cherryscape · 6 years
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                          ↳ Day9: Written in the stars
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pain-somnia · 6 years
ssm day 09: written in the stars
SasuSaku Month Day 09 Title: The Lion & The Ram Prompt: Written In The Stars Rating: T Disclaimer Day’s Notes: I’m always a day late and a dollar short but hopefully this fic was worth waiting for. a soulmark au set in the ninja-verse; implied ShiItaIzu
Tracing the lines that stood prominent on his forearm, Sasuke sighed and dipped lower into the bathtub. It was on such a noticeable part of his body, and his mother knew the exact moment the cluster of dots on his skin took shape, just a few months shy of his first birthday.
“Tired from the heat already?”
Sasuke looked up at his older brother sitting across the ofuro. His hair had gotten long enough for Mother to let him borrow one of her pins to keep his hair from getting wet. With his hair pulled up and away, Itachi’s soulmarks were on display. A rarity considering their placement on his collarbone.
Itachi was an anomaly. It was one thing to be born like the Hyuga and have no soulmark but to have two of them was almost unheard of.
Itachi’s two marks were completely different from each other and stood on opposite sides, symmetrical in location. Constellations that typically never rose high in the sky at the same time standing like equals on his skin.
The one on his right he was born with, one soulmate already born before him. The second one appeared when he was two months old, the other one younger but still the same age.
At four years old Sasuke was confused by Itachi’s marks. If he had two soulmates than how did he know which one was the right one? What if he picked wrong?
“I don’t think there’s a wrong choice,” Itachi answered him, ruffling Sasuke’s hair dry with a towel. “It doesn’t even mean I will ever meet them.”
That was the problem with their soulmarks. Constellations were vague. His soulmate could be anyone.
Anyone born under the Ram.
. .
Being born without a soulmark wasn’t a bad thing. At least that’s what Sakura’s mother said.
Haruno Mebuki told her daughter that it was actually a blessing. Without a soulmark, Sakura would never fall prey to chasing after any person that happened to be born under whatever constellation that appeared on her skin.
“Plenty of people fall in love despite not having any mark. Some people with marks fall in love with the wrong kind. You don’t find the person for you just because a few dots on your skin happen to have lines that connect.”
It was all unfair to Sakura. She wasn’t born from parents without soulmarks. Her parents even had matching marks located along their ribs on opposite sides of their bodies.
Sakura wouldn’t have minded so much being markless if she were a Hyuga. An entire clan of people without soulmarks that belonged to each other. No one married outside of the clan so a lack of marks meant nothing to them.
But day after day without anyone to talk to, no friends by her side, Sakura couldn’t stop the overwhelming feeling of loneliness.
She longed for her translucent freckles to darken and form a constellation, any constellation, just for the promise that one day she would have someone that she belonged to and they belonged to her.
She was five and all she wanted was a friend.
. .
The long sleeves of the clothing his family wore never felt more welcomed than when he entered the Academy.
The kids were always running around and asking each other what kind of marks they had. If the mark matched their own it was more likely they would be friends.
Sasuke didn’t like that. It was like they didn’t care about the person just the mark on their skin.
Sasuke didn’t want any part of that.
If he was to be loved it would be for who he was, not for superficial things. He refused to tell anyone what his soulmark was.
. .
Yamanaka Ino was the kind of person that did whatever she wanted.
It was why she decided the cute pink haired girl would be her new friend despite the lengths other kids went to avoid her or bully her. And it was also the reason why when she found out that Sasuke wasn’t born under the Archer that she didn’t care about soulmarks.
Who were the stars to tell her the coolest guy in the village wasn’t supposed to be hers?
And besides, it would be a great example for Sakura who confided in her that she didn’t have a mark. It would help her friend realize that marks didn’t mean anything in the long run.
“Tilt your head forward so I can secure the ribbon better,” Ino ordered. She went out shopping the other day for the perfect gift for Sakura━a red ribbon to pull her hair away from her pretty face.
