#ss: we can rebuild
fantasyinvader · 5 months
With the last few points in mind, we can see how SS, AM and VW are may be somewhat radical from a Japanese POV.
In SS, Byleth's leadership goes against a very common mentality in Japan where it's viewed as wrong to give people money they did not earn, even when that person is in dire straights. In fact, begging for money is actually illegal over there. So with that in mind, Byleth focusing on reconstruction of Fodlan in addition to the Japanese text saying he supported “every soul” in a motherly-fashion, it does point to Byleth's rule being one that looked out for the people.
It also has elements associated with oudou, considering the Sword of the Creator's Japanese name the Sword of the Emperor of Heaven. Emperor of Heaven is term for the Jade Emperor, the deity that oversees Heaven's mandate (Mazu, the Emperess of Heaven, is commonly depicted in red robes... but she's associated with water as a sea goddess, not fire. She's also said to be an incarnation of the Jade Woman of Marvelous Deeds, and associated with a star in the big dipper, who is said to oversee all aspects of life and death and help those who call upon her. So, Edelgard's color scheme itself might be a red herring, as Sothis is the one associated with water). Byleth judged Edelgard as unworthy of following, rejecting her and in turn leading the Black Eagles to do the same. They no longer bend the knee to their emperor simply because she is their emperor, they take a stand against her actions and work to remove her from power. And this is consistent for them regardless of whether Byleth taught their House or recruited them to another House, not joining Edelgard is tied to their character development (see Ferdinand and Caspar's paralogues not being available in Flower).
Dimitri takes Byleth's supporting the poor a few steps further, believing change has to come from the people and giving them a voice in politics while at the same time supporting them. He empowers the masses, and on top of that even has focus on improving relations with foreign nations (whereas the Japanese text indicates Edelgard begins invading other countries). Dimitri is also meant to represent oudou himself, a benevolent ruler justly governing the people.
Claude also identifies Edelgard's rule as oudou, stops her, but then puts Byleth and his version of oudou in charge of Fodlan. I think the best way to put how Claude is radical is, to put it bluntly, fuck the past and fuck the traditions associated with it.
Claude's goal in coming to Fodlan was to learn from it in order to change Almyra, and he got that in Verdant Wind. He begins transforming his homeland into a trading powerhouse, works with the Church in order to bridge the two nations, and can even introduce magic to his country in one ending. On top of that, people have noted that he embodied a very negative stereotype of his people in Hopes, so his character growth proved beneficial. He's no longer the type who will flee to save his own life rather than protecting his people, he stops trying to manipulate everyone and instead work with them as well.
When applied to Fodlan, it's not saying that the Church is bad. It still continues to exist, but now the false history of Fodlan has been corrected. People now know what the past really was, not some glamorized image of it from the Agarthans nor the story told as part of a peace treaty. The Church is still going to be there, helping to rebuild Fodlan after the slate was wiped clean, free to spread it's messages without having to also recite falsehoods that can give people mixed messages. And on top of that, there's also support for other faiths and customs to be brought in, accepted and learned from. The game really drives home it's the dawn of a new era for a reason.
So, we have that. Meanwhile Edelgard trying to set the clock back on Fodlan, spouting ideals informed by Agarthan manipulations, and trying to conquer the world... this is all supposed to be tyranny according to the devs. SS, AM and VW all support some form of progress whereas Flower, once you see through the cracks and get to know Edelgard, is supposed to be regression. To return to old ways, old traditions, that the Church put a stop to for good reason.
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
Share it! We wanna see
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As you can see, its the same link
This was the cover story used.
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It was up until I posted the ss. Now it has been deactivated
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randomnameless · 6 months
The idea that SS says the Church needs to be rehabilitated in Rhea's ending is entirely on the translation. The Japanese text says that "Meanwhile, Rhea, who survived, returned to her duties as archbishop after she recovered her strength, and she aligned herself with the unified kingdom, working to rebuild the church and help people suffering from war damage." And while I've mentioned Claude's endings with Flayn before regarding Wind, the endings mention that the new order/society of Fodlan is built by the heroes who saved Fodlan which would include the CoS.
Pat really hated Rhea it seems if he does that to her ending. Her rebuilding the CoS? That's not good, she needs to make them atone. But then again, he also tried to make it so that Edelgard had similar ideals to Claude when the game ultimately says otherwise.
Oh I know, I've read your posts about this lol
TBH, while Pat is to blame for the Pat'd script, the Church, as in Rhea's church, is always depicted as needing/being reformed : it wasn't in SS's ending proper, but in Rhea's own S Support where she blames herself for, well, everything that happened but also confesses she used her position as the Archbishop for her personal plan to see her mother again...
And yet, if we look at her actions - and the ones that can be tied to her "rez Sothis plan", bar maybe making Sitri a priest/nun, what did she meant by the "took advantage of my position of the Archbishop"/"used my position as the Archbishop" to see her mother again?
In this S-support, Rhea herself considers her CoS/her lead of the CoS might be to blame for Supreme Leader's war and gives "empty" criticisms to her actions : emtpy as in, well, the game doesn't bother telling/showing what were those "occasions" where Rhea explicitely used her position as the Archbishop to make her wish come true.
Maybe if we pull our hair a bit, we can say the "Billy sitting on the chair" ceremony? That was made to "bring back" Sothis and she asked Billy to do that as their boss and the Archbishop of the CoS?
In a nutshell, it's less "the church needs to be reformed" in SS, but more "Rhea acknowledges she did BaD things (which are?) and used the CoS through her position as the Archbishop to do so (receipt not found?)" so with Billy and in the epilogue, obviously she doesn't do those "BaD" things anymore and their work is miraculous.
As for Claude, while he does "fall in love" with Flayn who is working in the Church with her Father - and this ending obviously cannot be triggered if Claude ends with Billy - Claude's very own words in his Billy S-support, imo, cannot be ignored, while Billy will take Rhea's role as the one people will rely on, he wants Billy to create a Fodlan with "new values" that won't exclude people for being different... implying Fodlan had such values before the War, CoS included - when we know, even in FE16, that this is bullshit!
So while Claude can end up with Flayn despite her being a member of the Church, she's a member of the post-VW Church that is "reformed/different" from the old church, because in VW, the Church has "new values that don't exclude people for being different".
