#spring bass patterns
cryptidclaw · 2 years
Cryptidclaw's WC Prefixes List!
Yall said you were interested in seeing it so here it is! 
This is a collection of mostly Flora, Fauna, Rocks, and other such things that can be found in Britain since that’s where the books take place! 
I also have other Prefixes that have to do with pelt colors and patterns as well!
Here’s a link to the doc if you dont want to expand a 650 word list on your Tumblr feed lol! the doc is also in my drive linked in my pined post!
below is the actual list! If there are any names you think I should add plz tell me!
EDIT: I will update the doc with new names as I come up with them or have them suggested to me, but I wont update the list on this post! Plz visit my doc for a more updated version!
Freshwater Fish 
Saltwater fish and other Sea creatures (would cats be able to find some of these? Probably not, I don't care tho)
Bass (Saltwater version)
Bream (Saltwater version)
Eel (Saltwater version)
Insects and Arachnids
Flowers, Shrubs and Other plants
Rocks and earth
Water Formations
Weather and such
Cat Features, Traits, and Misc. 
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paradox-oflife · 4 months
Top 10 albums 2024
Tagged by my mate @lememecollector, last time I did this was.. I was still in high school 💀I had a lot of stuff from the Killers, Mitski, twenty one pilots lmao so let's see how much I've changed
In Rainbows - Radiohead
To me, this is the golden record and the most perfect album. It gets better and better every single time I listen to it. If you want to listen to it on a more normal level, it's so fun to groove and jam to. If you want to dig deep, you'll realize every single track is actually pretty complex from a musical perspective. 15 Steps being in 5/4 signature, Bodysnatchers being in something of a syncopation, Weird Fishes in a very layered polyrhythmic soundscape, Faust Arp changing time signatures every few measures etc. The closing track, Videotape still confuses me with it's rhythmic patterns. The lyrics seem to contrast the vibes of the music, e.g. 15 Step opening up with "How come I end up where I started?" and that feeling of never being able to escape your old faults. Even the track order is so perfect, it's ordered in a way where it never feels like it drags or rushes, and everything just flows so seamlessly into each other. Upbeat, depressing, innovative, experimental all at once.
What puts this at first place is really the musicality of it. It's very much what I think of as an objective perfection. I think some of the other albums I put on this list isn't as polished, but it's more about the emotional and rawness of the music. Like, I would blast In Rainbows if I'm on aux, but I wouldn't blast like. Shoegaze. I've never been much of a fan of Radiohead for their lyrics bc ngl I don't even know what Thom is singing half the time, but it's always been about the actual musicality for me.
Favorite is Jigsaw Falling into Place! The bass player in me is obsessed.
2. bury me at makeout creek - Mitski
My first love <3 musically speaking. I was in like 7th grade when I heard "Francis Forever" play on Adventure Time then immediately going to search it up. Then I heard First Love/Late Spring, then Townie, and something in me flickered. It was the first time I ever heard an Asian American in the indie rock scene. Back then, Mitski was such a small artist and relatively unknown. I remember journaling about her music in 7th grade lmao. The explosiveness of Texas Reznikoff, the teenage angst in Townie, crushing First Love/Late Spring, the yearning self-affirmation on Francis Forever..etc. It's actually quite musically simplistic but it's so catchy and manages to have some of the most personal and confessional lyrics at the same time. And it's not like Mitski doesn't know how to be "musically complex", she was literally a studio composition major and you can really feel that bleed through in Retired from Sad, New Career in Business.
Bmamc feels like something you would sing to yourself on a guitar in your bedroom, or perform in your garage, or something you would write in your diary. It's meant for yourself, not for a large crowd of a sold out stadium. It's raw, cathartic, intimate, and says everything it needs to say about love, insecurity, anger, grief, youth in a short 30 minutes. It meant everything to me and it still means everything to me. I hold it very close to my heart.
It's so hard to choose favorites for this. I have a special place in my heart for Francis Forever but every track means so much to me. I think Jobless Monday is so underrated though.
Side note: I have a lot to say about Mitski. I hate gatekeeping music but honestly like. I hate how her music has been dumbed down into "sad/yearning" or "for the gays", and that makes it feel sorta bland and discredits a lot of the depth. Like sure, a lot of her songs sound sad on surface level but when you really pay attention to what she's saying.. e.g. First Love/Late Spring is about loving someone so much that the feeling scares you. It's not even negative, by any means. Or Your Best American Girl is about never measuring up to the standard of your non POC partner. And her relatively recent success seems to have had a terrible impact on her, with concert behavior and the whole recording controversy, it's unfortunate to see her grow really uncomfortable with her fame as she's known to be a very private person.
3. Grace - Jeff Buckley
I've always known about Jeff Buckley since I was a small kid because of his cover of Hallelujah, but I never really dug that deep into his discography until later in high school. The first time I heard Grace I was so blown away by how powerful his voice was. I had Grace on repeat for a month when I first discovered it. The soft rolling guitar in Mojo Pin.. the intensity of the title track Grace, the summer break up vibes in Last Goodbye, the fragility of his voice in Lilac Wine, the odd chord progression in So Real.. "I love you, but I'm afraid to love" being whispered.. His voice is SO profound. Etc, He is probably one of my favorite lyricists ever, every line he writes is straight poetry. Not to mention the Sufi influences from Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan.. He has such an odd vibrato and singing technique. He was such a sweet and sensitive guy. Also quite an underrated guitarist. He's like the King Midas of covers, every cover he makes turns into gold.
It's funny how a lot of my favorite artists have been influenced by him in some way. From Radiohead to Mitski to Lana Del Rey.. even people like Adele, Brad Pitt?, Jimmy Page, Phoebe Bridgers, literally you name it. The way he died was so tragic. I always wonder what he would have went on to accomplish if he had a little more time. The demo for My Sweetheart the Drunk was such a large departure from Grace, I genuinely wonder what public perception would've been if that ever released properly. Maybe he would have only been remembered for Grace and considered a flop after that, a one-album wonder. Maybe dying young cemented his legacy.
Favorite track is either Mojo Pin or So Real.
4. OK Computer - Radiohead
alright alright yeah I know two albums from the same artist on a top 10 list can be cheap but here me out. OK Computer is typically seen as the white edgy incel doomer album and is "overrated" but. From a musical perspective it's extremely impressive. Its place in alt rock history cannot be understated. At a time where grunge was dying, this album brough rock back in relevancy but in a different approach. This idea of a more artsy, experimental rock was a new and fresh flavor. The layered instrumentation and complexity.. it was very "out there" because the new computerized electronic noises were new for artists, and Radiohead was out there messing around with it. Paranoid Android was the first time I ever heard a guitar solo in 7/8 and it absolutely blew my teenage mind. There's a bit of political commentary though I don't know enough about UK politics to really say anything about that.
