ladytauria · 5 years
I wish you would write a fic where Valina has a redemption arc. :P
i actually have one like… partially drafted 😂 have a li’l sneak preview? (tho mind u it hasn’t been edited yet :p)
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“Well, well. What have we here?”
It couldn’t be.
That voice.
She jerked to her feet, turning, baring her teeth, heedless of the tear tracks on her face. Her hands glowed once more. “Insolent simian! Shouldn’t you be with the master? If you think to win his favor by—”
Valina stopped, abrupt.
No. That wasn’t right.
The wretch of a simian who followed her about was half skeletal in nature—flesh and bone, fit with a terrible little lobster claw of a hand. This creature…
It, he, hovered off of the ground, hands on his knees. His fur grew in a long mustache and eyebrows. Bandages covered his head, his tail. He wore a leather breastplate, and was covered in bald patches. His form was—strange. A bit too long, too lanky. Like he’d been bigger, and just… deflated.
Yet. He looked, and sounded, like her former minion.
“Who are you?” She demanded.
The simian’s mouth quirked. “You already know the answer to that.” He waved a hand dismissively. “After all, it sounds as if you’ve become acquainted with my… clone.” He sneered. “I find it far more interesting to know who you are.”
So. The little wretch she’d been forced to endure was a clone. That would explain why so much of her master’s power had clung to him, where it hadn’t their enemies.
“My name is Valina,” she says, stiffly. “They call me the Skull Sorceress.” And oh, that was another thing that had been ripped from her, wasn’t it?
“So. Tell me, witch, what failure was it that landed you here? What scheme of yours did the Hyper Force send so thoroughly down into the toilet, hmm?”
Valina drew up her chin. “I did not fail. The boy and his monkeys did not ruin my plans.”
“Well, clearly you did something. Or you wouldn’t be here, now would you?”
Valina scowled. That was the kicker, wasn’t it? Obviously she had done something wrong. Had… had made a mistake somewhere. Was it her failure to eradicate the Hyper Force? She had thought that leaving them for the master would be a welcome back present—after all, they had always been off limits before.
“It’s none of your business, simian,” she snapped. “You have already been discarded by the master. He would not even blink, were I to vaporize you where you stand.”
Mandarin didn’t look impressed. “You mean, after being sent all the way out here, you’re still professing loyalty to him?”
Of course. Anything else would be… unthinkable. He was the master. He had raised her from the hell that was the Skeletal Circle, from their misguided beliefs and foolish plots. He had given her power. Trained her. Changed her. He had taken such an interest in her—had given her duties, responsibilities…
What else was she supposed to do? Where else could she go?
“His vision for this world—“
Mandarin cut her off. “Please. His vision is nothing more than a ruined husk of a planet, fed off of by his precious ‘Dark Ones.’”
“You served him once too,” Valina snapped.
“We shared a common enemy,” Mandarin said.
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ladytauria · 5 years
Chiro’s Girl
for chinmay week day one! see the full list of prompts here (though they are completely optional!) 
This feels really cheesy, but, it was a lot of fun to write! Even if I’m not super fond of the execution (and parts aren’t entirely canon) I hope you guys enjoy!!!
under a readmore (hopefully) since it’s a bit long ;)
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“Hey, isn’t that Chiro’s girl?”
Jinmay couldn’t help but smile, just a little as she overheard the phrase. Chiro’s girl. What a lovely phrase. They hadn’t been dating long—actually, you could barely call it dating, really. But she was fond of him. And she really, really liked the idea that people had begun to associate them together. Like they were a matched set.
She found herself humming, a light skip to her step.
She stopped outside of the holographic ice cream shop, and swung the door open. There was a soft chime as the bell swung—a small, old-fashioned touch, that only made Jinmay feel lighter.
Chiro waited at their usual table, already holding two ice cream cones.
Jinmay beamed as she approached.
“You’re in an awfully good mood,” Chiro said. His tone was teasing, but his eyes were questioning.
Jinmay took her cone. “Just happy to here.”
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“Hey! You, uh—Chiro’s girl!”
Jinmay almost rolled her eyes. Almost. She’d been protecting Shuggazoom City, by herself, for how long now? And people still didn’t know her name?
It was irritating.
She responded to it all the same, descending from the sky and landing on the ground with a light thump. “What is it?” she asked, making sure to keep her irritation to herself. The woman had sounded frantic when she called—it was hardly her fault if she couldn’t remember Jinmay’s name.
(Of course, that was assuming she knew it in the first place…)
“It’s Nicole!” The woman gestured at her companion. “There was a mugger—he took her purse!”
“It has my communicator in it,” the other woman—Nicole—said. “And my credit chit, and—“
“It’s important,” Jinmay finished, not unkindly. “Did you see what he looked like?”
“Tall, skinny, blue hair,” the friend filled in.
“He was really stereotypical. Wore all black. Even had on a hat,” Nicole said.
Jinmay nodded. “Alright. I’ll get it back.” She launched off again, soaring higher, until she had a good view of the streets without being too high. It wasn’t hard to spot the mugger, darting through alleyways with the purse clutched in his hand.
Her jets made him no match for her. She whizzed by, snatching the purse from his hands. She stopped to hover over him.
“Don’t you know crime doesn’t pay?”
“Hey!” The guy stopped, dead in his tracks, looking down at his empty hands and then back at her with an affronted expression. “That was mine!”
Jinmay snorted. “No, it wasn’t.”
“You can’t prove that!”
“So the ID in here, it’ll match you, and not the girl you stole it from?”
The mugger opened and closed his mouth like a fish. “Well—I—“ He looked around nervously, then pointed behind her. “Look over there!”
Jinmay didn’t even turn her head. The guy didn’t stick around to see, though, instead darting off so fast he was tripping over himself to keep moving.
For a moment, she thought about pursuing him, dropping him off at the local police station.
But, she had a purse to return… and had hopefully scared him enough he wouldn’t try again. She sighed and shook her head, instead returning to the girls.
