spr1g4t1t0 · 6 months
Why is it easier to get through a fic written by a 13 year old with poorly written smut, no grammar, random references and homophones used incorrectly than it is to get through my old works...
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solangelotus · 4 months
Coffee or tea | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | london or paris | vincent van gogh or claude monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party
no pressure tag:
and anyone else who wants to!
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melodyssongbird · 5 months
augh guh first art for the art account (my main is @spr1g4t1t0)
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spr1g4t1t0 · 6 months
Uhm... Just went through my emails and found a deleted fic...
Noah stared blankly at Owen "What? You're throwing a party?? And inviting our whole tutor group??"<br />
"Yeah!! My parents are out of town"<br />
"You didn't think this through, everyone is going to get in fights"<br />
"Noah, just trust me they won't."<br />
"Well if you say so"<br />
Time skip<br />
I've been waiting for this all day, despite not wanting to go. I think it could be an opportunity to see Cody. Wait what? Why am I so excited to see Cody? I know Cody likes girls and it's not like I like Cody like that right? Right, Noah?? I spent half an hour wondering that before walking to Owens, despite it being dark, Owens' house was two minutes away so I'll be fine, I was sure of it.</p><p>I got to the party and it was so bright, with all the lights and decorations Owen had set up. I went and found Owen and told him he was there and said hello to a few people, huh some of the people weren't even in our tutor, the party must've just caught on. I decided to go sit down and read, he went nowhere without a book.</p><p>I sat reading peacefully for about half an hour before I felt something on the back of my neck, it was someone's breath, I slowly craned my neck to face them and it was Cody, his face was inches apart from Cody's.</p><p>Cody's Pov:</p><p>Im stood behind noah well stood leaning over him, I've had a crush on him for like a year but I've not come out yet and I don't think I plan on it for a while, I mean people think I like Gwen so I had to roll with it "oh yeah I like Gwen" "mm yeah I'd love to date Gwen" and all the shit like that. But it's never been her, it's always been him. Maybe if I wasn't so scared this could be funny, but it's not. Noah turns to look at me and our faces are now inches apart. Shit.<br />
"Oh hi Noah!-"<br />
"Cody!?"<br />
Shit. I'm blushing and so is he, I jump up from being that close to him and ask if he wants a drink, he says no and I just sit next to him. What do I say? What do I do?<br />
I just get my phone out and start doing random stuff to distract myself until I see Noah getting up, where's she going? Not that I am forcing him to stay but it would be nice even if it would just be us sitting in silence again. Oh well. Ohhh, he's going over to everyone else wait why's everyone sitting on the floor??<br />
"CODY!"<br />
"HUH???"<br />
"OH OK"<br />
I go and sit in the circle with everyone, they're playing truth or dare. Shit. I'm so bad at that game, especially since whenever I've played before I was seen as the 'easy target'</p><p>Noah's pov:<br />
We're all playing truth or dare and Cody finally comes and sits with us, I'm not paying too much attention until I hear my name<br />
"Uh, Noah?? Hello??? Truth or dare????"<br />
Shit. shit. shit. I'm not great at dares but what would I be asked I mean a bunch of 17-year-olds that have had alcohol probably isn't the best mix for this game. Fuck it there's no chance I'm doing a dare.<br />
"Uhh, truth I guess?" OH GOD, WHY'D I SAY IT LIKE THAT??? That came out as more of a question than anything but oh well he'd said it. Everyone smirked as if it was one big telepathic decision. Shit, what does that mean?? What am I about to be asked?<br />
Izzy was the first to blurt out the one question that seemed to be a simultaneous effort "NOAH WHO'S YOUR CRUSH??" fuck. I mean it's not like he has one right? But then again there's Cody. No no no. Not Cody I can't like Cody what the fuck??? I can't lie to them its truth or- "EARTH TO NOAH ANSWER THE QUESTION"<br />
"I'm thinking???"<br />
"About what?"<br />
"If it's worth telling you??"<br />
"We're all drunk trust me, no one's gonna remember just do it!"<br />
"Oh okay. Fine. Uhh, I like Cody. At least I think I do. I'm not sure though"<br />
Cody immediately blushes, fuck I forgot he's not drunk. He's like the only one who wasn't. He's also right next to me. That's actually what I find funny though because he came and sat with me right after hanging around me. Huh didn't know we were friends. Well we aren't but I think he wants to be!</p><p>Cody's Pov:</p><p>I purposely sat with Noah and we were playing truth or dare, this was fine until he got asked a question 'Who is your crush?" He immediately went pale and quiet but answered. He said my name. NOAH STERECRA JUST SAID MY NAME IN RESPONSE TO WHO HIS CRUSH IS. Calm yourself Cody he said he thinks so not for sure. Besides you're meant to like Gwen. And shit now I'm blushing. "Cody truth or dare?" Fuck it's my turn?? How long hadn't I been paying attention? "Uh dare" FUCK they're going to give me a dare either involving Noah or Gwen and I'm praying it's not the latter. No wait. Everyone thinks I'm straight so I should be hoping it's the latter. But I don't want to ugh I don't know.<br />
"Cody we dare you to go kiss your crush, your *real* one" HUH?? WHAT DO THEY MEAN BY REAL ONE?? HOW DO THEY KNOW?? WHA- oh they have my diary that explains it WAIT THEY HAVE MY DIARY "Cody if you want your little diary back, complete the dare" Oh fuck Welp<br />
"Like can it just be on the cheek or like do I have to go full force with it???"<br />
