#sso talk
panicv0mit · 1 month
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Vampire hunter D [drawn in MS paint]
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jorvikzelda · 8 months
So. Star Stable's Spotify header.
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I saw this on a little trip to SSO's Spotify page to see if they'd released any music without announcing it again and went hm. This looks kind of weird. I sure hope they haven't stooped so low as to use AI for their promo material. And then I looked closer.
First thing I noticed was the stirrups. Or, should I say... "stirrups".
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Did they like... employ someone who doesn't know how tack works? What IS that? Also I'm only noticing this as I'm writing the post but why on earth does the boot not have proper laces or eyelets
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And what the fuck are these weird straps on the saddle? And the guitar straps aren't attached to the guitar?? Actually... it can't be... but let me look at the hands. Just real quick
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Uh. hm. that's not very hand. Are they fucking using AI
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The bit and the reins are... not properly attached to one another, just welded together. The noseband just disappears. The buckles at the top of the bridle don't really exist and the chin strap doesn't fit properly at all. The reins are double on one side, but not the other, and one or both of the reins on the far side almost look attached to the breast collar - or they're just being held a lot looser than the near side rein. Also, you need a very specific type of bit to use double reins, which is not the type of bit that's on this bridle. Or maybe the two weird straps are supposed to be a fucked up martingale, and that's why they're attached to the breast collar? But then why does the horse only have one rein? Also the martingale is attached wrong if that's what it's meant to be, see below (it's never attached directly to the bit). The breast collar is also attached to the underside of the saddle, rather than the saddle itself like it should be. The horse's front shoulder looks like it's drawn by someone who doesn't know very much about horse anatomy, or... y'know... AI.
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The cart isn't fucking attached to the fucking horse. Poor guy is dragging that thing along with one singular back leg.
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The keyboards all have the wrong number of black keys in the wrong places. And also those knobs do not look right. Oh, and something is DEFINITELY wrong with that drum kit.
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And also just look at this fucking horse. Yeah, it's passable as a horse, but have you seen the quality of SSO's horses and horse art??? This isn't even anywhere CLOSE to that
So yeah uh, SSE used fucking AI art for their spotify banner. I feel like this is the greatest punch in the gut they could've possibly sent their laid-off artists' way. You cannot defend this.
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centeris2 · 2 months
This seems to be an uncommon opinion but thank god SSO is making (what appears to be) serious headway into the story.
For years it felt like it had stalled out. It was valid wanting main characters and villains to be visually updated before continuing, but it slowed things down.
I'm glad they aren't going "we need to update Mr. Sands, Darko is a pretty old model compared to the Dark Riders, Avalon really needs an update, so does Pi, etc"
Because yes it absolutely would look better if everyone had the same number of polygons. And yes it WOULD be great if SSO picked up those threads mentioned throughout the main story. But if they did that and got all those map areas that had been brought up in the story quests then it'd be another 10 years of filler in the main story until they can 'wrap up'
And honestly I'm tired of waiting. This isn't even an impatience thing, this is a "I've played this game for 10+ years and at this point I don't care how it's wrapped up, as long as it IS wrapped up."
Probably helps that I don't expected a 'satisfying' ending from SSO, I just want AN ending to the main story. I expect Garnok to be 'defeated' and for the Soul Riders to be victorious, probably through the power of friendship. That's all I'm expecting.
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vvenciel · 10 months
anyways, wyll's new kiss animation w/ astarion
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sso-montana · 3 months
Guys drop what you imagine your ocs handwriting to look like
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(This isn't mine it's from Pinterest)
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kagoutiss · 10 months
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ppl talking about the new interview translation makes me feel exactly like this again
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writterings · 4 months
honestly my state's pride was ultimately underwhelming this year for me, but i gotta say it's...somewhat nice that it can be boring? like im so accepted and validated by people in my life that pride no longer feels like (for me) an escape or outlet. i attended this specific event with my mom in 2018 and it was my first pride event. i was still in high school. i remember it literally brought me out of a deep depressive episode for a bit, because of how fun and affirming and safe it was. it was a celebration of me and people like me!
but now i kinda get that everyday in my life. so pride really only offers me a chance to hang with some friends, day drink, smoke weed in public, and pick up freebies at every tent. it's basically like any other holiday to me now. but isn't that amazing? that im so accepted and loved and celebrated as a whole queer person, that i can take something like pride for granted?
i'm super thankful for that. i'm still super thankful for pride.
and, i gotta say, it was really touching to see so many middle school and high school aged kids there, sometimes with their parents and sometimes by themselves. i hope they one day can find pride as "boring" as i do. i hope every queer person can.