Nicole took her purse back with a hundred thank you’s on her tongue.
Jinmay smiled, genuinely this time. “It wasn’t any problem,” she said.
“Seriously, though—thanks.”
“It’s what I do,” Jinmay said. She activated her boots again. “And by the way?” She glanced down at them. “It’s Jinmay.” She winked, and shot off, ready to resume patrol.
Hero work felt good. No wonder Chiro loved it so much.
She glanced at the sky, turning orange in the fading light. Come home soon.
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“Is it just me, or does Chiro’s girl look… different?”
Jinmay scowled. She stood from the table, setting her drink down with a thud. She stalked over to the two young men. “What did you just call me?”
Behind her, she could hear the rest of the gang hollering, cheering her on. It turned her scowl into a sharp grin.
“Uh—I—We—“ One of the boys began to stutter.
She braced her hands on the table. “Let me make one thing clear. I ain’t nobody’s ‘girl.’ My name is Jinmay. I suggest you use it.”
Stuttering boy’s friend cut in. “We will! We will, we promise,” he said, tripping over the words in his haste to speak them.
She almost walked away, but the booting behind her urged her on. She leaned forward some more. “Lemme hear you say it, then,” she said. “Just to make sure you got it.”
“Jinmay! Jinmay,” the boys said together.
She grinned. “Well done.” She leaned back. “Tell ya what,” she said. “Why don’t’cha lemme Pat for your meal, huh?” She waved the waitress over, told them to add it to her bill—then sauntered back over to the gang, slipping under the leader’s arm.
“What’d ya pay for their meal for, doll?” he asked.
She grinned, wickedly, and held up her credit chit. “I ain’t payin’. This is on the Hyper Force’s tab. What’d ya say I pay for ours too?”
More hooting and hollering from the others. “Why, I’d say that’s a mighty fine idea!” He raised his glass. “To Jinmay!”
She grinned, clinking her glass with the others before downing it in one go.
Tonight, they were gonna be living large.
“Chiro’s girl is back!”
Jinmay smiled wobbly at the words. Chiro glanced at her. His hand tightened around hers.
“You okay?”
Jinmay’s smile widened, even though she felt like she might cry. “Yeah,” she said, a little choked. “Just… really happy.”
After everything with the Hills Have Five, the person she had become, she just… it felt good, to be seen as ‘Chiro’s Girl’ again.
Maybe sometimes she wanted to be recognized as her own self, her own person… but right then? It was good to be seen alongside a hero. Someone who made Shuggazoom better. Someone who made her better. Who believed in her, even when she was her worst self.
It was another reminder that she wasn’t who they had made her. Not now, not ever.
How could she be, when she was Chiro’s girl?
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ladytauria · 6 years
Stmthfg: srmthfg is the same. But later on (idk, post S4) Chiro ends up tapping into the PP to the point he manages to do something that hasn't been done in so long it's been lost in history and thought not possible: talk to the PP itself. Except instead of this ultra serious ancient acting being. PP is like that sassy bickering in law who's very prickly and can be nagging, blunt while hard to please. Chiro is a little surprised since Antauri always described the PP... differently in terms of -
2 views. Ones that would have painted a much different picture of it’s personality. But Chiro rolls with it since PP, as emotional and unpredictable it can be, is his best ally and unlike Antauri actually dishes out advice that’s easy to understand + very useful. Chiro figures maybe being the CO makes him feel a special bond either way too so he befriends PP. But yeah I’m fond of tropes where the mystical high and mighty being is actually a bit eccentric while still living up to their status.
Anon, I love this. This is GREAT. 
I imagine the Power Primate as being pretty jaded. I don’t think that the Alchemist is the first person that the Dark Ones have corrupted—just the most recent. Nor is Chiro the first Chosen One. This is a war its seen before; a war its been doomed to fight for probably the last… millennia? Maybe longer.
I imagine it doesn’t (they don’t?) think very highly of Chiro. Him being so young, and again—just another “tool” in a very long game. But the fact that Chiro can hear it (them?) is… something. It means he has potential, at least. Which means there’s this sort of begrudging acceptance there.
But I imagine that, like you said, there’s still a lot of snark. Maybe some disdain. It doesn’t understand a lot of things, and maybe even tries to push Chiro to do things he’s not exactly ready for–and even berates him for not being ready. But at the same time–again, like you said–its advice is indispensable, and it can be pretty humorous sometimes. And when its in a good mood, it probably tells the best stories about past Chosen Ones. 
Eventually, Chiro worms his way into the Power Primate’s heart–or equivalent–and the Power Primate actually becomes fond of him. To its distress. To the point that its maybe… a bit protective of him. Possibly.
…tbh I kind of want to drabble this now. (It got long. I hope I did your idea justice, Anon!) 
Chiro sat on the shoulder of the Robot, legs swinging over the side. It was night, the stars shining above Shuggazoom City, almost blotted out completely by the city’s lights. In the distance, he could see ships flying, and vehicles roaming the nightly patrol. Sprx was out there somewhere; flying alongside Flint to make sure they weren’t ambushed.
So far, the night had been quiet.
Chiro hoped it would stay that way.
He knew he should be asleep, but sleep had eluded him. He’d tossed and turned for nearly an hour before giving up. He was plagued with questions. Old questions. Questions that had burdened him since the monkeys had first told him of his “destiny.”
He leaned back against his palms, and looked up at the sky.
“Why me?” He asked. “Who chose me?”
 Chiro jolted, on his feet in an instant. “Who’s there? Who are you?” The voice was familiar–but it wasn’t one he’d heard before. Or at least, not one he could place to anyone he knew.
 “Show yourself.” Chiro raised his fists, hyper mode enveloping him with a flash of green light in the darkness.
Just as easily as the power had come, it slipped from his grip–the way it hadn’t since he first started his training.  
“How did you do that?” His heart was racing in his chest. He clenched his jaw. He still had his training. He hadn’t spent hours in the ring against Nova, against Offay, to be stopped by the loss of his power.