The themes in this album have aged beautifully. The paranoia of our world being engulfed by technology, a society where we're so advanced but even more alienated and isolated from each other, the fear of what would happen to humanity once technology became our rulers. The feelings of overstimulation and digital numbness. Fitter happier is often joked upon, but I think the lyrics really do sum up the album so well. The mundanity of life, a painful reflection of reality.
Picking a favorite is hard because I always listen to this album from start to finish. I think Climbing Up the Walls is very underrated. It captures the feeling of paranoia and losing your mind so well. I'm stopping myself from putting the rest of Radiohead's discography on here.
5. Did you know there's a tunnel under ocean blvd - Lana del Rey
Lana is... a messy person to say the least. She's made very questionable and controversial choices but honestly? She's somehow always in every single one of my playlists. But ocean blvd might be my favorite album to come out in the past 5 years, and i rank it above NFR. I love a good orchestral album, and when it lost every single grammy it was nominated for I almost saw red. I think A&W is a masterclass in songwriting and storytelling. The beat switch is so Jack Antonoff core. The themes of loss of innocence, trauma, family, identity... BEAUTIFUL!! Even the title itself is so interesting. The idea of something iconic slowly fading into irrelevancy, the question of will Lana's legacy end up just like that tunnel? I really love how personal the lyrics are compared to her previous works. I started crying at the opening track lmao.
I know she considered Chemtrails Over the Country Club to be the album that represented who she was, but Ocean Blvd nailed who she really is. I'm curious for how her next album is going to sound like. Never been a country fan but I believe Lana can nail a very specific aesthetic in the country genre.
Favorite is A&W and Kintsugi. I thought Kintsugi was a bit too slow paced for me at first but then when I heard "Daddy I miss them" I bawleddd.
6. Either/or - Elliott Smith
I'd always heard his name a lot but I never got around to checking him out until not too long ago. I knew Phoebe Bridgers cited him as a major influence, but then I kept hearing more and more people citing him like Frank Ocean, Alex G, Sufjan Stevens, even like Mac Miller, and I think I got tired of wondering who he was. When a lot of famous artists cite someone as an influence, I gotta check them out. You could immediately tell where Alex G got his low quality production vibes from haha.
I think what really drew me in is this feeling of a just a guy with a guitar singing to himself in his bedroom. I really like how soft and vulnerable his voice is. Could you argue he's not a good singer? Yeah, sure, I guess. But that's not really the point, is it? His chord progressions are very interesting and trying to learn like any of his songs on the guitar is such a nightmare, he's extremely skilled with the guitar. I love a depressing song, what can I say?
Favorite: Between the Bars, No Name no. 5, and Say Yes.
7. Melodrama - Lorde
I'm not an avid pop listener by any means, but Melodrama is the most perfect pop album I've ever heard. There are literally no unskippable tracks on this album and every time I listen to it, I feel like I have to listen to the whole album instead of single by single. Because her first album was slow paced and minimalistic, she received some flack for going more towards the maximalist pop approach, the very thing she was changing in the beginning. Despite all of the early criticism, Melodrama's aged beautifully. The lyricism is just gorgeous. It paints such a distinct picture.
It's interesting to follow Lorde as she grows older, and all of it is reflected in the music. Pure Heroine is the "growing up" album, Melodrama is the "growing pains", and Solar Power is really about settling into herself. Melodrama is her late teens/early twenties sophomore album, where she goes from the early teenage experiences to the more mature experiences. Talks about doing makeup, partying, breakups and heartaches... It's about the growing pains of moving past teenagehood. It's perfect. Listening to it while walking around college campus at night is an out of body experience. I would pay to have the album cover as a painting on my walls.
Favorite track: Hard Feelings/Loveless or Perfect Places. Love that weird experimental noise in Hard Feelings
8. Loveless - my bloody valentine
They were not lying when they said this was one of the best shoegaze albums ever. If you want to start getting into the shoegaze genre, this is the album to go to. The heavy distorted guitar banging in on the first track, the drum patterns and memorable melodies. It's very rhythmic. Shoegaze as a genre has always been so interesting to me - To have the vocals take a backseat and let the soundscape do the work, and you let this wall of sound wrap you up like blanket. It's less about what you're trying to say with the words and more about the sound itself and how it makes you feel. That fuzzy distortion makes me feel unlike anything else. When You Sleep is probably the most stand out track and the most popular, but there are many tracks that don't have any vocals, just repeated guitars. Yet somehow, somehow it's not boring to listen to.
My favorite one is Sometimes, probably the closest thing to a love ballad they'll get to. It makes me feel complete and empty at the same time. Drowsy and intimate, the mumbled lyrics. When that song came on in that one scene in Lost in Translation, it became one of my all time favorite scenes ever. That feeling of derealization and staring at a world that's right at your feet but you can't really enter it. Idk. But I think that's the point.
9. Vessel (And Regional at best) - twenty one pilots
This album has such a special place in my heart. I was going through the early teenage angst and it was the first album where I heard where it was saying "It's okay, we feel this way too." It felt a lot more personal that what I was used to hearing in middle school, like Despacito or whatever was trending that time. Yeah it's a bit reminiscent of the mid 2010s but it was also my gateway to more alternative music. It combined so many genres where it didn't feel like a particular genre. I don't really listen to twenty one pilots as much anymore but Vessel always will take me back.
I'm combining Regional At Best in this because it has a few overlapping songs and it's technically not a real album. But I would kill for a remastered version of RAB, esp songs like Slowtown. The songs meant so much to me and my younger self. However, I think Trench is the objectively best record twenty one pilots has put out.
Not sure what my favorite track would be. RAB has some golden ones. I think I would choose Kitchen Sink, but Anathema also means a lot to me.
10. Continuum - John Mayer
This album was quite influential towards my perception of guitars. I used to be obsessed with the bass guitar and I used to want to play the drums until I really listened to this album. I guess I used to think about guitar solos as flashy - Something you could shred on to show off your talent. I thought people like Van Halen and maybe Slash were talented, but the intensity and difficulty didn't really appeal to me. But I guess because Continuum is more heavily inspired by blues and souls, you don't really feel any of that (except for the Hendrix cover Bold as Love). Each solo is melodic and laidback. Mayer's known for his virtuostic guitar talent but here, he's demonstrating that he knows when to strip back.
Overall, it's just a very clean and solid album. No very skippable tracks, very ummm "friendly" to listen to. Like anyone can enjoy soft rock playing in the car, y'know.