Ino brushed some strands into place and pushed down Sakura’s high collar out of the way. She gasped when she saw her friend’s nape for the first time.
“Ino?” Sakura’s voice snapped Ino out of her thoughts.
“Nothing!” Ino brushed off the heavy sinking feeling in her stomach and tied a bow on Sakura’s head.
Soulmarks mean nothing, Ino reminded herself refusing to show Sakura how sour her mood had become.
. .
There was something dark about his older brother that worried Sasuke. The elders of the clan were investigating his best friend’s death so it made sense that Itachi would be somewhere far away in his thoughts.
Sasuke went to check on his brother, concerned for he was even more withdrawn than usual. He caught him standing in front of his mirror, fingering his collarbone on the right side.
Sasuke had heard that when someone’s soulmate died that the soulmark would fade away away but he had never known anyone intimately enough to witness the phenomenon.
Now he stood outside his brother’s bedroom, peering through the crack of the door, fascinated by what he was seeing.
On the left, the second mark was still there standing proud, but on the right there was a cluster of formless dots. Sasuke couldn’t place which dots used to be part of the old constellation.
Sasuke creeped away, unsettled by the blank look on Itachi’s face and the way he kept tracing patterns on his skin, trying to fruitlessly connect dots.
He didn’t sleep that night. He kept watch over his soulmark and prayed for the health and longevity of a stranger.
. .
Sasuke woke up gasping yet again. It had been a year since the fall of his clan and he still saw the streets running with blood and mangled bodies when he closed his eyes.
He was the last of the Uchiha━he no longer counted his brother as one.
He had gotten his hopes up when he woke up and overheard that Uchiha Izumi’s body lacked any physical wounds. Seconds later his stomach sank when the nurses on the other side of the door mentioned that the estimated time of death made her the first victim that night.
Slowing down his breathing, Sasuke turned on his side and eyed his soulmark. The Ram was still there.
A reminder that one day, he wouldn’t be alone after he took care of his brother.
. .
Sakura had never been so scared before in her life.
Even now that Sasuke sat across from her, covered in bandages, she could still picture his prone body lying on that bridge covered in senbon.
“Not so close,” Sasuke muttered when Sakura’s knee touched his.
“Just changing your bandages,” Sakura explained. Usually she would be giddy to even be close to Sasuke but all she wanted was to feel his warmth, to feel that he was alive.
She once admired him from afar but spending time with him made her feel something deeper for the quiet boy.
He was no longer just the perfect, high scoring Academy boy that had once smiled freely when he snuck peeks at his grades but her squadmate, a friend.
“All done.”
She smiled softly at him, flushing at how intense his gaze was. Her smile stretched into a full grin and Sasuke turned away.
We’re closer maybe? Just a little?
. .
It was weird when she wasn’t smiling. At least, when she wasn’t smiling the way she usually did.
Sakura was a happy person whose energy brought him a sense of peace. Her existence had become something...precious to him.
Thinking about someone’s happiness and their moods wasn’t something he thought he would care about again. At least not until after he avenged his clan.
There was something about her smile though━something about when he made her smile.
It made it so he didn’t mind if a certain Ram had a Lion somewhere on her being.
. .
It had been years since Ino had seen the telltale mark on Sakura’s nape. Now she was staring at it again, small like everyone else’s mark but still obvious.
And she felt for the first time that maybe for some people, those clusters of connected dots really meant something.
“All done,” Ino chirped, proud of her work. Sakura’s hair was still choppy but it was a lot more even than the mess she made of it earlier.
A mess she made for her teammates.
As soon as she was done brushing the last strand of hair off of Sakura’s shoulders, Sasuke quietly sat down by Sakura.
They weren’t speaking yet Ino felt like she was watching something from the outside, from far away. It was just like earlier when she was frozen with fear.
She loved Sasuke. She was sure of it.
