sigridhawke · 7 years
In regards to the colour ask meme, saffron and cinnamon! :D
SAFFRON = I love your ideasCINNAMON = You’re a really cool person and admire you from afar. 
I honestly wasn’t expecting anything in my inbox lmao.
Ahhhh thankyou Yukki you’re so sweet! ;w;
{See what your followers think of you}
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areyouprofessor · 7 years
tagged by: @ssanctuses, (you were right I do still like tag stuff :)) )
tag 15 3  1 followers: @yuratchnya (whoops you’re my only follower that responds 
Name: Saskia
Nickname: Um Sas, Sask, Saski, Sousuke, beka lmao idk all my friends are very creative and call me different names every time
Star Sign: Scorpio :)))
Height: 166cm but I swear I’ve grown since then
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual / Demisexual
Hogwarts House: Idk by now pottermore always gives me inconsistent answers but i’ll say ravenclaw
Favourite Color: I love Purple and blue, olive green is also chill
Favourite Animal: Jesus christ you cant make me choose. Basically be fluffy and like me and I’ll fall in love with you
Average Hours of Sleep: On school nights 8-9 hours, hols 12-14 hours. But no matter what, I will always complain that I need more sleep
Number of Blankets: None cause my sister stole mine but I have 2 comfy pillows to comfort me
Favourite Singer/Band: Nu’est, Lauren Aquilina, KHS, Jon Bellionn, Sam Tsui
Dream Job: I’d love to be an actor, love to be on broadway but I cant sing for shit. Either that or a lawyer. Realistically an accountant or teacher
Dream Trip: Japan with a translator on hand or UK or anywhere with good weather and good food
When Was Your Blog Created: 2015 ish
Current Number of Followers: 224 but there’re a lot of porn bots in the mix
What Made You Create Your Tumblr: Um just to follow my friends and see what they were doing but also to fulfill my layton quota since you dont find fan stuff everywhere
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sigridhawke · 7 years
ssanctuses replied to your post: In regards to the colour ask meme, saffron and...
:D I like ask memes so, naturally, I’ll do them XD
Fair enough ahha, but thankyou~
0 notes
areyouprofessor · 7 years
I got tagged by @yuratchnya (whyyyy)
rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you’d like to know better
name: Saskia
nickname: Sas(k)
birth month: November (Scorpio wooohoo)
height: 166cm (I think?)
ethnicity: British-French
orientation: Bisexual - yeeee proud bi on bi day / Demisexual 
fruit: Idk either a grape or a watermelon
season: Fall - Its not too cold, not too hot and the sun is chill for once
books: I love the Magyk series and Neil Gaiman is the best!!!
flowers: Lavendar or foxtrot :) Ugh idk really any pretty flower
scent: My fav scent is like vanilla or cinnamon but my scent is just sweat
animals: ALLLL as long as you dont want to kill me or hurt me
beverages: Lime juice or Bubble tea or Milk tea (anything cold really)
hours of sleep: Depends on the day but 8 - 14 hours
fictional characters: How dare you make me choose between my children :0000 (but otababy is me in anime form)
number of blankets i sleep with: None (I swapped my blanket for my sisters pillow)
dream trip: Japan or UK
blog created: this one?? what does this mean?
follower count: 216 (shoutout to all my porn bots)
i tag:
Annd thats all my friends
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