cricketclan · 1 year
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new babies hehe. also had this drawn for a while now and was going to post moon 8 with them but having some artblock so just gonna post these for now.
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pikaclan · 7 months
Moon 236
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Trans male Cherrywhisper!
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Yewcrackle traveled to starclan at 169 moons
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New mates! (Think since Loudshock is gay im gonna toggle off prevent kits since they'll adopt anyways, so it doesnt effect Loud being fixed; I do have affairs on so if anything happens with that ill change it in the files to align with loud being fixed)
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Fuzzkit recovered!
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Cute kit moment
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Finchstar is scaring me lol. Forgot to not send Splintershell on patrol last moon sooooo we're gonna say she's sending queens out early on patrol too cause why not. We're due for an evil/morally grey leader
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sporemouse · 1 year
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Anyone who wants Sporemouse to be their cat's mother just needs to reblog this post with a picture of their cat, the cats age, and their relationship to Sporemouse (positive, estranged, etc.)
Cats that aren't really cats and cats with funny names are also welcome, the only requirements are
-Being in @Mommyclan -Being under 51 moons old (there may be a few exceptions -Being open to Lore/backstory brainstorming so we can make everything work together -Being respectful
Under the cut is Sporemouse's backstory/personality (tw for mentions of disease, miscarriage, death, and death of kits)
They were born in leaf bare, there was very little prey and Redcough was going around. It's parents and littermates all died before she was weaned, but the few other queens wanted to focus on their own kits and were afraid that they'd carry the disease so it was passed around the queens for feedings and had to be kept warm by a medicine cat. Despite the rough spot, Sporekit survived, though she was always a bit.. strange. Disconnected from their clanmates, she didn't have many friends but they were kind towards the ones it did have.
A while after she became a warrior they became pregnant in an affair with a kittypet. It didn't talk to her clanmates much about the pregnancy but they didn't hide it. She was clearly excited, so happy to finally be able to have a real family! But... Something went wrong, and none of their litter survived long. It was out in the forest when it happened, no one knew exactly what had happened when they came back...
She couldn't stand just sitting around in the camp after their loss, so it started to wander. One day she came back with a kit(or kits) and carefully made a nest in the Queen's den for itself. The first cat that asked was told where they found it, but after that she started to insist that this was the litter she was pregnant with. Even if they didn't believe that, their clanmates let her say that since it had been through a lot... Then a week or so later, another kit appeared in her nest, she insisted that it had always been there, a part of her first litter. Their future litters followed the same story, with more and more kits mysteriously appearing in her nest...
Nowadays, Sporemouse is even more disconnected from its clanmates. Other than their kits, she barely interacts with other cats, and even interactions with those kits can be strange... She tends to be very overprotective, overbearing and clingy, when its time for the kits to become apprentices it's very nervous and will constantly ask if they want them to ask the leader to wait for a bit longer. Same for apprentices graduating to warriors. Even after their kits are warriors it will continue to baby them, straightening their fur, bringing them food, trying to cuddle and coddle them.
She's very concerned about and suspicious of mentors, friends, and potential mates of their kits, tending to follow them around and make sure they're not up to anything strange.
It also tends to excuse and defend her kits behavior no matter what they're getting up to. They will not tolerate anyone accusing its kits of anything or messing with their kits. It can be a bit violent with cats they see as a threat, but she would NEVER show that side of itself to her kits.
If a kit figures out that Sporemouse isn't really their mother and confronts them about it they will continue to insist that its not true, as it genuinely believes that they ARE her kits.
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flowermask · 7 months
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trying my hand at the whole clangen thing again
meet softpaw and sporekit, my two starters who have never had anything bad happen to them ever
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snaill-dragon · 1 year
Time for that update to the massive sad thing that happened in Clangen +bigger project I promise!
Basically had an event where quite the number of cats got taken by two legs from camp! Including Honeyburn(the world hates her), one of Honeyburn’s kids, and some other important guys I won’t spoiler.
So I did some writing and drawings under thé cut. Tw: (animal) death mention, depression from family, and lots of being sad.
If you can please read it! And if you can’t please at least look at the art, I spent like. SO LONG on it. Hours actually. And it’s very nice.
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The only thought that came to Honeyburn was that there were just so many of them. Really there were. Cats had been taken from Wickedclan before, one or two. Often they came back within the moon, with bright scraps of two-leg cloth around their neck. Collars, they were called. All Honeyburn knew was they were a pain to take off, most cats didn’t bother. Fringeswan, her darling apprentice, was one of those few cats. He never really spoke about what happened to him. But the flash of deep red across his neck was a clear indicator the event had happened, and it would never leave him.
Aside from the cats gone for a few days, the longest any of them had been taken by two legs for had been a few moons. Hushivy-only Hushpaw at the time-managed to get back after only five moons. She had spoken that the trip was long and tiring, but she was proud of it. Honeyburn barely knew her, but she missed her. Honeyburn missed so many of her clanmates, now that she was out here. When the two legs had invaded, everything had happened so fast. They had gotten mostly apprentices, kits, and elders, then two newly made warriors, and then finally her and Rainspeckle. Honeyburn wasn’t actually sure where Rainspeckle was-or Fallingsmoke, or Hawkcinder. The two legs had taken the group to two different monsters, and she hadn’t seen the other three warriors since they had been crammed into the other one. Honeyburn hoped they had managed to stay together, like her group had.