But then why was it only Sakura that moved toward him and embraced him. Stopped him. Ino herself wanted to run━run far away.
She watched the two of them for a beat, a strange peace around them as they shared each other’s company.
Until Naruto woke up and started shrieking about Sakura’s short hair.
Ino clucked her tongue in disgust. Really? She was covered in bruises and her eye was swollen and he talks about her hair?
Did Naruto ever see Sakura? Really see her?
It made more and more sense every day why his mark wasn’t the Ram.
. .
Even you…
It should have disturbed him how much she was starting to matter to him.
Even you...
But laying her down in a safe place, he didn’t hesitate putting her before his revenge.
Because he wasn’t going to go through that again.
He wasn’t going to lose someone precious again.
. .
If she weren’t so worried, so scared, she probably would have laughed at how her gut feeling was correct.
The tug in her heart, the heavy sinking in her stomach, led her to the path to the gates of their village.
And there he was, walking towards her with his travel bag.
His footsteps echoed in her ears, a steadier and more relaxed cadence than that of her heartbeat.
“What are you doing prowling around here in the middle of the night?”
. .
“Thank you.”
. .
It was supposed to be easy to leave. No one was supposed to even be awake when he left. He was simply going to walk out and no one would know until he was long gone.
Knocking Sakura out was easy. He had always been faster and she was distracted by how emotional she was feeling.
If his resolve hadn’t been so strong perhaps he would have wavered a bit.
She was going to scream. If she hadn’t already woken someone up with her shouted confession she was going to alert someone of his departure.
Knocking Sakura out was easy. All he had to do was hit the right point on her nape and she would pass out.
Holding her now as she fell back against him he couldn’t help but stare wide eyed at the back of her neck, right below her high collar. A small voice in the back of his mind whispered how bad it was for her neck to be at that angle but he had already knocked her out so it was a little too late to be considerate.
In some of her babbling from their early days as squadmates, Sakura had confessed to being markless.
She lied.
That wasn’t fair. It was in a location hidden from her. Why no one had told her she had a mark he didn’t know but it wasn’t important. What was important was what kind of mark she had.
Sasuke scooped her up, cradling her body close before setting her down on the stone bench off to the side of the road. He couldn’t return her home without wasting precious time he already spent being intercepted by her. It was the best he could do for her.
Looking down at her there was a strange feeling in his chest that made his ears warm up.
It made a lot of sense if he thought about it.
Made a lot of sense for her to be a Ram with a Lion mark.
. .
He couldn’t regret his decision.
He had to get stronger. Orochimaru would help him with that.
But there were nights when he couldn’t sleep that he would lay on his side and trace the constellation on his left arm.
He would avenge his clan. And then he would go home.
. .
When Sakura took time to think of her friendship with Sai it made her laugh to herself sometimes. She felt too much and he felt too little.
But they were working on that.
“Danzo got rid of our marks. He burned them off.”
Sai’s voice still had a monotone quality to it despite how much more open he was becoming with the limitations he had.
“I sometimes think I can remember the shape but in reality I don’t.”
Sai sketched out an image of a bell and and drew a line underneath it. Sakura’s brows pulled down into a frown as she tried to place the figure.
It didn’t look like any she knew. But that’s what happened when someone was drawing from a faulty memory.
“We weren’t allowed to keep our soulmarks. We belonged to Root and no one else.”
“Soulmarks aren’t that important,” Sakura reassured him. “I don’t have one and nothing has changed.
“But,” a wrinkle formed between his eyebrows, “you do have a mark.”
Sai gestured for Sakura to turn her back on him. She felt his cool fingers slide her collar down and then he released it. A few seconds later he held up his sketchbook to her.
Sakura’s eyes went wide and her hand flew to the back of her neck. There were nine dots connected into a constellation she knew as well as her own. One that she use to dream was hers when she was younger.
The Lion.
. .
It was never quiet. She could hear the screams of people ringing in her ears. If she was alone she couldn’t hear her own thoughts because all she could hear was the screaming.