"It's up to you idiot now just get on with it??"<br />
Right, there's no going back, especially at the expense of my diary! Noah's sat next to me- well I'm sat next to him too I just lean over and give him a peck on the cheek and we both immediately start blushing. Well, that was one way to confess.</p><p>Noah's pov:</p><p>WHAT DID CODY JUST KISS ME?? Ok calm yourself, Noah, stop blushing and just get on with your life. Well then everyone goes back to playing the game until Izzy has a 'better idea' I highly doubt it's better knowing Izzy but sure I'll play it if I can be around Cody a little bit more. Izzy jumps up and goes to get an empty beer bottle. Why does she need- oh. We're probably going to play something stupid like Seven Minutes in Heaven because drunk Izzy has zero chills. Wait is she drunk? She has like no chill normally. Oh well. Everyone spins the bottle one by one, well it takes a little longer than just spinning it because well they are playing 7 minutes in heaven. "NOAH! your turn!" Izzy waggles her eyebrows. Yup, she's drunk. Well, I have to do this so I spin the bottle and it lands on Cody. Well fuck. We just get shoved into the bathroom and then barricaded in by a chair. Well, that's one way to ensure there are no escapees. Wait. This game isn't necessarily sexual right?? They don't actually make you do anything. Great!</p><p>Cody's pov:</p><p>I just sit on the floor with my back resting on the door.<br />
"Soo.. Cody hi"<br />
"Hi... Noah"<br />
Shit why is this so awkward?<br />
"Uh, so you know how we both pretty much confessed earlier?"<br />
"I guess so yeah??"<br />
"Well do you.." he mumbled the rest<br />
"Exqueese me, I didn't quite get that!"<br />
Noah just repeats what he said but a little louder. OH! he just asked me out. Should I say yes? I mean everyone already knows we like each other so why not. "YEAH"<br />
"Great!"<br />
"So like we don't have to do anything weird right??"<br />
"No, they can't make us do anything."<br />
"Great! Not that I don't like you because I do but I don't wanna-"<br />
"Cody I know what you meant"<br />
Noah was sitting on the floor, next to me. Well damn. I put my arm around his shoulder and he leans into me. Great!<br />
"*This party is shit, wish we could dip*"<br />
"Agreed, especially just *go anywhere but here*"<br />
"I wish everyone was sober"<br />
"So we wouldn't have to be stuck here?"<br />
"Yup"<br />
Noah's pov:</p><p>Great Cody's agreed to not do anything weird so now we're just sitting on the floor hugging. I look over at him and realise it's probably been more than 7 minutes. Well if they've got so drunk they've forgotten they'll just have to survive in there, not a difficult task but it would make stuff a little awkward, either that or it would make it better. Weighing out the pros and cons is fun.<br />
"Can I kiss you?" did Cody just ask that??<br />
"Yeah sur-" I'm caught off guard by Cody kissing me on the lips, it wasn't very long and it wasn't making out, but he kissed me. I look back over at him and he's grinning goofily, still blushing though. We both just laugh, I don't think Cody's ever seen this side of me. Normally I'm trying to keep up the facade that I'm not bothered by anything and am super serious and stoic but I guess Cody is one of the few that just let me relax and be silly!</p><p>Cody's pov:</p><p>Noah's laughing with me? I didn't think he knew how to laugh. Wait that's mean. Oh well.<br />
"Hey Noah I think they forgot about us"<br />
"Probably"<br />
"I think Izzy has brownies so they probably got so zooted whilst waiting that they forgot"<br />
"Either that or they just forgot because they were drunk, I don't think everyone would've had brownies"<br />
"Fair point" We just start giggling at the idea of everyone being high. God I'm hungry, I haven't really eaten and now I'm stuck in here, my stomach rumbles. Fuuuck. "Are you hungry??"<br />
"Yeah" I'm looking down and playing with my thumbs now, maybe that'll take my mind off of being so hungry. Noah passes me a granola bar?<br />
"Huh?"<br />
"Well you're hungry and I have those so-"<br />
"Thanks" I smile at him, in a way that my tooth gap is showing<br />
"You're very cute you know that right?" I can't tell if he's being serious, right now he's talking with such a flat tone you can't tell anything<br />
"Wait for real"<br />
"Yeah you idiot" he flicked my forehead<br />
"Hey!"</p><p>Noah's pov:</p><p>"I was hoping to have another drink but now we're eating granola bars"<br />
"*Please don't drink more beer*" Cody seems concerned not sure why, maybe his parents were alcoholics<br />
"Oh ok, I mean I've only had one so I'm not drunk. Not even tipsy"<br />
"Great job"<br />
"*we could crawl out the window now?, kinda hoping you'll follow me out*"<br />
"To be fair that's a good idea"<br />
"I hate drunk people so right now, *I don't like anyone around*"<br />
"Fair point"<br />
"What if I kick the door down?"<br />
"That's a terrible idea you'd have to pay for a new one??"<br />
"Wow *17 but you act 25 now*"<br />
"Stand up"<br />
"Sure.." Cody looks at me confused<br />
"*See knees weak but you talk pretty proud. Wow.*"<br />
"You've got ripped jeans," he says in response<br />
"Ok and??"<br />
"Weird fashion sense"<br />
"I also have a cup that I just downed is that weird fashion?"<br />
"*Well out there is definitely not my crowd*"<br />
"That's true I hate our tutor group"<br />
"They get so drunk so easily like what???"<br />
I got up and banged on the door "*THIS IS REAL SWEET BUT I WISH YOU WERE SOBER*"<br />
no response. I just sit back next to Cody.<br />
"Welp Cody looks like we're going to be stuck here for a while"
"I guess so"
WHAT THE FUCK WAS I DOING, who let me write bro 🙏🦐 also I habe a feeling this was written when I was sleep deprived but liek....
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