#spring collection 2013
newestcool · 1 year
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Celine s/s 2013 rtw Creative Director Phoebe Philo Newest Cool on Instagram
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luxuriascloset · 4 months
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Zuhair Murad Spring/Summer 2013 collection.
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fashionlandscapeblog · 2 months
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Balenciaga Spring 2013
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untethered-days · 7 months
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carolinepvoigt · 9 months
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J.Crew Spring 2013 Ready-to-Wear Fashion Show
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thefoxholecast · 3 months
The Original Foxhole Court Extra Content (Archived from Nora Sakavic’s Tumblr)
We copied the following text directly from the pre-2024 version of the Foxhole Court Extra Content page on Nora Sakavic’s Tumblr blog (korakos.tumblr.com/fox). In March 2024, she did “some spring cleaning” by shortening the list of links and deleting/hiding old posts. The links in this copy lead to archived snapshots of the old posts on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
Some of the links are broken. If you have copies of these posts, please let us know so we can fill in missing content!
Because Tumblr only allows up to 100 links per post, we're unable to replicate the full list here. View the full list of links on our blog here: thefoxholecast.tumblr.com/FoxArchive
The Foxhole Court
ETA 2023: most of the posts here are from 2013-2015. Some of them overlap with older drafts. Some answers have evolved over time, even if they haven’t been updated here. Most I haven’t changed my mind on, for better or worse. Take ‘em or leave ‘em, and good luck making sense of ‘em around all the drunk rambling and detours. One day if I have the energy I’ll just sort it into a coherent reference.
Two sections here: the questions submitted by tumblr users, and a miscellaneous collection of stories & factoids pulled from the oft-neglected blog. The questions aren’t in any particular order, though I did try to organize them by subject matter. Ish. Once the dust is settled a bit I’ll try to find a better sorting system. Also, the tumblr tag I use for questions is http://korakos.tumblr.com/tagged/foxhole-court-questions-and-spoilers
Lots of spoilers for The Foxhole Court ahead!
Preface: Why are Asks disabled in 2016?
—Exy Rules & Regulations
—Exy: A History of the Sport
—Palmetto State University
—The original “What Happens After King’s Men” post
—SON NEFES, the cousins’ freshman year through Renee’s eyes
——One . Two . Three . Four . Five
—Nicky Hemmick
—Seth Gordon
—Aaron Minyard
—Matt Boyd
—Kevin & Andrew
—David Wymack & the Monsters
—Wymack & Andrew re: Neil
—Dan Wilds is recruited to the Foxes *
—Allison through Dan & Renee’s eyes *
——pulled from an abandoned, unfinished book about the Foxes’ women
—Neil’s life on the run
—Do they ever celebrate Neil’s birthday?
—What if Neil told the truth earlier?
—Neil through the Foxes’ eyes
—Neil through Ichirou’s eyes
—Neil’s looks post-book and relationship with his reflection
—Does Neil ever talk to Bee?
—Neil’s millions
—Neil’s fight training
—Who’s Neil closest to beside Andrew
—Neil’s fashion style
—Cellphone ringtone
—Christmas/birthday presents for Foxes
—Does Neil ever cry?
—Neil’s lonely fifth year
—When Neil’s overwhelmed
—Does Neil crush on his teammates?
—Neil & Ichirou’s intimidation
—Andrew’s sober look at his teammates & Neil
—How did Andrew react to Cass’s letter?
—Andrew’s medication and the follow-up
—Has Abby seen Andrew’s scars?
—Andrew & Mama Bee
—Andrew & Roland
—How far has Andrew willingly gone?
—What animal figurine did Andrew buy Betsy?
—Andrew’s eye color
—Andrew’s opinion of the cats
—What’d Andrew say to Nicky in TKM?
—Andrew’s honest opinion of Exy
—Andrew’s thoughts on Neil’s binder
—Andrew and his sexuality
—If Andrew had met Neil’s mother
—Andrew’s thoughts on Neil’s sexuality
—Andrew’s fondest memory of Neil
—Andrew’s aforementioned withdrawal
—Do you think Andrew is really really really awesome?
—Proust and Andrew
—What happens to Proust?
—Andrew’s reaction to Neil’s bday blood
—Andrew on Neil eventually changing out
—Does Andrew get grumpy?