That’s what Ino told her when Sakura curled against her in the cot they shared. It was getting hard to sleep alone when they were cognizant of the fact they were losing members of their forces by the droves.
People they use to see walking down the street weren’t going to be in the village anymore.
If they had a village to return to in the end.
If they themselves were around in the end.
. .
The way he said her name still caused her stomach to get airy. The way the second syllable hit the roof of his mouth and rolled into the third.
And then she remembered that they were in the middle of a battlefield.
. .
Soulmarks meant nothing to him anymore.
It didn’t matter that he was drawn to her, that her voice was the only sound he zeroed in on after arriving.
Nothing written in the stars was going to get in the way of his new goal.
. .
Soulmarks meant nothing.
Her head rolled against Sasuke’s collarbone.
She saved him because he was an important piece to defeating the rabbit goddess.
She saved him because she loved him.
And the stars had nothing to do with her love.
. .
It had to be done.
She was trying to get in the way of his plans again.
Making him waver and putting herself in harm’s way.
She had to be incapacitated.
. .
Dying should have felt worse than that.
Sakura blinked her eyes and looked up at her sensei’s face. He looked down at her with concern in his eyes but it was unnecessary to direct any toward her.
She felt her heart in his hands and then nothing.
Maybe that’s how it always was with them.
Her heart in his hands.
And then nothing.
. .
His Ram was gone.
As the sun was rising and all the words were said Sasuke noticed the Ram was gone.
His arm from the elbow down was missing but he wasn’t so concerned with that. He lost enough blood to know that was his last sunrise.
He wondered if Sakura ever found out about her soulmark. Would it disappear after his eyes closed forever?
A warmth flooded the location of his remaining arm. A green glow lit up, drawing his attention to the somber look on Sakura’s face.
His Ram was here.
. .
Kissing her nape was a habit.
Sakura wouldn’t admit it to anyone but she was sure he knew she exposed it as often as possible just because of that.
She never found a soulmark on her husband’s body. She figured that, perhaps, he lost it a long time ago.
It was in the quiet of their dark bedroom that he whispered to her that he never did.
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laine-o · 6 years
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SasuSaku Month 2018 - Day 9 - Written in the Stars
Sakura - Aries
Courageous, determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, passionate
Sasuke - Leo
Creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, cheerful, humorous
Leo + Aries = Fiery and Passionate, With an Innate Understanding
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kaermenna · 6 years
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sasusaku month 2018; day 09, written in the stars
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lavendersmiles · 6 years
Her Love
SasuSaku Month 2018
Day 9: Written in the Stars
Author’s Note: Ughhhh finally managed to squeeze my brain for this prompt... and I’m still behind ahhhhhh
FFnet link
"Can't sleep, Sasuke-kun?"
Mismatched orbs looked into jade ones. The man nodded slowly, and stifling a yawn, Sakura took a seat beside him. They were at a water tower overlooking the peaceful village of Konoha at the early hours of the morning. Most of the people are still asleep, save for a select few. For a few minutes, they didn't bother to fill the silence with words.
Sasuke looked beside him to study her profile. She had her eyes closed, but there was a serene smile on her face, almost hiding the fact that she's tired. "Are you done with work?"
The medic opened her eyes and directed the said smile at him. "Yeah. I was supposed to be finished by ten, but an emergency surgery came up." Another yawn. "But it's okay. It's my day off now."
He frowned a little at that. "Then you should go home and sleep. You need to rest, Sakura."
She stubbornly shook her head no. "There's still a bit of adrenaline in my veins. Plus, I saw you here and thought you might need some company," she admitted, smiling widely at him with a warmth that is distinctly hers.
He refused to admit it, but what she said was true. Another nightmare made him wake up sweating and panting. After calming himself down, sleep completely left him, and so he decided to cool his head. He felt her chakra signature coming towards him, and didn't want to acknowledge the fact how his entire being immediately relaxed when she went to him.
