#sri lanka private jet journeys
routesopulent · 1 year
When you're planning your next private jet journey, be sure to book through Opulent Routes. We offer a wide variety of luxury amenities & services to make your travel experience truly special.
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Maldives Tour Details: Everything You Need to Know
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Introduction: Exploring the Paradise on Earth
If you're looking for a dreamy tropical getaway, the Maldives is an idyllic destination that should be at the top of your travel list. With its pristine white sandy beaches, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and vibrant marine life, the Maldives offers a slice of paradise like no other. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the Maldives tour details to ensure you have all the information you need to plan a memorable trip to this stunning archipelago.
Maldives Tour Details: A Closer Look                               
The Maldives is an archipelago located in the Indian Ocean, southwest of Sri Lanka. Comprising of 26 atolls and over 1,000 coral islands, this tropical nation offers an array of breathtaking landscapes and natural wonders. From luxurious resorts to thrilling water sports activities, the Maldives caters to all types of travelers, whether you're seeking relaxation or adventure.
FAQs about Maldives Tour Details
1. What is the best time to visit the Maldives?
The Maldives enjoys a year-round tropical climate, but the best time to visit is during the dry season, which spans from November to April. This period offers clear skies, calm seas, and plenty of sunshine, making it ideal for beach activities and underwater exploration.
2. How do I reach the Maldives?
Most international visitors reach the Maldives by air. The Malé International Airport, the main gateway to the country, receives flights from major airlines worldwide. From there, you can continue your journey to your resort or desired island either by seaplane, speedboat, or domestic flight, depending on the distance.
3. What are the accommodation options in the Maldives?
The Maldives is renowned for its luxurious resorts that provide a lavish and indulgent experience. From overwater villas with private pools to beachfront bungalows, you'll find a wide range of accommodation options to suit your preferences and budget. Additionally, there are also guesthouses and budget-friendly hotels available on local islands, offering a more affordable alternative.
4. Are there any water sports activities in the Maldives?
Absolutely! The Maldives is a haven for water sports enthusiasts. You can indulge in activities such as snorkeling, scuba diving, kayaking, jet skiing, and parasailing. The pristine coral reefs teeming with colorful marine life make it a paradise for diving enthusiasts, while the calm lagoons provide the perfect setting for snorkeling adventures.
5. Can I experience the local Maldivian culture?
While the Maldives is famous for its luxury resorts, it's also possible to immerse yourself in the local Maldivian culture. You can visit the capital city, Malé, and explore its bustling markets, mosques, and historical sites. Additionally, you can take part in cultural excursions to nearby islands, where you can interact with locals, sample traditional cuisine, and learn about their way of life.
6. What are some must-visit attractions in the Maldives?
The Maldives is home to numerous stunning attractions that are worth exploring. Some of the must-visit places include the vibrant capital city of Malé, the Baa Atoll Biosphere Reserve, which is a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve, and the stunning underwater restaurant located in Rangali Island. These attractions offer a glimpse into the beauty and uniqueness of the Maldives.
Conclusion: Embark on an Unforgettable Journey to the Maldives
As you can see, the Maldives offers a myriad of opportunities for an unforgettable vacation. Whether you're seeking relaxation, adventure, or a mix of both, this tropical paradise has it all. From the
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shazyloren · 7 years
The Dragon Club: Chapter 42 - Sea and Sorrow
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12018519/chapters/28547800
Daenerys squinted her eyes as the sun pierced them from the sky. The air was blazing, a heat very different from that of King's Landing. She felt the sweat begin to pour off of her head and she felt her vest top stick to her chest. She was going to roast. The heat off of the tarmac of the runway made the heat more intense and when she looked over at Jorah, she too saw the affects of the heat on him.
They walked down the steps of the plane to the buggy waiting to take them to the baggage claim area and set off as their journey in Sri Lanka began. Why did they have to come in off season, that confused her massively. The swelling heat in her chest was enough to want to get on the next flight out of their but she'd already agreed to this trip. So she'd have to deal. She hoped her room was nice and cool at least. Jorah sighed as his brow was dripping. They made way to the buggy and set off on their short trip in this country. Baggage claim was no problem for them, they soon were in the private taxi that had been arranged to come and pick them up to take them to the hotel and the Elephant Reserve.
