#spoilers yadda yadda bladibla
bluekitsune · 8 years
Late DRV3 Chapter 3 impressions
"It’s the final Countdownnnnnnn” WTF tho 
Still holding back before thinking that its not set in the same universe as the previous DR games. I mean, cant trust Kodaka 
Maybe Maki didn’t want anyone to use weapons from her room so it wouldn’t backfire on her, as well as hiding her talent O WELP Killer Red Riding Hood
Plot twist she’s actually Takumi’s child
Gonta starring Tuxedo Mask omg that would actually be amazing
I really love Shirogane HAHA she’s grown on me and she’s prob gonna die HAHAHA...........////////
FUCK these all the same japanesey rooms are gonna be a complete nightmare during the trial I just know it
(they belong in a museum...... cuz this is prob the museum.... the other museums are......... history TA DUM TSH)
:I There’s totally gonna be a murder in Angie’s room won’t there........ it’s like a glaring neon light saying USE ME
:C I started to like Tenko, but she’s prob gonna die too
I feel like the Monokids saying “capable of making a new World” proobably has more physical implications than the New World Program....i mean if the world really was burned into cinders like SOMA shit, then it’d be very unlikely for them to have a blue sky and grass and what not. Maybe it’s like a Gene puzzle machine maker like the Organ thing in GUNM Last Order or at least that’s my early guess
They’re treating Harukawa as if she’s the traitor smh
Ohh man so they were “dead” weren’t they.... their reactions are surprisingly weak
Does Ouma also know things he shouldn’t? Like Amami maybe? Are they gonna do a seance LMAO..... Shinguuji could probably pull it off
I’m not even gonna comment on that scene with Kibo and Iruma oh my god. This is like the massage all over again
(does the robot dream of robot boners?)
Lowkey hilarious that Momota thinks of himself as the protagonist
HAHAHA Maki totally owned their asses
OH NO Here it comes, time for MORE Ressurection bullshit
:C I wonder what it’ll actually turn out like if someone is ressurected. Probably not good. I wonder if they’d remember the incident behind their death. And the monokids said “the 4 dead participants” I think? Can whatever they use revive someone who’s down to the bone only? That’s some major fucking bullshit I’ll be waiting anxiously to see the explanation behind
Oh my goddddd now everyone’s starting to sound like us fans trying to make up crazy theories to understand what’s happening HAHAH This is gold
NOOO Crazy cult is solidifying...... Leave Kibo and Shirogane OUT OF IT AAaa
I don’t trust Angie and her Poop God I want her to stop brainwashing the children. Gonta don’t DO IT GONTA YAMETE
Oh noooo Give me back my nice Gonta....... I thinkTenko is just pretending to play along tho, she doesn’t seem happy with the bullshit
Is Momota scared of Amami coming back? Did he done some fuck up with him back when he was alive?  Also TBH didn’t expect Angie to be this brutal but didn’t expect her to be cutesy at all
Oh ok he’s saying he has a cold... Idk if I buy it or not
Tenko’s totally keeping tabs on the crazy cult tbh, she never liked Angie or the god talk
(Iruma FTE Spoiler skip if you don’t wanna spoil yourself yadda yadda
Did she have her talent implanted into her?? Like Kamukura??? I’m really interested in that)
Ok Called it on Tenko :C My girl’s got some brains at least but it’s a matter of time until she dies 
Idk the wax dolls look like 3d renders made  into balloons man. Still poor Saihara
oh no all the deathflags raising >< Better brace self
WELP It’s not as if I didn’t see that murder from a mile away but woww the 4 dolls hanging upside down is really damn creepy, specially if you take into account japanese attribute Death to the number 4 
Actually Looking closer I take that back. They look HILARIOUS hanging upside down with their clothes and hair completely frozen
Lmao Kaito is a wuss that’s incredible. Dying in space should be the scariest thing in existence but no you have a phobia of ghosts instead amazing
Illustrations from the book remind me of Hideshi Hino’s art. NOICE
Shinguuji’s time to shine YES Please just don’t kill him early, let him last a little longer (I don’t think he’d be stupid enough to overlook the obvious clues left behind tho, or use something taken from his own research room so I think he’s safe)
Ok the Kago no Ko thing is really creepy. It does sound like a legit thing
Ouma: “it wouldn’t be a joke if we heard the body discovery announcement during the investigation”
pan back to Shinguuji saying that words can invite calamity -_____- 
This s gonna be a TRAINWRECK 
Seeing it coming doesn’t make it any easier to digest and that’s one of the things that fuck me up about DR... WELL we’re down one lesbian, that sucks. And obsly Yumeno didn’t value her at all when she was there
This is a goddamn fusion of cases 3 and Teruteru’s case god damn it. For whatever reason I’m always suspicious of Iruma. She always says some things that make me suspect her
And Yumeno could’ve done the same thing Teruteru did, sing while she was doing all the bullshit of crawling around and whatnot
Oh man shinguuji is more about the ritual not working than the death. It just goes to show, he’s almost exactly like Gundam
Ouma WTF. Bloody Ouma still the best creepy cute
Plot twist: Kibo has a tiny Naegi inside him as a guide
Oh man
I don’t want Shinguuji to die yet.... But Idk if he’s telling the truth about him not being the first culprit. I’m so confused, I don’t think a trial has made me so confused before
I thought for sure the second kill would be to keep Angie quiet about the culprit, so it’d make more sense for it to be the same one. But maybe Shinguuji just doesn’t care if they vote for the wrong person and they all die??? 
