leiascully · 4 years
@spookydarlablack replied to your post “Remember when my friends couldn’t come to my wedding because they...”
I’m sorry that is really sad. That’s one of my biggest anxieties is thinking I’m good friends with someone only to find out I’m... not.
It’s happened so many times you think I’d be used to it by now!  Not with my wedding, but with other things.  Even the people from my master’s program unfriended me after they were done copying my notes and having me explain all the things we talked about in class.  And yeah, we didn’t have that much in common, but I thought we were friends.
Anyway, it sucks every time, but it hurts less four years later.
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lepus-arcticus · 5 years
Hello friend! First of all, so many congratulations to you--I'd been thinking of you and sending 🧡 your way for a long time so YAY! Once again (ha) I have a question ABOUT tarot. I've been doing some studying and practicing, but end up with DISASTROUS doom-filled readings (think the Tower every time and lots of high # swords and just... BAD.) I've stopped doing readings because they cause such anxiety & stress. Am I going to die, or are the cards just reading ME? Thx!
you absolutely need to listen to Lindsay Mack’s podcast Tarot for the Wild Soul. her perspectives on the more dark and scary cards of the tarot are SO soul-nourishing and wise. They totally changed my perspective on The Devil, The Tower, The Moon, the whole lineup of the Swords, etc. There’s a lot of fearmongering and sensationalistic rhetoric when it comes to tarot scholarship, because we’re all attracted to the dark side I think, but Lindsay taught me that these cards can hold really life-changing and even encouraging messages for us! They can be GOOD! And thank you so much for the congrats and all the love, honey bee!
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softnow · 5 years
I’m please for the love of god tell me about your snobby pens because I am the biggest pen snob and now only but ultra-fine (.38) pens from Japan. 😅
sorry for this very delayed response but they’re Pilot Razor Point II!!! they’re .2, so not as fine as yours which sound amazing but i love them they’re the Best and Only pen
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gemikanxiii · 5 years
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It’s finally the end of February! Here’s a little preview of the piece I submitted to the MSR Fanzine!   ✨ ✨ Keeping my fingers-crossed that it gets included in the zine.   😁 @spookydarlablack is amazing for putting this project into action! I cannot wait to see this completed and see all the fanart, fanfics, and other MSR inspired creations in one zine! 💕 💕 💕 If you got something to submit to the zine there’s still time~! Go now!!   Deadline is March 1. Check out the website for details.  😘
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peppered-imps · 5 years
Re: plans... I just bought myself two very silly t-shirts, and now I'm in bed with my laptop before 8pm because this week was loooong and my bed feels good. This weekend I will write something!
Hell yeah, Beth!! Do the writing!! I believe in you!!!
What kind of t-shirts are they? I love silly shirts, especially if they’re comfy ☺️ Get some rest, girl! It has been a long week for me too, so I feel ya!
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leiascully · 4 years
i am very curious about you as a person but i don't want to be creepy or invasive, so feel free not to answer... where do you live (roughly geographically)? what do you do for a j-o-b? if you went to college, what did you major in? 🙂 ty
I am so extremely boring as a person you would not believe it.  I live and work in the Bible Belt, trying to help people better themselves, and I majored in English and French, because the only thing better than literature is more literature, I guess.  
ask me anything
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leiascully · 5 years
@spookydarlablack replied to your post “To the dearly beloved dumbfucks at 1013 Productions, hi hello. ...”
I tried to make a timeline. It was elaborate. It was batshit nonsense. ������‍♀️��‍♀️��‍♀️
I’m!  Just!  Out Here!  Trying to MAKE SOMETHING!  Out of this steaming pile of NONSENSE they’ve served me!  What the FUCK????
I just finished Fleabag also and I’m VERY EMOTIONAL.
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leiascully · 5 years
Your energy is kind of Dottie Hinson: a grownup, fully awesome at what you do, kind of intimidating, will bail out your drunk teammates after they poison your chaperone to sneak out and go dancing.
OMG that’s one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me.  😍😍
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leiascully · 5 years
memorable scene: in Baseball Metaphors, when they’re coming back from the first date and Scully straight up just leans over and kisses Mulder in the car, then climbs into his lap when they park? I was surprised and also like, “Oh shit, this is gonna be so good.” Hnnnnggg.