This meant Daenerys had some time to think about things. She hadn't seen much of Jon the past two weeks since they'd agreed to spend some time apart, but they'd had a further discussion of everything and had properly come to an agreement. Daenerys had divulged her regret in agreeing with Daario, although she felt she was only doing it because Jon was the more reasonable of the two of them and their arguments were reaching new heights. She had to diffuse the situation and by agreeing with Daario and getting Jon to come around and see things in that way was a lot easier than listening to them argue for another seven hours. She realised too that she'd allowed her affection and love for Jon to make her become soppy instead of resilient and hot-headed. Which needed to change.
Jon had issued his concerns about how all this was going to pan out but Daenerys had assured him if it wasn't sorted shortly, they'd go to the police instead and get help. At the end of the day, they don't know what was at stake, the severity of these threats. Daenerys only wished whoever it was showed their face to her so she could tell them she didn't want them, that she was in love with Jon and not them. She'd briefly considered it to be her mother, but had quickly got rid of that stupid thought. Her mother was many things but she wasn't one to threaten and taunt someone in this way, even if she did not like Jon.
Daenerys sighed as she thought of him. His deep grey and mysterious eyes, his curly unruly hair and his pink lips so perfect they were begging to be kissed. Why had everything happened like some sort of romantic novel or fiction story written by a thirteen year old at a computer? She'd met him, they'd argued and declared they hated each other. They began o grow fond of each other and agreed to date. Things went wrong, they put them right. They fell in love, things have gone wrong again. What was this?
And as she thought on her decision to stay away from each other a bit, she now began to see how stupid of a decision it really was. Why had they been so rash? Why had she tried to appease Daario? Did she think, deep down, that maybe he was involved? Jon was adamant on it, he was hardly ever wrong on a judge of character. Only her he'd been wrong. So why was he so suspicious? Was it purely because he had a thing for her, and it was territorial needs coming out? Jon didn't strike her as the type to be like that.
There was only one conclusion in her mind as to everything that was going on. Someone was playing her for a fool and making her doubt everything she thought she knew. This person was playing them along and it was making emotions heightened. Jon had never really gone off at Daario as he had two weeks ago before, he hadn't really liked him, Daenerys knew this but he'd always been polite and civil. And then there was the Doreah incident. Man that was just as confusing.
Daenerys decided to give her brain a break at this point, not wanting to overthink things too much. Even though she knew she already had done, she put Jon on the back burner as she turned to face Jorah in the private car who was trying to get some air current circulating the vehicle. She smiled, at least he was the one thing she could rely on to actually find sense in things. Her constant, as he had been for so long.
"You've got that look, Daenerys" He sighed as she felt her frown disappear on her face and be replace with a look of confusion.
"And what look is that, my love?" She asked sweetly as she suddenly felt tired.
"The one where you're starting to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders" He smiled compassionately. "Everything will work out, even if the lengths you've gone to is a bit dramatic"
"I know, I just... remind me why I agreed to Daario's idea again?" She sighed, the thought of Jon coming back to the forefront of her mind after unsuccessfully locking it away.
"You're in love, love makes you do stupid things" He shrugged as he began to look out the window, the forests and mountains a beautiful sight as the afternoon sun eased up just slightly. "You're someone who would do anything to protect the ones you love. That's how you hired us all. I lost my wife, Missandei was beign abused, Varys wanted a peaceful life. And now you and Jon want a peaceful life together, whether that's short term or long term I do not know, but what I do know is love, makes you stupid"
"How are you so wise?" She laughed.
"I read, I watch the news, but above all, I know you very well" He beamed. Daenerys felt reassured of her decision, she was looking forward to getting back from her trip and sorting this stupid issue out as soon as possible. "We'll be there soon, Madam. Save your energy for those elephants tomorrow"
They didn't speak for the last twenty minutes of their journey, Daenerys mind felt much more at ease after Jorah's reassurance. She knew Jon was probably feeling on nerves end still but she knew deep down he was okay. If something was wrong, he'd let her know. They agreed to that. She looked out her window and was taken aback by the view. The hotel over looked the bluest sea Daenerys had every seen. The national park was suppose to be ten miles in land but Daenerys had wanted a sea view hotel. She loved the beach and the ocean. It reminded her of her grandparents house in Dorne that she used to visit as a child. Her grandfather Aegon used to hold her hand while she splashed in the small waves. She was distraught when he passed.