—Does Andrew get less dead inside?
—Does Andrew call Neil by his name?
—Why give the Foxes crackers?
—Andrew’s first choices in winning a fight
—Who liked knives?
—What got chopped from Drake’s arc?
—Does Andrew get off thinking about Neil?
—Post Andrew & Bee’s side story?
—When did Andrew start thinking Neil was interesting?
—Any other words he can’t stand?
—What does he think about nicknames?
—Explain Andrew’s fatal disease in the comic version
—Andrew’s canon mental state
—How did Andrew not know about Tilda’s abuse?
—Why punch Neil for “Sorry”, and when Andrew is sick
—What’s with Andrew and promises
—Andrew’s thoughts on Roland’s premature confession
—Andrew’s arrest
—Wanting nothing vs not wanting anything
—Why was Andrew laughing after Drake?
—If Neil had chosen Dan & Matt over Andrew
—The other 10%
—Which teammate caught on first?
—Do Andrew & Neil go on dates?
—When did they first hold hands?
—When did Andrew clue in?
—Exites self-censure
—Betsy’s & Aaron’s reactions to the news
—Roland’s opinion of things
—The breaking point
—Who tops?
—On tying people up
—Their domestic life aka Sir Fat Cat
—I love you
—Andrew and the bed issue
—Do they learn to talk to each other?
—Blaming Neil for Drake
—Andrew comforting Neil?
—Neil’s fondest memory of Andrew
—Neil getting Andrew off for the first time
—Neil seeing Andrew naked
—Neil & the sex how-to
—How was the first time
—Where’d it happen?
—When was their first hug?
—“I won’t let you let me be”
—Their roadtrips
—Neil waking Andrew up
—Andrew’s real smile
—How does Andrew show appreciation for Neil
—Their happiest moments
—Does Neil ever make Andrew laugh?
—Does Andrew take comfort in Neil
—Does Andrew get protective/possessive?
—Doesn’t Neil crave affection?
—Andrew re: Neil’s panic attacks
—Media reaction to Andrew/Neil
—Further reaction to Andrew/Neil
—On “accidentally” sitting in laps
—What if Andrew died?
—What if Neil died?
—Reaction to getting hit on by others
—Do they celebrate anniversaries?
—The first time Neil pushes Andrew down
—How tall are the Foxes?
—Why is everyone so short?
—Where did their names come from?
—What were their majors?
—What do the Foxes look like?
—What are their Hogwarts houses?
—Reaction to the kidnapping
—Do Neil & Renee become friends?
—What did Allison do with Seth’s urn?
—Nicky’s evolution over the drafts
—Do the Foxes get their skiing trip?
—Does Andrew know Nicky kissed Neil?
—When did Aaron & Katelyn fall for each other?
—How did Andrew and Wymack end up handcuffed together?
—Kevin’s favorite things
—Kevin and Andrew’s on-court kerfuffle
—Dan’s haircut
—Dan & Matt’s relationship
—Dan & Matt’s first kiss
—Matt bouncing back from Columbia
—Matt rooming with the monsters
—The other what-if OT3 aka D/M/N and the dynamic
—Do Allison and Renee have the hots for each other?
—Matt forgiving his father
—Any mistletoe shenanigans?
—Thanksgiving and the Foxes
—Kevin’s best friend
—Janie Smalls
—How did Kevin and Thea meet?
—Foxes’ favorite ice cream flavors
—Kevin & Andrew’s on-court argument
—Foxes’ taste in music
—Kevin’s middle name & drink of choice
—Do Kevin & Neil want to kiss?
—Which Fox would Kevin kiss, then?
—Kevin’s best non-Exy memory
—Allison’s three bets
—Why is Allison’s middle name Jamaica
—Kevin, Andrew, and Neil staying friends
—“Joan of Exy”?
—Can the Foxes sing?
—Some of the Foxes’ previous bets
—Do Nicky & Allison become friends?
—Are Foxes based on RL people?
—Nicky when Neil asks about friendship
—Dan & the monsters in Columbia
—What if Kevin was killed?
—Renee and her near-death experiences
—More background available on Renee?
—Why doesn’t Aaron let the Foxes in?
