#squidslug speaks
squidslugs · 11 months
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soon we will all live in a duck shuffler world
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squidslugs · 1 month
2 12 and 23. winton
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
the LAYERS man. shes so layered. they put like three layers of depth on her character into one 3 minute cutscene. they have more character than some of the kudos managers im sorry but its true.
i could write essays breaking down her character but to do it As Shortform as i can. you get to see her putting on the pr persona for you where she acts all nice only for it to fall apart at the first rejection of her kindness and he immediately jumps straight into attacking you. but then that falls away again in that defeat and surrender line where she how utterly afraid they are to be alone again.
shes angry and scared and can't do anything about it and even still they mash all that down because being nice to toons is what she does best. they are begging her captors and the ones who hurt him to stay because they vant stand being alone anymore.
misty monsoon could NEVER be this tragic.
.... also honourable mention to the fact they are listed as no honorifics on the website. thats my second favourite. as someone whos hangup with using she/her is the mrs/miss honorific i think thats swag as hell
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
ok fine because i have to get my agenda out there.
william, alton and winston joined cogs inc very early on - as in, the beginning of the invasion on toontown kind of early. all three of them were stationed as a team and had effectively the same jobs the directors do now and all three were good friends
of course everything goes wrong when theyre assigned to the stone and iron district....
23. Favorite picture of this character?
i dont feel comfortable posting other peoples art so here's this
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squidslugs · 1 month
ooh also. how about 2 + 3 + 12 for misty
im writing this shit in my notes app i am NOT risking it this time
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
UM. this us tough i dont like canon misty as much as i used to (< extensive hcs that are technically canon compliant but are defo not the intended reading)
i guess her battle really. after what they did to dave its pretty far up there as one of the more fun kudos managers in my opinion. iek im sorry everyone i still like misty but i have weird feelings on her canon characterisation so i dont really have a favourite part if that anymore. i like it when shes mad. point.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
the way she talks. she uses words like "bullies" and  "meanies" and talks about childrens games. its SICKENINGLY infantilzing, especially since its on like the only manager that uses the feminine body.
misty honestly is a really upsettingly written character if you dig into her. which is why i try to fix her soooo bad.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
too many. too many hcs to count. but to tie it into the prev question in my head she doesnt really see toons as people despite wanting to be on ""their side"" so she talks like this because she thinks they have to treat toons like silly children. toons wouldnt know what a workplace abuse is. idk to me shes sick of the way shes treated but they arent exactly treating anyone much better.
sorry misty fans but my misty interpretation makes her an absolutely insufferable person to be around and you'd have to be mad to try and fix them. actually i changed my mind im not sorry at all
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squidslugs · 9 days
if i had a nickel for every time i accidentally made a winston gif that was horribly broken id have two nickels. which isnt very much but weird that it happened twice
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squidslugs · 11 days
do you ever realize you really do have a character type and its just taken like forever for it all to click in your head. turns out themes of loneliness and isolation isnt something that started with winston.
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squidslugs · 3 months
me: oh man, the white spots on jess are starting to worry me. (treats tank with anti-parasite just in case its ich)
me: haileys gotten so BIG lately, we have got to slow down how much we feed her
me, finding a metric fuck ton of eggs in the tank this morning and realizing that those are both actually signs of preparing for reproduction:
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squidslugs · 1 month
3, 5, 20, 25? for winston. smiles
i answered this once and tumblr killed it when i attempted to save as draft i hate it hereeeee
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
absolutely 0 exploration of her disappearance itself. shes never mentioned outside her task besides witch hunter and the directors. idk, i feel like this is a problem with toon npcs in general because theres no real story to the toontown taskline. no toons really have significant personality. in fact the only ones who do *dont even appear ingame*. idk
i hope the taskline overhaul fixes this, id like there to be more about winstons kidnapping and imprisonment besides just "there was a weird cog so we did something about that " and then its the most horrifying solitary confinement done on this guy for years and years. now we will never speak of it again.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
i have a whole dedicated winston playlist but lucky you one of songs off it is stuck in my head today
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
probably alton. i know im biased because i hc the tasklines as old friends but those 2 get along really well since theyre both very excited by the prospect of doing their awesome jobs For Ever
i cant say much though because i dont have alton autism. i DO have will autism though and let me tell you those 2 have no idea how to communicate like normal people. i love it
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
my first impression was she was kinda freaky lookin, but i liked how silly she was.
i made a stupid joke abt her the same night we fought them first
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but i kept thinking abt him over the next few days
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and well. then i never stopped.