Favorite tracks: Either Belief or I'm Gonna Find Another You
Honorable mentions (some other 10/10s)
Sam's Town - the Killers
My once favorite album.. I still love it a lot. I guess I've discovered a lot more stuff since then it took a backseat in my list of favorite albums. But I'll gladly do a rewrite of why I love it so much
This album makes you feel patriotic but not in a nationalistic, America is the best country on Earth, racist way. It's more of a cowboy, rugged individualism, independence, No Country for Old Men, western saloons and faded glamor type of feeling. Red Dead Redemption 2 type of feeling. It makes sense since they were trying to escape from the Hot Fuss era where everyone thought they were a British band. So they went the opposite direction and made this whole album is this declaration that they were Americans. Sam's Town has such an iconic opening, very "guns blazing", very Bruce Springsteen feeling. Read My Mind changed me as a person and I have no idea why exactly. It must have been my favorite song for 2 years. That final verse after the guitar solo is soul ascending.
Kessoku Band - Kessoku Band
Bocchi the Rock was the first anime I'd watched in a while and really got hooked on. Chainsaw Man was going on at the same time, but I'd already read the manga so many times I guess it wasn't the same. But BtR being a spiritual successor to K-On just really made me fall in love. The rotoscoping, attention to detail, the amount of inside jokes that only musicians can really understand. The humor is unmatched, and imo it's the embodiment of anime at its creative peak. The plot is heartwarming and relatable, the character dynamics are so great. It reminded me of my high school band lol
Overall, extremely well produced album and they got some of the best musicians in the j-rock industry like tricot haha and the peggies. The lead guitars go HAM with every solo and riff, the drum fills and patterns, not to mention how good the basslines are.
Blonde - Frank Ocean
Admittedly I was late to the Frank Ocean train, but this album in unmatched in its circle. It's such a good concept album, I just know Frank Ocean had been cooking this up for a long time. The ideas of duality, masculinity, and femininity and how the album is perfectly split in the middle at Nights during the beat switch, and how the album starts diving into the "masculine" part. Less singing, more rapping. Femininity is expressed through those pitch shifts and the topics of the songs. Blonde was even released as blond in some versions. I think my soul ascended a bit the first I heard Seigfried - Could literally pinpoint where Johnny Greenwood contributed, also the verse about dreaming about a thought. Close To You is such an underrated track. Also one of my favorite album covers.
twenty one pilots - Twenty One Pilots
Their first album and of course, it has a very fundamentally different feeling than the rest of their work. It was made in the basement Tyler Joseph and the original members of the band were staying at, and you can honestly feel it lol. It's overtly a lot more religiously themed (or more so the struggle with faith) and I guess you could say it's a lot more darker in sound, Songs like Addict With a Pen.. whew.. The songwriting is already pretty strong here, and it's a lot more piano heavy. The thing I might not like the most on that album in the way he sings. The midwestern emo accent/enunciation pops out so hard LOL. But I really appreciate this album for what it is. I'm also obsessed with the album cover.
I think my music taste has definitely evolved a bit, but I also lowkey sound like a white male/alt girl on tiktok 💀 I think compared to my last post I ever made, I've definitely improved at expressing a lot of my thoughts on music and why it's so special to me. I also really just enjoy blabbling a lot about music even though no one will probably see this haha. I have a lot more albums that I absolutely love and picking just 10 is impossible. Maybe I'll do this challenge again in another 5 years and see what's different haha
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lavasick · 2 months
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welcome to aleki lafaele's cabin !!!
the living room ; large windows allow for an abundance of natural light. the bamboo walls are adorned with aleki's collection of secondhand and gifted guitars and basses, all of which have worn strings from countless sessions of strumming and plucking. there are photos of aleki with his mortal mother, reid, and friends from the pasifika demigod camp — carefully arranged on a handcrafted driftwood shelf. there's also a surfboard leaning against a corner, smooth and glossy, ready for the waves. ferns, orchids, and bromeliads are scattered throughout, adding life and vibrancy to the room. the kitchen ; wooden countertops, bamboo shelves, hand-carved wooden utensils, bowls, and plates. everything here is about craftsmanship and tradition. brightly colored tropical fruits — mangoes, papayas, and pineapples — sit in a woven basket, their sweet fragrance always filling the air. whenever aleki isn't training or having a jam session, then he'll most likely be here. he may not be the best chef out there, but he enjoys cooking ; always nearby wherever there is heat and he likes making food that reminds him of home. the bathroom ; a serene oasis, designed to resemble a natural hot spring. the centerpiece is a deep, stone tub that can be heated by wood and charcoal underneath. the walls are a combination of volcanic rock tiles and polished wood, contrasting each other. bamboo shelving holds an assortment of natural soaps, oils, and sea salts, each infused with the essence of tropical flowers and fruits. potted ferns and air plants thrive in the humid environment, adding a touch of greenery and tranquility. the bedroom ; a cozy retreat after a long day of training and quests. a hammock made from handwoven fibers is strung by a huge open window that offers a breathtaking view of the ocean. the bed is simple, yet inviting, dressed in soft linens and patterned pillows. seashells, corals, and pieces of driftwood are arranged on a wooden shelf, highlighting aleki's beachcombing hobby. the walls are adorned with traditional hawai'ian and samoan art with bold, geometric patterns painted on tapa cloth. and most people would probably expect aleki to more messy and disorganized, but his bedroom ( and the entirety of his lodge, really ) is surprisingly neat.
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storybook-tiles · 7 months
Writing Patterns
rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 (7 + 3 wips) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
thank youu for the tag @loverslakes <3
when you kill the lights (and kiss my eyes)
Sarah tilts her head toward the sky, letting the cool morning breeze waft past her. The distant scent of freshly baked bread drifts by, making her glad that she ate before she left.
it’ll all work out
Nat rubs a thumb over the cuff of her leather jacket, staring into space as she waits. The pub chosen for tonight is dingy and packed to the brim. All those with nowhere else to go on New Year's gathered at shitty wooden tables that wobbles when any weight is placed on them.
the future’s unwritten (the past is a corridor)
The new house is too cold.
It’s a stupid thing to be stuck on given everything, but Mike can’t help it. It’s barely Fall, he’s already thrown on a hoodie, and it’s still not enough. It’s like you can’t go anywhere in the house without feeling like you’re outside.
hold me like a knife
Nat doesn’t know if she can bring herself to hate Misty.
The realization comes as quietly as the first few snowflakes in Winter. As unsurprising as the seasons changing—Winter to Spring to Summer to Fall. It’s the building feeling of dread in her stomach, the deck of cards being passed around the cabin. The hazy acid trip of a fire pit and a girl on the other side.
you start to kiss (and the record skips)
It starts the way it always does.