Ok So he’s just using the new rule to cast suspicion elsewhere.
Silent Monokuma was the only ok monokuma 
I think I understand Ouma’s role much better now. He’s the annoying kid who’s going to seem misleading and a liar, but is lowkey pointing everyone’s attention to what is important in a very backwards way (that works mostly)
Oh ,y god I don’t even know what’s happening but let’s say 99% of this trial is me screaming Shinguuji’s name. I hope someone has translated his FTE 
I just imagine him(?)/them pulling the mask up and down all the time to switch between them and it’s fucking hilarious and AHJSDASGD  
When he’s saying “Why are you looking at me with such hateful eyes?”, it’s probably the people in his village, because of his relationship with his sister?
 This time around we’re having a serial killer in the third not in the second case huh
That excecution was ridiculous. I’m really not sure what to think of his story. I want to like him, but using the spirits...... Or delusion idk which....... Like that feels so cheap. I feel like I’m looking back on how disappointed I was with Walter Sullivan from SH??????
I feel so bad for Yumeno;;; GOD
Gonta is so good. (Also Momota is that Space Aids u got my boy my dude)
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bluekitsune · 8 years
Late NDRV3 Chapter 6 + Epilogue impressions
HOLY SHIT ITS SPY BOY ITS SPY BOY ITS SPY BOY???? DANGAN RONPA 0 IN MY V3/???????????????????.... No It couldn’t be. He’s long dead. Yuto Kamishiro can’t be this “Makoto”.  Is Normal-chan our Spoiler-chan? Hmm. I just have a gut feeling he’s a Despair idk why And if he’s so normal, how was he on Kibougamine? Was it the first or the new school??????? HMMM????????
KIBO NO Don’t........ I don’t want him to die noooo >:C DONT TOUCHY THE ROBOT ....... He might be disconnected from Naegey but he’s still our pinnochio. Kibo wtf plz
Ouma the ultimate fanboy of Movie Vilains. I stg (dem funny glasses omg...... Afro wigs, batcar? He’s a total fanboy) What the fuck is up with the DICE thing?
Oh I knew the Remembering Light was delayed. But what was the point? Hinder them investigating the Mystery of the school? That’s fuckign cheap. Is that the same Makoto from the initial flashback? I’m gonna bet my ass it is.
Is he calling “them” heroes because the Future Foundation members survived a Killing Game, if Tenjou’s game could even be called that? Hmm Did FF fall or not?
That horse mask wtf  He was a closeted clown all along wow...... Is he a Joker fan? Crimes with laughter and no killing? Color me confused. I guess the Panta should’ve been a massive giveaway. Did he fall into despair after his crew was taken prisioner? I.... 
Now he’s gonna pull us by the nose again? Wow. OK
“Ro is Twins”? rantaRO? ShiROgane? Is this pointing to the Mastermind again? Like when he said the first one to die is related to the mastermind? Is that why we werent allowed into Amami’s room?
OH MY GOD THAT throwback. The nostalgia bricked me in the face. FUCK.... So it definitely wasn’t Kibougamine that erased their talents. Then, who was it? Was it the “Remnants of Despair” aka the SDR2 crew? Who enabled them to erase their talent and hide from the SHSL Hunt?
Omg Ro is twins...... The Gemini dial! Uma is HORSE????? Horse head?????? How far into this did Ouma know? This started being written in chapter 2 no?
Oh so the weird background was Amami’s room... And he was talking to his future, memoryless self? That’s nuts;; Uhm.......  I cannot hold all these wtfs. Did he survive a killing game....... Done with these same students? Done with other students? Because if I was right about them actually being revived and Mastermind redoing it over and over, then he could have survived one of the “previous” “same” Killing Game. But maybe I’m getting ahead of myself @_@ Trying to piece all this shit together is always nuts without the final reveal. But if that were the case, wouldn’t he have had another talent, the talent that got him into the SHSL category in the first place?
NO....... How dare you show me everyone being friends? How dare you shove that in my face
Not this twin bullshit again. If you tell me her twin is Monaka i’m gonna murder myself
Catch ALL THE BUGS. It’s kinda cute that Ouma planned something like that, even if he was the cause for Gonta’s death....... I’m guessing there’s some nanomachine that they mistook for bugs 
MONOKUMA PLANNED PARENTHOOD omfg. That tacky as fuck room. Of course it has to be a Junko fan. And HO look at the bullshit murder again. Is it just gonna be “Amami was very conveniently killed by the mastermind instead of by Bakamatsu’s trap and she was executed wrongly everyone cries” thing? It’s funny Amami had the cheat map version, kinda like if you start Castlevania with the hidden places.