—Team’s reaction to Drake, Andrew’s reaction to being outed
—Andrew & Aaron’s time with Tilda
—Does Aaron reconcile with Andrew over Tilda?
—Nicky & his parents after Drake
—Foxes thoughts in Baltimore
—The Pro Teams
—The Weddings
—Neil as the Best Man?
—Kevin after TKM —Thea, Jean, Foxes, and Riko
—How does Kevin & Wymack’s relationship evolve?
—Renee after TKM
—Nicky after TKM
—Aaron after TKM
—Allison after TKM
—Dan & Matt after TKM
—Dan and the US Court
—Any pro-period scandals?
—Andrew & Neil’s relationship with their team
—Would Neil hold Matt’s children?
—Neil & babysitting the Foxes’ kids
—Which Fox’s child would curse first
—Who is Robin Cross?
—Neil and Jack
—Andrew’s reaction to Neil punching Jack
—Foxes’ reaction to Neil punching
—Kevin and Jack
—Neil’s new recruit
—Andrew and Jack
—Who is Riko Moriyama?
—Riko & Kevin’s evolving relationship
—More about Riko & Kevin’s past
—How did Riko break Kevin’s hand
—Riko’s brutality toward Jean
—Any draft where Riko wasn’t killed?
—Were Riko, Kevin, and Jean involved sexually?
—Does the Fox-Trojan rematch happen? Also how do the Trojans & Jean get along?
—Do Alvarez & Laila (Trojans) have backstories?
—Thea’s number & thoughts on Raven brutality
—Kayleigh Day & David Wymack
—Abby Winfield & David Wymack
—Wymack’s parents
—Did Wymack cry during the trilogy?
—Did Kayleigh know about the Moriyamas?
Nora & the Foxes
—Fancast and Andrew
—Changing opinion of Foxes over the years
—Bits of the scrapped K/N/A threesome here and here
—The KxAxN AU where Kevin died
—Will there be a sequel?
—What inspired you to develop Exy?
—Fox fanfictions, collected by coldsaturn
—Why a pseudonym?
—What came first, characters or story?
—Were you the artist of the comic version?
—What did the comic-Foxes look like?
—What do you do when you’re not writing?
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sophietv · 1 year
Kaylor Timeline BEFORE VSFS 2013
It's a thread I did on my Twitter that I'll transfer here.
Once again, I used amazing Tumblr posts to do it. So I'll credit them as we go (If I need to do something else tell me, I'm new to the Tumblr etiquette).
So the official story is that Taylor and Karlie crossed path a couple of times without interacting and met for the first time at the Victoria Secret Fashion Show in 2013 🤔
Well they met A LOT of times and interacted before actually 😅
Let's see the Timeline before that VSFS in 2013!
***I'll edit this post as I find new interactions (because I feel like I'll find a lot of them) I'll add this 🆕 beside new additions and dates when it was added at the end of the post.
First meeting!
So what motivated my thread in the first place is this Interview Taylor did in 2014 with Andrew Bevan of Teen Vogue.
Here's the YouTube Link (X)
But here's the most important part of that interview:
He is saying that he introduced Karlie and Emma Stone to Taylor!!
Ok we know that Taylor met Emma at the 2008 Young Hollywood Award.
I don't think though that he is talking about that event. Because he says that he congratulated her for her cover.
Taylor did two covers with Teen Vogue, one in 2009 and one in 2011.
Following the Timeline and everything it's most likely the March 2009 one:
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Thanks to this Anon! (X)
A magazine cover is planned 2-8 months in advance, up to a year for major celebrities.
The Young Hollywood Award was on late April 2008 and the cover was for March 2009 so it make sense.
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So it's most likely that Taylor met karlie for the first time at the same event she met Emma for the first time.
🆕 Really cute fact.
On the Cover of that magazine, Taylor wears a dress from the Calvin Klein Spring 2009 show. (X)
Guess who walked that runway??
Karlie! (X)
I exceeded the limit of picture so click on the (X) to see the posts.
Tommy Hilfiger spring 2010 collection:
Septembre 16th 2009 Taylor attends the Tommy Hilfiger Spring Show during New York Fashion Week. (X)
Karlie was there too! (X)
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In this post, you can see videos of Taylor watching Karlie on the runway: (X)
Here's the YouTube video : (X)
🆕Met Gala 2010:
They were both at the Met Gala in 2010
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🆕In Milan together
Although they were not at the same Fashion Show (that we know) Taylor and Karlie were in Milan at the same time during the Fashion Week.
