pain-somnia · 6 years
sssm day 23: new dream
SasuSaku Month Day 23 Title: Brace Me Honey I Need Friction Prompt: New Dream Rating: M (children look away) Day’s Notes: @freshtoxinn wanted pregnancy smut and I ended up making some smuff for everyone; I know its late for day 23 please forgive me lol; yes the title is a lyric to a song...
Rainy days always made her chest feel heavy.
A sense of nostalgia would wash over her and she would ache for something she couldn’t recognize.
Drumming her fingers across her protruding stomach, Sakura hummed softly as she watched the rain fall and pitter-patter against the docks of the river village she and Sasuke were currently residing in.
The hut they made their home for the past couple of weeks was on the outskirts of the cluster of huts that were erected directly on top of the river. The fishing community traveled by small boats and the interconnected docks that made up their village.
Sasuke had said the rain would cease to fall in a couple more days and with it would come the fireflies the village was known for. It would be another beautiful sight she would want to bring her child back to see.
Her husband was so soft with her, taking her places he had visited and showing her a world untouched by shinobi.
Days with Sasuke was like the rain falling down on the river village. Gentle and soothing but with a constant ache. As if their time alone wasn’t enough.
They couldn’t put off returning to Konoha now that she was pregnant. The gentle slope of her stomach was a constant reminder that their traveling should be over but there was still so much to see.
So much to see from the eyes of her dear husband.
The intention was never to get pregnant so soon but sometimes life gets in the way of itself when it is occurring.
And loving her husband and being loved back didn’t leave room for thinking of plans.
“It’s too cold for that,” Sasuke murmured in her ear, shutting the window Sakura was looking out of.
His hand slid from her hip and around her waist to the rest on the lower part of her stomach. Sakura couldn’t help but smile at the gentle touch, almost reverent, he had when it came to the stomach that cradled the new life they created.
“It’s a good thing I have a husband to keep me warm then,” she whispered back, turning in his hold so that she could peer up at him through her thick, pale lashes.
Intentionally flirting with Sasuke was something that still made the back of her neck heat up. It was one thing to fall into it in normal conversation. It was another thing to do so with a goal in mind.
Especially when he was overly aware of her goal and was amused by her constant attempts to reach it now that hormones ruled her body.
“Hmm. Could he now?”
Sakura narrowed her eyes at the way the corner of his lips turned up into a crooked grin.
“Yes. He could.”
Standing on her toes, Sakura pressed a kiss to his chin urging him to tilt his head down to meet her. Sasuke was so tall to the point of frustration at times. He had grown so much and she so little as they reached the end of their teen years.
“How would you like to be?”
“Always so blunt, Anata” Sakura sighed out in exasperation.
Her belly was obvious but not obtrusive in her opinion, and yet Sasuke still treated her with a gentleness that she found━using his favorite word━annoying. Obstetrics wasn’t her specialty but she knew enough and read up enough when they lounged around on lazy days to know that he was being ridiculous.
He was going to be a helicopter parent, she just knew it.
“Sit down,” Sakura muttered, not looking at him directly but at the armchair she liked to sit in when she patched up their clothing or read.
“Sitting?” Sasuke raised and eyebrow, amusement gleaming in his eyes. He did as she was told and looked up expectantly. “Another one of Yamanaka’s suggestions I assume?”
“Maybe,” she mumbled, cheeks flushing hot pink. Lifting her dress so it bunched up around her waist, she straddled him. She slid her hands up his chest until she cupped his neck and rubbed her thumbs along his jawline.
Sakura let out a squeak that turned into a fit of giggles when Sasuke gripped her hip and pulled her flush against him. She pressed a sweet chaste kiss on his lips and then rest her forehead on his.
“There’s definitely something between us,” she joked, shifting her eyes down to her stomach and back to her husband’s. He laughed through his nose and rolled his eyes. Sometimes there were parts of his father-in-law that came out in her.
“There should be less between us,” he spoke into her neck as he pressed open mouthed kisses, trailing his tongue up slowly on the line of her throat to press more kisses to her jawline.
Sakura shivered in his lap but hummed contently as he stroked her back under her dress. It had been aching as well but she settled for just easing the ache between her thighs as it had been bothering her more that day.
Sasuke unbuttoned the ties of her qipao top dress and let it flap open to reveal more smooth skin.
“Careful!” Sakura hissed when Sasuke palmed a breast. He pinched a nipple, earning another hiss but moved his hand before Sakura could slap it away.
“They’re getting bigger,” he murmured as he kissed softly on the tops of her breasts, away from the over sensitive areolas.
“Yeah,” Sakura sighed as he massaged the flesh on the underside. “They do that. Oh! That actually feels nice.”
Sasuke gently rolled one nipple between his lips. He didn’t do it long because he wanted to get farther than they were. Overstimulating Sakura tended to end things much quicker than he would like nowadays.