There were eight of them, three of the eight kits, and Talonpaw and Hazelpaw were barely apprentices. The two of them were also fast asleep, curled up against their father. Honeyburn’s heart twisted again, as she thought of Fallingsmoke out there without her family. Some bitter part of her almost envied Dustfreckle, who got to keep track of his children. But she put that part of her away, he had been separated from the other three and his mate. Honeysmoke imagines Cougarstar must be worried sick. About all of them, but her family especially. The kits too, oh the poor kits, and… she didn’t even want to think about poor Rainpaw. They had to leave her body by the thunderpath.
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Toadkit, Sporekit, and mudkit were curled up with a tired looking Moonfoot-who honestly should have retired long before this. But the elder medicine cat had always refused, insisting the clan needed as many medicine cats as possible. Now Honeyburn wished she could go back to those arguments they had about retiring instead. Instead of having to watch the tortoiseshell try to sleep against the side of mewling scared kits, in an unfamiliar place. Where everything smelled like dirt, smoke, and two legs.
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She sighs, and Dustfreckle glances up at where she’s perched herself. They share a small look, Honeyburn tries to look hopeful. After a moment, he breaks the stare, laying his head down on his paws. After glancing at the sky one more time, where she couldn’t even see the stars, Honeyburn follows his example. She needs her rest for the long journey home. She had to make the journey home.
She could do it. She would do it.
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hillbreak-clans · 5 months
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She/They, 80 moons
Bloodthirsty, Lore Keeper
Follows squirrels up trees
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Blotchsplash- cleric
It/They, 79 moons
Bloodthirsty, Unshakable Dark Forest Link, Keen Eye.
Very routine oriented
Jasperfeather - Deputy
He/She, 32 moons
Competitive, good swimmer
Can't keep track of time
Pikepaw - Mentor: Darkstar
She/Her, 11 moons
Nervous, never sits still
Loves to decorate dens
Foggypaw - Mentor: Jasperfeather
He/It, 11 moons
Faithful, picky nest builder
Always wanted to receive a prophecy
Scorchpaw - Mentor: Darkstar
They/Them, 9 moons
Oblivious, oddly observant, splashes in puddles
Enjoys digging up roots to see where they go
He/Him, 148 moons
Sneaky, good mediator
Loves to climb
No pronouns, 2 moons
Attention seeker, quick to make peace
Hates spiders
No pronouns, 2 moons
Attention seeker, interested in oddities
Likes making up stories
No pronouns, 2 moons
Shy, careful listener
Has exceptionally good hygiene
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wormclan-chaos · 10 months
mama mia here we go again!
Do I already have a clangen sideblog? yes
Is this one going to be a lot less polished and a lot more chaotic? definitely
anyway welcome to Wormclan, they live in a wastelands surrounded by ruins. In my heart the world they live in is post-apoc, but there are still some humans left so all of the things about encountering two-legs still make sense lmao.
The founders ! we are so much further than this and most of them are dead so, fair warning.
Amberstar is leader!
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Burnttooth is Deputy! (Sorreldew was the runner-up, which is important for lore reasons later)
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Boughtrot is healer!
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And everybody else! I adore Sporekit with my entire heart <3 (Also watch Barleypaw, there's gonna be .. . stuff.)
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And finally, the camp!
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All the sprites are the hard work of the Sablesteel team, I am merely obsessed w what they made lmao.
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Major Arc 5 Story Changes/General Summary Part 2
We’re on to the second half of Arc 5 baby! Will Darktail succeed in taking over the Clans? How does this story end? Find out below!