So back to the original post
Compare with Houses, who always removes Nabateans/Rhea of the picture (except in SS’s S support) and brings “reforms” to the CoS - because it needed some, even if we will never know what they are or why those reforms were needed.
SS's reforms are less "reforms" and more "Rhea reckons she did BaD things so will stop doing them now".
The icing on the cake takes the form of Seteth'n'Flayn's paired ending, let it be in the lolcalised or even in the OG (Googled though!) script :
While Flayn disappeared soon after the war, Seteth stayed at the monastery and worked to restore the authority of the Church of Seiros. Doing away with his old strictness, he adopted a tolerant stance toward all, and encouraged his followers to do the same. When he was satisfied that the message was received, he vanished from the monastery.
In the lolcalised version, Seteth adopts a tolerant stance toward all (which he didn't have before?? Source?) and asked his followers to do the same (which he never did before either???) and apparently, when he was satisfied because his message not to be, uh, asshats was received, he finally left the monastery.
Because obviously, under the old CoS, when he was leading investigations against the Western Church and called names by those same people because his creed and followers are "too tolerant", he, uh, wasn't "adopting a tolerant stance toward all and encouraging his followers to do the same".
In the JP version :
フレンは戦後まもなく姿を消したが、セテス はその後も大司教補佐として大修道院に留ま り、教団の権威回復に努めた。かつての厳格 さは鳴りを潜め、何事においても寛大な措置 を取るよう運営方針を転換。時代に即した教 義の改革を妥協なく推し進め、信徒に混乱の ないことを見届けてから大修道院を去った
Google'd it gives some :
Flayn disappeared shortly after the war, but Seteth remained at the abbey as an assistant archbishop and worked to restore the authority of the order. His former strictness has subsided, and he has changed his management policy to take more lenient measures in all matters. He uncompromisingly promoted doctrinal reform in line with the times, and after seeing that there was no confusion among the faithful, he left the abbey.
So, sure, there's no fuckery about "a tolerant stance" because the JP script is more coherent with, well, the general script, it's more like Seteth finally stopped being so strict and became a tidbit more lenient.
And yet...
What are those "doctrinal reforms in line with the times"???
How did he change the CoS' doctrine, sure, it was to be "in line with the times", but what was changed?
This ending basically tells us - something Seteth also says in Nopes' expedition lines or in his Tea time lines? - that he doesn't agree with the doctrine (whatever it is he doesn't agree with) and since Seteth is a playable character who can be supported, his PoV is obviously biased as in, for the player, Seteth is the kind guy so if he says the CoS' doctrine needs reformation, he won't reform it to put some "might makes right" rule, but obviously reform it for the better.
What is that "better doctrine"?
This ending can be obtained in all routes where Nabateans aren't hunted to make a world "for humanity", even in SS where Rhea'n'Billy work together to make Fodlan prosperous and miraculous so... in all routes, the Church is reformed.
Houses wise : the Church is always reformed/needs reformation/did BaD things we never saw -> which serves to make it more "shady" and pretend to have "earl grey", because if the Church always needs reformation, then Supreme Leader targeting it isn't completely unjustified and nonsensical, right?
But when Nopes drops FE16's framing a little bit and we see, maybe for 15 seconds, the CoS do stuff... well, even if Seteth mentions "not agreeing with all tenets", from what we see and hear about the CoS, his doubts don't have the same weight since, hey, we witness the "help other if they need it" tenets, "don't impose the CoS' values on people who aren't from Fodlan" tenet, "we will repay our debts" tenet, etc etc.
Is this the part of the doctrine Seteth disagrees with? This doctrine needs reformation?
Tl;Dr : Church BaD which is why Supreme Leader's war isn't completely nonsensical and why the self insert of this opus can rightfully become God and run the show better than anyone who was there before, but we will never show us what this "BaD" entail, we just are told about it.
In turn, this creates Earl Grey and the "morally grey masterpiece uwu" reputation this game has - Agarthans have no place in this Earl Grey masterpiece, that's why some people try to come up with reasons or justifications to explain why they aren't that worse than the faction the game uses a piñata despite showing us all the "not BaD" things they do.
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tirsynni · 1 year
BotW/TotK Hylian Royal Family meta ahead. 
These are my headcanons based on what I’ve seen from the games. Obviously, everyone has different thoughts on it. No bashing in it and possibly Rhoam-critical but not Zelda-critical. Just headcanons about how the role religion played in Royal Life pre-Calamity.
Also, I’ve barely touched AoC, so this meta is based more on BotW, TotK, OoT, MM, TP, and SS, with the full understanding that this is headcanon and no consistent canon on this matter exists and will never exist... not even between BotW and its direct sequel, TotK.
A major plot point in BotW is Zelda’s inability to connect with her powers. There is no indication that she can do the things Link takes for granted in BotW, like see the Koroks and dragons. I would be surprised if she could. She’s young, frustrated, and her father -- her only living parent -- is pressuring the hell out of her to connect with her powers. It’s clear in the flashback and in his journals that he isn’t acting like a parent and he’s aware of it. He’s acting like a king who knows that he needs a specific weapon and is given a rough rulebook on how to access the weapon. Per their history, Zelda has Goddess blood which gives her access to a weapon which can defeat this grand evil; her ancestor was able to activate it, so obviously Zelda should be able to do the same; Zelda is failing to activate the weapon which should be automatic to her per some ancient rulebooks. It’s unknown how detailed the guidelines for activating this power is or the King is just assuming that of course this is what Zelda needs to do to activate this power. I mean, it was 10k years ago (which seems insane to me, but whatever).
Here’s where more headcanons come into play. I think the power of the Goddess -- and honestly, pretty much everything spiritual -- is completely disconnected from the Royal Family in this era. Per their records, the last time the holy power was needed was a long time ago. I would be shocked if something else hadn’t happened in the meantime (seriously, it’s one hell of a time difference), but for them, the power of the Goddess Blood hasn’t been needed any time recently. Zelda has made it clear that she has no personal connection to it. Her drive is scientific. She has no internal motivation to be connected to the Goddesses. Her motivation to connect to her powers isn’t because she wants to connect to anything on a spiritual level. She wants the power to protect her people and, honestly, because she’s experiencing so much pressure and backlash. Again, per BotW (and TotK, really), we don’t see her do any of the spiritual/divine/extra stuff Link does. Link talks to multiple divine statues. He plays games with the Koroks. In the BotW flashbacks, she is happiest when she’s doing Science(!), and in TotK, she focuses on highly practical things with no stories (that I’ve seen so far) of her doing anything with a spiritual slant. Her focus is rebuilding a school, not rebuilding a church.
