#spotty’s clangen game
[ENTER: DawnClan]
The remnants of the once-mighty StrikeClan, SwiftClan, and SneakClan, whose original territories were lost to a devastating, strange onslaught of fungi (ophiocordyceps unilateralis) that swept through the ranks of the former three Clans, infecting many and leaving little behind. Those who did survive managed to band together and flee to the mountains, taking on the name DawnClan as a marker of their history, for the time in which they officially fled destruction, and to indicate the dawning of their new way of life. Working together has already proven to be a task not easily undergone, however, even within the very first moon of their creation, what with them having to acclimate to new Clanmates, new leadership, new neighbors, and a new territory, amongst so much more…
Enter: DawnClan x2! :D A new ClanGen that I’m sticking with this time hshjdjf. It’s going to be entirely out of my hands, run solely by various generators and the ClanGen game itself! I’m just going to sit back and observe, watch them grow, and document it (while filling in the gaps for story purposes,, or renaming various litters bc I love themed litters ^^) for our collective viewing pleasure!
Credits to:
The ClanGen game itself, ofc
Event Generator
More Specific Event Generator
Omen Generator
Death Generator
Nine Lives Generator
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Affairs + mate switches: Enabled.
Same-sex litters: Enabled.
Unmated cats bringing in litters: Enabled.
Expect to see a lot of these guys cause’ I’m gonna dig deep into a story for them…
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twotailednekomata · 15 days
Session 2 of my Lifegen game!!! (Part 1)
(Session 1)
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*Best impression of an old, British man* Here we see a cat, that we have dubbed 'Freezestrike', attempt to gracefully leap over a stream next to the SongClan camp.
Unfortunately for the young feline, she has failed her stunt and felled face first into the river, much to the mirth of her friends, Premafrostnip and Rowaneyes. Luckily for her, the river wasn't very deep but she is still drenched, head to tail, in water.
*normal* Honestly, the reason I drew Premafrost and Rowan here is due to the fact they were the only cats of Freeze's age that I had solid designs for ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ Even then, I gave Rowan a little tweak (& Premafrost but it's relatively minor).
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<< Rowan: "Allergies? Freeze, you know I'm-"
Rowan: *sneezes*
Freeze: (◎_◎ ;) >>
Same moon but this time a dialogue prompt with Rowan. Girl believes she is made of tough stuff but unfortunately her allergies are ruining her image. Freeze is a little concern for her health. Also, another design tweak for Rowan ˄·͈༝·͈˄
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<< They promised to develop their friendship >>
(Same moon as the last two)
Parsley has been Freeze's crush since they were kits and, honestly, I should've drawn her more often (and Freeze's other close relationships). Parsley and Freeze always hang out and gave blushing side glances to each other and others in Freeze's circle definitely took noticed.
Freeze, here, confronts Parsley with the fact he has a crush on her and, surprisingly, Parsley reveals she feels the same for him. They decide that they will hang out more and develop their friendship (=^ェ^=)
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<< Antlershock (they/flower/flowers/flowerself): "Do you think 5 healers is enough?" >>
Just me pointing out the obscene about of healers the clan has *rolls eyes*. But, hay! At least we've finally met a few of them!
These two are Antlershock and flowers son, Freckleblur (he/they) >:3 Antler is one of Freeze's parental figures and a bit of a troublesome bitch. In game, they have the traits 'daring' and 'great decorator' (hence all the plants flower is wearing) and they taught Freezekit the hunting crouch.
Let me repeat: Antlershock, a clan healer, taught a literal kit how to do the hunting crouch used for, well, hunting!
Flower is also a huge matchmaker, being the one to encourage Freeze to pursue her crush the most. Flower even gave him a piece of prey in order to help swoon Parsley. (I don't remember when, but it happened)
Also, their sprite's quite pretty and I may or may not have decorated it a bit - > - ;
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Freezestrike doesn't chat with Freckleblur often but he seems like a sweet guy. In game traits are 'loving' and 'good fighter'.
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<< Snowtrail (he/him): "Behold!"