Onestar leads an attack on The Kin alongside the other Clans to get his daughter and granddaughters back and drive The Kin out, but is forced to flee after encountering Darktail on the battlefield, causing the Clans to lose the battle and Mistystar to lose her final life. Reedstar becomes RiverClan’s new Leader and names his mate Hawkfrost as his Deputy. He is also very, very angry with Onestar for causing his mother’s death
Canon continues, with some snippets of Heathertail, Brindlekit, and Smokekit’s life with The Kin thrown in. She befriends another mother with kits named Amaryllis, a nice older tom named Blowfly who seems to genuinely regret joining The Kin, some elderly cats, and more. When the Clans win the battle and Onestar and Darktail kill each other, Heathertail brings Amaryllis, Amaryllis’ three kits Hound, Spore, and Morel, Blowfly, and the two elderly cats Sting and Frost with her and her kits back to WindClan. Only Houndkit, Sporekit, and Morelkit take Clan names
Twigpaw returns with SkyClan. Pebbleshine enthusiastically reunites with her mate, friends, and family, and both Lavenderpaw and Twigpaw join their parents’ Clan. Later on, two familiar faces pop up in SkyClan’s new territory, looking for a new place to live: Loki and Zelda, two of the kittypets who had been forced to join and fight for The Kin and had befriended Lavenderpaw. While they had tried to return to their housefolk after the battle was won and they were allowed to go home, Loki had been so badly injured and scarred that their housefolk no longer recognized them and chased them off as a stray. Zelda refused to leave her datefriend behind and chose to join him as loners. They are welcomed into SkyClan with open arms paws and become apprentices: Lokipaw and Zeldapaw
Canon continues until Molewhisker of ThunderClan and a SkyClan patrol go back to the gorge to look for their missing clanmates. They find Fidgetpaw, Nettlesplash, Mintclaw, Palekit, Gravelkit, Nectarkit, Mistfeather and Gertiefang’s two orphaned kits Glorykit and Dewkit, and a former Kin cat named Dragonfly living together in the gorge. They also rescue the kidnapped Frecklewish from Twolegs. On their way back, they find the rest of SkyClan shacking up with Ravenpaw and Barley, who were happy to help. Most of the SkyClan cats choose to leave to go to their new lake territory except for Cherrytail, Clovertail, Waspwhisker, and Birdwing (in canon, these cats were the ones taken by Twolegs who never returned), who choose to stay by the barn. Molewhisker and Cloudmist start getting kinda into each other as well
Canon continues until Tree does his ghost thing (which Lavendershine, Zeldasong, and Lokishade think is rad as heck- and kinda hot in a spooky way). Tawnystar doesn't resign. She is way too stubborn to give up on herself or her remaining clanmates. Twigpaw and Finpaw return to ThunderClan. Twigpaw is not forced to do her entire apprenticeship over again because that is dumb. She is just given a bit of a refresher with the help of now-Warriors Sparkstorm and Juniperleaf (named after Sandstorm and Hollyleaf and Leafpool respectively)
Things are canon-compliant from there until the ShadowClan Leader thing (once again, Tawnystar is still Leader) and the storm hits. Two displaced kittypets named Fuzzball and Velvet temporarily join ThunderClan; Alderheart becomes close with Velvet and Jayfeather discovers what it’s like to be a father to the most annoying kit imaginable when Fuzzball imprints on him. After the storm, the two leave, but end up returning so regularly to see their friends in the Clan and to help out that they end up becoming ThunderClan’s first Daylight Warriors
Also, Briarlight doesn't die from the sickness because I love her and she deserves to live forever. Unfortunately, a cat still needs to die (need that heartbreak!). So, after struggling his entire life with sickness and weakness, Driftpaw passes away in the Medicine Den surrounded by his family and friends. His Star Name is Driftdream 
Goldenheart, Dovewing, and the missing ShadowClan cats return- minus poor Hollowkit, who was carried off by the owl before Goldenheart or his parents could do anything about it. Dovewing stays in ShadowClan permanently and has Goldenheart’s kits. In ThunderClan, the Dark Forest cat in Bumblestripe’s ear starts to whisper louder
And with that unsettling information, everything else is canon-compliant
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Who Will be A Killer (2)?
Using only the description of what members of a family do every moon, we build a story for a Dark Forest resident!
Mother: Siltrapid
Father: Wormstar
Daughter: Riftkit (deceased)
Daughter: Ripplekit/paw/pelt
Daughter: Pouncekit/paw/plume
Daughter (2nd litter): Tulipkit
Son: Mousekit/paw/heart
Son (2nd litter): Snailkit
Son (2nd litter): Sporekit
Adoptive granddaughter: Freezekit/paw/bee (Pounce's daughter)
Granddaughter: Flutterkit (Pounce's daughter)
Grandson: Shimmerkit (Pounce's son)
Grandson: Billowkit (Pounce's son)
Grandson: Brackenkit (Pounce's son)
The moon dates go by how old the first litter is, as that is when things began. So at the beginning of this post, Mouseheart, Pounceplume, and Ripplepelt are 32 moons.
Their younger siblings, Snailkit, Sporekit, and Tulipkit are 1 moon old.
Pounce's kits were born on moon 32, 1 moon younger than their youngest niece and nephews and 12 moons younger than their adoptive sibling, Freezepaw. (Pounce and her mama are in the nursery together, aww).
MOON 32:
Rift: Is imagining what it would be like to be a medicine cat.
Pounce: Is feeling underappreciated...
Ripple: Saw some wandering Twolegs today.
Tulip: Recently took a tumble off a log.
Mouse: Wants to compliment Ripplepelt's fighting techniques.
Spore: Tells Spruceneedle to play with them.
Snail: Is extra fluffy today.
Silt: Spends the whole day collecting small trinkets.
Worm: Is thinking about battle strategies.
Freeze: Had a very strange dream.
Flutter: Snuggles up to the belly of Pounceplume.
Father: Chervilleaf
Shimmer: Snuggles up to the belly of Pounceplume.
Father: Chervilleaf
Billow: Snuggles up to the belly of Pounceplume.
Father: Chervilleaf
Bracken: Snuggles up to the belly of Pounceplume.
Father: Chervilleaf
MOON 33:
Rift: Is admiring the stars in her fur.
Pounce: Feels at home in the darkness.
