#spot conlon i will never think of you and imagine a man ever again <3
jackmkelly · 7 months
happy womens month to the brooklyn girls and kath and medda sarah and smalls and hannah and sniper and the boweries and
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walkingmxuth · 4 years
Teach You A Lesson || David Jacobs Self Para
If heaven's grief brings hell's rain Then I'd trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday (I know I'm bad news) For just one yesterday (I saved it all for you)
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Summary: After Karyn’s party, but before Spot teaches David how to fight. David worries about his friend and follows him, only to get caught by a few men.
TW: Gang stuff, mentions of fighting, violence
David knew the moment he threw on his jacket and stepped out the door that this was a bad idea. It was a good thing he never really claimed to be a smart guy because if he had, this would definitely prove him wrong (and David hated being proved wrong.) Still, despite being painfully aware that this was one of the worst ideas he’d had in awhile, he stepped out into the cool damp air. Spot had just left through the balcony, far enough away that there wasn’t any chance he’d hear the opening of the door, but not so far that David couldn’t see his broad shoulders under the glow of the street lamp.
He was going to one of those fights, that much David knew. It wasn’t even that hard to decipher, what with Spot promising to be back later after he ‘took care of things.’ He had wanted to protest at the time, but he knew that all he would get was some noncommittal comment about doing what he needed to do. Well, David was doing what he needed to do, too.
He kept his footsteps light and his hood pulled up, letting the cold settle into his bones as he pushed through the night. The cool night air woke David up more than anything and though he hated to admit it, he knew he wouldn’t be getting much sleep that night. Where ever Spot was going, he was walking and David couldn’t help but wonder if that was common. Had he stopped riding his bike because he had wound up too injured to ride at night, or did he just enjoy the cathartic silence that echoed around them?
He had to stop twice on the walk because Spot, ever the smart (yet paranoid) man would occasionally throw glances over his shoulder. The first time he ducked behind a building, waiting what he hoped was an appropriate amount of time before following him again. He left more space between them which made it perfect because the second time he was able to throw himself in with a group of drunks who were acting far too rambunctious to notice the stranger laughing alongside them.
They had walked for almost half an hour before Spot came to a stop and David held back, careful not to be seen as he watched his friend enter what looked to be an old rundown warehouse. The place didn’t look too big, though David knew looks could be deceiving. It could be anything on the inside. He knew he had to be even more cautious, but David wasn’t ready to just leave. He had followed Spot for a reason, he had wanted to see if there was anything that he’d be capable of doing to stop his friend from getting hurt and he wasn’t backing down yet. Crouched down, he inched forward, eyes on the side door that Spot had entered. Would there be a guard? He wondered to himself, quickly looking around him to see nobody was really in the area. Maybe they were all watching the fight and wouldn’t notice one more straggler.
Fingers slowly twisted the door knob, pushing the door agonizingly slow to avoid making any unnecessary noise and with a surprising quick motion, David was inside and the door was shut. He could hear the commotion, though it was hard to miss. The sounds of voices screaming over each other, some cheering, some yelling out obscenities, all creating too much noise to notice any new bodies in the building and David, fortunately, had plenty of cover. There were boxes and shelves in the area, one of which included a registry of some sorts. His eyes moved over it, wondering if they kept track of every body that walked into the building. No, it wasn’t a registry, it was a schedule. A schedule of who was fighting who.
‘SC vs LC’ was one of the many listed for the night, close enough to the top that David knew Spot would be one of the first few to go. He sucked in a breath, allowing himself to move closer to the ring. Was Spot already in there? Or would he be able to find something, anything, to keep him from getting in the ring?
“What do we have here?” A voice spoke up from behind David, hands grabbing him before he could do anything. The man, whoever he is, was rough, fingers digging into David’s arms as he pulled him into a tightening hold. Panic started to inch into David’s skin as he fought against the grip but he knew he wouldn’t stand a chance. The man laughed, calling out, “Hey, Stan, come check this out.”
The fight carried on, the other men shouting too loud to notice the scene and David could feel himself growing more and more concerned. Another man came around the corner and though it was dark-- too dark for David to be able to really decipher whether or not he knew him-- he could see the grin spread across his features. “Oh shit, that’s one of Spot’s friends.” At the sound of Spot’s name, David started to struggle again, cursing. This was a stupid idea. “Hold him still,” the second man, Stan, commanded, to which the first obliged, tightening his hold on David until he found himself worrying the guy was going to break something. His body ached and he stopped fighting, if only to save himself the trouble. Maybe the guy would lower his guard and he could escape, maybe...