For a brief moment, there is only darkness. All Will can hear is the heavy breaths of his friends surrounding him–the murmur of the crowd. Will’s sweat-slick hands grip his bass guitar and he can’t help himself from glancing to his left where he knows Mike stands.
always in this twilight
Mike is beginning to realize there is no end to the shield that stretches around the clearing and he is starting to get desperate. Distantly he can hear the thudding steps of the massive Fang Dragon that has made himself the keeper of the surrounding area. Mike has no idea how much time he has left. All the knights the king had sent had reported being attacked and mauled before they even had the chance to think. Mike isn’t sure if it’s a curse or a blessing that he’s lasted this long without detection.
the only thing i’ve ever had any faith in
Mike hates this. He hates everything that has led up to this moment. Hates Creel for kickstarting the fucking apocalypse. Hates El for dumping him and Will for avoiding him like they hadn’t spent multiple days on end in a weed-filled pizza van together. He hates Eddie for dying without warning and he hates Dustin for snapping at him over it. He really hates the way his head hasn’t stopped pounding since they crossed state lines. But most of all he hates Nancy for the iron-tight grip she currently has on his arm as she drags him out of the house.
wip #1: the future’s unwritten (the past is a corridor) -> ch. 2
Mike’s breath strangles in his throat. His eyes dart around the room, searching wildly for any sign of Will. All is as it should be. Not even the curtains are moving. Mike hopes desperately that Will has left–flown through the wall and booked it down the hall.
wip #2: suburban legends
The clock ticks steadily as Shauna considers giving up on her homework altogether. Stupid Ms. Miller and her stupid fucking math problems and her inability to ever make sense when she teaches. Shauna’s head is swimming with numbers that don’t fit together and honestly, at this point, she doesn’t think that there’s much else she can do.
wip #3: there is love that doesn’t have a place to rest
Mike doesn’t know how long he’s been walking for. An hour? Five? All he knows is the crunch of his boots over the caked-in snow and the sting of his cheeks in the cool air.
no pressure tags: @booksandpaperss @suzieburself @snowangeldotmp3 @claryfrayed
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krakensmaw · 9 months
[ DANCE ] : our muses dance together in close quarters. @pyratezlife / ned ( & jack )
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𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐃 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐓𝐖𝐎, 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐕𝐀𝐆𝐔𝐄 𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 : don't get drunk at another seedy dive bar, and don't dress like a cheap whore. edward was two for two, as far as any manner of technicalities were concerned. for one, this place was a far cry from seedy. it was one of the most lively and high profile nightclubs in downtown los angeles, frequented by celebrities and the uber rich. one needed to be on the premium guest list for even a single night's entry, or, one needed their father to be the state senator. thankfully, he had both.
that their father happened to be a SKY GOD, presiding over the weather and heavens themselves, was an addition that didn't exactly come up in public conversation.
second, there was nothing cheap about ed's whoreish attire this evening. black lace fashioned in patterns of leaves & roses adorned his mostly bare torso, the material fashioned in such a manner that it revealed much of their chest and abdomen, sweat slicked and glittering with golden shimmer. black slacks fit snug and matched the suit jacket currently worn wide open. as if the hint of formal wear would truly appease the god king, or brand them less promiscuous to the tabloid press.
but none of that would bother him tonight. not while jack's solid weight pressed against them from behind, broad hands settled low at their hips. not when they were swaying to the club music, loud and resonate, feeling the bass rattle in his very bones. and certainly not with their head pleasantly fogged by free flowing drink and drugs alike, whatever they so desired, at his lover's behest. jack was at the bar now, for the first time in what felt like the hours they'd been dancing, wrapped up hot and heavy in one another. he could feel the presence of EYES upon him ; normally a well accustomed feeling, for the god of spring and fertility drew the gaze of many.
but this felt different. powerful. ed was busy tying his hair back to some semblance of a bun at the crown of their head, swaying idly, a lone diamond in the rough of the dancefloor, when he saw him. a dark clad figure, set away from the crowd's throng, eyeing him through the shadows which seemed to congregate, eager to enshroud him. all at once, they felt wholly ensnared.
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bamboo72498 · 1 year
Head Up, Eyes With Pride
@domaystic Day 14: Parade Fandom: Castle (my FLM universe) Word Count: 814 Rating: G [][]
Kate tucks her hair behind her ear again as the breeze blows it across her face. She cheers with the crowd as another parade float passes them, watching as McKenna and Wyatt dash out with the other kids nearby to gather up the candy being tossed to them. 
“Mommy! Look! I got some!” Wyatt cheers, scampering through their line of camp chairs to get to his mom.
“I see, bubby! That’s awesome!” Alexis encourages, peering into the bag her son holds out to her. “Go sit with sissy and try and get some more.”
Kate helps her grandson back to his spot in his own child-sized camp chair next to his sister when a familiar black and gold banner appearing down the street catches her attention. 
“Guys! Get ready, here they come!” Kate calls, getting their family’s attention. 
Her kids’ middle school marching band comes towards them, marching in as perfect formation as a bunch of seventh and eighth graders can be. Their matching yellow ‘Eastlake Secondary School Marching Hornets’ shirts and jeans pale in comparison to the uniforms of the high schools that had come before them in the parade, but it’s good enough. 
Kate’s heart quickens with excitement and pride as they pause in front of them. She easily finds Miyana - in front with her dance class who had been recruited to be the Colorguard - waving her honeycomb patterned flag in matching choreography with the girls around her, a wide smile plastered on her face. Kate chuckles as Mia mouths the counts to her dance (a hard habit for the girl to break). 
She scans down the brass line, recognizing kids she’d seen around school and other band concerts and lands at the large drumline diving the band in half. 
The row of quad drums quickly tapping out the beats to their cadence. 
The row of bass drums and cymbals struggling to play quietly enough to not drown out the other drummers. 
And in the center of it all: the line of snare drums. Six of them are standing with their drums clipped to the harness hung around their shoulders. The seventh is seated in a wheelchair being pushed by another band parent, her drum resting on her lap as she skillfully plays the ending of their cadence and then holds her sticks in proper ‘rest’ position. Their little Nemo who had had to campaign to even be allowed to do band in fifth grade; their director not having faith in her abilities to keep up - only seeing her disability and not the determined and passionate girl in front of him. 
After surviving that year and graduating to middle school, band took a complete 180. With a new director who had complete faith in her, Finn thrived. She became percussion section leader in her spring semester of sixth grade and has kept it every semester since. Even now, during their marching season, she’s drumline section leader. 
Band is her safe place. One of the few place where she can keep up with everyone and no one treat her differently because of her CP. 
The pause in the music allows Kate to turn and look at her family; all of them have wide smiles on their faces as they cheer on the kids. McKenna and Wyatt shout as they wave to their aunts and uncle, hopping to get their attention. 