Ripple: Saw a kittypet sitting calmly next to a dog!
Tulip: Is annoying older cats.
Mouse: Politely asks a bird to stop singing over their head when they're trying to sleep.
Spore: Wonders who his mentor will be.
Snail: Whines about being hungry.
Silt: Wants to critique Pounceplum's fighting techniques.
Worm: Finds a new treasure hiding spot.
Freeze: Is chasing her own tail, making others laugh.
Flutter: Wants to be big someday.
Father: Chervilleaf
Shimmer: Tells Spruceneedle that nobody likes them (???)
Father: Chervilleaf
Billow: Is hatching a plan to sneak out of camp and play.
Father: Chervilleaf
Bracken: Is hiding from other cats.
Father: Chervilleaf
MOON 34:
Rift: Is wondering what it would be like to be a medicine cat.
Pounce: Is eavesdropping on Spruceneedle.
Ripple: Is giving some advice to Sporekit.
Tulip: Wonders who her mentor will be.
Mouse: Is growing fond of Shimmerkit.
Spore: Is rushing Shimmerkit.
Snail: Wishes other cats would stop babying them.
Silt: Is dreading the thought of failure.
Grieving (no one died...for Snailkit?)
Worm: Is heading to the dirtplace. (Good to know)
Freeze: Is sparring with some Clanmates.
Flutter: Wishes other cats would stop babying her.
Father: Chervilleaf
Shimmer: Is asking the medicine cat why all the herbs have to be stinky and gross.
Father: Chervilleaf
Billow: Wonders what it would be like to live in a different Clan.
Father: Chervilleaf
Bracken: Is asking older cats how kits are born.
Father: Chervilleaf
MOON 35:
Rift: Is sad she couldn't experience being an apprentice.
Pounce: Wants to get to know Wormstar better.
Ripple: Wants to compliment Silkdawn's fighting techniques.
Tulip: Plays mossball by herself.
Mouse: Saw a Twoleg playing with a kittypet.
Spore: Never says please or thank you.
Snail: Is surprised to find himself walking in the stars of Silverpelt.
Silt: Helped bury Snailkit, leaving his favourite prey at the grave.
Worm: Slips out of camp to visit Snailkit's grave.
Freeze: Saw a kittypet sitting calmly next to a dog!
Flutter: Is frightened after hearing a scary story.
Father: Chervilleaf
Shimmer: Is asking older cats how kits are made.
Father: Chervilleaf
Billow: Watches Brackenkit pretend to hunt a mouse.
Father: Chervilleaf
Bracken: Wishes other cats would stop babying him.
Father: Chervilleaf
MOON 36:
Rift: Is feeling sassy today.
Pounce: Knows everything will be okay in the end.
Ripple: Spends a whole day collecting small trinkets.
Tulip: Tells Siltrapid to play with her.
Mouse: Wants to speak to Shardecho about something.
Mate: Trickle
Spore: Is batting pebbles across the camp clearing.
Snail: Is playing hide-and-seek with Riftkit (AWWW)
Silt: Is eavesdropping on Hazelrain.
Worm: Wonders how Shimmerkit is doing.
Freeze: Is tossing mossballs around.
Flutter: Is nervous for her apprentice ceremony.
Father: Chervilleaf
Shimmer: Is scratching everything he can get his claws on.
Father: Chervilleaf
Billow: Doesn't want to grow up yet....
Father: Chervilleaf
Bracken: Wishes other cats would stop babying him.
Father: Chervilleaf
MOON 37:
Rift: Wants to find StarClan cats to play with.
Pounce: Is learning more about Riftkit.
Ripple: Wants to speak to Thistlechase about something.
Tulip: Helps apply a poultice to a small wound.
She became a med cat!
Mouse: Is watching over the kits.
Mate: Trickle
Spore: Is looking around camp.
Snail: Wants to find StarClan cats to play with.
Silt: Debates bringing a very shiny piece of Twoleg trash back to camp for her collection.
Worm: Thinks about StarClan.
Freeze: Is wondering if kittypet life is really so bad.
Flutter: Is absolutely adorable.
Father: Chervilleaf
Shimmer: Is scared after having a nightmare.
Father: Chervilleaf
Billow: Is asking older cats how kits are born.
Father: Chervilleaf
Bracken: Is asking the older cats how kittens are made.
Father: Chervilleaf
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Moon 110
Dolphinfade died of greencough.
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Swiftspark's tail was injured badly by a fox.
Honeymurk and Busheye have caught greencough.
Redocean has recovered from Greencough.
Weaselcrash died of yellowcough.
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Conchblaze's tail was injured by a fox.
Petunianight has died of greencough.
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Pumapaw, Gardeniapaw, and Deltapaw have all been made warriors! Pumapelt after their stealth, Gardeniasplash in honor of their responsibility, and Deltarunner in honor of their observance.
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Barnaclepaw's leg is starting to swell and smell sour.
Whisperpeak and Grousefleck have welcomed three new kits to the world. Their names are Springkit, Fawnkit, and Podkit.
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Sleekrun was bitten by a snake and while in the medicine den recovering they also caught whitecough. Poor Sleekrun.
