#spookymonth rick
niikorroni · 7 months
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they also went to the willy wonka experience too (^∀^●)ノシ
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umbraticstickerz · 2 years
Another Batch of Swap AU edits
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Btw in this Costume Bob's name is Natas and Johns Daughter is name Mors I hope people get the jokes that their names are lol.
This is my tiktok account, and I need to say this please don't use my Swap edits without at the least credit. I've seen people starting to use them without crediting me on tiktok and it sucks.
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doodlesartstuff · 7 months
So I have this card game called "What do you meme?" and guess what I found-
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bubblaymadz · 9 months
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Silly nillies
The creator of the dark reality au is on here now! Their @ is someonenewtoday, definitely follow them!!
Also... Don't look at the tags oml-
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tontalunar · 1 month
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jadedego hyperfixation
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eddtheenigma · 6 months
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SPOOKY MONTH FANDOM PLEASE TAKE MY YEAR OLD DOODLES FOR A GHOSTBUSTERS AU FROM LONG YONDER BARELY KNOWING THE LORE (yes I have enough autism to span a lot of cross ghostbusters media into one au okay!!!)
anyways my headcanons have changed and I might doodle again more of this au ! These might not seem in character for both medias cause I really confused spooky month fandom headcanons with actual canon but I’ve rewatched the series since then! These were all doodled on whiteboard but I’m gonna lore dump some of the ideas I have already for a spooky busters au!!!
- Skid and pump are humans but do have ghost forms as Samhain! (Yes together, they come in a package deal)
- Dexter has the multiple forms as Rowan.
-Stay puff and the no ghosts logo brands exist replacing the happy fella franchise however the characters of happy and sad guy are still existent in the stay puff brand!
(Out dated ideas that I changed waughhh)
-Rick is not connected to a ghost form of stay puff anymore, but insert obligatory he worked as a mascot once
-Reconsidering skid dad and Ignacio but they still seem the most fitting kinda as those characters
And yes, of course bob is a slimer ghost hehe.
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smorallow · 2 years
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The wagebros they are besties
edit: forgot to @ghoulstie the character next to Rick is a oc that belongs to them!
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666melvin666 · 10 months
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nes-meshno · 7 months
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for a friend. although, i find them pretty delightful too...
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moth-pringle · 1 year
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Csm Au refs sorry i haven’t posted these here 💥
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Holy hell there’s alot
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extreamlysilly · 1 year
it probably doesn't count but hehe JadedEgo
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idek how rick messed up that bad
Edit: I forgot to add @tontalunar , gabe me the idea, she's so very epic
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educatedmurderr · 6 months
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reighvz · 2 years
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tontalunar · 4 months
I know your fixated on TF2 but very important
tiredvan is a fun name..but what if
I am going to steal your creative brain/pos
I love it 😭 it’s so CUTE AUGDHIDRBIHED
Anyway thanks for the ask!!!! Throws them at you 🫶
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666melvin666 · 1 year
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As the desert landscape gave way to rolling hills and lush vegetation, Radford's pace quickened. He could almost hear the distant sounds of laughter and music, the comforting melodies of his town drawing him closer. The familiar faces of friends and loved ones flashed through his mind, filling him with a sense of belonging that washed away the remnants of fear.
A smile tugged at the corners of Radford's lips as he imagined the joyous reunion that awaited him. He longed to share his tales of adventure and survival, to recount the harrowing encounter with the sand dragon and how he had narrowly escaped its clutches. His heart swelled with anticipation, eager to return to the embrace of his community. His elation turned to apprehension.
The familiar vibrations in the sand sent a chill down his spine, awakening a deep sense of dread within him. His heart raced, and a knot tightened in his stomach as he realized that the threat of the sand dragon was not yet behind him.
The once-familiar desert landscape that had brought him closer to home now seemed suffocating, its vast expanse filled with uncertainty and peril. Radford's gaze darted around, searching for any signs of movement or disturbance in the sand.
Fear gnawed at his core as he whimpered to himself, "No... not again. It cannot be happening again! -" He knew that escaping the clutches of the sand dragon once was a stroke of luck, but now, faced with the same ominous vibrations. The sand beneath his hooves shifted, responding to the unseen presence that lurked below. Radford's heart pounded in his chest as he braced himself for the inevitable encounter. His mind raced, searching for a strategy to outwit the creature that lay hidden beneath the treacherous sand. The satyr´s heart seized with fear as the sand dragon leaped out of the ground a few feet ahead of him, its massive form blocking his path.
A scream tore from Radford's throat as he skidded to a halt, his eyes widening in terror at the colossal creature before him. The dragon's jaws, lined with rows of razor-sharp teeth, loomed mere inches away, its hot breath washing over Radford's face. Radford stood frozen, his gaze locked with the piercing eyes of the sand dragon. Fear gripped his heart, paralyzing him with a sense of dread. Time seemed to stand still as he stared into the depths of those ancient, predatory eyes.
