respondedinkind · 10 months
@ssolessurvivor cont. [x]
Part of Khan almost regrets having spoken at all.
He's been watching Logan for a while now, secretly so; The blonde is not as sneaky as he thinks he is, after all, with Khan having noticed those mismatched irises lingering on him ever since the other has stepped out of the bedroom.
To be fair, Khan has done this on purpose - left the bathroom door open - if only to have his lover see him, take in the sight of his almost-naked frame still slightly damp and blushed from the recent shower, most private bits covered by his boxer briefs only. But then, on the other hand, Khan simply feels... comfortable doing it, to show himself in such a way, enjoying the casual nakedness around the other.
He'd also enjoyed it to be oogled like this, felt pride rising within him - and now he feels the corners of his mouth rising as well at the sight of his lover's cheeks turning pink as they hold eye-contact through the mirror, with slender, gel-covered fingers shaping and molding his hair in the process.
A hum leaves Khan at Logan's words, his own blue irises focusing on the faucet when the blonde's trail away; He washes his hands, frees them of the product sticking to them, then dries them off - and, once done, Khan turns to face his human, stepping forward so as to close the distance between them.
"---Sounds like my... alluringness is a good thing, however.", is what leaves Khan's mouth soon after, voice as dark and sonorous as it always is, just the way he knows Logan likes it; His fingers meet the man's chin, feeling the stubble beneath his fingerpads as he lifts that mismatched gaze back up to his own, with Khan tilting his head to the side as he leans down simultaneously---
The kiss is of sweet nature, but lingers a bit too long for it to entirely be innocent. Khan keeps his mouth closed, just opens it briefly to nip on that plush bottom lip of the other before he breaks the contact, standing back straight with that smirk on his features persisting.
"You're always allowed to take a look. No matter when or why." No need to be shy, is what Khan means - I am yours, after all.
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mistrdctr · 9 months
Closed, plotted starter for @ssolessurvivor
To be fair, Stephen hadn't planned to be here. Simply because he's only taking the really, really interesting stuff - and, just a few seconds ago, every new patient that had been submitted was far from that. Far from interesting enough to catch his attention.
However, when Christine had told him that the guy that's just arrived sustained injuries that are otherworldly, so to say, and that he is the only survivor of a whole colony planted up onto that god-forsaken moon named Mimas... well, let's say that Stephen had changed his own mind rather quickly, within one sip of tea, actually.
So that's why he is here, fully dressed up, hands gloved, mask covering half of his face. The man - or whatever one can still see of him, really - is in quite rough shape; There's more blood on him than seems to still be pulsing inside his veins, where it belongs, and his injuries are severe. They might be the most severe thing the Neurosurgeon has seen up until this day - and he's been working here for a little while, after all.
Even though he's here to manage the brain-stuff, Stephen actually finds himself switching places during the surgery that takes so, so much longer than anticipated; His steady hands are very much welcomed here and let's just be honest, he loves to show off. To be the one re-attaching nerves that are deemed unsalvageable by others gives him a bit of a kick, so he does that here and there, connects tissue while others connect bones, then puts his attention back on that brain that has seriously suffered from not only the attack the man has survived, but also the freezing cold his body has been exposed to for what must have been a prolonged amount of time.
But, funny enough, that has also saved him, in the end. Prevented too much tissue from dying, getting shock-frosted instead and preserved. After bringing the poor guy back from the death mid-surgery, and after hours and hours of intense concentration and firm focus have passed...
... They're done. Surgery is over.
Fuck, Stephen hasn't felt that exhausted in a while. He drops whatever he's holding, lets someone else deal with the aftermath of sewing remaining wounds shut and clean up, all of that, before he turns and leaves to the sinks; Christine hurries after him, taking his bloody gloves and helps him out of his equally as bloody gown.
"Hope that guy's got a good insurance.", is what he tells her, to which she rolls her eyes at him; He's used to that, so Stephen doesn't mind. "---That's going to get expensive on him; I'm not in the mood to deal with another law-suit, all of that."
"Charming.", is what Christine replies, and the surgeon lets out a little sigh in return before glancing back over his shoulder, briefly so.
Despite the way he acts... he's actually quite fascinated by that case. The fact that this guy, this man, is the sole survivor of what must have been unspeakable horror. The injuries are noteworthy; Stephen will write them down later, create a bit of a file, simply because he's never seen something like that before and his morbit curiosity strikes with that one.
Little does he know that, many years later, he will think of it again...
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mistrdctr · 9 months
@ssolessurvivor asked: There are moments where he can't even begin to describe this feeling accompanying how hard he's falling for Stephen. Mornings like this, when they share his bed together, he doesn't want the other to leave just yet, but he knows Stephen has somewhere to be. Somewhere very important to be. He doesn't trust his voice to not say something stupid, so instead, he tucks himself in close and places a flurry of featherlight kisses against the other's neck and jaw, holding him close. To savor what time they have left, uninterrupted and sacred.
Stephen needs to be somewhere, he knows. That means he has to get up at some point, leave that warm bed behind - and, to make matters worse, he has to leave Logan behind as well, who is currently residing in bed with him. The very thought alone makes him sigh, eyes closing again as he allows another second of comfortable silence to pass between them.
It is then that the blonde shifts closer, curling against him, to which the sorcerer exhales another breath and turns his head, a sharp cupids bow pressing itself against the shape of the younger's forehead. They both smell like sleep, like comfort, like the sweat still clinging to them from last night... Fuck, Strange really doesn't want to get up.
With Logan resting against his side, half on top of him, one of Stephen's arms can curl around the man's back, having scarred fingers find their place on a shoulder, the touch light and gentle. His digits feel a bit numb; The position he's been sleeping in, with the other resting on top of said arm for almost the whole night, has caused that to happen - but Strange really doesn't mind.