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squidslugs · 1 month
i was thinking about what i should send you for an ask about like media or something and then i had like a flashbulb memory hit me of how when i was a kid my family accidentally made the spider habitat of all time. i hadn't thought about it in years but i think this should become a major feature of archetecture for bug fans
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i was like 8 y/o and i would go out in a morning and the entire deck would just be an ocean of spiders and i'd tap the edge and they'd all scurry back inside. anyway i guess thinking about you unlocked this memory. i hope you like my diagram
holy crap hey this goes hard. put this setup in your front garden to banish arachnophobes forever from your abode.
this is so funny though. accidental spider habitat. thank you for this luca im gonna think abt this for the rest of my flight now
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squidslugs · 2 months
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i think my followers will enjoy this one
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squidslugs · 1 month
me watching my mutuals start talking about misty like yes.... YESSSSS.....
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squidslugs · 1 month
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officially off on my trip! gonna be quiet on here from tomorrow until mid may. feel free to message me if you need anything (or just want to check im alive) either here or on discord if you have it!
(you can also ask for my discord although i may not give it)
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squidslugs · 6 months
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squidslugs · 3 months
my one takeaway from this toontown update?
the new animations all look SO good on winston
i am going to make.
SO many gifs
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squidslugs · 7 days
me several hours late because i passed out after writing those tags IMMEDIATELY.
anyway uhhh thanks? misty was like my second favourite for a good while so i cant help but want to like her but you start digging into her character and its like. oh. this isnt Great.
which is why ive played the game with my friends of deconstructing and reconstructing her into something better tee hee
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squidslugs · 1 year
i dont normally post my screenshots here but
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what the scallop? @cathalbravecog
couple more screenshots under the cut :3
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ft our silly content packed winston sticker. getting locked in the dungeon for real
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squidslugs · 25 days
🧡📓🦷 can i know about damocles plese
🧡- Physical touch; good or bad?
probably on the bad side. i dont think she was ever one for it even after all the horrors and being stuck in Hell before bug died (probably) (dont quote her on the being dead thing)
i just dont think shes the type for it even when your close to her. not like she really had many people like this in bugs life (she had a family who was proud of her, but they werent close by any means). i think bug naturally held everyone at an arms length. she was always out for personal gain and assumed everyone else was the same, and even if bug was to find someone else out in the wasteland now, i think she would immediately assume they were after something from her.
i think their love language, if any, would probably be quality time. the thing they miss is more the prescence of other people than the closeness of someone in particular.
📓- Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
WELL. the initial inspiration that spurred on my leaning into the sword of damocles thing was the line referring to it in the promise keeper, "So on your throne a sword is hanging overhead", but considering how long damocles was in development for and went through SEVERAL design iterations in my head, heres just a few that standout as ones that drove along their story as i made them
"And if you think I'm passive then a lesson still awaits you; There comes a day and on that day you'll see" (Return to me - Tub ring)
"You thought the money would save you, one in the chamber" (Coyote - Mako)
"Yo ho ho, mind your greed and rum, or you’ll go below when the curse is done" (Curse of the Crystal Skull - Dr. Steel)
"Your mother must be so proud. You sublimate yourself, granting us a wish" (The Rifle's Spiral - The Shins)
"Wait until I rot and then explain it to my mother" (P3T - Femtanyl)
literally this entire section from invalid by tub ring i cant isolate just one part of it. sorry.
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all of those lines i consider key in forming damocles design and story to its final form. the promise keeper was the real first inspiration for Present damocles i think but coyote and return to me were the ones who formed the initial version of damocles who slowly transformed into the funny bird you see now. and the rest of the songs mentioned were pivotal in creating the story and design into its final form. tee hee.
🦷- Would this oc ever bite someone?
before horrors? no. very unprofessional
after horrors? maybe if you startled bug bad enough
shes naturally a flight over fight person though, you'd have to REALLY corner bug to set bug to the point of attacking you - and even then it'd be just something to buy her time to run
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