A moment later, Finn counts the drumline off and starts the roll off. Kate can hear a smattering of “Up!” as the band put their instruments to their mouths and starts to play. It’s a medley of theme songs for the different armed forces; fitting for the Veteran’s Day parade they are at.
The parade moves on, and Kate quickly spots Liam towards the back with his fellow saxophone players. She watches him skip for a beat, getting back in step with everyone. Soon enough, the band’s music fades as they continue through the parade route. 
“Wow! They were good,” Alexis comments. “Definitely better than last year.”
“Oh, yeah,” Kate laughs, recalling the memory of last year’s disaster of a parade. This time was significantly better. 
“Hey, Kate!” Castle calls to her over the heads of his mom and her dad. “What was it their teacher called the way they march? There was two of them and they do that specific one.” She sees the way his brow is scrunched, his brain working hard to remember the word. 
“The style they use is called ‘roll stepping’ the other is ‘corps style’,” she says. It had been drilled into her from both her kids and their director; how could she forget?
“Yes! That’s it,” Castle smile. “Roll stepping,” he repeats to the stranger next to him as they continue their conversation.
Kate goes back to watching the parade, her grandkids racing for more candy, enjoying the fall sunshine and light breeze in the air.
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metsn · 2 years
METSÄÄN MCP #3 - Musique Concrète Platform
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Nothing new, it’s a classic concept of a modular experimental music instrument. It contains the Metsään charge amplifier for contact microphones with a wide frequency range response. That means the sound spectrum includes BASS, not just the usual tinny pure piezo disc squeals.
An array of clamps and brackets make it possible to attach all kinds of material and resonance bodies/receptors in a modular fashion. This way you can have different set-ups for different sessions or swap parts on the fly and record the engineering sounds as well. The MCP has two channels and individually amplified contact mics in its left and right hemispheres. Each channel has an idividual volume control on the front. The 2 channels can either be used for a stereo sound image or by running the 2 separate signals through parallel effect chains for an enhanced sonic spectrum. It works great with a looper and/or a effect pedal chain or to produce samples for later arrangement in the classic ‘musique concrète’ way. An instrument for expressive live performances AND intimate studio sessions.
The enclosure is a recycled and painted (industry burnout camo patterns, in black and chrome, which is chipping in some parts to expose the original paint underneath) wooden box and has a strip of coarse sandpaper on its surface for some extra crunchy sounds and a bottom made from a iron sheetmetalplate for some heaviness. It comes with a selection of objects (streetcleaner bristles, spring bands, what can be seen in the pictures …), so you can start experimenting right away. But i urge you to also experiment will different materials. It’s powered by a 9V DC battery with adapter clip (included). Handmade by grm for METSÄÄN.
Size: 30 x 23 x 7 cm (including brackets without anything attached)
Below is a demo video of MCP #1 (it looks different, but works the same):
And here’s a live-set of me performing as COLDSORE with this device (and some others) in the NOISE TRAFFIC event in Helsinki. CLICK ME.
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amarresorrt-3144 · 23 days
NM Fishing Report
NM Fishing Report - FishingProo
New Mexico offers diverse fishing opportunities, making it a prime destination for anglers of all skill levels. Whether you're after trophy-sized trout in the high mountain lakes or bass in the warm southern waters, this state has something for everyone. The NM Fishing Report by FishingProo is your go-to source for the latest updates on fishing conditions, ensuring you have the best experience on your next trip.
Top Spots to Explore
San Juan River: Famous for its trout, the San Juan River is a must-visit. The quality waters below Navajo Dam are renowned for producing large rainbow and brown trout. The NNM Fishing Report will keep you informed about current water flows, hatches, and recommended fly patterns.
Elephant Butte Lake: If warm-water species are your target, Elephant Butte Lake is ideal. Known for its abundant bass and catfish, this lake is popular among both local and visiting anglers. The NM Fishing Report provides insights on the best areas to fish, current water temperatures, and the most effective lures.
Eagle Nest Lake: This scenic spot in northern New Mexico is famous for its kokanee salmon and trout. The NM Fishing Report offers weekly updates on fish stocking, ice conditions during winter, and the best times to fish.
Seasonal Fishing Insights
New Mexico's diverse climates mean fishing conditions vary significantly throughout the year. The NM Fishing Report helps you stay ahead of the game by providing seasonal insights. For instance, spring is prime time for trout in the state's northern rivers, while summer offers excellent bass fishing in the southern reservoirs. Fall is great for chasing kokanee salmon, and winter brings ice fishing opportunities.
Local Regulations and Tips
FishingProo ensures that you’re aware of the latest regulations, including bag limits, size restrictions, and special rules for certain waters. Staying updated on these is crucial for a successful and lawful fishing trip. The report also includes tips from local guides, giving you the edge whether you’re a novice or a seasoned angler.In conclusion, the NM Fishing Report by FishingProo is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to explore the rich fishing opportunities in New Mexico. From real-time updates to expert tips, this report will ensure your fishing adventures are both successful and enjoyable.
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vanessaherndon · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: G.H. BASS & CO. Camouflage Top - Size XL.
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panfishonthefly · 2 months
Flat Daddy Gurgler
For the past few years, I have had an obscure fly pattern, first developed by British anglers, in my panfish fly box. The fly is called a Flat Daddy and imitates an adult cranefly. While craneflies find their way onto my local panfish lakes and fish do eat them, they are not a common occurrence. I fish the Flat Daddy as a generic, buggy-looking terrestrial pattern. It doesn’t look like anything in particular, and I don’t even think it represents a cranefly that well, although the fish would argue that point! But it has all the right stuff regarding a topwater terrestrial pattern for panfish. It floats in the water instead of on it, is very buggy looking, and the knotted pheasant tail legs and soft hackle collar provide just enough fish-attracting movement. The little bit of flash in the underbody is an attractant as well.
The original Flat Daddy is the perfect fly for spooky, shallow-water panfish. It lands lightly on the water and can be cast easily with two and three-weight rods. The fly has a very subtle action on the water, diving slightly when retrieved without creating a lot of disturbance that may spook fish in the shallows. It is the perfect early spring topwater fly pattern.
Fast-forward to mid-summer, the fish have left the shallows and are now holding in deeper water. You need to get their attention to bring them to the surface now. Enter the Flat Daddy Gurgler. By leaving a foam lip on the pattern, it moves more water when twitched, creating a larger disturbance on the water’s surface. The extra foam increases the fly’s floating ability, but it still sits low in the film, allowing you to hang a wet fly or lightly weighted nymph off the back. The fly retains its lightness and can be cast on any fly rod. If you are an ultralight enthusiast, this fly will cast well on your lightest fly rod.