It makes sense, though! I think the Goddess Blood and its associated power is more academic than anything. They know Zelda has it. Hell, the Hylian Royal Family relies on that Bloodline to claim their divine right to rule. They know that the power of the Goddess was used by previous princesses to protect the family. With all that said, there is no indication in canon that it has any modern role in their lives. Hell, there is no indication that spirituality in general has any role in the lives of the Royal Family. It seems like the Goddess Blood has two primary roles pre-Calamity: to ensure Divine Right to Rule and to awaken to protect Hyrule from the Calamity. That’s it.
In at least one previous game, it was said that the Hylians’ ears were shaped that way in order to better hear the spirits and the like. We don’t know Link’s own abilities when it comes to this pre-Calamity. I personally enjoy the headcanon that he could hear and see far more than Zelda but didn’t want to say anything because it would hurt her. Would also match with the concept of “keeping his mouth shut helps keeps his ears open.” But there’s no strong evidence that spirituality or anything play a strong role in Hylian daily life pre-Calamity. It might have been something which was also lost through time. That is a major theme in many Zelda games: that important things, including connection with the divine, have been lost. The Zelda games love showing ancient, forgotten things, things whose stories can never fully be told again. The original stories are long lost, and all that exists in the BotW/TotK are modern interpretations, fairy tales, prophecies, etc. For further examples, see the Zonai Survey Teams and how they are excited about their discoveries but can’t connect to them in the way Link casually does.
I read a story once about how a pastor once invited an enthusiastic member of his congregation to lead a prayer one day. He didn’t ask her beforehand. She was always highly motivated, highly social, and a strong believer. He didn’t think anything of his request. It should have been fine! Instead, she walked up to the front of the congregation, stood there for a moment, burst into tears, and fled. Later, he discovered that while she was very religious, she was never taught how to pray. Prayer was a major part of their religion, and as such, it was expected that everyone automatically knew how to do it! Not so! He realized an important lesson that day and didn’t take it for granted again.
Prophecy and Divinity play a significant role in the Royal Family, but do they actually know what to do with it? Zelda is told to pray and she’s told to do it for a specific reason: unlock her powers so she can help defeat the Calamity. We never see the King pray or do anything religious at all. He obviously believes in the prophecies and such but doesn’t actively do anything himself: Hylia favors their family, Zelda has Goddess Blood, etc. etc. etc. Very matter-of-fact things. Nothing he needs to do, actually! Because according to the Prophecies, he just needs to make sure the players are in place! Actual knowledge and practice doesn’t come into play here. No actual internal spiritual beliefs: just practical applications.
So that’s my headcanon as to one of the reasons why Zelda struggled. Would knowing how to pray have helped in the end? Unknown. When her power eventually arose, she was still pretty disconnected from it. It seemed like in BotW and TotK that she never fully connected with it: just used it to fulfill her goal, which was stopping the Calamity from destroying her people. Maybe her daughter or granddaughter or whoever would connect with their spiritual heritage. Overall, King Rhoam, who had probably never really prayed a day in his life and had no real connection to Hylia himself, looked at his daughter, told her that the only way to awaken her powers was to pray, and never thought for a moment that if he didn’t know how to pray, how the fuck should she?
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sueske · 1 year
I saw an interesting personal opinionated input on the test tube theory and was curious what you think. Skipping past the part on how Sarada came to be and diving into the decision of it all. From this person -who I can't remember if they were an ask or another post - theorized when SSK discovered what Orochimaru did, Sasuke wanted to terminate the fetus, but was guilt tripped by both women into keeping it and implanted it into Sakura as she was seen best fitted.
It's a great theory, but I had questions of my own: Why was Sakura best fitted for not only pregnancy status, but mother too? With Karin's past love for Sasuke, why is she okay with another woman raising her and Sasuke's child? It seems unnatural to me especially if BOTH wanted it. Is it possible SK wanted it terminated, but Sakura was the only one wishing to keep it?
And going off on what I read from someone: do you think Sakura's main reason for doing it all is because she was secretly jealous of NH expectancy and everyone's relationship that this was her only opportunity to have a child and Sasuke all to herself? Since Boruto's and Sarada's birthdays are 4 days apart? Or could this all be too far fetched?
funny cuz I was also thinking about implantation the other day. anw the main thing that differentiates karin from sakura is this:
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so while karin still seems to be harbouring some secret feelings for sasuke, she keeps them to herself and says she just wants him to be happy. she 'let sasuke go' basically. would karin have wanted to keep the foetus? maybe. but would she have also listened to what sasuke wanted first? I think so.
the sakura vs karin argument can be answered by considering popularity and practicality. sakura has a bigger fandom than karin, she is a member of team 7, and the ss fandom is bigger than the sk fandom. if sk was endgame how do you think the fandom would react? also, sakura is a member of konoha. she has good standing in the village. have team taka been fully pardoned for their crimes? they're working with orochimaru but is that cuz they want to or cuz they were told that would be... best for them? yamato still watches orochimaru too doesn't he... so from a child's perspective it's better to be raised in konoha, with sakura, instead of karin in orochimaru's labs.
would sakura have guilt tripped sasuke into keeping the foetus? well, she would do anything to make sasuke hers, she even said smth to that effect in chapter 3. I could see her saying things like 'look the heart has already formed etc don't you want to rebuild ur clan etc I'll take care of the baby etc'. she has a habit of making herself appear pitiful in front of sasuke and trying to guilt trip him (see first and second confession) so it's in character for her to do.
sakura's desire to carry sarada mainly stems from her desire to make sasuke hers, not cuz she's jealous of nh's baby and other's relationships, though I am sure she is envious of them. we know what sasuke's forehead poke 'maybe next time' actually means - no next time even in death, so from sasuke's parting words it doesn't seem like he planned on doing anything with sakura. again, sakura had to chase after him. and I don't think it was a coincidence that when she decided to chase after sasuke, finally, it was when hinata was pregnant. 4 days between birthdays doesn't mean much really because pregnancies can have different gestation periods. hinata could've been pregnant for a month before sakura got sarada for example and the dates would still match up. I'm sure sakura told sasuke of hinata's pregnancy either way. all in all I think sakura saw a chance and she took it and gave it everything she had to make it possible. I'm sure she thought having a baby with sasuke would perhaps change things but sasuke sure kept his distance afterwards anyways. and in boruto, sakura said that it's 'plenty enough now'. she was obviously not okay with how things were before. though sasuke didn't care enough to change that.