Just kissing was all she really needed now that she was pregnant. She was almost always hot and wet without him needing to do much. His mouth had gone dry despite the confusion at how desperate she had been the first time she had initiated sex after becoming pregnant.
Desperate like it was a need, not just a want for his touch.
Sakura brought her hips to a slow grind as Sasuke rolled his tongue against hers. She hummed her approval of his slow kisses. She loved when he was soft and attentive. She felt so loved and cared for in the safe cradle of his hold.
It made her glow with happiness that he could enjoy this new life and be a man free of any burdens.
For the small love forming and shaping in her womb every day wasn’t a burden, but a happy promise. It was something to look forward to.
A dream to make reality. Not a goal to accomplish.
“Impatient are we?”
Sasuke smirked at the way Sakura fumbled at the ties of his pants. Her hurried movements were creating a stronger knot and she groaned in frustration as she pressed a hard kiss to his mouth.
“Let me help you.”
Sasuke brushed her hand away and deftly removed the knot. He had one hand fewer than she did but was a lot more experienced with his own clothing and it would be better for him to take care of it before his needy little wife decided ripping them off of his body was the best course of action.
As soon as he loosened his pants, Sakura dove her hands inside them and stroked his hardening cock, leaving him panting in the crook of her neck.
“Want inside of me?” Sakura teased, pressing kisses to the side of his head.
“Not as much as you want me to be,” he moaned out onto her flesh and bit at the junction between her neck and shoulder. “This is...just fine.”
“Don’t be a prick while I’m holding yours Sasuke-kun.”
She narrowed her eyes at him and slowed down the pace of her stroking. Sasuke shot her a glare and used a single finger to stroke the wet patch on Sakura’s underwear.
“Okay, I won’t tease,” she hissed as he pressed his finger harder against the patch, digging through the cloth to her clit.
“Come on.”
Sasuke tugged at her panties until Sakura stood up and removed them herself. She bunched up her dress at her waist again and straddled his lap again. Sasuke held up his cock so she could slowly sink down, adjusting to his size at her own pace.
She clutched his shoulders and rode up and down at her desired pace, slowing down when she so wished and speeding up when she wanted it faster.
Sasuke watched her come undone, gripping her hip to support her better but letting her do as she pleased. It was always a sight to watch her above him taking in her own pleasure.
“I━” Sakura sobbed. “I need━”
“What do you need Sakura?”
Her face scrunched up as she struggled to reach that release she had been wanting for the better part of the day.
“Please touch me!”
And who was he to deny her? Sasuke reached in between them and played with the little nub he had grown fond of stroking. He rubbed little circles, not too hard, because even that could end up being too much for Sakura in her current state.
Sakura reached her climax with a high pitched cry trapped in the back of her throat. She slumped forward a bit, using Sasuke for support. Her hips continued to move in lazy circles but her high had left her exhausted.
Sasuke moved his hand back to her hip and thrusted underneath her. Slow, hard thrusts that had her crying out in a staccato beat. Once she was looking back at him he quickened his pace and she bounced on his lap once more from the force.
Sakura clenched around him and when she felt him twitching she pulled him in for a fierce kiss. Sasuke held her down, pulling her closer to his body so he could be buried deep when he hit his own release. He grinded out the end of it and pressed kisses down Sakura’s clavicle.
“You’re a mess,” Sakura giggled, ruffling his disheveled hair. “We’re going to have to do laundry again.”
“And maybe replace this armchair.”
“Think we can send it back home? I quite like it.”
Sasuke chuckled softly, resting his forehead on her shoulder.
He would have to think about that but he too was growing fond of the chair.
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lavendersmiles · 6 years
SasuSaku Month 2018
Day 23: New Dream
Author’s Note: I wanted to post this on Sasuke’s birthday but I wanted to post everything in order so... yeah. Just need to finish 8 prompts that are halfway done and I’m praying I could finish it all before July ends~ ganbatte @ self! 
FFnet link
For the longest time, Sasuke never celebrated his birthday.
The 23rd of July became just any other ordinary day. Since the fall of his clan, he didn’t have the urge or the will to make the day of his birth special. How can he be happy if he had no one to be with him? It only reminded him that he is all alone… only alive to kill the one whom he thought that loved him the most and avenge his family.
But he was able to celebrate it after a long while. Team 7 insisted he should. It was simple and though he will never admit it out loud, he was grateful.
When the young Uchiha left Konoha however, he made it a distant memory… something he didn’t want to indulge himself with. Bonds will only get in the way of his revenge. And after constantly fighting for years with the truth exposed to him, everything flew out of the window. Only when the war was finished did he get to finally be calm enough to think things through… and remember the day of his birth.
Though he was still on probation, it didn’t stop Naruto and Sakura from celebrating his eighteenth year in the world. It was as rowdy as when they were simply genin, and deep within Sasuke’s heart, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Now, it was hard not to remember his birthday. Aside from the fact that it falls on a hot summer day, someone was always there to remind him, even days before.