I tie the fly on a Firehole 839 in sizes 12 and 14. The 839 is a streamer hook with a 3x-long shank and an extra-wide gap. The heavy wire hook makes the fly sit low in the water, providing extra strength when that bass comes along and eats your panfish fly. If you can’t find this hook, a long shank dry or nymph hook will work well for this fly.
You can tie the fly with a simple strip of foam the width of the hook gap and round out the tail with scissors. To streamline the tying process and produce a fly with a more finished appearance, I use a Chernobyl Ant Foam Cutter with a tapered end to create perfectly sized strips of foam with a tapered, rounded end. The fly can be tied in a wide variety of colors, my favorites being tan, olive brown, black, and yellow. I use various colors of dubbing for the underbody with a holographic tinsel rib. The knotted pheasant tail legs look super buggy, and the soft hackle collar adds color and movement to the pattern.
Pattern Recipe:
Hook: Firehole 789 sizes 12 and 14
Thread: Semperfli Classic Waxed 6/0 Red
Tail and Body: Strip of 2mm foam (width of the hook shank/one end rounded)
Rib: Small or medium holographic tinsel
Underbody: Brushed out dubbing in color to compliment or contrast foam body
Legs: Four to six knotted pheasant tail legs
Hackle: Hen or game bird body feather
Tip: Using a tapered-end Chernobyl Ant Body Foam Cutter creates a perfect body for this fly pattern.
Tying Instructions:
1. Lay down a base layer of thread.
2. Tie in a foam strip at the bend. The tail should be a shank length long, with a rounded end hanging off the back of the hook.
3. Tie in holographic tinsel rib.
4. Apply dubbing to thread and wrap forward, stopping a hook eye length from the front of the hook.
5. Brush out dubbed body.
6. Wrap tinsel forward in open turns and tie off.
7. Select four to six knotted pheasant tail legs and tie them equally distributed on each side of the hook.
8. Tie in a body feather from a hen or game bird in the color of your choice and wrap around the hook shank, sweeping fibers rearward with each turn.
9. Fold the foam strip forward and tie it off at the hook eye.
10. Lift the foam strip, build up a small head underneath the foam, and whip finish.
11. Cut the foam strip a short distance from the hook eye to create the gurgler lip.
12. Coat thread wraps with UV Resin or head cement if desired.
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my-music-1460 · 3 months
Budget Guitar Accessories: Top Picks for $50 or Less
Finding the right accessories for your guitar can significantly improve your playing experience. However, high-quality gear often comes with a high price tag. Luckily, there are plenty of excellent guitar accessories available for $50 or less that won’t break the bank. In this post, we’ll highlight some of the best budget-friendly options that every guitarist should consider.
Guitar accessories play an essential role in enhancing your practice sessions, performances, and overall enjoyment of playing the guitar. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, having the right gear can make a substantial difference. The market is flooded with numerous options, making it challenging to find high-quality products within a budget. This guide will help you discover some of the best affordable accessories that can elevate your guitar playing without costing a fortune. Let's dive into the top guitar accessories you can buy for $50 or less and see how they can transform your musical journey.
1. Clip-On Tuners The Snark SN5X Clip-On Tuner is a must-have for any guitarist. It’s affordable, accurate, and easy to use, making it perfect for tuning in any environment. This tuner features a bright, easy-to-read display that works well in various lighting conditions, making it ideal for stage use. The Snark SN5X is known for its precision and speed, allowing you to tune your guitar quickly and accurately between songs. Its versatile design makes it suitable for electric, acoustic, and bass guitars. With its durable construction and user-friendly interface, this tuner is a must-have accessory for every guitarist. The clip-on design ensures it stays securely attached to your instrument during use.
2. Capos The Kyser Quick-Change Capo is a favorite among guitarists for its durability and ease of use. It allows you to change the pitch of your guitar quickly without re-tuning. The strong spring mechanism ensures that the capo stays firmly in place, providing consistent pressure across the strings for clean, buzz-free notes. Made from lightweight aluminum, the Kyser Quick-Change Capo is easy to move up and down the fretboard, making it perfect for live performances and studio sessions. Available in various colors, this capo not only enhances your playing but also adds a personal touch to your instrument. Its ergonomic design ensures a comfortable grip, allowing you to adjust it with one hand while playing.
3. Guitar Picks The Dunlop Tortex Standard Picks are known for their grip and durability, making them a staple for many guitarists. These picks come in various thicknesses, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your playing style. Thicker picks provide a more robust sound and are ideal for strumming, while thinner picks are better for fast picking and lead playing. The Tortex material offers a non-slip surface, ensuring that the pick stays firmly in your hand even during intense playing sessions. With a wide range of colors and gauges, Dunlop Tortex Picks are an excellent choice for any guitarist looking to improve their control and sound. These picks are also known for their longevity, resisting wear and tear even after extensive use.
4. Guitar Straps Playing comfortably is important, and the Levy's Leathers Guitar Strap offers both comfort and style with a wide range of designs. These straps are made from high-quality materials, providing excellent support and distributing the weight of your guitar evenly across your shoulder. Whether you prefer a classic leather look or a more colorful pattern, Levy's has something for everyone. Adjustable and durable, these straps are perfect for both practice sessions and live performances. A comfortable strap can make a big difference during long playing sessions, reducing strain and allowing you to focus on your music. The padding in these straps ensures that you can play for hours without discomfort, making them an essential accessory for any guitarist.
5. String Winders The D’Addario Pro-Winder is a must-have tool for any guitarist. It combines a string winder, cutter, and bridge pin puller in one, making string changes quick and easy. The ergonomic design ensures a comfortable grip, and the high-quality construction guarantees durability. Whether you’re a gigging musician or a hobbyist, the D’Addario Pro-Winder is a must-have tool for maintaining your guitar. Its compact size makes it easy to carry in your gig bag, ensuring that you’re always prepared for string changes. With this versatile tool, you can spend less time changing strings and more time playing. The Pro-Winder’s built-in cutter is sharp and precise, making clean cuts on any gauge of strings.
6. Guitar Stands A good stand is essential for keeping your guitar safe when not in use. The AmazonBasics Guitar Folding A-Frame Stand is sturdy and affordable, making it a great choice. This stand features a lightweight, foldable design that makes it easy to transport and store. The padded arms and backrest protect your guitar from scratches and damage, ensuring that your instrument remains in top condition. Whether you’re at home, in the studio, or on stage, this stand provides reliable support for your guitar, allowing you to focus on your playing. The A-frame design offers stability, and the non-slip rubber feet keep it firmly in place. This stand is suitable for both acoustic and electric guitars, making it a versatile addition to your gear. The collapsible design means it can be stored in tight spaces, making it ideal for musicians with limited space.