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I guess she got what she wanted in the end though. sakura and sasuke do have sarada. sakura can stay forever a girl in love. if sarada didn't exist, well...
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wendykw · 11 months
Living on Social Security Part 2
What I did in the months before I retired to be sure I could survive on just my Social Security check.
I researched how much money I would have in my SS check before I decided I could retire at 66 instead of waiting until 70. My SS check is about 1/3 higher than the average. So I have that going for me. You can find this information at ssa.gov. You'll have to create a password to access your data.
I researched how much Medicare was going to cost me. Medicare is NOT free. With Parts B & D plus a Medicare Supplement, it costs me $393 per month. You need to know these things before hand. My late husband had retired before I did, so I was aware of these costs. I learned a lot about how Medicare works & the options for Medicare supplements when Hubby and I were looking at his options. He retired at 62 & died at 65. He had a lot of medical issues during those 3 years.
Taxes are another issue to research. My state (NC) does not tax Social Security, but it does tax withdrawals from retirement accounts like IRAs. I have an IRA that I use as my emergency fund. I've used it for paying a plumber, replacing appliances that died, etc. I haven't taken out enough in any year to pay income tax on those withdrawals. The Feds tax half of your SS check, plus other income, if it exceeds the exemption for your filing status. I haven't paid income tax since 2019, the year I retired & still had work income.
I made a budget based on what my net SS check would be. My take-home from my job was >$1k more per month than my SS check. I did this a few months before I retired, so I could figure out how to reduce my expenses that much.
I researched ways to cut expenses.I read books. I watched & still watch several youtube channels that are about frugality. Search frugality & or minimalism on youtube, & you'll find lots of channels. I like Under the Median, Frozen Pennies, Homegrown Hilary, Living on a Dime to grow Rich, and Kate Kaden. If you find someone else that you like, let me know about them. Most of the you-tubers have kids, so a lot of the advice isn't applicable to a retired person or couple.
Next time, I'll write about what I did financially in the 5 years between when my husband died & when I retired. I had to rebuild my retirement savings (401k), because we had to use some of it when Hubby got laid off in 2009, and then when I was unemployed in late 2013 & early 2014. Hubby died 3 months after I started a new job.
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aeoki · 9 months
Phantom Airship - Beyond the Imaginary: Chapter 6
Location: ES Prop Room Characters: Sora, Natsume, Tsumugi, Hiiro, Aira, Mayoi & Tatsumi
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< At that time. ES Prop Room >
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Natsume: It seems everything is going weLL. That’s one island completED – Now, this is where the real game begiNS.
StiLL, I’d have expected nothing less from “ALKALOid”. According to the internal daTA, it appears they’ve passed with marks far higher than averaGE.
It’s no wonder they were able to take part in the “SS” main battle as well as gain almost perfect marks for the trial aimed towards novicES.
SoRA, what do you think of them so fAR?
Sora: HaHa~♪ They’re perfect as test players! 
Sora had some worries, but if we chose a unit that has experience playing video games as our test players, then they’ll bring something unexpected.
“ALKALOID” has great teamwork so Sora is looking forward to seeing what’ll happen next~♪
Natsume: HeHE. Teamwork increases their abilities two or even three-foLD. It’ll be interesting to see how they’ll do with that in miND.
Tsumugi: Umm~ I’m sorry for interrupting your little fun, but this “Phantom Airship” is a stage aimed for new players, right?
“ALKALOID’s” abilities have surpassed those of novices.
I think they’ve cleared the beginner’s first stage far too quickly, but are you sure we made the right choice selecting them?
Natsume: Oh, you haven’t heard, senpAI?
The slogan for the “Phantom Airship” is "there are no lies”.
But there are new traps lying in wait in this gaME.
Right, SoRA?
Sora: HiHi~ Sora is, of course, completely prepared!
While Senpai was busy with work, Sora and Master gave a few opinions to the game developer and they’ve finally implemented them in-game.
Sora thinks the “Phantom Airship” will be a lot more interesting now~
Senpai, please enjoy the show ☆
Tsumugi: What~? I see you’re not telling me the important part.
Natsume: HeHE. You don’t have to look so disappointED – You’ll understand soon enough, SenpAI.
This “Phantom Airship” isn’t a system that puts together units of complete novicES…
Its focus is on units that have been formed for some tiME. That’s the hiNT.
They should be able to realise soon that the true nature of the game is to disband a unit that has already been created and then put them together agaIN – like to scrap and rebuiLD.
Tsumugi: ……….?
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Aira: Yaaay~! We’ve completed the “Queen’s Island”~♪
Let’s keep this up and clear the second and third island too, guys!
Hiiro: Hehe. Aira, you’re full of energy. I’m glad this island gave you a good confidence boost.
Aira: N–No, it’s not like I wasn’t confident in the first place~? I’m just not used to playing video games…!
Mayoi: Now that you mention it, I think we’re getting used to VR. It feels as though my anxiety has also disappeared…
I think I’m getting the hang of this.
Tatsumi: Indeed. I’m starting to understand how this world works.
Aira-san helped us before but I’m sure there’ll be a variety of different trials awaiting us.
Let’s show how much we’ve grown and support each other.
Sora: “HaHa~! That’s a wonderful word of encouragement! Now, that’s what you’d call a team player~♪”
Mayoi: Woah. S-Sora-san…!
Sora: “Don’t be so surprised~ This is all part of a ‘facilitator’s’ job.”
Mayoi: Oh, right. I’m sorry.
So, Sora-san, what does it mean to be a “facilitator”...?
Sora: “Right. You will be heading for the next island very soon but…”
“You can choose where you want to go next! Any island is fine so you can discuss with everyone else before proceeding”
“Choose the island that interests you the most ♪”
Aira: Hmm. So you’re saying we can go wherever we want to collect those “treasures”?