The dragon's gaze bore into Radford's very soul, its intensity a reflection of the immense power it possessed. Every fiber of Radford's being screamed at him to run, to escape the creature's wrath, but his body remained rooted in place, held captive by a mixture of terror and fascination.
The dragon's enormous form loomed before him, its scaled body casting a shadow that engulfed Radford. Its breathing was heavy, a rhythmic rumble that reverberated through the air, heightening the tension of the moment.
Radford's mind raced, desperately searching for a way out, but his thoughts were muddled by the dragon's frightening presence. The satyr and the sand dragon stood face-to-face, locked in a tense and precarious encounter. The air crackled with tension as they regarded each other, their gazes filled with uncertainty and curiosity.
In an unexpected turn of events, the sand dragon's massive form began to shift and morph, the scales receding, and its body reshaping. Radford's eyes widened in astonishment as the creature transformed into a tall, imposing figure—a human-like being with distinct dragon features.
Standing before the man now was a seven-foot-tall individual with sharp, piercing eyes that glinted with an otherworldly intelligence. Their skin bore a faint, iridescent sheen, reminiscent of dragon scales, and small, subtle horns adorned their forehead. The dragon's presence still emanated from this new form, an undeniable connection to the ancient creature that had once threatened Radford's life.
Radford's initial fear transformed into a mix of fascination and wariness as he studied the dragon-human hybrid standing before him. He could sense that this being possessed knowledge and power beyond his comprehension, and he couldn't help but wonder about their true nature and intentions.
The hybrid figure regarded him with a calm demeanor, a mixture of curiosity and solemnity in their gaze. Their voice, when it finally emerged, carried a deep resonance, resonating with an otherworldly quality that seemed to echo from the depths of their being.
Radford stuttered, his words faltering as he struggled to find his voice. "What do you want from me? Why did you pursue me?"
Rick's gaze softened, their expression filled with a mix of empathy and understanding. "I did not pursue you with the intention of harm….this time” “Y-you ate my guide!” the satyr said dumbfounded.
A tiny smile curled at the corners of the dragon´s lips. "A man's gotta eat," he quipped, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. “then what do you want from me???” Radford asks bewildered. "you make good food and seem like a nice human. I would like to tag along on your journey" Radford blinked, momentarily taken aback by Rick's unexpected response. He had anticipated grander motives or requests, but Rick's casual and unexpected request caught him off guard.
"You... want to tag along on my journey?" Radford repeated, his voice laced with a mix of surprise and confusion. "But... why? What can I offer you?"
Rick chuckled, a deep rumble that echoed through the air. "While I rick, am a guardian of this desert, I have spent countless centuries roaming its vast landscape. The loneliness can be, well, quite lonely at times," he admitted, a saddened tone coloring his words. "Your companionship, along with your knack for creating delectable meals, could make this journey far more enjoyable."
The satyr’s bewilderment slowly transformed into an amused smile. He had expected Rick to demand something of value or even his life, but instead, the ancient guardian sought nothing more than the simple pleasures of camaraderie and good food. He scratched his head, still a bit unsure about the situation but willing to give Rick the benefit of the doubt. "Alright, Rick," he said, a hint of skepticism in his voice. "But let's make one thing clear. No eating people, and definitely no eating me."
Rick chuckled, his dragon features giving his laughter an extra rumble. "Fair enough," he replied with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "I can promise you; I have no interest in feasting on your or anyone else's flesh. Besides, I've come to realize that there are far tastier things in life, like the flavors you conjure up in your meals."
Radford couldn't help but crack a smile, reassured by Rick's response. It seemed that their pact would indeed hold true, and he felt a sense of relief wash over him. With his worries eased, he looked at Rick with newfound acceptance and camaraderie.
"Alright then, Rick," Radford said, his voice filled with a mix of amusement and gratitude. "You can tag along on this journey of mine. Just remember, no devouring innocent bystanders. We're here to explore, learn, and have fun."
The dragon simply nodded and motioned for the satyr to take a few steps back, which Rad did a little confused. His's eyes widened as Rick transformed back into his towering dragon form, stretching around 30 feet in length. The sheer size and power of the sand dragon left him momentarily speechless. But as Rick spoke, his voice echoing in Radford's mind, the satyr could not help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation.
"Uh... crawl on your back?" He repeated, his voice filled with a mix of awe and uncertainty. "Are you sure about this? I mean, you are huge!" He let out a rumble, his eyes filled with amusement. "Trust me," he reassured him. "it'll be much faster and safer to travel through the desert on my back." Taking a deep breath, Radford steeled his nerves and cautiously approached the massive dragon. His hand reached out, hesitantly touching the warm scales that covered Rick's back. The touch sent a jolt of excitement through his body, mingled with a hint of fear.
"Alright big boy," Radford said, determination lacing his voice. "If you're sure about this, then I'm in. Lead the way."