Laughter rang through his mind.  
Chiro shook his head. “I was born with this power.” That was what Antauri had said. Waking the monkeys had, somehow, awakened it in him–but he had always had it.
 There was a sense of power, and of pride, ringing through his mind. For a moment, he could feel his Inner Primate swell with the answer, as if in echo. His fingers crackled with the energy.
Chiro shook his head. “That’s not…” Possible. It wasn’t possible. 
There was something scathing in the voice’s tone now.
Chiro shook his head again. “I don’t understand.”
Chiro furrowed his brow. “Lost?”
 “What happens now?” Chiro still wasn’t sure if he believed this… voice in his head. But if there was even a chance it was true…
Well. It would be a major step forward in the fight against Skeleton King. The Archives might be inaccessible–though Otto might have something to say about that–but the thought of there being a treasure trove of knowledge somewhere else… somewhere more easily reached… 
That was intriguing.
But first, he would need more information. Information he could verify with Antauri. 
Something like… humor seemed to enter the voice’s words. Chiro wasn’t sure it was a good thing.  
That definitely didn’t sound good. 
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ladytauria · 6 years
srmthfg: Few of the reasons I liked having older Chiro adopt Clayton's hero look was 1) a tribute to the past heroes of Shugazoom as well as Shugazoom itself. No matter how far away his home gets he wants to represent some connection to it. 2) Clayton's (and the teams) acknowledgment of Chiro growing older. 3) For it to be a big reveal to Antauri and Mandarin. Say they come back but get ambushed by SK forces. They get saved by someone who looks like Captain Shugazoom but are confused because-
2 because Clayton’s an old dude. This guy looks and moves like a much younger guy. Antauri even briefly wonder’s they time traveled to the past. But then they sense something familiar and the figure, who had remained silent until getting them to safety, takes off his helmet to reveal a older Chiro smiling and looking fresh and good (despite the faded scar on his cheek). Giving them a simple “It’s good to have you back Antauri” as a way to acknowledge their shock at how much they’ve missed.
Ahhhh I love this so much I had to drabble it!!!!
Two weeks had felt like an eternity. Between Mandarin’s incessant griping and Antauri’s own regret at leaving his team behind, time couldn’t have passed slower if it had tried. They were home now. He could see the city in the distance; bright and shining against blue skies.
He knew he was going to have some explaining to do—Sprx in particular would have questions—but he was so relieved to be home he couldn’t quite bring himself to worry.
First things first, though; they needed to get back to their craft. Mandarin was stuck without a jetpack, and Antauri didn’t have the power reserves to fly him all the way back to the city. Luckily, Mandarin had hidden a ship around here somewhere, though Antuari didn’t want to think too hard about the legality of it.
“Blast it!” Mandarin screeched, tail flicking wildly. He had his head stuck in a bush, and when he turned around, there was a leaf stuck in his tuft of a beard. “Your blasted teammates must have found it.”
Antauri crossed his arms. “You assured me that there was no way to track it, and this place is remarkably hidden. Are you certain you didn’t just forget where you left it?”
Mandarin looked ready to throttle him. Not that this was anything new. “Misplace it? Of course I didn’t—”
Antauri whipped his head around, holding up a hand to hush the orange monkey. For once, Mandarin didn’t push it.
“Something is coming,” he said.
Just as the words left his mouth, a hulking formless stormed into the clearing; dripping ooze and letting out a monstrous screech. Antauri activated his ghost claws; Mandarin’s hands glowed with Power Primate. Both of them tensed for battle.
The Formless lifted one clawed hand and swiped at Antauri. He went phase-mode; the strike sweeping harmlessly through him. Mandarin leaped forward, just as the Formless began to glow with a bright green light… and explode outwards.
Mandarin landed on all fours before…
Antauri frowned. “Captain Shuggazoom?”
Portals could be finicky things. Had they landed in the past, instead of the future? That would be… bothersome; but perhaps not entirely hopeless…
The lookalike wore white pants and a white shirt with black buttons. His boots were thick, a bit rounded, and black. His gloves and scarf were orange. But most tellingly was the silver helmet, in the shape of Captain Shuggazoom’s, and now the Hyper Force’s, symbol.
The figure raised his hands to his helmet, and with a hissing noise, unfastened it, revealing a head of black hair, and startlingly blue eyes; one of which had a scar going through him.
It wasn’t Captain Shuggazoom at all. Antauri’s legs felt weak. 
Chiro smiled. “Hello, Antauri. It’s been a while.” 
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ladytauria · 6 years
Notes: So, guess who got @pumpkinachai​ for SRMTHFG Secret Santa??? :PYou said you wanted fic or art for your OCs and I adore Gibson/Mhairi, so here you go!! I went through like. Four different ideas before I settled on this one, which is why my gift ended up being late.
Pairing: Mhairi/Gibson Word Count: 523 Rating: G Warnings: None! Tags: Fluff, Romance Summary: New years, new beginnings... and what better place to begin then directly at the start?
It’s New Year’s Eve, and there’s a party at the Super Robot. It’s more or less a small thing—all of their immediate friends and family, people (monkeys, robots, and aliens) who have been there through some pretty tough times.
Mhairi’s escaped to the Robot’s shoulder, happy to see all of her closest friends mingling about but… not particularly eager for the stroke of midnight.
Apparently, on Shuggazoom, it was traditional to kiss at the stroke of midnight—a sign that you would be together in the coming year. It was sweet, it really was, but…
She still hadn’t quite worked up the courage to confess to Gibson yet, and she couldn’t help but be a little jealous of all the other couples. Besides, the annual Shuggazoomian fireworks show would be a much more pleasant view.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a door.
She turned, and her heart caught on her ribs.
(Of course it was Gibson. Why wouldn’t it be?)
“Mhairi.” He smiled at her. “Were you feeling overwhelmed as well?”