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Another interesting facts. This could explain the "1958" reference of Timeless:
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Thanks to Izg on Twitter for giving me this!!
Roberto Cavalli 40th Anniversary Party:
Septembre 30th 2010
Taylor and Karlie attends the Roberto Cavalli 40th Anniversary party in Paris.
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Met Gala 2011:
May 2nd 2011
Karlie and Taylor both attend the Met Gala:
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This is also the first time that we have confirmation of an interaction between them:
Thanks to that amazing post! (X)
Karlie said in Teen Vogue that they joked about having a baking date.
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Rodarte Spring 2012 fashion show:
Septembre 13th 2011
Taylor attend Rodarte Spring 2012 fashion show where Karlie walks.
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Here's a link to the video (X)
Vogue Febuary 2012:
January 17th 2012
Taylor mentions Karlie in her Vogue interview: "I love Karlie Kloss! I Want to bake cookies with her!"
And this quote, made history.
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Karlie answers the same day:
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Vogue Fashion's Night Out:
August 2012
Thanks to this post (X)
Taylor and Karlie star in the same commercial about Vogue Fashion Night Out:
Thanks to @hairpinraindrop for the video
Karlie and Taylor were present at the event too on Septembre 6th 2012
Paris 2012:
Septembre 30th 2012
Karlie walks the runway for Jean-Paul Gauthier in Paris:
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Taylor is in Paris at the same time to film the Begin Again MV:
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Funny Koincidence(?), I went back and watch that MV again, and look at the opening scene!
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The Love Lock Bridge!!!
Elie Saab Spring Summer 2013 show:
Octobre 3rd 2012
Taylor is still in Paris and attends The Paris Fashion Week (X) at a fashion show where I'm pretty sure Karlie walked (I'm still searching for photos/videos).
But we know that Karlie was at the Paris Fashion Week too! (Thanks Astra!)
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Here's a video:
🆕Met Gala 2013
They were also both at the Met Gala in 2013. Wich was in May.
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So there you have it! All of Kaylor interaction BEFORE the 2013 VSFS!
This explains the timing of it all.
Because they allegedly met at the 2013 Victoria Secret Fashion Show in Novembre.
But as we know, Taylor moved to New York because Karlie asked her:
Timestamp 1:23
And people believe that she moved there after their Big Sur trip in March 2014.
Actually. Back in January 2014, Taylor was already looking to buy an appartment near Karlie's:
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And she actually bought her Tribeca oenthouse in February.
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Thanks to Bigsurlor for this!!
So they definitly knew each other before 2013!
Edit August 19 2023: Met Gala 2010, Milan trip together and Met Gala 2013 and the appartment hunting
Edit August 27th 2023: the Calvin Klein Spring 2009 dress section
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leopauldelr · 5 months
The beginner's guide to the Pretty Series
With the recent announcement of the new Pretty Series installment titled Himitsu no AiPri, it's about time the Pretty Series returned after over a year since the Waccha PriMagi! series finale. In celebration of the newest installment, let's take a quick history lesson about the Pretty series.
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The Pretty Rhythm Saga (2010-2014) - The Pretty Series saga began on July 15, 2010 with the arcade game titled Pretty Rhythm Mini Skirt. Made by Takara Tomy and developer SynSophia, this arcade game pits players in the role of Prism Stars, performing Prism Jumps, and collecting Prism Stones.
While the one that started it all made a slow start, the folks from Takara Tomy wanted to do more with the Pretty Rhythm saga, and with that, a TV anime titled Pretty Rhythm Aurora Dream was made. Aired in TV Tokyo on April 9, 2011, for 51 episodes, this anime is the fruit of Japan-Korea collaboration thanks to Japan's Tatsunoko Production and South Korea's Dong Woo Animation. The TV anime is all about Aira, Rizumu, and Mion in their quest to take on the prestigious Prism Queen Cup.