Saltears caught greencough.
Oddspots recovered from greencough. However, on their first patrol out an apprentice was attacked by a hawk which Oddspots saved them from but they ended up getting injured instead so they had to trudge back to their nest in the medicine cat den before it even got cold.
Ploverspeck's leg was injured in a twoleg trap.
Honeymurk has recovered from whitecough and hurries to take care of the sudden influx of sick and injured cats.
Sharphare is expecting kits!
Riversand has borne a single kit named Beetlekit.
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Sloepelt also had a single kit! They name them Sardinekit.
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Hyacinthquill has brought to camp four kits of unknown origin. Thunderkit, Conchkit, Quillkit, and Tumblekit.
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Pheasantpaw and Sablepaw have become warriors! Pheasantsea in honor of their wit and Sabletooth in celebration of their grace.
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Pumpkinpaw's leg was injured by a twoleg trap.
Barnaclepaw died because of their infected wound.
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Hemlockpelt has lost both their mate and their kit.
Crestpaw and Emberpaw have become apprentices under Pepperbuzz and Eggsong.
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Splashtooth's leg is feeling better.
Riversand has healed from their snake bite.
Dewpaw's chest is feeling lighter.
Erminedapple was captured by twolegs and taken away!
Sleekrun's snake bite has healed up well.
Saltears no longer has greencough.
Crookedbracken has injured their leg in a twoleg trap.
Swiftspark's tail has recovered without issue.
Sungill has been pacing nonstop outside the nursery. Anxiously waiting for Freezespots to finish up with Sharphare's kitting. They desperately want to know that their mate is alright and are looking forward to meeting their kits. Freezespots eventually pads out of the den and gives them a gentle nod. Sungill rushes in to greet a tired Sharphare and their five new kits. Together they name them Buzzardkit, Eaglekit, Plumkit, Weedkit, and Sporekit.
(Images for the kits here because Tumblr only allows 30 pics per post)
Busheye is no longer coughing and wheezing up a storm.
Riverfin skillfully saved Crestpaw from a fox. They weren't even hurt during the fight!
Dewpaw, Runningpaw, Pumpkinpaw, and Molepaw have all become full warriors of Starlingclan! Dewspots is honored for their passion, Runningcrest is honored for their realism, Pumpkindapple is honored for their charisma, and Moletangle is honored for their courage.
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Heavydawn got a few scrapes from a small dog.
Sleekrun's whitecough is gone.
Hawkbit and Pigeonfleck have joined the elders!
Oddspots has healed from their talon wound.
Coalmark has brought a single kit to the clan. They name the kit Shadowkit.
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Ploverspeck's leg has healed.
Nimblerise has brought four kits back to camp. Lightkit, Squidkit, Moonkit, and Brindlekit.
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Heavydawn's scrapes have healed.
Blizardpaw has become Blizzardspots in honor of their stealth.
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Sporekit was almost carried off by an osprey but was saved by Sloepelt. They were carried to the medicine den for their injuries.
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Shoreclan moon 150-200
Moon 152:
- Scalepaw becomes Scaletuft
- Bouncetree was poisoned by a sea creature and died
- Whiteglare is expecting!
Moon 153:
- Elderhare joins the clan
- Iriskit becomes Irispaw and is apprenticed to Umbertalon
- Lowkit becomes Lowpaw and is apprenticed to Lilyrip
Moon 154:
- Greencreek died of Yellowcough
- Whiteglare cheated with Umbertalon and had 5 kits- Shinekit, Cloverkit, Wrenkit, Nimblekit, and Snailkit
- Hazystripe joins the elders
Moon 155:
- Stoatpaw becomes Stoatlily
- Ripplekit becomes Ripplepaw and is apprenticed to Melba
- Nectarkit becomes Nectarpaw and is apprenticed to Lightshade
- Swiftspeckle died
- Flitsmoke died of yellowcough
- Scaletuft becomes a med cat
- Pouncestripe, Conecrackle, and Breezetooth died in a rogue ambush
Moon 156:
- Lightshade brought 3 kits to camp- Rimekit, Shimmerkit, and Yellowkit
- Gooseclaw is expecting
Moon 157:
- Ashenstripe is expecting!
