#ss: gay for the emerald archer on main
that-fictional-dad · 3 years
I’ve been through a lot in my life. You know this. But uh, one thing that I know, is no matter where my life goes... you will always be the best part of it. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I love you. -Oliver
I love you too, Ollie. I'm so happy I decided to stay ♡ See you in a bit honey ♡
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archived-stuff99999 · 4 years
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Mixed f/os here
(I deleted "baby" from the second catagory bc I wanted to put platonic there lol)
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arrow-romantic · 4 years
I'm thinking about how I would be such a clingy boyfriend and Oliver would love it. Sometimes pretending he didn't. I would walk into the bunker and be like "Hey babe" and wrap my arms around him and press my face into his back and press my face into him.
Ollie would just put his hand on my arm and let me cling.
I love him
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that-fictional-dad · 4 years
Matty: /walks in and sees Ollie in grey sweats\
Matty in an o.blivion imperial guard voice: STOP YOUVE VIOLATED THE LAW
O.llie: Can't you just . I dont know. say I look hot?
Matty: Do I look like a normie to u
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that-fictional-dad · 4 years
This is very spesific but I'm literally thinking about Oliver laying on my chest and playing with the hair on the back of his neck???
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that-fictional-dad · 4 years
Hi i really just wanna cuddle with Oliver and stroke his hair and feel his strong arms around me???? Maybe???? I love himmmm
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that-fictional-dad · 4 years
In my Universe There’s Only You and The Battle for Love with Oliver Queen?
Thank you for the ask ♡
In my Universe There’s Only You – What were your giveaway signs you had it bad for your F/O? Did they catch on or were they oblivious? What were their signs, and did you notice them or were you oblivious?
I started thinking about him all the time. Part of me started falling for him and how tender he was in quiet moments and I always thought about holding his hand and stuff. I already got a little flustered with him because he's hot but I tried to be chill about it. I think he noticed but teased me a bit. He started looking real amused with me sometimes.
I was mostly oblivious though because I was kind of in denial that he could love a mess like me. Especially with how much I annoyed him. I liked to bug him sometimes. But I really started to notice when he started lingering with me more after meetings and missions.
The Battle for Love – What about your F/O makes your heart soar?
Besides watching Oliver fight I'm going to have to say a majority of his scenes with William. 😍 I just LOVE my husband when he's doing his best to be a father like??? I love him. Also his gentle touches and his EYES. The way he looks when he's being serious.
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that-fictional-dad · 4 years
mafia and 1950s aus !! ♡ ( @caffeinatedkissesxx )
@caffeinatedkissesxx thank you for the ask!!
Mafia AU:
I think Oliver would be the mafia leader and I would be second in command. I hc that Oliver and I had worked our way up to get inside!
u come into my home and attack my vintage styles weakness. I simp for pompadours and leather jackets.
1950s AU:
So in the interest of making this fluffy I'm gonna talk about Marley and Charlie platonically. Marley is the prep who stays out of trouble and Charlie is a greaser bad boy.
Charlie caused trouble because it was eaiser to act out than to pretend to be "normal". Marley recgonised this and became good friends in high school and even got an apartment together in college.[Which REALLY ruffled some feathers] Headcanon: Whenever there was box social chairty event Charlie would buy her boxes so no weirdos would.
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that-fictional-dad · 4 years
New hc that while Matty was born in a perfectly reasonable time period so even without timey whimy I'm not too young for Ollie or anything but no one besides Thea, Ray, and Nate know what year I was born.
I use it to my advantage to fuck with people all the time. Like, I'll see Nora Darhk when William gets kidnapped and be like "OH I went to kindergarten with her. Weird." but then three sentence be like "You fought the Clock King? He was my first boyfriend! 6th grade was wild, man."
Me when I asked Oliver out the first time: Don't worry, Oliver. It's totally fine to date me. I'm in my 20s!!! And I was born when the first Twilight film came out!
Oliver: I was twenty-five that year!
Me: Oliver I've also told you that I once beat up James Dean in grade 7 this is really the bullshit line you wanna take as canon in my life?
Also I feed Roy incorrect history facts and he just believes them.
Me: Roy, did you know that in the year 1882, blonde haired children were so deeply desired that rich socialite would cheat on their husbands in the hope of conceiving one?
Roy: Odd flex, but ok.
Sara: I just got back from 1882--
Roy: oh, the year of blonde babies
Sara: What?
Roy: Well, Matty was telling me that when he was 13 in 1882--
Sara: He was not 13 in 1882.