Stan reached out and grabbed David’s face, leaning in close in an attempt to study his face. His breath was rancid and David could confirm that he had never seen the guy before, though the way he was commanding the other made it clear that he held some sort of power. “What’s your name, kid?” He asked, smirking when David seemed to flinch away from the smell. He didn’t answer at first, but the first guy gave his body a squeeze and he blurted it out.
“David.” He said quickly, his eyes moving to where the men were fighting in the ring, hoping against all odds that somebody would notice the scene. Specifically he hoped that Spot would notice, though he already knew that was a hopeless wish. It was too dark and the men were being too quiet over the thunderous cheering nearby.
“David... That’s right, you’re the one that does those fancy events, eh?” Stan sneered, forcefully turning David’s head to get another look at him before patting his cheek. His attention turned to the first guy and David felt his heart drop, the sadistic grin only growing on the guy’s face. “It’d be nice to take Spot down a peg. Can you imagine the look on his face?” The first guy laughed with him and David found himself struggling again, trying to find some sort of leverage to elbow the guy holding him.
“You- You can’t hurt me,” he said through shallow breaths, his struggling all but useless against the thugs. “I know what you look like,” he said quickly, knowing the only way he’d get out of this was by talking. “If you hurt me, I can go to the police, tell them of your operation. You two would be the first ones they prosecute.” It was an empty threat, mostly because Spot could be tied in with the group as well, but he hoped the men were too stupid to see past that.
Stan laughed again, which caused the other man to join him and David felt himself go cold. “You won’t be going to the police, kid. You won’t even be breathing.” He laughed again, pulling out a knife, letting the steel glint in the distant light. “The only people who get to know about this operation is us, this family that your friend is a part of.”
David doubted they’d do it here, but he had no doubt that they meant to hurt him and the panic which had long since settled into his bones broke through, his voice carrying out. “Then let me join you,” he said quickly, the words coming out before he even realized what he was saying. “I, I’m smart, I can do whatever, whatever it is you need. Let me join your family, if- if I join, then I’ll be just as liable and I won’t tell anybody. Please.”
The other guy stopped at that, seeming to contemplate the idea. David wanted to say more, to speak his case, but he wondered if talking now would only make it worse. He bit his tongue, letting the sound of yelling fill his ears as he waited for what felt like an eternity. Finally he grinned, gesturing for the first man to let David go. The other complied without question and David rubbed as his arms while Stan spoke. “You can join, if you can survive initiation. Be back here in two nights, you’ll get a chance in the ring. Stay alive long enough and we’ll let you join. Don’t, and... well, you’ll be dead so I guess that don’t matter, do it?”
Shit. Shit shit shit shit. “Don’t skip out on us, either, kid. We know where you live.” David had fucked up. He must have been staring because a moment later, the first guy was giving David a shove back towards the door he had come through. “Now get outta here.”
David wasn’t sure how he got home, the walk a near blur as he found himself lost in his thoughts. He stood outside of his own door when he fished out his phone, checking the time. 3:12AM. He pulled up his contacts without another thought, pressing the button to dial Spot Conlon. It rang twice before the other answered and David waved off the concern in his voice as he tried to calm his own. “Sorry, I know it’s late, I was just thinking and knew I’d chicken out if I didn’t say something now. --- No, I’m okay, I just --- Are you free tomorrow? I think I may take you up on that whole, teach me how to fight thing. ---” He forced himself to laugh, keeping his voice light. “Yeah, noodle arms and all. ---Yeah? --- Thanks, Spot. See you tomorrow.”
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Sprace Domestic Series (pt. 8)
(Part 1)
(Part 2)
(Part 3)
(Part 4)
(Part 5)
(Part 6)
(Part 7)
Well here we are, the last chapter of my Sprace Domestic series, and just in time too since school is just starting up. I’ll still be writing (I’ve already got some Javid oneshot ideas) but it might just be less frequent. That said, next time I do a series it will have an upload schedule. Thank you all so much for reading and commenting, it really means a lot! Anyways, let’s get this show on the road.