7. Guitar Cables For a clear and reliable signal, the GLS Audio Instrument Cable is a top pick. This cable is known for its durability and excellent signal transmission, ensuring that your sound remains crisp and clear. High-quality connectors and shielding minimize noise and interference, making it ideal for both practice and performance. The GLS Audio Cable is flexible yet sturdy, capable of withstanding the rigors of regular use. Investing in a good cable is essential for maintaining your sound quality, and this cable delivers great performance at an affordable price. The GLS Audio Cable also features a tweed cloth jacket that provides extra durability and a vintage look.
8. Cleaning Kits Regular maintenance can extend the life of your guitar. The MusicNomad MN108 Premium Guitar Care Kit provides everything you need to keep your instrument clean and well-maintained. This kit includes a guitar polish, fretboard conditioner, string cleaner, and microfiber cloths. Regular cleaning not only keeps your guitar looking great but also ensures that it plays smoothly and stays in good condition. By investing in a comprehensive cleaning kit like the MusicNomad MN108, you can protect your guitar from dirt, grime, and wear, ensuring that it remains in top playing condition. The MusicNomad MN108 kit provides professional-grade care for your instrument, helping you maintain its value and performance. The polish is formulated to remove fingerprints, dust, and light scratches, leaving your guitar with a brilliant shine.
9. Slides If you’re interested in playing slide guitar, the Ernie Ball Glass Slide is a great starting point. This slide is made from high-quality glass, offering a smooth surface for effortless sliding and clear, resonant tones. It’s lightweight and comfortable to use, making it ideal for both beginners and experienced slide guitarists. The Ernie Ball Glass Slide comes in various sizes to fit different finger widths, ensuring a comfortable and secure fit. Whether you’re playing blues, rock, or country, a good slide like the Ernie Ball Glass Slide can add a unique dimension to your playing, allowing you to explore new sounds and techniques. The glass material provides a smooth surface that minimizes friction, allowing for effortless slides and bends.
Conclusion: You don’t need to spend a lot of money to get high-quality guitar accessories. These top picks under $50 provide excellent value and can enhance your playing experience. From tuners to capos and cleaning kits, there’s something on this list for every guitarist. By choosing the right gear, you can improve your sound, make playing more enjoyable, and ensure that your guitar stays in top condition. The accessories mentioned in this guide are all highly rated by guitarists and offer great value for money.
When choosing accessories, consider your personal playing style and needs. Take the time to explore different options and find the ones that work best for you. With the right tools, you can take your guitar playing to the next level without spending a fortune. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned guitarist, these budget-friendly accessories will help you get the most out of your instrument.
Remember, the best accessories are those that suit your personal playing style and needs. Take the time to explore different options and find the ones that work best for you. With the right tools, you can enhance your guitar playing experience and keep your instrument in excellent condition for years to come.
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certifiedmailcost · 4 months
Best Tips for Lake Huron Fishing
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Fishing on Lake Huron, one of North America's Great Lakes, offers anglers a wealth of opportunities to reel in prized catches amidst stunning natural beauty. From trophy salmon to elusive walleye and feisty bass, the lake's diverse fishery promises an unforgettable angling experience. Here are some of the best tips to enhance your success when fishing on Lake Huron:
Understand Seasonal Patterns: Lake Huron experiences distinct seasonal changes that influence fish behavior and distribution. In spring, fish like salmon and trout migrate closer to shore for spawning, while summer sees them move to deeper, cooler waters. Fall signals another migration as fish return to spawning grounds. Understanding these patterns can help you pinpoint the best fishing spots and techniques for each season.
Research Local Regulations and Restrictions: Before heading out on the water, familiarize yourself with fishing regulations, size limits, and bag restrictions enforced by local authorities. This ensures compliance with conservation efforts and helps sustain fish populations for future generations of anglers to enjoy.
Invest in Quality Gear: Equip yourself with high-quality fishing gear tailored to Lake Huron's diverse fish species and conditions. This includes appropriate rods, reels, lines, and tackle for your target species and preferred fishing techniques. Quality gear enhances your angling experience and improves your chances of success on the water.
Utilize Technology: Take advantage of modern technology to enhance your fishing prowess. Fishfinders, GPS navigation systems, and underwater cameras can help you locate fish, identify underwater structures, and navigate the lake more effectively. Stay informed about weather forecasts and water conditions to plan your fishing trips accordingly.
Learn from Local Experts: Tap into the knowledge and experience of local anglers, fishing guides, and charter captains who frequent Lake Huron's waters. They can provide valuable insights into seasonal trends, productive fishing spots, and effective techniques for targeting specific fish species. Participating in local fishing clubs or online forums is another great way to connect with fellow anglers and exchange tips and advice.
Experiment with Different Techniques: Lake Huron offers a diverse range of fishing opportunities, from trolling for salmon to jigging for walleye and casting for bass. Experiment with different techniques, baits, and lures to determine what works best in various conditions and for different fish species. Be open to trying new approaches and adapting your strategy based on the day's fishing conditions.
Focus on Structure and Habitat: Fish are often found near underwater structures such as rocky shoals, submerged vegetation, drop-offs, and underwater points. Use a fishfinder or study nautical charts to identify these features and target them during your fishing trips. Pay attention to water temperature, depth, and currents, as these factors influence fish behavior and feeding patterns.
Practice Patience and Persistence: Fishing on Lake Huron requires patience and persistence. Be prepared to spend time on the water, experimenting with different techniques and locations until you find success. Remember that fishing is as much about the journey as it is about the catch, so enjoy the experience and embrace the tranquility of nature.
Respect the Environment: Practice responsible angling by respecting the lake's ecosystem and minimizing your impact on the environment. Dispose of trash properly, avoid damaging aquatic vegetation, and handle fish with care to ensure their survival upon release. By acting as stewards of Lake Huron, anglers can help preserve its natural beauty and abundance for future generations to enjoy.
Stay Safe on the Water: Prioritize safety during your fishing excursions by wearing appropriate clothing and safety gear, maintaining proper boat maintenance, and following boating regulations and safety guidelines. Be aware of changing weather conditions, water currents, and potential hazards on the lake to ensure a safe and enjoyable fishing experience for yourself and your fellow anglers.
By incorporating these tips into your fishing strategy, you can maximize your success and make the most of your angling adventures on Lake Huron. Whether you're a seasoned angler or just starting out, the lake's rich fishery and scenic beauty offer endless opportunities for memorable fishing experiences.
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mobilizemusic · 5 months
Weaving his production magic from his home in the vast oil-rich Tyumen Oblast, Mobilize has crafted a significant reputation for himself since his first production work in late 2009, showcased now with the "Reflection" EP for Apollo. Founder of the Mobilisiemusik label and Proton Radio show, he has attracted such leading lights as Gai Barone, Exoplanet and Abdomen Burst to his imprint while contributing over 75 Beatport production credits himself.