Mhairi was flushing; she just knew it. But she made herself smile back. “A bit, yeah. Our circle of friends has gotten so large!”
“It has.” Gibson nodded.
It was probably even stranger for him, and the other monkey team members. After all, they remembered a time before even Chiro.
“It’s nice, though,” he said.
Mhairi smiled. “But overwhelming.”
Gibson laughed. “Yes.”
Mhairi looked back out over the city. It wouldn’t be long now before the fireworks went off, the new year officially come to Shuggazoom. New year, new possibilities—a phrase she had seen often over the last few days.
Gibson cleared his throat lightly. When she turned to look at him, she found him impossibly closer. (No; not impossibly. But he was in her personal space, and whatwasshesupposedtodo?). “Say, Mhairi… did you hear about the, ah, Shuggazoomian tradition, today?”
Mhairi’s heart was doing somersaults. “Which one?” It barely came out as a squeak, but Gibson didn’t appear to notice; his tail flicking behind him as he nudged a bit closer. They were almost touching now.
His eyes flickered to her beak. “The, ah…” He wet his lips. “The New Year’s kiss.”
“I might’ve, um. Yes.” She nodded, maybe a bit too hard. “Yes.” It felt like she couldn’t breathe. Not even new discovery made her this keyed up.
“Ah. That’s. Good. Yes. Good. Wouldn’t want you to, ah. Miss out on any… any Shuggazoomian traditions, would we?”
Mhairi shook her head. “No. No.”
Gibson swallowed. The clock was ticking down. The sounds and the bright lights of the city had faded away, and all she could see was blue.
It was a lovely color, blue.
And then Gibson’s mouth was on her beak, and there were literal fireworks overhead and—
He pulled back, just as flushed and shaky as she was, and it was dizzying.
They would have to talk, later—but he had just kissed her on the New Year. That meant something. (Maybe everything.)
“Happy New Year, Mhairi.”
She couldn’t help but touch her beak and grin widely. “Happy New Year, Gibson.”
I hope that I did Mhairi justice, and that you enjoyed!! <3 I’m sure how Mhairi and Gibson got together in your canon is different, but this idea popped in my head and wouldn’t leave me alone! (I blame all the Hallmark movies Grandma was watching while I played games!)
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ladytauria · 6 years
Guess what? I’m working on the next installment of midnight conversations, and I’m super excited about this one :D It’s Otto + Antauri centric, and written in Otto’s POV because I love to challenge myself :P 
Here’s a little sneak preview of the first page!
The Lost, the Found, and the Returned
Otto couldn’t tell you why he made the shrine, only that it existed. It was tucked in a dark corner of his workshop, nearly buried under half-finished projects and spare parts. But the shrine existed, whether he knew why he made it or not.
It wasn’t much of anything at all. Just an old bench, oil-stained and worn, strung with lights. Otto flicked them on. Mandarin’s helmet, recovered after the orange monkey’s return, dominated the space. It was accompanied by a few things taken from his room, and a cog.
It was empty. Barren, really. Mandarin probably would have wanted something grand. Statues in his honor, and the like. He was always complaining about not being appreciated enough.
He’d had a chronic need for attention, in Otto’s opinion, which made the fact that he sought Otto out all the more ridiculous. After all, Otto in his workshop was not the most attentive of monkeys. But then, it also meant that Mandarin could spew his mind without fear of being judged. So maybe it did make sense after all.
The joke was on him, though. Otto had started listening, there towards the end. That’s how they knew Mandarin had finally hit the brink. He’d spilled all of his own secrets—always venting and gloating in Otto’s workspace, unafraid of being listened to as Otto tinkered with his babies.
Otto sat in front of the shrine.
He supposed it was time Mandarin returned the favor, wasn’t it?
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ladytauria · 6 years
Older Chiro: I could easily see Sprx lazing on Chiro's back/shoulders while everyone else is walking. Chiro ignores him because he's good natured like that (and knows Sprx would notice on his own if Chiro was getting too tired carrying him). Nova however gets annoyed when Sprx starts teasing her (how's the view from down there?) and knowing she can't hit him from down there. She always proves him wrong by jumping up and smacking him to the ground (while sometimes taking up position on Chiro, or-
2 letting Otto jump up there so Sprx has to walk again).
Omfg Anon, I love this. Beautiful. I just had to write a little drabble for you!! 
Sprx lounged on Chiro’s shoulders, looking for all the world like there was nowhere he’d rather be. He could feel Gibson’s glare digging into him somewhere behind him, which only made him smirk more. The kid finally hitting that growth spurt was the best thing that had ever happened to them. He was still pretty lanky, but not quite as much as he was, and his shoulders made a perfect perch.
Sprx flicked his tail idly, and glanced down at Nova. His smirked turned into a mischievous grin.
“Hey, Nohvs, what’s the weather like down there?” He drawled. “Sure it’s not too cold for ya?” Hah, that was a science joke! Gibson ought to be proud. He was probably facepalming instead, though, which. Alright. Fair. But Sprx knew what the consequences were.
Nova sent him a glare before her expression morphed as well. Her hand came up to wrap around his tail, and Sprx had one moment to think, “oh, shit” before he was rudely yanked off of Chiro’s shoulders to collapse on his back. The wind rushed out of his lungs, and when he finally managed to sit up again, he found Nova sitting on his perch instead.
She gave him the smuggest look he’d ever seen on her face. “It was a little cold down there, actually. Much warmer up here.”
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ladytauria · 6 years
It was risky. An old ritual forgotten even for most Verans.... then again, Xan wasn't "most Verans"....
Veeerrrryyyy true, Anon, very true.
Also this sounds like it could be the first line of a fic. Y’know, something like… 
It was risky. An old ritual forgotten even by most Verans… then again, Xan wasn’t “most Verans.” Something Antauri had always known, though the phrase was particularly cutting now. The ritual had worked–though who knew what the consequences would be. Antauri hadn’t stopped to consider things like “consequences” when he had given himself to the egg; only that the loss of Chiro had to be prevented at all costs. 