Side note: The movie “Storks” is referenced in this chapter and I highly recommend that you watch it because it’s really great.
Also, I don’t really know that much about the adoption process but I did some light research to help me out.
Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for some characters from other musicals...
As Spot and Race lay awake 2 am, three years after they’d gotten married, they await an eventful morning. They tried to get to sleep at around eleven but it seemed as though a mixture of excitement and anxiety had got the better of them.
“Hey Spot?” Race rolled over to face his husband.
“What?” Spot asked from underneath a pillow.
“What do you think she’s gonna look like?” he asked excitedly, bunching up the blanket in his fist.
“I”m sure she’ll be beautiful and the best daughter in the world.” Spot replied honestly, putting his head on top of the pillow. It had been a few weeks after they had received the call they had long anticipated, and the next day Spot and Race would be adding a baby girl to their little family. Race was busy imagining what she would look like and what she would be like as she grew up but was interrupted by a small sniffle.
“Hey what’s wrong?” Race asked as he pulled Spot in closer to him. He hugged Spot so that he faced away from him, allowing his husband to talk without being muffled by his shirt.
“H-how am I supposed to be a father?” he whispered.
“Is that what you’re worried about? Sean, there’s no reason for you to be afraid, you’re the most amazing person I know and you’re going to be a great dad. You take care of me and our friends when they need you and we’re all still alive.” Race said in an attempt to comfort him.
“Yeah but at the end of the day, they’re adults who can still take care of themselves and this is a baby.”
“Well we’ve done everything possible to prepare for this, we’ve read all the books and taken all the classes, even the guy who did our home study was impressed.” he placed a kiss to Spot’s temple.
“I guess you’re right, it’s just hard not to be worried about this stuff.” Spot sighed.
“Don’t I know it. I’m scared too but I just keep remembering that we’re going to be getting our daughter soon and that everything is gonna turn out okay.” as Race finished his mini pep talk, he wrapped his husband up in a blanket and scooped him into his arms. “What’re you doing?!” Spot struggled, but to no avail.
“We’re going downstairs and we’re gonna watch Storks.” Race said with finality, so Spot decided to comply and it wasn’t like it was a bad movie anyways. Thing is, they’d watched it every day for the past month and a half if only for the end scene. Spot was plopped onto the couch and Race put the movie in. The shorter man unfurled his blanket to allow the other to cozy up next to him underneath it.
“This movie is kinda stupid…” Spot mumbled from underneath the blankets.
“Spot how could you!” Race fake gasped, turning away.
“I still love you though!” Spot place a quick kiss on his husband’s cheek. Race turned back around to grab his face gently and place a kiss to his lips with his hands positioned in a way that Spot could feel the wedding ring on his cheek.
“I love you too ya dumbass.” Spot settled into Race’s side as the taller man wrapped an arm around him. They continued to watch the grand adventure that the two main characters, a stork and human, went on and they soon arrived at the final scene. It was of a bunch of couples holding their new children, and of course they paused on the two moms and two dads. “Spot are you crying again?” Race brushed the hair out Spot’s face to reveal that yes, he was indeed crying. “I just never thought I would see something like this in a movie.” He pressed his face into Race’s chest and held him tightly. They had received a lot of backlash from people ever since they had said they were adopting a baby. A lot saying that their child won’t grow up “normal” because she needs a mom or saying “she won’t know family values”. Of course the two tried to not let it get to them, but sometimes it was a lot and it’s hard not to give into it.
“Well look there it is, telling people across the world that what this is,” Race gestured between the TV and themselves.
“is normal. It’s a family Spot, and that’s what we have.” he smiled, kissing the top of his husband’s head.
“I just never thought that I would have been able to have a real family with anyone…” he whispered. Race pulled Spot onto his lap and pressed a kiss to his jaw.
“Look at you now Spotty, a house, a dashingly handsome husband, kids.” Race laughed, tickling Spot’s sides.
“The whole deal.” Spot placed his lips on Race’s, then rested his head on his shoulder. They eventually slumped over on the couch and before they knew it they were asleep.
Race was the first to wake up, hearing the sound of their alarm clock from upstairs.
“Wake up babe.” he whispered groggily, shaking his husband awake.
“Wh- is it today?” Spot asked, regaining consciousness.
