#spongebob screenshots are so fucking funny like how is this a real show
cal4hysteria · 8 months
andre and cal staring at the camera in the first scenes of zero day
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rory294 · 2 years
thegrandkahuna33/object-battle / /let5-ago
hey, this is a lot on one post, so i made a carrd. i update it whenever i find new stuff so come check back at it once and awhile. enjoy,
thegrandkahuna33/object-battle /let5-ago is a dirty pedo
he likes asking kids to draw fetish art because he thinks its cute
if you look on his blog and see what he follows, you will see some pretty ugly faces. not cute at all
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the third one is a dumb weaboo blog, but these two are straight up fetish blogs. tell me, does that look “cute” to you? i think not.
lets look at @heavingandpuffing​ because thats where the real dirt is
the first image is a cartoon woman pissing herself while holding her breath. that is not cute at all and everyone knows pee kinks exists. i’m not going to post that here because its gross but you can see it vaguely in the picture above.
the image of sandy cheeks you see is what i’m focusing on here into detail about a spongebob character drowning. if you go the bottom of the post, you will see a few lines of gibberish, almost like the user tried to make tags and failed
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this is listed as “fetish” and “kink”
i am not saying these two blogs are the same person. i am just showing that alolaace/drv34 is a dirty ol peeedo who likes tricking kids into drawing fetish art.
he has changed his url from momo5yu to pummol88 because he’s a dirty little pedo on the run
he has changed his url from pummol88 to pokemonfan77 because he’s a dirty little pedo on the run. take note on how he removed the blog i mentioned but kept the other ugly ass blog up. its still fetish you silly pedo
he has changed his url from pummol88 to smlover3 because he’s a dirty little pedo on the run. of course someone as tasteless and brain dead as this motherfucker would watch something like that. he’s also removed the other fetish blog in his follows. this is him admitting that yes, it’s a fetish. yes he wanks off to it and no he doesn’t care if he tries to trick children into drawing it. what a pathetic life to live.
he has changed his url from smlover3 to super-mario-67 because he’s a dirty little pedo on the run. at this point he knows i’m here but is a little pussy bitch to do anything.
he has changed his url from super-mario-67 to Pokeblog5 because he’s a dirty little pedo on the run. he’s also made his blog dashboard only because another victim has spoken up. i would recommend checking out their post. love how this spineless little freak is so pathetic that he can’t confront me but continues to harass minors. typical pedo behavior i say. 
pokeblog5 has completely abandoned his blog altogether and became  danganfan7. unfortunately tumblr loves pedos so they took down one of the other blogs against him but honestly it’s sad to see the experience i gave him wasn’t terrible enough to make him go away. shame shame. just means i have to try harder ;)
so it’s been awhile but this guy’s swapped from his previous usernames and split himself in half! he’s got both drv34 and alolaace take note that he has two different ages on his profiles.
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this is very much him trying to bring his sockpuppet brother here, despite being really fucking stupid and making him act JUST like him.
Oh, he also made a funny little post, I’ll link it here so you can roast or block as you please.
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yikes, i don’t know why he keeps trying considering he’s made this kind of post before and all it’s done is given him harassment. very pedoy behavior here, imagine having to jump through this many hoops just to convince a bunch of strangers that you don’t jack off to “puffy faces”. couldn’t be me. also take note of the piss poor excuse to keep bothering minors. nasty.
another thing to mention is that he’s prone to send anon hate like a little bitch, here’s a screenshot from someone who wanted to stay anonymous.
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honestly, if this guy hit my way with anon hate (he won’t because asks are off and again he’s a little bitch) it would make me laugh. I would show my friends on discord his ask and we’d just make fun of him. lol
Want more reasons to hate this thickskulled prick? Well here you go, ablest slurs!
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I censored the person’s icon because I’m sure they don’t want anything to do with this but its nice to see we all live in this dickbutt’s head rent free (i mean it’s not too hard because he’s got such a small brain LMAO)
here’s puffycheeks Mcpedo using his sockpuppet account to send anon hate, not even hiding that it’s him lmao
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hey remember on your DA about when you said you take medication so you don’t do bad things? yeeah maybe get a higher dosage dude.
Found another sockpuppet account YEEHAW -->gogogreg
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Apparently he has several deviantart accounts in which he uses to prey on kids. typical pedo behavior strikes again. Would be a shame if I plastered them here for all to see!
Oopsies! Oops again! lets hope no one raids or reports them teehee
Good news! We found his furaffinty account! I will not be linking it here because it’s full disgusting crap in his favorites but his username is ugochu. If you ever need proof that this guy’s got puffy cheek fetish, just check there!