A relationship with the trio of Proton labels has also developed during this period and a 2010 contribution to the "Winter Particles" compilation marked a relationship that has reached almost a combined half-century of credits for the Particles and Apollo labels. Indeed, the conceptual 2012 "Evening Kisses" EP brought about a series of Particles radio show guest mixes as an adjunct to the production work split between the twin concepts of "Summer Days" and "Summer Nights". A subsequent remix EP illustrated the success of the concept while 2012's "Children of Babylon" EP for Apollo showcased a set of skills within the minimal and techno arena. 2013's remix of Dapple Apple shone another light on Mobilize's multi-faceted production personality as he now returns to Apollo with a brand new twin-track solo EP, enhanced further by a remix from Monojoke alter-ego, Telekollektiv.
Title track "Reflection" hits the techno high notes that Mobilize has perfected. A hypnotic straight beat and simple percussive accompaniment provide the rhythmic bed for an ominous and edgy chord phrase to play repetitively, creating a dramatic tension as a generous coating of reverb is added, before dropping once more back into hypnotic rhythm. Partner track, "Absorption" continues the techno theme as a frenetic sub-bass pattern partners reverb-soaked percussion to provide a playful ticking groove. Before long a stepped motif plays its part, lifting the mood in repetitive fashion before evolving effortlessly into fuller melodic glory.
Under his Monojoke pseudonym, Polish artisit, Jacek Gumbisz, needs little introduction. A veteran of the progressive breaks scene, work for Silk Digital and Carica Deep highlighted his talent as a multitude of releases for Spring Tube, Nueva and Electronic Tree further confirmed his production credentials. A regular contributor to Particles, a quarter-of-a-century of credits can be seen against his name, including 2009's "Five" EP and 2012's remix of Jorg Murcus' "The Taint of a Mirror".
Under his Telekollektiv pseudonym, Jacek has found a home on the ever-popular, Spring Tube imprint with 2013 EP "Double Ouzo" providing a notable highlight. Similarly, Nueva Deep's "Daydreamer" EP has further elevated the Telekollektiv name. Turning his attentions towards Mobilize, the Telekollektiv remix of the title track, takes the central chord phrase of "Reflection" and uses it as core theme from which to extend outwards into a glorious bass groove, developing a set of musical themes and vocal cuts hitherto unexplored in Mobilize's original work.
Two new works from Mobilize allow pause for "Reflection" as we absorb a tantalising new remix from Telekollektiv. 1. Mobilize - [Reflection #01] Reflection 2. Mobilize - [Reflection #02] Absorption
Directed by Jay Epoch AandR by Marina Gerardi Mastered by Mobilize, Telekollektiv Design by Ben Mautner Text by James Warren
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fish-whisper · 5 months
Tide and Tested: Seasonal Strategies for Saltwater Pier and Beach Fishing
Welcome to Fish Whisper, where we unite anglers in our shared passion for the aquatic world. As the seasons turn, so do the habits of the fish we seek. This expanded guide is dedicated to helping you understand how seasonal changes affect saltwater fishing from piers and beaches, providing you with the knowledge to adapt and thrive, complete with detailed strategies, bait and lure recommendations, and a commitment to conservation. Understanding Seasonal Patterns Each season brings its own set of challenges and opportunities for saltwater anglers. Learn how temperature, tides, and weather patterns play a role in fish behavior, and how you can use this information to your advantage. We delve deeper into understanding the marine ecosystem's rhythm and how it correlates with the fish's life cycle, affecting their availability and behavior. Spring Awakening As the waters warm, fish become more active. Discover the species that are most likely to bite and the techniques that can help you land the catch of the season. This section now includes a comprehensive list of springtime hotspots, detailed rig setups for versatile fishing, and a selection of the most effective baits and lures for species like flounder and striped bass. Summer Abundance Summer's bounty offers a variety of species. We'll share insights on the best times to fish and the hottest spots for a successful summer haul. Expand your summer tactics with advanced techniques such as surfcasting and pier jigging, and learn about the seasonal migrations that bring pelagic fish within reach of beach anglers. Fall Transition As fish prepare for winter, their feeding patterns change. This section will guide you through these transitions and suggest the best baits and lures to use. It now features a calendar of fall fish movements, tips for targeting species on the move, and advice on adapting to the cooling water temperatures. Winter Strategies Cold waters mean a different approach. Learn about the cold-weather species that are still available and the tactics that can help you catch them. We've added information on ice fishing techniques, safety advice for cold-weather fishing, and guidance on preserving the vitality of fish populations during the colder months. Respecting Our Environment At Fish Whisper, we advocate for respect towards other anglers, the fish, and our environment. This guide includes tips on practicing good fishing etiquette and conservation, ensuring that our fishing habitats remain vibrant for generations to come. Discover ways to get involved in local conservation efforts and learn about sustainable fishing practices that help protect our marine biodiversity. Join the Community “CLICK HERE” Share your own seasonal strategies and stories on our Message Board, and connect with fellow enthusiasts. Together, we can continue to learn and grow in our fishing adventures. This section now includes a gallery of community catches and stories, highlighting the experiences that make fishing a lifelong adventure for so many. Seasonal Gear Guide Choosing and maintaining the right gear is essential for a successful fishing experience. This new section provides a seasonal guide to selecting the best gear for your fishing needs, from rods and reels to clothing and accessories, along with maintenance tips to keep your equipment in top condition. Read the full article
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cohenskicksposts · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Prom Bass Dress Shoes Mens 11.5 M Oxford Brown Leather Square Cap Toe Casual Low.
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gargarismo-blog1 · 6 months
FRANK NEVER DIES - Red Moon Rising
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Frank Never Dies is a band born in 2018 started by the guitar player Mirko Giuseppone, previously involved in alternative rock/post-grunge projects, thanks to the collaboration with Simona Ferrucci on synths.
On the bass, Maurizio Troia joined the band with his mixed influences, from funk to ska and post punk with Luca Zannini, promising young drummer, already working as a freelance musician.
The band released the first LP Behind the Paradox in 2020 via BloodRock Records and performed in several venues.
Before the release of the second LP, the bass player Maurizio Troia left the band and was replaced by Francesco Papadia bass player of Stonewood as well.
Their second LP Red Moon Rising will be released by Argonauta Records in spring 2024.
FND's music is characterized by aggressive atmospheres and melodic dialogue within analog vintage sound of synths and '70 inspiration's guitar, developing in a succession of different rhythmic patterns, creating a cinematic landscape.
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