The car came to a halt as it pulled up to the hotel. The man was paid and their luggage was taken by a concierge. The front of the hotel was very spanish in style, veranda's and peach colours which glistened in the sunlight, but Daenerys could see a lot of the building was remade into a modern haven. They walked through the door with their carry ons and was greeted by a large welcoming space. There wasn't many people around, which suited Daenerys fine. But she was in awe of how much light this place let in, the large bay windows made it seem as if you were almost outside. And it was cool, the air conditioning working overtime. There was a woman at the front desk who was fanning herself.
"Hello" Daenerys smiled. "Two rooms reserved under Targaryen, t-a-r-g-a-r-y-e-n"
The woman nodded and search the computer. Her skin shone in the sunlight that was pouring through the windows. Her hair was in curls and she looked smart in her white suit. Black wasn't really a wearable colour around these parts of the world, too hot. "okay Miss, your rooms are seven and eight on the first floor. Room service is available and we are open 24/7 on reception"
Daenerys nodded in reply and made her way with the concierge to the lift. Jorah followed, making sure the bell boy was doing a good job with all their bags. The lift was sweltering, much different from the room, and when the doors closed Daenerys almost suffocated it was that close in there. The boy didn't seem bothered, even with his work clothes on. The lift soon opened however and Dany could breath again as room seven and eight came into view at the end of that corridor.
She found herself wishing Jon was here with her, he would love this place. He was a huge animal activist and when she thought about it she should've been adamant he came with her as her videographer. Speaking of, the recording crew said they'd be meeting her at the reserve the following day. She and Jorah would be having dinner alone this evening before being joined by a large group the rest of the week. She reminded herself to not think of Jon too much in front of strange company, or she'd be having to dash off to her room to think of him properly.
That was another problem she had with this distance thing, she'd become so reliant on their sex that she was having withdrawal symptoms. No, stop thinking of him, he'll be there when you get back if you need him. She had to chastise herself. Jorah had apparently been talking to her because he stood waiting for an answer. "Sorry, miles away"
"King's Landing?" He smirked. Daenerys just rolled her eyes. "I asked which room you wanted"
"I'll take eight, as it's my birthday number" She smiled before giving jorah the room key for number seven. She opened the door to her own room and felt her breath suck in. The view was magnificent. The bed was like hers but in bright yellow colours than the dull red and blacks of her house. She put her bag down to inspect further. The bathroom was spacious and had a bath with jets in. A shower with various pressure settings, and a toilet that automatically flushed after your bottom had gotten off of the seat. That was a strange one. Smiling she took a photo of it straight away, Tyrion would get a laugh out if that.
She walked to the balcony and too in the sea air. Sighing, she saw some people lounging by the pool and on the beach with drinks aplenty. Dany sighed, she really needed a drink right now, what even was her life anymore? She did not know. All she knew, was that she had five days until she left Sri Lanka, and another three days until she could possibly see Jon. She wanted this distance over already.
I miss you, she had tweeted before they got on the plane.
She really did, more than ever.  
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Tamarind Global: An Undisputed Provider of Bespoke Luxury Travel Services
In the last couple of years, with the improvement of lifestyle and lavish demands of vacationers, the luxury tourism industry has taken an impressive jump. These days, luxurious journeys and trips have become the primary necessities of travelers rather than a need.
With the growing demands for expensive trips, calling for best luxury travel companies has seen a significant hike. However, one firm that has successfully made its stand apart from others, regarding services, packages, solutions, and assistance is Tamarind Global. Started as a destination management company, Tamarind Global now stands as an undisputed player among all those so-called and best luxury travel companies at the global level.
With many specializations, one-of-its-kind luxurious travel services, customized vacation packages and extensive networking with international airlines and accommodation providers, Tamarind Global has set a new yardstick in the international tourism industry. Here are some points which will help you understand why Tamarind Global is better from the rest. Have a look:
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Alongside usual hill station and beach trips, Tamarind Global also offers focused itineraries like artistic, culinary, spiritual, holistic, Ayurveda and wellness vacations to a range of locations in both India and foreign countries like Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan.
These are just a few examples of specialization of Tamarind Global. There are much more factors such as personalized romantic trips, budget-friendly packages for foreign tours, royal trips and so on which make the firm stand apart from other companies.