'Another reason why she's an amazing medic,' Sasuke thought. 'Her mere presence alone is as soothing as her chakra.' Not for the first time, he felt a surge of pride for her. The fragile genin grew up to become a neo-sannin… and he knew ever since she was meant for nothing less than greatness.
Their attention was caught by a group of civilians laughing together, obviously drunk. The trio were holding each other up, singing random songs and speaking gibberish. One of them fell down and the two cracked up before helping him back on his unsteady legs. When they were out of their line of sight, another silence enveloped the two shinobi – now legendary in their own right.
"I heard, you know," Sakura started.
He tilted his head towards her, silently asking her to continue.
"From Kakashi-sensei." The kunoichi closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them again, the lone Uchiha was a bit startled to see that it has lost a bit of its usual sparkle.
"You're leaving Konoha?"
He looked up towards the starry sky, taking a deep breath as well. "Aa."
Upon hearing his words, Sakura's heart immediately sank. She felt tears forming at the corner of her eyes, but she held them in. "Don't you…" she shook her head to reconstruct her sentence. "You don't like it… here?" The unspoken 'With us? With me?' hung in the air, silent but acknowledged.
He didn't want to look at her now, for he was sure that her eyes were turning glassy. For so long, all he ever did to her was make her cry. Self-loathing filled him, thinking that Sakura out of all people did not deserve any kind of sadness.
"It's…" he ran his lone hand through his hair, collecting his thoughts. "It's just that I need some time to think about things. For almost my whole life, all I knew were lies. All I had was hatred and revenge." Despite his hesitance, he turned to look at her again. She needed to see his sincerity.
True enough, she was holding back tears, and Sasuke felt his heart clench at the sight.
"It's not that I don't want to be here. Like the rest of the shinobi world, I just want to rebuild myself… I need to find the pieces of me that I lost along the way." He saw a tear fall and he was quick to wipe it away. Her breath hitched at his action. "This would be my road to redemption."
Sakura lowered her head. She understood his reasons, but it was still making her heart hurt. Two fingers went under her chin and Sasuke lifted it to make her look at him eye to eye again.
"I have to do this, Sakura."
She nodded slowly. Then, she took his hand and clasped it with hers. "Will you be okay?"
He couldn't help but smirk. "I will. I've been alone for a long time now. I know how to take care of myself."
There was a bit of hurt in her soul's windows. "But you know that you're never really alone right? You told me that solitude is not a good thing, Sasuke-kun. You know that you have Naruto, Kakashi-sensei, and me, right? You have friends here."
The medic thought she was just imagining it, but there was indeed a small smile on his face. It was enough to turn her face darker than her hair. She felt like her heart wanted to burst at the sight. Oh, how it looked good on him. It's been a dream of hers to see him smile, and the tears she was holding back flowed freely now.
"I know," he answered. "More than I deserve."
She shook her head and wiped the waterworks away. "You deserve happiness, Sasuke-kun. More than anyone."
He once again turned to the endless darkness of the sky dotted with stars, the moon illuminating the world. "I've done horrible things, Sakura. I never even thought that I could ever be forgiven."
The kunoichi looked up as well. "But you are, Sasuke-kun. Always remember that."
The former avenger found a comforting assurance at that. He still couldn't fully express himself, but with Sakura – whether words are present or not – there was a mutual understanding that he couldn't find in anyone else.
After a while, they allowed silence to envelop them once again. They allowed the conversation they had to sink in and kept locked in their memories.
"You'll come back, right?"
He turned his attention back to her, only to see she was already staring at him, hope and fear battling in her eyes.
"You'll come back home, right?" she repeated.
Sasuke nodded. "Of course. If you'll have me."
Sakura couldn't help but chuckle at that, and her laugh was something so pure and happy he would do anything to protect it.
"I would welcome you with open arms when that time comes, Sasuke-kun."