It was a miracle it had even worked. One Antauri was grateful for, despite all of the fears he held for his new body. (His new life–if it could be called such, when he did not need to eat or sleep or breathe.)
It would seem that Xan’s knowledge, whatever it had been used for in the end, was just as reliable as Antauri had always thought it to be
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ladytauria · 6 years
the end of an era
Summary: "What happens now?” Chiro asks, as he stares out over the city. Four years ago, he stumbled across the Super Robot and became the hero of a city he barely knew. In that four years, so much has happened; almost all of it under the order of the Skeleton King. But now… “Skeleton King is gone. Shuggazoom is back on her feet… What happens to us?”
“There will always be evil in this world,” Antauri repeats, as if he knew that Chiro had been lost in his own thoughts, “and so there will always be heroes. Your time has passed, Chiro. You have done enough.” // a prequel to the cycle starts again
I was going to wait to post this until I had a full prequel written out, but... then I decided I couldn’t wait.
I’m... so sorry for this. 
Continue reading for a preview... 
“What happens now?” Chiro asks, as he stares out over the city. Four years ago, he stumbled across the Super Robot and became the hero of a city he barely knew. In that four years, so much has happened; almost all of it under the order of the Skeleton King. But now… “Skeleton King is gone. Shuggazoom is back on her feet… What happens to us?”
Antauri stands beside him; hands clasped behind his back. The top of his head comes to Chiro’s elbow. It feels like just yesterday, it came up to his shoulder. His gaze is unreadable in a way it hasn’t been since Chiro first met him. It’s unsettling, but not unexpected. Even four years isn’t enough time to learn everything about someone. Especially someone as private as Antauri.
“There will always be evil in the world,” Antauri says—not for the first time.
Chiro nods, once. He thinks of leaving Shuggazoom. Jinmay, the monkeys, and himself all packed into the Super Robot as they fly across the cosmos and look for the next big fight. Along the way, they would find smaller threats to deal with—and help people the best they could.
It sounds a lot like paradise.
Maybe he ought to be tired of fighting. Or upset at the thought of leaving a city that has been his home for four years. But instead, he’s hit with a longing so sudden and deep that it’s a wonder he doesn’t fall over.
Maybe he wasn’t built to sit still.
“There will always be evil in this world,” Antauri repeats, as if he knew that Chiro had been lost in his own thoughts, “and so there will always be heroes. Your time has passed, Chiro. You have done enough.”
It’s like a punch to the gut. All the air leaves his lungs at once. If his dreams of travel were a bubble above his head, Antauri has just popped it with a needle of words—and splashed the cold water of reality all over him. He should feel relieved. He should be grateful that the universe, that fate, that destiny has only asked for four years of his life.
Instead, he aches.
All he ever wanted was to be a hero. To be anything other than helpless. All he had wanted was to be the person that he needed five years ago. To help people the way that he had once needed to be helped. To ensure he never needed that help again.
His wish had been granted, in the form of a giant metal robot on the outskirts of an abandoned town.
A few times he had wondered if, perhaps, it was an exercise in “be careful what you wish for” but—he had never felt regret for his wish; never wanted to reverse what he had become, no matter what trouble was thrown his way.
Instead, he had been happy. Two things he had always been wanted had fallen into his lap at the—literal—flip of a switch. He had a family who cared about him and a chance to shine.
Please… don’t let this be the end. It was a prayer. To who or what, he couldn’t say. Though he had come across many religions during his travels, Chiro had yet to puzzle out what he believed. Perhaps the Power Primate. After all that he had done with it, it would be right to turn to it in times of need—the way Antauri did.
“What are you saying, Antauri?” He needs his mentor to say it. Needs to hear the words spoken aloud; without cold comfort or pretty metaphors.
Antauri stares steadily at the horizon, adjusting his posture. He stands straight-backed; his voice sounding formal. Like Chiro is just another of those random strays they picked up and helped. “Before you, we were a team of six monkeys. Mandarin was our leader. Under his guidance, we protected Shuggazoom from a distance. We had no one to translate for us—no way of communicating with the citizens. It was easier to remain apart.
“We kept monstrous creatures of bone and black ooze—creatures I now know were agents of Skeleton King—from reaching the city. That kept us busy for… many years. I cannot say, not truly, how long it was. When these things stopped coming, Mandarin’s betrayal came. The darkness inside of him—a shadow that had always lurked beneath the surface—finally reared its head and we fought. We locked him away. Upon his departure, we decided to separate.
“We knew that if—when—he returned, he would be able to fight us with ease. He had trained us. He knew us. So we went to find new masters. I went to the Mystics. Nova found Offay. To my understanding, Gibson studied at a university. Otto doesn’t often speak of his training. That period of time was difficult for him. Sprx… he doesn’t talk about his training either, though I believe that is for different reasons.
“I was now informed of the prophecy signaling your arrival. I told the others. Gibson was skeptical, but as the acting leader, he chose to listen regardless. He proposed stasis. Sprx was vehemently against it, and the others weren’t happy about it either. The idea of missing so much… of relying on fate and destiny and cosmic forces was too much for him—for all of them, really. It took weeks of arguing to get anywhere. I’m sure you can imagine.” Antauri chuckles, shaking his head wryly.
“And so we slept. You woke us, claimed your mantle as Chosen One, and went on to defeat the Skeleton King. You’re beyond familiar with that part, I think.
“I—we—are prouder of you than words could ever express.
“But… Chiro… You have become a hero. You have grown up entirely too fast. You have led armies and faced mighty foes. You have traveled the galaxies. Responsibility greater than even world leaders could know was placed on your shoulders. Yet, you rose triumphant. But… you are still young. You have an entire life ahead of you… and now it is time for you to live it. Without us.
“It is time for us to fade, once more, into the forgotten paths of history.”