ANOTHER hidden passage in the bathroom...... I’m not even surprised. 
I KNEW IT. There WERE lies in the Remembering Light. The question is how to tell between them. Saihara why u not look through all the directories god dingit U friggin detective bitch
Kibo is so cool :C He’s just so damn Megaman cool. Fuse Megaman and Raiden and you have Kiboo
Ok so..... maybe instead of clones, there’s... the one that has some sort of Time travel would be? The mastermind? Kaede’s twin? Time for some 999 SteinsGate bullshit. But then why would they say they can bring back the dead? How would that even work?
Oh no .... I was just thinking Shirogane had very little spotlight moments and even less character development. Now everything points to the Mastermind being a student 
:CCC WELL..... It’d make her switching clothes with Akamatsu even more ironic. Also again it’d be a twin with blonde hair and a twin with blue hair. What IS IT with this combination??? 
SMH..... The passage in the bathroom completely fucks over Shirogane. Because she’s the only one that was in the girl’s bathroom for a long time. I shouldve known better than to let myself like her......... Nooooooooooo
53 generation bullshit? What the dicks is this? Hmm. V3. 53 huh. They screwed us over a lot
Yeah so if the memories were indeed false now we proceed to question everything. Is this false too, is this false too? For all we know the world could still be fucked but not from asteroids. But what would be the point if they weren’t even from Kibougamine? That would just be lame.
Are they in a simulation again?????? Suddenly Hinata?????? What
Now that’s just shitposting. They’re gonna pull the “it’s fiction” card. 
Well. This is extreme shitposting. Are they calling the fanbase sick sadistic fucks? “u guys watching these poor people kill each other” or something? 
I cannot hold this level of meta. All these wall breaks
I CANT BREATHE, LOOK AT THE TITLE SHITPOSTING???? It’s exactly like series that go on too long
So is solving that one case what landed Saihara in this? Or are their talents actually fabricated as well? <_> Are the people dead or alive?????? TEll me gonta is alive plz Nope they’re dead. They’re all dead for the sake of Tsumugi’s OCs........... GHHGJHDSGJH
Yep we were played hardcore. All the first appearances were the real appearances.
I really REALLY missed the DR1/2 voices DAMN. Fujisaki :C Ishimaru..... Even Celeste FUCK. Was Sayaka’s voice always this amazing? I love how harsh Peko’s voice is,,,,,, I love the DR2 crew so much....... cries on hands
So many out of character sayings. I’m sure the characters would loathe seeing themselves say some of those things lmao god
I think they got a real point. How you can suffer and be in pain with a “lie”, a fiction, but also how you can feel joy and hope out of the same lie/fiction.The dillema of fiction, of experimenting with taboo topics, in this example the killing, and questioning how much it plays a part into the reality side.
But in this case, it’s going to another level. Like questioning human existence in SOMA. If you take a real human mind and place it in a robotic body, can it still be called a human existence? Can humans scanned and preserved in a “fiction” still be called human? 
The ideas are very fucking smart. Kodaka trolled us hard while also questioning the entire fanbase and his series base. And dang, all those inside jokes. They really took a good long look at the fandom and how we think; But it’s still hilarious it’s all orchestrated by a greedy company, ran by a delirious cosplayer fangirl and feeding the masses that want both the negative and the positive points of the plot/characters
Kaito was in it for mundane reasons and ended up with the meaningful “protag” role huh. I wonder what bullshit Korekiyo said to earn himself such a shitty background story. I like his character. Just..... I wish his reasons were not bad writing. Tsumugi u done fucked up
Robot Bondage? I strangely approve of that
Shirogane waving goodbye with mascot,. throwback to Chiaki....... CRIES
:C Well I was right in not expecting Kibo to live. But still he’s the best survey processor ever. My favorite quiz boy. I will pretend you’re alive and well flying up the clouds cuz FUCK IT
In a sense, it’s like they’re blowing up a literal hole into ending the series and opening a path to direct the fans back to reality, or per say, the outside. “Go out there, do the thing, hope out there.”
In a world where your identity and truths and lies are uncertain, you have to pave a way for yourself taking the best out of it all? I’m sure someone will reason this game ending and the analogies way more eloquently, but anyway.
I really enjoyed the story. The extra effort they put on CGs really enrichened everything. I’m not sure how I feel about the big big big plot twist yet. I guess it’s something to slowly digest over time. Can’t say this is my favorite.
Was the time travel thing a misunderstanding by the fans or a prank by Kodaka? I kept expecting it and it was nowhere
I’d say in most to least fav, I’m still with SDR2, DR0, DR1, and last? DRAE. I still don’t know how to feel about Another Episode or the animes TBH
So this was me going through this rollercoaster. If you read this so far, then I hope you laughed at my stupid at least once. I’m gonna go and reblog a fuckton of fanart now. Bye
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