“Today’s the day!” Race hopped off the couch and went straight for the coffee pot. [Tbh it’s the only thing he can go straight for]
“So we’re leaving at…”
“10 o’clock.” the taller man finished.
“Alright.” Spot breathed.
“Hey don’t worry, today’s supposed to be a happy day remember!” he beamed brightly, handing Spot a mug. They busied themselves throughout the rest of the morning and soon enough, it was time to head to the adoption agency to take home their baby girl.
“I love you.” Spot said from the passenger seat.
“I love you too.” Race replied. They sat in silence for most of the ride, mainly because they were thinking too much for words to be of any use.
“Almost there.” whispered the driver. In a few short minutes, they were pulling into the parking lot of the building that had their daughter in there, somewhere. Once the car was parked, they immediately jumped out and practically ran towards the building. Spot grabbed Race’s hand in an effort to ground himself.
“Hi there, I’m Sean Conlon-Higgins and this is my husband Anthony and we’re supposed to be bringing home our daughter today.” Spot said to the lady at the desk.
“Wow, what an exciting day! I’m Miss McNamara and you’re just gonna have to give me two forms of ID for the both of you.” she smiled stiffly, which was probably a side effect of working long hours at this kind of job. Once it had been verified that they were in fact who they’d said they were, one of the people from the agency Spot and Race had been working with came up to greet them.
“Hello Eliza!” Race waved cheerfully.
“Good morning gentlemen, we’re getting her ready right now. If you’ll follow me, I’m just going to bring you to one of our rooms where you can meet her in more of a private setting.” she motioned for them to follow her, and the three of them walked briskly down the hallway. They went into a room with a few chairs and a small wooden table against the wall.
“Now, it will take a few weeks to finalize the adoption, but it’ll hardly seem that long compared to all the time you’re going to be spending together afterwards.” she smiled kindly. A few minutes after their arrival, they were joined by a woman holding a baby in a car seat.
“This is one of our nurses, Miss Zoe”
“N-nice to meet you…” was all that Spot managed to squeak out.
“I’ll set her on the table here and you guys can get acquainted.” she smiled warmly, gently setting her down.
“Just call if you need me but don’t worry, she’s healthy.” Miss Zoe exited the room, leaving the new family behind.
“She’s so precious…” Race whispered, lifting her tiny swaddled form out of the car seat. A pair of big green eyes looked back up at him, and her new father’s own started to well up.
“Hi there.” he said softly.
“I’ll let you guys be alone for a moment and I’ll be right outside.” Eliza quickly ducked out of the room and went into the hall.
“I’m your new dad.” he sniffed, letting the feeling of complete joy wash over him. Race held her close to his chest as she continued to look into his eyes, almost as if she was analyzing him.
“Sean, do you wanna hold her?” he looked over to his husband, who had a few tears going down his face.
“Yes please.” he opened his arms, taking the small child- his small child- into them.
“You can call me Papa, sweetheart.” he smiled down at her, being met with a small smile in return.
“Hey Anthony look! She’s smilin’ at me!” he said excitedly, keeping his voice down so he wouldn’t upset his new daughter.
“I can already tell she’s real smart.” Race said thoughtfully.
“Her face is so tiny!” Spot remarked, studying her features.
“Did you know how rare it is to have green eyes?” “Look how long her eyelashes are!”
“She’s got the chubbiest cheeks!”
“And the prettiest smile!” Spot and Race continued to fawn over the newest addition to the family.
“She’s absolutely perfect.” Spot said, his eyes welling up again. It was a very emotional day.
“She is.” Race agreed.
“I hate to cut this short, but I think you guys should take her home and get a routine going. You already know the dates for the post placement visits, it’s really nothing to worry about because if what I heard from behind that door is any indication, she’s in good hands.” she smiled and they packed their baby girl back into her car seat, ready to finally take her home.
“May I ask, what are you going to name her?” Eliza asked as they were leaving. Spot and Race looked at each other before giving an answer.
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Sprace Domestic Series (pt.6)
(Part 1)
(Part 2)
(Part 3)
(Part 4)
(Part 5)
Here comes a really cute chapter you guys…
Spot’s hands shook like mad as he picked up the phone, holding it so it wouldn’t slide out of his sweaty palms. He dialed Race’s number and took in some deep breaths to hide his shaking voice. The phone rang twice in his ear before his boyfriend picked it up.