Chiro’s throat dries. His eyes sting. The deep ache in his chest grew larger. “Antauri… you can’t be saying what I think you’re saying. You can’t. Shuggazoom needs you!” I need you.
Antauri looks at him and smiles—old and wise and sad. “Oh, Chiro. Shuggazoom is safe. The largest threat has passed and the forces of evil will need time to recover before they can strike again. You have earned a rest. A break from the fighting and the war and the responsibilities of worlds. You deserve to live your life—to grow old and fall in love and even have children, if you so desire.
“In such a life of peace… there is no place for cybernetic monkeys. We were made to be protectors and guardians for forces beyond a human’s ken. Shuggazoom does not need us in peacetime, Chiro… and neither do you.” Antauri reaches up and squeezes Chiro’s shoulder. “I know this is difficult—”
“No, you don’t!” Chiro bursts. His chest aches like nothing else. Is this what it’s like to feel your heart break? “You don’t know anything. If you did—if you understood—you wouldn’t—” His voice breaks with every word. His vision is blurry. Hot tears soak his cheeks and instead of feeling catharsis, he just feels worse. “I thought—” He shakes his head, hard, and scrambles away from Antauri.
It takes barely a second to activate his jetpack—and then he’s gone.
Continue Reading: AO3 | FFN
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ladytauria · 6 years
Sparx FINALLY takes pity on him, because at some point it stops being funny and it's just sad how hard Antauri is trying. "Look, don't tell the kiddo I tell you, but he is scared of you because of your mind reading powers. I mean, we are used to it by now, but think of the poor kid". ∆∆ Antauri-..... I CAN DO WHAT NOW?!?!
”Antauri, you cannot honestly tell me that you can’t mind read,” Sprx says flatly.
“I can’t,” Antauri insists. He had heard from multiple different sources that having a teenager could be stressful, but he was certain that this was not what they had meant. “It’s just a method of observation.”
Sprx nods slowly. “You should really be telling the kid this, not me. That’s a good route to go, though.”
Antauri blinks at him.
Why is this his life?
Sprx pats Antauri on the shoulder as he walks by him, obviously done with the conversation. “Good talk, ‘Tauri.”
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ladytauria · 6 years
Agdjsahajks Mandarín sees Antauri of all people not only encouraging group play and activities but PLAYING WITH THE PINBALL MACHINE HIMSELF and Mandarín just. Can't. He is having a fucking stroke. "Oh, what's next?? You go for a circus ride too?? Shopping??? Why not having some junk food from a fast food chain??? "
“Um… about that…”
“I’m disowning all of you.”
“No you’re not. You literally couldn’t keep your nose out of our business if we PAID you to,” Sprx says with a scowl.
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ladytauria · 6 years
Antauri- Chiro, it looks like you haven't sleep well last night. Is there anything troubling you? // Chiro, internally,- ohfuckohfuckOHFUCK DON'T THINK ABOUT HOW MUCH HE CREEPS YOU OUT, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT HE IS READING MY MIND OH FUXK HE DOESN'T LIKE SWEARING EITHER IM SI FUCKED SHIT .// Chiro- "hey umm yeah I've gotten go left something in the oven bye". Then he runs like hell, leaving behind a very concerned and confused Antauri. "But we don't even have an oven?"
Anon, I cannot breathe right now. 
“But we don’t even have an oven?”
“Sure we do,” Otto says, as Nova takes off after the kid, dragging Sprx by the tail. “I installed one last week.”
Antuari cocks his head at him, and Otto keeps up his bright smile, knowing that now he’s actually going to have to build and install an oven before Antauri notices.
Hopefully Gibson will keep him distracted.
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ladytauria · 6 years
Lol, post S3 Antauri would be adorably awkward over sick Chiro. He'd be off to the side trying to appear stoic but pretty worried inside. Everyone else would be 'meh we got our routine' and settle into providing whatever they know Chiro needs. He might even feel a little bad deep down for not having ever been more involved before. Anyone would tell him someone had to keep patrolling. Sprx might give him the tea recipe he'd always made for sick Chiro before (and tell him yes it needs milk/honey)-
2 just so Antauri could feel useful. Other then that he’d probably meditate in Chiro’s room a lot to monitor his condition. He’d still patrol but he’d use the PP to reach out and feel how Chiro’s doing.
I’m so sorry it took me so long to reply to this, Anon! But I wanted to write a fic for it, which took longer than I expected ;) 
Or read it here: 
Antaurijumps every time Chiro coughs. It would be funny, if not for the painedexpression on his face.
Sprx rememberswhat they were like, the first few times Chiro was sick. Nova in particularhovered like a mother hen. Not that he would say that to her face, no matterhow adorable he found it. Gibson might have rivaled her, if he didn’t spend histime holed up in his lab making sure that they had all the medicines and equipmentneeded to take care of Chiro. Otto had worried, in that silent, kicked puppyway of his; fiddling with his tail when his hands weren’t busy. He spent a lotof time in the kitchen.
Sprx generallyfelt like the only level-headed one among them—and wasn’t THAT just the kicker?Level-headed and Sprx didn’t tend to go together, but when the Kid needed him…It just flowed.
Now, though,things were more… settled. Nova took to changing the sheets and blankets,making sure that Chiro had a comfortable place to sleep and recover. Gibsonprovided diagnosis and medicine, checking up on him every few hours to ensurethat his recovery was proceeding well. Otto and Sprx took turns making soup,though generally making Chiro’s special tea was a job left to Sprx alone. Andeach of them took shifts by Chiro’s bedside, for when the fever dreams shookhim awake, and to monitor his fevers, and wake him to take his medicine.
Antauri, however,was a newcomer to it all, and he hovered to the side, unsure of what to do. Hisstoic façade was cracking at the edges—but there wasn’t a place for him to jumpin, and all of them knew it.