The stars were reflected in her eyes, and what is written in them was something he hoped would still be there when he comes back.
Lucky for him, her love was as constant as the sun rising after the moon leaves its throne in the sky.
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kotokoharuno · 6 years
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mimi-love-4ever · 6 years
Written By The Stars
SasuSaku Month 2018 - Day 9: Written By The Stars Rating: T+ (Some language). Context: AU/Supernatural’ish A/N: Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it! This is part 1 out of 3. 
A barely audible grunt escaped his usually guarded lips as the seal on his wrist flared hot and painfully. He sank further into the shadows at the corner of the great hall where he had been hiding for the past few hours. Social gatherings weren’t his thing, much to the chagrin of his mother who had forced him to attend. The Queen of the Underworld was a frightening force to be reckoned with.
He brought his wrist up towards his eyes for further inspection and frowned in displeasure as it flared again, albeit this time less painfully, yet just as intense. The black tattoo, in the shape of a pair of wings, on his skin stood innocently and he could have almost dismissed it as part of his imagination had it not been for a thin, whispery line of silver that began to outline the tattoo. It would have been impossible to miss for someone with eyes like his. His Sharingan did not lie.
And then, suddenly, the truth hit him like a lightning strike to the chest. He gripped the area over his heart and took in his accelerating heartbeat. There was no mistaking the signs. She was here. His gleaming red eyes swept over the hall, from left to right, looking for any sign of her. Although he had not looked upon her for almost three centuries, he’d never fail to recognize her. Their souls were intertwined, after all.
The more he scanned the area, the more frustrated he grew when he still couldn’t find her. For a split second he wondered if the mark was acting up for another more sinister reason. The few times a mark would come to live was when two soulmates were reuniting, when they joined together, or… when one died. He begged to all of the gods he knew it wasn’t the last. Not again. Feeling the death of his other half a millennium ago had sent him into a rage-filled darkness that resulted in his ultimate death.
“Little brother,” Itachi materialized beside him. The older man observed his younger brother’s frazzled state, bright red eyes, and frowned. “What’s put you in such a state?”
He ignored his brother’s words and kept searching desperately. It felt like his chest was being crushed slowly and his lungs were being deprived of air. The grand hall was filled with different magical beings, from the ancient ones to those that have sprung up more recently, yet none held any importance to him as he failed to spot his lover, which irritated the demon in him to no end. It growled in discontent and… longing.
Itachi didn’t fail to notice the agitation brewing around his little brother and frowned in confusion at his actions. After all, he was known to be always cool and collected, but something triggered the sudden change. His own dark eyes slowly bled into their signature red and discreetly scanned their surroundings for any signs of danger. Everything was calm as it should be. The annual gathering of their supernatural brethren put any bad blood between species on hold for the special occasion. To go against those rules would be to declare war and be hunted down. Itachi turned back to his sibling, but stopped short as he took in the tattoo and the swirl of color appearing on his skin. Suddenly everything clicked into place.
“Sodalis,” Itachi murmured in wonder. “It’s your soulmate, isn’t it?”
Sasuke growled warningly at his brother. While he trusted him with his life, he preferred to keep his personal affairs just that, personal. Not to mention that his possessive and protective streak ruled his mind whenever it came to her. Itachi himself knew the intense emotions that came with being with your soulmate. He silently thanked the moon and the stars for having given him the opportunity to meet his own soulmate early in his life. A story that was very different for his unfortunate younger brother.
“She’ll show up,” he reassured an increasingly agitated Sasuke.
“I’ll wait as long as I have to,” Sasuke responded in half a whisper.
The chattering around the hall ceased instantly as the double doors atop the grand staircase swung open, revealing a group of ethereal beings. The rest of the guests began whispering amongst themselves, some shocked and others bitter that the angels decided to attend. The group started to descend the stairs seemingly without a care in the world, talking with each other in low tones, while their pure white wings dragged behind them. They were all dressed elegantly in light colors. He almost scoffed at the way the leader of the group, a woman, observed the room with thinly disguised judgment in her steel grey eyes. The angels certainly had a superiority complex.