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that-fictional-dad · 4 years
If I'm allowed to pick multiple, 💖 + lydia, oliver and harry !! ♡ ~ lyell
You're always allowed to pick multiple but I will always do all of them and that's a threat. OKAY HERE WE GO. I fell asleep like twice doing this so I had to keep saving it as a draft lmao. @withlovefromlyell
Sometimes I get to wake up to Lydia singing in the bathroom while she braids her hair. 😭💞 I'm the only one who gets to hear that.
Lydia and I cuddle a lot. She's always sitting on me.
Lydia and I bicker about which one us is gonna deal with Stiles when he calls. We see Stiles's name on our phone's and we're like "Okay which one if us is gonna take this?" no matter which one of our phones it is.
Sometimes after a long day I just come home and slink onto Oliver's lap and put my head on him and he just rubs my back and cups my head and says "Hello, dear." real soft in my ear.
Sometimes I read Oliver gossip rags about the Gr.en Ar.ow and co. in an announcer voice and say things like "sheesh, if you're gonna cheat on me with The Fl.sh at least call and say you're working late first."
We have arguments over who gets the kids when they cry only becaise I try to do all of it all the time. Oliver once came into William's room to find me with Mia in one arm and William asleep on me under my other arm.
He really loves calling me honey. All the time. Even more so with Peter around. [He gets a little jealous but we talk about that]
Sometimes Harry and I just have quiet days where we mope in bed and snuggle.
Harry and I play DDR all the time in the mini arcade he has in the basement.
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that-fictional-dad · 4 years
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Oliver: Hey, Matt I need you to help me with something.
Matty: Who's this?
Oliver: You know it's me.
Matty: I'm flattered but I'm a married man.
Oliver: Matty
Matty: My husband is the Green 🏹
Oliver: /Trying to figure out why he married me\
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that-fictional-dad · 4 years
dysphoira tag used/ discussions of p.ackers
I'm thinking about how drastically contrasting my two Oliver's reacting to me dropping my packer would be.
A.rrow Oliver is just sighs deeper than he's ever sighed and points to it. He is annoyed, he is done with my shit. He is tired of finding it on the floor of our apartment.
S.mallvile Ollie would always make a joke. "This is a very twisted version of C.inderella", "your d*ck, sir.", I'm on the fence but I think a more modern day sOllie MIGHT be willing to call my packing transphobic for falling out 😂
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that-fictional-dad · 4 years
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I couldn't make a group chat but I could change the color of fe.licity's texts lmao.
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that-fictional-dad · 4 years
Ollie would absoutely hate me and I think that's beautiful. We're that trope of "I hate him, I want to kiss his stupid face." but thats how he feels about me.
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archived-stuff99999 · 4 years
Should you fight my f/os
Romantic/Zucchini edition.
Was tagged by @withlovefromlyell
Side f/os are behind a page break 
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Clark Kent - Smallville
He is the last son son of Krypton and can literally kill you by looking at you. I would not recommend. Abilities: flight, heat vision, super strength, inhuman speed.
Verdict 0/10 would not reccomend
Ollie Queen - Arrow
He's a vigilante who protects Starling City. His abilities and skills include: archery, hand to hand combat, assassin training. He can shoot 36 arrows in a minute and he was trained by the league of assassins. He will also destroy anyone to protect his family.
Verdict: about 5/10. He's not quite on Clork's level but I would not.
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Tommy Merlyn - Arrow
Tommy has no special powers or abilities but carries himself well and could hold his own in a fight if the opponent was not much larger than him. He is very loyal and willing to fight for the people he loves.
Verdict: 9/10 but please don't hurt him too badly.
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Thea Queen - Arrow
Thea was trained by two master archers and assassins. She has a strong will and she comes in like a hurricane. She also just radiates pure unfiltered power from her body and regularly trains with Team Arrow. A true unstoppable force of nature.
Verdict: 1/10 Maybe take her on if you beat Ollie?
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Lydia Martin - Teen Wolf
Lydia is a Banshee who can literally blow your head off and can outsmart you in a minute. If kidnapped she would be useless and only drive you nuts. Will scream your head off literally. Verdict: 0/10 do not. Run before she finds out you considered it. Gif is her exact reaction to you considering it.
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Harry Osborn - Spider-man Rami films
Harry briefly takes up his father's mantle as Green Goblin and can surely take down any opponent he gets in his crosshairs. He's got some skills but mainly an arsenal of weapons backing him up.
Verdict: 5/10 go for it but expect resistance and he might throw a fit if he loses
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Adam Foster - Supergirl 
Adam is your average human. Never seen him fight so not really a lot there. He is more of a fighter with words than anything.
Verdict: 10/10 but please don’t hurt him too much.
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that-fictional-dad · 4 years
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