With an ungraceful movement, Radford climbed onto the dragon´s back, finding a secure position amidst the ridges and scales. He clung tightly, his heart racing as he adjusted to the dragon's immense size beneath him. And with that, Rick propelled himself forward, his powerful legs propelling them through the sandy terrain. The wind whipped past Radford, the sensation exhilarating and yet humbling. He marveled at the landscape unfolding before his eyes, the vastness of the desert stretching out in all directions.
As Rick thundered towards the nearby town, the ground shook beneath his colossal form, and the wind rushed past Radford, tousling his hair, and filling him with a thrilling sense of exhilaration. The satyr could not help but throw his hands up in the air, letting out a joyous laugh that echoed through the desert.
With each stride, Rick covered great distances, his powerful legs carrying them swiftly across the sandy terrain. Radford clung tightly to Rick's back, the sensation of speed and the raw power beneath him fueling his excitement. It was as if they were soaring through the desert, liberated from the constraints of gravity.
Radford's laughter blended with the rhythmic pounding of Rick's steps, the joy in his heart matching the pounding beat of their journey. The wind whipped against his face, and the landscape blurred around them as they raced towards the town.
As they approached the outskirts of the town, the sight of the townspeople's startled faces brought a mischievous grin to Radford's lips. Their wide-eyed expressions of fear added to the thrill of the moment. He knew that this unexpected spectacle would become a tale whispered among the townsfolk for generations to come.
With a playful gleam in his eyes, Radford raised his voice, his words carrying over the thunderous rhythm of Rick's steps. "Hold on tight, everyone!" he called out, his voice brimming with exhilaration. "You won't believe the adventure we're having! Rick here is giving me the ride of a lifetime!"
His words were met with a mixture of shock, confusion, and nervous laughter from the townspeople. Some of them, unable to comprehend the audacity of Radford's statement, retreated into their homes or behind various objects, seeking shelter from what they perceived as imminent danger.
But Radford's unwavering trust in Rick remained unshaken. He knew that the sand dragon would do everything in his power to protect him and the townspeople from harm. With a touch of showmanship, Radford raised his voice again, attempting to ease their fears.
"Trust me, everyone! Rick is the gentlest creature you will ever meet!" Radford called out, his voice projecting a sense of infectious confidence. "He may be big and intimidating, but he's got a heart of gold! And the view from up here is simply breathtaking!"
The townspeople, torn between their instincts of fear and the compelling charisma of Radford's words, began to cautiously emerge from their hiding places. Their curiosity mingled with trepidation as they watched Radford and Rick race through the town's outskirts, their presence gradually becoming less daunting and more mesmerizing.
As Rick slowed his pace, entering the heart of the town, the onlookers stepped forward, their fear giving way to curiosity. They marveled at the intricacies of Rick's scaled hide, the warmth radiating from his massive body, and the evident trust that existed between the dragon and the satyr.
Radford, dismounting from the dragon´s back, stood before the townspeople, his eyes sparkling with mischief and a genuine sense of wonder. "See? I told you, Rick is a friend, not a foe," he declared, his voice resonating with an infectious enthusiasm. "He's not here to harm anyone. In fact, he's chosen to join us on our journey and lend his wisdom and protection to our town."
Whispers of astonishment and admiration rippled through the crowd. Rick noticed the townspeople's unease; he quickly understood the need to ease their apprehension. With a subtle shift, he transformed into his humanoid form once more, his dragon features giving way to a more approachable appearance. Though most townsfolk still stepped back, their fear tempered slightly by the change, Radford recognized the opportunity to bridge the gap between the dragon and the community.
With a friendly smile, Radford stepped forward, his arm gesturing toward his tavern. "Come, Rick," he said, his voice warm and inviting. "Let's go to my tavern. I'll offer you a drink, and we can all get to know each other better."
The townspeople watched, their curiosity piqued, as Radford and Rick made their way towards the inviting doors of the tavern. Whispers and murmurs filled the air as the news of the dragon's transformation and Radford's apparent camaraderie spread through the crowd.
Inside the cozy establishment, Radford led Rick to a table near the fireplace, its warm glow casting dancing shadows across the room. The townsfolk cautiously followed, their initial fear giving way to a sense of intrigue and the desire to witness this extraordinary encounter. As Radford greedily gulped down the water, quenching his parched throat, he felt a wave of relief wash over him. The cool liquid revitalized his body, replenishing the moisture that had been lost during their desert excursion. The townsfolk watched with amusement, their initial trepidation replaced with empathy and understanding.
Rick, chuckling heartily at Radford's thirst, could not help but find humor in the situation. His laughter boomed through the tavern, drawing the attention of those gathered.
"Ah, yes," Rick exclaimed, his voice resonating with amusement. "I forgot how quickly you humans can dry out in the desert heat!” his laugh bellowed through the tavern. Radford heard Rick's hearty laughter, a warmth spread through his chest, like a comforting embrace. He could not help but feel a surge of happiness at the sound, appreciating the genuine joy that radiated from his unexpected companion.
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kyo-the-simp · 1 year
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movie night at chris's
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