Oh, that was a fun one to write. I know it’s cliché to say that the characters take over the story, but when I write something bantery like that, I almost never have a plan for exactly where it’s going. I just let them up the ante over and over until something happens. And in that case, that something was a lot of Eiffel Tower jokes and this:
It seems to take forever to get to her building. Almost as soon as he’s got the car in park she’s leaning toward him again, and he meets her halfway this time. He runs his seat back as far on its runners as it will go, which is only a few notches more, but it gives him space to pull her onto his lap without her leaning against the horn. She twists to twine her arms around him. And then they’re kissing again, and her mouth is hot and welcoming, and he can feel her muscles flexing under her dress where his arm is wrapped around her waist. She wriggles until she’s straddling him, her knees digging into the sides of his thighs. He lets his hands slide down to her thighs, to the warm edges of the lace that keep slipping up and up. She presses against him and time disappears. He loses himself in the warmth of her, the physical reality of her, the softness and hardness of her. So much of their back and forth is intellectual that sometimes he forgets the physical, but not now, oh, not now, when she’s balanced above him, both of them panting into each other’s mouths. Her lips slide across his to kiss his cheek and his jaw. He tries to slow the heave of his chest. The windows of his car are fogging up.
But to get there, I had to make Scully go through her less-than-resolved breakup again, give her ex someone who would remind her a little bit of Phoebe and Mulder’s general predilection for leggy brunettes (in looks if not at all in personality), give her some inkling of her infertility, have her ex bring up her abduction in a way that meant she couldn’t really address the trauma of it, make Mulder her source of solace and her defender (as per usual), and fill her full of chocolate and mediocre food so she’d be wanting something more satisfying. And, of course, make Mulder her fake boyfriend who she’d already kissed outside the restaurant to show just how good she had it, and whom she wanted anyway. That definitely left her wanting more.
tell me a fic/scene you associate with me and I’ll tell you a secret about it
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lepus-arcticus · 5 years
This is not a tarot question, but a question *about* tarot because I've been trying to learn and meaning to ask you. Do you have a go-to reference book that you've found helpful? I've really liked reading "Kitchen Table Tarot," but it's not super in-depth. Thanks! 💛
Oh! OH! Oh yes! 78 Degrees of Wisdom by Rachel Pollack is wildly historically inaccurate but also a very in-depth exploration of the cards that’s very easy to connect to.WTF is Tarot by Bakara Wintner is a fun modern take on the tarot, and I love that she tells stories from her life that connect to each of the cards--it encouraged me to do the same, which was the thing that finally helped me ditch reference booklets forever! and I love the podcast Tarot for the Wild Soul with Lindsay Mack! She’s a tarot pro and I love how deeply she dives into each card in such a meaningful way. I wish she’d write a book! I wannit! YAY TAROT! It’s awesome that you’re learning! It’s the best party trick ever ♥️♥️♥️
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peppered-imps · 6 years
I finally finished typing up and filing this stupid research report with receipts that I've been putting off since mid-October. Like, it took 1.5 hours and I'll get real actual money (reimbursement) for it, but I just Could Not Do It, ugh. But now it's done!! So that's a positive thing. Sometimes it's just, like, DO THE THING. 🤷‍♀️
Go, Beth!! I’m so proud of you! I bet it was super tedious and obnoxious to do, but you did it! And you get paid so that’s even better!! Go girl!
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peppered-imps · 6 years
lol, Melvin Frohike.
Hickey! My man!
We both love a good conspiracy.
I also enjoy (faux) fur vests and fingerless gloves.
We love Mulder with our whole ass hearts and think Scully’s hot.
Really smart hackerman. My hacking know-how is just about limited to adding a line to my blog code or Sims cheats lol
Kinda slimy but kinda smooth. I’m neither. Idk if that’s good or bad lmao
I would never wear a fedora.
Thank you!!
send me a character name and i’ll tell you three things i have in common with them and three things i don’t
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leiascully · 6 years
spookydarlablack replied to your post “The fact that Gillian has probably definitely experienced the Chili’s...”
write something for the fanzine and live forever! ��
Definitely my plan <3
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softnow · 6 years
Not an ask, but just wanted to say that I've been in CA for the last week and I keep seeing West Covina on the map/road signs and thinking of cxg (I've only seen the first 2 seasons, but I love it), and I just... want a giant pretzel all the time, lol. Also there's boba tea freaking everywhere out here! Aaaanyway, just made me think of you. 💛
DUDE. How cool!!! Get yourself a giant pretzel ASAP for me. (Also: when you have time, PLS catch up on the third season and the new season. They're so, so, so good!!!)
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