“Hey Race.” he started, coughing to cover up the high pitched sounds of his voice.
“Hey Spot…” Race replied questioningly.
“You’re almost done with work, right?” he asked.
“Yeah, wh-”
“Great, I need to talk to you. See you then!” Spot quickly hung up the phone before Race could say anything else. I’m gonna throw up. Spot frantically thought, getting in his car and heading to Race’s bakery. It was around 8 o'clock in December, so it was pretty dark outside and the stars were sure to be out in this part of town.
Shit, he’s gonna break up with me isn’t he.. I wonder what it was, maybe it’s that I work so long and I should be at home more. Or it could be my folks cause they were a little overbearing last time… Race’s thoughts went a mile a minute, thinking of all the reasons Spot would want to break up with him and prepared for the crushing rejection. He quickly pulled out his phone and sent a text.
[Race] Crutchie, I think Spot’s gonna break up with me…
[Crutchie] Why in the world would you think that?
[Race] He called me and said he needed to talk after I got off of work and he sounded real nervous so what else would he have to say?
[Race] Or maybe he’s sick…
[Crutchie] Take a breather buddy. Spot loves you and his immune system is too stubborn to get sick, so I think you’re in the clear
[Crutchie] Why don’t you just wait and actually listen to him?
[Race] I guess you’re right, I’ll tell you what happens afterwards
[Crutchie] See ya! Remember to do those breathing exercises okay?
[Race] Did Davey get to ya?
[Crutchie] Maybe…
Race laughed to himself and put his phone back into his pocket before putting his coat and gloves on. Everyone had already gone home so he locked up and decided to wait for Spot outside because at least then he could see when his boyfriend would show up. After a few minutes, Race started shaking and he didn’t know if that was because of the cold or nerves. He looked around to see that snow was starting to fall and thought about how mad Spot would be since he forgot to wear his hat. That is, if he still cared to stick around. He pulled up his coat collar in an attempt to shield himself from the biting wind as a small black car drove into the parking lot. Race stuffed whatever worries he had into the bottom of his stomach as Spot stepped outside and walked towards him.
“Hey babe, are you okay? Christ you’re freezing.” Spot wrapped Race in a tight hug upon seeing him.
“Y-yeah I’m fine what’d you wanna talk about?” Race asked, pulling away and shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Okay so uh, I don’t exactly know how to do this but here it goes-”
“Sean, if you’re gonna break up with me just do it so I can go h- to Crutchie’s house and cry.” he realized that if they broke up, home wouldn’t be home anymore even if it was technically his apartment.
“Why the hell would you think I wanna break up with you?” Spot asked, confused and a little frightened that Race would think that.
“I don’t know it’s just-”
“I love you so much but if you keep talking I don’t think I can get through this.” Spot laughed humorlessly. Race breathed a small sigh of relief but Spot still looked as scared as he’d ever been.
“Okay, here it goes. You know I love you right?” Spot asked, taking Race’s hand.
“Yeah.” he nodded, blaming the winter air on his pink cheeks.
“Well, I love you so much that I can’t imagine not waking up next to you everyday. I love you so much that I want to hold your hand and kiss you all the time, I want you to know that I’m always here to remind you where you are. I love you so much that now I’ll never complain about a kissing scene at the end of a cheesy romantic comedy. I love you so much that even though every instinct is telling me to run home and hide, I’m standing right here practically handing my heart over to you. I love you so much that I’ll never get in a fight again, well, only if they say something bad about you.” Race held on tight to Spot’s hand as happiness bubbled over into a small laugh as tears rolled down his cheeks.
“I love you so much that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to know what it’s like to be completely yours, I want the stupid house with a lawn and a picket fence. I want the fairytale ending, Anthony I want to start a family with you.” Spot sniffled, still holding onto Race as he slowly dropped to one knee.
“I’d rather start a family with my husband.” he pulled out a small black box and opened it to reveal a shiny silver ring, reflecting the falling snow, making it look like stars. Race’s hands flew to his mouth in surprise and also to wipe away the hot tears flowing down his face.
“Will you marry me?” Spot asked, his heart pounding in his ears whilst trying to hold back tears.
