#srsly tho thank you for this ask agsjabdhjsbsbs
moonliched · 11 months
An incorrect quote for your mer fic!
Moon: ah yes, my human(?) spouse(tricked) is so pleased with being with me that they come back into the water to swim with me regularly. They forgive me for accidentally biting them too hard and making them bleed by showing off the scars I gave them with their clothing. Truly, we love each other. They might not know that we’re married yet, but we are and-
Y/N: moon really likes to cuddle huh? It seems like he wants to be friends? Maybe? It was weird that one time he tried to steal the apple from my mouth, but I don’t think he gets it. Oh well! I can just teach him!
Meanwhile with sun:
Sun: oh dear! I scared that tiny white person! I didn’t mean to-
AGJHDKFJDHDJFKFJF i can't be laughing this loud at night!!!
Sun's got such a stigma to work against it's unfair. Moon's history with Y/N actually hinders Sun here😅😭and i actually love the idea of Moon taking their showing the scars as some kind of gesture omg. hmm. also:
Moon: we shall be wed in spring :) and exchange delicate rings of polished shell, that i handcrafted ofc :))))
Sun: you call that romance?? you are like a little baby, watch this *drowns Y/N*
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