Sprx smoothedback Chiro’s hair, metal digits coming away slick with sweat. His internalthermometers told him Chiro had a fever, but he was in the safe ranges. (Wasn’tit funny, that he knew that off the top of his head now?) Chiro’s face was waxypale, dark circles beneath his eyes. He was sleeping, but it was fitful.Wracking coughs had torn up his throat and taxed the muscles in his body, and hislungs struggled around the mucus within. He was in pain, but there wasn’t muchthey could do for him beyond medicating and hydrating him… and letting himsleep it off.
That didn’t makeit any easier. Especially not when you were going through this for the firsttime.
Antauri hoveredin the doorway, despite the fact that it wasn’t his shift. If he were anyoneelse, he would have been twisting at his tail by now. As it was, the way thesharp ridges of his brows touched were enough to indicate the worry he felt.
Sprx sighedquietly, and glanced at the time. He looked at Antauri. “Almost time for theKid’s to take his meds,” he said. “He’ll need some tea after.” He’d have to usewater to get them down, but that wouldn’t do much for his throat. “There’s aspecial box in the kitchen. Otto can show you where it is. Steep it for aboutfive minutes, then add two spoonful’s of honey and a splash of milk.”
Antauri gave asharp nod, glancing over Chiro’s form once more before he did as he was asked,leaving Sprx alone with the Kid again.
He’d wait anotherfew minutes before he woke the kid up. Give Antauri time enough to get the teagoing. Sprx sighed at him. “Monkey’s gonna drive us all crazy,” he said, lipsquirking.
Humans, Antaurihad learned, were such fragile creatures. It pained him to think of Chiro lyingin bed, wracked with an ailment Antauri could do nothing to soothe. Hismechanical heart ached in a way that should have been impossible. It made himrealize how much he had missed out on, when he still had his flesh-and-bloodbody. Forever holding himself apart, forever keeping his distance. Watchingover with a cool detachment that ought to have been kept for chess games, notmatters of family and world-saving.
Antauri sighed,with lungs he didn’t have.
The Verans haddone a number on him. Their teachings had seemed right. Seemed like theguidance he needed. He had leaned on them, in the wake of Mandarin’s betrayal.They had guided him, told him what to do now that he was responsible for histeammates wellbeing.
Then Xan hadbetrayed them, alongside who knew how many other Mystics. And Antauri himselfhad died.
Perspective wasan amazing thing. And it was perspective he had sorely needed.
But now he foundhimself with little idea of what to do. He had kept himself apart for so long,been the all-knowing spiritual advisor that now that he wanted something else,wanted that material closeness he had been advised against… He didn’t know toask for it. How to extend it.
And there was apart of him that wasn’t willing to give up his place among the team. Thepicture they held of him, as wise and all-knowing. It was dangerous, logicallyhe knew that. But it was… flattering, as well.
He shook thethoughts from his head. His internal timer flashed, letting him know the teawas done steeping. The world came back to focus, and Antauri found that whilehe had been lost in thought, he had begun to sway in time to Otto’s humming. Hesmiled, just a bit, reaching for the honey and spooning a generous amount in.While he didn’t often add it into his own tea, he knew it was good for thethroat. Had used it on more than one occasion, when Mandarin and he had talkedfor too long, about the world and the universe, and all manner of things.
Otto finishedcutting the vegetables, and Antauri glanced over to see him pour a rainbow ofthem into broth, the smell savory. Had he not been mechanical, and avegetarian, it would have made his mouth water. As it was, he put the honeyaway, and grabbed the cream.
“Is that what youalways make, when Chiro is sick?” he asked, his voice barely audible over thebubbling.
Otto turned acheerful smile on him, and Antauri envied him for his calm. “Yeah! He reallyjust eats the broth, so the extra stuff is for the rest of us!” Otto paused,and then resumed his prattle, filling in blanks Antauri had left empty for toolong. “For the first couple nights, we usually use a real thin broth for thesoup so it doesn’t get stuck in his throat! But one he’s cleared up a bit, westart making the broth thicker so it sticks to his ribs more! Bein’ sick takesa lot outta ya, so we gotta make sure he’s eating! Pretty soon we’ll be makingtoasted sandwiches too!”
Antauri nodded,slowly. “I see.” He paused for a moment more. “I should get this up to Chiro.”He held the cup up. “But if you need any help, please don’t hesitate to ask.”
Otto gave him abright thumbs up, and Antauri went on his way, holding the teacup carefully soit wouldn’t spill. He could have held it in the Power Primate—could havehovered himself, instead of walking… but it felt important to do it this way.To do it the same way his brothers and sister had done, each and every time theirchild had gotten sick. Antauri had taken care of patrol—but there was no needto do that here. Only to watch the monitors, and like sitting by Chiro’s bedside,that was done in shifts to begin with.
It was Gibson’sturn now. Nova was doing laundry—Antauri was pretty sure they were planning oncoaxing Chiro into a hot bath tonight, and Nova wanted to change the sheetswhile they were at it. He tightened his fingers around the cup.
The walk to Chiro’sroom seemed unbearably long… and yet, terribly short.
The door slidopen for him, and he found Chiro sitting up in bed, draining the rest of a glassof water. Sprx’s hand lay splayed on his back, giving him something to lean into.Chiro’s eyes were bloodshot, and clouded, normally bright blue eyes darkenedwith sickness and exhaustion.
Antauri’s heartached again.
“Antauri’s broughtyour tea,” Sprx said, his voice almost uncharacteristically soft, the rough edgessmoothed out of his tone.
Chiro’s eyes foundhim. “’Tauri?” he croaked.
“Yes,” Antaurisaid, because he didn’t know what else to say. “Sprx told me how to make it,and Otto helped me find it.” It was kept away from the other tea, likely tokeep anyone from accidentally drinking it.
Chiro set hisglass down, and reached out for it. Antauri passed it to him, and Chirobreathed in the vapor with something like bliss on his face. Sprx chuckled.
“Sip it,” hereminded, despite the fact Chiro hadn’t even taken a drink yet, and Chirolooked abashed as he pressed the cup to his lips.