As Aira Harune's journey to become Prism Queen is completed, Mia Ageha takes the baton as the star of the next Pretty Rhythm story; Dear My Future. Aired in TV Tokyo on April 7, 2012, for 51 episodes, Dear My Future centers on the rivalry between Prizmmy☆ and the K-Pop group PURETTY. Believe it or not, there are real-life versions of the groups as seen in the anime. There's even a live-action segment featuring Prizmmy☆ as well.
As Mia Ageha's road to Grateful Symphonia is well and truly over, Naru Ayase steps to the spotlight in the third and final chapter of the Pretty Rhythm saga, titled Rainbow Live. Aired in TV Tokyo on April 6, 2013, it features an original storyline unlike the previous two. It's about Naru, An, and Ito, who are working together at the Prism Stone Shop while trying to take good care of a mysterious girl named Rinne.
Although the Pretty Rhythm saga ended, the story continues with the KING OF PRISM spinoff films featuring male characters from the Pretty Rhythm saga. They even got a 2019 anime show as well showcasing the rise of the boys who would be Septentrion.
The PriPara saga (2014-2018, 2021~) After the end of the Pretty Rhythm saga,  the folks of Takara Tomy prepped up what it seems to be the second generation of the Pretty series. It's called PriPara and it aired on TV Tokyo in the Summer of 2014 and lasted for three seasons, four if you count Idol Time PriPara of course. This anime series centers on the life and times of Laala Manaka, a little girl who wants to be the best PriPara idol. Together with Mirei Minami and Sophy Hojo, they became SoLaMi Smile and they fought their way against the best idol teams of PriPara, especially Dressing Pafe consisting of Dorothy, Reona, and Sion, Tricolore, and Gaarmageddon, among many others. PriPara is a huge win for the people behind it and such success prompted the show to spawn four movies and outrageous merchandising rights.
In the spring of 2017, the next chapter of PriPara begins with three new main characters penning the final pages of this saga. Titled Idol Time PriPara, it's all about Yui Yumekawa, whose fateful encounter with Laala Manaka changed everything following an accident. With Nino Nijiiro and Michiru Kouda joining alongside, the MY☆DREAM trio made the best closure to this saga.
Although the PriPara TV series is finished, the story continues with Idol Land PriPara. First announced in December 2020, it was originally slated to be released in the spring of 2021 until it became subject to long gestation and delayed launch dates. It was released on August 17, 2023. It is the second official PriPara app game after the defunct PriPuz puzzle app game. This app game also features an original anime series set moments after the events of Idol Time PriPara. It introduces new characters such as Amari Katasumi, Mario, and Pololo, among others.
The Kiratto PriChan years (2018-2021) - Aired in TV Tokyo since April 2018 for three seasons, Kiratto PriChan is set in a world where fame comes from social media just like in the real world. It's about a group of girls who called themselves the Miracle☆Kiratts who are striving to become the best PriChan idols above the rest. For three seasons, we watched Miracle Kiratts taking on big challenges such as heated competition with rival teams such as Meltic StAr and Ring Marry, the jewel idol competition, saving the world, the road to the Queens Grand Prix, and saving the world...again, while they do what they do best; showcasing the world that they're the best PriChan sensations ever known.
PriMagi (2021-2022) - Waccha PriMagi! is the fourth installment of the Pretty Series that revolves around the lives of Primagistas striving to become the best of the best. The show is about Matsuri Hibino, a middle-schooler who dreams of being the best just like her idol, the legendary Jennifer Sumire Sol.
AiPri - After over a year of void, the Pretty Series has returned with the newest installment coming to TV Tokyo this April 2024. Titled Himitsu no AiPri, the new series stars Minori Fujidera as Himari Aozora and Sae Hiratsuka as Mitsuki Hoshikawa. For the first time in Pretty Series, the animation sequences were provided by OLM, the studio behind the Pokemon and Yo-Kai Watch anime series, while South Korea's Dongwoo A&E returned to cooperate for it.
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Welcome back, Pretty Series! The world can't wait for the franchise's comeback show this April.
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9w1ft · 1 year
canon states that things kicked off for taylor and karlie back in 2013, but many of us know that the actual first time that we know of that taylor and karlie were ever in the same room at the same time was the tommy hilfiger spring 2010 runway show, back in 2009.