Since Harukawa-senpai gave us a recommendation, shall we try those islands out? We’ll be able to tell what kind of island it’ll be up close.
Mayoi: I agree. It’ll be safer to check out what the island is like from afar instead of visiting a mystery island.
It may seem somewhat cowardly but better safe than sorry.
Aira: Then, let’s take the airship, check out the islands from afar and then choose one to visit.
Harukawa-senpai, can you tell us the closest island here–
…Wait, hmm? What’s that? There’s a pillar in the sky?
Hiiro: Yeah, I think that’s a tornado.
Aira: A-A tornado!?
Hiiro: Indeed. It seems it appeared out of nowhere. It’s hard to tell which direction it’s going in compared to real life, so it surprised me since it appeared out of thin air.
Aira: W-What should we do…? We can’t avoid it at this distance!
Don’t you have any ideas, Hiro-kun? You know a lot about nature, right?
Hiiro: Well… it’s hard, Aira. There isn’t much humans can do against the forces of nature.
I don’t think a ritual will stop the tornado from getting closer.
At this distance, I don’t think we can avoid it even if we change directions.
Aira: Uuu, don’t force me to face reality like that!
We’re outta ideas~! We’re gonna die at this rate!
Hiiro: Hmm. I think we should be honest here but… it’s going to be hard for us to do that, Aira.
Tatsumi: Everyone, please calm down. Can you listen to me?
Mayoi: T–Tatsumi-san? Do you have a plan…?
Aira: As expected of our great upperclassman… he’s got way more experience than us!
Tatsumi: No, I’m sorry I’m unable to meet your expectations, but now that things have come to this, we have no choice but to pray.
God reaches out to everyone. So please put your hands together and join me – God, please guide us. *Makes a sign of the cross*
Aira: What? Y-You’re not serious…? You’re gonna rely on God!?
But I guess that’s all we can do. Let’s all pray!
Mayoi: W-Will things work out if we pray here…?
Wait, the tornado has gotten so much bigger…!
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Subnautica AU
Something that has been on my mind for a while:
What do you think the reaction between SS, TC and SW's parents would be like if they saw the world of Subnautica?
In the sense of: Nova Vos, the nature of the planet, the mutations (like the eggs) and, not less importantly, their grandchildren
Because in the last subnautica posts we gave the jettwins + 5 brothers and sisters
Oooh, haven't touched on this one in awhile
Assuming that the parents left for 4546B the same time as the rest of the seekers, that means they arrive quite awhile before the first clutches of eggs are laid on this planet.
They're not exactly thrilled about living on an organic ocean planet, but... well. Starscream has done well establishing it as a viable colony. It has more room than Vos did so they can rebuild and repopulate without issue.
When the mutations set in as an eventuality instead of a possibility, they're naturally repulsed. But their species entire point is to transform, so... fine. And now I'm thinking about what species they would become
I know right off the bat, Storm Rider would become a Shadow leviathan. Winglord Hurricane is... probably a Ghost or a Reaper. And Skysoar, I debated on him a lot, but he's definitely one of the passive ones. I'm imagining he either takes on the characteristics of a Sea Emperor (kind of a reference to Starscream's properties of the peeper, what with the little guys being agents of mama leviathan and her ability to connect telepathically with them), or a reefback. All three of them are completely massive and terrifying, but so gentle with their grandguppies when they do eventually hatch 😌
Tldr: they're veeery unsure of the world at first, but are able to settle in for the sake of their people and their family
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allalrightagain · 2 years
Fuck jkr and her shitty opinions.
Ask box is open as long as you’re not being mean to real people. Ask memes are fair game no matter how old (just send a link if it's been more than a week). No promises on prompts, I have too many ideas as it is.
Allalrightagain on Ao3, Allalright on Discord.
The Big Fics:
We’re All Monsters (Living in a Dream) aka the Daddy Issues Werewolf Fic (DIWF) (WIP): Two days before he might have fought off dementors from Privet Drive, Harry meets a werewolf. It goes less smoothly than he might expect. The ensuing custody battle and full moon transformations, on top of his OWL year and a brewing war— well, he never expected that to go smoothly at all. Werewolf!Harry, Dad!Remus, OotP canon divergence
A Rat in the Hand aka Pocket Dad (WIP, Series): Not every mistake can be fixed, not every broken thing repaired. But you can still do the right thing, even after everything. And damn it, Peter is going to try. Dad!Peter, SS/PS canon divergence
The Peter Collection:
The Break and the Fall: There is a brief moment when Regulus Black and Peter Pettigrew are both in the service of Voldemort. This isn't a story about that. It is a story about everything that came before, and a little that came after. Regulus/Peter, canon compliant (or at least compatible), MCD
we begin in the dark: “To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.” — Albus Dumbledore …there are those who would beg to differ. Regulus/Peter, First War, nonlinear narrative, character death
Out of the Woods: Life continues after the ending of every story, happy or otherwise.  Or: Peter has a plan, after everything falls apart. He isn't totally sure if it's going to plan, though. Peter/Petunia, Post-Halloween, cheating
Other Highlights:
Where do we begin?: The Wizarding world began to rebuild in the days following the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry took a moment to have a much needed conversation. Harry and Andromeda talk family, canon compliant
whatever you do (come back): In which secrets are discovered, discussed, and shared, everyone has to be a grown-up, and tattoos are life-changing.  Soulmate!AU, but make it platonic. Dean Thomas & Nymphadora Tonks, soulmate marks, EWE
Important Tags:
LT talks (my personal or original posts)
hp (all harry potter posts since I came back to tumblr in 2020)
LT writes (where I talk about writing)
LT writes fic (where I post what I’ve written)
I also tag for relevant characters and fandoms if you want to stalk or avoid. Feel free to ask to tag and I'll do my best!
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
Because TP takes place around 100-200 years after OOT, and WW takes place at around the same time. Thusly there’s not enough time for the tribe to develop.
Plus Zelda obviously survives Link’s death in OOT in the downfall timeline, since there’s multiple Zelda’s after her in that timeline. So Ganon didn’t kill her. Maybe he tried to? Maybe he let her go? IDK, but she didn’t die. SO CORRECTION, THE AU TAKES PLACE ACROSS THE DOWNFALL AND UNITED TIMELINES.