It seems he’s slowly becoming aware that people are going to kick him in the teeth whenever he sends anything, so being the groomer he is, puffy’s decided to become a total creep in dms!
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Silly dipshit, now you REALLY look like a pedo! if you get a dm asking to draw you stuff privately, block it right away!
He still goin god damn!
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literally sounding like a child groomer my dude
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missandrogyny · 7 years
The first time he sees it, he’s scrolling through Instagram while eating his breakfast.
Tag someone who would love it here, the caption on an Instagram post says, accompanied by a thumbnail of a lady straddling what looks to be a giant rod. Louis stops scrolling out of habit, taking a bite out of his bowl of cereal.
He doesn’t realize what, exactly, he’s watching, until the one minute Instagram video starts replaying itself. This time, Louis finds himself marginally more awake, watching a bunch of people straddling giant penises, taking photos of giant penises, reading fucking signs from penises on the side of the road. Because, apparently, Instagram decided to show him an ad about a penis park in South Korea.
“What the fuck,” he declares, “is this.”
From somewhere to his left, Clifford barks. He’s eating his breakfast as well, the dog food Louis had put in his doggy bowl, but he always likes to bark whenever Louis talks out loud. He probably thinks Louis’ offering him leftovers or something.
“Good boy,” Louis says absently, his eyes still glued to his phone. He doesn’t really understand why he’s seeing this right now. It’s arse-o’-clock in the fucking morning. He doesn’t wanna see any penises while eating breakfast unless he’s about to get laid.
Besides, how does Instagram even know that he likes dick, anyway?
“Cliff, do you think Instagram knows that I’m gay?” He asks absently, his thumb keeping the screen lit up. The video is playing for the third time, now. It’s getting really weird. The people at Instagram probably think he’s never seen a penis before. Louis should really scroll past now.
Clifford barks again. Louis hums. “Yeah, maybe,” he says nonsensically, before scrolling down. He’s about to look at the next photo on his feed when he catches sight of the account that posted it.
“Ladbible,” Louis frowns. “Huh.” Guess it’s not an Instagram ad after all.
That’s strange, because he knows the ladbible Instagram account--he’d followed them a few months ago, because they’d been posting videos about football and other things related to Louis’ interest. Now, when he clicks on the username and scrolls through the account, he finds nothing but pictures of memes. And not even good memes.
“Huh,” Louis says again. He’s about to click unfollow when Clifford starts whining, scratching at the door. He sighs, sets his phone on the table, and goes to let his dog out.
He promptly forgets about the ladbible until a few days later, while sitting on Liam’s couch and watching a film. It’s one that Louis has seen countless times, so he has no qualms about opening his various social media. He only ever likes the action scenes anyway.
He’s doing just that now, opening Instagram and liking a bunch of photos when he spots it. I care deeply about like 5 people in my life and about 500-600 dogs I’ve never met on Instagram, the photo reads.
He frowns at it, confused, before he realizes that ladbible posted it. “The fuck,” he mutters to himself, then leans over to elbow Liam. “Liam, look at this.”
Liam, who’d been watching the film, turns to look at Louis’ phone. “Um?” He says.
“Isn’t it dumb?” Louis asks, clicking on the comments and scrolling through it. He can’t believe this shit even got 82,000 likes. There is a lot of better content out there that deserves 82,000 likes.
“It’s relatable...?” Liam replies, sounding a bit unsure. Louis huffs.
“No, it’s not,” he says. “You’re telling me you only love six people in your life and six hundred dogs?’
Liam shrugs. “Dogs are cute.”
“Yes, but that doesn’t mean you only care about six people,” Louis argues. “Like, you’ve got your mum, and your dad, then Ruth and Nicola. Then you’ve got your nan. Your aunts and uncles. Your cousins. Andy. Me and Zayn. That’s easily more than six people.”
Liam looks amused. “Tommo, you do know what a meme is, right?
“Of course I do, Payno,” Louis says, rolling his eyes, “but this is really just shitty.”
He doesn’t really think much about his next few moves, just taps on the comment bar and types out, As much as I love dogs, it’s posts like this that show how the Lad Bible is going down hill. Sad to see ! He presses send, then scrolls past the post, going back to liking a bunch of photos.
