were real. Aside from Turid's comments and the weird vague...flashbacks? nothing proves otherwise. It's just Magne having trouble moving forward.
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fallenoftheromaempire · 9 months
ok i don't want to be that person that says "Everyone is wrong and my opinion is the right one" ......but i think everyone is wrong about the ending of Ragnarok.
It was anticlimactic i agree. But i don't think this was all in his head. The final part, the battle, it happened. Magne saw a glimpse of what could have happened if he hadn't went against what things were expected of them. Because this is what the whole show is about. Everyone is expected to be someone and doing something that at the end of the day, they aren't meant to be.
And everyone is like "Oh all of this for Ragnarok to not happen "
But it did.
Just not as it was written. That the Ragnarok they had lived once. That's the Ragnarok they thought they had to live again. They where trapped in a loop of constant fight. But Magne broke that. And the last true Ragnarok happened. He took the nine steps that took Thor to die. And he made a choice. And Thor died. So that Magne could live.
So that they could live.
Ragnarok happened because they left behind their roles. They left behind the expectations they had of themselves. And moved forward. Gone are the times of the Titans and the Gods. They live as humans now.
Ragnarok happened and they are finally free.
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thealvinmurphy · 9 months
i’ve never been more mad at a tv show ending in my LIFE! I know they had such little time but they could’ve given me anything else besides the “oh yeah it was all in his head” bullshit
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palesublimeduck · 1 year
Y'all sleeping on Lushang FR...
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Just look -
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Read it here!! Just copy & paste the link on Google or Chrome. It's in English!
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massiveharmonytiger · 9 months
Ragnarok really went from "Climate change and greedy corporations are forces of chaos that are destroying the world" to "neurodivergent climate activists are just immature and delusional actually, you all need to grow up and integrate."
"Also everybody loses people they love and no corporation has been personally responsible for that, ever."
Even if Magne really did have paranoid schizophrenia (which would have been cool as hell because I can't remember the last time I saw the hero of a story have schizophrenia, try never) writing literally everything that happened off as three seasons of psychosis is clumsy, patronizing, bad writing, and feels an awful lot like gaslighting. Sometimes I get the sense that writers don't think that much of their audiences. *eyes Sherlock and Loki writers*
I mean, even other aspects of the ending don't make sense. Like Signy's supposed to be the great love of Magne's life that drives him to mature or cures his mental illness or whatever but we get the bare minimum of the two of them interacting. If the entire resolution of the story hinges on a love story, then write me a damn love story. I mean, we basically just got introductions, oh, they're sleeping in the same bed now, never mind they're fighting now :( Nothing of substance. The same with Magne and Isolde's friendship. I get that she's supposed to have been his "only friend" or whatever (weird because he ends up with a whole table full of them at the end so apparently his psychosis made him come out of his shell, not the other way around) but even there he and Isolde only interact for half an episode at best for that kind of a trauma response. Maybe it's the combined trauma of his dad's death then Isolde's accident, but if that's the case, some flashbacks of Magne interacting with his dad could have really helped put the audience in his shoes. I truly don't know what they were thinking.
On a more positive note, really happy with episodes 1 - 5. Little O being set free, Laurits living his best life in his best look with his dream guy, confident Magne that learns to open himself up to others, Ran's silly little therapy sessions...if only they had left it at that.
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wickedlittleoz · 9 months
ragnarok netflix spoilers under the cut i really need to vent ashahshahdg
from the little i've seen i assume everyone is on the same boat but i'm so??? disappointed???? like it feels like s3 was made by an entirely different team, and i'm not ignoring how the pandemic affected production and all that, but from laurits being pretty much irrelevant through the entirety of the last season, to the weird narrator voice-overs that were never part of the aesthetic of the show, to signy just. existing now, to everything being pretty much just a psychotic episode,
what the actual fuck???
i guess it kinda explains why turid was so, uh, complacent with magne's behavior, but at the same time it doesn't? if someone in your care has problems telling reality from imagination, maybe pay some fucking attention to them and help?
also were they like trying to hint at it since that time in season, i wanna say, 2? when a nurse i think said hey magne might be going through it, and we all thought they just don't get it, and moved on? because we all thought they just don't get it, and moved the fuck on!!! i don't even remember much of the scene it just exists vaguely in my head because of the flashbacks magne kept having when wotan gave him fucking drugs,
ALSO, ON THAT NOTE, if it was. all. just. happening in his head. what were a bunch of adults (wenche, wotan, harry, harry's friend the nurse that helped them "forge" "the hammer", fuck it even jens he doesn't go to school so he's at least 18) not only hanging out with kids, but also enabling? his psychosis?? i get playing along so as not to scare them away, but magne wasn't their problem. they didn't have to play along, the kid had a family. he was turid's responsibility. what the fuck.
and what the fuck do we make of stuff that he wasn't supposed to know about, but we got to watch anyways. what do we make of the jutul family dinamic. what do we make of the time laurits spent by the fjord "raising" "little o". what do we make of iman seducing ran to get better grades (relatable, but gross). what do we make of fjor and the lady from the company (also fucking gross he's a kid). what do we make of everything
and goodness me, i just do not think a group of kids that went through so much crap and fighting and break-ups and hatred and family crap, would just. sit together and drink and laugh like nothing happened. with wotan of all people as chaperone. teenagers are brutal. i'm 27 and there's still people from back in high school that i don't talk to because we had a stupid fight and no one even remembers what the stupid reason was we just hold our stupid grudges because the teenager in us tells us to
like the war never really happening (what do we make of that meet-up, then?) was underwhelming enough but the finale was just icing on the poop cake. there was so much hype and 2 whole years waiting for them to pull the "it was just a dream" ending but worse. my heart breaks because the first season was going places. it had so much potential. s2 was a little slow but understandably so -- if they moved too fast there would be no excuse for another season, the war would just have to happen,
and then,
it never did 🤡
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zingiber-santi · 9 months
I have two opinions of s3. Spoilers ahead obvs
1) they fucked up Loki. Maybe not Laurits but given thet should be one, it's kinda meh. He should be there doing what Saxa was doing. Instead he was housewife mommy. Nothing against it, love me some mama Laurits but he felt redundant which is sad
2) I absolutely loved the last episode, even though I did not agree with the #plottwist. Don't like this mind fuckery. Hated it in Buffy hate it now. But even with that happening I still absolutely loved ep 6. I yelled at the pc several times during the last scene. Beautiful. Loved it.
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oneshortdamnfuse · 9 months
Personally, I think Jörmungandr should take down billionaire yachts and submarines while he’s chilling out in the open ocean. I know Laurits doesn’t like his baby eating innocent people, but billionaires should be fair game.
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I've only watched two episodes of Ragnarok Netflix season 3, but, oh my gods, the thing I am screaming about the most is...
and Jens...
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orionndjarin · 9 months
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notandvm · 9 months
i'm never trusting a netflix show ever again
the one time i get properly invested and i get hit with the "it was all in le head actually" i give up it's joever
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scrapsofinspiration · 9 months
magne practicing how to threaten people in front of a mirror... never change
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stardust-walker · 9 months
as a therapist, the school psychiatrist is fucking WILD
Like lady u said you tried to kill your daughter my mandated reporter ass would be calling every authority in the tri-state area
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burythemtogether · 9 months
none of this made any sense if the fantasy stuff happened only in magne's head, absolutely none of it sticks together
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