Can’t believe I forgot that! Also, I just thought that maybe the people in Kakariko moved out after other places were rebuilt? Or, if we want to go the angsty route, maybe Kakariko went through a natural disaster that wiped everyone out? That would give a blank slate for the Sheikah to resettle Kakariko… they wouldn’t just abandon it, what with the Royal Family’s tomb and the Shadow Temple.
Maybe it’s a combination? People started to move out as Castle Town was rebuilt and Death Mountain started to act up? I think I want Death Mountain to do something, I like that better than a simple drought, which seems to be what might have happened to Kakariko in the Child Timeline, seeing as the Hidden Village is so dusty and dry.
Yeah, that sounds good. Ganon wouldn’t stop people from rebuilding after all, there’s no need to do that. He’s not unnecessarily cruel, after all, everything he does is in the pursuit of power, and there’s no power to be gained from keeping people from rebuilding. So people started to rebuild Castle Town, which lead to people moving out of Kakariko to help rebuild and resettle.
They found success, which lead to more people leaving in order to start new settlements and such. Death Mountain started to act up, which led to rockslides and lava flows. The remaining people left because of this, and I’ll spare people from death for now, after all, an entire race is going to die later on, so no need to kill people at the start!
After this, Impa (I’m going to keep the Sages alive. I can’t handle them dying. Nabooru MIGHT die, but I feel like Ganon would simply force the Sages to live under his rule as payment for their ‘treachery’) led several Sheikah (sent forward in time by the Goddess Hylia to reestablish the tribe (so technically they’re part of the same generation as SS Impa)) to Kakariko and they resettled the village. Zelda had already been there, it was the first place she went after either being let go by Ganon or escaping him, and she reunited with Impa, the two leading the Sheikah.
I imagine that Impa and Zelda would help the Sheikah from the past adapt to the present day, and help them study and learn about the advancements and accomplishments of the Sheikah since the ancient times. Zelda probably ended up moving to Castle Town at some point, to keep watch over her people, and continued to visit and help the Sheikah. She probably also went to Death Mountain and Zora’s Domain to help the Gorons and Zora as well.
Zelda would end up having children, and her bloodline would continue all the way till the point in time that Ganon died, which is when her descendants would reestablish the monarchy. The Sheikah would once again swear fealty to the Royal Family, and would continue to serve until their extermination.
For funsies, since she’s not related to the story but I need to give her a resolution so to speak because I love her and she deserves it, Malon would probably end up having children as well, running the ranch till her death. Lon Lon Ranch would be passed down through her descendants, serving Hyrule’s people with horses and Lon Lon milk for many years to come. I’d like to imagine that the little Malon we see during Legend’s adventures is one of her descendants. :D
Okay but I love all of this! The idea that rock slides and just natural occurrences from Death Mountain being a cause for many leaving makes sense- I can also see that the Sheikah would have a better understanding of how to lessen the blow of such things and moving there would be perfect.
Also Legend's Malon being Malon's descendant is so cute I love that too!
Just generally this whole thesis sounds amazing
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boozuru · 1 year
Ghostic - Epilogue 4
⇠  chapter select 
Season: Autumn
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<Next day after the live>
Tori: The ES Haunted House really disappeared without a trace.
It's like a dream now. Like there was nothing there to begin with the next day after a live.
The craziness over ES Halloween and the fun we had there - it's kinda lonely when both just disappear like nothing.
Yuzuru: Yes. However, everything ends at some point.
When Halloween ends, that means SS and Christmas are next - something new begins and the next stage awaits.
Even when something ceases to exist, it is fine to just rebuild it.
Tori: ...You're right. Eichi-sama is also just moving on to the next thing. Even when he went to the amusement park with Hibiki-senpai, he must have been thinking of stuff.
Oh, right. Since we are meeting up with Eichi and co at the office, maybe it'll be okay for us to ask about the next development plan?
Yuzuru: Indeed. You are growing everyday, so I'm looking forward to the future of fine ♪
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Mao: Yo, Tori and Yuzuru. Seems like fine's work was also wrapped up smoothly~?
Shinobu: Good work, Tori-kun~♪
Tori: Oh! You guys were at Yumenosaki till now, but you're already back at ES?
I thought that stuff would take longer since we were let out earlier, but are you guys already done?
Shinobu: Hehe. The volunteers for Yumenosaki's Halloween party helped us with the clean-up efforts.
The cleaning was really fast since we had a lot of volunteers ♪
Mao: Yeah. The volunteers really saved us ♪
But you know, the ES Haunted House was right here, right? Feels kinda empty not having such a big building here anymore.
Tori: Ah, that's what I just said! Can you not copy me?
Mao: Hold on now, I didn't even hear that, so don't get so mad.
Anyway, thanks for yesterday. Since Tori was there, even the hot-blooded beginner idols followed rules properly ♪
Yuzuru: Hum. Is that so, Young Master? 
Tori: Yup. I was fantastic at my job! Purging all the troublesome students of Yumenosaki - I made them into examples, and thus made sure public morals were followed on school grounds ♪
Mao: Ahaha. I should really follow your powerful example somehow~
When Trickstar acts out of whack, it causes the other students at Yumenosaki to have to hold themselves back, you know? 
I'll be depending on you in the future as well, vice-president ♪
Yuzuru: Fufu. You truly have done wonderfully, Young Master.
Additionally, I'm truly impressed by our new council president's skills and his establishing of such grand scale events, as well as the tireless Sengoku-sama always assisting everyone.
Shinobu: M-me!? Oh no no no, Isara-dono and Tori-kun are amazing, true, but I haven't done anything impressive! 
Mao: Don't be so modest. It's thanks to everyone that I can even work this well as a student council president, you know~?
And that includes you, Yuzuru. Even if you might be disappointed in yourself because of your poor well-being this time. But even so, since you have been compiling information long before now, there were no issues on the day of the event.
So, you have been a big help to us all this time. Thanks ♪
Yuzuru: Is that so...
Many people have told me to feel more secure in my circumstances. And I think that thanks to everyone in the student council, I have grown more comfortable with dividing work with other people.
And so, I would like to express my gratitude to you all.
I hope we will get along in the future as well...♪
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Tori: Excuse uuus~ ♪
Yuzuru: We apologize for the wait, Eichi-sama, Hibiki-sama.
Eichi: Hey. Good work, Tori, Yuzuru.