Moon 158:
- Gooseclaw had 3 kits! Shardkit, Seedkit, and Gorgekit
- Shimmerkit was killed by a snake
Moon 159:
- Ashenstripe and Quietshimmer have a single kitten - Weedkit
Moon 160:
- Silverfoot joins the elders
- Shinekit becomes Shinepaw and is apprenticed to Clearriver
- Cloverkit becomes Cloverpaw and is apprenticed to Stormpearl
- Wrenkit becomes Wrenpaw and is apprenticed to Graythrush
- Nimblekit becomes Nimblepaw and is apprenticed to Oliverspot
- Snailkit becomes Snailpaw and is apprenticed to Duckstalk
Moon 161:
- Lowkit becomes Lowstep
- Ripplepaw becomes Rippleeagle
Moon 162:
- Juniperfade is expecting
- Yellowkit becomes Yellowpaw and is apprenticed to Rootstripe
- Rimepaw becomes Rimepaw and is apprenticed to Hollypelt
- Gibby joins the clan
Moon 163:
- Lilyrip died of a broken bone
- Gibby died of redcough
Moon 164:
- Juniperfade had 2 kits! Goosekit and Ripplekit
- Nectarpaw becomes Nectarpurr
- Ashenstripe was poisoned by a sea creature
- Shardkit becomes Shardpaw and is apprenticed to Conestripe
- Seedkit becomes Seedpaw and is apprenticed to Melba
- Gorgekit becomes Gorgepaw and is apprenticed to Whiteglare
- Blotchkit joins the clan
Moon 165:
- Weedkit becomes Weedpaw and is apprenticed to Crestedflare
- Sapphire has joined the clan
Moon 166:
- Shinepaw becomes Shineleap
Moon 167:
- Cloverpaw becomes Cloverholly
- Wrenpaw becomes Wrenbriar
- Snailpaw becomes Snaillaurel
- Darttuft brings back a kitten- Wormkit
Moon 168:
- Yellowpaw becomes Yellowwillow
- Blotchkit becomes Blotchpaw and is apprenticed to Elderhare
- Mistlehaze is expecting!
Moon 169:
- Hailweb retires
- Rimepaw becomes Rimearch
- Sunkit and Elmkit join the clan
- Oliverspot died
- Gooseclaw becomes a med cat
- Clearriver becomes deputy
- Jude joins the clan
Moon 170:
- Quaildrip returns!
- Mistlehaze and Clearriver have four kits! Ripplekit, Waterkit, Frostkit and Yellowkit
- Ripplekit becomes Ripplepaw and is apprenticed fo Skystripe
- Goosekit becomes Goosepaw and is apprenticed to Clearriver
- Elmkit was taken by a hawk
Moon 171:
- Shardpaw becomes Shardfoot
- Seedpaw becomes Seedhaze
- Oddblink killed by fox
- Bitternwhisker joins the clan
- Coralchill joins the clan
Moon 172:
- Yellowstar 3 loses a life to whitecough
- Gorgepaw becomes Gorgefade
- Shardfoot and Milkweedstripe are lost
Moon 173:
- Weedpaw becomes Weedflow
- Wormkit becomes Wormpaw and is apprenticed to Quaildrip
- Shiveringnewt joins the clan
Moon 174:
- Egretstripe joins the clan
- Hailweb expecting
- Stormpearl joins elders
- Blotchpaw becomes Blotchbillow
Moon 175:
- Stormpearl is taken by a sea monster
- Goosepaw becomes Goosegale
- Jude died
- Sunkit becomes Sunpaw and is apprenticed to Irisbeak
- Lightshade brought 2 kits to camp- Sporekit and Lowkit
Moon 176:
- Hailweb and Whiteglare have two new kits- Lizardkit and Mottledkit
- Waterkit becomes Waterpaw and is apprenticed to Darttuft
- Ripplekit becomes Ripplepaw and is apprenticed to Lightcloud
- Frostkit becomes Frostpaw and is apprenticed to Rippleeagle
- Yellowkit becomes Yellowpaw and is apprenticed to Blotchbillow
- Waterpaw got poisoned.
Moon 177:
- Ripplepaw becomes Ripplebriar
Moon 178:
- Extinction! Flood kills Lizardkit, Cloverholly, Juniperfade, Snaillaurel, Scaletuft, Sleepy, Wormpaw, Weedflow, Irisbeak, Mottledkit, Wrenbriar, and Hazystripe
- Crestedflare is a bitch at Juniperfade’s vigil
Moon 179:
- Elderhare brought a kit to camp- Sandkit
- Ripplebriar is expecting!