Sasuke felt sleep leaving him completely upon hearing soft giggles near him. Even without opening his eyes, he knew he wasn’t alone in bed anymore. A soft smile formed on his face as the giggles became louder, accompanied with a gentle shush. Finally allowing himself to embrace the new day, mismatched orbs found obsidian and emeralds twinkling with delight at him.
“Happy birthday, Sasuke-kun!” his wife exclaimed before proceeding to sing the entire song for him, holding a cake in her hands. Their one year old daughter clapped and flailed her arms at her own will, accompanying her mother’s tune while cooing and laughing at the same time. Upon seeing her father’s sleepy face, little Sarada slapped her chubby hands on either side of his cheeks.
“Pa! P-Papa!”
Sakura paused in singing the last line to give a hearty laugh when she saw Sasuke’s eyes went wide at their princess’ rather forceful wake-up call.
“Happy birthday dear Sasuke-kun, happy birthday to you!” the kunoichi ended, holding out the cake he knew that was made specifically to match his taste. The flames on the candles danced slowly, catching their little girl’s attention. The head of the household finally joined his family in sitting upright on the large bed, taking Sarada to sit on his lap.
Sakura came closer to them. “Make a wish before you blow your candles, anata,” she reminded him.
He nodded and stared into her jade eyes for a bit longer, then looked down to see his daughter staring at him with wide onyx orbs and a cheeky grin. Closing his own soul’s windows, he reflected his own heart.
“For my dream to come true.”
Sakura’s heart wanted to burst at the sight of his husband and daughter blowing the candles’ flames in sync. Sarada clapped her hands and cooed, kicking a bit and then throwing her fists in the air while laughing. The Uchiha patriarch gave a soft chuckle of his own, stroking the little one’s head with all the fatherly love in the world. His wife placed the cake at the bedside table and just as she was about to turn and face her family, a hand shot out, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her down the bed right beside Sasuke.
She gave a small shriek in surprise that turned into giggles as she felt her husband turn his head to nuzzle her cheek. Their little girl crawled on Sasuke’s chest, cooing and laughing as if telling her parents a story. Sakura cooed back, her hand caressing the baby’s cheeks.
Sarada then lied down on her belly on top of her father, feeling comfortable, head turned sideways to face her mother. Sakura played with their princess’s hands as tranquility enveloped the family of three. Contentment flooded Sasuke’s senses in waves, thanking all the gods for giving him this second chance at life.
“What was your wish, anata?” Sakura whispered softly, twirling her index finger as their little girl tried to grasp it.
He gave one of his genuine smiles reserved only for her. “To be with you and Sarada just like this.”
She raised one questioning eyebrow at him. “Eh? But that’s too simple. You should–”
Sakura wasn’t able to finish for Sasuke already claimed her lips with his, locking in a passionate kiss. Their little moment was interrupted by a coo from their daughter. After seeing her parents share an affectionate moment, she crawled up and kissed her father on his cheeks.
The medic was able to see up close how a smile formed on his face, a look of absolute happiness taking over his features as he looked at their princess. He kissed her forehead in return and their little girl wiggled her body in happiness. She then reached out towards her mama and gave her a kiss as well.
Sakura laughed and took their baby in her arms. As mother and daughter played with each other, Sasuke looked on, his heart swelling with euphoria at seeing his family smile. The two then looked at him, both grinning widely.
“We love you, papa!” His wife proclaimed as she held Sarada’s hands up in the air.
Their princess giggled and flailed her arms around. “Papa!”
Sasuke didn’t have to look in a mirror to see how wide his smile had gotten. Another year was given to him and his heart swelled with gladness that he got to start it with the people who mean the entire world to him.
“This is what I wished for.” More than anything…more than I deserve.
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laine-o · 6 years
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SasuSaku Month Day 23 - New dream, new Uchiha family
I just wanted to draw something cute. D:
You deserve so much happiness with your family!!!! ^___^
Please read below the cut if you’re interested in charms or stickers of these chibi designs!
Serious question guys: I’m considering making these little dorks into keychains, charms or stickers even. Would you guys be interested? If I get enough responses and enough people to chip in/pay for a charm and cover the costs and pay for shipping, I’d like to make these little guys into acrylic charms ^_^
Send me a private message or an ask if you’re interested! Please state which character (Sasuke with a cake, Sakura or Sarada) you’d like to have a charm of (it can be just one or all three of them!) and whether you’d be interested in a keychain, charm and/or sticker!!!
I may consider making a whole new design of Sasuke as a standalone chibi if people don’t like him with the cake haha. Let me know if this is an option you’d prefer. :D
If I can get minimum 15 people interested per character, I can start looking into print options shops and hopefully get some prototypes so I can start taking pre-orders :) It’s a long shot, but it doesn’t hurt to try!
Thank you!!! ^_^
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