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the collection was called Beachside Romp, although the collection isn’t overtly beachy. and as far as we know they didn’t interact or anything, it was just, you know, karlie doing her thing walking in a collection of pinks and reds and preppy navies and khakis, and taylor peering out from her seat in her direction and maybe or maybe not watching her pass by
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but do you ever think about how she attended this show mere days after the infamous VMAs ceremony where kanye interrupted her? three days, to be exact! September 13th 2009 and September 16th 2009.
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i know swifties say that karma brought joe to her after all the drama she had to face in 2016 but you know?
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have you ever thought about how, much earlier than all that, at the very start of it, at this show, in this way,
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karma quite literally brought karlie to taylor ♥️
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hollywforever · 2 months
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Holly Willoughby presents her Spring/Summer 2013 fashion collection for Very.co.uk. at Claridges Hotel, London on 9th April 2013.
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newestcool · 1 year
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Acne s/s 2013 rtw Creative Director Johhny Johansson Newest Cool
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harrisonarchive · 1 year
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George Harrison, Green Street, Spring 1964; photo by Astrid Kirchherr or Max Scheler, © K&K/Redferns.
“Discs: This is George’s fav talking point. He’s an expert.” - Rave, June 1964
“Me and John, or me and George, or me and Ringo, but often it was me and John, would be sitting around and we’d hear a Stax record, normally at George’s — George had a great collection of Stax records — and you’d hear a snare drum, and it was, ‘Aw, that’s the greatest snare ever.’ So you’d bring that record in to the engineer: ‘Listen to this, you’ve got to get a sound like that.’ It would never sound like it, but you were bringing in a sound direction.” - Paul McCartney, MOJO, November 1995
“George went for the Coasters and Ben E. King.” - Ron Ellis, When They Were Boys (2013)
“‘You’ve got the greatest voice,’ George told me. ‘We loved it the first time we heard you.‘ The guys had just seen us on an English TV show called Sunday Night at the Palladium, and they couldn’t stop raving about it. ‘You were great,‘ John Lennon told me. ‘Just f***in‘ great.’ Naturally, we all hit it off right away. It was obvious that these guys listened to a lot of records, because they knew as much about American music as we did. Or more. The Beatles loved all the girl groups, and they knew every Motown song ever put out. […] Estelle and I went out on double dates with John and George a couple more times before we left London. They’d take us to all these romantic white-tablecloth restaurants, but once we got there all they’d want to talk about was American rock and roll. ‘Tell us about the Temptations,‘ George would say. Then John would ask, ‘What’s Ben E. King really like?‘ So we’d just go down the list, telling them stories about all the acts we worked with at the Brooklyn Fox. And as we’d talk, John and George would sit there like they were hypnotized.” - Ronnie Spector, Be My Baby (1990) (x)
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luxuriascloset · 4 months
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Alexander McQueen Spring 2013, Ready to wear Collection.
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untethered-days · 7 months
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In Illinois, 114,000 people are banned from owning guns because of legal tangles or mental health issues — three-quarters of them haven't surrendered their firearms, according to data the Cook County sheriff will present Thursday.
Sheriff Tom Dart is seeking $10 million from state lawmakers to tackle what he calls in naming the report “A Firearm Regulation Crisis." The money would train and equip more door-knocking officers to retrieve or ensure the safe storage of weapons from those who have had their state Firearm Owners Identification cards rescinded.
The aim would be reducing the chance potentially volatile people would exhibit the type of violence seen when a shooter who wasn't allowed to own a firearm carried out a massacre at Henry Pratt Co. in a Chicago suburb.
Otherwise, the menace of revocations of FOID cards from noncompliant gun owners will spiral beyond law enforcement’s control, the Democratic sheriff told The Associated Press in releasing the report in advance. Dart scheduled a news conference Thursday morning to release his findings.
“I wish I was making this up. I wish I had someone pull my argument apart and say, ’You’re exaggerating. You’re being dramatic,'” the Dart told the AP in an interview Wednesday. “No. Do the math. At this rate, two years from now, we’re going to have 100,000 revoked FOID card owners, and there will be no contact with them to ensure they’ve had their guns properly dealt with.”
Legislation pending in Springfield would increase fees on weapons purchases to fuel enforcement, but just two weeks remain in the spring legislative session.