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justinegreenpie · 2 months
does anybody else feel like a lot of sso's features aren't fully implemented lately? for example the championship season pass thing, I think that was so hidden. for no reason. i've had multiple people tell me they didn't even know it existed until somebody told them about it. and that seems like such a big flaw for a timed event and brand new feature?? i also felt very thrown into the deep end with the collections lately. both gm bee's bees and erissa's dolls didn't tell you anything about what you had to do! i loved the stars, i adored the spiders, this would be right up my alley. but all the confusion ruins it for me! why doesnt sso tell us how many things we have to collect? what's the diary even for if they don't add the new collection quests to it? i loved it as a way to keep track of your progress and get hints of the areas of the collectables you're still missing. the way it is right now it just incentivizes looking up guides instead of trying :(
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dinosaurvalley · 3 months
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hey, how'd that ranger station in dinosaur valley burn to the ground?
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just a close up cuz i like his face :)
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crystal-tit · 2 months
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awh, sure ,avalon, i can give you a hug :-)
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breashasso · 3 months
One day I'll learn to stop opening sso instagram comments 😭
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Can somebody tell me why people are mad about sso selling horses at a cheaper price /gen
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cheval-grand · 1 year
it makes me feel a kind of way when i see SSO complaints that are just players not understanding very basic game and business logic.
"why don't they add XYZ?" SSO's framework is over a decade old, it has limitations as to what they can do.
"why are there always bugs when an update is released?" because not all bugs can be found in testing. this happens with every single game out there; there are singleplayer games from 15 years ago still getting bug fixes to this day.
"why does Star Rider cost $80?" you are getting over a DECADE of content, in the form of areas, quests, and star rider exclusives, as well as a weekly allowance of paid currency, for LIFE! A MAJORITY of MMOs charge annually ONLY, and a lot of those also charge you for new areas in the form of expansions on top of being billed monthly, half-yearly, or yearly.
"why don't they just remake SSO?" That's like deciding to tear down a mansion because you want to add a room onto it. Building games is HARD. And it costs a LOT of money.
"why does everything cost star coins, or a ridiculous amount of shillings?" because most of the playerbase bought lifetime membership YEARS ago; those funds have LONG since been used. SSE's revenue is mostly likely coasting on star coin sales.
"why isn't SSE more transparent about things?" Probably because of how consistently there's backlash to the smallest things. It doesn't look good for interested new players when your playerbase is actively hostile about the game, especially on official posts. The best damage control is to not cause damage in the first place.
SSE aren't saints or without fault, but I will say. I've been playing consistently for almost a year now, and they have fulfilled every promise they've made so far. And it's A LOT considering what was the starting product. Enjoy what we have! Celebrate the progress! And continue to anticipate and encourage what's to come!
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jorvikzelda · 9 months
By the way... Equine Epics, the artist behind SSO's loading screens and book covers before SSE stopped working with independent contractors (which she was) and started using 3D renders for their loading screens, has a store where you can buy her designs on various physical items. Think t-shirts, mugs, posters, notebooks, mousepads, so on and so forth. Some of the old SSO loading screens are on there, plus some other designs in the same style.
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centeris2 · 1 month
What people think I mean when I say I miss the old SSO: 4 polygon graphics, low texture world map, janky animations and models, original character designs, honestly idk
What I actually mean: SSO's storyline before it went through several years of retcons and rewrites, deviating from the original Starshine Legacy games and Star Stable quests I played.
(So much has happened and it's been 10+ years since I started I don't remember the story anymore. What's the intro sequence say now? I know they redid the intro quests but not I'm spending $70ish rebuying (and replaying) the game. What quests have been removed that I still think are canon because how I would know they've been removed? What's even the story sequence anymore, I see people 'breaking the order' of quests on accident? Do people still do any Druid rep via druid training? Is there still rep grinding with closing Pandoric rifts with the shadow vacuum thing? What about those Pandoric Energy Reading dailies where you used the rune wand and it was kind of musical?? Do the Kallter get mentioned or are they 100% gone? I don't know and I shouldn't HAVE to make and buy a whole new account to find out and understand what is going on in the story!)
God I wish this game would be released as a Single Player Story game so it was a complete package when it was finished. Because I'm sure once the story is done and cleaned up it'll be okay, or at least on par with the Starshine Legacy games' storyline (which let's face it, were pretty bare bones, they didn't have much budget/resources to do much)
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im sorry
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sso-montana · 7 months
Sometimes I forget that ssoblr ocs are just, like, ocs and not part of the actual game.
Like wdym Linda and Lucy aren't dating? You're telling me Joseph and Zoe aren't causing chaos? Dorian doesn't work at the circus? Marie isn't casually chilling in Valedale? Nora isn't hanging around at Gary's caravan? Dusty isn't casually wandering around? Alder isn't at the rangers station with Alonso?
Nuh uh, no. You are on Jorvik. Montana has seen you at least one time and knows of your existence. Every single one of ssoblrs ocs exists in some form on Jorvik to me. Maybe their story is a bit changed to fit into the narrative of Montanas but you exist. (If I didn't mention your oc I apologize if I could I would name them all but I am but one single bitch with a short attention span)
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