Snowtrail: "Bamboo!" >>
Alright, Moon 19 a.k.a my excuse to draw all of Freezestrike's littermates because they desire attention ( ๑ÒωÓ๑ )
First up is humble, fantastic tunneler Snowtrail! Plus his childhood ladybug pet Skitterbug :3 He just sorta vibes and does occasional caving but he is one of Freeze's closest littermates, alongside another we'll get to shortly.
On this moon, Snow decided to grow some bamboo next to his nest in order to get some extra shade by lakeside his clan calls home.
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<< Premafrostnip: "Stop singing..." >>
Well, speak of the devil, here is Premafrostnip, Freeze's closest littermate! I've already talked about her a bit last time but she is just a feisty, challenge-lover she-cat ♡(>ω< ✿) Her in-game traits are 'oblivious' and 'multilingual', hence the drawing which was base on a prompt that mentioned her 'politely' asking a bird to stop singing so that she can sleep.
I may have forgotten the 'politely' part...
The bird is shocked that a cat can understand and communicate with it and fears the implications.
Side note: Premafrostkit asked Freezekit whether or not they'll end up as siblings that bicker with each other and hate each other and even fight against each other! Freezekit quickly promises she'll not let that happen to their relationship and Premafrostkit swears to it.
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<< Premafrost: "Borealisfur!"
Borealisfur (he/him): ʱªʱªʱª(ᕑᗢूᓫ∗) >>
Borealisfur, oh Borealisfur. Borealis was the sibling that Freeze didn't like due to his manipulative and uptight attitude. In fact, the comet moth wing he wears is one of the many gifts that cats have showered him with when he was a kit.
To make matters worse, he was mentored by Tadpolesnow (he/him), Tangle's mate and the deputy that Freeze looked up do. That officially made them rivels (`^ ´) Thankfully, Freeze graduated first.
Borealis has loosen up from his more attention hogging kit-hood (in game traits are 'adventurous' and 'pathfinder') and he and Freeze have a more friendly rivalry type of sibling relationship: Willing to pick on each other but not wishing any true ill intent.
Here, after Freezestrike points out that Premafrost does not have a spider on her tail, Premafrost is calling Borealis out for his bullshit while he enjoys himself.
Side note: I intentionally tried to make Borealishfur look like a Freezestrike doppelgänger by having them share similar traits such as limb fur and flopped ears.
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Freezestrike and Snowflakefrond (he/him) chat about the ownership of a bug :-)
Snowflakefrond is the most recent healer of SongClan. As per tradition, he wears a type of plant of him, which, in his case, is some mistletoe. Snowflake's traits are 'troublesome', 'philosopher' and 'dog-whisperer' and his mentor was actually Antlershock.
Honestly, I don't focus much on Snowflake and he is more of a background character but, via traits only, he is an interesting character.
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A redraw of some in-game patrol art, featuring a slightly redesigned Rivernose that actually features her lime bow that I forgot to draw last time (;゙°´ω°´) !
Behind her is Borealis and, in front, a new face ᵔ ᴥ ᵔ Howlpaw (she/her) was a kit that Freeze and Parsley found alongside another cat (I forgot who). I would have made them adopt her if it we've for the fact that a., Both Freeze and Parsley were very young (not even 2 years old) and not mates yet and b., Howl was 5 moons old and about to be apprenticed. Not saying it's impossible to adopt at that age but I didn't see the point.
I believe Howl was 7 moons old at this point.
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Next moon, finally! As well as the first appearance of Parsley's and Rowan's littermate (the last of the trio), Riftbillow (he/him)!
Rift's arrogant personality clashes with Freeze's so he doesn't like him but we tolerate him because he is practically family. Ironically, when I went to insult him one time, Rift mentioned how all the cats here are apart of a clan so therefore he and Freeze should put aside their differences and I can't help but find that slightly funny as well as shocking.
Rift also has the trait 'guardian' and has a worm friend that is not drawn here. The flower he is wearing is a morning glory gifted to him by Rivernose.
In the above picture, Freezestrike had observed Rowaneyes' talking Riftbillow's ears off but he isn't snapping back, just carrying on with his day disgruntle.
Welp, this has been a very fun session so far (=^ェ^=) Let's see what the patrols have to offer-
What da fuck!!!
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