Sorry for having a meeting right after the end of ES Halloween. I wanted to discuss fine's next plan as soon as possible. Can you hang up your coats there first?
Yuzuru: -Before that, may I say something, Eichi-sama?
Before we talk about the plans you have in mind, please allow us to propose a plan for the next "Eichi day". (Established in Tempest. This is a gathering fine does at least once a week as a way for Eichi in particular to relax and put a stop to his workaholic habits.)
Eichi: For "Eichi day"...? Sure, I don't mind.
Wataru: Could this be about a promise that was made just some time ago?
Yuzuru: It is. Our destination shall naturally be the amusement park ♪
I have already made the preparations for our planners, so all four of us should be able to go... ♪
Tori: Oh, that's right. If the plans aren't signed down before work is assigned, it'll take ages before we could go to an amusement park...!
Thank you, Yuzuru! As expected, you being here is such a blessing~!
Eichi: Ahaha. He always works fast.
Of course. I'll keep my promise. Let's have this friendly wrap party while following our amusement park plans. 
I haven't said "that" to you guys yet because of how busy we have been with preparing this and that.
Wataru: Ohh, since it's Halloween now, it must be "that"!
Eichi: Yeah. As you guessed, we can't wrap things up without me saying "that".
"Trick or Treat" - to you all who have worked hard for the great trick that was the ES Haunted House, I will give you rewards as sweet as candy ♪
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Book Recommendations: More New Science Fiction 
Meru by S.B. Divya
For five centuries, human life has been restricted to Earth, while posthuman descendants called alloys freely explore the galaxy. But when the Earthlike planet of Meru is discovered, two unlikely companions venture forth to test the habitability of this unoccupied new world and the future of human-alloy relations.
For Jayanthi, the adopted human child of alloy parents, it’s an opportunity to rectify the ancient reputation of her species as avaricious and destructive, and to give humanity a new place in the universe. For Vaha, Jayanthi’s alloy pilot, it’s a daunting yet irresistible adventure to find success as an individual.
As the journey challenges their resolve in unexpected ways, the two form a bond that only deepens with their time alone on Meru. But how can Jayanthi succeed at freeing humanity from its past when she and Vaha have been set up to fail?
Against all odds, hope is human, too.
This is the first volume in “The Alloy Era” series. 
The Shattered Skies by John Birmingham
The Sturm, a group of "species purists" intent on destroying any human with genetic or cybernetic enhancements, returned from the far reaches of Dark Space to strike a devastating blow against humanity. Though their victory seemed inevitable, a small group of reluctant heroes managed to beat back the invading force. Now left with the remains of a crippled civilization, they must work together to rebuild--and to stand guard, in case those weren't the only enemies hiding in the dark...
This is the second volume in “The Cruel Stars” series. 
Eversion by Alastair Reynolds 
In the 1800s, a sailing ship crashes off the coast of Norway. In the 1900s, a Zepellin explores an icy canyon in Antarctica. In the far future, a spaceship sets out for an alien artifact. Each excursion goes horribly wrong. And on every journey, Dr. Silas Coade is the physician, but only Silas seems to realize that these events keep repeating themselves. And it's up to him to figure out why and how. And how to stop it all from happening again.
Invisible Things by Mat Johnson 
When sociologist Nalini Jackson joins the SS Delany for the first manned mission to Jupiter, all she wants is a career opportunity: the chance to conduct the first field study of group dynamics on long-haul cryoships. But what she discovers instead is an entire city encased in a bubble on Europa, Jupiter's largest moon.
Even more unexpected, Nalini and the rest of the crew soon find themselves abducted and joining its captive population, forced to start new lives in a place called New Roanoke.
New Roanoke is a city riven by wealth inequality and governed by a feckless, predatory elite, its economy run on heedless consumption and income inequality. But in other ways it's different from the cities we already know: it's covered by an enormous dome, it's populated by alien abductees, and it happens to be terrorized by an invisible entity so disturbing that no one even dares acknowledge its existence.
Albuquerque chauffeur Chase Eubanks is pretty darn sure aliens stole his wife. People mock him for saying that, but he doesn't care who knows it. So when his philanthropist boss funds a top-secret rescue mission to save New Roanoke's abductees, Chase jumps at the chance to find her. The plan: Get the astronauts out and provide the population with the tech they need to escape this alien world. The reality: Nothing is ever simple when dealing with the complex, contradictory, and contrarian impulses of everyday earthlings.
This is a madcap, surreal adventure into a Jovian mirror world, one grappling with the same polarized politics, existential crises, and mass denialism that obsess and divide our own. Will New Roanoke survive? Will we?
We Won’t Be Here Tomorrow and Other Stories by Margaret Killjoy
Death cults, queer love, and the end of everything.
Spaceships, man-eating lesbian mermaids, swords, spears, demons, ghouls, thieves, hitchhikers, and life in the margins. Margaret Killjoy’s stories have appeared for years in the science fiction and fantasy magazines both major and indie. Here, we have collected the best previously published work along with brand new material. Ranging in theme and tone, these imaginative tales bring the reader on a wild and moving ride. They’ll encounter a hacker who programs drones to troll CEOs into quitting; a group of LARPers who decide to live as orcs in the burned forests of Oregon; queer, teen love in a death cult; the terraforming of a climate-changed Earth; polyamorous love on an anarchist tea farm during the apocalypse; and much more. Killjoy writes fearless, mind-expanding fiction that is redefining the genre.
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mythicalartisttm · 1 year
Have you played botw2? If so, what do you think of it so far?
I've been watching playthroughs! I can't afford the game rn, but I hope to get it myself eventually! In part for the experience, in part bc the ppl I'm watching play are hardly looking in the direction I want to. A game with so many options means that no one will play the same way, so that means if I want the best TotK experience, I'll have to make it for myself.
That said, the game thus far is driving me nuts (/pos and derogatory).
First and foremost, the game is trying to sell the fact that Hyrule and it's founders only came into play just before the Imprisoning War??? Baby, I understand that Hyrule could have been refounded after Ganondorf came in guns blazing after having just squashed the Hero and Princess of Time, and so Sonia and Rauru would be rebuilding Hyrule and re-establishing the monarchy. That makes sense. But that's just straight up not the case! I could go over all the timeline inaccuracies right here but my brain hurts trying to put it into words. The LoZ timeline has been a mess for over 20 years but this is the first time it's contradicted itself without a fix from what I've seen.