He wonders to himself... How long has it been since he's last woken up like this, with someone next to him in his bed, someone who's not a one-night-stand but a romantic interest instead, a person he can see himself sharing more time with? Ages, definitely.
The Cloak appears out of nowhere, sharing a sentiment here; Despite the two men being covered by the blanket, it drapes itself across their covered bodies, joining the comfort as if it seeks for it just the same. Perhaps it does, it wouldn't surprise Strange, not at all.
Just a little longer... He's got some moments to spare, still.
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mistrdctr · 9 months
@ssolessurvivor asked: tell me more about the cloak.
The Cloak, the one who's addressed, starts to flap eagerly around Stephen's shoulders at the demand - it even goes as far as to unlatch itself from the sorcerer's shoulders, flying toward Logan, stopping in front of him---
---And then it continues to ripple, to flutter, to shake it's collar; It's definitely lacking a head, a body, hands, and therefore also a mouth, for the matter, but one can see it's energetic, possibly talking to the blonde and telling him so, so many things. Oh, so many fun and interesting things! It has many stories to tell, a lot actually, from before it has even met Strange, from where the Cloak has first been woven into life and what amazing things it has seen on its long, long journey...
... And Stephen just blinks, arches both brows at the display, cocking his hips as his hands disappear into the pockets of his robe; Blinking once again, twice even, he takes in the sight for a moment longer before his bright gaze flicks over to the younger man, accompanied by an amused, lopsided smirk stretching across his lips.
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"---Fascinating. Truly.", is what he says then, nodding, smirk growing.
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respondedinkind · 10 months
@ssolessurvivor asked: It's the middle of the day, but the afternoon light can't really shake his melancholy. Logan searches out Khan in the cabin and says not a word, wrapping his arms around the other and simply holding him, nuzzling against his neck and listening for the heartbeat that might help him through this.
The christmas tree looks impressive. Stunning, even. The lights are distributed evenly, the ornamens sparkle with how shiny they are...
And yet Khan had spent the whole day, up until now, rearraging the ball ornaments - putting one more to the left, another to the right, just wanting the tree to look as perfect as it possibly can. In return, he's lost himself in his own said perfectionism, unable to stop, continuing to put another ornament on a different branch before swapping it with an interestingly shaped decoration that's called 'candy cane' - Logan has told him such a little while ago.
It's made of sugar, apparently; Khan wants to eat one of them once the tree has to go. He just needs to know what it tastes like, he's so curious. ...Perhaps he won't be able to wait for that long, however - one going missing surely wouldn't make a big difference in the tree's appearance, right? He could just take one of the other ornamens and replace it with the candy cane that hangs from that branch on the far left---
His thoughts are suddenly interruped; Familiar hands are touching him, reach out, turn him even - and Khan moves willingly, doesn't hesitate, immediately sensing the change of mood, the need of his beloved to hold onto him. His own arms curl around that wonderful frame of his partner in a swift motion, no questions are asked; One of his hands comes to a rest in between Logan's shoulder blades, the other places itself on the back of the man's head, fingertips combing through soft strands of blonde hair. Petting him. Embracing him. Offering the warmth his body eagerly produces every day, every hour, every minute.
A pair of full lips presses itself to the shape of his human's temple, lingering, with blue eyes falling closed as Khan takes a soft inhale of air... enjoying the scent of his beloved.
"Achsoa moiene.", he mumbles, quietly, more a breath than spoken words but coming from somewhere deep inside him, where a steady muscle beats between curved ribs.
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respondedinkind · 10 months
Logan for the kiss meme ok byyyeeee
Let's find out if Khan would kiss your muse || accepting
Not amount of alcohol could make me do it || Ew || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe || Eh…Sure || Yes || I want to kiss them every day
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"Well, of course. Always."
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respondedinkind · 10 months
@ssolessurvivor cont. [x]
Ever since having arrived on earth, and ever since having been blessed with Logan as a partner, Khan loves the ritual of them getting out of bed to enjoy their mornings together; It doesn't necessarily include them getting up at the same time, but they always end up in the kitchen together - or the living room, when Logan's legs won't work with him - and spend the early hours of the day in comfortable togetherness.
Khan never wants to get up in any other way ever again - the good-morning-kisses are his favorite, the way their affection for another is shared in such a simple yet effective way.
"---Of course. I would never dare to forget about your most recent addiction, after all."
Oh, Khan never forgets about what his lover craves - peppermint creamer is his favorite lately, most likely because of the season they're in. It's not exactly to Khan's taste, the combination of coffee and said peppermint, but he finds it immensely adorable to see the joy written all over the blonde's face when he sips his drink, when the warmth fills him and the taste of his favorite flavor coats his tongue.
It makes Khan insanely happy, and he wants to see it every single day. He would do anything to make it happen - and he hopes that Logan knows, that he's aware of just how much he's loved and adored by the other.
Khan joins his human just a second after, two cups of coffee as well as the desired peppermint creamer in hand, and places each cup next to their respective plates. The scent of bacon has filled the whole of the cabin by now; Khan inhales it with every breath he takes and it causes his mouth to water, a hungry stomach to growl, while he takes a seat - blue eyes watch his partner do the same, take in the sight of him, and only when Logan sits as well and has gotten comfortable, Khan himself starts to eat.
"I hope you were able to rest for at least a couple of hours.", is what he says then, voice soft. Khan knows that his partner didn't get to enjoy a quiet night; He himself is a light sleeper, so he wakes whenever Logan makes the slightest noise, but never feels annoyed by the circumstances.
They both stuffer from nightmares, after all. He knows how it feels.
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