- Coralchill died of snakebite
Moon 181:
- Sunpaw becomes Sunbone
- Waterpaw becomes Watersurf
- Yellowpaw becomes Yellowsquid
- Sporekit becomes Sporepaw and is apprenticed to Umbertalon
- Lowkit becomes Lowpaw and is apprenticed to Nimblesky
- Ripplebriar had three kits- Duskkit, Cloudkit, and Sagekit
Moon 182:
- another extinction! Hailweb, Gooseclaw, Quaildrip, Rootstripe, Yellowsquid, Umbertalon, Lightshade, Elderhare, Crestedflare, Quietshimmer, Sapphire, Sporepaw, Lightcloud, Darttuft, Stoatlily, Cloudkit, Rimearch, Shineleap, Watersurf, Sunbone, Whiteglare, Shiveringnewt, Sagekit and Nimblesky are killed by rogues
- Bitternwhisker is expecting
Moon 183:
- Melba retires
- Frostpaw becomes Frosttooth
- Galepaw becomes Galetail
- Yellowwillow died by dog
- Galetail died by monster
Moon 184:
- Bitternwhisker had three kits! Clawkit, Sparrowkit, and Dogkit
- Sandkit died of heat stroke
Moon 185:
- Yellowstar 3 fell out of a tree and lost a life
- Ripplepaw becomes Ripplepetal
Moon 186:
- Yellowstar 3 lost the rest of their lives. And so begins the era of Clearstar
- Clearriver gets lives from Watersurf, Pouncestripe, Yellowsquid, Breezetooth, Sleepy, Swiftspeckle, Crestedflare, Flitsmoke and Yellowstar 3
- Clearstar’s first act as leader is to make cats who have healing talents- regardless of rank- into med cats- the first are Gorgefade, Conestripe and Ripplebriar
- Graythrush is promoted to deputy
Moon 187:
- Duskkit becomes Duskpaw and is apprenticed to Ripplepetal
Moon 189:
- Lowpaw becomes Lowocean
Moon 190:
- Clawkit becomes Clawpaw and is apprenticed to Gorgefade as a med cat
- Sparrowkit becomes Sparrowpaw and is apprenticed to Egretstripe
- Dogkit becomes Dogpaw and is apprenticed to Graythrush
- Skystripe and Conestripe are killed by rogues
- Mistlehaze is expecting
Moon 191:
- Duskpaw drowned
Moon 192
- Clearstar and Mistlehaze have a kitten! Riverkit
- Melba and Egretstripe are expecting
- Sparrowpaw died of yellowcough
Moon 194:
- Melba had a single kit- Basskit
- Egretstripe and Seedhaze had 5 kittens- Berrykit, Harekit, Robinkit, Pearlykit and Hollykit
Moon 197:
- Dogpaw becomes Dogstripe
- Gorgefade has a vision of hail pounding the ground, a snake eating its own tail, and skeletal trees against the sky
- Dogstripe has been lost
Moon 198:
- Riverkit becomes Rivepaw and is apprenticed to Bitternwhisker
Moon 199:
- Clawpaw becomes Clawrush
Moon 200:
- Mistlehaze is expecting
_ Hollypelt brought three kits to camp Hermitkit, Galekit and Weedkit
- Extinction! Runnel, Pearlykit and Weedkit die
-Basskit becomes Basspaw and is apprenticed to Blotchbillow
- Berrykit becomes Berrypaw and is apprenticed to Duckstalk
- Harekit becomes Harepaw and is apprenticed to Egretstripe
- Robinkit becomes Robinpaw and is apprenticed to Ripplepetal
- Hollykit becomes Hollypaw and is apprenticed to Mistlehaze
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@residents-of-the-darkforest, @starfalcon555, @wills-woodland-warriors
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cricketclan · 1 year
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FINALLY moon 9 is here. also i love pumpkinkit sm
also Duskcatcher wanted to hang out more with Alderstar this moon. And Shrewmoss was led to the clan by a Starclan cat, and considering the only cat in Starclan is the guide and Rushpelt I decided itd be Rushpelt who led her there
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pikaclan · 7 months
Moon 234
every leaf-fall im gonna toggle on the halloween event for funsies to see if i get anything spooky, and warmghost was named after a lot of the ghost signtings he had; this will prob be the only time i make note of doing this
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Tumblepaw is named Tumblekick
Another new warrior at a young age, Splashpaw is Splashrustle
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Kit accessory
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Twolegs are starting to celebrate
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silentclan · 1 year
silentclan, 60 moons
hickorycloud brought a litter of three kits to the clan, saying nothing about their origins: sunkit, spiderkit, and mistykit.
lightpaw was found dead by the border with another clan.
blizzard is killed during battle when trying to drag an injured warrior to safety. the war with brookclan continues.
snowypaw consumed misidentified deathberries and passed away.
moonpaw is taken by two-legs while on hunting patrol, but is able to find their way home one moon later.
lightningstrike and yuccaflight become mates.
wishpaw is given their warrior name: wishspeckle.
silverpaw is taken by two-legs while on hunting patrol.
strikepaw has finally recovered from the injuries she sustained from a hare several moons ago, though she is now behind on her warrior training and suffers from failing eyesight.
after moonpaw’s return to the clan, they and shadowpaw are given their warrior names: moonwhisker and shadowmark.
an injured loner named mottle is found by the thunderpath - alive - and brought back to the clan to recover.
quickminnow is taken by two-legs while on hunting patrol.
goldenpaw and fernpaw are given their warrior names: goldenseed and fernflake.
needle passed away due to heat stroke.
pikeleap gives birth to a litter of three kits: sporekit, gillykit, and fumblekit.
nettleclaw, fallingspeck, puddleshine, and ospreyclaw are poisoned after eating a rabbit that was acting strangely.
lichenspots, a loner, requests to join the clan as a medicine cat.
firfeather retires to the elder’s den.
spiderkit, sunkit, and mistykit are made apprentices, and assigned frecklestripe, goldenseed, and shadowmark as their mentors, respectively.
duskspeckle went missing and was found to have passed away.
a loner named pheasantflicker joins the clan.
strikepaw is finally given their warrior name: strikeshade.
honeystem and cloverfall become mates.
moonwhisker is killed by brookclan warriors after trespassing on brookclan territory to hunt.
an injured loner named cyprus is found by the thunderpath - alive - and brought back to the clan to recover.
hickorycloud and flitsplash become mates.