Naming the king Rauru was a fun little detail though, I like that 🙂
Speaking of Rauru, I have only seen as much of him as the Great Sky Island and one (1) tear, but he's going into the Fictional Dads of All Time folder. Both a goat and a G.O.A.T. I do not know much about Sonia yet but I like her. Both the king and queen really scored on marriage partners imo.
Tulin, my son. I have not played the game but the AI is so darn good it's job and he's saved the guy I've been watching so many times. I do kinda wish we could've fought alongside Teba but dang, Tulin is not just good, he's a really fun character in his own right and I'm glad he's here.
I haven't as strong feelings about Yunobo but he is a delight to be around. Rolling him around and smashing stuff is quite fun as well.
Bonus that I've taken to naming the sage mimics. So far we have Terin and Shobae. I've already decided to name the next (last?) two Raja (pronounced "rah-hah") and maybe Po (Po and Sidon).
Mostly unrelated, but Tulin's champion ability reminds my of the LU Champion AU craze from a a while back! That was the first thing I thought of when I saw Tulin use his power for the first time and it made me chuckle.
It still doesn't feel real to have the name of Zonai popping up in so many places in-game. Like, wow. Ok. I guess this is happening. This has still not sunk in.
Speaking of which, did you know that the Zonai tech was originally Sheikah tech in development? I'm actually really glad that it got changed because using a different kind of tech with it's own distinct color/aesthetic not only separates TotK from BotW, but it also prevents the Sheikah tech from getting stale. I wish we could maybe see some more Sheikah tech aside from the towers and the Purah Pad though, just to make it feel like it hasn't totally up and left. I did see a comment on yt say that the ppl of Hyrule probably dismantled the divine beasts and other weapons so they never have to worry about the tech turning on them again. I think that's a good way of looking at it, although the removal of the towers felt highly unnecessary from an in-universe perspective imo if they're just gonna build new towers.
Side note that when that one character (I can't remember if it was Purah or Josha) called them Skyview Towers my SS brain went 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
There's for sure more I have to say but this is all I can call upon atm! Thank you for asking <3
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carfreakclassics · 1 year
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2006 Chevy Impala SS 4dr sedan.
5.3ltr, AT, 241k, runs good, TRANSMISSION IS BAD, clean title, solid car, new tires all the way around. Those 5.3ltr motors are capable of some big horsepower with minimal effort.
Price on sale: $1,095.
We will sell the car for $850 without the wheels/tires and catalytic converter.
Call the owner Jeff (406-212-2601) to buy this car or if you are looking for another vintage/classic vehicle and/or parts.
Shop Location: 1075 Rose Crossing, Kalispell, MT.
We have buildable classic cars/trucks and classic auto parts available, so don't hesitate to ask about other stuff you might be looking for. Ask us as we have a lot more to list.
Worldwide delivery is available.
We have shipped to Sweden, Norway, New Zealand, Australia, and Thailand before.
If you need help selling your classic vehicle and/or parts, give us a shout and we will see what we can do for you.
You can check our website here to see other listed parts for sale-
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that-fictional-dad · 4 years
J, N, Q, and R with Adam Foster? :o
Thank you Sunbro 💕
J: Jaded: how cynical are you two about things?
omg I LOVE THIS QUESTION. We are literally the edgyist bitches you'd ever meet. We grew up together and we each have at least one(1) deadbeat parent. I'm talkin gave each other fake names when we were 11 bc how dare our parents give us names how rude and we hate like everyone besides Winn Sc.hott Jr. and Adam's little brother. Kara is on thin ice bc she stans Adam's mom 😂😂 We are also pessimistic af.
N: New: Are you and your f/o different from other couples?
Hmm. Idk about other couples in general but he's the only one or my ships where we've known each other since we were 7.
Q: Quantity: how many things do you disagree on?
Not a whole lot actually! Mainly just which heroes are the best. He stans Gr.een A.rrow and I'm 100% S.uperman Through and Through. [He teases me endlessly about it but what can I say??? I love 1 blue and red himbo]
R: Rage: How does your f/o control their anger?
He tends to just yell it out or go running. I call him Reverse F.lash sometimes, he hates it 😘
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archived-stuff99999 · 4 years
Should you fight my f/os
Romantic/Zucchini edition.
Was tagged by @withlovefromlyell
Side f/os are behind a page break 
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Clark Kent - Smallville
He is the last son son of Krypton and can literally kill you by looking at you. I would not recommend. Abilities: flight, heat vision, super strength, inhuman speed.
Verdict 0/10 would not reccomend
Ollie Queen - Arrow
He's a vigilante who protects Starling City. His abilities and skills include: archery, hand to hand combat, assassin training. He can shoot 36 arrows in a minute and he was trained by the league of assassins. He will also destroy anyone to protect his family.
Verdict: about 5/10. He's not quite on Clork's level but I would not.
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Tommy Merlyn - Arrow
Tommy has no special powers or abilities but carries himself well and could hold his own in a fight if the opponent was not much larger than him. He is very loyal and willing to fight for the people he loves.
Verdict: 9/10 but please don't hurt him too badly.
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Thea Queen - Arrow
Thea was trained by two master archers and assassins. She has a strong will and she comes in like a hurricane. She also just radiates pure unfiltered power from her body and regularly trains with Team Arrow. A true unstoppable force of nature.
Verdict: 1/10 Maybe take her on if you beat Ollie?
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Lydia Martin - Teen Wolf
Lydia is a Banshee who can literally blow your head off and can outsmart you in a minute. If kidnapped she would be useless and only drive you nuts. Will scream your head off literally. Verdict: 0/10 do not. Run before she finds out you considered it. Gif is her exact reaction to you considering it.
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Harry Osborn - Spider-man Rami films
Harry briefly takes up his father's mantle as Green Goblin and can surely take down any opponent he gets in his crosshairs. He's got some skills but mainly an arsenal of weapons backing him up.
Verdict: 5/10 go for it but expect resistance and he might throw a fit if he loses
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Adam Foster - Supergirl 
Adam is your average human. Never seen him fight so not really a lot there. He is more of a fighter with words than anything.
Verdict: 10/10 but please don’t hurt him too much.
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