Antauri must havelooked confused, because Sprx explained, “Kid always wants to chug it, and thenmakes himself cough more. Gotta remind him that it doesn’t work if he doesthat.”
Chiro grumbledsomething unintelligible but Sprx only laughed again.  Antauri felt, almost unbearably, like anoutsider again. Like he was intruding on a private moment he wasn’t meant tosee. It was uncomfortable, and something twisted inside of him. He set thesaucer down.
“I’m going to gosee if Nova needs any help,” he said, and—for lack of a better word—fled.
Antauri seemed unusuallypensive. He was always deep in thought about something—that was his nature, andNova had no desire to change him. But tonight he seemed… off. Not that Novacould blame him. Chiro being sick was never fun, and she thanked her luckystars it only happened rarely.
“You alright,Antauri?” she asked, propping her fist on her hip. Antauri looked up, midwaythrough folding Chiro’s underwear. The boy would be doing his best tomatoimpression if he was here now to see it, but it had never bothered Nova. Nordid it seem to phase Antauri. “You’re not yourself tonight.”
Antauri hummedcontemplatively. “I… find myself struggling with… old regrets.”
Helpful. Novajust managed to resist the urge to roll her eyes at him. “Is this about you notbeing around when Chiro was sick before?” She arched an eyebrow at him.
His eyesflickered away from hers for a moment, which was as good as a yes.
Nova did roll hereyes this time. “Look, Antauri.” She made an effort to keep her voice gentle,though still stern. “Someone had topatrol, and the rest of us certainly weren’t in any condition to do so. You didwhat you had to do. Could you have been more involved? Maybe. But you had otherthings—important things—on your mind. You’re here now. That counts forsomething. You’ll find your place. Don’t worry so much about it, okay?”
Antauri had done alot for them. Nova wasn’t blind enough to miss it. He’d helped her with hertemper. He’d taken on Mandarin’s role in his absence. He’d done the bulk ofChiro’s leadership training. He kept himself tuned for threats, to the point thatNova wasn’t sure she had seen him ever actually relax—for all that he seemed tobe the calmest one among them.
And he had lovedMandarin. They all had. But Antauri had been close to him. Kind of like Otto,though Nova still wasn’t sure if Otto and Mandarin were as close as the latterclaimed. Antauri had idolized him. Seen him as his hero. And then he hadbetrayed them.
She wasn’t surehe had ever truly mourned that. She didn’t blame him if, at first, he saw Chiroas an outsider. He certainly hadn’t trusted him.
That had changed,now. And with that trust had come love. Chiro was as much Antauri’s boy as hewas the rest of them’s boy. Antauri would find his way into their circle. Novabelieved that. She had faith.
“I… thank you,Nova.” Antauri seemed genuinely surprised, and—dare she say it—touched. “Thatmeans a lot.”
Nova laughed. “That’swhat we’re here for, Antauri!” Then, “No, ‘Tauri, don’t fold that, that goes inthe ironing pile, so we can hang it up.”
Antauri lookedperplexed, and Nova stifled another laugh. He did have a learning curve to getthrough, but, they were here to help him through it—the same way he had guidedthem through their own crises.
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ladytauria · 6 years
Actually I Do feel like the Hyperforce was 8000% more efficient under Mandarin's command. But only because he treated them like a special ops force. If he ever learned about how Chiro works with them now he'll be super pissed. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FINELY TRAINED ARMY??? WHAT DO YOU MEAN DAYS OFF??? ANTAURI HOW DID YOU LET THIS HAPPEN OMG???!!"
They were more efficient, but were they happy? No prolly not.
But yeah no he is. Absolutely pissed. Those are his SOLDIERS. His ultimate FIGHTING MACHINES. They were a well-oiled machine under his command, and now they do things like play video games and steal/buy pinball machines and. Wonder Fun Meat World. 
“It’s good for them, Mandarin.” Antauri sounds slightly more than mildly exasperated. This goes entirely over Mandarin’s head, because that’s Antauri’s normal tone when it comes to him, truthfully. 
“How is the complete lack of efficiency and productivity good for them?” Mandarin looks even more betrayed then the day that they sent him to the HOOP. Which… was saying something, truthfully.
Antauri sighs.
“Uh. Antauri. A little help here?” Chiro calls. Antauri glances back over, where his teammates are currently locked in battle with Mandarin’s newest training mechanism.
Antauri throws Mandarin one last exasperated look before jumping back into the fray. 
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ladytauria · 6 years
"Nova, did Chiro told him something about me? I feel like he is been avoiding me. It was something I said?" // Nova, sweating nervously and not wanting to offend her brother "hahaHAHA NO WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT ITS JUST A PHASE"
“A… phase?”
Nova nodded earnestly. “Yes! A phase. Humans go through them a lot, I’m told. You should ask Gibson about it. He’s the one who’s been reading all those human psychology books.”
Antauri nods slowly, but he still looks perplexed.
Nova pats him on the shoulder. It’s far more awkward than her usual gung-ho forms of affection. “Don’t worry, Antauri, he’ll get over it! Just keep. Making an effort, you know? Otto and I will keep talking to him.”
“I appreciate that, Nova.”
Some way, somehow, Nova is going to find a way to murder Sprx. Or at least stick him on Antauri-comforting duty. 
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ladytauria · 6 years
Oh no. Antauri vs Mandarín playing any kind of board / video games would be the pettiest scenario possible. They are both really sore losers. And they both can use telekinesis. And they both have a tendency to cheating. It's quite a show for the rest of the Hyperforce. (It used to be, too)
The first time Chiro sees it, he’s just like… “Should we intervene?”
But Sprx just shakes his head and says, “Nah. Just watch. Otto, you got the popcorn?”
Chiro’s brow furrows. “…popcorn?” 
“Oh, yeah, Kid. You’re in for a show!” 
“But… are you sure they aren’t going to kill each other?” 
“Eh, if it gets to that point, we’ll intervene. Otherwise…” Sprx shrugs. 
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