elliemyrah · 6 years
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Here's my secret Santa to @ladycravenheart
You like spova and i wanted to see Nova in a fluff sweater so here ya go. ^w^
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happyfroglegs · 6 years
Secret Santa: Merry Christmas!
Hi @kiddoryder , you said you wanted a brotherly Gibson and Sprx fic and boom! Here it be, I hope you enjoy it.
Gibson had always known he wasn’t the best when it came to anything physical. Not for a lack of trying though, he just wasn’t a super strong fighter. He’s a scientist, not a warrior. Even though he’s always known and accepted this fact...there were still many times where he felt insecure about it. This was especially true today as the team was fighting off against a 10 ft tall formless monster that looked very similar to a crab. The armored crab slammed it’s claw down as Gibson and Nova jumped away from it.
“Smack-Slam-Kazam!” Nova slammed her fists against the top of the crab’s head, making it grimace in pain.
“Jeez this thing is stronger than we thought! How are we gonna stop it?” Sprx asked before dodging one of the crab’s flying projectile spikes.
Oh yes it has spikes on its back.
“I don’t know, but we gotta find it’s weakness soon or it’ll just keep wrecking everything!” Chiro huffed.
Sprx looked over at Gibson, who was looking for an opening before dodging the crab’s claw trying to smack him. Sprx frowned in worry.
Gibson, while attacking and dodging the crab, tried to think of a strategy to stop it or find what it’s weakspot was. Gibson quickly dodged a spike but felt it graze his tail. He fired at it, but it only brushed off the attack like it was nothing. Gibson felt his stomach clench as sweat began to trickle down the side of his face. Jeez how was he going to get past this thing’s hard shell?!
“Gibson, you got any ideas on how to stop this thing?” Sprx asked.
Gibson, quickly thinking said, “We have to get past the creature’s shell, it’s the only thing protecting it!”
“Well gee Gibson don’t you think we’ve been tryingt?!” Sprx asked in frustration, knowing they’ve been trying to do that but have no idea how to break it.
“Well if you give me a second to think-!”
“Guys watch out!” Otto suddenly called out.
The crab then swiped at the two, attempting to grab them. Sprx quickly got out of the way and tumbled onto his knees. He looked up and saw Gibson was caught right in the creature’s claw. Gibson struggled to get out of it’s grasp, but his arms were trapped. He then felt the crab start to crush him. Gibson let out a painful yell.
“Gibson!” Nova yelled before Sprx quickly got into gear.
“Let him go you overcooked moss eater!” He snapped before blasting the crab in the eyes with one of his magnetic attacks.
The creature screeched and dropped Gibson to the ground. The crab’s armor vibrated violently at Sprx’s attack. Gibson clutched at his ribs in pain before slowly getting up. He watched as he saw the others go at it, trying to distract it. The creature was clearly affected by everybody else’s attacks...so why weren’t his? Was he really that weak?
Gibson felt himself tremble before he felt his arm being elbowed gently. He turned to Sprx, who was smiling a bit.
“Hey you’re not the only one frustrated about this thing, Antauri can’t even get a hit on it.” Sprx said to him.
“It’s not that…” Gibson looked off to the side, not wanting to look at Sprx in the face
He really didn’t want to get into this right now, he didn’t want to talk about how weak he felt.
Sprx frowned and placed his hand on his hip.
“Really? Thought I was hitting the nail on the head with your whole ‘not a strong fighter’ insecurities thing.” He said.
Gibson’s eyed widened as he whipped his head back up.
“Gibson please we’ve lived in the same robot together for years, you don’t think I see how down you look when we compare training scores? Trust me brainstrain, even I get that way every now and then.” Sprx said.
Gibson had a hard time believing someone as confident as Sprx would be insecure about himself but maybe that was a possibility. Maybe he wasn’t alone on feeling like this. Sprx gently elbowed him again.
“You’ve even get pretty high training scores sometimes, even higher than mine. So don’t worry too much about your strength or whatever. Just keep your spirits up and you’ll be fine.” Sprx said before scratching his chin, kinda embaressed he had to be all mushy and stuff.
Gibson straightned up as he was touched by Sprx’s words. He felt a smile grow on his face as his chest warmed.
“Thank you Sprx.” He said, quickly feeling better.
Sprx scoffed and patted Gibson’s shoulder.
“C’mon they’ve got that thing distracted, let’s take it down.”
Gibson paused for a moment before nodding.
“Magno ball beam splitter!” Sprx launched another attack at the creature and it screeched in pain.
A lightbulb then went off in Gibson’s head. Gibson turned to Sprx.
“Sprx! Keep hitting  it with your electrical attacks! It’s weak against it!” He called out to him.
Sprx eyed Gibson before nodding. The others got out of the way as Sprx darted at the crab.
“Magno ball blazer!” He yelled before launching his attack at the crab.
This time the crab’s armor fell apart as it let out a yell of pain. Gibson took this chance by quickly jumping into the air and aiming at the crab.
“Spin Shocker!”