“Yes. Yes oh my god, yes!” Race cried as Spot looked back up at him with the brightest smile it could’ve outshone the stars. He pulled the glove off of Race’s hand and slipped the ring on. Spot stood and they took a moment to look at it, and realized that this was really happening, that they would be spending forever together. Race was the first one to break the tension, grabbing Spot- his fiancé- by the collar and pulled him into a bruising kiss. Spot wrapped his arms around Race again and finally allowed a few happy tears to spill out of his eyes.
“Are we really doing this?” Spot whispered as they pulled away.
“What else would we be doing?” he answered, connecting their lips again before they both pulled away because they couldn’t stop smiling.
“Hey where’s your hat?” Spot asked, ruffling Race’s hair.
“Is that really what you’re focusing on here?” the taller man asked.
“Well it’s no good if my fiancé gets a cold the day after I propose.” he joked, testing out the new word.
“How’s about we go home then?” Race asked. As they climbed into Spot’s car, Race quickly took his phone out of his pocket to send Crutchie another text.
[Race] You knew didn’t you!
[Crutchie] Maaaaybe
“I still can’t believe you thought I was gonna break up with you…” Spot laughed, still a little shaky, but still very happy.
“What was I supposed to think? You wanted to talk after work with that shaky voice and I figured you wanted to break up there so you didn’t have to see me again at home.” Race answered sadly, making Spot reach out and grab his hand, running over his engagement ring.
“Well did you forget that I was gonna have to pick you up anyways? I dropped you off today remember? I would’ve been pretty awkward if I had to drive you somewhere after breaking up with you.” Spot laughed humorlessly. Suddenly it clicked in Race’s mind, he hadn’t even thought for a second before stepping into Spot’s car and not checking for his own, or that Spot would’ve had to drive him home.
“I’m such an idiot.” Race rested his head in his right hand.
“But I love you.” There was no anyways. Spot kissed the back of Race’s left hand before letting go to better focus on the road. They soon arrived at their apartment and Spot opened the door to let his partner see what he had set up for them. On their kitchen table was two bowls of spaghetti bolognese, since Race usually eats after work, and two glasses of wine. He noticed a large pile of blankets and pillows in their living room, but he figured it could wait until after they ate.
“My favorite!” he quickly sat down and Spot took the chair across from him.
“How’d you know I’d say yes?” Race asked with a mouthful of food.
“I didn’t, I just really hoped you would.” Spot replied sheepishly, taking his own forkful of pasta.
“Well good for you Spotty.” he winked, continuing to shove pasta into his mouth in reckless abandon. Spot couldn’t stop staring at the man across from him and notice how differently he acted compared to their first date. He seemed so composed, taking the time to twirl the pasta around on his fork but now he was just so comfortable, not feeling the need to keep up appearances. It made for a warm feeling where Spot could’ve sworn his heart should be. As they calmed down from the adrenaline high and finished their food, it was time for another one of Spot’s surprises.
“Here you go.” he said, handing a glass of hot chocolate to his fiance, with extra whipped cream on top.
“You truly are a blessing Sean Conlon.” he kissed Spot on the lips as he took the mug from his hands.
“Wait, before you drink that, follow me.” Spot extended his hand and Race took it, following him into the living room to the aforementioned pile of blankets.
“This here is the best blanket fort in all of New York.” Spot gestured to his structure, before setting Race’s mug on the table and pulling them both inside. His soon-to-be-husband admired all the hard work that must’ve gone into all of this, there were blankets high above their heads with the light just shining through them and Spot had even brought the tv in there. “I can’t disagree with you there babe.” Race smiled, pressing a kiss to Spot’s cheek as they wrapped themselves up in blankets. Spot brought Race’s mug into the fort and revealed a movie he had hidden somewhere amongst the pillows.
“Really, Frozen?” Race raised one eyebrow in mock judgement.
“C’mon, it fits the season and it has some pretty great songs.” Spot defended, poking Race in the ribs.
“Fine.” he conceded.
“Can we talk about how Elsa’s totally gay? Have you even listened to Let it Go?” Race asked in a somewhat serious tone, causing Spot to giggle next to him.
“I couldn’t agree more.” instead of having blankets wrapped around each of them separately, Race pulled Spot closer and combined the warmth. They of course sang “Love Is An Open Door” because they were in fact, hopelessly in love. Spot definitely didn’t kiss the man who would soon be his husband on that last note. No, that’d be way to cheesy.
(Part 7)
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