There are 2.42 million FOID card holders in Illinois. They are rescinded when a gun owner is convicted of a felony, is the subject of an order of protection, is dealing with other mental health or cognitive issues, or is deemed a “clear and present danger” to themselves or others by police, school administrators, or medical professionals. Notified gun owners are required to turn over their weapons for storage or transfer them to a trusted person possessing a FOID card, an action certified with the completion of a Firearm Disposition Record.
Too many don't. Historically, the approach was for local law enforcement to repeatedly send letters informing the recipient of the obligation to do so.
Dart's report found that of nearly 114,000 repealed FOID card holders, 74% — approximately 84,000 — have never accounted for surrendering weapons.
The issue came to a bloody, devastating head in February 2019 when a man dismissed from his job at the Henry Pratt Co. in Aurora pulled and fired a gun he wasn’t allowed to have, killing five employees and wounding half-a-dozen others. The gunman bought the weapon in 2014 when a background check failed to identify a 1995 conviction for aggravated assault in Mississippi. When authorities became aware of it, they revoked the man’s FOID, but he never surrendered the weapon.
The same year, a DuPage County man whose FOID had been revoked for an aggravated battery charge but who had not turned over any weapons shot and killed his 18-month-old son, then himself, Dart's report notes.
Dart's efforts in the area predate the Aurora incident. He formed a unit in 2013 of eight officers trained to deal with tense environments, including those involving mental illnesses. His staff says the office has closed 9,200 cases, collected 4,000 FOID cards, taken 1,517 weapons for storage and allowed the safe transfer of several thousands of other weapons.
“It isn’t like trying to draw some type of conclusion and be a mind reader on who’s about to commit an offense,” Dart said. “We literally have the name and address of someone who has a gun and shouldn’t have it.”
Legislation signed in 2021 created a program for funding revocation enforcement teams. The Illinois State Police has granted local police departments — including Dart's and the Chicago city police — about $1 million a year.
Illinois State Police started tracking revocation enforcement in May 2019 and through 2022 reported bringing 4,300 people into compliance with the law.
Despite recent efforts, the backlog hasn't changed since state police reported it in the days following the Aurora disaster.
Dart has a sympathetic ear in the capital, and one particularly sensitive to the subject. Rep. Bob Morgan, a Democrat from the Chicago suburb of Deerfield, was marching with constituents in Highland Park's 2022 July 4th parade when a gunman opened fire, killing seven and wounding at least 30.
Morgan's proposal would increase the $2 fee on firearm purchases or transfers to $10, with $4 of that earmarked for the Illinois State Police's revocation enforcement fund. Morgan said the legislation has yet to be reviewed by the House task force on firearms.
Despite the steep increase in the transfer charge, Morgan said many states charge more than Illinois, from $15 in New Jersey to $25 in Nevada.
“We just have tens of thousands of these weapons that are floating out there from people who have had their FOID card legally and finally revoked,” Morgan said. “We need to do better.”
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transbookoftheday · 1 month
Gender Failure by Rae Spoon and Ivan E. Coyote
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"Being a girl was something that never really happened for me." —Rae Spoon
Ivan E. Coyote and Rae Spoon are accomplished, award-winning writers, musicians, and performers; they are also both admitted "gender failures." In their first collaborative book, Ivan and Rae explore and expose their failed attempts at fitting into the gender binary, and how ultimately our expectations and assumptions around traditional gender roles fail us all.
Based on their acclaimed 2012 live show that toured across the United States and in Europe, Gender Failure is a poignant collection of autobiographical essays, lyrics, and images documenting Ivan and Rae's personal journeys from gender failure to gender enlightenment. Equal parts hilarious and heartbreaking, it's a book that will touch LGBTQ readers and others, revealing, with candor and insight, that gender comes in more than two sizes.
Ivan E. Coyote is the author of six story collections and the award-winning novel Bow Grip, and is co-editor of Persistence: All Ways Butch and Femme. Ivan frequently performs at high schools, universities, and festivals across North America.
Rae Spoon is a transgender indie musician whose most recent CD is My Prairie Home, which is also the title of a new National Film Board of Canada documentary about them. Rae's first book, First Spring Grass Fire, was a Lambda Literary Award finalist in 2013.
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