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izobellaird-blog · 7 years
Honeymoon Holidays to Sri Lanka Beaches
Exploring The Most Unique Beach Tours For The Most Romantic Sri Lanka Honeymoon Trip
Popularity Of Sri Lanka Honeymoon Holidays
Your honeymoon is the beginning of a beautiful journey together. Therefore this time off from your bust lives should be spent in the most enjoyable way possible that will bring the two of your together, stronger than ever so you will be properly geared to face life’s challenges successfully. A Sri Lanka honeymoon trip is therefore one of the best things you can choose to have just this. Of all the wonders of Sri Lanka, Honeymoon beach tours spent in exquisite beaches like Bentota Beach and Tangalle Beach are the best way the two of you can have the most memorable holiday experience to bring you even closer together.
Best Sri Lanka Honeymoon Beach Tours
The view of the mighty sunrise and sunset decorate the grains of sand on palm fringed beaches make Honeymoon beach tours in Sri Lanka a truly exotic experience. These pristine quality locations provide the ideal conditions for lovebirds to spend time in each other’s company engaging in the right combination of relaxing and fun filled adventures. Popular locations such as Bentota Beach and Tangalle Beach are some of the most notable coastal locations which are highly popular among honeymooners. Therefore it would definitely be the best locations for the two of you to spend time at as well. Here are some of the key points which make these beaches must visit places in your Sri Lanka honeymoon trip.
There are several high quality hotels and resorts for the most luxurious stay
Travelling to these areas are quite convenient
A visit to Bentota Beach has become an integral part of Sri Lanka honeymoon holidays because the beauty and romantic vibes in the area create the right ambiance suitable for a magical experience. The surroundings are unimaginably beautiful and the environment is highly conducive for visitors to try exciting beach related activities such as snorkeling, jet skiing, scuba diving and many more which will definitely create fond memories to last a lifetime.
Tangalle Beach is another great option to include in your Sri Lanka honeymoon holidays. This location is relatively less crowded and ideal for those who want to have an extremely calm and private time together. Visiting this beach still treats you to all the luxuries you hope for when going on a beach holiday. Also this area is very popular for enjoying a sea bath when conditions are favorable.
Source : https://trip2srilanka.wordpress.com/2017/02/15/honeymoon-holidays-sri-lanka-beaches/
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asherculpepper-blog · 7 years
Exploring The Most Unique Beach Tours For The Most Romantic Sri Lanka Honeymoon Trip
Popularity Of Sri Lanka Honeymoon Holidays
Your honeymoon is the beginning of a beautiful journey together. Therefore this time off from your bust lives should be spent in the most enjoyable way possible that will bring the two of your together, stronger than ever so you will be properly geared to face life’s challenges successfully. A Sri Lanka honeymoon trip is therefore one of the best things you can choose to have just this. Of all the wonders of Sri Lanka, Honeymoon beach tours spent in exquisite beaches like Bentota Beach and Tangalle Beach are the best way the two of you can have the most memorable holiday experience to bring you even closer together.
Best Sri Lanka Honeymoon Beach Tours
The view of the mighty sunrise and sunset decorate the grains of sand on palm fringed beaches make Honeymoon beach tours in Sri Lanka a truly exotic experience. These pristine quality locations provide the ideal conditions for lovebirds to spend time in each other’s company engaging in the right combination of relaxing and fun filled adventures. Popular locations such as Bentota Beach and Tangalle Beach are some of the most notable coastal locations which are highly popular among honeymooners. Therefore it would definitely be the best locations for the two of you to spend time at as well. Here are some of the key points which make these beaches must visit places in your Sri Lanka honeymoon trip.
There are several high quality hotels and resorts for the most luxurious stay
Travelling to these areas are quite convenient
A visit to Bentota Beach has become an integral part of Sri Lanka honeymoon holidays because the beauty and romantic vibes in the area create the right ambiance suitable for a magical experience. The surroundings are unimaginably beautiful and the environment is highly conducive for visitors to try exciting beach related activities such as snorkeling, jet skiing, scuba diving and many more which will definitely create fond memories to last a lifetime.
Tangalle Beach is another great option to include in your Sri Lanka honeymoon holidays. This location is relatively less crowded and ideal for those who want to have an extremely calm and private time together. Visiting this beach still treats you to all the luxuries you hope for when going on a beach holiday. Also this area is very popular for enjoying a sea bath when conditions are favorable.
Ref  : https://trip2srilanka.wordpress.com/2017/02/15/honeymoon-holidays-sri-lanka-beaches/
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routesopulent · 2 years
Travel All Over The World Through Private Jet Journeys!
Opulent Routes is here with the perfect private jet journeys for your next trip out in the great wide world! If you’re interested in a travel experience, then you’ll want to visit our website.
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