After that, ladbible pops up much more frequently on his feed. It’s really rather annoying, because Louis will just be scrolling peacefully down, trying to update himself on the lives of his sisters and his mates, when there’ll be a random meme in the middle of it all. And it’s not even good memes--they’re shitty ones, some of them even screenshotted and reposted from Twitter or Facebook. Louis finds himself irrationally annoyed by them.
He knows, at the back of his mind, that the logical thing to do here is to just unfollow, so he never sees their content again. But Louis has never been logical, and hate-following someone just sounds like a lot more fun than unfollowing. At least there’s something he can take his annoyance out on when he’s had a pretty shit day.
It’s pretty obvious to Louis that the person currently running ladbible knows nothing about being a lad. Lads often talk about football and sports and doing fun, adventurous things. Lads do not post six versions of the Spongebob meme, or videos of fluffy kittens and puppies. Lads also do not post videos about eating penis cakes.
(Although Louis admittedly watches that one.)
It’s not all bad, though. There are times when ladbible posts something relevant to Louis’ interests. A video of some blokes doing pretty sick skateboarding tricks. A video of a bunch of men doing stunts for an action film. A video about a drive-through for Gregg’s. 
Louis shows his appreciation for that by commenting Finally some REAL news on here.
Ladbible follows it up by posting a photo of lightning hitting water with the caption Fuck these 6 fish in particular - God. 
Louis rolls his eyes. Not funny . he comments. Get better.
It all comes to a head a few days later, when ladbible posts a photo of Drake. Why does Drake look like he bought a drink from across the bar and now he’s just waiting to be acknowledged, the caption says, and okay, fine, Louis can kind of see it, but really, this is just unnecessary. What did Drake even do to ladbible? Drake is more of a lad than, well, ladbible.
Who runs this shit ? He comments, during the half-time of a footie game. Content used to be looooooooooads better.
He locks his phone after that, focuses his attention back to the game. Man U is currently tied with Chelsea, and they’re about to do some penalties. There’s a big chance that Man U might lose this match. Louis might actually cry if they do.
Luckily, they don’t, and Louis finds himself jumping on his sofa happily, celebrating the one-point lead Man U had. He pulls his phone out of the couch cushions, just so he doesn’t actually crush it, pauses when he sees he’s got a reply from ladbible.
@louist91 This is Harry :D it reads. Who are you?
Louis blinks at it, slowly settles back down on the couch. Ladbible replied to him. What the fuck.
He’s never really thought about what he’d do should this happen--Ladbible has about four-point-five million followers on Instagram, after all. Each of their posts gets an average of eight hundred comments. Louis had always thought his comments would disappear under all the others.
Except. Ladbible saw his comment and replied. What the actual fuck.
There’s only one thing to do. Louis takes a deep breath, taps on the comment bar. He’s never been one to quit when confronted, and he’s certainly not one to run away with his tail between his legs.
Hi Harry, he types out cautiously. I’m Louis . Why is the content on here shit ?
He sends it, watches as it appears under the other comments. The post he’d commented on is getting quite a bit of attention now, so Louis thinks that maybe ladbible--Harry--won’t find his comment anymore.
But he does. Hi Louis! the comment says. it’s not shit, it’s funny. :D
Apparently, Harry is an avid smiley face user. Who knew. It’s shit, Louis replies, his fingers flying furiously over the keyboard. What happened to all the content about footie and going on trips around the world?
Niall does those! :D comes the reply, a few seconds later.
Where’s Niall then ?
Southeast Asia. Harry says. He asked me to update his account while he’s there.
Louis hums. How long will he be there ?
Six months, the comment says. 
Louis’ eyes widen. Six months?! He has to deal with shitty memes for six months?!
I have to deal with shitty memes for six months ? he types out, because he’s not very good at keeping thoughts like this to himself.
If you don’t like them just unfollow the account , Harry replies, and the words in Louis’ head sound a bit angry. Condescending. or better yet, make your own account.
He’s so--Louis finds himself getting riled up. Is it so wrong to want good Instagram content? To get what he joined Instagram for? Harry isn’t even the original owner of the account. Who the fuck does he think he is, telling Louis to unfollow for not posting the content he wants? If anything, Louis should be the angry one. Louis knows what ladbible should be posting, and this guy Harry is out here, just fucking everything up. He signed up for cool, laddy content. Not shitty Twitter Screenshots and six versions of that damned Spongebob meme.
“Fine,” he mutters to himself. “Fine.” He comments the same thing on the post, locking his phone and placing it on the coffee table. If Harry wants him to make his own account, Louis will damn well makes his own account. And it will be much better than the shit Harry posts on a daily basis.
Which is why the next day, @betterladbible is born.
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