while gathering herbs, lichenspots discovers a queen who passed away during a hard kitting. they bring the still alive kits back to the camp: applekit, whirlkit, daisykit, nightkit, and larkkit. the ghost of their mother, drizzlewhistle, wanders.
mousefern retires to the elder’s den.
snakebelly, while collecting herbs, finds a loner named mistclaw - a disgraced deputy from one of the neighbouring clans who was accused of something they didn’t do. mistclaw joins silentclan with their kits they have recently given birth to: barleykit and rosekit.
loaf passed away due to an infected wound.
fallingspeck brought a single kit back to the clan: whistlekit.
thistlefur’s long-failing eyesight has finally forced them to retire as a warrior, they decide to serve their clan as a mediator.
sporekit, gillykit, and fumblekit are made apprentices, and assigned meadowheart, yuccaflight, and cloverfall as their mentors, respectively.
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Lymenook (m), Fogeyes (f, Blind) those two are mates. Sporekit, Mushroomkit and Nookkit are their kits!
Lymenook - A cheerful and caring tom. Lymenook loves his family dearly, he feels so lucky to be able to raise kits with Fogeyes. He always walks with a spring in his step and a sense of optimism, but he can be serious and stern when needed, especially now he’s a father, but he’s never too harsh, he only does it when he’s fearful of the consequences if cats don’t listen. He wants nothing more to protect his family and he would do anything for them, 15/10
Fogeyes - A gentle and intelligent she-cat. Fogeyes is highly insightful, her clanmates often joke that she can actually see more than all of them put together. Fogeyes is often asked for advice, especially when it comes to strategies and resolving tensions or conflict. Fogeyes is always gentle, but like Lymenook, she can be stern if needed, mainly when the kits begin to misbehave, but she will always give them a comforting lick before sending them on their way, 15/10
Sporekit- An adventurous and bold kit. This kit is a troublemaker, always encouraging their siblings to go on adventures. They can’t wait to be an apprentice so they can finally explore outside the camp, but they always feel a twinge if regret when they realise how scared some of their adventures make their parents, 14/10
Mushroomkit - A friendly and cheerful kit. Mushroomkit always goes along with what Sporekit is planning, Sporekit’s games are so fun after all! Mushroomkit always tries to be friendly and helpful, even if they are just a kit. They often take fresh kill over to the elders to try and help them out, also the elders always give stories as a reward, 14/10
Nookkit- A quiet and thoughtful kit. Nookkit doesn’t necessarily agree with Sporekit’s ideas, but a sense of curiousity overwhelms them so they will often follow behind, even if reluctantly. Nookkit likes to sit at the nursery entrance, close to Fogeyes, and watch the goings on in the camp, hoping to learn about their clanmates as much as they can ready for when they are an apprentice, 14/10
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snaill-dragon · 1 year
Wickedclan far far away, Part 3
Part 1 is here and part 2 is here
No tag warnings for this one :) it’s the (mostly)happy one I promised.
The six cats were starting to drag their paws, after another day of long walking. Honeyburn didn’t even have to look around to see it, she could feel it in the air. She shook her head, this hopelessness would only drag them down farther. Yes they had reasons to mourn, but they also had reasons to keep pushing forward. To find the others, Fallingsmoke, Hawkcinder, and Rainspeckle must need them. To get home, to see their friends and families again. She glances around, they needed a pick me up. In front of the group, she could see a large rock, it would be perfect for jumping on.
She hurries her pace up, and although her legs ache she ignores as she leaps up onto the rock.
“That's it.” Honeyburn announces loudly, and everyone pauses to look up at her. Dustfreckle especially looks concerned, flicking their eyes around to check for danger before focusing on her. “We’ve been traveling for moons and, well, I hardly think Toadkit and Sporekit are kits anymore. It feels weird to even call them that.”
The two cats in question, both easily apprentice sized, exchange glances. Honeyburn ignores them and pushes on.
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“I know it is untraditional, but we should hold our own mini ceremony. Give them paw names. It’s only right, they’ve earned it much more than any other apprentice their age.” As she voices her plan, the pickup of the mood is brought to light. Dustfreckle looks amused, though still a little confused. Toadkit has brightened, her eyes shining and tail flicking up. Sporekit looks uncertain, but the tiredness has left her eyes.
“What? That’s not right.” Hazelpaw pipes up, and he looks small and thin, but confident. “Only mo-Cougarstar can make them apprentices. It’s the warrior code!”
“Well, Wickedclan is hardly the most strict clan when it comes to the code.” Dustfreckle points out, and Toadpaw nods.
“Exactly,” Honeyburn agrees as she tucks herself neatly on the rock, sitting with her tail around her. “Besides, it’s not like we're making them warriors. They’d be apprentices days ago if we were at camp.”
“I don’t see why we shouldn’t do it,” Dustfreckle agrees after a moment, smiling a bit. Honeyburn feels herself return it. Even Talonpaw, as quiet as the tom was, seemed content with the idea. He was nodding along with his father. Hazelpaw huffs but doesn’t protest any father.
“Great, let's do it then,” Honeyburn raises her voice, just a bit. “Sporekit, Toadkit, please step forward.”
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