The crab exploded at Gibson’s attack, causing a few of the others to get covered in the formless gunk. Gibson quickly washed everyone down with warm water from his drills before washing down Sprx.
Sprx sputtered and crossed his arms.
“Thanks.” He huffed before smiling.
Gibson smiled back before Otto bear hugged him.
“You did it!” He squealed.
“Otto...ribs still in pain!” Gibson wheezed before Otto let him go.
“Heh sorry.”
“Well done Gibson, now let’s go home and check on your ribcage. In case it was damaged during the attack.” Antauri advised.
Gibson nodded as the others went back to the robot, while on the way there however…
“Oh and Sprx?” Gibson said to the red monkey.
Sprx turned to him.
“Crabs eat algae, not moss.” Gibson pointed out.
Sprx frowned.
“What’s the difference?” He asked before instantly regretting it.
All Sprx then heard on the way back to the robot was all of the differences between moss and algae. Well at least Gibson was feeling better about himself than before.
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ladytauria · 6 years
Notes: So, guess who got @pumpkinachai​ for SRMTHFG Secret Santa??? :PYou said you wanted fic or art for your OCs and I adore Gibson/Mhairi, so here you go!! I went through like. Four different ideas before I settled on this one, which is why my gift ended up being late.
Pairing: Mhairi/Gibson Word Count: 523 Rating: G Warnings: None! Tags: Fluff, Romance Summary: New years, new beginnings... and what better place to begin then directly at the start?
It’s New Year’s Eve, and there’s a party at the Super Robot. It’s more or less a small thing—all of their immediate friends and family, people (monkeys, robots, and aliens) who have been there through some pretty tough times.
Mhairi’s escaped to the Robot’s shoulder, happy to see all of her closest friends mingling about but… not particularly eager for the stroke of midnight.
Apparently, on Shuggazoom, it was traditional to kiss at the stroke of midnight—a sign that you would be together in the coming year. It was sweet, it really was, but…
She still hadn’t quite worked up the courage to confess to Gibson yet, and she couldn’t help but be a little jealous of all the other couples. Besides, the annual Shuggazoomian fireworks show would be a much more pleasant view.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a door.
She turned, and her heart caught on her ribs.
(Of course it was Gibson. Why wouldn’t it be?)
“Mhairi.” He smiled at her. “Were you feeling overwhelmed as well?”
Mhairi was flushing; she just knew it. But she made herself smile back. “A bit, yeah. Our circle of friends has gotten so large!”
“It has.” Gibson nodded.
It was probably even stranger for him, and the other monkey team members. After all, they remembered a time before even Chiro.
“It’s nice, though,” he said.
Mhairi smiled. “But overwhelming.”
Gibson laughed. “Yes.”
Mhairi looked back out over the city. It wouldn’t be long now before the fireworks went off, the new year officially come to Shuggazoom. New year, new possibilities—a phrase she had seen often over the last few days.
Gibson cleared his throat lightly. When she turned to look at him, she found him impossibly closer. (No; not impossibly. But he was in her personal space, and whatwasshesupposedtodo?). “Say, Mhairi… did you hear about the, ah, Shuggazoomian tradition, today?”
Mhairi’s heart was doing somersaults. “Which one?” It barely came out as a squeak, but Gibson didn’t appear to notice; his tail flicking behind him as he nudged a bit closer. They were almost touching now.
His eyes flickered to her beak. “The, ah…” He wet his lips. “The New Year’s kiss.”
“I might’ve, um. Yes.” She nodded, maybe a bit too hard. “Yes.” It felt like she couldn’t breathe. Not even new discovery made her this keyed up.
“Ah. That’s. Good. Yes. Good. Wouldn’t want you to, ah. Miss out on any… any Shuggazoomian traditions, would we?”
Mhairi shook her head. “No. No.”
Gibson swallowed. The clock was ticking down. The sounds and the bright lights of the city had faded away, and all she could see was blue.
It was a lovely color, blue.
And then Gibson’s mouth was on her beak, and there were literal fireworks overhead and—
He pulled back, just as flushed and shaky as she was, and it was dizzying.
They would have to talk, later—but he had just kissed her on the New Year. That meant something. (Maybe everything.)
“Happy New Year, Mhairi.”
She couldn’t help but touch her beak and grin widely. “Happy New Year, Gibson.”
I hope that I did Mhairi justice, and that you enjoyed!! <3 I’m sure how Mhairi and Gibson got together in your canon is different, but this idea popped in my head and wouldn’t leave me alone! (I blame all the Hallmark movies Grandma was watching while I played games!)
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ishimura98 · 6 years
It hurts
February. Tomorrow is my birthday. And I still have not received even a gift from my Secret Santa. I hope that you also will not receive a gift for next Christmas. You freeloader.
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candra-hearts · 6 years
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You know what Sparx would say if he were here? He’d say-- I’d say, “Right on, kid!”
This is my Secret Santa present for @pumpernickel! You said you’d like something with Sparx and Otto’s friendship. Their dynamic is hilarious and I had a blast putting this together!
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year!
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