“Interesting. This’ll be the first time the angels come here since the introduction of their princess quite some time ago,” Itachi murmured in curiosity.
Sasuke had every intention of ditching Itachi and finding another dark corner from which to hide out and search the area more when a pulsing pain of fire came through his tattoo. He hissed several expletives and clutched his wrist tightly, noticing anxiously as the silver from before completely eclipsed any black ink. A low pitched ringing in his ears was making him lightheaded while every cell in his body came alive causing his skin to tingle with what felt like tiny jolts of electricity. His heart thumped against his chest, faster and faster, and his lungs screamed for air. The world around him seemed to spin in and out of focus as he tried to center himself to keep from falling over.
Then it stopped.
Sasuke looked up and everything clicked into place. Endless pools of familiar jadeite were staring straight back at him, framed by long rose-colored locks he knew all too well. He had ran his fingers through that smooth and silky hair too many times too count. She wore a pale pink dress that clung to her slim figure, so tantalizing he felt a soft gasp leave his throat. On her head, she wore a thin silver crown in the shape of flowers, symbolizing her royal status. Sasuke slowly felt himself come back to his senses as he drank in the beautiful woman; his woman. The way her pale, porcelain skin seemed to shimmer like a thousand sparkling stars under the lights made his inner demon howl with yearning for he had the memory imprinted in his soul from another lifetime when her skin glowed under the light of the moon.
He hadn’t even realized he took one step forward, in her direction, until Itachi put a restraining hand on his shoulder. He snarled threateningly, “Get your fucking hand off of me.”
Itachi frowned and pushed his brother further back into the shadows, away from prying eyes and ears. “Patience, Sasuke. She may be your soulmate as dictated by the stars, but she is of angel blood. We must tread carefully.”
“I don’t give a fuck!” Sasuke grunted in anger and tried pushing back against his constraining hold.
The older Uchiha pushed him against the stone wall roughly, his own temper rising. “You’ve waited this long, otouto. Give me just twenty minutes.”
Sasuke glared at his brother before reluctantly nodding in response. “Fine.”
“Good,” Itachi retracted his hand and smoothed out his clothing. “The garden seems like a nice place for a walk, does it not?” His lips quirked up in a slight smirk and then he vanished into thin air.
Not needing another cue, he reproachfully left the hall and walked towards the immense gardens at the back of the palace The fact that there were no people in sight, all choosing to enjoy the party instead, gave him a chance to regain his composure for the encounter ahead. He’s been waiting so long for this, it hurt to wait any longer, but Itachi had been right. He must tread carefully, though he had no intention of letting her go. The minutes were being dragged so painfully slow that he could swear they were turning into hours. He ran a hand through his raven-colored hair anxiously as vile scenarios flashed across his mind the longer time passed, each picturing everything that could have gone wrong. It wasn’t until someone cleared their throat loudly that he noticed the two figures approaching him. His heart skipped a beat when he saw her again, but being so close was such sweet bliss.
Her arm was resting atop Itachi’s as he escorted her towards his spot. He tried to calm his protective nature and ignore the gesture.
“Be careful,” Itachi warned before bowing to her respectfully and disappeared once again, leaving them alone. The two stared intently at each other.
“Sasuke,” she breathed out faintly. Her eyes swam with unshed tears as oceans of emotions flashed across her mind.
“Sakura.” Sasuke wasted no time in striding forward, wrapping an arm around her petite waist to pull her against him and intertwined his other hand within her hair. “You’ve finally returned to me.”
~*~ Thank you sooo much to everyone who’ve been taking the time to read the previous prompts, too. It really means a lot to me. XOXO. 
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lady-presh-presh · 6 years
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My addition for Sasusaku month 2018. Day 9 written in the stars gif set.
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